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David O. McKay Diaries – “Communism”

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David O. McKay  Diaries

Mon., 27 Apr., 1936:

“President J. Reuben Clark, Jr. and I left Salt Lake City for Omaha at 6:45 a.m.  In consultation, considered the following problems:

VII. Danger of Communism–Call council and auxiliary heads.

Wed., 8 Feb., 1950:

“7 a.m.–at the office.  Soon after arriving there I received word that the news had come over the radio that two of our missionaries in the Czecho-Slovakian Mission–Elders Stanley E. Abbott and C. Aldon Johnson–had been imprisoned by the Czech State Security Police for investigation.  Soon after receiving this word, Clarence Williams of the Telegram, Clarence Barker of the Deseret News, and Jack Reed of the Tribune came to my office to get the particulars of the story in order that they could publish it in the newspapers. This very morning a letter was received from President Wallace Toronto, President of the Czechoslovakian Mission, giving in detail an account of what happened.  The attached newspaper clippings contains the information received from Pres. Toronto.

I also received a telephone call from Mr. Jester of the Associated Press, asking me for verification of the news they had received concerning this matter.  I read to Mr. Jester the following paragraphs from Pres. Toronto’s letter:

Please notify the parents of these missionaries that their sons are being held temporarily, but that to our knowledge there is no actual evidence which could in any way incriminate them.  We feel confident that the Czech quthorities, after full and thorough investigation, will see fit to release them. We also feel sure that during their detention they are being treated with consideration.  Let them know, of course, that we are doing all in our power to effect their early release.


These young men’s lives and actions are above reproach.

It is not and never has been my intention to place the Czechoslovak government or its officials in a bad light.  on the whole we have been able to deal with them on principles of honesty and fairness, which we have very much appreciated.

I then gave to Mr. Jester a few facts concerning the background of Elders Abbott and Johnson.

Telephoned to Mrs. Abbott at Lehi, Utah, and reported to her the information received from Pres. Toronto this morning concerning her son, Elder Stanley E. Abbott.  She said that she had heard the news over the radio, and that she has known for a long time that the Czech police have been shadowing the missionaries, which has caused her concern.  I then told her that Pres. Toronto feels that the parents do not need to worry, that everything will turn out all right so far as these Elders being released is concerned.  Mrs. Abbott answered:  ‘I know the Lord will look after my boy.’  I assured her that Pres. Toronto is doing everything that can be done; that the boys are above reproach and have not broken any Czech laws.

I then tried to get Elder Johnson’s father at Idaho Falls, but receive the report that they are out of town for the day.  I also tried to get the Bishop, but he too was out of town.  Will try to reach them tomorrow.”

Thur., 9 Feb., 1950:

“Before going to the Temple for Council meeting, I received a telephone call from Elder Cecil Hart President of the South Idaho Falls Stake.  He inquired concerning Elder C. Aldon Johnson, a member of the Idaho Falls 8th Ward, who has been imprisoned by the Czech government officials.  I gave President Hart the facts as we had received them from President Toronto’s letter.

Soon after Pres. Hart called, I received a call from Elder Johnson’s Bishop, and I gave him the same information, telling him to tell the parents that we had tried to reach them all day yesterday, and to tell them not to worry as it seems from information received that the Elders will soon be released.”

Sun., 12 Feb., 1950:

“Spent the day in study and in giving attention to the Czechoslovakia situation.  I talked by long distance to Senator Elbert D. Thomas at Washington, D.C. and asked him for full particulars as to what the State Department is doing relative to the imprisonment by the Czech government officials of the two Mormon Elders.  Senator Thomas said he would send a telegram giving us an account of the actions taken by the State Department so far.”

Mon., 13 Feb., 1950:

“Received a long telegram from Senator Elbert D. Thomas regarding the Czech situation.”

Tues., 14 Feb., 1950:

“Regarding the Czech missionary matters, I received the following telegram this morning from Senator Elbert D. Thomas:

State Department reports that Czech officials arrested two missionaries because they were allegedly attempting to penetrate into restricted area and were found to have plans of that area in their possession.  State Department states so called plans were probably road maps.  Czechs stated they would maintain custody of boys until proper investigation of the case is completed.  It is reported that our consular officer would make another attempt to visit them–will advise as soon as further information is received.”

Fri., 17 Feb., 1950:

“Associated Press telephoned–Said they had a story from Denver that the mother of one of our missionaries in Czechoslovakia has been informed by Pres. Toronto that all of the missionaries are being withdrawn from Czecho.  Pres. Toronto has said that undoubtedly the missionaries will have to leave as their permits expire.  I told the reporter calling that we are waiting further word from Pres. Toronto; that things are still in an unsettled state, and that we shall make no further statements until we hear from Pres. Toronto.”

Tues., 21 Feb., 1950:

“Called Senator Elbert D. Thomas at Washington, D.C. and asked for further information regarding the missionaries being held by the Czech authorities.  Senator Thomas had nothing new to report–I said it seems strange to me that this great country of ours cannot get some action in this case–at least to get a representative of the country to visit these boys and to make sure that they are all right.”

Thur., 23 Feb., 1950:

“Just before leaving for Council meeting the following wire was received from Senator Elbert D. Thomas referring to the Czech situation:

David O. McKay, Salt Lake City, Utah.  Have been advised by State Department this morning that renewed representations have been made to American Department of Czech Foreign Office and to his immediate Superior the Chief of Western Hemisphere Bureau.  Both stated that Czech Foreign Office were doing their best to arrange for consular visit to Abbott and Johnson through ministry of Interior.  When told of imminent withdrawal of entire Mormon Mission[,] American officials were given definite impression by foreign office without so stating that the boys might now be speedily released and expelled. Expect further word today or tomorrow.–Elbert D. Thomas.”

Fri., 24 Feb., 1950:

“Was greatly relieved to receive the good news this morning that our missionaries who have been imprisoned in Czechoslovakia have been released from prison and flown to Switzerland.

The following telegram was received today from Senator Elbert D. Thomas:

State Department advises news flash from reliable source states missionaries have been released from prison at Olomouc and taken to Prague by plain clothesmen and expelled from country.  They were put on plane at Prague airport to be flow to Zurich, Switzerland.  Regards.

A cable was also received from President Wallace Toronto, telling of the good news of the release of the missionaries from the Czech prison, and requesting that I notify the parents:

Two mission Elders released and flown to Zurich today from whence they will plan homeward journey.  Please notify parents.  All well.  Greetings.

Consequently I telephoned to Mrs. Stephen P. Abbott at Lehi, mother of Stanley E. Abbott and conveyed to her the good news of her son’s release from prison at Olomouc.  Mrs. Abbott said that she had heard the news over the radio and she then said how thankful she is that the Elders are unharmed; that she had placed her trust in the Lord and had faith that everything would turn out for the best. Said she hoped that the interest this imprisonment had created all over the world would bring many converts to the Church.  I then commended Sister Abbott for her patience, and her remarkable courage during these trying weeks.  Said that Pres. Toronto had written a letter stating that her son would soon be home.  I then called Mrs. Allen O. Johnson of Idaho Falls and gave her the same information that I had given Mrs. Abbott concerning her son C. Aldon Johnson.  I then told her that we wished to commend her for her faith and composure during the trying period of the imprisonment of her son; that the Lord would overrule this for the good of the Church and the family.

. . . .

After taking care of dictation, receiving reporters from the different papers on the release of our missionaries in Czechoslovakia, etc., I left for home.”

Wed., 5 Jul., 1950:

“Came to the office at 7:30 this morning and was busy with office affairs until 9 a.m., at which time Brother Murdock of the Missionary Department came in.  We discussed for a short time matters pertaining to the removal of our missionaries from Europe should war develop, and also the advisability of sending missionaries already assigned to the European Missions.  I shall consult with President George Albert Smith regarding these matters as soon as he arrives at the office this morning.”

Mon., 10 Jul., 1950:

“Came to the office this morning at the usual hour–7 a.m.–and was busy with office matters until 11:50 a.m.–From 9 a.m. to 11:50 I dictated letter to Clare.  Also called Brother Murdock of the Missionary Department in and instructed him to give me a list of the names of all missionaries now laboring in the East German and the West German Missions.  I told him that we must be prepared to evacuate those missionaries at the first suspicion of war in that area, and that the Mission Presidents must be furnished with enough funds to take care of an immediate evacuation should such step be necessary.”

Wed., 19 Jul., 1950:

“After Brother Bowman and Brother Anderson were excused, the First Presidency took up other matters, among which was the advisability of sending one of the General Authorities over to consult the Presidents of the West German, the East German, and the Finnish Missions with a view of laying plans to protect missionaries in case of sudden eventualities that might result from the present international crisis.  Our meeting lasted until 7:30 p.m.”

Tues., 25 Jul., 1950:

“President [George Albert] Smith telephoned and said that he would like to have a meeting with President Clark and me at 3:15 p.m. I answered that I should appreciate holding an earlier meeting with President Smith at 2:15, and would like to bring Dr. John A. Widtsoe with me to talk over the European situation–Dr. Widtsoe having just returned from Europe might be able to give us some information concerning conditions there.  Pres. Smith said that he would be pleased to have us come to his home as he was feeling a little tired and would not come to the office.

At 2 p.m. I called for Dr. Widtsoe at his home and we went to Pres. Smith’s, where we held a discussion regarding conditions in Europe as they will affect our missionaries.  Dr. Widtsoe could not give us much information concerning the political situation in Europe.”

Wed., 26 Jul., 1950:

“10 a.m. President Smith, Pres. Clark and I met to discuss missionary problems–especially the problem of being prepared to safely evacuate our missionaries in Europe should the necessity arise.”

Fri., 4 Aug., 1950:

“Brother Stephen L. Richards of the Council of the Twelve came in to discuss matters pertaining to his official visit to Europe.  I instructed him to go directly to Berlin and meet with Presidents Stover and Wunderlich and decide what is best to be done with missionaries there in Berlin and in Finland.  I told him to make his own arrangements with Pres. Matis of the Finnish Mission, either have him meet Brother Richards at a place designated by him, or arrange to meet him at the mission headquarters.

I also instructed Brother Richards that if conditions warrant it, he get in touch with President Badwagon Piranian of the Palestine-Syrian Mission and if convenient that he go over to Syria and study the conditions first hand, because our mission there is not fulfilling its destiny.

Brother Richards asked me to give him a blessing for the special mission that has been assigned to him.  I responded and set him apart for his assigned duty.  He seemed very appreciative of the blessing given.”

Mon., 14 Aug., 1950:

“At 10 a.m. Mrs. Hilton A. Robertson of the Chinese Mission called at the office. . . .

The question then arose as to whether President Robertson should go ahead in his search for a suitable place for a meeting house. I told Sister Robertson to tell President Robertson yes, that he should go right along, and do whatever he thinks best for the future of the Chinese Mission, and not be deterred because of fear of the Communists coming in to confiscate whatever property they might purchase.”

Tues., 10 Oct., 1950:

“9:30–Pres. McKay called Senator Arthur V. Watkins to say that since thinking about their conversation in the office, he thought it would hardly be wise for the Senator to carry on an independent campaign this fall and spend $2,000.00 because very few people know about the attack upon him.  Senator Watkins said many people were calling in asking about it.  He had talked it over with the Republican leaders and it is ereally a part of the whole campaign, and they are going to arrange to finance it.  Said he thought he should answer the charge that he had done more than any other man in the Senate to aid the Kremlin.  Pres. McKay remarked that the people knew his record, but the Senator did not think so.  Pres. McKay explained that he was for him and his party, but did not want the Senator to do anything that would look as though he were striking out on an independent campaign this year.  Senator Watkins said it would be tied in with the Republican fight and he thought Pres. McKay would like it when he saw it.  Said he had conferred with Brother Bowen about the campaign, that he was not going to let anybody brand him as an enemy of this country, and seemed determined to go ahead with it.”

Wed., 11 Oct., 1950:

“10:00–Elder Stephen L. Richards came in to report to President McKay on his return from his European trip.”

Thur., 11 Jan., 1951:

“4 p.m. to 6 p.m.–office duties–signed letters, and dictated answers to several letters that had accumulated on my desk.  Also tried to get a telephone message through to President Hilton A. Robertson of the Chinese [Mission] in Hong Kong–I have been trying for the last 48 hours to call him, but have been unsuccessful. According to press reports, Americans in Hong Kong have been advised on authorization of the U. S. State Department to send their families home as soon as possible because of Chinese aggression in the Far East, so I want to get first-hand information from Pres. Robertson regarding the situation.”

Sat., 13 Jan., 1951:

“Returned to the office at 4:30 p.m. at which time I telephoned to President Hilton A. Robertson at Kowloon, Hong Kong.

First, President Robinson reported that the political situation is bad,–both Army and Civil authorities are advising that all Americans leave Hong Kong.  The last boat upon which they can leave is February 15.  While President Robertson dislikes very much to leave, he agrees that it is the wise thing to do.

Second, They have not purchased the land which they were authorized to buy.  Strangely enough, one thing after another has blocked the purchase of it; consequently there is no land for the enemy to confiscate.

Third, Pres. Robertson said that he will have sufficient funds to cover their emergency needs.

Fourth, I then said that the Mission will not be disorganized, but the headquarters of the Chinese Mission will be changed from Kowloon, Hong Kong to Hawaii.

I instructed Pres. Robertson to take steps at once to bring out all eight people–President and Sister Robinson, Brother and Sister Aki, two American missionaries, and two Chinese missionaries.  I promised to have a letter waiting for them upon their arrival in Hawaii, giving instructions.  I am going to recommend to the First Presidency and the Twelve that we have headquarters at Hawaii, but that Brother and Sister Aki and the two Chinces missionaries come to California to labor among the Chinese people.”

Mon., 19 Feb., 1951:

“9 a.m.–President Clark came in to the office–discussed with him, among other things, the matter of establishing headquarters for the Chinese Mission.  President Hilton A. Robertson has officially reported by letter the closing of the mission in China and is now enroute for Hawaii where he will await further instruction from us.”

Mon., 26 Mar., 1951:

“Advised Brother [Matthew] Cowley to send a cable to Brother Robertson, advising him that he may bring the missionaries of the Chinese Mission with him to San Francisco, and to call President McKay by telephone when they arrive, and it will then be determined whether Brother Robertson should come to conference.

President Gardner of the Northern California Mission has secured headquarters for the Chinese Mission in the Sunset Ward at $200 a month.”

Mon., 9 Apr., 1951:

“Telephone Calls:

Mr. Don Alder, employee of Howard Hughes, manufacturer of airplanes, offices in Hollywood, California.  Mr. Alder reported that Un-American Activities Committee is holding a meeting in Washington, D.C. tomorrow, and asked for a statement from President McKay regarding his views on Communistic infiltration in Hollywood. (Mr. Alder was informed that reorganization duties here at the office of the First Presidency will prevent President McKay taking the time to make a formal statement, but that Mr. Alder could use the statement President McKay made about Communism in his Conference address Sunday morning.)

Wed., 25 Apr., 1951:

“Clarence Williams, reporter of the Telegram paper, came in to interview me with regard to the Church’s attitude on world conditions–communism, war, etc.”

Wed., 25 Apr., 1951:

“Mr. Jester of the Associated Press called and asked for a sttement regarding the Church’s views on Communism, missionary work, etc. (see notes attached):

Mr. Jester:  Would like a story on the L.D.S. Church for use in papers in England.

Is the Church expanding?

Pres. McKay:  By leaps and bounds.

Mr. Jester:  Is it expanding in interest?

Pres. McKay:  That is illustrated by the number of prominent men from the different parts of the United States and America in expressing their interest in the reorganization of the First Presidency.  Have had a great many comments from leading business men, leading statesmen, ministers of other religions; the interest seems to be general.

Mr. Jester:  Have you had comment from England and countries in Europe?

Pres. McKay:  Only from members and officers there; there has scarcely been time to receive comments from others.

Mr. Jester:  Regarding expansion of the church–are you continuing to expand?

Pres. McKay:  We have already organized a Branch in China, but due to the present emergency we have transferred headquarters back to San Francisco.  We have in mind entering India and establishing an Indian Mission–that is under consideration.  We have no missionaries there at present, but have had requests for them.

Mr. Jester:  How about Europe?

Pres. McKay:  There will be no more expansion under present conditions.  However, we have missions in three South American Countries, West Germany, East Germany, Holland, France, Great Britain–Czechoslovakian Mission has recently been closed.  Our missionaries are carrying on as usual, but we cannot increase the number at present because of the Draft Ssituation–we are not calling our young men at present.  There are about 5,000 missionaries returning within the next 18 months, and they will enter the draft immediately upon their return.  We shall replace them, but of course not in equal numbers.

Mr. Jester:  What effect do you think your missionaries will have in establishing peace and in counteracting Communism?

Pres. McKay:  Our missionaries are the real peacemakers.  They are abroad proclaiming peace, founded on the firm foundation of peace as established by our Lord and Savior.  We do not in any way affiliate with Communism.  Communism pretends to foster democratic principles, while in practice it is the most cruel of modern dictatorships.  Our missionaries are preaching individual freedom; Communism robs a person of his free agency, and makes the individual a mere puppet of the State.  In a true democracy the State exists for the protection and welfare of the individual.  In a Communistic State, the individual exists for the welfare of the State.

Mr. Jester:  Do you feel that your missionary program slows down the effects of Communism?

Pres. McKay:  Our missionaries are told not to enter into any politics, and to take no part whatever in national politics.  They are sent out to teach the principles of true Christianity, and to teach the people that these principles are fundamental in the establishing of peace.  As a matter of fact no [person can be a] member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and be a Communist at the same time,–the two are diametrically opposed.

Mr. Jester:  What do the missionaries emphasize in their work?

Pres. McKay:  They preach adherence to the first principles of the Gospel as preached by the Savior when he was on earth two thousand years ago.  You may say it this way:  We believe in God the Eternal Father, and in His Son, Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost; We believe in the divinity of the Lord Jesus Christ; in baptism, and in the living of a clean, righteous life.  They preach the universl brotherhood of man in the truest sense of the word.  Furthermore, each missionary pays his own expenses, or his parents.

Mr. Jester:  ‘Why do they do it?’

Pres. McKay:  They do it out of love for Truth, and that is one of the great secrets of their success, and they do it of their own free will.

Mr. Jester:  I believe you have given me just what I will need. Is the Church panning anything special for the Festival which is to be held in Great Britain in the near future?

Pres. McKay:  The President of the British Mission–President Stayner Richards–is planning a program, and will participate with the government in this celebration.

Mr. Jester:  Are any persons from this country attending the celebration?  How about you?

Pres. McKay:  I think I shall not attend.  I cannot say for sure about any one else.  A visit of a General Authority will be after the celebration, probably sometime the latter part of June.

Mr. Jester:  What is the present attitude toward polygamy?

Pres. McKay:  You know the attitude of the Church concerning this question; that it has not been practiced since 1890.  The less you say about this question the better.

Mr. Jester:  Does the church enforce the law regarding a violation with respect to polygamy?

Pres. McKay:  Any man who enters into it is excommunicated from the Church.”

Wed., 25 Apr., 1951:

“Clarence Williams, reporter of the Telegram paper, came in to interview me with regard to the Church’s attitude on world conditions–communism, war, etc.”

Fri., 30 Nov., 1951:

“At 9 a.m. First Presidency’s meeting.  A Mr. R. H. Houston, representing the National Republic Magazine and organization called regarding securing a contribution toward their project, explained their program in fighting un-American activities, particularly in the schools.  Told him that we would get in touch with him later. It was decided to ask Senator Bennett (who is in town) to get information for us regarding this organization.  (Joseph Anderson gave an answer to Mr. Houston Dec. 5.  Decided to contribute $500–Church’s name not to be listed on register.)

Thur., 28 Feb., 1952:

“At 6:30 p.m. Sister McKay and I attended the 1952 University of Utah Founders’ Day Banquet. . . . General Albert C. Wedemeyer was the guest speaker–he gave an excellent talk!”  [Wedemeyer gave a strongly worded talk against communism–see Deseret News articles of 28 and 29 Feb., 1952, in the McKay diary.]

Sun., 16 Mar., 1952:

“[Deseret News, 17 Mar., 1952]  President David O. McKay of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Sunday scored atheism as rampant in the world today and declared that peace will never come to the world until mankind will rise above the animal plane into the realm of real spirituality.

The church leader addressed two large gatherings of members of the Overton and other wards of the Moapa Stake during services in which he dedicated the newly-completed Overton Ward chapel.

Presient McKay decalred he had come to the conclusion that if every man in the world would act conscientiously and sincerely we would all eventually come to the truth.  He said he thought there were more atheists in the world today than ever before during his lifetime.

‘Today,’ he said, ‘atheism seems to become rampant.  Communism encourages atheism.’

The church leader said further:

‘For the first time in my lifetime and yours we have the spectacle of the leaders of a great nation coming out with the declaration against God, our Father.

‘Let me say here that I hope no Latter-day Saints will ever foster this ism, because it is anti-Christ as well as atheistic.  It is anti-Christ in that it deprives the individual of his liberty. Christ came to save the individual.  He knew that if we get the individual heart right, a community of such individuals will make a community right.  Can you think of any better way to bring about peace, and harmony and success.'”

Sun., 20 Apr., 1952:

“Declaring that individual freedom is innate in the human soul, President David O. McKay of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Sunday called for a full fight against the false ideals that would destroy liberty.

The Church leader made this appeal during an address at the dedicatory services of the Mesa First Ward of the Maricopa Stake. . . .

‘There are those in the world who doubt the existence of God,’ he said.

‘For the first time in centuries we have leaders of nations who are organized to deny this eternal truth, not only to deny it but to defy it, and to say that the belief in God is but a myth.

‘Do not let advocates of Communism,’ he continued, ‘mislead you in their attempt to denounce capitalism.  Fundamental in the belief and promulgation of Communism is the [line missing] and a desire to substitute, confindence in the state.

‘The state is not an organization to suppress people.  The state should have no power except that which the people give it and when the state becomes a director and controller of the individual it becomes a de[s]potism.  Human nature has fought against that since history began, since man was created, and man will continue to fight that false ideal.’

President McKay declared to the huge crowd of nearly 1600 who crowded the new building to capacity that ‘God has given us our free agency and next to life itself, that is our greatest gift from heaven, and you red blooded men and women know that is true becuase of your own sense and feeling of love of liberty.’ . . . .”

Sun., 8 Jun., 1952:

“[London]  David O. McKay, president of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, called Sunday for ‘unwavering faith in a divine providence’ in this troubled age.

He was addressing more than 1000 members of the LDS Church, gathered in London from all parts of Britain and Ireland for the regular semi-annual district conference.

‘The world’s greatest need is unwavering faith in a divine providence–in that invisible power that makes the discords of the present the harmonies of the future,’ the 78-year-old leader declared.

‘Faith is the great need of the world today, faith that there is a God in heaven who is real.

‘Communism is anti-Christ.  That alone condemns it as an ideology.'”  [From Salt Lake Tribune, 9 Jun., 1952]

Sat., 26 Jul., 1952:

[Synopsis of McKay’s comments upon his return, in Improvement Era, Sep., 1952]

“MISSIONARIES:  In all missions the missionaries are doing work of which we can be proud; in all lands they are winning the respect and admiration of the people through their lives and their teachings.  Their conduct and devotion, their faith and integrity strengthened President McKay’s faith in the youth of the Church. There is a great need for more missionaries.  Every mission is calling for more missionaries to fill vacancies occurring now that releases are frequent among the first postwar missionaries.

SOCIALISM:  Compared with the England of twenty-nine years ago, this great country is suffering from the blight of Socialism.  He is more convinced that ever that ‘we want no socialism in the United States.’

THE IRON CURTAIN:  The Church has eight thousand five hundred members in the Russian zone of Germany, behind the Iron Curtain. American missionaries cannot enter this zone, so all missionary work is carried on by local full-time and part-time missionaries. Th Book of Mormon and Doctrine and Covenants are permitted behind the Iron Curtain, as is the Bible, but no other Church literature is made available to missionaries or members of the Church in the Russian zone of Germany.  Copies of Der Stern, the Church publication in German, have been admitted to the Russian zone in Austria.  A single copy of the Book of Mormon costs the equivalent of three and one-half days of labor behind the Iron Curtain. Arrangements were made for furnishing eight hundred copies of the Book of Mormon for use by missionaries behind the Iron Curtain, a gift from the Church.

TEMPLES:  One of the steps which will contribute to the stability and growth of the Church in Europe is the decision to build temples to provide ordinances and blessings which have never before been made available in Europe.  The new temple in Berne will not be an expensive one.  It will, in reality, be the first of a new style of temple buildings.  It will, however, adequately serve the needs of the people in providing all the temple ordinances.

The announcement that a temple site has been obtained in Europe was not wholly unexpected.  For some time it has been felt that many of the recent emigrants from Europe, especially among the older age groups, would have been happier had they had a temple in Europe whereby they could perform the sacred ordinances for themselves and for their kindred dead, rather than to have to come to America for this privilege.  There has been some concern, too, to give these good people the endowment in their native tongue.”

Fri., 1 Aug., 1952:

“[First Presidency meeting]  We also considered a letter from H. A. Lynn, President of the Sunkist Growers inviting Bro. Benson to accept the chairmanship of the American Institute of Cooperation. The Presidency discussed the question of cooperation.  A question was raised as to whether or not it is a socialistic tendency, Pres. Clark mentioning an experience he had in the raising of turkeys, the Poultry industry refusing to sell him feed and trying to prevent his selling his turkeys.  The brethren were agreed that they could not favor anything that interfered with individual liberty.  It was decided that Pres. McKay would talk with Brother Benson, suggesting that he must conserve two points, namely, that he is not pursuing a course that does not have the sympathy and support of his brethren, and secondly, that he does not devote so much of his time to other interests that the Twelve would be deprived of his help.”

Tues., 5 Aug., 1952:

“2 p.m.  Returned to the office where I met by appointment at his request Elder Ezra T. Benson.  I told him that the First Presidency had approved of his accepting the Chairmanship of the American Institute of Cooperation, but they wished me to state to him that they would oppose anything that would interfere with individual liberty.  Brother Benson said: ‘So should I.’  In accepting this Chairmanship, however, Brother Benson understands that his first duty is to the Council of Twelve.

The matter of Brother Benson’s accepting membership on the advisory Board of Consultants of the Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources was left for further consideration, Brother Benson having given additional information regarding that.”

Tues., 5 Aug., 1952:

“[Deseret News article of 6 Aug.]  Describing his visit to Europe as a ‘most glorious’ experience, President David O. McKay Tuesday made his first public report before the noon luncheon of teh Salt Lake Rotary Club. . . .

President McKay said his European trip was a glorious one and that everything is promising and hopeful except for the threat of Communism.  He said it was in Finland that they first felt the intensity of the darkening clouds of Communism.  There was a hesitancy on the part of everyone to even mention Russia.

The Church leader cited some instances of the oppression and tyranny of Russia’s domination and said, ‘I think it is just unbearable.’  He added that as his party neared Berlin, within the Russian Zone of Germany that they began to feel the depressed spirit of the people.

With the use of a map President McKay described the partitioning of Germany and the leaving of Berlin deep in the Russian Zone. ‘Why that was ever done, you find out,’ President McKay said.

Pointing to the area between Berlin and the American, British and French Zones of West Germany, President McKay declared that Russia has all this closed and ‘that is what they intend to keep closed.’

He explained Russia’s plans for the three-and-one-half miles wide ‘no-man’s land’ area from the Baltic Sea to the Czechoslovakian border from which is being clared all cities or forests which stand in the way of the Russian plan.

Referring to the situation, President McKay said:

‘I cannot see that we are gaining anything under present conditions, but the Russians are gaining everything they want.’

He declared that the domineering spirit of Russia is unjust and unbearable.  ‘It seems incomprehensible how civilized people can put up with such autocracy, such dictatorship.

‘I may be unchristianlike in my feeling, but I would not deal with a nation which treats another as Russia has treated America,’ he continued.  ‘It is a condition which cannot be permitted to exist. Russia is determined to kill capitalism and to spread communism throughout the world.’

Continuing, President McKay asserted that the two ideologies are absolutely contrary to each other and one must give way.  He added that he did not see how anything could be done by revolution from within and the only thing left for America is to say to Russia, ‘This far you may go and no farther.’

President McKay said he felt that the fear of Russia throughout the countries is the one influence that is keeping Europe from coming back fully after the devastation of the last world war.”

Sun., 10 Aug., 1952:

“[Deseret News article, 13 Aug.]  President David O. McKay issued a challenge to the priesthood of the Church Sunday.  The Church leader declared in addressing the priesthood of the Studio City Ward, San Fernando Stake:

‘The strength of Zion rests in the authority of each individual who holds the priesthood.  Each man is responsible for that authority he holds, responsible to magnify it.

‘You who hold the priesthood and sense that Divine authority, and are partakers of the Divine Authority–if you live true to it and magnify that priesthood–I say to you that the gates of hell cannot prevail against you.

‘No power of communism or atheism can move you from that testimony if you are a partaker of that Divine nature.’

. . . .

The Church leader declared that we can rest assured that the enemies of truth throughout the world are after the priesthood. He said he could sense while visiting the nations of Europe that the great attack against the Church was against its claim to divine revelation.  The anti-Christ Communistic world is against that claim.  That is the great issue of the day, he said.”

Thur., 28 Aug., 1952:

“[Meeting of the First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve] President McKay made the following report of his trip to Europe:

He said that the principal purpose of the trip was to choose a temple site, or possible two. . . .

On June 4 dedicated the Edinburgh chapel, and on the morning of June 5 arrived in London.  Spent June 5, 6 and 7 inspecting sites already chosen by President Stayner Richards on which to erect a temple.  Illustrative of the sites examined, said that the one which had been recommended by President Stayner Richards and which this Council had practically approved but which the owner refused to sell to the Mormons, had beautiful grounds but was not wholly suitable.  Another was the site of the palace occupied by the last wife of Henry the Eighth.  It had beautiful grounds, typical of royalty and within easy access of London and good transportation. There were two objections, however.  One was there was a church nearby which was really on a higher place than the temple would be, and, second, it was not thought that the connotation of Henry VIII and his wife would be desirable.

They examined the Stevenson Gardens, internationally famed for the rhododentrons.  The woman who is raising these flowers and shipping them off to other countries was very gracious and said she would be pleased to give them such part of the grounds as was needed. She insisted on knowing what the ground was wanted for and they told her for Church purposes.  She would wish to retain part of the grounds.  There were objections to that.  It is near Windsor palace.

Spent Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and the following Monday examining these properties and finally decided on one that is about twenty-five miles out from London on the way to Brighton.  The deal was not consummated and nothing will be said about it.  The plans that were drawn up have been cancelled until February 1, 1953.  He said he thought the Brethren would be delighted with the site.  The surroundings, the means of transportation, the old house dating back centuries is well preserved and can be used for the accomodation of those who attend the temple.

President McKay said that their experience during that week-end proved that unless they changed their plans they woulid be found helpless regarding possible sites in Switzerland if they postponed the visit to Switzerland until after their tour of the European countries had been completed.  Therefore they decided to make a special trip to Switzerland instead of going to the Netherlands at that time.  Tuesday morning left by plane for Switzerland and in 2 1/2 hours were in Basel where they held a special meeting with President Bringhurst, President Stayner Richards, David L. McKay and Brother William Zimmer, a brother to Max Zimmer.  President Stayner Richards had communicated with President Bringhurst, requesting him to select, through Brother Zimmer and a real estate man, some possible sites in Switzerland.  They held prayer and then decided that their first duty was to determine in which city the temple site should be located.  After due deliberation it was unanimously decided that it should be at Berne the capitol city of Switzerland.  The following morning they went to Berne and spent the entire day looking at available sites.  That was June 10.  They chose one within the city limits, but outside the residences in a new area that was just being plotted for building.  It is at the end of the street car line and within five minutes ride by street car to the place where the branch now meets.  They chose a knoll just a few rods from the street car line and thought that would be an ideal site.  They were all united that they couldn’t choose a better site and authorized Brother Zimmer and Mr. Schultess, the real estate man, to see if it could be procured.

. . . .

The party completed their itinerary at Finland and received word from President Bringhurst that the site they had chosen for a temple at Berne had been already selected before we chose it, by the City Council of Berne for a hospital and school, and was not purchaseable.  President Bringhurst was therefore told to continue his search for other sites to be suggested when they returned to Switzerland.

When the party arrived at Basel from Germany they began examining other sites, every one of which they rejected because of surroundings, or perhaps because of possible manufacturing establishments, etc.  They finally came back to the same area where there were five acres of land just opposite the knoll on which they had hoped to secure a site, just across a swale, not quite so high and facing the opposite direction from what the temple would be there.

President McKay said President Bringhurst had almost by what they felt was inspiration secured the possibility of purchasing this area.  A rich widow owns much of that property there and her home is just a short distance from it.  President Bringhurst felt impressed to call on her.  When she saw him and the Elder accompanying him walking around her estate she concluded that they were two Americans that had come to take pictures, and when they introduced themselves to her and told her the purpose of their visit she became very much interested, and among other things said, ‘How did you happen to come to me?  Did you have a dream or something?’  They said no, they just felt impressed to do so, that they had been told by a real estate man that there was no use approaching her, but that they had decided to speak to her with a view of securing some of her property if possible.  She said that unfortunately she could not sell her property, that her husband was dead and the law compelled her to let it go to her heirs, but she said she would be glad to help them.  She said, ‘You say your President is coming within a day or two to select this site, and you haven’t it yet and are still looking and not discouraged?’ They said to her that they would like to get a site just opposite from the one that they had already chosen but had been told that they could not purchase it.  She told them she thought they could if they would see the right person.  She gave them the name of a man who was handling her property and told them to go and see him. They accosted him and he made it possible to buy five acres just opposite the site they had previously selected.  This gentleman said that they could have all of this five acres, or any part of it.  They finally concluded that they would take 3 1/2 acres.  He said that if they would take 3 1/2 acres he would take the rest, that he would buy all of it and sell it to them.  They parted with that understanding and negotiations were carried on.  No announcement was made until just an hour or two before they took the plane from Glasgow to return home.  President McKay said that President Bringhurst in answer to President McKay’s telephone call, stated that one of the heirs had passed away and that her children, two of whom were of age, would have to sign the agreement.  One of them had been already contacted, but the other one had not, but he felt that the deal would be all right because Mr. Jardi was buying it in his own name.

It was then that announcement was made that it had been decided that a temple would be built in Switzerland in the city of Berne. President McKay said he did not know whether there were forces at work attempting to influence the one heir not to sign, but he has felt uneasy about it.  Yesterday a cable was sent to President Bringhurst saying: ‘If consummation of deal will be fostered you aree authorized to take the full five acres.  Hoping and praying.’ President McKay said definitely that there will be a temple built in Switzerland and one in Great Britain, in accordance with the action of this Council.

