Call for Syllabi on Latter-day Saint Arts
The Center for Latter-day Saint Arts is offering awards for the preparation of syllabi for college courses on any aspect of Latter-day Saint arts including visual art, music, theater, literature, and film, as well as architecture, design, dance, animation, and so forth. The award for a fully developed syllabus is $2,000, and for segments of a course from $500 to $1,000, depending on length and complexity.
The full course syllabi should include all aspects of a one-quarter or one-semester course:
- Purpose of the course with the theme or problematic
- Required books
- Weekly topics and assignments
- Study or discussion questions
- Suggested paper topics and activities
- Additional readings
The aim is to create a complete syllabus ready for use by teachers in colleges or universities. The accepted syllabi with the creator’s names will be mounted on the Center’s website.
Partial syllabi should include the same elements as the syllabi on Latter-day Saint arts. These syllabi should explain how the Latter-day Saint sections are to be integrated into the course as a whole.
Prior to beginning work on a syllabus, the faculty member should send a brief outline to the Center. Graduate students and others who may not presently be teaching are encouraged to submit syllabi.
Questions and proposals should be directed to Richard Bushman,