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1858: Spring: Woman assists in healing son.
“In the Spring of 1858, when General Johnson’s army was about to enter Salt Lake City, and when the citizens, in consequence, deserted their homes and removed South, it fell to my lot to remove to Sanpete and locate in Fort Ephraim. My family then consisted of a wife and four children. We left our home in Salt Lake City one day in April, during a rain storm, to start on our journey south. The following day it snowed, and we suffered extremely from the cold. The roads became almost impassable, on account of the mud and slush, in which the wagon wheels frequently sank up to the hubs. We were traveling with an ox team, and it took us two days to make a distance of fifteen miles. From the exposure of this trip, one of my sons, a little fellow, scarcely five years of age, contracted a cold, which culminated in a very bad case of dropsy in the fall of the same year. His body and his limbs became very badly swollen, and were seemingly almost transparent. His feet were swollen to such a size that he required sock large enough for a full-grown man. I could make indentations with my finger in his flesh from a quarter to half an inch deep, the same as if it had been putty or clay. It really seemed as if his skin must burst. No person could prescribe anything that seemed to do him the least good, and our only hope lay in the intervention of the Almighty in his behalf. Our only refuge, apparently, was the Lord, and I had implicit confidence that He would hear the prayer of faith. One evening I called my family together and talked to them on the principle of faith. My two eldest children, one fourteen and the other twelve years of age, manifested great faith in the ordinance for the sick, and my wife’s faith was exceedingly strong that her boy could be healed by the laying on of hands. We sat him in a chair, and I laid my hands upon his head, and called my wife to assist me in the administration. I called upon the Lord fervently to bless him, and rebuked the disease in the name of the Lord Jesus. We afterwards laid him on the bed, where, in a short time the water with which his whole body was bloated ran from him, and he got up the next morning well.
To these facts I can boldly bear my testimony before God, angels and men; and it is only one of many evidences that the Lord has given me that the signs follow the believers in the gospel of Jesus Christ.” (Martin Lenzi, JI 12(21):251, 1 Nov., 1877)
31 Oct.: Oil consecrated in prayer circle.
“I met with the Twelve in the prayer Circle. Brother C C Rich opened by Prayer. F. D. Richards was mouth in the Circle. We Consecrated a Bottol of Oil.” (Wilford Woodruff diary, 31 Oct., 1858)
1859: 2 Jun.: Washing and anointing the sick.
“Was then called over to Bro Buttle’s to administer the ordinance of the laying on of hands and washing and anointing old father Acum, after which we chatted quite a while on spiritualism.” (Charles Walker diary, 2 Jun., 1859)
10 Jun.: “With my hand on her for 24 hours.
“My daughter Mary very low and not expected to recover, having taken a backset–thrown into spasms frequently. I prayed for her recovery repeatedly and every time she was relieved. But as soon as I would leave the house the Tormenter would return and she would be racked with pain until she would faint away and she would cry out, Oh Father, do come and rebuke him. I know that it is the Devil that torments me, and do pray cast him out, and I pray to God to forgive me of whatever I have done wrong, that he may not have power to affect me continually. I rebuked him in the name of Jesus, and he departed and I had to sit by her with my hand on her for 24 hours.” (John D. Lee diary, 10 Jun., 1859)
11 Aug.: Wounded hand treated with snake oil.
“A.M. worked on Barn P.M. was obliged to quit because of a swelling on my hand the pain being so severe that I could not bear to hang it down, and up to this date Tuesday August 9th am not able to use it.
Wednesday 10th at home
Thursday 11 hand a little better received some rattle snake’s oil from Sister Booth which helped it imeaditly.” (J. D. T. McAllister diary, 27 Jul.-11 Aug., 1859, p. 53)
1860: 4 Mar.: I don’t know how faith to heal comes.
“In speaking of the subject of faith He [Brigham] said we will find but little faith but a good deal of belief. Every body has that for it is an inherent principle in all. I have laid hands upon people when I knew they would be healed. At other times I have laid hands upon people when I did not feel that way & still they were healed. I once laid hands upon a sister Lake when she said she had No faith. I told her I did not Care whether she had or not for I had and I knew she would be healed. I laid hands upon her & she was immediately healed. I dont know how it is or how faith Comes ownly as the gift of God. I know No other way to get it.” (Wilford Woodruff diary, 4 Mar., 1860)
Fall: “Administer to yourself.”