President McKay said that from June 1st when they were in New York, until they left Glasgow to return on July 22, he held 45 meetings, not counting consultation meetings with the Mission Presidents, nor the interviews with the reporters.  He said that he had never before experienced such a spiritual missionary experience as they had during those fifty days.

. . . .

President McKay mentioned the presence of 35 missionaries from behind the Iron Curtain, local brethren who were in attendance at the missionary meeting in the Dahlem chapel.  When President McKay’s party arrived in Berlin on June 27 he said it was evident from their features and their dress that they were not very successful.  The Elders had had a testimony meeting, indeed, were having a testimony meeting when President McKay’s party entered. The men’s eyes were red from weeping and much of that emotion had been aroused by what these missionaries from the Russian Zone had said.  No American missionaries can get into that area.  Their literature is scant and limited and they cannot afford to buy copies of the Book of Mormon.  It would cost three days wages to pay for one book, but they are carrying on the work and when the two years or 2 1/2 years’ period is ended they say they will continue missionary work.  They do their proselyting work after the day’s labors have ended.  They are holding meetings but they have to report to the Russian authorities what is going to be said at the meetings and who will be the speakers.  In answer to President McKay’s question as to how they arranged to be present at this meeting, they said they obtained permission from the Russian authorities to come, the condition being that they would all promise to return, and incidentally, one of them quoted a Russian officer as saying, ‘Now do not try to hide anything from us.  We know why you are going and whom you are going to meet, but we will have people there to know just what is being said.’  And they did, not in the missionary meeting, but in the meeting that was held that night, the dedicatory services.  As President McKay and his party were shaking hands with the poeple after the meeting they saw two or three skulking by to avoid shaking hands and the had been recognized as spies from the Russian zone.

Arrangements were made to give them six hundred Books of Mormon, which would be about two to each one who would be carrying on these meetings behind the Iron Curtain, and the Missionary Committee at home made arrangements to send them 500 more.  They can use the Book of Mormon behind the Iron Curtain, as they can use the Bible, and sometimes other literature is admitted.  The Improvement Era that carried a Christmas scene on the cover was confiscated and not permitted to be distributed.

The cities of Berlin, Hannover, Hamburg and Frankfurt on Main are being rebuilt.  The bridges that were destroyed are rebuilt, flower gardens are being replanted and those four cities as others in the American Zone, British Zone and French Zone show a life and vigor most commendable.  The Russian sector in Berlin is depressed.  It is being exploited rather than being built.  The British sector and the American sector show signs of improvement, but the Russian sector is greatly depressed.  President McKay said he could not see any possibility of a final settlement without a terrible conflict; that he did not like to see it, but those were his honest feelings. There is a possibility of avoiding it by an internal uprising but that seems to be an impossibility unless the soldiers themselves rebel.  For example, the Russians are going ahead to accomplish their scheme, which is world dominion and the supression of capitalism.  Our Brethren, the Presidency of the East German Mission, who had to drive from Berlin over to Hannover, had to drive for miles through the Russian Zone and only by permission of the Russian officials.  To make it more difficult, the Russian people now are creating a no-man’s land three miles wide, extending from the Baltic sea to the border of Czechoslovakia.  If a town is in that area it is razed.  The people themselves are given an opportunity to move into the Russian zone or move out before the town itself is demolished.  If forests are in that town they are dug up and destroyed.  They propose to have an area from the Baltic Sea down to the Czechoslovakian border that is absolutely no-man’s land, and they can put their guns there and control it as they wish, and that is not imagination; that they mean just what they say, President McKay said, may be inferred from what they do now up in the Baltic Sea.  They own part of that and they permit no vessels to come within their assigned part of that sea.  The Finnish people knowing what it means and how fatal it would be to any foreign vessel to come in there, put their own vessels up there to keep people who were going to attend the Olympics from trespassing upon it.  President McKay said we are facing Satan himself.  They are anti-Christ.  They want to destroy Christianity. They have to do so in order to establish their philosophy. President McKay said it looked to him as though there is only one way to meet them and that is by force, the only thing they understand.

When they passed through the British Zone one day the President saw soldiers wearing the Scottish kilts; he thought he saw the McKai plaid, so he became interested.  Brother Schreyer, who was driving the car, said, ‘There is one of them over there lying on the lawn. Let us go over and talk to him.’  So they approached this Scotch highlander, as they thought.  President McKay asked him in Scottish dialect, ‘How are you?’  To which he said, ‘I am all right,’ but with no Scotch accent.  President McKay then told him that he was interested in his uniform, explaining that his father came from the north of Scotland, and he asked him what part he came from.  He said that he came from Canada.  He was a member of the Canadian Black Watch, which came over years and years ago.  They got to talking and finally Brother Schreyer told him that they were members of the Mormon Church and asked if he had ever heard of Mormons.  He said, ‘My mother is one of them.’  In answer to questions, they found that he came from Calgary, Alberta, Canada, and that while he was not a member himself, his mother was. Brother Schreyer said, ‘Do you know to whom you are speaking?’  He answered, ‘No.’

‘When you go home you tell your mother that you shook hands with the President of the Mormon Church.’  He answered, ‘Your damned right I will, boy.’

. . . .

Elder Widtsoe asked a question as to why announcement of the British temple site is being delayed.

President McKay said he purposely refrained from giving the reason because it is a financial and legal question affecting the owner. He did say, however, if the deal had been consummated when the agreement was drawn up the owner would have had to pay a large sum of money to the Government.  If the property is not sold and she holds it in her own name until February 1, 1953, the property can be transferred without paying this large sum of money.  We do not want to be a party to that in either way, so we have no written agreement.  The deal will be consummated as of the date she sets. No announcement should be made as we do not want the Government or any lawyer to know that any agreement was drawn up or any understanding had until February 1, 1953.  She has given her word of honor and Brother Stayner Richards has given his word of honor.”

Wed., 3 Sep., 1952:

“[First Presidency meeting]  We read a letter from Pres. Glaus of the East German Mission reporting conditions behind the Iron Curtain, as they affect our people there, the restrictions that are placed upon them so far as Church activities are concerned, and the fear of confiscation of our tithing funds consisting of over $5000 on hand.  It was agreed that Pres. Glaus should assure our people that the Church will underwrite their tithing funds, and that they should make every effort to get property and to build or buy suitable places in which to meet.”

Wed., 8 Oct., 1952:

“From 5 p.m. to 6 p.m.–Was in conference with Senator Arthur V. Watkins.  He asked me to meet General Eisenhower at the Union Pacific Station upon his arrival in the city and ride up to the Hotel Utah with him.  I said: ‘No, it would be unwise–I whould have to do the same for Senator Stevenson.  However, I shall be pleased to meet General Eisenhower at the office when he calls to pay his respects.’

He then asked if pictures could be taken at the time of the interview with General Eisenhower, and I said that it would be all right to have photographers there for this purpose.”

Fri., 10 Oct., 1952:

“The First Presidency greeted General Dwight D. Eisenhower, Republican presidential candidate.  He was accompanied by the following:

Senator Frank Carlson–Kansas

Senator William F. Knowland–California

Governor Sherman Adams–New Hampshire

Mr. Arthur Summerfield, Chairman–Republican National Committee

Senator Arthur V. Watkins–Utah

Senator Wallace G. Bennett–Utah

Congressman Dawson

Douglas Stringfellow–running for Congress

N. G. Morgan, Jr., and A. Pratt Kesler, Utah Chairman for the Republican Party

Scores of photographers were on hand and for the first 10 or 15 minutes the office was a buzz with clicking cameras.  After introductions had been made, I asked General Eisenhower if he would like to sit down for a few moments and he said, ‘Yes, I believe I would, President McKay–I should like to enjoy this atmosphere for a while.’  He then asked me to tell him about the room.  I told him about the purpose for which it is used, and then called his attention to the beautiful Circaussian walnut woodwork, pointing out the designs in the natural grain of the wood–the butterflys in the ceiling, the fish on the doors, the lions’ heads on the walls, etc.  The General was very interested.  For the next 15 minutes my counselors and I chatted informally with the guests. It was a very pleasant interview, and I was deeply impressed with the General’s sincerity.”

Wed., 22 Oct., 1952:

“Mr. Berne Farnsworth of the Citizen’s Coal Company, and a member of the Waterloo Ward, called to say that he has been appointed State Chairman of the organization called ‘Crusade for Freedom,’ a vital anti-Communist movement.  General Eisenhower in launching the program in the Fall of 1950, said: ‘Radio Free Europe has the simplest, clearest charter in the world:  Tell the Truth.’  Every day, hour after hour, transmitters of Radio Free Europe pierce the Iron Curtain, sending hope to the enslaved peoples . . . spiking Communist lies with the Truth . . . and undermining the influence of the Red rulers.

Voluntary contributions are accepted at the Utah Headquarters, but Mr. Farnsworth called especially to ask if it will be possible to have the assistance of Sister Spafford of the Relief Society, and Brother Mark Petersen of the Council of the Twelve, Brother Petersen having helped last year in an advisory capacity so far as their press matters were concerned.  They would like to invite Sister Spafford to act as Vice-Chairman of the Movement.

Mr. Farnsworth said that President McKay’s name as well as that of other General Authorities were used last year as endorsing this organization.”

Fri., 24 Oct., 1952:

“President McKay had his secretary call Mr. Farnsworth and advise him that he would be pleased to have Mr. Farnsworth use his name as favoring the program of the ‘Crusade for Freedom’ as was done last year.  Also that he may speak to Mark Petersen and Sister Spafford as individuals, extending the invitation to them to serve as stated above, with the understanding that it is not a request from President McKay, and that they are free to make their own decision in the matter.”

Mon., 27 Oct., 1952:

“Copy of telegram received from Henry Ford 2nd, Chairman of the ‘Crusade for Freedom’ and others:

President David O. McKay, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Salt Lake City, Utah.  My personal and sincere thanks for your support 1952 Crusade for Freedom headed by Birney Farnsworth.  Believe your interest vital in battle for individual rights.  Personal regards.

Henry Ford, 2nd, Chairman, and Charles E. Wilson, Campaign Director, Richard B. Walsh, Vice Chairman.”

Fri., 5 Dec., 1952:

“At 9 a.m. Rear Admiral Harold B. Miller, President of the ‘Crusade for Freedom,’ parent organization of the National Committee for a Free Europe, Inc., and director on leave from the American Petroleum Institute, called at the office.

Adm. Miller spoke before 250 employees of the City Water, Streetn, and Parks departments, and was introduced by Mayor Earl J. Glade. He also spoke before the Salt Lake Exchange Club.  It was impossible for me to attend either of these meetings.

I enjoyed my visit with Mr. Miller very much, and was greatly interested in his report of what the organization ‘Crusade for Freedom’ is doing to refute the claims of Communism to the people living behind the Iron Curtain.”

Sun., 7 Dec., 1952:

“[Deseret News article of 8 Dec.]  [Speech in Idaho Falls]  We have operative in the world today one of the most pernicious forces against the home that ever faced mankind,’ he said.  ‘We sensed it recently as we approached the Iron Curtain and went into Berlin.’

He declared that the force of Communism was not only trying to substitute the state for the home, but trying also to disabuse the minds of youth in the very existence of God Himself.”

Fri., 6 Mar., 1953:

First Presidency

“Announcement made this morning of the death of Prime Minister Joseph F. Stalin Thursday night in the Kremlin.  He died at age 73 and was felled by a stroke and heart failure.  This Soviet ruler has ruled over a sixth of the Earth’s surface, and enslaved and dominated a third of its peoples.

Malenkov has been named as his successor.”

Wednesday, June 3, 1953:

We arrived at Washington, D.C. at 8:15 in the morning.  We went immediately to the Statler Hotel, where through Mr. Max Carpenter, Manager of the Hotel Utah, we had  a suite of rooms reserved.  In the living room were a bouquet of flowers and a dish of assorted fruits, sent to us with the compliments of the Manager, Mr. Herbert C. Blunk.

Having a few minutes to spare, we visited the White House in order to have a glimpse of it since being repaired and renovated.  We were very much pleased with what we saw with one exception and that was a large plaque hanging in one of the rooms upon which was engraved the words that ‘Harry S. Truman had renovated and restored the White House.’

Mon., 27 July, 1953:

“Note:  The following news was cause for rejoicing today:  The Korea Armistice was signed today–firing ceased at dawn, bringing to an abrupt halt 37 months of death and destruction.

‘Panmunjom, July 27–U.N. command and Communist senior truce delegates signed the long-awaited Korean armistice in a crisp 10-minute ceremony Monday, halting three years and one month of undeclared was.  Scheduled for 10 a.m. (6 p.m. Sunday MST), the signing began at 10:01 a.m. and was over at 10:11 a.m.  Eighteen copies of the historic document were signed.  General Mark Clark, U.N. supreme commander, and the Chinese and North Korean commanders are to sign at their headquarters, Lt. Gen. William K. Harrison, Jr. signed for the North Koreans and Chinese communists.  The signing went like clock-work, in contrast with more that two years of bitter debate that led up to it.  Minutes after the historic document was signed and blotted, and authoritative source announced that the Communists had promised to return 3,500 American prisoners of War in a POW exchange to begin in a week or less.’

This police war which started June 25, 1950, has cost more than 136,000 American casualties!

The communists efforts to seize all Korea by force have thus far failed.”

25 April, 1954:


Madison, Wis. (UP) – President David O. McKay of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints said Sunday that Communist rulers will fall if they continue to rob people of their free choice between good and evil.

President McKay said he believes persons under Communist domination will revolt because their leaders have tried to take away their most valuable possession – free will.

Speaking at the dedication of a new Madison branch chapel, President McKay said, ‘No power on earth can take this freedom away.’  He said the Communists are trying to, but will not succeed.

‘When a group claims that you and I are not free as individuals, you may rest assured that their philosophy is on a sandy foundation,’ he said.

Dedicate Chapel

The church leader described free will – the freedom to choose between right and wrong – was one of the four means by which individuals may find peace with God.

The other ways, he said, are through a clear conscience, the power of self-mastery, and reverence for sacred things along with respect for fellow men.

President McKay dedicated the chapel before a crowd of some 500 persons, many of whom helped build it.  The church leader offered the chapel ‘for the honor of God, and for the education and spiritual development’ of its members.

President Isaac A. Smoot of the northern states mission described how the church has developed from the time of its first prophet and leader, Joseph Smith.  He called the pioneer Mormon movement to Salt Lake City, a ‘great exodus.’

‘They built the west, they built an empire,’ Smoot said.

President and Mrs. McKay, who will take part in the ‘Mother of the Year’ selection at New York next month, left for Chicago and New York following the dedication.

Deseret News – Monday, April 26, 1954″

Thurs., 3 June, 1954:

“9 to 9:50 — First Presidency’s meeting – see attached sheet.

10 to 3 p.m.  – Council meeting

President McKay made the following observation, at the Council meeting today:

‘It is more apparent than ever, becoming more apparent each day, that two great organized forces, the purpose of which is to undermine the high principles of the Restored Gospel, are operating.  One is Communism, which is moving aggressively over the face of the earth, fundamentally prompted by disbelief in the existence of God, a rejection of the life of Jesus Christ as the Savior of the world, and is against the Church.  The other is the Catholic Church, which is showing more clearly than ever before that they are determined to counteract the influence of the Church in this western country.

‘Illustrative of the Communistic influence is the recent dismissal of a great scientist, not that he is a Communist, but that he is risky, a pretty weak dismissal of a man in such a high position, who has threatened the safety of our Republic.

‘And then the farce that is going on now in Washington between McCarthy and the Army.  Undoubtedly, the Communistic influence is being exerted there to lessen the influence of men who would ferret out the enemies in the high places of our government.

‘More than ever the responsibility is ours to appeal to our people to be loyal and true to the reality of the restoration of the Gospel, which discloses the reality of our Father in Heaven, the relationship of his Son to the Father, ‘This is my Beloved Son,’ and the principles of the everlasting Gospel as restored.  May God’s influence and guidance be yours, members of the Twelve, and ours as the First Presidency, to discharge our duties in accordance with his mind and will, I fervently pray in the name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Catholic Advertisement in Wall Street Journal

At the request of President McKay, there was then read for the information of the Brethren a Catholic Church advertisement which appeared in the ‘Wall Street Journal’ Tuesday, May 25, 1954, entitled ‘Will you Help the Latter-day Saints,’ and containing a picture of the proposed abbey to be built in Huntsville.  The article is an appeal for funds to help build the abbey in their campaign to convert Latter-day Saints.  In this connection President McKay referred to a conversation he had with Bishop Hunt of the Catholic Church a few years ago regarding the missionary pamphlet that that Church had published, at which time Bishop Hunt said that missionary work did not mean that they had in mind the conversion of the people of Utah, but the paying of the expenses of the mission of the Catholic Church.” 

Fri., 11 June, 1954:

“First Presidency’s meeting

Critical War Situation

President Clark mentioned the critical situation so far as the possibility of war is concerned.  Thought we should have this in mind.  He raised the question as to what would be done in protecting our mission presidents and missionaries.  I said that so far as the Temples in Europe are concerned the work there would be suspended in case of war and we should have to evacuate the missionaries.  It was mentioned that we could have instructions given as to what should be done in case of an emergency, but they felt that if we just hinted that we were concerned it would go through the Church like a prairie fire.

Mon., 26 July, 1954:

Notes: — (1) Received word that members of the Church in Czechoslovakia had been imprisoned for distributing ‘illegal leaflets’.  (see newspaper account attached)


The Associated Press reported Saturday that 14 Czechoslovak members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints had been sentenced to prison terms ranging from three to eight years.

The report came from the Free Europe Committee in Vienna and said the members were sentenced in a court at Brno, Czechoslovakia.

It said the members were accused of having printed and distributed illegal leaflets.

Issues Statement

In Salt Lake City, Pres. David O. McKay, president of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, said:

‘This is the first we’ve heard of it.  We’re surprised because all of our missionaries, as you know, were withdrawn several years ago.  We understood our members were adhering to the rigid laws of the Iron Curtain.  We’ll look into the matter as soon as possible.’

Further details were lacking and other Church officials in Salt Lake City said they had received no confirmation of the report.

The Czechoslovakian Mission of the Church was closed in 1950.  There are about 350 members of the Church in Czechoslovakia now.

‘Members in Brno’

‘We have members in Brno,’ one Church mission official said, ‘but I can’t conceive of any of our members printing anything illegal.  Of course, it may be a trumped up charge, or a case of mistaken identity,’ he said.

Deseret News – Saturday, July 24, 1954

July 26, 1954


News Washington Bureau

WASHINGTON – Sen. Wallace F. Bennett Thursday asked the State Department to investigate news reports that 14 members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints have been imprisoned in Czechoslovakia for distributing literature.

He wrote Secretary of State John Foster Dulles:  ‘It is a basic doctrine of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to sustain and support the laws of any land in which members live, although admittedly the Church fosters a strong love of liberty which makes life under a republic far more attractive to a Latter-day Saint than life under totalitarian domination.

‘Accusations of subversive activities on the part of members of the Church must be wholly and completely false, I would assume persons subjected to this high-handed police action were engaged in nothing more anarchistic than leaving with close friends small religious tracts which explain doctrines and beliefs of a church that has done much temporal and spiritual good in Czechoslovakia and other Central European countries.

‘Anything you can do to investigate the facts behind the news stories or perhaps to alter this intolerable situation would be deeply appreciated by the people of my state and myself.’

Deseret News – Thursday, July 29, 1954

The following is a copy of notice appearing in a French newspaper sent to Pres. McKay under date of August 1, 1954:

‘Czechs jail Mormons for ‘Illegal Leaflets’ Vienna, July 26 (AP)

A court at Brno, Czechoslovakia, recently sentenced 14 members of the Mormon Church to hard labor terms ranging from three to eight years, the Free Europe Committee announced.  The Mormons were accused of having printed and distributed illegal leaflets in Czechoslovakia.'”

Mon., 13 Dec., 1954:

“Note:  Dictated a letter to the Honorable Arthur V. Watkins today extending hearty congratulations on his success in the McCarthy case.  (see copy of letter following)  (Also see copy of Senator Watkins’ answer)

December 13, 1954

Re:  Letter to Arthur V. Watkins —

Congratulations on McCarthy Case

December 13, 1954

Dear Senator Watkins:

Before I left last week for the Solemn Assembly in the St. George Temple and for subsequent duties in Los Angeles, it was my intention to write and tell you how happy I have been as I have noted your outstanding leadership and tact in handling the McCarthy case, but one thing and another, particularly procrastination, prevented my doing so.

Now that your victory is won, permit me to extend to you many hearty congratulations and high commendation for your clarity, sound judgment, and true dignity manifested throughout the entire hearing and the final disposition of this most difficult case.

You have won merited honor to yourself, retained the prestige of the Senate, and brought credit to your State and to the Nation.

May health and the blessings of the Lord continue to attend you.

Sister McKay joins me in sending kindest personal regards and best wishes to you and to Sister Watkins.

Cordially and sincerely yours friend and brother,



Honorable Arthur V. Watkins

United States Senate

Washington, D.C.

December 13, 1954


United States Senate

Committee on the Judiciary

December 31, 1954


President David O. McKay

47 East South Temple

Salt Lake City, Utah

Dear President McKay:

‘On the wings of time’ is literally a true description of the way time travels in my office in recent months.  I have just looked at the date of your letter — the date incidentally December 13 brings that truth home to me, and I want you to know that I deeply appreciate the very kind and generous sentiments you express in reference to my activities here in Washington.

In all sincerity I want you to know that I appreciate that expression from you more than anyone in the country, not even excluding President Eisenhower.  I am earnestly trying to do my full duty and trying to be fair in all I do.

The McCarthy censure matter was one of the most difficult matters I have entered in all of my lifetime, at least my public career.  I knew it would meet with criticism no matter what the decision finally would be.  I was not disappointed.  As you know, even in my own State the Governor is very much in opposition and he, naturally, has passed on his point of view to many of his followers.

However, your support and that of other distinguished people of the State and Nation has helped me immeasurably in carrying on in these trying times and under very adverse circumstances.  It is one thing to have the good wishes of men and women of the world, but it is much more helpful to have the good wishes and the blessings from a prophet of God.

I have felt all through this trying ordeal that in response to my prayers and the prayers of the presiding authorities of the Church and thousands of other people of the United States, I have been greatly blessed.  Let me, in all modesty, cite you an example:  There seemed to be a time during the Senate debate when the tide was running against the Select Committee action.  I had prepared a written speech to be delivered on Tuesday, November 16.  Instead of delivering that speech, I felt impressed to go on the floor and speak extemporaneously as I should be led to do.  This I did and judging by what happened immediately afterward and in the weeks following, I must have been led to make that decision and also inspired to make the speech which I made.

I have been told time and time again that this was the turning point in the debate, and veteran and competent reporters here have said that the tide turned and that the honor and dignity of the Senate were vindicated in the vote that finally resulted.  I went into the Marble Room adjoining the Senate chamber immediately after making my talk and was joined there by quite a number of leading senators from both parties.  Tears were streaming down the cheeks of several of them when they expressed to me that I was speaking the conscience of the Senate and that I was inspired in my speech.  I felt the same way.  I felt that many of the passages were not my words but words that had been put into my mouth.  For the first time in many years a speech on the floor was applauded by members of the Senate.

Another matter that warmed my heart was the assistance given to me by Senator Bennett who up to that point had been more or less neutral on his views toward the censure proposal.  He came to me immediately and said that he wanted to be the first to propose an amendment to the censure resolution to the effect that Senator McCarthy be censured for his insults to the Senate while the censure resolution was under consideration before the Senate.  You, no doubt, have read something about this.  It was a source of great comfort to me to have Senator Bennett do this.  We have been working unitedly ever since he came to the Senate, but we seemed to be of different views on the censure measure until this speech was given.  He was very effective in the debate and very influential with other senators.

For this support I am deeply and eternally grateful as I am for the support of you and the brethren, not to mention the many thousands of Latter-day Saints scattered throughout the world who have directly and indirectly sent approving messages.  All of these have been a source of great comfort.  The President also was kind enough to invite me to the White House where he gave me his personal thanks and commendation for my activities.

I realize that these commendations were not so much for me personally, as they were for the whole Committee and for the cause we represented.

I want you to know, President McKay, that Sister Watkins and I are deeply grateful to you and Sister McKay for your good wishes and for the many kindnesses you have extended to us.

With all good wishes to you and the brethren and to your own family for the New Year, I am

Respectfully yours,

/s/ Arthur V. Watkins

Arthur V. Watkins


Thur., 3 Mar., 1955:

“8:50 a.m.  Mr. Joseph A. Brady, representative of Walter Steele’s office in Washington, D.C., and of the National Republic Magazine, made courtesy call at the office of the First Presidency.  He expressed appreciation for the cooperation the Church has given toward their efforts to fight communism in this country.” 

9 Aug., 1955:

“11:55 a.m. – Telephone Conversation with Senator Wallace Bennett in Washington, D.C.

President McKay:  I have request by letter dated August 4, 1955 from the Crusade for Freedom signed by William A. Greene to make a tape recording of the Choir when the latter is at Munich, the purpose being to broadcast that tape recording over the Crusade for Freedom.  Before giving an answer I should like to have your judgment as to whether that will interfere in any way with the plans of the State Department.

Senator Bennett:  No, I’m sure it won’t.  The Crusade for Freedom is a responsible organization and it does informally what the State Department could not do formally.  Its propaganda outfit uses private funds to operate private radio stations to broadcast behind the iron curtain.  It is a very effective group.

President McKay:  And they reach a good many million people.

Senator Bennett:  Well, they try.  They don’t broadcast in friendly Europe, they exist solely to broadcast behind the iron curtain.

President McKay:  That is why I am calling you, because I knew that is what they wanted.

Senator Bennett:  Yes.  Well they are a responsible organization.

President McKay:  All right, we will tell them then that it will be all right.

Senator Bennett:  Yes sir.

25 Oct., 1955:

Council of the Twelve Minutes, October 27, 1955

“Visit of Russians

At 4:30 p.m. the same day the First Presidency received at their office a delegation of Soviet journalists, whose names and positions are as follows:  Boris Nikolaevich Kampov-Polevoy, writer and secretary of the governing board of the Union of Soviet writers; Boris Romanovich Izakov, spokesman for the group, and member of the editorial board of the magazine, ‘International Life;’  Mr. Sofrovo; Viktor Vasillievich Poltoratski, Iavestia Department Head Aleksei Invanovich Adzhubei, member of the editorial board of Komsomalskaya, Pravda; Velentin Mikhailovich Berechkov, deputy chief editor of New Time magazine; Nikolai Matvosvich Gribachav, member of the governing board of the Union of Soviet Writers.

President McKay said that as they sat there, and after formal introductions were over, he, President McKay, said, ‘Well, in behalf of the Presidency and General Authorities we bid you welcome, representatives of Russia, to the headquarters of the Mormon Church.  Mormon is a nickname.  The correct designation of the Church is Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  It has a membership of over a million and a quarter in various parts of the world, but we have no branch in Russia.

The leader of the group spoke in Russian, saying, ‘We have religious freedom.  Churches are state supported.  You would have freedom to come into Russia.’

President McKay asked, ‘Why, then, in 1952 did you refuse to let us distribute tracts, even to send tracts, into East Germany which is under your direction?’

There was quite a buzz, and then they said, ‘Oh no, you have a right to go in.’  The President answered:  ‘No, at that time you permitted us to send in Bibles to those German branches in East Germany, and the Book of Mormon, but you would not let us send any ‘Joseph Smith Tells His Own Story,’ and other similar tracts.’

Through the interpreter they came back, saying, ‘Well, East Germany is under another governing board.’  They threw that responsibility upon the local government.

President McKay said, ‘In Czechoslovakia you do not permit us to do it either.  In fact, you compelled us to withdraw our missionaries from Czechoslovakia.’

‘Well, Czechoslovakia is also under another governing body,’ they said.  ‘They govern themselves.’

The Russian spokesman then asked, ‘What is the attitude of your Church towards peace?’

The Brethren answered, in substance, ‘The fundamental mission of the Church is to establish peace among all nations, and the means whereby that peace may be obtained is first, faith in God; second, the attaining of universal brotherhood by men, which may be obtained through obedience to the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ, the fundamental principle of which is the free agency of man.’

The interpreter wrote those things down.  The delegation seemed to be quite interested.  From then on they discussed our interest in youth, and asked, ‘What does your Church do for youth?’

The Brethren explained the Primary for children 4 years up to 12; the Young Men and Young Women’s Mutual Improvement Association, from 12 years up to 112, if they live that long, of which we have several hundred thousand members, and to these young people instruction is given in culture, drama, literature, religion, and physical activities.

At President Richards’ suggestion the Sunday School was included, with 400,000 members from the Primary up, and 50,000 officers and teachers, devoting their time to these classes every week without one cent of compensation.

President Clark called attention to the educational features, so then the Presidency brought in the seminaries for the public schools and high schools, and the institutes for the Universities, in addition to the regularly established colleges and universities.

They said, ‘You have a University?’

President McKay answered:  ‘Yes, we have a University, and last week 7300 of those people in the University gathered in devotional exercises of their own free will and choice.’  Then it was explained to them that in addition to all this we have our worthy young boys from 12 to 14 meeting in Priesthood in groups of 12, each group presided over by three of their own number; that we have groups of 24 young men teachers, 14 to 16 years of age, presided over by their own members, and directed by the bishop of the ward; groups of boys 16 to 18 years of age, 48 in each group, known as priests; etc.  And so the conversation was very interesting.

Finally, President Clark said, ‘You mentioned freedom of religion.  Could we go and establish churches in Russia and conduct our own religion?’

They answered, ‘Yes, we think you could.’

President McKay said, ‘Let us be specific.  Could one of these three men go to Russia today and in a city purchase five acres of land on which we could build our Church edifice and have our ministers conduct the services with the permission of the government, and be free of taxation?’

Again they talked among themselves, and then they said, ‘Well, our ministers, our priests, have to pay an income tax on their income.’

The Brethren said, ‘Our ministers do not receive a salary.  They are given at most just an allowance for their support.  Would you compel them to pay an income tax?’

They answered, ‘Well, no, only on whatever they earn.’

In answer to the question, ‘Would the property be taxable or not? they answered, ‘Well, all this is under the direction of a Board, and we suggest that you write to the Board and find out about that.’  The Brethren then asked them for the address of the Board, and they furnished that information.

Then they came back again to the subject of peace, and they were given copies of the book, ‘The Articles of Faith,’ and President McKay quoted to them the Thirteenth Article:  ‘We believe in being honest, true, chaste, benevolent, virtuous, and in doing good to all men . . .If there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy, we seek after these things.’

Finally, the leader of the group said, ‘We are representatives of the periodicals over there.  Have you any message to give to the Russian people?’

President McKay answered, ‘Yes, we have.  We say to all the Russian people that the Church of Jesus Christ is established for the preaching of peace to all men, nations, kindreds, and tongues, and their message is that this permanent peace may be obtained only through, first, belief in God; second, in the universal brotherhood of man; third, in obedience to the Gospel of Jesus Christ; and fourth, by acceptance of the free agency of man.’

President McKay said they did not refute our points or make an attempt to do so, and did not say what their belief was, but the leader seemed to be very sincere when he spoke in Russian and expressed appreciation first for the welcome they had received, and second, for the time the First Presidency had given to them in this interview.  When the interpreter interpreted it, the man who sat next to President McKay, who also could speak English, reiterated what one of the others had said–that this was one of the most interesting, pleasant interviews they had had.  They shook hands heartily, and it is believed they went away fairly impressed.  President Clark commented afterwards, ‘Well, that is well worthwhile.’

The following morning President McKay asked President Richards how he felt, and he answered, ‘Well, I am wondering.’  The President said, ‘We all wonder.  We do not know what will come of it, but only good can come to us as a Church.’

President McKay said that when the Brethren asked about buying five acres there, they said, ‘Oh no, you could not do that because the government owns all the land, but you could probably get a lease for 99 years.’

October 25, 1955

Visit of Russians


      Forty-Seven East South Temple

Salt Lake City 1, Utah

    October 27, 1955

Presiding Bishop

The Church of Jesus Christ of

Latter-day Saints

President David O. McKay


Dear President McKay:

I noted in the Deseret News of last evening the visit of the Russian newspapermen to you.  You gave a marvelous address.  I especially liked your point regarding the necessity of giving the Russian people the opportunity to know more of Jesus the Christ, and particularly the necessity for teaching them the Gospel as it has been revealed in these, the last days.  It was wonderful, and without a doubt, affected the attitude of the Russian visitors.  One can’t help but feel that the work of the Lord is being opened up all over the world, particularly with reference to your many visits in the last two or three years to practically every nation with the exception of Russia.  No doubt your address and visit with these Russian newspapermen may have some effect to open up the opportunity for the Russian people to hear the Gospel.

Again I express my heartfelt appreciation to you for your kindness, particularly the blessings that were bestowed upon me during my illness because of your faith and the power of the Priesthood.  It is my knowledge that you indeed represent Jesus the Christ as did Peter, James and John.

I sincerely pray the Lord will bless you with health and every blessing which will be for your good and benefit.

Sincerely your brother,

/s/ Joseph L. Wirthlin


Bishop Joseph L. Wirthlin


October 25, 1955

October 28, 1955

Dear Bishop Wirthlin:

It was gracious of you to write your kind letter of October 27th commenting upon the significance of our consultation with the Russian delegation composed largely of prominent newspaper men.  They arrived at 4:30 p.m. and remained until ten minutes to six o’clock.

While they are not associated directly with their ‘comrades’ who shape the laws, they are nevertheless in a position to mold public opinion in Russia.  Just what their attitude will be when they report their interview with the First Presidency of the Church, we do not know–they may be flippant, they may be sarcastic, they may be dishonest–but one thing is sure, they will never forget the spirit that animated that interview.  They left seemingly sincere in their expressions of appreciation of the one and one-half hours spent at the headquarters of the Church.

Thank you for your expressions of faith and loyalty.  I appreciate the privilege of working side by side with you in efforts to promote the advancement and the establishment of the Kingdom of God on earth.

With prayerful wishes for your continued health and inspirational guidance in your responsible position as Presiding Bishop of the Church, I remain with kindest personal regards.

Sincerely and affectionately yours,



Bishop Joseph L. Wirthlin

47 East South Temple Street

Salt Lake City, Utah

Thursday, February 2, 1956

      Items taken up at Council Meeting

President McKay Discusses Matters Pertaining to the Los Angeles Temple at Council Meeting, February 2, 1956.

