Taylor Petrey, “Mormonism and the Critical Study of American Religion”
RELG 490, Kalamazoo College 2021

This course considers important methodological issues that influence the study of religion. Using a variety of theoretical approaches, and addressing some of the most pressing issues in the field, this course examines one religious tradition: the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Looking at this single tradition from different lenses, we will consider the role that theory plays in analysis, consider the on-going influence of classical theories of religion, and discuss major topics in the field today.
Course Goals:
Successful students in this course will learn to:
- Be familiar with different methodologies scholars use to study religion
- Be able to identify the major theorists that influence contemporary approaches to the study of religion
- Understand the reasons that scholars have come to different conclusions on the topic
- Be able to articulate verbally and in writing the positions that scholars have advocated
- Reflect on one’s own intellectual frameworks for evaluating religion
Covered Topics Include:
Secularization; Mormonism and Racialization; Post- and De-colonial Approaches; Gender Studies and the History of Sexuality; Lived Religion; Media Studies; Sociological Approaches
Required Texts:
- David Walker, Railroading Religion
- Peter Coviello, Make Yourselves Gods
- Taylor Petrey, Tabernacles of Clay
- Joanna Brooks, Mormonism and White Supremacy