“I was on my way back, and had reached San Bernardino, when one of the prolonged heavy rainstorms frequent in that region, overtook us. Being unprepared for inclement weather, I got wet and was stricken down with a severe attack of pneumonia. I do not remember of ever being ill before, and this case went very hard with me. It seemed to me that I was on the brink of death, and I realized how far I was away from home and friends. Some kind people seeing my position, took me in and cared for me, but it looked as if there was no hope. I had none, and I doubt not that those people thought that they were doing a kindness to one who was about to set out on that longer journey from whence there is no returning.
But one night, when the thought of death was crowding in upon me, and I was longing for a familiar face, and the pain and suffering were something more than I could bear, I said to myself that if there were some elders of our Church who could administer to me I would surely get well. No sooner had the thought entered my mind than a small voice close to my ear said ‘Why not do it yourself? You have the authority.’ Inspiration or angel voice, I know not what it was, but forthwith, I acted upon the suggestion. I raised my arms and placed my hands upon my brow, and prayed. And I saw, as I prayed, a halo of light appear above me. And it descended and settled upon my brow, and I knew that I was healed, that God had made a manifestation of His power to me, and had touched me and I was whole, and the dread disease driven out of my body. The next morning, after a night of peaceful sleep, I arose well and strong and pursued my journey.” (Isaac Riddle autobiographical sketch; in Our Pioneer Heritage, 11:176, 1968)
3 Dec.: Anointed foot.
“About dark reachd home. Found Aggathean, the wife of my youth, verey lame. She unluckily that day strained her right foot–insomuch she could not [put the] least weight on it & [it] had turned black. I anointd it with oil & prayed for her recovery & through the Power of Faith she found instant relief.” (John D. Lee diary, 3 Dec., 1860)
1861: 6 Jun.: Applying consecrated oil inside and outside.
“P.M. received word that Sister Conrad’s Daughter Lacey was very sick. She desired me to come up. I took the 4 1/2 o’clock train to Lacony–found her very sick, her face disfigured with a gathering in the side of the neck. anointed here with oil, administered to her internaly and externaly laid my hands on her and she felt better.
Staid all night.
Friday 7th anointed her again–face not much better. returned to the City.” (J. D. T. McAllister diary, 6 Jun., 1861, p. 151)
22 Jun.: I can promise myself a blessing.
“I feel rather unwell to-day, and indeed I have been so for some time, but I really believe that I can promise myself a blessing, and on just as good authority as I can promise you one. I have got the priesthood and authority to bless this people, and I think it is a poor affair if I cannot bless myself. Now some people may think this rather odd. Why bless your souls, if I live my religion, doing those things that President Young has been telling us to do there is no blessing under the sun but what is mine.” (Heber C. Kimball, 22 Jun., 1861; DN 12(8):57, 20 Aug., 1862)
5 Nov.: Blessing a child to die.
“At night was called again to administer to the sick child of Bro Nutt’s, and Mr E B Fullmer and Wm Buttle prayed to the Lord to take the child to himself, if it were his will, out of its misery and suffering, and in a few minutes it was numbered with the Dead. After that we visited another portion of Block 6. Felt blest and comforted in doing my duty.” (Charles L. Walker diary, 5 Nov., 1861)
1862: 9 Jan.: I sent her some consecrated oil.
“Thursday 9th [Jan., 1862] A.M. reading, at noon went to Bro Mills House and spent the remainder of the day with the Brethren there while there I was called upon by a Mrs. Eliza Smith desiring me to visit a Sister as she was dying who had been in the Church over twenty years by the name of Mary Rose, who had been turned out of her house for owing the sum of L2.0.8 to her Landlord, every thing she had was sold, and she sick at the time not able to move her lower extremities. I found her in a very destitute condition–laying on the floor. I administerd to her, and gaver her all the money I had (one shilling) and my blessing left these and reported her case to the Brethren. Sent her some Consecrated oil.” (J. D. T. McAllister diary, 9 Jan., 1862; Huntington Library)
1864: 3 Jun.: God told me to stew noxious thistles.