The following is a statement by President McKay regarding a prayer at United Nations meeting:

‘As you all know, a very significant event occurred the other day in which a Godless nation refused to acquiesce in a recommendation made by a United States representative to the United Nations to have prayer in that mighty body.  It is deplorable to think that one nation can frustrate the desire of a majority of nations in a world court and prevent an appeal to our Father in Heaven for guidance, thwarting their effort for peace.  Years ago that same appeal was made in a Constitutional Convention of our great country.  They too struggled in vain to come to a unity of thought and action in regard to the writing of the great Constitution.  The oldest member present arose, after several days of such effort, and expressed those memorable words:  ‘The older I grow the more convincing proofs I see that God governs in the affairs of men, and if a sparrow cannot fall to the ground unnoticed, is it possible that an empire can rise without his aid?’  Then he made a motion that they open their sessions by prayer.  There is a doubt that they did that regularly afterwards.  It seems that they thought they would have to have a paid minister to offer that prayer, and they did not have funds.  Be that as it may, in this day a representative of our Government proposed to the United Nations that they have prayer, and Russia — I won’t say a Godless nation — but the Communists, representatives of the Communists, frustrated that effort.  I think it is not finally decided, but that has been the attitude of that nation since the United Nations was accepted.

‘My thought, when that word came over the wire, was regarding the sense of increased responsibility that rests upon this body, chosen servants, witnesses of the divine birth, mission and death of our Lord and Savior; the United Nations, striving for peace, openly opposed by a group of men who deny the existence of God, who scoff at the divine mission of his Beloved Son.  There is one group here in all the world — the Presidency and the Twelve — chosen as witnesses of God’s existence and of the atonement, life, and mission of Jesus the Christ, the author of the one plan, obedience to which will bring about the relations we are seeking.  Truly we know in our hearts this morning that there is none other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved.

‘Brethren, God bless and inspire us, in accordance with the prayers offered this morning, and every Thursday morning, to magnify our holy callings, I pray in the name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.’

Fri., 3 Feb., 1956:

“First Presidency’s meeting 

Article in ‘Truth’ Magazine:  I called attention to the latest issue of ‘Truth’ magazine which caricatures the Church for condemning Russia and yet countenances the stealing of children from their mothers in Utah.

Plural marriage:  In this connection I explained that it was my understanding regarding plural marriage that the having of more than one wife is not a principle but a practice.  The principle of the eternity of the marriage covenant revealed to the Prophet and all the blessings pertaining to that may be obtained by a man with one wife.”

Thurs., 11 Oct., 1956:

Intra-Chinese strife Between Nationalists and Communists

Having received word that four of our missionaries in Hong Kong, China were in danger because of the anti-foreigner rioting that had taken place in that city, I telephoned to our Mission President, Harold Heaton, of the Southern Far East Mission at Kowloon, Hong Kong, China, who assured me that all were safe in that Mission and that the four missionaries living in a house that had been surrounded by the rioters were rescued by the Police and taken to the Mission Home for safety.”

Thurs., 15 Nov., 1956:

Note:  Daily newspapers carry distressing accounts today of the anti-Red revolt in Hungary, and of the cruelty of the Russians to the freedom-loving people of that country – the deportations of youths and others to Siberia, etc.

In President McKay’s talk to the Rotarians on November 24 he spoke of the tragedy in Hungary and said the Hungarians should be called ‘patriots’ rather than ‘rebels’.  He said further ‘It is tragic that this Thanksgiving freedom-loving mortals should have to suffer and die even more brutally than did the Pilgrims under James I 336 years ago.  (cm)”

Wed., 19 Dec., 1956:

“Telephone Conversation with President Clifton G. M. Kerr, of the British Mission, London, England, Wednesday, December 19, 1956.  (11 a.m.)

President Kerr then said that he had received my personal and confidential letter regarding ‘preparations for emergency.’  He said that he had talked to President Lee of the French Mission about this matter, and they both feel the same way.  President Kerr stated that they would prefer to handle this matter with the missionaries as they go to district conferences between January and April.  However, he stated that if I felt that it should be handled immediately, they would take care of it immediately.  By handling it in connection with the district conferences, the people would not get so stirred up and excited.  I told President Kerr to proceed with this matter in connection with his district conferences unless he heard further from us.  I told him that we would let him know if it was necessary to take more immediate action.  I also mentioned to him that we did not want to cause any concern or draw attention in any way to this matter.

Sat., 12 Jan., 1957:

“9:15 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.  Met with Bro. and Sister Wallace Toronto and Mr. & Mrs. Privowt.  The Privowts are from Czechoslovakia.  Mrs. Privowt was a member of the Church when Bro. Wallace Toronto was over there, and she has remained true notwithstanding the very unpleasant conditions under which she and her fellow members had to worship.  Mr. Privowt was born here, but he is of Czechoslovakian parentage, who had business in Czechoslovakia.  He met this sister, fell in love with her and married her, and through that marriage she finally got permission to come out here with her husband in a very remarkable way, if not by providential overruling, without unnecessary delay.  What the officers said would take two years, she accomplished in two days.  She gave an interesting report of the conditions under which those poor people are laboring.  They cannot hold public services.  A few of them meet regularly in private homes, and even then they are under tension for fear they have been followed, and that they will be reported to the Government.  The President said there is no doubt about the source of those Communistic teachings — that they are of the Evil One.  They deny God, break up the family, take the children as wards of the State, and consider the individual as a part of the State — that one’s life is for the State instead of the State being for the individual.  (Taken from Council Meeting Minutes)”

Fri., 7 June, 1957:

“10:30 a.m.  President and Mrs. Samuel E. Bringhurst met with the Presidency and gave a very interesting account of their work at the Swiss Temple.  One incident they related pertained to the visit of one hundred East Zone members (German members in the Russian Zone) to the Swiss Temple.  They came at a great sacrifice.  Their money devaluates four times as they cross the border, and by the time they reached the Temple they were almost penniless.  They were housed and fed by the members of the Church in the Swiss Mission.  They were served breakfast at 6 a.m. before the Temple session, and the first morning it was something to see them ask for more milk, cup after cup.  One old sister said she wished there was some way she could take some of it back with her.  They were ever so humble and appreciative of all that was done for them, and especially for the privilege of going through the Temple for their endowments.

Tues., 12 Nov., 1957:

“8:30 a.m.  Received a courtesy call from Senator John Kennedy of Massachusetts.  He was accompanied by Milton Weilenmann, local Democratic leader, who says John Kennedy is the next Democratic presidential candidate.

Mr. Kennedy is a member of the Catholic Church.

I enjoyed my visit with him, although not too much impressed with him as a leader.


Massachusetts Foreign Relations

Labor and Public Welfare


        Washington, D.C.

      December 16, 1957

President David O. McKay

L.D.S. Church Offices

Salt Lake City, Utah

Dear President McKay:

Back in my office, I wanted to drop you a note to tell you what a privilege it was to visit with you during my recent trip to Salt Lake City.

I immensely enjoyed visiting your state and the many grand people and new friends I met there; and hope to have another opportunity to go to Utah in the not too distant future.

Many thanks for your wonderful hospitality.

With every good wish.

Sincerely yours,

John F. Kennedy


Tuesday, November 12, 1957

Meeting of President McKay and Senator John Kennedy of Massachusetts, as reported by Joseph Lundstrom of the Deseret News, who was present at the conference.

They greeted each other.

President McKay said, ‘You are younger than I thought.’

Senator Kennedy answered that there were a number of younger senators now, since the War.  He mentioned Senator Church of Idaho as an example.

President McKay said he saw by the papers that 4,000 Democrats turned out for his speech the night before.

Senator Kennedy answered that it was a very enthusiastic crowd.

President McKay said, ‘The Republicans must have been in hiding,’ and everyone had a good laugh.

President McKay pointed out some of the oddities of the wood panels in the room, then everyone sat down at the table in the First Presidency’s Board Room.

President McKay explained briefly the setup of the Church, with a First Presidency of three men and Council of Twelve.

The two men then discussed the outlook for peace.

‘We are making too much of this science thing,’ President McKay said.

Senator Kennedy agreed, although it was not to be underemphasized.

‘Prospects for economic development of Russia are far more serious for the United States than the race for missiles,’ he said.

President McKay then asked him his views on the breakup of Russia.  ‘Would the system break up first, or would it have to come to a clash of arms?  Khrushchev has now the same position as Stalin.  Can he hold it?

Senator Kennedy answered that it would not much matter whether it was Khrushchev or someone else.  The Russian policy of pushing outward through the use of the Communist Party would continue.  As for Communism breaking up, it did not seem likely, since there was no alternate system to replace the Communists.  While Khrushchev might go, the policy of increasing their power will continue.  Communism represents a counterattraction to the poverties suffered by the peoples of Africa, Asia and the Far East.

President McKay said he could not see how the system could continue to last.  ‘They are fundamentally wrong.  Free agency is inherent in every individual.  Rule by force has been fought against by men throughout history.’

Senator Kennedy:  ‘Yes they have the power to continue.  Their prospects for the immediate future are bright.’

President McKay:  ‘I have hoped for 20 years that they would break up, and I do not see how they can last.  It is just wicked to dominate men that way.’

Senator Kennedy asked if there were Church members living in Russia.

President McKay answered that there were some in East Germany and in other Communist dominated countries in Europe.  He mentioned the Russian journalists who came through Salt Lake City two years ago and told how he had questioned them regarding freedom of worship in Russia and eastern Germany.  The Russians maintained they had freedom of worship, but when President McKay cited a cast in eastern Germany and Czechoslovakia where Church members had been denied the Book of Mormon, the Russians answered, ‘Well, that is their country, not ours.’

‘It is just wrong.  There is no freedom and people will rise against it, but I hope we can avert war, ‘ said President McKay.

‘It will be interesting to see if Islam and Communism can make any adjustment in the Middle East,’ commented Senator Kennedy.

‘They will break sooner or later.  It is a fundamental principle of civilization that men will be free.  They cannot oppose these principles of God.  Man will be free,’ said President McKay.  They cannot crush their people always,’ he added.

Senator Kennedy answered:  ‘Your statement that men will be free is one we should take to all the world.’

He mentioned that a very serious threat to the free world would be the death of Nehru of India.  If he should die, and India were to turn Communistic, it would have a tremendous and profound effect on the peoples of Asia and Africa, and would form a China and India block which could be very dangerous.

The meeting then broke up, and Senator Kennedy called on Senator Moyle for a few minutes and then left to catch an airplane.”

Fri., 6 June, 1958:

11:30 a.m.

Received in the office of the First Presidency, Mr. Stanley Tracy, former Assistant to the Honorable J. Edgar Hoover, Director of the United States Federal Bureau of Information.

Had an interesting hour’s conversation with Mr. Tracy.  He discussed with me the following:

1)  J. Edgar Hoover’s latest book

Later, Mr. Hoover sent Pres. McKay an autographed copy of his book ‘Masters of Deceit’

2)  The surprising attitude of the United States Supreme Court in favoring Communism.  He referred to Chief Justice Warren of California who is particularly in favor of Communism it seems.  I stated that I was never so surprised in my life at Chief Justice Warren’s making a decision favoring the Communists, and Mr. Tracy answered that he, too, was greatly surprised.

We talked further about Mr. Warren’s attitude and agreed that he is not a profound thinker, but more of a politician.  We also talked about wiretapping, and Warren’s condemning Hoover, and saying that he is violating the law in using this means of keeping close watch on the Communists.  I stated that I am in sympathy with Hoover in this regard, and think that sometimes it is necessary.

I told Mr. Tracy that I look upon Communism as an enemy, whose sole purpose is destruction of Capitalism and our form of government, and that the use of wiretapping is justifiable in the preservation of our government.

I enjoyed my conference with Mr. Tracy and invited him to call again when next in the city.

Sat., 19 July, 1958:

“9 a.m.  Met by appointment at his request Dr. and Mrs. O. Preston Robinson.  We held a discussion regarding the Middle East crisis, and the sending of armed forces by the United States and Great Britain to Lebanon.  Dr. Robinson repeated the story of his personal visit to President Gamal Abdel Nasser when he traveled to the Middle East a year or two ago, and of his (President Nasser’s) negative attitude toward Communism; that he was not in favor of the Communists.  Dr. Robinson thinks if the United States had helped Nasser wtih money for the dam, he would not have turned to the Communists.

I asked Dr. Robinson if he really felt that President Nasser was sincere – that a real Communist will lie, steal, or go to any length in order to carry out the fundamental idea of Marx which was this:  that negotiation with the Capitalists is of no use and the only way to deal with them is to exterminate them, and to be ruthless in achieving that end.  I said you do not know but what Nasser was deceiving you.  Dr. Robinson said, ‘No, I think not, because they have outlawed Communism in Egypt, and only recently have executed two men because they were communists.’

I said to Dr. Robinson, ‘Without saying anything to anybody, excepting to Elder Mark E. Petersen who is Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Deseret News, I think it would be worthwhile for you to go back and meet Ezra Taft Benson and tell him what you have told me.  Let nobody get the idea that you are presuming to ‘steady the ship of state’ but that you may have something which will reveal a side of Nasser which Dulles has not revealed to the President.  You go to Mark Peterson, without disclosing the fact that we have had a conversation, present to him your ideas, and if he, as Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Deseret News, thinks it is worthwhile, you may go at once, and I shall make arrangements for you to have a conference with Brother Benson, and it is up to him after that.

While they were still in my office, I got in touch with Brother Benson by telephone and told him what I had told the Robinsons.  I told him that I thought it was worth while for Dr. Robinson to have a conference with him, and Brother Benson expressed himself as feeling the same way.  Brother Benson said he would arrange for a meeting with President Eisenhower.

Later in the day Brother Robinson called me at home and reported that he had seen Brother Mark E. Petersen who agreed that it would be worthwhile for Brother Robinson to go back and meet Brother Benson Monday morning and get that side of the question at least to President Eisenhower through Brother Benson.  Evidently, following our telephone message to Brother Benson, he went to the White House and told President Eisenhower of our conference, and the following copy of a letter from President Eisenhower indicates that he is giving consideration to the matter.  (see also newspaper items about the crisis in Lebanon and a report from Dr. O. Preston Robinson, July 22, from Washington, D.C.)  (Also see telephone call from Ezra Taft Benson July 23)

July 19, 1958


July 19, 1958.

Dear President McKay:

Ezra Benson has just telephoned to me your message.  I cannot tell you how grateful I am for your approval of the action I felt it necessary to take in Lebanon and for the inspiration of your prayers.  It is good to have such understanding and friendly support from one whom I respect and like so much.

With warm regard,


/s/ Dwight D. Eisenhower

President David McKay

(Original letter is in the scrapbook.)

(The above message referred to is contained in consultation with Dr. O. Preston Robinson July 19, and telephone message from Ezra Taft Benson July 23)”

Tues., 22 July, 1958:

“Telephone conversation with Dr. O. Preston Robinson, Deseret News.

(Dr. Robinson called from Washington, D.C.)

Dr. Robinson:  I apologize for getting you out of meeting, President McKay.

President McKay:  That is all right.

Dr. Robinson:  I want to tell you that Sister Robinson and I had a forty-five minute talk with President Eisenhower today, and Brother Benson and Sister Benson were there too.  We had a most interesting discussion, and he concurred with many of our ideas and asked us to present to him a memo which he will follow up, and also asked Brother Benson to arrange for us to see Mr. Dulles afterwards so that is in process now, but I thought you would be interested in knowing.

President McKay:  Yes, I am very glad that you called.  Congratulations!

Dr. Robinson:  Well, if it had not of been for your influence, of course, we couldn’t have seen him, but we took the opportunity of expressing your love and best wishes to him, and he was very grateful and asked that we return them to you and express his.

President McKay:  Thank you.

Dr. Robinson:  We will give you a full report when we get back, but we think it has been very worthwhile.

President McKay:  All right.  I am very glad.  I felt well over the appointment–we have done what we should have.

Dr. Robinson:  Well, I am glad.  We are certainly glad we talked to you about it and it has worked out as it has.  He gave us forty-five minutes which Brother Benson says was one of the longest ones he has extended to anybody, so we felt that he was interested in what we had to say.

President McKay:  Yes.  All right.  Thank you and congratulations.

Dr. Robinson:  Thank you very much.

President McKay:  All right, good-bye.

(see July 23 for the call from Ezra Taft Benson on this matter.)  See also copy of letter from President Eisenhower July 19)”

Wed., 23 July, 1958:

3 p.m.  Received telephone call from Ezra Taft Benson regarding the visit of Dr. O. Preston Robinson to President Dwight D. Eisenhower on the Lebanon crisis.  (see following notes of conversation — see also July 22 and July 19 on this matter)

Wednesday, July 23, 1958.

Telephone conversation with honorable Ezra Taft Benson, Wednesday, July 23, 1958.

President McKay:  Brother Benson?

Brother Benson:  President McKay, how are you?

President McKay;  Very well, thank you.  Hope you are well?

Brother Benson:  I am just fine, thank you.  I wanted to report to you briefly regarding the visit to President Eisenhower.  You will get more details from Preston Robinson when he gets home.  I understand he left at 2 o’clock, our time, this afternoon.  I think his trip was worthwhile, President McKay.

President McKay:  Thanks.  I am glad to hear that.

Brother Benson:  I arranged for the appointment with the President.

President McKay:  Good.

Brother Benson:  Sister Benson and I accompanied Brother and Sister Robinson to the President’s office.  We spent about forty minutes with him, and we arranged it so that Brother Robinson did practically all the talking.  We had pretty well reviewed the situation before we went in, and the President was obviously very favorably impressed.  He has a remarkable grasp of the whole situation which, I am sure, impressed Brother Robinson as it did me.  President Eisenhower has a very sincere desire to get at the basis of a settlement and to work out a plan that will win the friendship of these Arab nations, and so I think Brother Robinson’s report of his experience helped to confirm some of the feelings which the President has had but for which he has not had full support among some of those consulting with him.

President McKay: I see.

Brother Benson:  I think our views tended to strengthen his hand; strengthen his convictions in the matter.

President McKay:  Good.

Brother Benson:  Now, President Eisenhower asked this:  If Preston would be willing to prepare for him a memorandum outlining the problem as he sees it, and also his recommendations as to what might be done to solve those problems.  Of course, we readily agreed to do that.  We saw the President, by the way, yesterday at a quarter to twelve until twelve-thirty, and then yesterday afternoon Brother Robinson worked on the report–the memorandum, and I went over it with him late yesterday afternoon.  We had it typed this morning here at my office, and I transmitted it to the President so it would reach him today about noon.

President McKay:  Well, that is good work.

Brother Benson:  The President suggested to me that I try and arrange for Dr. Robinson to see John Foster Dulles if I thought it would be advisable and it could be done.  So I arranged for him to see Mr. Dulles at 12 o’clock today.  I did not see Dr. Robinson after that because I had to go to a luncheon at the White House where the President was host to the President of the nation of the Republic of Ghana.  They gained their independence, you remember, about a year and a half ago.  I had a chance to visit with the President a little while I was there, and he had received the memorandum, and I had also sent to him before our conference, some material on the Middle East situation, including an editorial form the Deseret news which I had planned to send even before you called me about Brother Robinson which I think is the best editorial I have seen on the subject.  That editorial plus a by-line article from the Deseret News written by Preston plus that little booklet of Preston’s, ‘Must We Lose the Middle East’ or whatever the title is.  Now, I sent those ahead of our appointment with the President.

President McKay:  I see.

Brother Benson:  And when we got there we found that he had read them.  I marked them ‘Personal’ and ‘Confidential’, and at that time we had not received a confirmation of our appointment, but in my memo I said, ‘anticipating and hoping that we will see you tomorrow, I am sending you these materials.’  And later we got the appointment.  When we got there, we found he had read them which indicates his interest and his appreciation.

President McKay:  Well, that is fine.

Brother Benson:  President Eisenhower asked us to convey to you his love and greetings, and his appreciation, so I believe this effort has been worthwhile.  When I talked to the President today, it was quite apparent that he, too, felt the time was worthwhile from his standpoint.

President McKay:  Well, thank you very much, Brother Benson.  I felt impressed that it would not do any harm, and that it might do some good toward allaying the trouble that we have.

Brother Benson:  You had the right impression I am sure, and I hope it will bear fruit.  Now, the President indicated to us (and of course we cannot repeat this publicly) that he would be willing to see any of the leaders in the Middle East.  He would do anything that was right at all to try and improve the situation.  Since I placed this call to you, on the ticker which comes to my desk every hour or so, I notice that Mr. Khrushchev has agreed conditionally at least to attend the Summit meeting on the Mid-east situation of the United Nations Security Council, that meets here in New York.

President McKay:  Well, that is good.

Brother Benson:  It starts next Monday, so that is somewhat hopeful.

President McKay:  Oh, that shows that he doesn’t want to have any serious trouble.

Brother Benson:  That is right.

President McKay:  You are right.

Brother Benson:  So I think some good has been done, and I want to thank you, and I know that President Eisenhower would personally if he could.

President McKay:  Thank you very much Brother Benson.  That makes me very happy.

Brother Benson:  I was very pleased with Brother and Sister Robinson’s performance here, and Sister Benson and I enjoyed being with them.

President McKay:  I should like to report to you that this morning while I was in conference here one of the reporters came over from the news.

Brother Benson:  Yes.

President McKay:  He had heard something about Brother Benson’s going back.

Brother Benson:  Yes.

President McKay:  And he was going to give it publicity, and I told him not to do it.

Brother Benson:  Well, I think that is probably wise, although we did clear with the President that it would be all right to announce that he had had the Conference with the President.  You see the President releases his appointment list unless it is something highly confidential.

President McKay:  Well, that is all right–it should come from that source.

Brother Benson:  That is right.  It would be all right for Brother Robinson to indicate he had had the appointment.

President McKay:  That is all right.

Brother Benson:  But he could not discuss the subject of the conversation.

President McKay:  No, that is all right then.

Brother Benson:  And I also saw Brother Pierce Brady.

President McKay:  Good.

Brother Benson:  I spent some time with him on this question of the location of the Federal Building and helped to arrange for some appointments.  He saw all of the Utah delegation.  He feels the thing is well in hand, and I think he left last night.  He said he would be in touch with me when he thought I could do anything further to be helpful.

President McKay:  That is good.  Thank you very much, and congratulations on your success.

Brother Benson:  Thank you and the Lord bless you.

President McKay:  Thank you.  Good-bye.

Brother Benson:  Good-bye.”

Wed., 30 July, 1958:

“11 to 11:25 a.m.  Dr. O. Preston Robinson came in to give a report on his visit with President Eisenhower and also to John Foster Dulles, U.S. Secretary of State regarding the Lebanon uprising, and Nasser’s attitude toward Communism (see notes following)

Wednesday, July 30, 1958

(Dr. O. Preston Robinson’s report on visit to President Eisenhower).

On July 30, 1958, I made a brief report to President McKay on the visit Sister Robinson and I, in company with Secretary and Sister Benson, had with President Eisenhower in Washington on the morning of July 21st between 11:45 and 12:30 noon.  I told President McKay of the cordial way in which President Eisenhower received us and reported his expression of best wishes which he asked us to convey to President McKay.

At the outset of our interview, President Eisenhower said he was most interested in receiving our views on the critical Middle East situation and indicated that often religious people were able to get information which others could not obtain.

I told President Eisenhower briefly about our meetings with Middle East leaders, particularly President Gamel Abdel Nasser, in 1954 and again in October, 1957.  The President was most interested in our impressions of Mr. Nasser and in our opinions as to his objectives.  I emphasized my convictions that Arab nationalism is a powerful force to which we should be sympathetic and that the Moslem people, including President Nasser, fear and resist Communism.  They have accepted help from the Soviets only after attempting and failing to obtain help from Western nations.  Due to recent and present political domination by Western nations in the area and because of the West’s extensive economic interests, the Arabs are suspicious of Western intentions and fear the Americans are attempting to replace the British and the French in control of the area.  This rear, plus the creation and existence of Israel, are the chief reasons why anti-Western feeling runs so deep in the Middle East.  For an Arab to be pro-West in that area now is almost treasonable.

Despite this anti-West sentiment, there is a deep reservoir of respect and admiration for Western and particularly for American ways of life and for the American form of government.  This reservoir needs to be tapped in order to reverse the present drift which is leading this area ever closer to Communist domination.

I reported to President Eisenhower that President Nasser had told us that his country and other Arab countries would resist to the bitter end outside domination from any source.  However, he told us, if they must be dominated, they would rather be dominated by the United States than by Russia.  I also emphasized the fact that President Nasser had expressed a sincere desire to talk face to face with President Eisenhower, provided such a conference would not be humiliating to his country nor would in any way threaten his country’s sovereignty.

President Eisenhower responded most favorably to this comment and stated that he would like to talk with Mr. Nasser provided, of course, that he could do so without embarrassing our allies – the British, the French, and Israel.

President Eisenhower was keenly interested in what we had to say.  He was courteous, gracious and extended the interview fifteen minutes beyond the prescribed time.  At the close of our conversation, he re-emphasized his opening observation that he was most interested in getting the opinions and impressions of an honest man who had no ulterior motives other than the welfare of the United States.

President Eisenhower asked me to submit my observations and recommendations in a brief report.  He said that when he gets things in writing, he can make sure that they are adequately followed up.  He also suggested that I have a talk with Secretary Dulles.    This interview was arranged and I talked briefly with Mr. Dulles the following day, Wednesday, July 22nd.

O. Preston Robinson

General Manager

Deseret News Pub. Co.

Tues., 23 Sept., 1958:

Telephone Calls

2.  Milton Weileman, Chairman of the Democratic Committee, called and asked for an appointment for David King and for him to discuss the political talk that had been given by Ezra Taft Benson last Monday evening in Salt Lake City.  (see Sept. 24 for visit to Elder Benson in LDS Hospital)”

Wed., 24 Sept., 1958:

“7:30 a.m.  Visited Elder Ezra Taft Benson in the LDS Hospital where he has been confined for the past few days for a check-up.  He suffered a gall bladder attack last Monday evening while delivering an address in Salt Lake City.

Brother Benson seemed to be feeling very well.  He said that the doctors are calling at 10 o’clock this morning to release him.  He said that they had found that there was nothing wrong with his heart; that he had suffered a gall bladder attack; that the stone had passed through and that he is now all right.

I mentioned to Brother Benson that he had ‘stirred up’ the democrats in giving his talk the other evening.  He asked me if I had any objections, and I told him that he could do nothing else since he is US Secretary of Agriculture.  Brother Benson said that he had forty appointments ahead of him, and that three fourths of them are non-political.

I told him to go ahead, and congratulated him on the success that he is having with the farmers.

Wed., 13 May, 1959:

“11:15 a.m.  Received a courtesy call from Wilber M. Brucker, Secretary of the Army, Washington, D.C. and Mrs. Brucker.  They were accompanied by Lt. General C.D. Palmer, Commanding General of the Sixth Army, San Francisco.  Mr. Palmer will soon receive his fourth star, and be named Commander of NATO Forces in Europe.

Mr. Brucker was in Salt Lake to speak at a luncheon meeting sponsored by the Bonneville Kiwanis Club, Salt Lake City Chamber of Commerce, and Salt Lake Sertoma Club.  Among other things, I noticed from the newspaper that Secretary Brucker said that ‘this country must tighten its belt to over come greater communist momentum and secure superior strength in the future; that symbols of freedom such as Berlin must be maintained; that backing down or appeasement will only increase pressures for more backing down; that this country can afford to maintain arms’ superiority; that the present condition of the world demands that 170,000,000 Americans contribute to the defense team.’

I later remarked to the Brethren that I do not see any indication on the part of the Communists that they are modifying the original thought of Marx — that the only way is destruction of capitalism, then they can build their hope for a millennium of Communism.  In the present attempt, the same determination is shown to hold to that original thought; that for three days now the big powers have been in session, and have accomplished not a thing in their attempt at unification.  Referring to present conditions and Communism, I said I thought it did not look very hopeful for peace.  The Communists are getting stronger and stronger, and when they feel they are prepared to strike, I think they will strike.  I do not like to express this thought, but that is my feeling.  I hope that the nations will accomplish something in their present conferences in Geneva, but thus far they seem not to have accomplished much of anything.  Let us hope and pray that they will show a spirit of yielding, but so far they have held to that abominable, demoniacal ideal, (atheist in the extreme) of Marx, who let his own wife starve and his children starve to death.  It is the most atheistic, diabolical spirit of the devil that we have ever had in the world, and we are going to suffer from it.  (see newspaper clipping and Mr. Brucker’s letter to President McKay following).”

Fri., 26 June 1959:

“11 a.m. to 12

Spent an hour with a Mr. Premysl Tvaroh, correspondent of Rude Pravo, leading newspaper in Prague, Czechoslovakia and also correspondent for the United Nations, 420 E. 64th Street, New York City.

He is a communist, but I think he will not report as the Russian visitors did last year – misinterpreting what I had said regarding the building of Church edifices and reporting that we are ‘capitalists’.    

Mr. Premysl asked me what we think about Peace, and what the attitude of the Church is toward the holding of the Summit Conference.  I said, ‘it should be held, but that it would be worthwhile only if the agreements made will be upheld by both parties — that it would amount to nothing if one of the parties to it will disavow what had been agreed upon.’

‘Oh, I see,’ said Mr. Premysl.

He asked questions about the Church — wanted to know why we had been persecuted.  I explained the revelation of the Prophet Joseph Smith and the warning by the Lord for him not to join any of the sects and that upon the proclaiming of this fact, the ministers and others naturally became antagonistic to him and other members of the Church.

I told him to read the literature which I had given him concerning the details of the persecution in the early days.  I presented him with an autographed copy of the Book of Mormon, of What of the Mormons and a copy of Articles of Faith.  Also with several tracts.”

Tuesday, May 10, 1960

Report of interview with the First Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Presidents David O. McKay, J. Reuben Clark, Jr., and Henry D. Moyle, and Eric Johnston, president of the Motion Picture Association.

At 9:35 a.m. on Tuesday, May 10, 1960, Eric Johnston was introduced to the First Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, during their meeting, by W. Lowell Castleton, president, and Wendell J. Ashton, secretary, of the Milton Bennion Foundation who had arranged for Mr. Johnston to speak in Salt Lake City on Tuesday.

President McKay greeted Mr. Johnston warmly.

President Moyle reminded Mr. Johnston that he (Mr. Johnston) had helped President Moyle build an oil refinery in Spokane many years ago.

Mr. Johnston described for the First Presidency, his visit of approximately a year ago to the summer home of Nikita Krushchev in Russia.  He said that he had a long discussion with Mr. Krushchev and his able assistant.  He described Mr. Krushchev ‘as cunning a man as I ever met.’  He said Mr. Krushchev had no belief whatsoever in God, and felt that religion and capitalism were the world’s two greatest ills.  He said that Mr. Krushchev, however, did admire Jesus as a leader who brought to the attention of the world the importance of labor.  However, Mr. Krushchev said that he could see no divinity at all in Jesus or his mission.

President McKay stated it was the view of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints that the individual was important.  President McKay quoted to Mr. Johnston the lines from the Pearl of Great Price, in which the Lord said: ‘Behold, this is my work and my glory, to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man.’

President Clark added that it is a basic teaching of the Church that man has his free agency, and that this free agency came to him some time before man’s birth on this earth.

Mr. Johnston, in the course of the discussion, said this:  That he felt that character was important in international affairs, and that he wanted to commend the Mormon Church for producing such outstanding people.  ‘I have met a number of Mormons in my life, and I have never met one yet who was not a man of high integrity, and one of self reliance,’ he said.

President McKay responded ‘That is a wonderful compliment, Mr. Johnston.  Thank you very much.’

There was some discussion on the current topic of the U.S. ‘spy’ plane being shot down over Russia.  President Clark commented that he felt it was unwise for America to send a plane on such a mission immediately before a summit conference.  Mr. Johnston agreed with President Clark.

President McKay observed that we live in wonderful, and also critical, times.

As Mr. Johnston was about to leave, President McKay stood up and held his (Mr. Johnston’s) hand warmly, and asked Mr. Johnston if he would convey to President Eisenhower his (President McKay’s) love and affection.  Mr. Johnston said that he would.

Tuesday, May 10, 1960

President David O. McKay

47 East South Temple

Salt Lake City, Utah

Dear President McKay:

President Henry D. Moyle requested that I inquire further of Eric Johnston regarding his statement commending the high character of the Church members whom he has met.  This we were able to do in the course of our conversations with him on Tuesday afternoon (May 10).

Mr. Johnston said that he had met Latter-day Saints in various parts of the world, including men and women, and reiterated what he had said to the First Presidency, and which he repeated before the Salt Lake Rotary Club in his address there at noon on Tuesday.

He said he had not yet found a Mormon who did not impress him as being a man or woman of high integrity, good citizenship and self reliance.  He told some of us on Tuesday that he recalled meeting some of our lady missionaries in the Far East and had found these, too, to be women of high character.

He volunteered that he admired the Church greatly for what it had done through its Welfare Program during the Depression.

He seemed very pleased to have had his picutre taken with you and I am sure he looks forward to receiving your autographed copy of the photograph.

He told me in the course of our walk to Temple Square, that he was a good friend of former President J. Willard Marriott, of Washington Stake, and it is my recollection that he said he was a director of Brother Marriott’s Hot Shoppes, Inc.

I believe I mentioned to you Tuesday afternoon, that in commencing his talk before the Salt Lake Rotary Club that day at noon, Mr. Johnston said he had prepared a text, copies of which had been mimeographed, but that he was not going to give that message.  He said he had visited wtih you during the morning, and as a result of this visit was changing his talk.  He then gave his tribute to the character of Mormon people whom he had met, and followed with a very stirring message on the importance of character and the individual, in keeping America strong.

All in all, Mr. Johnston seemed to enjoy his visit, and we have had a number of laudatory comments on his message before Rotary, and on the message which he gave at Orson Spencer Hall on the University of Utah campus Tuesday evening.

I hope this information will be useful.


Wendell J. Ashton

Vice President

Wendell J. Ashton/m

cc: Henry D. Moyle

Tuesday, May 10, 1960


of America, Inc.

  1600 Eye Street, Northwest

        Washington 6, D.C.

May 16, 1960

Dear President McKay:

My stay in Salt Lake was an enjoyable one.  But it was made far more pleasant by the opportunity of visiting you and getting to know you.  You are one of the most remarkable men I have ever met.

Not only has your leadership reflected itself in the character and moral stamina of your church, but your warmth and human understanding make a deep impression upon those who have the good fortune of knowing you personally.

My sincere appreciation for the valuable time you gave to me, and my very warm wishes for your continued success and good health.

Cordially yours,

Eric Johnston”

Wed., 18 May 1960:

“8:30 a.m.

With Allan Acomb at the wheel left from the rear of the Church Offices for Provo, Utah, driving down there in a real snow storm.

We arrived without mishap in time to reach the Fieldhouse at 10 a.m. at which time the Devotional Exercises commenced.