“Received a beautiful letter from my father. After describing the suffering he had endured lately from an attack of liver complaint, he says, ‘On Saturday last I went to the South Mountain to seek the face of my Physician and to pour out my complaint into His ear where none but He could hear. I asked Him to relieve me of my distress or let my weary soul return again to His paternal embrace. He heard the voice of my mouth and by His Holy Spirit enlightened me to know that He had stored up virtue in the noxious thistle, exactly suited to my disease, and as it was before me I gathered it, brought it home, stewed it in water, ate it and found relief. Blessed by the name of Him who lives from age to age without change.'” (Isaian Moses Coombs diary, 3 Jun., 1864; in Our Pioneer Heritage, 1:369, 1958)
29 Nov.: If we knew enough, children wouldn’t die.
“Questions are often asked, why our children die, why they are not permitted to live to fill their earthly destiny and become fathers and mothers of their race. Many are the physical causes which lead to the death of our children and friends, before they have lived out the days allotted to them, that, in consequence of our ignorance of the laws of life and health, we are not yet able to overcome, neither have we yet attained to faith sufficient to overcome diseaes and death entirely in our families. But the Lord has not left us without consoling words for our comfort when we lose our children, for it is written:
But, behold, I say unto you, that little children are redeemed from the foundation of the world through mine Only Begotten; wherefore, they cannot sin, for power is not given unto Satan to tempt little children, until they begin to become accountable before me, for it is given unto them even as I will, according to mine own pleasure, that great things may be required at the hand of their fathers.
. . . .
Though we cannot altogether avoid grief under sore trials, yet we can overcome excessive sorrow through faith in the Lord Jesus and by calling upon the Father in His name–and that is all we can do.”
(Brigham Young, remarks at the funeral of Joseph Smith Kimball, son of Heber C. Kimball; 29 Nov., 1864; DN 14(11):82, 14 Dec., 1864)
1865: 19 Feb.: She healed herself by her faith.
“The other day my wife was sick; she came to me and requested me to pray to the Lord that she might be healed. The matter passed from my mind. The day following this I remarked to her that I had not seen her looking so well for some time previous. She replied, ‘I am perfectly sound.’ I had forgotten about her request that I should pray for her, and had not done so; but she was healed through her honesty, faith, and integrity towards the holy Priesthood. She reverenced and honored it; the Holy Spirit saw it, and the angels of God saw it, and she was healed by the power of God, without the laying on of hands. It was with that circumstance as it was anciently. ‘The centurion answered and said, Lord, I am not worthy that thou shouldst come under my roof; but speak the word only, and my servant shall be healed.'” (Heber C. Kimball, 19 Feb., 1865; JD 11:84)
14 May: Dedicated to God for death & burial.
“The Presidet [Brigham] & Twelve met for prayer. I met with them. We then Called upon Sister Gray who had a canser in the breast which was Eating her Vitals & rotting her flesh. Presidet Young Cannon & myself laid hands upon her. She wished us to pray that she might spedily die as she Could not live. Presidet Young dedicated her to God for her death & burial. In about 12 hours she died.” (Wilford Woodruff diary, 14 May, 1865)
1866: 27 May – 3 Jun.: Protracted death of Agga Lee.
“[27th] Agga rather better till dark, when she was suddenly taken very ill–groaning in the greates agony, not able to lye down at all; being moved upon I earlnestly Prayed while administering & called upon her kindred Friends behind the veil, to come to her relief & immediately her Mother & an other Personage came & stood by with me & the Power of Electricity fill me from head to foot, so that I knew not whether I was in the Body or out of it. This Power & heavenly influence causd Satan & [his] influence to be dsipossed for a season & she rested in Peace through the Night. . . .
[28th] This morning Agga feeble. By Faith & Prayre was relievd till night fall when I again had to rebuke the Evil spirits. . . .
[29th] By day I was again sent for, Stating tha Agga was dying. On reachng her Room I found her wreathing in Pain & anguish. I again Prayed for her, rebuking the Evil Spirits in the Name of the Lord through the Holy Priesthood, but th[e]y were More obstinate. However, I continued wrestling with the Lord until they left, commanding them not to return again, then asked the Father in the Name of the son to place a guard of angels over her, that while she remains on Earth that she may be free from such excrutiating Pain & if it be the will of Heaven to take her spirit home in Peace. Almost from that moment she fell assleep & restd all through the day. All presant acknowledged the hand of the Lord. . . .
[30th] Agga still improving in hea[l]th. . . . Through the night Agga convessalent [convalescent]. We frequently administered to her. Temporary [relief] was as usual receved. Between Mid night & day her agony beca[me] so great that [I] continued to Pray the space of 1/2 an hour before relief was obtaind. I wept bitterly.