It was a thrilling sight to see the 10,000 students gathered in the Fieldhouse which filled it to capacity.

In the light of world events at the moment – more espeically the wrecking of the Paris Summit Conference by Khrushchev, the leader of the Soviet Union, I spoke on the Two Contending Forces in the world today – Satan representing the one, and Christ, the only Begotten of the Father, representing the other.

I have always been thrilled with visits to the Brigham Young University, but I believe I have never been quite so overwhelmed as I was at this meeting.  The spirit was excellent and the audience was most responsive.

President Ernest L. Wilkinson’s introduction, strange as it may seem, fit exactly with the theme of my address.  (see copy of this introduction following)

At the conclusion of the service, a young woman came up and made a presentation in behalf of the student body of a corsage consisting of an orchid to take to Sister McKay who is ill at home.  (see copy of remarks made at the presentation by Diane Hatch.)  I returned home in time to eat lunch with Sister McKay, and presented the corsage to her, and she was deeply impressed.  (see copy of letter for appreciation by Sister McKay)

Note by cm — Because of the timeliness of President McKay’s talk, newspaper accounts of the wrecking of the Paris Summit Conference, the downing of the US U-2 Plane, etc., are included herewith.

Wednesday, May 18, 1960


Devotional Assembly

May 18, 1960

Introduction to President David O. McKay

This, my brothers and sisters, is a day of international sorrow, caused by the apparent collapse before it got underway of the summit conference which untold millions hoped would bring peace to a jittery world.  It is, however, just another example of the failure of governments, necessary though they be, to accomplish that desired goal.  For those who place their faith in peace through political action, this will be another chapter in world history of great disillusionment – disillusionment caused by their confusing political power with the power of righteousness, which alone will ultimately prevail in the world.

Fortunate, therefore, are we who are blessed with revealed truth, for we know that universal peace will come to the world only through the peoples of the world living in righteousness and accepting the gospel of Jesus Christ.  In this day of world-wide gloom, it is therefore a most fitting and happy circumstance that we are honored to have as our speaker the earthly ambassador of the Prince of Peace, through whom peace will eventually reign in the hearts of men.  I give you as the worthy successor to the Prophet Joseph Smith, the one who in this last dispensation of time holds the keys to everlasting salvation and eternal peace, our present-day prophet, President David O. McKay.”

Tues., 21 June 1960:

12:30 to 1:10 p.m.

Conference with Cleon Skousen who called at the office regarding cancellation of his speaking appointments in ward houses on Communism, etc. during his political campaign for Governor of the State.  President Moyle came in at my request regarding the advertising that has been done by Brother Skousen’s campaign manager.  It was agreed that Brother Skousen will tell his manager not to advertise that he (Brother Skousen) will speak in ward buildings whether or not his speeches are non-political.  However, I stated that Brother Skousen will not be denied the privilege of conducting one of the classes with the missionaries at the Mission Home.”

Fri., 15 July 1960:

“9:30 a.m.

Received a courtesy call from Sir Harold Caccia, British Ambassador to the United States.  He was accompanied by Mr. Paul Scott Rankins, counselor at the British Embassy, Washington, D.C.  We spent a pleasant half hour discussing international affairs.  Sir Caccia made the statement that the difficulties in Africa, Russia, China, and Cuba make the British-American position obvious — ‘The non-communistic world will have to stand together.’

President Clark was present at this interview.  (see newspaper clippings following)”

Thurs., 13 Oct. 1960:

“8 a.m.

President Henry D. Moyle and I met with President and Sister Alvin R. Dyer.  Brother Dyer gave a report on the following matters: 

5)  Branches and Missionary Work Behind the Iron Curtain.  President Dyer described conditions prevailing in the Communist-controlled part of Germany where careful and very close watch is kept upon the activities of the members of the Church by the police of the Communist country.  The local, full-time missionaries are found to be unable to do regular proselyting because of the suspicion and distrust which they are kept under surveillance by the police.  We agreed that the full-time missionary work behind the Iron Curtain by local members be discontinued, and that the full-time missionaries be released, and that proselyting be done on a part-time missionary basis.  The work of the Church meetings are conducted under serious restraints because of the feelings on the part of the people that they may be spied upon by the Communist authorities through fellow members of the Church.

Sun., 18 Dec. 1960:


By Henry A. Smith

Deseret News Church Editor

‘Without Jesus of Nazareth, the Crucified Christ, the Risen Lord, the beastly traits of the jungle will hold the human family in bondage,’ President David O. McKay of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints declared in a pre-Christmas address Sunday.

The Church leader warned that ‘pernicious efforts and sinister schemes are cunningly and stealthily being fostered to deprive man of his personal liberty and have him revert to the life of the jungle.’

He then appealed to all true believers in individual freedom to ‘cherish the spiritual ideals of the Christ, and ever strive to make real the dream that someday many nations will unite not for war, but for peace and the establishment of the Kingdom of God.’

Traditional Message

President McKay’s address was his traditional Christmas message in his home ward chapel at combined sacrament services of the 27th and East 27th wards in Salt Lake City.  He was accompanied by Mrs. McKay and expressed gratitude for her presence, as ‘this ward has been dear to her during the more than 20 years we have been members of the 27th Ward.’

Bishop T. Roberts Higham of the East 28th Ward conducted the services.  Bishop Melvin R. Pickering of the 27th Ward offered the invocation and the benediction was by Ralph O. Bradley, counselor to Bishop Higham.

Music was furnished by the combined ward choirs and a ladies’ quartet.  For a half hour before the services began the choirs sang Christmas carols.

2 Great Forces

President McKay explained that there were two great forces operating in the world today, ‘each determined to achieve success, each more and more active in planning, and on one side scheming, than ever before.’

The speaker declared these forces to be ‘hate and love.’  ‘The spirit of hate was born before we came into this world,’ he said as he read the account of Satan’s rebellion in Heaven as recorded in the Book of Moses in the Pearl of Great Price.  ‘Satan determined to destroy the free agency of man – a gift of God – part of His Divinity,’ President McKay said.  ‘He desired to supplant God – he wished to supplant the Eternal Creator.’

‘In the spirit of hate today,’ the President further declared, ‘God is denied, even his very existence.  The free agency of man is taken from him.’

President McKay read a recent Associated Press dispatch which explained the story of Mao Tse-tung’s people’s republic of China as being one of hatred and ‘with the lengthening shadow having crept halfway across the earth to the Americas.’  He quoted the article on the Chinese leader saying,  ‘He is one of the most powerful men on earth, and much of his power is based on the most debilitating of human emotions – hatred.  The China he rules is fanned daily by a dozen different kinds:  hatred of the United States…’

President McKay explained that the China he visited 40 years ago had a spirit of love for America.

The Church leader declared that ‘over half the world is under the influence of hate as manifest by this Chinese leader and by the Communist regime in Russia and right next door to us in Cuba.  Satan is active and prompting right this moment the denial of God the Father and His Son, Jesus Christ.’

President McKay then turned his attention to the Savior and explained that ‘during the approaching Christmas holidays, millions of people speaking different languages and cherishing various ideals will commemorate the birth of our Lord and Savior.  This is really a wonderful fact after the lapse of nearly two thousand years, because, from a human standpoint, we know so little about Him.  We revere Him because His wisdom and spirituality comprehends and exceeds that of all others.

‘He has said, ‘I am the light of the world; he that followeth Me shall not walk in darkness but shall have the light of life.’

President McKay stressed the principles of Godliness, peace and brotherliness, as taught and exemplified by the Savior.

‘Peace as taught by the Savior is exemption from individual troubles, from family broils, from national difficulties.  Such peace refers to the person just as much as it does to communities.  That man is not at peace who is untrue to the whisperings of Christ, the promptings of his conscience.  He cannot be at peace when he is untrue to his better self,’ President McKay said.

Continuing he added, ‘Peace does not come to the transgressor of the law.  Peace comes by obedience to law, and it is the message that Jesus would have us establish among men…peace to the individual that he may be at peace with his God; perfect harmony existing between himself and the law, the righteous laws to which he is subject and from which he can never escape; peace in the home – families living at peace with each other and with their neighbors.’

Wrong Thinking

President McKay also explained that fundamental in all Christ’s teachings was the crime of wrong thinking.  ‘He condemned avarice, enmity, hate, and jealousy in the mind as vehemently as He did the results that avarice, enmity, and hate produce.’

The Church leader stressed that ‘the tender sentiment of Christmas is properly associated with the birth of Jesus Christ – not with Santa Claus, not with gifts.’   

Cites Danger

In conclusion President McKay declared:

‘If men ever reject the fact that Christ is our Lord and Savior and fill their souls with hate; if they ever reject the fact that His mission is to redeem men from the sordid life of selfish indulgence and sin, and lift him into a realm shown only by Him of self-sacrifice, generosity, beauty and love; if the majority of nations fail to recognize Him as the only ‘name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved’; if doubting men reject the possibility of obtaining that spiritual assurance of Christ’s divinity, disclosed by Thomas when he reverently exclaimed, ‘My Lord, and my God’; if the acts of men generally be in accordance with such rejection rather than in accordance with their acceptance of His as the One Divine, then this world will continue to be torn by contention, made miserable by hideous warfare, and ignominously wrecked on the shoals of materialism, selfish indulgence, disbelief and hatred.’

Deseret News – Monday, December 19, 1960

Sunday, December 18, 1960


McKay Speaks Before Ward

‘Without Jesus of Nazareth, the crucified Christ, the risen Lord, the beastly traits of the jungle will hold the human family in bondage.’

These were the words of David O. McKay, president of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, who delivered his annual Christmas message to a capacity crowd Sunday in Twenty-Seventh Ward Chapel, 185 P St. (1051 East).  Members of East Twenty Seventh Ward also attended the meeting which began at 4:30 p.m.

Pointing to the fact that ‘two mighty influences’ are in the world seeking the souls of men, ‘hate,’ and ‘love,’  Pres. McKay warned that ‘tonight it is well for us, young and old, to realize that over half the world is under the influence of hate, as manifest by that Chinese leader (Mao Tse-tung), that Communist group in Russia – manifest now right next door to us in Cuba.’

‘In the spirit of hate today,’ he said, ‘God is denied, even His very existence, and the free agency of man is taken from him, supplanted by the power of the state.’

He contrasted this with the power of love as exemplified in Christ, and told his listerners that peace, as taught by the Savior, is ‘exemption from individual troubles, from family broils, from national difficulties.’

‘Such peace,’ he said, ‘refers to the person just as much as it does to communities.  That man is not at peace who is untrue to the whisperings of Christ, the promptings of his conscience.  He cannot be at peace when he is untrue to his better self.’

Fundamental in all of Christ’s teachings, he said, is the ‘crime of wrong thinking.’

‘He condemned avarice, enmity and jealousy in the mind as vehemently as He did the results that avarice, enmity and jealousy ‘produce,’ he said. 

‘Modern psychology proves the virtue of such teachings regarding the injury that follows the harboring of hate.  He who harbors hatred and bitterness injures himself far more than the one toward whom he manifests these evil propensities.’

Equally applicable to present conditions, Pres. McKay explained, are Christ’s teachings regarding the ‘value and sacredness of human life, the virtue of forgiveness, the necessity of fair dealings, the crime of hypocrisy, the sin of convetousness, the saving power of love, the immortality of man.’

‘If men ever reject the fact that Christ is our Lord and Savior…’ he said, ‘then this world will continue to be torn by contention, made miserable by hideous warfare, and ignominiously wrecked on the shoals of materialism, self indulgence and disbelief.’

The ‘obligation and duty,’ he said, ‘rests upon the Church of Jesus Christ’ to ‘proclaim the truth that the Babe of Bethlehem…is truly the way, the truth and the life; that he is, in very deed, the Savior of mankind.’

Until last September, Pres. and Mrs. McKay were members of the Twenty-Seventh Ward.  Mrs. McKay, who has been ill, was in the audience as he spoke Sunday.

The Salt Lake Tribune – Monday, December 19, 1960

Thurs., 5 Jan. 1961:

“Thursday, January 5, 1961

TO: Clare Middlemiss

FROM: Ted Cannon

RE: Interview of President McKay by John Cook, Thursday, January 5, 1961

Mr. Cook, reporter and feature writer for the Sacramento Union, a daily newspaper, visited President McKay in my company on above date in the course of a four-day visit here during which he is collecting material for a series of articles his paper plans to publish soon about the Church.  He is a convert, having married an L.D.S. girl, and they have a daughter attending B.Y.U.  However, he does not consider himself a very good Church member, although he appears to observe Church standards in most respects.

He asked President McKay what he thought was the greatest threat to the Church today, and President McKay immediately replied:  ‘Communism!’ with its godless ideology, its complete subjugation of the individual to the state and its complete materialism.  He said the entire concept and philosophy of Communism is diametrically opposed to everything the Church stands for and believes in — the Deity, the dignity and eternal nature of man, etc.

Mr. Cook said he realized that, but that his question was directed more toward what might be considered the greatest danger to the Church from within itself — in other words, was there a growing tendency to place more importance on material well-being, financial success and status than on spirituality.  President McKay replied that he did not think so.  ‘In fact,’ he said, ‘I doubt that there has ever been a time when the membership of the Church have had greater spirituality — more willingness to give and to serve…Service to others which in the end is the whole spirit of the Gospel.’  He cited the self-sacrifice of people in all stations of life, and mentioned particularly the young people — their willingness and desire to go on missions, and the record of high contributions expected of them.  He cited one man who, in addition to paying his regular tithes and offerings, had turned over a million dollars to the Church, the revenue from which amounted to some seventy or eighty thousand dollars a year.  He pointed out too, that the Church’s business interests are maintained for only one purpose, to help finance the Church’s work of service among all mankind — missions, schools, etc.

Mr. Cook then said he was hesitant about asking his next question, and that he hoped President McKay would understand the spirit in which he was asking — not for a part of his story, but strictly from a personal inquiry standpoint, and that he hoped the President would not answer if he did not feel it was a proper question.  He then asked President McKay if he had ever seen the Savior.

President McKay answered that he had not, but that he had heard His voice — many times — and that he had felt His presence and His influence.  He then told about Peter (saying that he was his favorite among the apostles, even more so than Paul with all his education and learning — that Peter was a rough, simple man, but sincere) and he told how Peter had spoken of being partakers of the divine spirit — of the divine nature, and explained what he felt that to mean.

Then he told how some evidences were stronger even than that of sight, and recalled the occasion when the Savior appeared to His disciples and told Thomas, who had doubted, ‘Reach hither they finger, and behold my hands; and reach hither thy hand and thrust it into my side, and be not faithless, but believing.’  And he said he liked to believe that Thomas did not actually look up, but knelt at the Savior’s feet and gave his answer, ‘My Lord and my God.’  And then the President repeated the words of the Master,’ Because thou hast seen me, thou has believed; blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed.’

President McKay then smiled, and said, ‘That is quite a testimony I have given you…I don’t know when I have given this before…’

Mr. Cook was visibly moved, and after leaving the office he said it had been the greatest experience of his life…that President McKay was like no other man he had ever seen or heard.  He was so greatly moved that tears were in his eyes as he left President McKay.

Ted L. Cannon

Jan. 7, 1961″

Fri., 26 May 1961:

“Telephone Conversation with Elder Ezra Taft Benson

Re:  Serving on a Committee to look into the question of exchange of humans for tractors in Cuba.

Elder Ezra Taft Benson telephoned to me at 3 o’clock this afternoon and said that Dr. Milton Eisenhower had been appointed by President John F. Kennedy one of a three-person committee to look into the question of exchange of humans for tractors in Cuba.  One thousand two hundred and fifteen freedom fighters that are imprisoned in Cuba may face death — we do not know.  Castro has made the proposition that he would exchange them for 500 American tractors.  It may be black mail.  President Kennedy has appointed Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt, Walter Reuther, and now he has asked Dr. Milton Eisenhower, and has authorized him to add two or three members to his committee to deal with the agriculture aspects of the deal.  Brother Benson said Dr. Eisenhower called him to see if he would lend his name to the committee.

I answered: ‘You cannot lend your name on that Committee.’  Brother Benson said:  ‘I do not feel that I should; Dr. Eisenhower apparently feels that I cannot refuse the President.  He said that our duty will be largely to raise the funds for the tractors.  They propose to get the names of the prisoners, and send one-fifth of the tractors as Castro cannot be trusted.’  I said Castro cannot be trusted any more than Khruschev — their word does not mean a thing!’  Brother Benson said the sentiment in South America is very strong against Castro, and some of the people are raising funds to help purchase the tractors so that the prisoners can be freed.  I said, ‘Well, it is a terrible thing, but you must not associate yourself or your name with this committee — with Mrs. Roosevelt, and Walter Reuther.'”

Thurs., 17 Aug. 1961:

“10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

The regular meeting of the First Presidency and Council of the Twelve convened in the Salt Lake Temple at 10 a.m.  This was the first meeting since we adjourned on Thursday, June 22, 1961.

Following some regular business regarding Stakes and Wards, we discussed the following:

1) Position of the Church with reference to Communism.

Some of the Brethren called attention to the extensive activity of some of our stakes presidents in the Los Angeles area, largely directed by President Hugh C. Smith.  Brother Cleon Skousen is taking an active part in this campaign, and that regularly organized meetings are held in the Los Angeles area, and that this campaigning is being carried into our Sacrament meetings.

Elder Ezra Taft Benson mentioned that Brother Skousen is field director of the American Security Council, which is a national organization set up by businessmen and business corporations primarily, and financed by voluntary contributions; that some very distinguished Americans serve on the Advisory Committee and the Board, and they have headquarters in Chicago.  Their objective is to try to inform the American people on the issues involved in Communism and Socialism.  He said that personally he thought the Communism threat is very real and very dangerous, and that there is need for some organized effort to meet this great threat.

Elder Benson and others of the Brethren indicated that they thought that perhaps Brother Hugh C. Smith has been a little extreme in his efforts to combat this menace.  The Brethren were agreed that we should fight Communism as citizens, but they questioned the wisdom of doing so as the Church, and particularly in our Sacrament meetings.

It was suggested that the First Presidency prepare a carefully worded memorandum on this subject to be handed to the Brethren of the General authorities for their use when visiting quarterly conferences, setting forth the precise feeling of the First Presidency about this matter.  It was suggested that emphasis should be placed on the spiritual nature of our Sacrament meetings.

It became the sentiment of the Brethren that this be done, but I said that in this connection, however, we must be careful about condemning any efforts that are anti-Communistic because Communism is a real danger in our country.  It is a termite movement, the purpose of which is to make the state dominant over the individual.  Our Sacrament meetings should be reserved for spiritual enrichment and spiritual instruction.  (See Diary of August 31, 1961 for further discussion on this matter.)

Wed., 23 Aug. 1961:

9:00 a.m.

Dr. O. Preston Robinson, manager of the Deseret News, met with the First Presidency.  Brother Robinson had just returned from Washington, D.C. where he had spent an hour with President Kennedy.  He made the following brief report regarding the Berlin crisis.  The President indicates, he said, that the East Germans and the Russians are going to sign a peace treaty, and there is nothing much that can be done about it.  We will preserve access to Berlin as we have done in the past, maintaining the freedom of the city.  The administration hopes there will be no change in connection with that.  If the peace treaty is signed we will be forced to recognize East Germany.  The closing of the border is one step, and the treaty will be the next.  The President said we would not stand for any interference in the freedom of West Berlin.  Wherever there are military check points, wherever the military is involved, we will stand firm.  The President warned that this is only the beginning of a series of worsening crises.

There are three things the western powers are sitting tight on and demanding no change:  1) The free life of the West Berliners, 2) Their right for self determination, 3) The existence of western forces in Berlin.  We were led to believe there would be no change, he said, but we have increased our garrison by 1500.  We had 11,000 troops and they wanted us to decrease it to 5,000.  He said he did not think the President nor his associates know what to expect.  The administration is very much concerned about our ability to conduct a conventional war.  We have built up our strength in atomic weapons, we have a lot of strategic weapons that can be used by foot soldiers, but we are not equipped adequately to meet conventional war with conventional weapons.  It is the concern of the administration now to build up that to the point where Khrushchev will not think he can beat us with conventional weapons.”

Thurs., 24 Aug. 1961:

Berlin Crisis

President Moyle mentioned that a cable from President Percy Getzer of the Berlin Mission to Elder Ezra Taft Benson, stated that the Berlin crisis is making people receptive to the Gospel, that 48 missionaries expect 88 baptisms in September.  President Fetzer asked in the letter for a ten-minute personal voice tape directed to Berlin missionaries for a conference meeting to be held August 28th.  It was our sentiment that it would be unwise to have such a tape prepared and sent by Brother Benson, that it might have a political connotation.

Communism — the Church

I called attention to the discussion in the Council Meeting last Thursday regarding the various discussions that are going on particularly in California in the Sacrament meetings and elsewhere regarding Communism.  I read to the Brethren of the First Presidency an editorial issued by the First Presidency, consisting of Heber J. Grant, J. Reuben Clark, Jr. and David O. McKay, under date of July 3, 1936, setting forth the attitude of the Church regarding Communism.  It was the sentiment of the Brethren that this editorial should be copied and placed in the folders of the General Authorities as they go out to visit the stakes.  It was felt that there should be no hesitation in giving circulation to this article.  It was decided to take it to the Council this morning to be read to the Brethren.  It was the sentiment of the Brethren that we should not open our meetings to national organizations and individuals to discuss the communistic trend, but that any instruction on the matter should go through proper channels and there would be no objection to the Brethren of the General Authorities reading this in quarterly conferences.  I said we do not want the Brethren to go out with the idea that we, as a Church, are not publicly and emphatically against Communism.

Other matters were discussed until 9:50 at which time we left for the Salt Lake Temple.

10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Attended Council Meeting in which were discussed the following matters:

Statement of First Presidency on Communism

I referred to the discussion on the subject of Communism held in the Council Meeting a week ago, at which time it was recommended by the Brethren that the First Presidency prepare a statement settting forth the attitude of the First Presidency regarding the matter, which statement it was suggested be given to each of the General Authorities to take with them when visiting stake conferences.

At my request there was read to the Council an editorial over the signatures of the First Presidency — President Heber J. Grant, J. Reuben Clark, Jr. and David O. McKay, which appeared in the Improvement Era in August, 1936.

I stated that a copy of this article would be given to each of the Brethren that they might take it with them in their visits to the quarterly conferences, that the people might be advised through the regular channels of the Church rather than having the matter discussed in Sacrament meetings, or by special self-appointed or unofficially appointed speakers.

Elder Spencer W. Kimball suggested that it might be well to enlarge this statement somewhat in order to make it applicable to our people in foreign countries as well as in the United States.  It was also decided that the statement would be read at the General Priesthood meeting of the Church in connection with the October Conference, at which time the one presenting it would make such additional remarks as could be quoted for use in foreign countries when dealing with the subject of Communism. 

Thursday, August 24, 1961


Warning to Church Members

With great regret we learn from credible sources, governmental and others, that a few Church members are joining directly or indirectly, the Communists and are taking part in their activities.

The Church does not interfere, and has no intention of trying to interfere, with the fullest and freest exercise of the political franchise of its members, under and within our Constitution which the Lord declared: ‘I established…by the hands of wise men whom I raised up unto this very purpose,’ and which, as to the principles thereof, the Prophet, dedicating the Kirtland Temple, prayed should be ‘established forever.’

But Communism is not a political party nor a political plan under the Constitution; it is a system of government that is the opposite of our Constitutional government, and it would be necessary to destroy our government before Communism could be set up in the United States.  

Since Communism, established, would destroy our American Constitutional government, to support Communism is treasonable to our free institutions, and no patriotic American citizen may become either a Communist or supporter of Communism.

To our Church members we say:  Communism is not the United Order, and bears only the most superficial resemblance thereto; Communism is based upon intolerance and force, the United Order upon love and freedom of conscience and action; Communism involves forceful despoliation and confiscation, the United Order voluntary consecration and sacrifice.

Communists cannot establish the United Order, nor will Communism bring it about.  The United order will be established by the Lord in His own due time and in accordance with the regular prescribed order of the Church.

Furthermore, it is charged by universal report, which is not successfully contradicted or disproved, that Communism undertakes to control, if not indeed to proscribe the religious life of the people living within its jurisdiction, and that it even reaches its hand into the sanctity of the family circle itself, disrupting the normal relationship of parent and child, all in a manner unknown and unsanctioned under the Constitutional guarantees under which we in America live.  Such interference would be contrary to the fundamental precepts of the Gospel and to the teachings and order of the Church.

Communism being thus hostile to loyal American citizenship and incompatible with true Church membership, of necessity no loyal American citizen and no faithful Church member can be a Communist.

We call upon all Church members completely to eschew Communism.  The safety of our divinely inspired constitutional government and the welfare of our Church imperatively demand that Communism shall have no place in America.

Heber J. Grant

J. Reuben Clark, Jr.

David O. McKay

The First Presidency.”

Fri., 25 Aug. 1961:

Lecture Regarding Nuclear Attack to be held in Tabernacle

A letter from Peter B. Woolley of the Intermountain Veterinary Medical Association stating that the Intermountain Association is endeavoring to bring several professional groups together January 27, 1962 to hear an address by Col. George F. Rumer of the Brooke Medical Training Center, Fort Sam Houston, Texas, explaining the roll of doctors, dentists, technicians, nurses, etc. in the event of nuclear attack.  Mr. Wooley asks if the Church would permit the holding of this meeting in the Tabernacle free of charge and urge the public to attend through the media available.  We indicated our willingness that the Tabernacle be used for this purpose.”

Tues., 5 Sept. 1961:

American Flag – Displaying of in our Churches

A letter from John V. Buckle, Department Patriotic Instructor, and Rex G. Post, National Patriotic Instruction, United States Spanish War Veterans, was read in which they urged that the American flag be displayed in our meeting houses during religious services.  We were unanimous in our feelings that it would be a good thing to display the flag during our Sunday Services, that, however, it should be displayed on the meeting house grounds outside rather than in the building, and that someone should be appointed in each such ward or branch to see that the flag is raised in the morning, taken down at night and properly looked after.”

Wed., 6 Sept. 1961:

“8:35 a.m.

Attended the regular meeting of the First Presidency.

Berlin – conditions in

President Moyle reported that he had received a letter from President Alvin R. Dyer of the European Mission, regarding conditions in Berlin, stating that we have 48 missionaries in the city where we are permitted to labor, not including those working in the office.  Troubled times seem to be opening the hearts of the people to the Gospel.  During the month of August there will be about as many baptisms in the Berlin Mission as there were before the mission was divided.  He recommends we send an additional ten or twelve missionaries in the next month or two.  We did not favor this.

I mentioned the decision to organize a stake there, and it was agreed that East Berlin should be brought into that organization.  It was also decided to send a cable to President Tanner asking that he attend the conference in Berlin when the stake is organized.”

Fri., 15 Sept. 1961:

BYU Faculty and Communism – I asked President Wilkinson if there were any Communists on the faculty of the Brigham Young University, and President Wilkinson said he was very sure that there are none.  I mentioned a report that I had received to the effect that someone in Provo had claimed that Brother Paul, a member of the faculty, is a Communist, but President Wilkinson siad that he has been unable to get any items of any kind to prove this assertion and that he personally is satisfied that he does not favor Communism.

Tues., 19 Sept. 1961:

11:25 a.m.

Came out of Expenditures Committee Meeting to meet Mr. Victor Riesel, of ________, nationally famous columnist who is in Salt Lake City to be the speaker at the Bonneville Knife and Fork Club this evening.  (see memo following of President McKay’s visit with Mr. Riesel.  See also newspaper clippings.)

Communism (Note by C.M.):  Today when Mr. Victor Riesel visited President McKay, he asked if the Church was pacifistic and would be opposed to bearing arms in the case of a showdown with communism.  President McKay declared the Church was militantly opposed to the godless atheism of communism and would not hesitate to oppose force with force if it became necessary.

As Mr. Riesel was about to leave, President McKay grasped him warmly by the hand and said, ‘I know what they have done to you.  I admire your courage and your good work.  May God bless you.’  Mr. Riesel was visibly moved.  Upon leaving he expressed extreme pleasure and gratitude for the opportunity of meeting and visiting with President McKay and for his most hospitable reception here.  He had previously attended the Choir broadcast Sunday morning and had taken the guided tour on Temple Square.  On leaving the President’s office he met and spoke briefly with President Brown.”

Thurs., 21 Sept. 1961:

“Assignment of Missionaries to German Speaking Missions

President Moyle stated that in assigning missionaries yesterday they assigned fourteen to the German-speaking missions in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.  He asked for my direction as to whether or not under the circumstances existing in Germany today we should go ahead and assign these missionaries as is normally done.  I said no.  However, we agreed that we should send enough missionaries within the next few months, to these missions for replacements of missionaries who will be coming home, but not any others.  In other words, not to increase the number of missionaries in these countries at the present time.

10 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.

Was convened in the meeting of the First Presidency and Council of the Twelve held in the Salt Lake Temple.

During the meeting today Elder Delbert L. Stapley gave a report on his recent trip to Germany.  He said in speaking of the Berlin crisis that the present action of the East German Communists in Russia itself indicates that all of Berlin is going to be taken within the Communist camp; that we have only 6,500 soldiers.  The British and French are represented, but we are not in force sufficient to resist any offensive action on the part of the Communists.  They have built up this wall that separates East from West Berlin.  The Communists have put up two lines of barbed wire fence about eight feet high, separated ten or twelve feet with heavy barbed wire entanglements laced in between.  They have uprooted the trees with bulldozers from this line of fencing about 150 feet, so that it is clear and open.  This is patrolled by the East German or Russian soldiers.  They are getting so entrenched, and moving their people back, and it seemed to be just a maneuver to take over West Berlin.  Elder Stapley said it would be very difficult to defend Berlin as he sees it.  He mentioned a rumor — he did not know whether or not it was true — that sometime after the 20th of this month Russia would enter into a treaty with the East German government.  At that time all traffic flow will cease into East Berlin.  They will close the corridors leading into Berlin.  We are faced with that situation, and it is a time of decision in Berlin so far as the country is concerned, and everything indicates that that is the intention of the Communists.

Elder Stapley said he asked our new stake presidency what would happen if the Communists took over, and they did not seem to have too much concern.  In other words, we have more concern here than the West Germans have.  Elder Stapley felt it was because they have lived under domination so many years they do not know anything else, but if they had the privilege of getting into East Berlin and seeing the conditions under which the people live it might change their minds.  He said that if the Communists were to close the corridors they could starve Berlin and it would not take too long, and he did not see how Berlin could be maintained without being completely destroyed.  He felt that the situation requires rather careful watching from our standpoint.  He was very apprehensive about it.  He thought it would only take a few hours to bring the entire city of Berlin into the Communist camp.  Elder Stapley said he was thankful for the privilege of filling this assignment.”

Tues., 26 Sept. 1961:

“8:30 a.m.

Attended the meeting of the First Presidency.  Among many matters we considered the following:

5) Fall-out shelters — A letter was read from Kent C. Esplin, President of Perma-Pax of Salt Lake City, Utah, stating that for several years his company has been selling food for storage, and that tens of thousands of Church members avail themselves of this service, that in connection with the Civil Defense preparedness program, they have now added to their list of products fall-out shelters.  He mentions that occasionally they have heard that at various stake conferences some of the visiting authorities and welfare committeemen leave the impression with the congregation that fall-out shelters are not necessary.  He states that even though they have invested heavily in their shelter project, they will discontinue it if the Presidency of the Church feel that the members of the Church have no need for such preparation.  I commented that at present we are preparing places where people could go in case of such emergency in our meeting-houses, but that we are not ready, as yet, to advise the purchase or preparation of individual fall-out shelters.  I said that as to individuals doing so we raise no objection, but that is their responsibility.”

Saturday, September 30, 1961

Fourth Session


Communism and collectivized socialism are incompatible with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Ezra Taft Benson, member of the Council of Twelve Apostles, told the Saturday afternoon session of the 131st semi-annual General Conference of the Church in the Salt Lake Tabernacle.

Elder Benson, former secretary of agriculture, said it was the duty of every holder of the priesthood to fight worldwide conspiracy of communism on every front.

‘Some timid, vacillating political leaders,’ he declared, ‘proclaim that communism is something we will have to learn to live with, whether it is Khrushchev or some other leader.

‘The present Communist system, they declare, will continue because there is no alternative system to replace it.

‘Such a negative attitude writes off the hundreds of millions behind the Iron Curtain as a lost cause.  Surely no courageous, liberty-loving citizen will treat the Communist secret combination as something we will have to learn to live with.

‘There is a more courageous and sounder point of view.  President David O. McKay expressed it in these words (in a discussion with President Kennedy when he was a senator):

‘Men will be free.  I have hoped for 20 years that the Russian system would break up.  There is no freedom under it, and sooner or later the people will rise up against it.  They cannot oppose those fundamentals of civilization and God.  They can’t crush their people always.  Men will be free.’

Elder Benson characterized socialistic communism as ‘the earthly image of the plan which Satan presented in the pre-existence – a program which is essentially a war against God and the plan of salvation.’

He asserted that communism is fundamentally socialism and that collectivized socialism is part of the communist strategy.

‘We will never win our fight against communism,’ he continued, ‘by making concessions to socialism…

‘When socialism is understood, we will realize that many of the programs advocated and some of those already adopted in the U.S. fall clearly within the category of socialism… which is simply governmental ownership and management of the essential means of production and distribution of goods.

‘The socialistic communistic conspiracy to weaken the U.S. involves attacks on many fronts.  To weaken the American free-enterprise economy…is a high priority target.

‘Theri press and propaganda media are therefore constantly selling the principles of centralized or federal control of farms, railroads, electric power, schools, steel, maritime shipping and many other aspects of the economy, but always in the name of public welfare…

‘No true Latter-day Saint and no true American can be a Socialist or a Communist or support programs leading in that direction.  These evil philosophies are incompatible with Mormonism, the true Gospel of Jesus Christ.

To meet the challenge of the adversary, the speaker urged members of the priesthood to become informed about communism and Americanism; to accept the command of the Lord and treat socialistic communism as the tool of Satan and resist its influence whereever found; to help those who have been deceived; to use influence to resist erosion taking place in political and economic life.

‘We should not make the mistake,’ he continued,’ of calling people Communists just because they happen to be helping the Communist cause.

‘Thousands of patriotic Americans, including a few Latter-day Saints, have helped communists without realizing it.  Others have knowingly helped without joining the party.

‘The remedy is to avoid name-calling but point out persuasively how they are helping the Communists.

Speakers at the afternoon session, in addition to Elder Benson, were William J. Critchlow Jr., assistant to the Council of Twelve Apostles; Marion G. Romney and LeGrand Richards, members of the Council of Twelve Apostles; Thorpe B. Isaacson, newly appointed assistant to the Council of Twelve Apostles, and Sterling W. Sill, assistant to the Council of Twelve Apostles.