[31st] This Moring Agga More restless. Severe Pains in her shoulders; her life is now dispaird off. About 10 moring M. H. Darrow startd to cannaraville for Almy, Ann & children, & Mary Leah my wife & children & son, [ ] & wife & children. Returned about 6 Eving with the com[panions]. When they arrived we thought Agga was Dying but on hearing that her children had come, she revived & was set up a few moments & talked to them in a kind & touching Manner which would Melt the hardest Heart. At this Moment Jos. returned with a Buicket of Snow (at the request of his Mother) which he got in the Mountain 4 ms. off. As he came in, she took a Mouthful of the Snow, relished it & Said, Here comes Jos. Jos., you are good Boy. This Snow tasts so good & cooling to me. Then took the children by the hand, one by one. My children are all here save S. Jane, she said, & I want to talk to you, my Dear children. I cannot be much longer with you, I am going to rest, & soon you will be without a Mother. But remember that you have a good Father. I want you to ob[e]y him. He never will give you wrong council. Do as he directs you that you May come to me when you have done your work on Earth. Some of My children have been Wayward & disobeidiant, which caused Much Sorrow & trouble. My children, I want you to do right & obey your Father in future. The Scripures says, obey the law of they Father & dispise not the council of they Mother that thy days may be long in Land of the living. Alma, you have a family. I want you to pray with your Family & bring them up in the fear of the Lord & wherin any of you have disobeyed your Father & have grieved him, I want you Make restitution right awsay, that nothing may stand betwen you and yiour god. She then embraced ZEzara T. & said, Ezra, you are my youngest child. I want you & Sama to be good Boys & Mind your Father & I know that he will be kind & good to you. Then said to Rachel, her sister, Will you be a Mother to my lite children? Rachel then fell on her neck, wept & kissed her & said, Agga, by the help of the Lord I will be a Mother to them. She again Spoke, Saying, I know you will, I know you will, Rachel. Each one of the children came forward, kissed her & wept, saying, Mah, forgive me for any thing that I May have said or done to hurt your feelings. Likewise those of my wives that was presant (SS) Rachel, Sarah Caroline, Mary Leah, Emma, Teressa & Ann & Many of the children came & embracd her in their arms & said, Wherein we may ever at any times Said or done that which has hurt your feelings, we ask your forgiveness. She replied, I love you all & have nothing against you; what I say to one, I say to all: Remember the council of your Mother. I am weak & may never speak to you again. Through the Night she frequently asked me to Pray that she might go to Rest. About 2 o’clock E., by her request I anointd her all over with oil & dedicated her to the Lord.
[1st] Agga very werstless. Evidently Mortification had set in, while at the same time the water & bloat was increasing Rapidly. Thus this day & Night she suffered exceedingly. . . .
[2nd] Death. Agga, my aflictd comnpainon, was still wreathing in agony. Visible signs of mortification was on her Back & Shoulders & her face was bloatd; her voice & speech much impaired & before evening her sensitive Powers were impaired. Still she wore the Night away without much change, only she grew weak. The Night previous I watched with her all Night, lifting & turning her in Bed about every 5 minits, for while she was in her right mind, she would not be contentd to have me out of her sight ten minits at a time. About 11 m. James returnd. The Neighbours & Friends have been very kind; the House was scarcely ever empty, offering their assistance. . . .
[3rd] Aggathean still sinking; Mortification around her neck & Breast. Refuses to eat or drink. . . . Now 5 eve, the Sufferer grows weaker. . . . About Midnight she fast failing & about one o’c. moring she heilded up the Ghost. Her children & Friends Mourned her Death Most Cincearly. She sufferd exceedingly through her Illness, but died without a scroll [scowl] or frown on her countinance.” (John D. Lee diary, 27 May – 3 Jun., 1866)
17 Jun.: Power to administer to self when ill.
“SABBATH MEETINGS.–Pres. H. C. Kimball reasoned on the power of faith and the signs following believers, showing that it is not those who merely believe but who observe the commandments of God that the signs follow, according to the promise given by the Lord Jesus Christ. He touched upon the power which individuals possess, who have received the Priesthood, to bless themselves and to exercise faith for the removal of disease from their own tabernacles; and exhorted the elders and Saints to increased prayerfulness and faithfulness.” (DN 15(29):229, 21 Jun., 1866)
1867: 5 May: Woman set apart to administer to sick women.
“At the Close of the Meeting Presidet Young with Some of the Twelve laid hands upon the Head of Mother Atwood & blessed her & set her apart to administer to the Sick of her sex.” (Wilford Woodruff diary, 5 May, 1867)
10 Sep.: Castor oil, paregoric and consecrated oil.
“[2 Sep.] Our little Charley is quite ill as are a great many children, several have died. . . .
10th: Charlie is some better; castor oil with paregoric and also consecrated oil will cure him.” (Wilson Howard Dusenberry diary, 2/10 Sep., 1867; in Our Pioneer Heritage 1:253, 1958)
1869: 6 Oct.: Anointing with oil in 1833?
“We expect to go back to Jackson Co., from whence the Saints were expelled in 1833. Some are now living who were driven at that time. The Saints were guilty of the henious [sic] crime, so our enemies said, of anointing the sick with holy oil, that they might be healed. For this they were driven from their homes.” (George A. Smith, Semi-Annual Conference minutes, 6 Oct., 1869; DN 18(36):426, 13 Oct., 1869)
1871: 28 Feb.: Blessed her to die.
“Sister Smoot informed me that a Sister Allen was dying in her house & in Great Distress. Though she had Been dying two days. Wished me to lay hands upon her & Pray that she might depart in Peace. I did so & Blessed her & she died in an hour.” (Wilford Woodruff diary, 28 Feb., 1871)
4 Oct.: Anointed Brigham from head to foot.
“In the Evening I Called upon Presidet Young & found him very feeble. G A. Smith D H Wells G Q Cannon & myself Anointed Presidet Young from the Crown of his head to the Soles of his feet & Blessed him & he was Much Better.” (Wilford Woodruff diary, 4 Oct., 1871)
1873: 9 Aug.: Use oil, not doctors.
“According to appointment, the holding of two days’ meetings commenced this morning, August 9th, 1873, at ten o’clock, in the New Tabernacle, President Brigham Young Presiding. . . .
Elder George Q. Cannon addressed the meeting. . . .
The Saints had to build up the Zion of God, which was the church, kingdom and power of God, and they had to teach the inhabitants of the earth that there was a people who had faith in God, and who could accomplish mighty things through trusting in him. If the Saints manifested that they had faith in God, by sending for the elders of the church to anoint their sick with oil and administer to them, and abolished doctors, these things would have their effect upon the people of the world, and they would engender faith in the hearts of their children.” (DN 22(28):440, 13 Aug., 1873)
26 Sep.: Women set apart as midwives.
“The following is copied from the Documentary History of the Church, concerning a meeting at which several sisters were set apart as Midwives and Nurses in Israel:
Historian’s Office, Salt Lake City, Utah
Sept. 26, 1873.
Present Orson Pratt, Wilford Woodruff and George Q. Cannon. Prayer by Orson Pratt. (Elder Wilford Woodruff retired.)
The following named sisters were set apart by Elders Orson Pratt and Geo. Q. Cannon: Zina D. Young, Catherine Simmonds, Lehi; Elsie Booth, Alpine; Anna hanson, Honeyville, Box Elder county; Mary Ann Elizabeth Whatmough, Salt Lake City; Elizabeth Duncanson, Salt Lake City; Sarah Ralphs, Brigham City; Jane Mullinder, Farmington; Cordelia Mariah Barlow, Bountiful; Margaret Randall, Centerville; Margaret Steele and Mary Schneider, Salt Lake City; Mary McAllister, Logan; Clarissa Jane Moore, Payson; Orellia Brown, American Fork; Hannah T. Clark, Provo; and Jane Ann Albrand, Salt Lake City.
Elders Pratt and Cannon made a few remarks.
Attest. Robert S. Campbell.”
(JH 26 Sep., 1873)
31 Oct.: 27 midwives set apart.
“I Attended a Blessing Meeting at the Historians Office & set apart 27 Females for Midwives to officiate in that Capacity among the Saints.” (Wilford Woodruff diary, 31 Oct., 1873)
2 Nov.: OK for those not holding Priesthood to bless sick
“It seems that the gifts here named are general gifts, intended more or less for the whole Church; not only for those in the Priesthood, but for those out of the Priesthood, for males and for females. For instance, children are often taken sick, and it is the privilege of their parents, whether they have the Priesthood or not, by virtue of this promise, to lay their hands on their sick children, and ask the Lord, in the name of Jesus, to heal them. Suppose that the father, the head of the family, is absent, has the mother the right to lay her hands upon her sick child? We say that, by virtue of this promise which the Lord has made, she may lay her hands upon her child or children, and ask God to heal it or them. How many scores and scores of cases have there been in this Church, ever year since it was organized, where the parents, both brethren and sisters, have had power over disease, through the Spirit of God being poured out upon them, and their children have ben healed through the laying on of their hands?” (Orson Pratt, 2 Nov., 1873; JD 16:289)
1874: ca. Aug.: Woman administers to husband after elders.