Elder Sill, who President McKay invited to deliver his one-minute speech because of lack of time, spoke less than a minute on the text – ‘Come Follow Me.’

The opening prayer was by H. Loren Allen, president of the Mesa Stake, and the benediction by Milton R. Ream, president of the San Leandro Stake.

The Salt Lake Tribune – Sunday Morning, October 1, 1961

Fri., 6 Oct. 1961:

Friday, October 6, 1961

In setting apart two new Assistants to the Council of the Twelve at a special meeting held with the First Presidency and Assistants to the Twelve in the First Presidency’s office, President McKay said:

‘Now you will go out representing these chosen of the Twelve, whose first obligation and whose requirement to be a member of the Council of the Twelve is the knowledge of the divinity of Jesus Christ, our Lord; and you as representing this body are required to have that same testimony and to bear witness to the reality of his existence.  Now you know why such emphasis is being placed upon it.

‘Only a few days ago the leader of the Communists, praising a man who appealed to them to serve the world and bring about its destruction, said:  ‘Of course we do not believe in Christ or in God.’  They do not believe in the home ties, and as I have said in public I say to you this morning, a whole generation for nearly half a century, over 40 years, has been indoctrinated with that falsehood, as false as Satan himself can make it; that there is no God; that Jesus Christ is not his Son, has no divinity, in fact, has no existence.

‘One of these indoctrinated young men, a member of the Church, said:  ‘I belong to the Church of Jesus Christ, but I have been indoctrinated falsely.’  The man said, ‘Who is Jesus Christ?’  Whether he said it, we do not know, but it is a fact that a whole generation is indoctrinated with that idea — atheistic, a false ideology, a false philosophy, that is a false as Satan himself can make it — and upon the Twelve Apostles, the Presidency of the Church, and the Assistants to the Twelve, and other General Authorities of this Church rests the responsibility of counteracting in the world where dwell millions of honest men, God-fearing men, and we have that responsibility.

‘So it is your first charge:  The knowledge of the Son of God and his divinity is your responsibility and your privilege and your blessing.’

Mon., 6 Nov. 1961:

“11:15 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.

Brother Loran Wheelwright and Brother Jerry D. Timothy came in by appointment to take photographs of me which they wish to use in the December issue of the Instructor.

Brother Wheelwright wanted a few statements from me, and in the course of conversation with him I said that it seems that Satan is making a last great effort to control the minds of men, and finally to gain possession of their souls through Dictatorship instead of through Love.

In this evening’s paper, Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev of Russia in a letter to Mayor Giorio La Pira of Florence, Italy, said that ‘If the West continues its present policies there is danger of atomic war.  We are carrying out test explosions and perfecting our weapons in order that mankind may never have to experience the horrors of nuclear war.  The present policy of the NATO powers is proceeding in such a direction that there is ground to fear not radioactive fall-out, but the deadly and destructive force of the atomic weapons themselves.’  His explosions of atomic bombs is a threat to the whole world, and is done in spite of the pleadings of the United Nations to stop the test explosions which are frightening the free world.”

Thurs., 16 Nov. 1961:

“7:15 a.m.

Arrived at the office — was busy with regular duties until 8:00 a.m. at which time President Brown and I met by appointment Congressman David S. King who reaffirmed his allegiance to the things of the spirit and the things of the kingdom.  He discussed what he thought were actions that indicated that perhaps there was an abandonment by the Church of its neutrality in politics.  He mentioned cases that had come to his attention that Sunday School teachers are making broad hints and innuendoes in classes that those who follow the Democratic program are handmaidens of Communists, and cannot expect to consider themselves in full fellowship in the Church.  He urged that the First Presidency say something in print as to where the Church stands on politics.  He said he understood the Church had spoken officially sometime in the past, but he thinks that the average Democrat does not know where to find it.  He then discussed the general direction of the Democratic administration which he thinks is in complete harmony with Gospel principles.  He also set forth his political philosophy.

I remarked to him that the action of the President of the Church in choosing two Democrats for counselors should be sufficient indication that the Democrats have a definite place in the Church.  I said that all we need to do is to republish what we have heretofore said on the political stand of the Church.

I told Congressman King that he has my confidence and very best wishes.  I asked him to convey my kind regards to President Kennedy.

Fri., 1 Dec. 1961:

All American Society

The Presiding Bishopric called attention to the request of the all American Society for the use of the Assembly Hall on Monday, December 11, 1961 to present Dr. Fred Schwartz, President of the Christian Anti-Communist Crusade.  It was explained that Brother Reed Benson, son of Elder Ezra Taft Benson, and Cleon Skousen are taking a very active part in this ‘crusade.’

Bishop Simpson reported having attended one of the meetings in Los Angeles.  He said that Cleon Skousen was extremely ‘right-wing’ to the point that he was recommending that the entire State Department be dismissed and new men put in that Department.

I asked Bishop Simpson if he knew anything about Dr. Fred Schwartz who is to speak in the meeting in the Assembly Hall, and Brother Simpson said that he is an Australian, that he is a gifted speaker.  In this connection the literature regarding the proposed meeting indicates that President David E. Heywood of the Phoenix Stake, President Alonzo F. Hopkins of the Woodruff Stake, President Glenn E. Nielson of the Big Horn Stake, and other prominent people are listed as sponsors of the program, in addition to Elder Ezra Taft Benson of the Twelve.

I said that we cannot refuse the Assembly Hall for the holding of the meeting proposed.  I asked Bishop Vandenberg to watch the service and to make sure that no one makes an attack on the State Department or the Government.

Bishop Vandenberg said he would call Elder Benson and talk with him and tell him that this meeting must be strictly non-political.

Tues., 5 Dec. 1961:

Just before leaving home, telephoned to Elder Ezra Taft Benson regarding a telegram which I had received concerning his accepting a speaking engagement in Southern California.  I told Elder Benson that his accepting this invitation is entirely up to him.

I also told Brother Benson that permission had been granted for the All American Society to hold their meeting in the Assembly Hall next Monday evening.

Tuesday, December 5, 1961

The following telegram was received, and read at 12:30 p.m. to Elder Ezra Taft Benson:


President David O. McKay

47 East South Temple

Salt Lake City, Utah

Urgently request Elder Ezra Taft Benson as Keynote Speaker evening of December 11 for Project Alert School of Anti-Communism, week of December 11-15, presented by Navy and Marine Leagues.  His address will be at the Shrine Auditorium before an audience of 6500 and will be televised throughout Southern California with releases by film and video tape in other cities throughout the United States at a later date.  We cannot think of any who symbolizes the integrity, forthrightness and courage of America as does Elder Benson.  Granting him permission to speak will mean a great deal to all of us in Southern California.

Dr. William Brahsears

Chairman of the Board Project Alert

11 11-15 65– 2404

Elder Benson was advised that this matter was being left entirely in his hands, and to do what he deems best.

President McKay said to Brother Benson:  ‘I will leave it entirely with you, it is a personal matter.'”

Wed., 13 Dec. 1961:

“Immediately following the departure of the Swiss Ambassador, I received in my private office, Dr. Fred C. Schwarz, President of the Christian Anti-communism Crusade, physician from Australia, and former minister in the Baptist Church, who is now devoting his full time as an anti-Communist crusader.  He was born in Brisbane, Australia, January 15, 1913.  He studied at the University of Queensland where he graduated in science in 1933, majoring in philosophy and political economy.  Concurrently with his teaching duties, he studied at the University of Queensland Medical School, and in 1944, received his degree in medicine and surgery.

Dr. Schwarz first met the Communists at the University of Queensland.  He engaged in a debate with Max Julius, a leading Australian Communist in the year 1940.  His interest increased, and he has made a profound study of basic Communist texts.  He has continued to debate Communists and recently debated the chairman of the Communist Party of Massachusetts, Otis Archer Hood, at Harvard University.  He has repeatedly challenged Communist leaders on open debate on any aspect of their philosophy and program.

In 1950 he left his native Australia, and toured the United States and Europe lecturing on Communism.

Elder Ezra Taft Benson and his son, Reed, were present during the interview.

I welcomed Dr. Schwarz and told him of my admiration for anyone who advocates the truth and fights against evil, and I added, ‘You are one of these friends fighting the greatest evil in the world — Communism.’

Dr. Schwarz impressed me as a man who is very well informed on the subject of communism.  I was very interested in what he had to say.  (see notes of interview written by Brother Henry Smith of the Deseret News who was present during the interview.)

Wednesday, December 13, 1961

One of the prominent visitors to the office of President David O. McKay this week was an Australian physician and former minister who is now devoting his full time as an anti-Communism crusader.

He is Dr. Fred C. Schwarz, president of the Christian Anti-Communism Crusade, who gave two addresses in Salt Lake City last Monday, one at a luncheon in the Hotel Utah, and the second in the Assembly Hall on Temple Square.

President McKay and Dr. Schwarz spent a pleasant half hour in the President’s office Wednesday, discussing the dangers of Communism, which they mutually agreed was ‘the most evil thing in the world today.’

President McKay welcomed Dr. Schwarz to his office and told of his affection for the ‘advocates of truth and those who fight evil.  You are one of these friends fighting the greatest evil in the world.’  With Dr. Schwarz were Elder Ezra Taft Benson of the Council of the Twelve, and his son, Reed Benson, director of the All-American Society.

Dr. Schwarz spent a considerable part of the interview warning President McKay of the eminent dangers of Communism, and explaining that his dual emphasis during his ‘crusade’ in the United States was, first of all, the need for knowledge — understanding of the techniques of Communism — and secondly, a strong motivating force as vital as their’s is with which to oppose them.

The visitor told President McKay that Lenin’s book, ‘The State and the Revolution’ is now the most translated book in the world, having surpassed the Bible in that regard, ‘but,’ he added, ‘nobody bothers to read it.’

At the conclusion of the visit President McKay wished his visitor ‘success in your efforts.’

In his Salt Lake addresses, Dr. Schwarz declared that people tend to hide from unpleasant truths.

He explained that since the formation of Communism in 1903, some one billion people have fallen under its denomination, and Communists have an ‘option’ on another billion in the uncommitted areas of the world.

‘At the present rate of progress, Communism will have conquered us in ten years,’ he said.  He urged people to become ‘dedicated individuals’ and to put the defeat of Communism first, above all other things.

By – Henry Smith

Deseret News Reporter”

Fri., 5 Dec. 1961:

11 a.m.

Henry Smith, reporter of the Church Section, came in and asked regarding publishing Elder Ezra Taft Benson’s speech made in Los Angeles a few days ago.  I gave permission for this speech to be published.”

Thurs., 21 Dec. 1961:

“8 a.m.

Brother Cleon Skousen, formerly Chief of Salt Lake City Police, called at the office and introduced to me Brother Richard Vetterli who has just published a book entitled ‘Mormonism, Americanism, and Politics.’  Brother Vetterli who is a faithful member of the Church and a nephew of the former Chief of Police of Salt Lake City, Reid Vetterli, with whom I was acquainted, while attending U.C.L.A. in Los Angeles, California, used as the basis of his thesis the Mormon political philosophy and the deep insight of the Prophet Joseph Smith into basic political principles.  This book is a result of his Master’s thesis.  Brother Vetterli left me at autographed copy for my personal library.

We had a pleasant and interesting conversation regarding the evils of communism, etc.

(See notes on Brother Vetterli which follow.)

Thursday, December 21, 1961

Richard Vetterli is the nephew of the former Chief of Police of Salt Lake City, Reid Vetterli.  Richard was born in Salt Lake City, but raised in California.  He started out as a star football player, but was injured and thereafter became deeply studious.  He attended Brigham Young University, went to Mexico on a mission and then did graduate study at U.C.L.A.

It was while attending U.C.L.A. that Dr. Ivan Hinderaker, head of the Department of Political Science at U.C.L.A., succeeded in getting Richard interested in a thesis on Mormon political philosophy.  Dr. Hinderaker has felt that modern Mormons have not fully appreciated the deep insight of Joseph Smith into basic political principles which would help solve world problems if applied today.  He urged Richard to make this the basis for his Master’s thesis and this book is the result.

Richard worked continuously on this material for two more years.  He went back to Brigham Young University, then up to the University of Utah, and searched all of the available records.  As a result, this book is filled with many original contributions which present the importance of Mormon political philosophy in stronger focus than any book yet written.

In this book the modern prophets of the Lord are real heroes.  The quoted records show that they were head and shoulders above their contemporaries, and that their wisdom was vindicated as time went on.  The last chapter quotes the present-day leaders of the Church to illustrate that they are proclaiming the same wisdom as the Prophet Joseph and that not only Mormons, but the people of the world, should study and sustain these principles.

Richard’s father is a well-to-do businessman in Fresno, California.  His father-in-law is President Jones who manages Brother Delbert Stapley’s business in Arizona.  Both of these men encouraged Richard to enter their firms on the management level, but Richard was so impressed with the importance of this study that he stayed with it.  His wife taught school so that he could afford to devote his full time to it.  Richard Vetterli and his wife will now leave for Stanford where he will receive his Ph.D. this coming year.

It is Richard’s ambition to qualify himself so that he can join the faculty at Brigham Young University and start a series of classes in political science which are based on Joseph Smith’s original political teachings.”

Tues., 9 Jan., 1962:

1:10-1:25 p.m.

Called President Ernest L. Wilkinson at Washington, D.C. in accordance with his request regarding Columnist Drew Pearson and Senator Barry Goldwater; also regarding letter from Professor Richard D. Poll of B.Y.U. with reference to W. Cleon Skousen and his book.

(For complete details, see copy of conversation following.)

“Telephone call to President David O. McKay from President Ernest L. Wilkinson-President of the Brigham Young University–in Washington, D. C., January 9, 1962, at 12:30 p.m.

Wilkinson: President McKay?

McKay: Yes.

Wilkinson: I made bold to call you today, despite knowing how busy you are, because I knew from Preston Robinson that you were meeting him in the morning — Wednesday morning. You afforded me the privilege of going to an Educational Convention in the East, and I have spent one day here in Washington, and I have some new information on this matter that you will be talking to him about, and I thought that it was my duty to get to you.

First, I find in Washington here that Jack Anderson, who is the assistant to this Drew Pearson–Anderson being a member of our Church–is a very, very close friend and goes around all the time with young David King.

Second, I find also, I learned from two sources when I got here on Sunday, that young David King has been telling prominent Church people here that this attack he made on Benson for Benson’s Los Angeles talk was done after he received information from the General Authorities as to a Thursday Conference they had in the Temple, in which they disapproved of Benson’s talk.

Third, Senator Bennett has been so concerned if the news continued with Pearson that Pearson may do as he has done in five or six other instances just before election — come out with some attack or smear on Bennett at the last moment, which is too late to be mentioned or to repute it. Pearson, of course, has had a reputation for doing that. He has done it five or six different times, and everyone who does not agree with his philosophy — he, of course, is an extreme left-winger — is afraid of him, and so Bennett went to Robinson when he was out in Utah this last year — this last fall, and asked Robinson if there was any attack of that kind on the part of Pearson, if he (Bennett) would have time to answer it in the News, and all that Robinson said was that he would have to wait and see at the time — he couldn’t promise him in advance that he could answer it, they would have to judge it as things come up.

Now, I mention those three things that I have learned since I have been in Washington. I placed my opposition to Pearson, of course, on the grounds which I think were solid — that he was just too undependable to be worthy of the traditional Deseret News published by the Church. But if we should continue, of course, to publish his articles and he should make some type of an attack on Bennett at the last moment, and even if the News did not carry it, other papers who have Pearson’s column would carry it, and then if we did not carry it, of course, the News would then be subject to a lot of criticism upon the grounds that they refused to run Pearson’s article, which he was actually against Bennett.  In other words in addition to Pearson being entirely undependable and unreliable, there is now introduced into the problem the political danger in this situation, which to me is very, very unhealthy from the standpoint of the Church and the News. Now, that is the first subject I wanted to cover with you, and they all have to do with Pearson.

The second subject I wanted to cover with you is that of Goldwater. On the way back here, and I had to take the train because the planes were down for a couple of days, I had a chance to read the news releases of Goldwater for a period of three or four months, and I would like just to have the opportunity to sit down the minute I get back for one day and make a careful memorandum for you on them — not the summary of all of them.

McKay: Well now, of course, their objection there is that he is a presidential candidate. That is the only objection they had.

Wilkinson: That is the only objection. Now Preston Robinson agreed with me again on Friday, or Saturday, that all that Goldwater says is more nearly the Mormon viewpoints than any other writer. He admits that. Well now, why simply because he may be a presidential candidate, should we deny ourselves the writing of someone who writes more constant with our ideals than anyone else. I should say that Preston told me and, of course, he told me about his conference with you. He told us all about it, so I know about it through him. He told me that if, when he had his further conference with you you then directed him to take Pearson out, that he already had a conservative writer that he would put in in his place. And I asked him who the conservative writer was. He gave me his name. I do not now recall the name, but certainly he is a man completely unknown. Now with Goldwater being known as well as he is. . .

McKay: Wasn’t it Littman?

Wilkinson: No, he has got another man now.

McKay: Oh, I haven’t heard.

Wilkinson: Well, he will tell you about it. He has got another man now.

Of course, Littman is a liberal writer and he is not Conservative. But my

point is if as Preston says, Goldwater echoes our traditional Mormon beliefs

more closely than any man in public life, why should our readers be denied

the rights to read him merely because he might be a presidential candidate?

We are printing every day in the week statements of Kennedy. Certainly

Kennedy is going to be another presidential candidate. Why shouldn’t we put

down side by side — if they want Littman, Littman is liberal, print him side against Goldwater. I am in favor of both sides being expressed, but I do not think we should deprive ourselves of the leading political apostle right now of the views that we believe in. Now that’s on Goldwater. In other words, my own deep feeling is that you should not settle for some third or fourth-rate man whom the public do not know at all, and who very few people would ever read. They would read Goldwater, even if they did not believe in him, because he is well known in public life. My final suggestion on that point is that it seems to me that this whole question of whom these feature writers are should be reviewed all at one time, and unless you want to decide it yourself, it would seem to me that either you or the First Presidency should sit down with the Board of Directors of the News and decide all at one time on the writers who they should be. Some of them may be liberal. I would not object to some of them, a man like Littman being liberal, provided at the same time we were able to put in a man like Goldwater, who admitedly represents our views more than anyone else. Now that is all, President McKay, that I need to bother you with. This thing admittedly has troubled me a lot, but I wanted to get that over to you.

McKay: I thank you very much for it.

Wilkinson: Now, finally, just one comment on another matter. A Richard Poll, a professor of Political Science at the BYU, asked permission of me to send you a letter with respect to Skousen. I did not think that I ought to deny him the privilege if he wanted to. I saw the letter. To me it is rather academic. It has been sent to you, you maybe haven’t opened it yet.

McKay: No, I have not seen it yet.

Wilkinson: May I just tell you on that. Brother Poll, and President Brown have been talking about this somewhat. I do not know whether President Brown suggested that he send it to you, but I have seen correspondence between the two, and it may be that there was some such suggestion, but when I get back, I could talk to you about the entire thing too, if I may, and there is no need for you to answer it immediately. It is an attack on Skousen. I think it is trivial. I do not agree with all that Skousen has done. I think Skousen has been a little careless in some of his statements, but certainly his motives and his purposes are good.

McKay: Yes, and he is nearer right than he is wrong.

Wilkinson: He is much nearer right than he is wrong.

McKay: Right.

Wilkinson: And these mathematitions are just altogether too trivial in their harping and their criticisms. They cannot see the forest for the trees.

McKay: That is what I think.

Wilkinson: Well, now, I apologize again for intruding, but I wanted to bring you up to date as far as I knew.

McKay: Thank you very much, I appreciate it.

Wilkinson: Well, thank you, President McKay.

McKay: All right, Good bye.

Wilkinson: I am grateful for the privilege of telling you.

McKay: Thank you.

Wilkinson: Thank you, good bye.

McKay: Good bye.”

Thur., 1 Feb., 1962:

Utah Chronicle Article_Regarding Cleon Skousen Campaign President Moyle called attention to an article that has come to his desk from the Utah University Chronicle regarding Cleon Skousen and his anti-Communist campaign. No action was taken on this matter.

Tues., 6 Feb., 1962:

Communism in Chile

A letter was read from President A. Theodore Tuttle regarding the situation in Chile. He reports that President Palmer of the Chilean Mission seems to feel that the Communists will take over Chile in a few months and that it is useless to do missionary work under a situation of this kind. President Tuttle suggests that the First Presidency write President Palmer setting forth their feelings on the subject, and feels that something should be done to encourage President Palmer to go forward with the work there.

We were in agreement that we are not by any means ready to close the mission, and that it should be going full speed ahead, that we will not close the mission in any event until we have to do so.”

Thurs., 15 Feb., 1962:

“8:05 – 8:50 a. m. 

Office consultation With Elder Ezra Taft Benson which was interrupted by an office call of Brother S. Lawrence Moss, with whom I made an appointment for him and his son for Saturday morning.

8:55 – 9:50 a. m. |

I attended the meeting: of the First Presidency, and there I told my counselors of the meeting with Elder Benson regarding Anti-Communistic Activities. Brother Benson is very much concerned regarding certain information that has been given out in Seattle. A member of the high council up there has written to him regarding instructions that one of the members of the First Presidency has given the president of that stake by telephone in answer to a letter of inquiry he had written to the First Presidency. He said that a member of the First Presidency had told him that they shouldn’t permit any discussions of communism in their Church meetings, especially in any Sunday School or young people’s firesides. He said that he could not speak for the other members of the First Presidency who were out of town. A few days later a member of the stake presidency announced in the stake preparation meeting that there should be no discussions of Communism, that the people were not well enough informed to discuss it.

President Moyle recalled this conversation and explained the circumstances. He had said to the stake president in substance, that it was his judgment, and he was speaking for no one but himself, it was not proper for us in firesides and in our Church meetings to get into controversial matters, and that there was a controversy over Skousen’s talks, and these things should not take place in our formal religious gatherings. He told the stake president he was not prepared to give any official statement, that when there was an official statement to be given it would be given in writing over the signature of the First Presidency, and that so far as he knew there had been no formal approval of either “The Naked Communist” by Cleon Skousen, or the “American Heritage of Freedom. “

I commented that I have given public approval of Skousen’s book “The Naked Communist” in General Conference, and that the “American Heritage of Freedom” is a pamphlet containing Brother Benson’s October Conference address that I knew nothing wrong with Elder Benson’s talk, and thought it to be very good.

President Brown said that his only objection is that Elder Benson’s talk puts Socialism and Communism in the same category, that all the people in Scandinavia and other European countries are under Socialistic governments and certainly are not Communists. Brother Benson’s talk ties them together and makes them equally abominable.  If this is true, our people in Europe who are living under a Socialist government are living out of harmony with the Church.

It was decided to invite Elder Benson to meet with the First Presidency Monday morning, February 19th.”

Mon., 19 Feb., 1962:

8:00 – 10:00 a.m.

Attended the meeting of the First Presidency.

Elder Ezra Taft Benson, by appointment, came into the meeting. We discussed the matter Of communism and Elder Benson’s participation on the Advisory Council of the All American Society, an Anti-Communist Organization. Reference was made to a letter from a high councilman in the Seattle Stake, requesting explanation as to the Church’s stand on the matter of speakers referring and discussing communism in Church meetings.

After much consideration, it was decided that Elder Benson should call the president of the Seattle Stake to have this matter cleared, and to remove all questions as to Elder Benson’s responsibility and participation in Anti-Communistic activities.

After the departure of Elder Benson, the First Presidency agreed that now was not the time for the Church to make a statement as to its stand against Communism, but that such a statement could be made at a later date.”

Tues., 20 Feb., 1962:

“Telephone conversation between President David O. McKay and Elder Ezra Taft Benson, calling from New York City, February 20, 1962 at 8:00 a.m.

McKay: Hello

Benson: Good morning, President McKay.

McKay: Good morning.

Benson: I am here in New York City for a Board Meeting of the Corn Products Company, and on my flight out here to New York, I gave serious thoughts to the things which were said yesterday in our meeting regarding the Anti-Communist Lines. This is the thing I was thinking about, President McKay: J. Edgar Hoover, who is probably the greatest authority in the nation on this question has on one or two occasions expressed a desire to come to Salt Lake sometime. In fact, some months ago the All-American Society considered inviting him, but the invitation was never extended. It just occured to me that it might be a fine thing to have him come out at the time of one of our conferences — maybe the April conference. Maybe he could say a few words that might be helpful.

McKay: It would be a fine thing to have him

Benson: It would be a lovely thing to have him

McKay: I think it would.

Benson: He is getting along toward retirement now. He has such a love for our people. I presume he has hired more returned Mormon missionaries than any agency of Government.

McKay: Well, it would be an event to have him present,

Benson: It would be a nice event, and especially to have you introduce him, and maybe he could consent to take fifteen minutes. Now, I think the invitation, of course, ought to come right from the President of the Church, I think I should be in the background. However, I know this good man, and have seen him several times in Washington, and if there is anything I could do in the background, I would be happy to do it.

McKay: I think you had better approach him

Benson: You think I ought to approach him?

McKay: I think it would be better for you to approach him than for me.

Benson: Well, then I thought if we were not having a Thursday meeting – – that’s Washington’s Birthday – I might return by way of Washington.

McKay: All right, you do that. Call on him and see.

Benson: I could call on him and then I could tell him that a letter would follow from you.

McKay: No, you just tell him that we will get in touch with him, and then I will read my conversation with you to him.

Benson: All right, fine. In other words, I will extend the invitation on your behalf to attend the conference. Any one of the three days ?

McKay: Let’s see, we start on Friday.

Benson: Yes, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. It would be nice if his message could go out on Sunday. I don’t know what his feelings would be, or what your feelings would be .

McKay: We have only one hour on Sunday that covers the entire Western part of the United States.

Benson: Well, of course, he has had a national audience before, but, whatever you think. Maybe we ought to leave it flexible with him.

McKay: Yes, let him choose the date.

Benson: All right, but any one of the three days. And I will tell him that I am extending the invitation on your behalf and that you will be in touch with him by telephone if he is willing to consider it.

McKay: All right.

Benson: Thank you, President McKay.

McKay: Thank you.

Benson: You bet, good-bye.

McKay: Good-bye.”

Tues., 27 Feb., 1962:

“8:00 a. m.

By appointment, Archbishop Iakovos, primate of the Greek Orthodox

Church in North and South America, and President of the World Council of Churches, paid a courtesy call on the First Presidency. He was accompanied by Reverend Steven A. Katsaris, rector of the Salt Lake parish; Nikolas L. Theos, president of the Greek Orthodox community; and Peter N. Gustos, vice president of the community.

I explained to them that President Brown is in Pennsylvania addressing a meeting of the Presbyterian Church at their request to explain Mormonism. I added that I am very pleased to extend to these visitors our appreciation for the honor their nation gave to the Church, and exhibited to them a framed diploma given to me by the Honorable John A. Tzounis, Acting Consul General of Greece, who came from San Francisco upon command of His Majesty King Paul of the Hellenes, at a banquet held on the Starlite Roof Gardens, Hotel Utah, Monday, November 29, 1954, which reads: 

“PAUL, King of Hellenes, We confer upon Mr. David Oman McKay, President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, The Cross of Commander of Our Order of Phoenix and in witness thereof We grant him this Diploma, signed by Us and Countersigned by Our Minister for Foreign Affairs. Done at Athens this thirteenth day of the month of July, in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and fifty-four.

signed by PAUL R.

Countersigned by S. Stevenopoulis. ” 

(This diploma consists of the foregoing statement in Greek, and at the side of it a translation in English. )

The conversation continued as follows:

Archbishop: “It is a very deserving distinction. We know what you have done for the people of Greece and we are grateful that we have your friendship. “

President McKay: “I hope the friendship for which this stands will be eternal.”

(I also exhibited medals which had been conferred upon me a year later in New York by Archbishop Michael. Archbishop Iakovos explained that Archbishop Michael was his predecessor who had died since the conference of the Greek Orthodox Church in 1958. )

President McKay: “There is nothing so precious as friendship and through the years we prize the friendship of your nation with the Church, and with the State of Utah, and with the United States.”

Archbishop: “We reciprocate that friendship, and we are deeply grateful for what you have done for the people of Greece after the world war, and for the demonstration of your spirit. “

I asked him if this was his first visit to Salt Lake City, and the Archbishop replied that it was.

I also related an instance in Beirut when an official of the Greek Orthodox Church took me to Beirut, and wanting to learn more about the separation of the Ronmn Catholic and the Greek churches, I asked when the Roman Church excommunicated the Greek Orthodox Church, and the man answered “Never!” I said that I had then learned to my satisfaction that the difference in the claim of authority between the Roman Catholic and the Greek Orthodox Church is that the Roman Church goes back to Peter, and the Greek Orthodox Church goes back to the apostles who survived Peter and the five patriarchs, which I said is a better claim.

The Archbishop said yes and then continued: “Our foremost claim should be that we are Christ’s and that’s what we are trying to promote now for the benefit of our people of the different churches to try to recapture the unity we had once. “

I said that we must keep that in mind and the world needs it today especially in view of the fact that the Communists deny the power of Christ and the existence of deity and are doing their best to throw us back to the animal existence and deprive man of the opportunity to develop the spirituality within him.

The Archbishop said that we are going to overcome Communism, but only with the help of God.

I agreed that this was right, and that we need that help.

Archbishop: ”We do not want to take much of your precious time. We appreciate your giving us the time to make your acquaintance. Please be assured of my respect and of my wish for your good health and for the progress of your Cilurch. “

I replied: “Thank you, we appreciate that very much. May the blessings

of the Lord continue to attend you and your associates, and may our friendship continue forever.”

The Archbishop and delegation thereupon left the meeting.

In telling the Brethren at Council Meeting of this visit of Archbishop Iakovos I remarked that I have met few men – non-member visitors – who made a more favorable impression upon me than this Archbishop, that he is a very cultured, fine gentleman spiritually, and I was very much impressed by his sincerity.”

Wed., 7 Mar., 1962:


ON MARCH 7, 1962, FROM 7:45 A. M. TO 8:45 A. M.

I met with President McKay at his office at the above time. The following decisions were made:

6. Freedom Institute at BYU. I raised the question of whether we should organize a freedom institute at Brigham Young University and amalgamate thereunder political science, history and economics. President McKay asked me to investigate this further and report back with a specific plan.

7. Political Science teacher teaching welfare state. I informed President McKay we had a member of our faculty who admittedly felt the government should engage in all of the new ventures that were being proposed for it, and which together have been characterized as the welfare state. I told him this faculty member had forthrightly suggested that if he were out of step with our feelings at BYU he would be happy to locate elsewhere. President McKay emphatically told me to have him locate elsewhere .

8. “The Latter Day Saint Looks at Communism.” I told President McKay of a proposed book, “The Latter Day Saint Looks at Communism” which is being authored by teachers at the University of Utah and BYU, and asked whether Dr. Bernhard should contribute a chapter thereto. He thought it would be desirable to have Dr. Bernhard do this so he could help guide the destiny of this publication.

9. Lyceum Forums in Salt Lake.  I reminded President McKay that I had received instructions that we should not continue with the Salt Lake Forums next year. I told him I thought that was a mistake and I read to him the speakers that the University of Utah have for their public forums, many of whom were extreme left-wingers, as compared with the speakers we had on our Lyceum course, most of whom believed in the sanctity of our Constitution. I told him we would be surrendering to those who believed in statism if we discontinued our forums. I pointed out also that Utah State University had set up an extension center in Provo and that the University of Utah now had organized a committee in Provo to give advice with respect to civic improvements, etc. He suggested I write a letter to the First Presidency stressing the latter point so they could reconsider their decision.

Thur., 8 Mar., 1962:

“3:00 – 4:30 p.m.

Listened to a tape recording of an address on Cornmunism by Reed Benson, son of Ezra Taft Benson. As an anti-Communist speech, it was very good. Confidentially, I approved of Elder Benson’s ascertaining from my counselors the source of information given them that Reed had made remarks to the affect: ‘that he, Reed, represented his father, and his father was one of the twelve Apostles, and that he has the approval of the Prophet of the Lord.'”

Thurs., 22 Mar., 1962:

Our meeting was interrupted by a courtesy call from Dr. Louis Janz who represents the European Economic Development. He is a participant in the foreign leaders program of the United States State Department. He was born in Saar, Germany, is a German citizen, and is spokesman for the European coal and steel community. He has served as assistant to the dean of the faculty of law, University of Saarbrucken, and lecturer on economics. He is author of various articles on problems of European integration. His purpose in being here is to observe and discuss conditions of developmenttof United States steel industry and United States energy industries, including coal, oil, and atomic energy.

Brother Ted Cannon of the Church Information Service, and Henry Pearson of the Deseret News brought Dr. Janz in to meet us.

Brother Cannon explained that the First Presidency are interested in the subject of Dr. Janz’s work.

Dr. Janz said that he is in the United States on invitation of the State Department where a close link of the State Department and the foreign ambassadors who are credited to the countries of the European community made arrangements for him to come to this country. He said the countries of the European community are exploring to discover if it may be possible to have a United States of Europe, and therefore, it is of interest to them to know how the United States of America works over here. He said the European community starts with an economic basis and is trying to integrate the different national economies of the member countries. He further said, “We believe that economic integration will set up a bigger market without any barriers to trade and that through this we can come more easily to political integration.”

Dr. Pearson explained that in our news releases, it is spoken of as “the common market. “

Dr. Janz said the common market is the popular and usual expression, but the official name is the European Economic Community.

In response to Brother Cannon’s question as to the countries in the community, Dr. Janz named France, Germany, and the Benelux countries, Netherlands, Belgium and Luxelnbourg. He said: “We are at this moment negotiating for Great Britain to join and later Norway, Ireland, Denmark, Switzerland, and Austria. Sweden is not now negotiating. He said that there are three neutral countries, Switzerland, Austria, and Sweden, which have special positions because of their traditional neutrality. They have certain difficulties in joining in this. They have applied for status as associated powers. Full membership is sought by Great Britain, Norway, Denmark and Ireland.” He explained that the arrangement the common market is trying to work out causes trade barriers and restrictions to disappear. He said, “We form one bigger market, and we send out to the outer world to the countries not joining, a common tariff. But this is only the negative aspect. We have to adopt common economic principles. It is not so easy, because each one of our countries is different. We had a country like West Germany where they have economic policy the same as over here–a free enterprise, free competition, and then we have other countries like France and Italy where we have some state intervention in economic affairs, transport is different, agriculture policy is different. In the end I think this will lead to common monetary policy with a common money where we now have French francs, German marks, and Italian lira. We must have economic unification as you have here. “

I asked: “Great Britain has not joined? “

Dr. Janz said: “We are negotiating now. “

I also asked, “And the United States ? “

To this question, Dr. Janz replied: “The problem for the United States is that there is no question of joining the common market. This is a European affair. We want to set up a United States of Europe. Maybe in the future it will come to such a thing as an Atlantic community, but for the moment, we have to work on what can be realized in the near future. The question is not, will the United States join, but whether the United States and the common market will come to agreement in the commercial field because the American exporters who are now in business will be in competition with the common market as he was with the predecessor of the common market, and he will, of course, have a less favorable condition.

I asked how it affects the political situation in the unified countries regarding their attitude toward the Soviets.

Dr. Janz said that France is in with this. The president of the French Republic is in, but General DeGaulle has his own ideas about the political

form. He wants to set up not a federation as we should like, but a confederation, a kind of loose cooperation between sovereign states,

but we know by history that this never works. A confederation normally works until the bigger difficulties come and then it breaks down. It is not capable of working.

Dr. Janz said: “You ask me the position against Russia. To a certain extent this movement for unifying Europe is a product of Russian pressure. We are very much frightened of the Russians, and this pushes the European people together. This is resistence to communism, and fear of Russia has had a certain big influence in getting the whole thing started.

I agreed that this is quite a problem, and said to Dr. Janz: “We are glad you came in. We are happy to meet you. This is our regular meeting day of the First Presidency with the Twelve Apostles. We three stand at the head of the Church — President Moyle is absent today however, as he is attending to Church duties in Florida. We are going now to our meeting with the Twelve Apostles, and we shall tell them that we have met you. ” (See following copy of Brother Cannon’s report of this meeting)

We concluded our meeting at 9:50 a. m., and left for the Salt Lake Temple.

“April 3, 1962


TO: Clare Middlemiss

FROM: Ted Cannon

RE: Visitors to President McKay’s office

On Thursday, March 22, Dr. Louis Janz of Luxembourg called on the First Presidency. Dr. Janz, visiting the United States under a state department program, is a high official of the European Coal and Steel Community. He is a lawyer by profession and has been a teacher of both law and economics in Germany.

He explained at some length the so-called European common market of which the Coal and Steel Community is one of the principal elements, and pointed out that what it aims for eventually is a sort of United States of Europe. He made it clear that the idea of co-operation within European countries is developing rapidly, both economically and politically.  President McKay asked if this proposed confederation was intended to embrace Russia and he said “positively not,” in fact it was stimulated principally as a defense against Soviet encroachment further into Western Europe. President McKay asked if it was intended that America would be brought into this confederation and Dr . Janz replied, “no ” but that it was hoped America would enter into cordial trade agreements with the European naition and thus help improve their economy. In answer to President McKay’s questions he said the present members of the community are France, Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Italy, and that several other European countries, including Denmark, Norway, Greece, and England, were petitioning for association with the community but not full membership.

President McKay told of the necessity for free and God-fearing peoples to co-operate in every away possible to stem the spread of atheistic communists, which are the world’s greatest threat today. Dr. Janz, who was accompanied by Elder Henry Pearson and myself, said he planned later in the day to visit Temple Square, Welfare Square, Bingham Copper Mine and Geneva Steel, and the University of Utah.

President McKay bid him welcome and told him he would never find a better example of co-operation than was to be seen here in the accomplishments of the pioneers.”

Fri., 23 Mar., 1962:

“7:30 a. m.

At my request, Brother Frank C. Berg, President of the Monument Park West Stake called at the office. I reported to him the information that has come to me concerning Dr. J. D. Williams, Bishop of the Monument Park Sixth Ward and Professor at the University of Utah, who gave an address at the University of Utah on February 20, 1962, on “Ways Not to Fight Communism. ” In addition to students a number of interested citizens were also in attendance.

It is reported that on this occasion “Dr. Williams made some vicious accusations against the Bensons, Mr. Cleon Skousen, Dr. Robert Morris, President of the University of Dallas, Senator Dodd, Dr. Fred Swartz, and many other individuals known to be prominent in the fight against Communism. He told the students that these men were to be feared, and that the things which they are advocating and the things which were being advocated by the Freedom Academy and the “Americanism Up Front” Seminar recently conducted in this area, were serving only to alarm our people unnecessarily and to make them suspicious of their own next door neighbors. Dr. Williams advised his students to beware of super patriots and those known to be identified with the right wing. One statement by Dr. Williams seemed to be more shocking to those present than all else when in a state of frenzy he said: ‘My apologies to those who know me as a Mormon Bishop, but by G__ I am glad I voted for a Democrat.”

I asked President Berg to call Bishop Williams in and face him on some of these statements, and especially about his using the Lord’s name in vain; that we cannot tolerate a Bishop of the Church doing that.

President Berg stated to me that he had just recently been released as President of the Monument Park West Stake, and that the President now is Brother Rex Austin Skidmore. However, I asked that Brother Berg handle this matter, inasmuch as he has been acquainted with Bishop Williams .

[First Presidency Meeting] We took up many official Church matters, among them were the following:

(1) Bishop J. D. Williams’ Political Remarks

I reported to the Brethren that I had had a conference with President Frank C. Berg of the Monument Park West Stake this morning regarding J. D. Williams, Bishop of the Monument Park Sixth Ward. I told the Brethren that we shall give the matter no further publicity, but that I wanted them to know about the meeting. What Dr. Williams has to say in his own defense, I shall report later. In the meantime, we shall do nothing more about it.

10:30 a. m.

Office consultation with Dr. Ernest L. Wilkinson of the B. Y. U. regarding the publication of a pamphlet by Dr. Richard D. Poll of the B. Y. U., in which he criticizes W. Cleon Skousen’s book “The Naked Communist.” We discussed also the article which has been published in “The Alumnus” of the University of Utah written by T. Edgar Lyons, instructor at the Institute of Religion there, regarding Richard Vetterli’s book, “Mormonism and Politics.”

Tues., 27 Mar., 1962:

8:30 a.m.

Went into the meeting of the First Presidency where I set apart Brother Wilburn C. West to preside over the Eastern States Mission, and President Moyle set apart Sister Zelma Ririe West.

After the departure of Brother and Sister West, we took up many matters

of importance to the Church, among which we considered the statement of Father Sweeney of the Catholic Church regarding Dr. J. D. Williams’ remarks at a meeting of the University of Utah February 20, 1962, where Bishop Williams treated the subject, “ways not to fight comnlunism. ” Father Sweeney wrote: “I don’t understand how the Authorities of the Mormon Church can tolerate a man so radical, so vicious, so abusive as Dr. Williams in holding a high position in the Church. “

Dr. Williams’ reply to a question as to whether or not he considered himself to be a “middle of the roader, ” and the answer he gave were quoted. Dr. Williams’ statement “my apologies to those who know me as a Mormon bishop, but by G __, I am glad I voted for a Democrat,” was quoted.

President Moyle said that his son and daughter-in-law had heard Dr. Williams on this occasion and quoted him as saying, “I am a Mormon bishop and I am a Democrat, and thank God for both. ” He said Bishop Williams is not profane, and that he found him to be as sweet and lovable a character as any boy he knew.

I said that I talked with President Frank C. Berg of the Monument Park West Stake, who was counselor in the stake presidency when Bishop

Williams was called to be a bishop, and I asked him to talk with Bishop Williams about the incident.

President Moyle said, “I would plead that before you come to any final conclusion about Williams that you give him a personal hearing. “

I said: “I have given him a personal hearing through the man Wwho recommended him. He has had that personal hearing. It is through this person the matter was presented to the man himself. That is where it should be. I have given it here today. He has given answer to it. Of course, Williams would not acknowledge that he had taken the name of God in vain. He said ‘perhaps I used it but not in the sense of profanity,’ but others heard him, and they think he is a radical man when he gets into politics. “

President Brown said: “I met Dr. Williams once and found him to be a humble, intelligent, young Latter-day Saint. That was my impression of him. I think I should say that much to you. I was favorably impressed that he was a clean young man.

I said: “I have asked his students what kind of man he is. His students like him. They say he is a fine young man.”

Saturday, April 7, 1962

General Priesthood Meeting


By Don Le Fevre

Tribune Church Writer

The First Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Saturday reaffirmed the Church’s long standing opposition to the evils of communism in the world today, but denounced extreme anti-Communist movements as more of a hindrance than a help.

Speaking for the presiding body of the church, Hugh B. Brown, second counselor in the First Presidency, told a packed Tabernacle crowd of priesthood bearers ‘the leaders of the church now, as has always been the case, stand squarely against the ideals of communism.’

‘We’d like the world to know that.’

‘However,’ he added, ‘we urge you not to become extremists on either side.  There is no place in the church or the priesthood of God for men to be fighting each other over a menace such as communism.’

President Brown also admonished the priesthood bearers gathered in the Tabernacle and those throughout the country listening via a closed circuit broadcast, to ‘refrain from undermining the government by accusing its leader, wrongfully, of being duped by communism’s power.’

He called on the men to ‘stand together on solid front against everything that would rob men of God-given rights, but don’t become an extremist.’

President Brown cited ‘the priesthood of God as the greatest threat to communism in the world today.’  He urged the men of the church to honor their priesthood, and use it righteously, lest it be taken from them.

Referring to the 121st section of the Doctrine and Covenants, he said ‘the priesthood can be withdrawn if the bearer exercises unrighteous dominion.’

He also admonished the men of the church to honor the priesthood in their homes.

‘There are those among us who do not live the gospel in our homes and our businesses,’ he said, adding that ‘the key to your character lies in the attitudes taken toward your wife and children in the home.’

President David O. McKay and his first counselor, Henry D. Moyle, also spoke to the priesthood gatherings, as did the members of the Presiding Bishopric: John H. Vandenberg, Robert L. Simpson and Victor L. Brown.

President McKay advised the bishops of the church to prepare young boys to receive the Aaronic Priesthood.

‘Teach these wonderful young men what the priesthood is and what it can mean to them,’ he said.  ‘I shall ever cherish the memory of the dear bishop who came into our home in Ogden and interviewed one of my sons as he was about to be ordained to the priesthood.’

The Church leader told the young men at the meeting that ‘holding the priesthood is an individual blessing which demands righteous living.’

President Moyle reiterated President Brown’s remarks, saying ‘There is no need for any of us to join organizations out of harmony with the church.  Do not waste time on things that will pass away, when you can devote yourself to the church, which is eternal.’

He also stressed the blessings that he said can be derived through paying tithes to the church.

Members of the Presiding Bishopric directed their comments primarily to the holders of the Aaronic Priesthood.

He advised the bishops and stake presidents to prepare their young men for missions while they are involved in the Aaronic Priesthood program.

Bishop Simpson told the Aaronic Priesthood boys to seek  counsel from the three authoritative sources: ‘Your Heavenly Father, your dad and your bishop.’

He warned them that ‘there are many in the world today who would give you advice on spiritual matters, but if you stick to these three sources, you cannot go far astray.’

Bishop Brown outlined several of the traits which lead to good character, telling the boys of the church to be honest, dependable and courteous.

‘The man who is not dependable is of little worth, no matter what his talents may be,’ he said.

The Men’s Chorus of the Tabernacle Choir provided the music for the priesthood session.

The Salt Lake Tribune – Sunday, April 8, 1962

Saturday, April 7, 1962

General Priesthood Meeting


Communism is Satan’s way of doing things and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints stands squarely opposed to it.

This declaration was made by the First Presidency at the priesthood session of the 132nd annual General Conference of the Church in the Tabernacle on Temple Square.

Addressing the conference’s priesthood meeting – beamed and broadcast to 322 sites throughout the world – were all members of the First Presidency and the Presiding Bishopric.

Great Blessing

President David O. McKay declared the priesthood to be a great individual blessing and asked that leaders teach their young priesthood members to be responsible citizens.

President Henry D. Moyle, first counselor in the First Presidency, charged priesthood holders with teaching the principles of paying honest tithes and offerings.

Satan’s Way

President Hugh B. Brown, second counselor, speaking for the First Presidency, declared that the position of the Church hadn’t altered concerning communism.

Communism is Satan’s way of doing things and has been since he was cast out of Heaven.  The efficiency of our opposition to communism, said President Brown, is how we honor our priesthood.

The Church official warned against ‘being an extremist on either side’ in the battle against communism.

Asks Moderation

The degree of aversion is not measured in terms of the noise we make against it, he said.  There is no place for men in the church, men who hold the priesthood, to fight over this matter.

Do not undermine the government by calling those who disagree with you communists, he urged.

Beware of the adversary, be true to the priesthood and to our country, he appealed.

Presiding Bishop John H. Vandenberg asked that priesthood leaders reason with and extend the hand of fellowship to those members of the Aaronic Priesthood who had become dormant in their activities.

First counselor in the Presiding Bishopric, Bishop Robert L. Simpson, observed that a priesthood holder must always think in terms of someone else in exercising the power which he holds.  Man can do nothing for himself without the priesthood, he said.

Bishop Victor L. Brown, second counselor in the Presiding Bishopric, appealed for honesty, integrity, dependability and honor among priesthood holders that the trust placed in them may be justified.

Music for the service was by the men’s chorus of the Tabernacle Choir conducted by Richard P. Condie, Dr. Frank Asper was the organist.

Prayers were offered by President Archibald J. Anderson of the North Sanpete Stake, and President David S. Brown of the Juarez Stake.

Deseret News – Monday, April 9, 1962″

Fri., 20 Apr. 1962:

“11:30 a.m.

Returned to my private office.  Elder Ezra Taft Benson came in regarding: 1) a request that has come from Mr. H. Glenn Olson of Olson Brothers, Inc., North Hollywood, California for him to become a member of their Board of Directors.  I told Brother Benson that he could accept this position with the understanding that it did not in any way conflict with his Church duties; that they must come first, that otherwise I could see no objection to his accepting.  2) Brother Benson asked about my meeting this afternoon with Dr. Leonard E. Read, President of the Foundation for Economic Education, Irvington-on-Hudson, New York, who is in Salt Lake City, but I told him that it would be impossible because of previous appointments.  3) Brother Benson reported that he had received dozens of letters from persons both in and out of the Church who had commented favorably on his address at the April Conference, Sunday morning, April 8, 1962.

Wed., 25 Apr. 1962:

Wednesday, April 25, 1962


I [Ernest Wilkinson] met with President McKay at 8:00 a.m. and transacted the following business with him.

7.  The Latter-day Saint Looks at Communism.  I gave President McKay an outline of the different chapters of the proposed book ‘The Latter-day Saint Looks at Communism’ to be written by a number of faculty members of the University of Utah and the Brigham Young University.  I told him that it was originally intended to have President Brown write the preview but that President Brown had advised them he could not do this.  I informed the President, however, that it was still intended that President Brown review the various drafts of the chapters.  I suggested to him that he might find some way to ask the authors if the entire book could not be reviewed by a committee appointed by the First Presidency.

Ernest L. Wilkinson


Thurs., 26 Apr. 1962:

Following the departure of these visitors, we continued with the meeting of the First Presidency.

Manuscript on ‘A Latter-day Saint Looks at Communism.’

I reviewed with my counselors the prospectus of a manuscript left with me by President Ernest L. Wilkinson entitled, ‘A Latter-day Saint Looks at Communism,’ which is to be a work of collaboration to which the following will contribute:  R. Thayne Robison, lecturer at the Univeristy of Utah; Garth M. Mangum, Brigham Young University; Professor Richard Poll, professor of history at B.Y.U.; Van L. Perkins, assistant professor, B.Y.U.; Joseph Monson, professor of economics, B.Y.U.; Richard Wirthlin, assistant professor of economics, B.Y.U.; John T. Bernhardt, administrative assistant to the president of the B.Y.U.; Edwin D. Morrell, assistant professor of political science, B.Y.U.; Ray Hillman, assistant professor of political science, B.Y.U.; and J.D. Williams, professor of political science, University of Utah.

I stated, ‘I think we should go over this very carefully, before they issue anything like that.’

President Moyle agreed that the manuscript should be read before it is published, and expressed interest in reading the manuscript himself, even though a committee may also read it.

After consideration, it was decided to ask Elders Harold B. Lee, Spencer W. Kimball, and Marion G. Romney to read the manuscript and to submit their findings to the First Presidency.

Fri., 4 May 1962:

“10:00 a.m.

I met Brother Reed Benson by appointment at his request.  He assured me that he does not bring politics into his speaking appointments in Church meetings.  However, he said that the Republican Party desires him to enter politics, and we talked briefly about his desire to do this.  I said to him that that is an individual matter – ‘you are an American citizen; you act accordingly.'”

Fri., 18 May 1962:

“While I was dictating letters, I had a telephone call from Elder Ezra Taft Benson, who was in Portland, Oregon attending a National Boy Scout meeting, and is appointed to the Seattle Stake Conference.

He asked regarding his accepting the invitation of the National Boy Scout Organization to be chairman of Region Twelve, and his attendance at the Seattle Stake Conference.  He said that he felt that there has been some reflection cast on him in this stake with the President and the High Council, and inasmuch as he always meets with the Stake Presidency, High Council and Bishoprics, he asked that I make a telephone call to the Stake President regarding this matter.  (see notes following for details of conversation)

I then called President F. Arthur Kay of the Seattle Stake, and told him that Elder Ezra Taft Benson will attend the quarterly conference of his stake, and that I wanted him to know that Elder Benson comes up there under no cloud whatsoever, and that I also approve of Brother Cleon Skousen’s book ‘The Naked Communist.’

Friday, May 18, 1962

Telephone call from Elder Ezra Taft Benson of the Council of the Twelve 

Portland, Oregon, to President David O. McKay, May 18, 1962, at 8:10 a.m.

President McKay: Hello.

Brother Benson: Hello, President McKay?

President McKay: Yes.

Brother Benson: This is Brother Benson.  How are you this morning?

President McKay: Very well, thank you!

Brother Benson: I am at Portland, Oregon, attending the Annual Meeting of the Boy Scouts and we finish up tonight, then I will go on to Seattle where tomorrow morning will be Boy Scout Day at the World’s Fair.  Then I attend Stake Conferences of the Seattle and North Seattle Stakes there.

President McKay: Yes.

Brother Benson: I have two questions, President McKay.  You recall my coming to you with letters from the officials of Region Twelve of the Boy Scouts?

President McKay: Yes.

Brother Benson: And you felt probably that we should have the Chairmanship of that Region for at least next year, and suggested that probably I had better take it.  Now, I am to give them an answer today.  I am going into a meeting with Region Twelve this morning, but this has occurred to me since I talked with you — I am not trying to shirk the responsibility — but I find that the person who becomes Chairman of a region — there are twelve regions in the United States — also becomes a member of the National Executive Board of the Boy Scouts, and that is where I am serving now.  Now, it occured to me if we could get them to accept someone else with good grace, it would give us two members on the board instead of one.  Now, I don’t know what their attitude would be, and I didn’t have anyone special in mind to suggest, but I do know they want an answer today, and I promised to give them one before the convention ends here — I promised to give them a final answer.

President McKay: They have no objection to your serving in both places?

Brother Benson: They want me to serve in both places, President McKay, but I thought there might be some little advantage to the Church to have someone else as chairman so he would be also a member of the National Executive Board, and I talked to Brother Lou Roberts and Joseph Bentley — they are here — and also Brother Curtis, who was formerly Superintendent of the Young Men, and they seem to think that there would be some advantage.  Just how great that advantage will be, we cannot tell, of course.  But I thought that probably I might broach that subject to them and see what their reaction would be, but before I did so I wanted to check with you to see if you had any suggestions or whether you thought this would be advisable.

President McKay: I think it is all right for you to accept both positions for the present.

Brother Benson: Do you?

President McKay: Yes!

Brother Benson: Well, I will be happy to if that is your feeling, President McKay.

President McKay: They have asked you to do it — I think it would be best for you to do it.

Brother Benson: Then I won’t raise the other question.  It is going to take quite a little time.  We will have several meetings, but I thought that maybe we might be able to serve for one year — that will get us by our celebration.  Next year will be our Fiftieth Anniversary of Scouting in the Church, as you know — that is a pretty important year for us, and to have the chairmanship I think might be helpful to us.  So I will go ahead then, but not make any commitment as to time.  How will that be?

President McKay: That will be all right.

Brother Benson: All right, thank you very much.  Now, the other thing.  You will recall the little difficulty we had with President Kay of the Seattle Stake?

President McKay: Yes.

Brother Benson: Now, I am going into his stake.

President McKay: I am glad you are!

Brother Benson: I have some anxiety, because I fear that there has been some reflection cast on me in this stake with the President and High Council, and I always have a meeting with the Presidency and High Council and Bishoprics, and I don’t know of anything that will clear it up fully unless there could be a communication go from you — a telephone call — because I don’t want to be in a position of trying to question anything that has been given them by a member of the Presidency.

President McKay: I think I had better call Brother Kay.  He is president, isn’t he?

Brother Benson: Yes he is.

President McKay: I shall call him and tell him that Brother Benson is absolutely clear and that if there is any feeling in the stake that there is any fault against Brother Benson’s [Skousen’s] book or against your remarks at General Conference, it should be allayed, because both are supported by the President of the Church.

Brother Benson: I would be very grateful for that, President McKay, if it can be done.

President McKay: Then you go along and conduct the Stake Conference just as usual — as if nothing had happened.

Brother Benson: All right, I will be happy to do so.

President McKay: Then I will call President Kay, in answer to his letter of February some — I don’t remember.

Brother Benson: Yes, it was sometime in February.  Yes, you answer it by telephone then.

President McKay: Yes!

Brother Benson: That will be fine, because I will be with him tomorrow afternoon.  I am going to have him meet me.  There is a special train going up with the Boy-Scout workers to the Fair, and I was planning to have him meet me and join me at the Fair.

President McKay: You go right on just as though nothing had been said by the counselors in The First Presidency on it.

Brother Benson: I will be happy to do it, and now if you will have your secretary get on the telephone, I have his resident’s phone and his office phone.  It might save her a little time.

President McKay: Clare.

Clare Middlemiss: Yes, I am on the phone.

Brother Benson: I didn’t ask President McKay about his good wife.  How is Sister McKay?

President McKay: She is not well.  She had a very bad night last night.

Brother Benson: Oh, that’s too bad.  Well, our faith and prayers will be with her.

Brother Benson to Clare: President McKay is going to call President Kay and simply clear up this whole thing, that there is no question about the books or the Conference talk.  Now I didn’t mention ‘The Naked Communist.’  He may want to mention that also.

Clare Middlemiss: Skousen’s book, yes.

Brother Benson: Yes, because that was more or less condemned.  President Kay’s residence telephone is Pacific 5-2974, and the office phone is AL 5-2944.

Clare Middlemiss: All right, thank you, Brother Benson.

Brother Benson: God bless you all.  Good-bye.

Clare: Good-bye.

Friday, May 18, 1962

Telephone call from President David O. McKay to President F. Arthur Kay of the Seattle Stake at his home PA 5-2974, May 18, 1962, at 8:15 a.m.

(Regarding Elder Ezra Taft Benson)

President McKay: Hello.

President Kay: Hello, President McKay.

President McKay: President Kay, some time ago I received a letter from you regarding Brother Benson’s Conference talk, and ‘The Naked Communist’ by Brother Skousen.

President Kay: Yes.

President McKay: Now, I didn’t answer it, but I have taken it up with the Brethren.  All I wish to say this morning is that I personally approve of ‘The Naked Communist’ and Brother Skousen and his relationship with us right here, but in any organization outside I don’t know whether he receives a salary or not.

President Kay: I have not received any information on that.

President McKay: I haven’t either.

President Kay: I haven’t received anything since the last call with Brother Benson.

President McKay: All I wish to say to you is that Brother Benson is not under any cloud whatever regarding his attitude towards communism.

President Kay: I am very pleased to hear this, President McKay.

President McKay: And neither is Brother Skousen’s book — ‘The Naked Communist.’  There are some men who opposed it — their criticisms are very faulty and very weak.  Brother Skousen is in good standing in the Church, and his attitude towards communism is approved.

President Kay: Well, I greatly appreciate this call.

President McKay: I thought I would let you know, because I understand that Brother Benson is up there to attend a Conference and you are going to meet him.

President Kay: Yes, I will be meeting him tomorrow.

President McKay: Let political parties and anti-communist groups do their own work outside of the Church.  We will attend to our Church duties, and condemn Communism in all its forms, but we shall not make a public issue of it during Conference times.

President Kay: Yes.

President McKay: I thought I would give you that assurance.

President Kay: I appreciate that a great deal.

President McKay: All right, and I appreciate your letter.

President Kay: Well, I hated to be in a position that I was caught in, President McKay, one especially — may I just point this thing out — that would bring any disharmony, and I hope that it has unified rather than anything else.

President McKay: All I know about Brother Benson’s political affairs is that his son, Reed, is out for some political position.  He has been told that that is his individual responsibility and he alone is responsible for it.  The church is not sustaining him any more that we are any other man, but is a political matter to which any citizen is permitted to aspire.

President Kay: Certainly.

President McKay: Otherwise, Brother Benson stands approved fully.

President Kay: I love to hear this, because I have never heard him give a message that I disapproved of in any way.

President McKay: No, sir!  All right.

President Kay: Thank you a great, great deal, President McKay, and this has been a real personal pleasure.

President McKay: Kind wishes to all assembled at your Conference.  Give them my greetings, please.

President Kay: I certainly will, President McKay.

President McKay: All right.

President Kay: Thank you!

President McKay: Thank you!  Good-bye.”

Wed., 6 June 1962:

“8:15 – 8:45 a.m.

Brother Cleon Skousen came in.  Handed me a copy of a letter which is being circulated at the University of California.  It refers to President Brown’s remarks at the Priesthood Meeting in April Conference and discounts Brother Skousen’s work in fighting Communism.  I asked Brother Skousen to see President Brown and ask him about this matter.

Sat., 28 July 1962:

“8:00 a.m.

Went over to the office and met by appointment President Ernest L. Wilkinson.  He discussed with me the matter of his accepting an invitation to speak at the State Republican Convention to be held in the near future.

As I told him over the phone when he called yesterday, I question the advisability of his entering into politics as President of the Brigham Young University.

In discussing matters with President Wilkinson pertaining to the conditions in the world and the government here in our own United States, I said that I had a letter suggesting that at the forthcoming October Conference of the Church, or in some other way, that I make a statement which would once again be an official pronouncement for the Church in favor of the continuation of the American form of government, and at the same time a condemnation of Communism and all species of socialism.  I shall give serious consideration to this matter.

I gave President Wilkinson permission to invite President A. Ray Olpin of the University of Utah to give the Commencement Address at the B.Y.U. August Commencement.”

Thur., 16 Aug., 1962:

9:30 – 10:15 a.m.

Following the departure of President Wilkinson and Brother Madsen, we listened to a report of Elder Gordon B. Hinckley with regard to a report which had come to him from Hong Kong about our people there engaging in political activities in Hong Kong. Said that he does not know how much substance there is to this report, but if anything were to come of it, it is of such import that the First Presidency should have the information. Said that Brother Heaton, who presided over the Southern Far East Mission, gives the information that in the Church at Hong Kong is a Brother Wong, who was a general in the Chinese Army when they were on the Mainland. He comes from around Peking. He was a top officer. He is said to have a million and a half men under his command. He has written to Brother Heaton to the effect that he and another officer in Burma and one in Red China are heading up a counter-revolutionary movement aimed at driving the Reds out of China. He has enlisted around him quite a number of our people in Hong Kong, and has written to Brother Heaton and asked him to serve as American liaison officer and political advisor. He has great confidence in Brother Heaton. Brother Heaton is now working for his doctor’s degree in Far Eastern Relations at the University of Washington. Brother Hinckley has told Brother Heaton that he should write to Brother Wong that he does not want to be associated with this in any way, because whatever happens would be tied to the Church through Brother Heaton’s having been President of the Mission there.

After quite a discussion on this matter, I stated that I felt that neither Brother Hinckley, Brother Heaton, nor Brother Wong should be associated with this uprising in any way. That these people are facing a crisis, but it is an impossible situation, and they cannot have success that there are only a handful of members who are weavers living in Hong Kong. Communists are striking out at a people who can endure, but who are loyal to their inheritance. The strongest tie they have is the home-tie and their loyalty to father, mother, and children. They are running against the training of ages, but we must not be associated with it, but take advantage of the old situation when the revolution does come.

We decided that if Brother Heaton should have any correspondence with

Brother Wong as an associate of the Church because of his former position as President of the Mission and that correspondence goes through the Church in any way, we would become involved.  (See First Presidency’s Minutes for details concerning this matter.)

Thurs., 27 Sep., 1962:

“Excerpts from remarks made by President David O. McKay on the decision of the United States Supreme Court on Prayer in Public Schools April 1962, at the pre-Conference meeting of all General Authorities held in the Upper Room of the Salt Lake Temple, Thursday, September 27, 1962.

So we are meeting in an Upper Room today as General Authorities, having direct authority from the Savior Himself, from Peter, James, and John, John the Baptist, and other heavenly messengers. And do you know that I feel this morning that there never was a time in the history of the world when so much responsibility depended upon a group of men as upon this group this morning. Never before was there such a responsibility to declare the name of Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world, the literal Son of God, as today. I shall just cite one or two instances.

Since we met in this Upper Room last April, the Supreme Court of the United States has made a momentous decision. They have ruled as unconstitutional the offering of a prayer in the public schools, ostensibly, because it was really by a stretch of their imagination a violation of the amendment to separate the Church and State. Mr. Justice Black said it did not interfere with the Church nor with religion. The very fact that he had to make an explanation shows there was a doubt, and one man voted against it.

But whether it affects religion, whether it is a step towards Communism and atheism, we are not going to discuss today. The greatest lawyers in the land are debating that question now. But this I think we can say: The highest court in the land in the United States has cut the cord that connects the public school system with the eternal source of intelligence — God, and I think that is tragic, even to think of such a thing, in a Christian land.

The very Constitution of our land, inspired by great men, appeals to God our Eternal Father. The coin of the realm, passed in business from man to man, says “In God We Trust”. Why should they deprive children, the future citizens, the future rulers of our great nation, of the privilege every morning of just turning their minds to God, having in mind the occasion.

At the same session, they refused to make illegal the publishing of a pamphlet that displays the picture of a nude woman. We are creeping, creeping toward the condition which draws the line between our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, faith in God, His Father, the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the plan of salvation, individual salvation and exaltation, and the enemy of righteousness, sin, the false philosophy of Communism, atheistic teachings of that pernicious organization.”

Fri., 28 Sep., 1962:

“Following the departure of Brother and Sister Allen, we held the regular meeting of they First Presidency.

Among the matters taken up were:

(5) Strom Thurmond Political Outlook

I read briefly a statement by Strom Thurmond regarding the political outlook, and the importance of opposing Communism in the United States. President Mo!yle expressed the view that the position of the

United States should be pursued affirmatively rather than negatively the course of the country.

I commented that the atheistic philosophy, the abandonment of the home, are basic, and the stressing of the importance of the State rather than of the individual as advanced by the Communists are absolutely wrong.

Wed., 10 Oct., 1962:

12:25 p. m. 

Returned to my private office. Signed letters, and at 1:00 p. m. left for home. As I was leaving the office, I met Brother Stewart Benedict of the All-American Society who introduced me to a young man by the name of Steve Szabo of Hungary, who had escaped from a Communist concentration camp. He had been tortured and is now terribly crippled. Both legs have been amputated because of injuries, and both arms are supported by braces. A Brother Stan Sorensen was also present.

Mon., 15 Oct., 1962:

“11:30 a. m. 

My secretary, Clare, called me and said that Elder A. Theodore Tuttle, President of the South American Mission, had requested that he be allowed to talk to me before he returns to the mission field. I told her to have him come right over to the apartment.

11:45 a. m. 

At his request, met Elder A. Theodore Tuttle, of the First Council of Seventy, and President of the South American Mission, in our apartment at the Hotel Utah.

He reported his work in the South American Mission — said that everything is moving along very well. I asked him particularly about the attitude of the members of the Church in Chili toward Communism. Brother Tuttle said there are members of the Church who are Communists, and I said to him, “How can they be Communists and still members of the Church?” He said that they joined the Communists before they became members of the Church; that Communism is the political party in Chili. He said that he is afraid to say anything to the members about their affiliation.

I said “No member of the Church can be a Communist.” Brother Tuttle said that they are not really Communists; that they are such in the way some of our people were twenty years ago. I said, “You mean Socialism?” He said, “Yes, Socialism.”

I made it very clear to Brother Tuttle that Communism and the Restored Gospel do not harmonize, and those who accept the Church must reject Communism.”

Fri., 26 Oct., 1962:

“While at Huntsville this morning, I received a telephone call from Elder Ezra Taft Benson who said that he is leaving this afternoon for his tour of the South Sea Island Missions. He wondered if I had any special instructions for him, and I said that I should be grateful if he would take my greetings and blessings to all the people; that he had my prayers for his health and protection during his travels.

Elder Benson then said that there are two things he would like to ask me about; namely, (1) That the counselors in the Young Men’s Mutual Improvement Association feel that they are at a stand still so far as their work is concerned since Brother G. Carlos Smith, Jr.. the newly-appointed General Superintendent, is away from the city conducting the affairs of the Central States Mission.

I instructed Brother Benson to take this matter up at the Council meeting today, and told him that he should tell the Brethren that Superintendent Smith should be instructed to come home for a day or two to get things organized here, and then he can return to the Mission and wind up his affairs there.

(2) Elder Benson then said that his son, Reed, has been seeking an appointment with me to explain that after spending a year in studying the aims and purposes of the John Birch Society, he feels that he should accept an invitation from this Society to be the Coordinator for the State of Utah, which position will take him into other parts of the country to speak in public meetings where people are interested.

I answered, “I have heard about the John Birch Society, and everything so far has been negative, so it is up to you and Reed as to whether or not this position is accepted.”

Brother Benson said that he had read their Blue Book and other literature; and has met their leader, Mr. John Welch, who is a fine Christian gentleman. Said he felt that they are the most effective organization we have in the country in fighting Communism and Socialism. He said that his son, Reed, knows that he will be criticized severly for having anything to do with the Society, and that he may be jeopardizing his political career; however, he is convinced that he can best serve his country by working with this organization. Said they have visited the headquarters of the Society in Massachusetts, and have been favorably impressed with the spirit and fine Christian ideals of the Society.

Elder Benson said that he personally knows that there are Senators, and some of the finest patriots of the Countrv, and some of our own Stake Presidents who are members of this Society. They do not publish a list of their members, although there is nothing secret about the organization. They have a mazagine called “American Opinion”.

I said, “I have nothing whatever to do with it.” Brother Benson said that Reed would not go into this if I told him not to, and I said that this is a matter that I shall leave entirely with him and Reed.