“A few weeks after this [13 Jul., 1874] my husband was brought home from the canyon very sick, suffering with kidney trouble. The brethren had been in and administered to him but he was very, very bad and we thought he was surely dying. I was standing at the foot of his bed and was breatoly grieved to see him in such agony. He looked at me and said he could die if I would only give him up. But a voice came to me and said, ‘Administer to him.’ I was very timid about doing this as the brethren had just administered to him. The voice came again, but I felt they would think me bold and I am very weak. The voice came to me a third time and I heeded its promptings and went and put my hands upon his head. . . . [in published version] I was filled with a divine strength in performing the ordinance, and when I had finished my husband had gone to sleep and slept quietly for two hours or more.” (Margaret McNeil Ballard autobiographical sketch; in Our Pioneer Heritage, 3:204, 1960)
3/4 Aug.: Laid hands on her several times.
“[3rd] In the Evening at about 10 oclok Bulah A Beatie was taken sick. Had awful Convulsions & Cramping all night. We thought she would die. . . .
[4th] Bulah has been vary low & weak all day. We laid hands upon her several time & she got Better.” (Wilford Woodruff diary, 3 & 4 Aug., 1874)
1875: 5 Feb.: We saw the finger of God enter the oil vial.
“In the Kirtland temple I have seen the power of God as it was on the day of Penticost . . . At another time, when consecrating some oil, we saw visibly the finger of God enter the mouth of the bottle.” (Zebedee Coltrin, 5 Feb., 1875, meeting of the High Priests of Spanish Fork; in RECORD I, page 99, of the High Priests; Truth 4:124-127; reprinted in Merle H. Graffam, “Salt Lake School of the Prophets–Minute Book, 1883,” p. 71)
1876: 25/26 Mar.: She got worse and died.
“[25 Mar.] Dinner at Angelines then went to ‘Home Place’ found Moroni’s little ‘Eddie’ sick I administered to her. . . .
[26 Mar.] Went to Home Place found ‘Eddie’ very sick administered to her. She got worse and at 4 P.M. she died, I wrote to Moroni concerning it.” (J. D. T. McAllister diary, 25 & 26 Mar., 1876; Huntington Library)
Nov.: Anointing of a goiter.
“A family by the name of Root, living at Westerville, Montcalm County, Michigan, were baptized in November, 1876. They had a daughter sixteen years of age, who was also baptized, who had a goitre growing from her throat. This had been forming from early childhood. Her parents had spent money with doctors in the vain hope of removing it, but it continued to grow. About one month after baptism she said to her father one evening:
‘I believe if my throat was anointed with that holy oil that Elder Palmer has, this swelling would go away.’
‘I was thinking the same thing,’ he answered.
‘I know it can be done if that is your faith,’ I said; ‘but this gift is from God through His servants, and can only be enjoyed through the principle of faith and obedience.’
‘I believe it with all my heart,’ she answered.
The writer took the oil from his valise, anointed the swelling, laid one hand on it and the other on her head, and prayed the Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, rebuking the disease in His holy name, and by authority of the priesthood. He felt the swelling sink under his hand, and her throat is as smooth to this day as anyone’s can be. The lady (now Mrs. Persis Warner) lives in Harrisville, Weber County, Utah.” (W. M. Palmer, JI 28(5):138, 1 Mar., 1893)
22 & 23 Dec.: Died in spite of blessing to contrary.
“[22nd] At night administring to Sister Mary Ann Foremaster who was in convulsions and labor pains all night. I annointed her and Pres Snow confirmed the annointing. I staid all night there with other of the Brethern. The child was born about daylight but dead, and she insensible. By request of Br MacAllister I sent to Br Woodroof and Raleigh. They annonited her and laid hands on her. We all thot she was going to get well. . . .
[23rd] To day sister Maryan Foremaster died.” (Charles L. Walker diary, 22 & 23 Dec., 1876)