I then wished Brother Benson a successful tour of the Missions; that my blessings go with him. I said that he knew, of course, that on a long journey like this he is free to take his wife with him.

Later he phoned and told my secretary that he failed to mention to me that Sister Benson is not well enough to travel with him; that she has some back trouble and arthritis which gives her a great deal of pain if she sits too long in meetings.”

Wed., 31 Oct., 1962:

(3) Poland – Missionary work in Communist-dominated countries.

We read a letter from President Theodore M. Burton who reported a visit made by President William S. Erekson after his release as President of the Swiss Mission to members living in Poland. President Erekson reported that he was received kindly and found the people to be very friendly. President Burton reported that he had talked with President Fetzer and President Erekson, who feel that missionary work can be done in East Germany and in Poland if missionaries are not from NATO countries since such missionaries would be regarded as spies. Missionaries from Scandanavian countries, Finland or Switzerland, however, would not be under that disadvantage. I decided with President Moyle concurring that missionary work in a Communist-dominated country, at present, is inadvisable. I stated that we should be dealing with governments which have no honor and who would use us as tools to further their own purposes at the very first opporltunity they could get.”

Thurs., 3 Jan. 1963:

“Note:  The First Presidency made Statement in today’s newspapers regarding The John Birch Society, and the stand of the Church regarding ‘political questions in general’.

Thursday, January 3, 1963



The First Presidency of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Thursday issued a signed statement setting forth the stand of the Church on ‘political questions in general and the John Birch Society in particular.’

The statement is as follows:

‘The following statement is made to correct the false statements and unwarranted assumptions regarding the position allegedly taken by the leaders of the Church on political questions in general and the John Birch Society in particular.

‘The Church recognizes and protects the right of its members to express their personal political beliefs, but it reserves to itself the right to formulate and proclaim its own doctrine.

‘We believe in a two-party system, and all our members are perfectly free to support the party of their choice.

‘We deplore the presumption of some politicians, especially officers, co-ordinators and members of the John Birch Society, who undertake to align the Church or its leadership with their partisan views.

‘We encourage our members to exercise the right of citizenship, to vote according to their own convictions, but no one should seek or pretend to have our approval of their adherence to any extremist ideologies.

‘We denounce communism as being anti-Christian, anti-American, and the enemy of freedom, but we think they who pretend to fight it by casting aspersions on our elected officers or other fellow citizens do the anti-Communist cause a great disservice.

‘We again urge our bishops, stake presidents, and other officers of the Church to refuse all applications for the use of our chapels, cultural halls, or other meeting places for political meetings, money-raising propaganda, or to promote any person’s political ambitions.’

/s/ David O. McKay

/s/ Henry D. Moyle

/s/ Hugh B. Brown

The First Presidency

Deseret News – Thursday, January 3, 1963″

Fri., 4 Jan. 1963:

“Elder Ezra Taft Benson and Statement on the John Birch Society

In answer to a telephone request from Elder Ezra Taft Benson to see me, I instructed him to call my counselors and tell them to hold a meeting with him this morning in the office of the First Presidency.  A discussion was held regarding the First Presidency’s statement regarding the John Birch Society and Reed Benson’s association therewith.  (see January 3, 1963 Diary for statement appearing in the newspaper, and see Ezra Taft Benson’s file for minutes of meeting held.)”

Sun., 6 Jan. 1963:

“Sunday, January 6, 1963

January 6, 1963


President David O. McKay


Dear President McKay:

You asked that I dictate a memorandum or minute of the meeting you and I held together at your home in Huntsville today, January 6.

The first subject under discussion was the recent declaration made by the First Presidency and published in the newspapers regarding the John Birch Society and its officers, stating that the Church does not endorse them.  You asked that I read a number of opinions from various sources, including the editor of the Los Angeles Times, The New York Times, the Attorney General of the State of California, the Ministerial Association of California, and others.  After reading and discussing these, we agreed that we had done the right thing in letting the members of the Church and the world know that the Church does not in any way endorse or subscribe to the John Birch Society.

You mentioned that we might have erred in that we did not call the Bensons in before making the announcement.  I called your attention to the fact that we had called Brother Benson in and discussed Reed’s activities during the campaign in disregarding our former statement regarding the use of our chapels and meeting places for political purposes.  At that same meeting we discussed the John Birch Society, and Brother Benson denied having any association with them.  I mentioned this to President Moyle upon my return to Salt Lake, and he said he will get minutes of that meeting and present them to you at your next meeting.

. . . .

Hugh B. Brown

Tues., 22 Jan. 1963:

“7:30 a.m.

Dr. O. Preston Robinson, Manager of the Deseret News, came in regarding re-organization of Board which will take place at the annual meeting to be held February 6, 1963 at 7:30 a.m.  I said that I shall attend the meeting.

Later, I telephoned to Brother Robinson and told him not to publish Drew Pearson’s column concerning Elder Ezra Taft Benson, which is very unfavorable to Elder Benson.”

Wed., 23 Jan. 1963:

“7:30 a.m.

John Birch Society — Communism

Met by appointment at his request Elder Ezra Taft Benson, and had a lengthy conference with him regarding the newspaper statement made by the First Presidency dated January 2, 1963, pertaining to political questions in general and the John Birch Society in particular.  Elder Benson said the statement seemed to be leveled against him and his son, Reed, and also Brother Skousen.

I told Brother Benson that it was intended to apply to them.  I said that the statement made by him (Elder Benson) in favor of the John Birch Society was made by him, one of the Twelve, who is an international character and received international publicity, and that that is one reason the Presidency had to make the announcement in the newspapers.  

Elder Benson asked if this means that they must never mention Communism, and I said that, of course, they could mention Communism by saying that it is un-Christian in America and an evil thing.  I said it did not hurt my feelings for the accusation to be made that the John Birch Society is a secret society (which Elder Benson says it is not) because when there is a prairie fire sweeping over the country, men who fight the fire, often start fires themselves.  I told Brother Benson, however, that he must not say that the Church favors such ‘a fire.’  I said further that if members of the Church want to join the John Birch Society, they may pay the $12.00 dues if they wish; that that is up to them.

Thurs., 24 Jan. 1963:

“8:30 a.m.

Meeting of the First Presidency was held.  President Brown still absent in South America.

Telephone call from Senator Wallace F. Bennett, regarding John Birch Society.  While in the meeting, I received a long-distance call from Senator Wallace F. Bennett, who reported for my information that the Democrats in the Senate were contemplating presenting an attack on Brother Ezra Taft Benson because of his interest in the John Birch Society.  He said this was based on a Drew Pearson article concerning the First Presidency’s statement on the John Birch Society, and they have asked the Republicans to join with them, but the Republicans have refused to do so.”

Wed., 30 Jan. 1963:

MIA Communism Study Course – John Birch Society

Consideration was given to the matter of the desire of the Mutual Improvement Associations to introduce a course for the Mutual Study Class on communism.  The matter has been submitted to the Reading Committee, and Elder Spencer W. Kimball makes inquiry as to whether this would be a proper course of study, these books being as follows:  ‘A Study of Communism’ by J. Edgar Hoover; ‘Witness’ by Whittaker Chambers; ‘The Naked Communist’ by W. Cleon Skousen; ‘The Red Carpet’ by Ezra Taft Benson; ‘Masters of Deceit’ by J. Edgar Hoover; ‘You Can Trust The Communists (To Do Exactly As They Say)’ by Dr. Fred C. Schwarz.

I said that there is no objection to a study of the books listed.  In this connection, however, I said that in approving this course, it is not intended that approval be given to the activities of the John Birch Society or any other self-perpetuating group, that the Church must not in any way be associated with self-perpetuating groups, nor should this course of study be used as a means of increasing the membership of such groups.”

Mon., 4 Feb. 1963:

“8:00 – 11:45 a.m.

Spent most of the morning taking up office matters with my secretary, Clare.  She showed me the hundreds of letters from all over the United States which have been received from members of the John Birch Society.  They have come as a result of a statement made by the First Presidency concerning that Society.  I told her that we should not attempt to answer these letters, but that members of the Church who have written asking whether or not their membership in the Church is in jeopardy if they belong to the John Birch Society should have an answer.  I dictated later a letter to be sent to the members.  I also asked that a copy be sent to each of the General Authorities so that they would know what to say to members who inquire regarding the Church’s stand on this matter.  (see copy of letter following)

Monday, February 4, 1963

Dear Brother ________________:

Inasmuch as President McKay is presently under such a heavy schedule of duties pertaining to the general administration of the Church, he has asked me to acknowledge for him your letter of __________________, wherein you make reference to a recent statement published by The First Presidency setting forth the position of the Church regarding partisan politics and other related matters.

I have been directed to say that members of the Church are free to join anti-communist organizations if they desire and their membership in the Church is not jeopardized by so doing.  The Church is not opposing The John Birch Society or any other organization of like nature; however, it is definitely opposed to anyone’s using the Church for the purpose of increasing membership for private organizations sponsoring these various ideologies.

Sincerely yours,

/s/ Clare Middlemiss

Secretary to:

President David O. McKay”

Thurs., 7 Feb. 1963:

“10:00 – 1:30 p.m.

“Was engaged in Council Meeting.  We had a very good meeting!  Among matters discussed were:

4)  Communism – Course of Study for Mutual Improvement Association

After discussing an inquiry that had come from the Executives of the MIA as to whether or not a course on Communism might be an alternate course to be studied by the group that calls itself the Mutual Study Class, it was decided that in view of the fact that the whole curricula of the Church is undergoing supervision, study, and revision in harmony with the outlined plan approved by the all-Church Coordinating Council, and subsequently approved by the First Presidency and Council of the Twelve, that the introduction of the subject of Communism as proposed by the MIA Executives, at this time, would be untimely, and that the course be not introduced for the coming year.  However, at the same time that we are not unmindful of the need of placing before our people authentic information on the teachings of Communism, and that it would be our opinion that there be included in the Mutual Study Handbook, pages 123 to 127, in addition to the books there suggested for reading on various subjects, the following books on Communism:  ‘A Study of Communism’ by J. Edgar Hoover; ‘Witness’ by Whittaker Chambers; ‘The Naked Communist’ by Cleon Skousen; ‘The Red Carpet;’ by Ezra Taft Benson; ‘Masters of Deceit’ by J. Edgar Hoover; and ‘You Can Trust the Communists To Do Exactly As They Say’ by Dr. Fred C. Schwarz.

We believe that the placing of these books thus prominently before the Mutual Study Class Group will have the effect of their giving serious and prayerful study to the dangers which are faced in Communism, but at the same time will not interfere with the authentic curricula development which is now going forward.

This question of the study of Communism was suggested for the study of the Melchizedek Quorums, and when the matter was called to the attention of The First Presidency and Council of the Twelve, I advised that in my opinion, which opinion was supported by my counselors and the Twelve, that there be no such course of study, but instead there be published the statement on Communism previously published, a copy of which is attached hereto.

It was suggested that this statement on Communism be reproduced in the Mutual Study Handbook so that those who have the Handbook may have the First Presidency’s statement on the subject of Communism along with the books on this subject.  I gave approval for this to be done.



With great regret we learn from credible sources, governmental and others, that a few Church members are joining directly or indirectly, the Communists and are taking part in their activities.

The Church does not interfere, and has no intention of trying to interfere, with the fullest and freest exercise of the political franchise of its members, under and within our Constitution which the Lord declared:  ‘I established…by the hands of wise men whom I raised up unto this very purpose,’ and which, as to the principles thereof, the Prophet, dedicating the Kirtland Temple, prayed should be ‘established forever.’

But Communism is not a political party nor a political plan under the Constitution; it is a system of government that is the opposite of our Constitutional government, and it would be necessary to destroy our government before Communism could be set up in the United States.

Since Communism, established, would destroy our American Constitutional government, to support Communism is treasonable to our free institutions, and no patriotic American citizen may become either a Communist or supporter of Communism.

To our Church members we say:  Communism is not the United Order, and bears only the most superficial resemblance thereto; Communism is based upon intolerance and force, the United Order upon love and freedom of conscience and action; communism involves forceful despoliation and confiscation, the United Order voluntary consecration and sacrifice.

Communists cannot establish the United Order, nor will Communism bring it about.  The United Order will be established by the Lord in His own due time and in accordance with the regular prescribed order of the Church.

Furthermore, it is charged by universal report, which is not successfully contradicted or disproved, that communism undertakes to control, if not indeed to proscribe the religious life of the people living within its jurisdiction, and that it even reaches its hand into the sanctity of the family circle itself, disrupting the normal relationship of parent and child, all in a manner unknown and unsanctioned under the Constitutional guarantees under which we in America live.  Such interference would be contrary to the fundamental precepts of the Gospel and to the teachings and order of the Church.

Communism being thus hostile to loyal American citizenship and incompatible with true Church membership, of necessity no loyal American citizen and no faithful Church member can be a Communist.

We call upon all Church members completely to eschew Communism.  The safety of our divinely inspired Constitutional government and the welfare of our Church imperatively demand that Communism shall have no place in America.


The First Presidency”

Thurs., 14 Feb. 1963:

“8:35 – 10:00 a.m.

Was engaged in the meeting of the First Presidency.  We considered and passed upon a number of items.

John Birch Society – Public Appearances of Robert Welch, Founder

I reported that Arch Madsen of KSL had reported to me that he had received a request that Mr. Welch of the John Birch Society, who will be in the city next Monday, be permitted to speak over KSL.  Brother Madsen said, in answer to my question, that they do permit the free use of television facilities for prominent men.  I told Brother Madsen that this is a private enterprise, and suggested that he take the matter up with his executive committee.

I also reported that I had heard indirectly that President Wilkinson of the Brigham Young University wants to have Mr. Welch speak before the BYU.  President Brown said that he would strenuously oppose Mr. Welch’s appearance at the BYU, and that he looked with disfavor upon both propositions.

Thur., 14 Feb., 1963:

1:10 – 1:30 p.m.

Brother Clyde Sandgren of the Brigham Young University asked if Robert Welch of the John Birch Society could be invited to speak at the Brigham Young University.  I said ‘no’; that his doing so would give the Church’s approval to the John Birch Society.”

Fri., 15 Feb. 1963:

“John Birch Society and Robert Welch, Founder – Deseret News

O. Preston Robinson, Manager of the Deseret News, called and inquired about the policy which should be taken regarding pictures of Robert Welch, President of the John Birch Society, who is coming to the city to give lectures.  He mentioned that ordinarily when a man of his importance comes to town publicity is given to him in the press.  He felt we would be subject to less criticism by doing this than were we to suppress the news and do or say nothing.  I asked Brother Robinson to be very careful not to let the Deseret News give any impression that the Church is backing the John Birch Society or that it has any connection whatever therewith.  I said, however, that these people have a right to say what they want to say but the Church should not be involved in any sense.

John Birch Society

At the conclusion of our meeting, I mentioned that my doctor had ordered me to take a trip to California.  I said that I had received a letter from Mr. Robert Welch of the John Birch Society, expressing a desire to meet me while he is in the city.  I stated that I had sent a telegram to Mr. Welch stating that I am taking Sister McKay to California and would, therefore, not be in the city when he calls.

Building Conditions in South America

President Brown reported to me certain conditions pertaining to the construction of buildings in South America, particularly mentioning difficulty that he had in securing information from one of the building supervisors in that area who did not feel free to give him information without first obtaining the consent of Brother Mendenhall.  Other related conditions were mentioned.  This matter should be investigated.”

Sat., 16 Feb. 1963:

“Left instructions with Clare, since I was unable to get into telephone communication with him, that Arch Madsen, President of KSL, is to give delayed Radio time to Mr. Robert Welch of the John Birch Society, covering his speech to be delivered in the Highland High School on Monday night, February 18; that this must not be denied to him.

Later, I learned that President Moyle had called Arch Madsen and instructed him that Robert Welch could not have this delayed time unless the John Birch Society paid for it.  Therefore, the Society paid KSL and the talk was released Tuesday evening.  At the same time, another speaker, a Dr. Mortimer J. Adler, who spoke at the Prudential Auditorium, charging a fee, was given live time on KSL and no charge was made to him.  Dr. Adler’s ideas are just as controversial as those of Robert Welch.”

Tues., 26 Feb. 1963:

7:30 – 8:30 a.m.

Dictation to Clare.  She reported that the work at the office had been heavy during my absence; that at least two thousand letters had come from members of the John Birch Society from all over the United States.  This was in addition to the regular office duties.  She said that it is taking every hour of the day to answer telephone inquiries, to meet persons calling at the office, etc., that consequently most of her work is being done at home at night and over the weekends.

Wed., 27 Feb. 1963:

“8:30 a.m.

Was engaged in the meeting of the First Presidency.  Many matters of general importance to the Church were discussed and passed upon.  Among them were:

John Birch Society – Church’s Position Regarding

Professor James J. Tschudy of the Utah State University sent a letter asking for a statement of the Church’s position about the John Birch Society.

I directed that he be informed that the Church has nothing to do with the John Birch Society, but that joining is an individual matter.  A person who joins will not lose his membership in the Church on that account.  President Moyle said that he had declared that since this is the Dispensation of the Fulness of Times, the Lord will reveal all things necessary for us as He pleases; that a member may join if he wants.

President Moyle, in response to President McKay’s inquiry, explained in the matter of broadcasting the meeting of the John Birch Society held in Salt Lake City on February 18, was considered by the Board of Directors of KSL who decided — three to two — not to broadcast the program as a public service, but as a paid service.  Accordingly, the program was broadcast and the local representatives paid for the time.  Admission to the dinner meeting was charged.” 

Wed., 6 Mar. 1963:

10:00 – 10:30 a.m.

Was engaged in the meeting of the First Presidency.  Among matters taken up were:

John Birch Society -President Hugh B. Brown’s comments concerning

I read a clipping from the Los Angeles Times under headline ‘Benson Not Speaking For Mormons On Birch’.  The article quoted President Brown.  President Brown explained that when he arrived in Los Angeles President Anderson of the California Mission had five reporters in his office for a press interview.  The reporters had a copy of the statement of the First Presidency about the Birch Society.  The first question asked was if the First Presidency had issued a statement that Brother Benson is for the Birchites.  President Brown said he answered that Brother Benson is entitled to his own opinion as an individual, but the First Presidency have spoken for the Church and any statement contrary to that is not the policy of the Church.  When President Brown found out what he was up against he asked the secretary of the mission to get a tape recorded and to make a record of everything that was taken down.  President Brown has a complete tape of everything that was said.  He said he made it very clear that any statement Brother Benson made was on his own responsibility and that he was not speaking for the Church, that the statement which they had was the authoritative position of the Church with respect to the Birch Society.

I read the following statement from a copy of a letter sent from my office and signed by my secretary, Clare Middlemiss, answering inquiries about the Church and its position on the John Birch Society: ‘I have been directed to say that members of the Church are free to join anti-communist organizations if they desire and their membership in the Church is not jeopardized by so doing.  The Church is not opposed to the John Birch Society or any other organization of like nature; however, it is definitely opposed to anyone’s using the Church for the purpose of increasing membership in private organizations sponsoring these various ideologies.’

President Brown said what he said was entirely in harmony with that statement.  (see Diary, March 13, 1963, for statement by Elder Benson on JBS)

I said that following the publication of the statement, I was asked to apologize for what was said against Brother Benson and his son Reed because ‘if we had called them’ we would have done anything that you suggested.’  I said ‘yes and nobody in the Church or in the world would have known that you were doing that, but everybody knew that you are a national character and everybody knew that you favor the Birch Society and that you approve your son representing it in Utah, and when the First Presidency gave that statement it received the same publicity which your statement received, and we offer no apology.’  I referred to a telephone call, the message of which came directly to me from President Milan D. Smith, who asked ‘please do not let your father have his picture taken with that man (Mr. Welch) because Sister Benson is telling people that President McKay is in favor of Mr. Welch.’  I said I sent a telegram to Mr. Welch stating that I was sorry that I had to go to the coast.  On that day Mr. Welch telephoned to Reed Benson saying ‘That’s too bad.  I should have come a week earlier or a week later’ — showing that his whole purpose was to see me.  (see newspaper clipping following.)

Wednesday, March 6, 1963


Los Angeles, March 4

A leader of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints said Monday that former secretary of agriculture Ezra Taft Benson does not speak for the church when he endorses the John Birch Society.

‘We are opposed to them and their methods,’ said Hugh B. Brown, a member of the three-man LDS First Presidency.  The First Presidency is the top governing board of the church.

Brown, 79, said Benson is ‘entitled to his opinion,’ but that he is not ‘entitled to say the church favors the John Birch Society.’

Brown, who was here to appear on a television program, said he feels ‘we should not mix politics and religion.'”

Wed., 13 Mar., 1963:

11:00 a.m.

Received a telephone call from Elder Ezra Taft Benson from Los Angeles, California.  He explained that he has been contacted by the McLatchy Newspapers to attend two forums which they are conducting.  He has been invited to go from Los Angeles to Sacramento for a meeting there tonight.

Brother Benson stated that reporters have pressed him somewhat on questions concerning the John Birch Society, and asked that he be permitted to quote from the letter that has been sent from my office in answer to many letters that have come to me from members of the Church.  I gave permission for Elder Benson to do this.  (see following transcript of telephone conversation, and also copy of letter referred to.)

Wednesday, March 13, 1963

Telephone conversation between President David O. McKay and Elder Ezra Taft Benson, calling from Los Angeles, California, March 13, 1963, at 11:15 a.m.

President McKay: Hello.

Elder Benson: Hello, President McKay.  This is Brother Benson.  How are you?

President McKay: Fine, thank you.  How are you?

Elder Benson: Just fine, thank you.  President McKay, I have been contacted by a chain of newspapers — the McLatchy Newspapers, and they are a rather liberal group of papers.  For some months I have been encouraged to come into this area and attend these two forums, and I made the commitment long before I went to the Islands.  Everything went well yesterday, and I go from here to Sacramento for a meeting tonight.

President McKay: Under the same auspices?

Elder Benson: Under the same auspices.  Their director of public relations is driving me up the valley, leaving in about an hour.  Obviously there have been quite a number of questions raised regarding the Church’s position on certain matters.  I have fended off these questions pretty well.  I have had them screened by a responsible person in the meetings, so that no crack-pot questions would be presented.

President McKay: Good.

Elder Benson: But this question regarding the Birch Organization has been one they have pressed somewhat on.  I had delegations of our own members come up on the platform afterwards and some came to the Hotel and some of them were going to release the letter which had come from your office signed by Clare, and I suggested to them that they hold it up, that there may be a better way to handle it.  Now, when I get to Sacramento this afternoon, I will have to meet the press, radio, and Television, and I thought probably in view of the fact that the situation is quite confused and this item that has appeared in the paper more recently attributed to President Brown seems to have added to the confusion.  I thought a very simple statement which I could hand out so there would be no chance of misquoting me would be the best way to meet this, and I have drafted a very simple one which is largely a quote from your own letter, which I thought I might use and probably would be the most helpful.  May I read it to you?

President McKay: Yes.

Elder Benson: This would be a statement which I would hand to the press, then I would refuse to answer any further questions on it, and it reads as follows:

‘I have stated, as my personal opinion only, that the John Birch Society is ‘the most effective non-Church organization in our fight against creeping Socialism and Godless Communism’.  Obviously, only one man, President David O. McKay, speaks for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on matters of policy.  In response to many inquiries, the office of President McKay has stated ‘that members of the Church (and this is taken from Clare’s letter) are free to join anti-communist organizations, if they desire, and their membership in the Church is not jeopardized by so doing.  The Church is not opposing the John Birch Society or any other organization of like nature; however, it is definitely opposed to anyone’s using the Church for the purpose of increasing membership for private organizations sponsoring these various ideologies.’  If further information is desired, it would be appropriate to direct a letter to President McKay.’

That is the end of the statement.

President McKay: I would not put that last statement in, because we are getting so many letters now we are just swamped.

Elder Benson: Well, then we could just end it with the quote from the letter, and not say anything about further information.

President McKay: Yes, that is enough.

Elder Benson: If that is your wish, we shall put it that way.  And I believe this will help to quiet this thing down President McKay.  Our members are quite confused about it, and I think it would be better for me to release this in this form in a press conference than to have individual members making releases of letters.

President McKay: I think so.

Elder Benson: And I believe it will help to quiet this matter down, and this might be a good place to do it, because this is a rather liberal area, where there has been more controversy than is usual in California or other parts of the country.  I have had a very good reception here by the newspaper people and by the public, but this is known as a rather liberal area.

President McKay: Do you think you will stir up the whole nation again by repeating your statement that you made before?

Elder Benson: I do not think so, because it has been misquoted as though I was speaking for the Church, etc., and I state here ‘I have stated as my personal opinion only’ and then I simply repeat a part of what I said before.  I think this tends to clarify it, and I think that is needed.

President McKay: Yes.

Elder Benson: Now, I have talked to some of our people here today and they think this will be very helpful.  I have not talked to the representatives of the McLatchy Newspapers, and I have no particular obligation to get their judgment on it.

President McKay: No.

Elder Benson: I will just put it out as quietly as possible, and not make a big thing of it.  I will just place it in the hands of responsible newspaper people.  And I believe it will help.  Otherwise, they are going to question me on this point and that point, whereas I shall just hand them this statement and say I have nothing more to say on it.

President McKay: Well, I will leave it to your judgment.  I think we had better get it quietly settled once and for all.

Elder Benson: Certainly we should.  Well, if you think it is better to leave this last sentence off.

President McKay: Yes, it is not necessary.  If they desire further information, they will write anyway.

Elder Benson: All right then, I will cut that off.  Now, I am planning to take a private plane from Sacramento after the meeting to San Francisco so I can catch that 10:30 plane home, so I can be at the meeting tomorrow.

President McKay: That will be fine.

Elder Benson: All right, President, thank you so much.

President McKay: All right, thank you for calling.

Elder Benson: You bet, good-bye.

President McKay: Good-bye.

Wednesday, March 13, 1963

Deseret News

Salt Lake Telegram

Salt Lake City, Utah B Section

Thursday, March 14, 1963

Birch Society Stand Told By Elder Benson

Special To The News 


Elder Ezra Taft Benson of the Council of the Twelve of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, here to address a Community Forum Wednesday night issued a statement concerning the Church and the John Birch Society.

The statement, given after telephone communication with Church President David O. McKay in Salt Lake City, is as follows:

‘I have stated, as my personal opinion only, that the John Birch Society is, ‘the most effective non-church organization in our fight against creeping socialism and godless communism.’

‘Obviously, only one man, President David O. McKay, speaks for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormon) on matters of policy.  In response to many inquiries, the office of President McKay has stated, ‘that members of the Church are free to join anti-Communist organizations if they desire and their membership in the Church is not jeopardized by so doing.  The Church is not opposing the John Birch Society or any other organization of like nature; however, it is definitely opposed to anyone’s using the Church for the purpose of increasing membership for private organizations sponsoring these various ideologies.’

Elder Benson spoke Tuesday night in Fresno and Wednesday night in Sacramento at Community Forums sponsored by the McLatchy Newspapers.  His theme was ‘Threats to Our Freedom.’  The above statement was issued at a press conference Wednesday.

Wednesday, March 13, 1963

Elder Benson Makes Statement

Elder Ezra Taft Benson of the Council of the Twelve issued the following statement this week in Sacramento after consultation with President David O. McKay:

‘I have stated, as my personal opinion only, that the John Birch Society is ‘the most effective non-Church organization in our fight against creeping socialism and godless communism.’

‘Obviously only one man, President David O. McKay, speaks for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on matters of policy.  In response to many inquiries, the office of President McKay has stated ‘that members of the Church are free to join anti-communist organizations if they desire and their membership in the Church is not jeopardized by so doing.  The Church is not opposing the John Birch Society or any other organization of like nature; however, it is definitely opposed to anyone’s using the church for the purpose of increasing membership for private organizations sponsoring these various ideologies’.’

Elder Benson spoke Tuesday night in Fresno and Wednesday night in Sacramento on Community Forums sponsored by the McLatchy Newspapers on the theme ‘Threats to Our Freedom.’

Deseret News – Church Section, Saturday, March 16, 1963″

Fri., 10 May 1963:

“8:00 a.m.

Dr. S.M. Draskovich,  a native of Yugoslavia, son of the former Minister of Interior of Serbia (which country the Communists liquidated), made a courtesy visit in my private office.  He is a former law professor of the Belgrade University, and author and lecturer on Communism.  He saw his father and brothers and sisters murdered by the Communists.  Dr. Draskovich is scheduled to make a series of speeches in Utah, arranged by Reed A. Benson of the John Birch Society.  (see following newspaper clipping.)

Wed., 5 June 1963:

“8:20 a.m.

President Ernest L. Wilkinson came in to discuss the Junior College question, election of members of the Executive Committees of the Board of Education and Board of Trustees of the Brigham Young University, and the request of the John Birch Society to have free time on KSL’s Public Pulse program.  

Wednesday, June 5, 1963


The following business was transacted:

2.  In behalf of Arch Madsen of KSL, I informed the President that the John Birch Society had asked for one hour of free time on Public Pulse.  The President said he thought that this time should be given to them and that if any reputable organization wanted time to refute the presentation they should be given equal time.

Ernest L. Wilkinson


Fri., 7 June 1963:

“7:30 a.m.

Held a meeting with Elder Richard L. Evans and Brother Arch L. Madsen of KSL and talked over matters pertaining to broadcasts of the sessions of General Conferences of the Church and expenses involved therein.

8:00 to 8:40 a.m.

Following the departure of Elder Evans, Brother Madsen remained for further conversation regarding his duties at KSL.  Brought up the matter of giving equal rights to all persons who request free public time on KSL.  Mentioned in particular requests that come from members of the John Birch Society.  Later, in the meeting of the First Presidency, I spoke to President Henry D. Moyle, who had instructed Arch Madsen not to give any time on KSL to any member or guest of the John Birch Society, that we must be careful and give equal rights to all in order that both sides of any question may be presented to the people.

8:40 to 10:00 a.m.

Meetings of the First Presidency and Presiding Bishopric were held.  Among important matters discussed were the following:

Thurs., 13 June 1963:

Telephone Calls

At 8:00 o’clock this morning Elder Ezra Taft Benson called and said that he had been invited to speak to some social groups in Arizona on Communism.

I told Brother Benson that I had just read this morning a letter complaining about the talks he has been making around the Country, which have associated the Church with the John Birch Society.  I said that what he says is taken advantage of by his enemies; that they misinterpret what he says and that it hurts both him and the Church.  I told him not to accept this appointment; that it would be wise for him to confine his talks to Church assignments.

Fri., 14 June 1963:

“9:15 a.m.

Left for home.  Sister McKay was ready and waiting to accompany me to the MIA Conference.

9:30 a.m.

Arrived at the Tabernacle which was filled with thousands of MIA workers.  It was quite a surprise to them as Sister McKay and I walked in and took our seats on the rostrum.  The congregation arose in tribute.  I declined an invitation to speak, saying that I would ‘see them Sunday’.

Elder Ezra Taft Benson was the main speaker.  Remarks were also made by Bishop Robert L. Simpson of the Presiding Bishopric, an advisor to the MIA, and greetings were given by all six MIA executives.

It was a very choice meeting, and Sister McKay and I enjoyed it very much.

At the close of the meeting, Elder Benson introduced us to Mr. John H. Rousselot, former California Congressman, and now district governor of the John Birch Society for six western states, who attended the meeting.  He is in the city to attend and speak at a meeting of the society to be held in the Newhouse Hotel.”

Thurs., 8 Aug. 1963:

“John Birch Society – Statement of First Presidency

Senator Wallace F. Bennett sent a ‘tear sheet from the Congressional Record, which contains the attitude of the Church regarding the John Birch Society.’  Senator Frank Moss had previously placed the statement of the First Presidency about the John Birch Society in the Congressional Record, but did not include the letter sent from my office to members of the Church who inquired if their membership in the Church would be in jeopardy if they joined the John Birch Society.  (see copies of letters, ‘tear sheet’ and newspaper clipping following.)

Thursday, August 8, 1963

August 30, 1963

The Honorable Wallace F. Bennett

United States Senate

Washington, D.C.

Dear Senator Bennett:

Thank you for your note of August 8, 1963, with which you enclosed a ‘tear sheet’ from the Congressional Record, which contains the material you put in that Record concerning the John Birch Society.  President McKay is pleased to have this material to complete his files.

The President returned last Tuesday from Great Britain where he dedicated the Church edifice at Merthyr-Tydfil, South Wales, near the birthplace of his mother.  It was amazing to all of us how well he looked following that extremely strenuous trip.  He said it was one of the best trips he has ever taken.  He was thrilled with the faithfulness of the people of Merthyr-Tydfil and with what they had accomplished in erecting such a beautiful chapel.  Of course, it was a very emotional experience, too, for the President, inasmuch as his mother was honored on this occasion.  Gus Backman was a speaker and represented the businessmen of Utah in presenting the organ for the Chapel in memory of President McKay’s mother, Jennette Evans McKay.  It is reported that many tears were shed at that meeting.

President McKay read your letter, and, therefore, received your personal regards.  He has directed me to send this letter, and to send you his cordial best wishes.

With kind regards, and again thanking you,

Sincerely yours,

/s/Clare Middlemiss

Secretary to:

President David O. McKay

Thursday, August 8, 1963

August 8, 1963

Miss Clare Middlemiss

47 East South Temple

Salt Lake City, Utah

Dear Clare:

I am enclosing a tear sheet from the Congressional Record which contains the material that I put in last Tuesday at the request of  Mr. Robert W. Lee, including your letter to him.

I hope this will satisfy him, and I appreciate your help in working it out.

Kindest personal regards – which I hope you will pass on to President McKay.


Wallace F. Bennett



Thursday, August 8, 1963


Mr. Bennett:  Mr. President, on May 28 of this year there appears on page 9158 of the RECORD an insertion made by my colleague (Mr. Moss) in which he discusses briefly the attitude of the Latter-day Saints (Mormon) Church toward the John Birch Society, and in which was printed a statement from the Salt Lake Tribune on March 21, 1963, under the heading, ‘L-DS Presidency Issues Stand on Birch Society.’

Then follows a brief three-sentence statement regarding the position of former Secretary of Agriculture Ezra Taft Benson.  It is headed by a line in parentheses.  ‘From the Salt Lake Tribune, March 21, 1963.’  This carries with it the implication that all three sentences are quotations from that paper on that date.  In fact, the first two sentences are paraphrases, and only the third is a direct quotation from the article.  This handling of Mr. Benson’s position has disturbed many of his friends in Utah, and at the request of one of them, Mr. Robert W. Lee, I ask unanimous consent to have printed in the RECORD, the texts of the three statements in their complete form.

First, in order to set the record in focus, I should like to reinsert the first statement from the Salt Lake Tribune on March 21, 1963, under the heading, ‘L-DS Presidency Issues Stand on Birch Society.’

Second, immediately following it I would like to insert the entire text of the other article printed in the Salt Lake Tribune on the same day, March 21, 1963, whose headline reads, ‘Benson Clarifies Views on Birch Society Stand.’  It will be noticed that the sixth paragraph in that article is the one quoted on page 9158 of the RECORD.

Third, at the request of Mr. Lee, I offer for the RECORD a letter addressed to him on August 1, 1963, and signed by Clare Middlemiss, secretary to David O. McKay, president of the L-DS Church.  The letter to Mr. Lee not only contains my authority to insert the letter in the RECORD, but also quotes an earlier letter addressed to Mr. Lee and also signed by Clare Middlemiss, secretary to President McKay, which stated the church position in slightly different language.

There being no objection, the three statements were ordered to be printed in the RECORD, as follows:


The first presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Thursday issued a formal statement to ‘correct the false statements and unwarranted assumptions regarding the position allegedly taken by leaders of the church on political questions in general and the John Birch Society in particular.’

The statement follows:

‘The church recognizes and protects the rights of its members to express their personal political beliefs, but it reserves to itself the right to formulate and proclaim its own doctrine.

‘We believe in a two-party system, and all our members are perfectly free to support the party of their choice.

‘We deplore the presumption of some politicians, especially officers, coordinators, and members of the John Birch Society, who undertake to aline the church and its leadership with their partisan views.

‘We encourage our members to exercise the right of citizenship, to vote according to their own convictions, but no one should seek or pretend to have our approval of their adherence to any extreme ideologies.

‘We denounce communism as being anti-Christian, anti-American, and the enemy of freedom, but we think they who pretend to fight it by casting aspersions in our elected officers or other fellow citizens do the anti-Communist cause a great disservice.

‘We again urge our bishops, stake presidents, and other officers of the church to refuse all applications for the use of our chapels, cultural halls, or other places for political meetings, money-raising propaganda, or to promote any person’s political ambitions.’

The statement was signed by President David O. McKay, Henry D. Moyle, and Hugh B. Brown, counselors in the first presidency of the church.

[From the Salt Lake Tribune, Mar. 21, 1963]


At least 1,000 persons have written headquarters of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints seeking the church’s views on the John Birch Society, Ezra Taft Benson, member of the Council of Twelve Apostles, disclosed Wednesday.

Returning to Salt Lake City from a ?-day business trip to New York, the former U.N. Secretary of Agriculture said he is amazed at the number of persons making such inquiries.

‘At least a thousand persons, either members of the society or just well informed on it have written President David O. McKay to learn the church’s stand,’ Elder Benson said.

Mr. Benson said that although he is not a member of the society, he ‘strongly’ believes in its principles.  He added that by the same token, while he is not a member of the Farm Bureau, he believes in its efforts, too.

Mr. Benson said he is too busy with his church work to join many organizations he would like to support.

‘I have stated, as my personal opinion only, that the John Birch Society’ is the most effective nonchurch organization in our fight against creeping socialism and godless communism.’

‘Obviously only one man, President David O. McKay, speaks for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormon) on matters of policy.

‘In response to many inquiries, the office of President McKay has stated

‘that members of the church are free to join anti-Communist organizations if they desire and their membership in the church is not jeopardized by so doing.

‘The church is not opposing the John Birch Society or any other organization of like nature; however, it is definitely opposed to anyone’s using the church for the purpose of increasing membership for private organizations sponsoring these various ideologies.’

Elder Benson, whose son, Reed, is Utah coordinator for the John Birch Society, said he is completely impressed by the people who are pushing the work of the society and praised the ‘honesty and integrity’ of Robert Welch, the founder.


Salt Lake City, Utah, August 1, 1963.

Mr. Robert W. Les

Salt Lake City, Utah.

Dear Brother Les:  In your letter of July 27, 1963, you state that Senator Wallace F. Bennett will enter in the Congressional Record a copy of a letter which has been sent from this office to members of the church who have inquired whether or not the church objects to their joining the John Birch Society.

President McKay has instructed me to tell you that Senator Bennett has his permission to have printed in the Congressional Record the letter in question as follows:

‘Inasmuch as President McKay is under such a heavy schedule of duties and meetings associated with the general administration of the church, he has asked me to acknowledge for him your letters of January 25 and 28, 1963, wherein you make reference to a recent statement published by the first presidency setting forth the position of the church regarding partisan politics and other related matters.

I have been directed to say that members of the church are free to join anti-Communist organizations if they desire and their membership in the church is not jeopardized by so doing.  The church is not opposing the John Birch Society or any other organization of like nature; however, it definitely is opposed to anyone’s using the church for the purpose of increasing membership for private organizations sponsoring these various ideologies.

‘Sincerely yours,

Clare Middlemiss

Secretary to President David O. McKay

With best wishes, I remain,

Sincerely yours,

Clare Middlemiss,

Secretary to President David O. McKay

Mr. Bennett:  Mr. President, by inserting the full text of these three statements, I hope I will have been able to clear up any misunderstandings that may have been created by the earlier – and incomplete – text in the RECORD.”

Fri., 9 Aug. 1963:

John Birch Society

President Moyle gave me a letter which he had written to Elder Ezra Taft Benson in response to Brother Benson’s letter transmitting a copy of the book ‘The Politician’ by Robert Welch of the John Birch Society, and explained that he desired me to know what he had written before the letter is delivered.

I said that I have a letter from Mr. Welch asking that Ezra Taft Benson be permitted to join the Board of the Birch Society.  I said that the letter will be answered that Brother Benson may not join that Board; that he cannot be a member of that Board and be a member of the Quorum of Twelve Apostles.”

Tues., 24 Sept. 1963:

“9:15 a.m.

Visit of Robert Welch of the John Birch Society

By appointment Reed Benson brought Mr. Robert Welch of the John Birch Society, Belmont, Massachusetts, into the office of the First Presidency.  Mr. Welch reviewed the success of the meeting of his organization in Los Angeles in which Elder Ezra Taft Benson was the featured speaker.  He also told of his busy personal schedule since he left Boston a week ago, and explained that his wife has been obliged to accompany his ninety-year-old mother back to her home, and, therefore, could not be present with him for this visit.  He stated that about half the people attending the Los Angeles meeting were members and half non-members of the John Birch Society.  Mr. Welch and Brother Benson then withdrew from the office.  (see newspaper clipping following.)

Wed., 2 Oct. 1963:

“2:30 p.m.

Returned to the office where I met by appointment Elder Cleon Skousen.  He was accompanied by David Hale, one of the top FBI men.  They submitted evidence of Communist activities, which indicate that Communism is creeping into the Church.”

Thurs., 31 Oct. 1963:

Communism – Necessity of More Emphasis on Vital Concepts of Free Agency, Patriotism, etc.

Sent a letter to Dr. Dale R. Hawkins, Associate Professor of Economics who, in a letter under date of October 28, 1963, said that he would be most happy to see more time and effort devoted by the General Authorities to the vital concepts of Free Agency, Constitutional Government, Patriotism, threat of Communism, etc.  I told Dr. Hawkins that I agreed with his ideas, and that the threat of Communism is a real threat to our Free Enterprise System.” 

Wed., 20 Nov. 1963:

John Birch Society – Elder Ezra Taft Benson

President Brown reported that last night after 10 o’clock, he had a call from the United Press and CBS representing broadcasting and television stations, also from the Associated Press, regarding statements made by Reed Benson in Boise, Idaho, regarding talks made by his father pertaining to the John Birch Society, indicating that his father, Brother Benson, had been assigned by the President of the Church to give the talk that was made by him at the John Welch Testimonial in Los Angeles.  President Brown mentioned a news article in the Salt Lake Tribune this morning giving a report of remarks by Reed Benson in Boise last night and said that Henry Smith of the Deseret News wanted to know whether the News should run a report of this interview at Boise.  President Brown mentioned that these things are causing a lot of confusion among our people.  President McKay said that we should say nothing further about the matter, and that if Reed Benson has spoken out of turn he will have to answer for it.  President McKay said that we should let the whole thing drop and that the News should not publish anything on the question.”

Mon., 23 Dec. 1963:

“10:00 to 11:30 a.m.

My secretary, Clare, came over to the apartment with her arms full of Christmas packages which had arrived at the office.

I dictated a letter to her to Mr. Robert Welch of the John Birch Society in Belmont, Massachusetts, in answer to one he had sent me asking if Elder Ezra Taft Benson could serve on the National Committee of the Society.  I told Mr. Welch that Elder Benson’s duties as European Mission President would preclude his accepting his invitation.”

Fri., 21 Feb. 1964:

“Ezra Taft Benson – Statements and Letters in Newspaper Regarding Idaho Representative Ralph R. Harding’s Criticism of Elder Benson before the House of Representatives, Washington, D.C., etc.

I told Clare that I am greatly concerned over the letters which were sent to Representative Harding by President Joseph Fielding Smith and my son Robert R. McKay, and that I am also disturbed over Ralph Harding’s alleged claim that I had sent Elder Benson out of the country to stop his political activity, and that I had apologized to President Lyndon B. Johnson when I visited him recently for Elder Benson’s actions.

I approved the publishing of a letter addressed to Mrs. Frank K. Root, Jr. of Boise, Idaho, who had asked me if ‘the rumor is true that you went back to Washington, D.C. to vindicate Representative Ralph R. Harding and apologize for Apostle Benson’, and ‘was Elder Benson sent to Europe because he had embarrassed the Church in any way?’  The reply, signed by my secretary, said:  ‘President McKay has directed me to acknowledge your letter for him, and to tell you that there is no truth whatever in the rumors you related in your letter.  President McKay has also instructed me to tell you that Elder Ezra Taft Benson was not sent to Europe for any of the reasons given in your letter.  Elder Benson was called by inspiration to preside over the European Mission.  I am directed further to say that President McKay responded to an invitation from President Lyndon B. Johnson to talk over matters with him that had nothing whatever to do with Elder Ezra Taft Benson’.

I shall have to take steps to have these accusations stopped.  Wide publicity has been given to these matters over Radio, Television, and in the newspapers.  (See following newspaper clippings.)

Friday, February 21, 1964




Rep. Ralph R. Harding (D-Idaho), has received a letter from former President Dwight D. Eisenhower commending him for his criticism of the political views of former Secretary of Agriculture Ezra Taft Benson.

Letters expressing similar views also have been sent Rep. Harding by a high official of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and the son of the LDS Church president.

The letters were made public Thursday by the Idaho State Journal.

Mr. Benson, agriculture secretary during the eight Eisenhower years, is a member of the LDS Council of Twelve Apostles and new president of its European missions.

The newspaper said one of the letters was from Joseph Fielding Smith, President of the Council.  The other, it said, was from Robert R. McKay, son of LDS Church President David O. McKay.

Rep. Harding also is a member of the LDS Church.

‘I am grateful … for the speech that you made in congress concerning the support and encouragement that the former secretary of agriculture, Ezra Benson, has allegedly been giving to a Mr. Welch, said to be the founder and leader of the John Birch Society,’ Gen. Eisenhower wrote Harding.

‘Your honest and unselfish effort to set the record straight is something that warms my heart.’

The paper then quoted Mr. Smith’s letter as saying:

‘I am glad to report to you that it will be some time before we hear anything from Brother Benson, who is now on his way to Great Britain where I suppose he will be at least for the next two years.  When he returns, I hope his blood will be purified.

Robert McKay’s letter, the paper said, expressed a similar sentiment.

‘We shall all be relieved when Elder Benson ceases to resist counsel and returns to a concentration on those affairs befitting his office,’ he wrote.  ‘It is my feeling that there will be an immediate and noticeable curtailment of his Birch Society activities.’

The paper said Rep. Harding, reached in Washington, D.C. refused to comment.  But it said the congressman had sent copies of the letters to at least two key supporters in Idaho.

The letters apparently were prompted by a speech Rep. Harding made Sept. 25, 1963, on the floor of the House in which he criticized Mr. Benson for supporting the Birch Society.

All three letters were dated late in 1963.

In his speech, Rep. Harding quoted from a book, ‘The Politician,’ in which Birch Society founder Robert Welch attempted to link Gen. Eisenhower with a Communist conspiracy.

There was speculation last December when Mr. Benson was sent to Europe by the church that he was being exiled for his political views.  The LDS Church officially denied the rumors.

Mr. Benson’s son, Reed, is a coordinator for the Birch Society in Utah and Idaho.

President Smith, when contacted in his Salt Lake apartment Thursday afternoon, said he had written to Rep. Harding late last year stating that Elder Benson was on his way to Great Britain to serve as a mission president.

‘I don’t recall writing ‘When he returns, I hope his blood will be purified.’  If I did write such a statement, I meant that when he returned he would be free of all political ties,’ President Smith declared.

The church official said his letter was personal to Rep. Harding and was not intended for publication.

The same view was held by Mr. McKay who said that he had written Rep. Harding in reply to a request made of him last fall.

‘He sent me a copy of a speech he made on the floor of the House in which he criticized Elder Benson for supporting the Birch Society.

‘He asked me to deliver it personally to my father (David O. McKay, president of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints), which I did.’

Mr. McKay admitted that he had written to Rep. Harding and was quoted correctly but said that when the statement was taken out of context it had a different meaning than was intended.

The Salt Lake Tribune – Friday, February 21, 1964

Friday, February 21, 1964


Stating that he is ‘extremely embarrassed’ about the unauthorized release of three personal letters to the press, Rep. Ralph R. Harding, D-Idaho, said Friday in Salt Lake City he is making a ‘reappraisal of the rewards and satisfactions of public service.’

He said a ‘trusted friend’ released three letters to the press, and that he felt this was a betrayal of the writers’ confidence.

The letters were written by former President Dwight D. Eisenhower, President Joseph Fielding Smith of the Council of the Twelve, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and Robert R. McKay, son of President David O. McKay.

All of the letters reportedly were sent after Rep. Harding criticized former Secretary of Agriculture Ezra Taft Benson for his support of Robert Welch, leader of the John Birch Society.

The congressman said the letters were personal, and that they should not have been released to the press.

Counteract Recruiting

He added that he had sent the letters to the friend in an effort to counteract ‘John Birch Society use of the Church to recruit new members.’

‘I gave instructions that the letters were not to leave the friend’s possession nor be released to the press,’ he said.

Rep. Harding said the Idaho reporter who got the letters called him for comment, and that he asked the newsmen not to print the letters’ contents.

He called the publication of the letters ‘poor journalism.’

Refuses To Identify

The youthful congressman refused to identify the reporter or the person who released the letters.

‘This incident has caused me to be most discouraged with my role in public life,’ he said, adding:

‘I am making a complete appraisal of the rewards and satisfactions of public service as contrasted with the family sacrifices, the controversy and the other disadvantages of serving in Congress.

‘I am tired of making news and fighting battles against special interest groups.’

‘I sincerely regret that these letters fell into the hands of the press, and I intend to contact President Eisenhower, President Smith and Mr. McKay to apologize.’

He termed the incident ‘a terrible embarrassment to me,’ and said ‘it certainly must be embarrassing to the writers of those letters.’

Rep. Harding was in Salt Lake City Friday to make a speech on the University of Utah ‘Challenge Week’ program.

He said he has ‘never been sicker in my life.’

Rep. Harding said he had ‘no comment’ on the contents of the letters.

Deseret News – Friday, February 21, 1964

Friday, February 21, 1964


BOISE (UPI) – President David O. McKay of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints denied in a letter released here Friday he sent Elder Ezra Taft Benson to Europe because of Elder Benson’s alleged activities with the John Birch Society.

The President also denied he visited President Lyndon Johnson recently to vindicate Idaho Rep. Ralph Harding who chastised Elder Benson and the Birchers in a speech delivered on the House floor last year.

The letters from the President were to Mrs. Frank K. Root Jr., Boise, a member of the Church.

Mrs. Root had asked President McKay if ‘the rumor is true that you went back to Washington, D.C., to vindicate Rep. Ralph Harding and apologize for Apostle Benson?’ and ‘was Elder Benson sent to Europe because he had embarrassed the church in any way?’

President McKay’s secretary, Clare Middlemiss, replied:

‘President McKay … has read your letter … and has directed me to acknowledge it for him and to tell you that there is no truth whatever in the rumors you related in your letter.

‘President McKay has also instructed me to tell you that Elder Ezra Taft Benson was not sent to Europe for any of the reasons given in your letter.  Elder Benson was called by inspiration to preside over the European Mission.

‘I am directed to say further that President McKay responded to an invitation from President Lyndon B. Johnson to talk over matters with him that had nothing whatever to do with Elder Ezra Taft Benson.

‘I have been directed to say that members of the Church are free to join anti-Communist organizations if they desire and their membership in the Church is not jeopardized by so doing.  The Church is not opposing the John Birch Society or any other organization of like nature; however, it is definitely opposed to anyone’s using the Church for the purpose of increasing membership for private organizations sponsoring these various ideologies…’

Deseret News – Friday, February 21, 1964

Friday, February 21, 1964


Rep. Ralph R. Harding (D-Idaho) said Friday he was embarrassed and discouraged by what he termed the unauthorized release by a personal friend of three letters written to the congressman praising his criticism of former Agriculture Secretary Ezra Taft Benson.

‘It just wasn’t right.  They were published without my permission,’ the congressman declared in a press conference at the University of Utah.

Publication of the letters has ‘played a large part’ in his reexamination of whether to try for reelection, he said.

The letters were from former President Dwight D. Eisenhower, Joseph Fielding Smith, president of the Council of Twelve Apostles of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and Robert R. McKay, son of LDS Church President David O. McKay.

They were published Thursday in the Idaho State Journal in Pocatello.

Rep. Harding said he gave the letters to a close personal friend ‘with great confidence,’ for use in a ‘local battle in which the John Birch Society was trying to recruit LDS members into the Society.’

‘When the press called me I asked them not to publish the letters, and I asked them not to comment on them at the time … I’ll say they were published without my permission.’

He said he had apologized to the three authors of the letters ‘for letting this happen.’

‘I am evaluating whether or not it’s worth it all,’ the congressman said when asked if the publication of the letters would affect his public life.

‘You become involved in these controversies at the sacrifice of time with your family, even financial sacrifice.  I am considering very carefully whether I will announce for re-election.’

The letters, as published in the Pocatello paper, quoted President Eisenhower as thanking Rep. Harding for a speech he made in Congress concerning Mr. Benson’s alleged support of Robert Welch, head of the Birch Society.

Mr. McKay’s letter was quoted as expressing prospective relief  ‘when Elder Benson ceases to resist counsel and returns to a concentration on those affairs befitting his office.’

President Smith wrote, ‘I am glad to report to you that it will be some time before we hear anything from Brother Benson, who is now on his way to Great Britain where I suppose he will be at least the next two years,’ the State Journal said.

Mr. McKay said Thursday that he had written the letter, and that it had been correctly quoted, but had been lifted out of context.

Mr. Smith said his letter was personal and not intended for publication.

Rep. Harding denied claims by an Idaho Republican State senator that copies of the letter had been sent out ‘whole-sale.’

The ‘wholesale’ charge was made Friday by State Sen. Perry Swisher who said according to a United Press International story from Boise, that he could not understand Rep. Harding’s dismay that the letters were published.

Sen. Swisher, who publishes the weekly Pocatello ‘Intermountain,’ said, ‘I went looking for some copies and they were not hard to find.  I think they were more widely circulated than my own newspaper.’

The Salt Lake Tribune – Saturday, February 22, 1964

Friday, February 21, 1964


By Associated Press

BOISE – A Boise woman made public Friday a letter from the Office of the President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints saying that Ezra Taft Benson was sent to Europe because he ‘was called by inspiration.’

The Idaho Statesman said the letter was written to Mrs. Frank K. Root Jr. of Boise, a member of the LDS Church.  It was signed by Clare Middlemiss, secretary to LDS Church President David O. McKay.

Mrs. Root said she wrote President McKay Feb. 5 asking if ‘the rumor is true that you went back to Washington, D.C., to vindicate Rep. Ralph Harding, (D-Idaho) and apologize for Apostle Ezra Taft Benson?’

It also asked: ‘Was Elder Benson sent to Europe because he had embarrassed the church in any way?’

The reply to Mrs. Root from President McKay’s office said ‘there is no truth whatever in the rumors you related in your letter.’

The Salt Lake Tribune – Saturday, February 22, 1964″

Wed., 4 Mar. 1964:

John Birch Society – Clarification of Church Position

President Tanner read a letter from a Brother Shumway of Tempe, Arizona, asking for clarification of the position of the Church on the John Birch Society.

I advised that the letter be acknowledged and the answer be limited to the statement that a man joining such a society does not put his membership in the Church in jeopardy.  To join or not to join is the personal right and responsibility of the individual to decide and has nothing to do with his Church standing.

Wednesday, March 4, 1964



Present:  Presidents David O. McKay and N. Eldon Tanner.  President Hugh B. Brown absent, being indisposed.

Clarification of Church Position on Birch Society Requested

President Tanner read a letter from Brother Shumway of Tempe, Arizona asking for clarification of the position of the Church on the Birch Society.  President McKay advised that the letter be acknowledged and the answer be limited to the statement that a man joining such a society does not put his membership in the Church in jeopardy.  To join or not to join is the personal right and responsibility of the individual to decide and has nothing to do with his Church standing.

Thurs., 5 Mar. 1964:

10:00 to 2:20 p.m.

Was engaged in the meeting of the First Presidency and Council of the Twelve.  Very Important Meeting.  Some of the matters discussed were:

Political Differences – Unfortunate Statement in letters to Congressman Ralph R. Harding of Idaho about Elder Ezra Taft Benson

I said that before partaking of the Sacrament this morning, I should like to refer to an unfortunate incident which has occurred since the Council last met in this capacity.  I mentioned that a man by the name of Harding in Idaho, who is a congressman, has created quite a stir, and has been misinterpreted as far as lack of unity among the General Authorities is concerned by the Nation.  I said that I had received a lot of letters relative to this matter.  I said that this matter affects one of the members of the Council, and indirectly all members.

I then read to the Council one of the letters I have received regarding the situation.  In this letter the writer referred to a letter written by President Joseph Fielding Smith and also one by my son, Robert, having reference to and criticizing Elder Ezra Taft Benson’s attitude toward the John Birch Society.  The writer stated that this indicates a lack of harmony among the leaders of the Church, and that this dissension is creating confusion among members and friends of the Church.  I said that I have other similar letters from faithful members of the Church.

I said that I should like to know today that there is no dissension among the members of this Council, and that we partake of the Sacrament in full fellowship and full support of one another.  I mentioned that since President Smith’s name is associated with Brother Benson, particularly in the matter of the John Birch Society, that I think it would be well for President Smith on this occasion to explain his association with the controversy.

President Smith said he was glad to do so, that he had received similar communications to the one read by me and that he had written to Brother Benson about the matter.  He said that he had had no intention of saying anything detrimental to Brother Benson; that he did say that when Brother Benson comes home, he hoped he would not get into politics and would keep his blood pure.  President Smith said that was not intended as an attack on Brother Benson, but he was aware of the fact that in politics a lot of things are done that are somewhat shady.  He said he was speaking of conditions that exist in the political world, and intended no reflection upon Brother Benson.

President Smith said he had communicated with Brother Benson, and Brother Benson had with him, and that he had written letters to these people who had written them that he and Brother Benson are on the best of terms and fellowship with each other, and that he would not do anything in the world to hurt him, but he did say he hoped Brother Benson would keep himself out of politics.

President Smith said he wished that he had not written this private letter to Congressman Harding, that it was never intended to be circulated, and he was sorry he said it the way he did because it was misunderstood, that he had no intention whatever to cast any reflection on Brother Benson’s character, and he had done the best he could to straighten out the matter.

I told the Brethren that I have spoken to my son, Robert, and that he had said that he had no intention whatever of bringing me into it.

President Smith said that he had written to Brother Benson and told him that as far as he was concerned they were in full fellowship with each other, and that he had never intended to say a thing against his character.  I asked President Smith if Brother Benson had accepted his statement.  President Smith said yes, that he had heard from him.

I then said that Elder Benson had permission from the President of the Church to give the lecture that he gave in the auditorium in Hollywood.  I mentioned that some people had said that that was one activity wherein Brother Benson went contrary to the counsel of the Presidency and General Authorities.  I said that Elder Benson had full permission to give that lecture and he gave a good talk, but that young Benson has associated the remarks I have made against the Communists in his talking about the John Birch Society.  I said that the stand of the Church regarding Communism has nothing whatever to do with the Birch Society, which is a private organization, and the Church in no way sustains it.

I further said that Brother Benson had said publicly that he was in favor of the John Birch Society, and that I had told Brother Benson that he could not, as one of the Twelve, join that Society.  This was before Brother Benson was called to be President of the European Mission, and his call as President of that mission had nothing whatever to do with the John Birch Society.  I said that I had told him back in November last that he could not join the Society as one of the Twelve.

I further said that some people have written in saying that a person cannot be a member of the Church and join the John Birch Society.  That, I commented, is the wrong interpretation.  Two things I said we should know:  First, that a person’s standing in the Church is not affected by membership in that or any other private organization.  People are free to join what they wish.  Second, that Brother Benson’s call to preside over the European Mission had no relationship whatever to his desire to join that Society.

I stated that so far as this Council is concerned, we have no connection whatever with the John Birch Society, no matter how good it may be and how noble its purposes; that Brother Benson received his call to go to Europe without any thought of associating his call to the European Mission Presidency with his views regarding the John Birch Society, and that so far as we are concerned this morning as the Council of the First Presidency and the Twelve, we have nothing whatever to do with it, and Brother Benson’s call over there had nothing to do with it.

I then said:  ‘We shall partake of the sacrament this morning in the spirit of the opening prayer; that we be one in all things pertaining to this Church.’  (See Diary of February 21, 1964, regarding the Benson-Harding Controversy.)”

Thurs., 12 Mar. 1964:

“8:35 a.m.

Attended the meeting of the First Presidency.  We discussed the following matters:

John Birch Society – Individual Members are Free to Join

I commented upon letters prepared, answering inquiries about the John Birch Society, and advised that the Church has nothing to do with the John Birch Society, however a member’s standing in the Church is not jeopardized by membership in the John Birch Society.  Individual members are free to choose for themselves whether to join or not.

Brigham Young University Second Stake – Letter from Dr. Nephi K. Kezerian Regarding His Activity in the John Birch Society

President Brown presented a copy of a letter (the original having been sent to me) from Dr. Nephi K. Kezerian, First Counselor in the BYU Second Stake Presidency, which recited his activity in the interest of the John Birch Society, and his willingness to abide by the counsel of the First Presidency as to what he should do in the light of criticism of his actions.  President Brown commented upon the writer’s statement that he and Stake President Clyde Sandgren had decided that Brother Kezerian avoid discussing controversial subjects with the stake members and that this would be a solution.  He said that he has kept that pledge.  I agreed that that be the answer and that the statement include that membership in that Society does not jeopardize standing in the Church; that the Church has nothing to do with the John Birch Society; that individual members are free to choose for themselves, and I added, ‘Just so he does not bring the Church into it.’  President Brown said, ‘I think that is a fair statement.’  (See following copy of letter sent to Dr. Kezerian)

Thursday, March 12, 1964

March 20, 1964

President Nephi K. Kezerian, First Counselor

Brigham Young University Second Stake Presidency

410 East Sumac Lane

Provo, Utah

Dear Brother Kezerian:

We have read with interest your letter of March 5, 1964, wherein you relate circumstances regarding your association as a private citizen with The John Birch Society.  The purpose of your letter is to ascertain what is the attitude of the Church regarding this matter.

As we have stated to other members of the Church, you are free to join this organization if you desire, and your membership in the Church is not jeopardized by your so doing.  The Church is not opposing The John Birch Society or any other organization of like nature; however, it is definitely opposed to anyone’s using the Church for the purpose of increasing membership for private organizations sponsoring these various ideologies.

Appreciating your interest in these important matters, we remain

Sincerely yours,

The First Presidency

David O. McKay

Hugh B. Brown

Nathan Eldon Tanner

cc:  President Clyde Sandgren”

Thurs., 26 Mar. 1964:

“10:00 a.m.

Meeting of the First Presidency and Council of the Twelve in the Salt Lake Temple.

Communism – Pamphlet on Statements Regarding

At the direction of President McKay, his secretary Clare called Brother Alva Parry of the Deseret Book, and told him that President McKay has given his permission for the pamphlet on statements regarding Communism to be published by the Deseret Book Store.

Tues., 26 May 1964:

“Brigham Young University – Editorial in ‘Universe’ Regarding John Birch Society

Called President Earl C. Crockett and asked him to call in Professor Louis Midgley of the Political Science Department and ask him why he should have written the editorial ‘Birch Society Reviewed’ for ten thousand students to read.  I said that it was very unfortunate that he had written such an editorial; that this matter of the John Birch Society should be dropped, and that it is not to be discussed in the classroom.

Later, President Crockett sent a letter giving a report of his interview with Professor Midgley.  (See following editorial and copy of President Crockett’s letter and my answer thereto.)

Tuesday, May 26, 1964

Friday, May 22, 1964




By Louis Midgley

I have been asked by the Editor at the Daily Universe to make some comments on the John Birch Society.  It is difficult to believe that anyone at a university — anyone who reads books and thinks — would take such a movement seriously.  It is shocking to realize that it is necessary to discuss seriously the Welch-Birch business with students at the BYU.  It is, however, something necessary to do so.

I feel that the most appropriate approach to the Birchers is to let the so-called ‘conservative’ reply to them.  Barry Goldwater, once the darling of Robert Welch and his followers, has done just that.

Goldwater had read into the Congressional Record on Oct. 1, 1963, the following speech by Gerald J. Skibbins.  Goldwater specifically stated that he was ‘in agreement with the remarks’ by Skibbins – that being the reason he had them placed in the record.

Skibbins said in part:  ‘Many Americans squirm when they hear the label ‘conservative because they think of pre-World War II isolationism, John Birch Society members, American Firsters, segregationists, Ku Klux Klansmen, and many other little groups who feel that freedom means an extra-legal hunting or hat license rather than a responsible privilege held under law.

Let us look honestly at the so-called radical right.  First, it is not radical at all.  Most of its elements either believe in the ancient rule of force outside the law, or else they merely reflect an ignorant unawareness of their world.

As our society grows more complex and changes before our eyes each day, many citizens – especially those who cannot easily change with the times, or who possess little breadth of human understanding – lose their living courage and succumb to fear.  Fear always seeks a scapegoat, and rather than see themselves in the mirror for what they are, these people exonerate themselves by finding something or someone to hate.

In the past, this element of fear in our American society has burned witches in Puritan times, held African natives in contempt as slaves and sold them as farm animals, shot American Presidents, hated all foreigners, attacked Wall Street barons in the 1930’s, screamed Communist at those who sought new ideas; and today it hates the U.N., big business, the Federal Government, and all taxes.

These attacks are actually psychotic projections of people who fear that their world is slipping away forever.  This is understandable but unforgivable human error is called reactionaryism and it exists on the far right just as much as it does on the far left.

It is quite common to hear that a politician is opposed to the tactics or the methods of the Welch-Birch but not to the goals the society seeks.  Welch claims that he is simply attacking communism and defending the constitution, however there is no evidence that he is really interested in either.

He and many of his followers seem unaware of what actually constitutes either the American constitution or the threat of communism.

The Welch-Birchers feel that the constitution was written by Sam Adams or Patrick Henry- that being the level of their historical understanding.  And their interest in fighting communism is best illustrated by the charges against Eisenhower and their hatred of Polish hams.

The man who wrote the Politician did so to inform his followers that former President Eisenhower was a communist.  Of course he provides no evidence but the usual collection garbage.  For absurdity, the charge against Ike would have to be placed next to the belief, as far as I know, held by no one, that President McKay is secretly a Catholic.

What Welch-Birch really wants is to return to a world without taxes, the U.N., labor unions, racial minorities demanding some kind of legal equality; Birchers want a world without foridation, the Soviet Union, large cities and emerging nations and all the rest that goes with our world.

They view the entire course of recent history as a conspiracy against the Truth.  Their proposed solutions to problems involve the denial of reality; they feel that if we could only get rid of some evil persons who have caused all our troubles the world would be unambiguously good.

Further, they propose to use evil to fight evil.  If the Communists have a certain tactic, then the only possible reply is to copy them wholesale.  There morality is simply the old notion that the end justifies the means; any stick to beat the devil.

It is little wonder that the First Presidency has taken steps to warn Church members not to try to align the Church or its leadership with the partisan views of the Welch-Birch or any similar monstrosity.

Of course, everyone is free to do as he pleases with respect to the Birch Society.  This is a kind of freedom that one suspects the Welch-Birchers do not understand.

Daily Universe – Friday, May 22, 1964

Tuesday, May 26, 1964

June 2, 1964

President David O. McKay

47 East South Temple

Salt Lake City, Utah

Re:  Birch Society Article by Brother Louis Midgley,

      Daily Universe, May 22, 1964.

Dear President McKay:

I had a long talk with Brother Midgley, pointing out the following serious errors in his article on the John Birch Society:

1.  He demonstrated personal hatred and intolerance in his article —

the very traits he alleged as being defects of members of the Birch


2.  He practiced name calling and ridicule in a most unscientific and

unchristian manner.

3.  He pretended to know the attitude of the First Presidency toward

the Society, expressing what he purported to be the First Presidency’s

advice and counsel on the subject.

This latter error in his article I consider to be particularly inexcusable and told him so.

Brother Midgley expressed keen regret and sorrow for his mistaken indiscretions and poor judgment.  He assured me that he would not allow something like this to happen again; that it sorrowed him the Church and school were embarrassed because of his article.

One thing which could be done is to make a retraction in the student newspaper.  It will not be published again, however, until Summer School begins in two weeks and then the student body members will be quite different.  Moreover, this follow-up article, even though a retraction, might merely keep the issue alive in the minds of readers.

If you have other suggestions, I shall appreciate receiving them, as my sole desire is to cooperate completely with your wishes.  I am instructing the faculty advisor on the Universe that no good purpose will be accomplished in the future by allowing articles in the newspaper on the subject of the Birch Society.

Sincerely and faithfully,

Earl C. Crockett


Tuesday, May 26, 1964

June 4, 1964

Dr. Earl C. Crockett, Acting President

Brigham Young University

Provo, Utah

Dear Brother Crockett:

Thank you for your letter of June 2, 1964, giving a report on your interview with Brother Louis Midgley regarding his editorial in the ‘Daily Universe’ May 22, 1964.

I thank you for your thorough attention to this matter, and am pleased to know that you have instructed the faculty advisor on the ‘Universe’ that ‘no good purpose will be accomplished in the future by allowing articles in the newspaper on the subject of the Birch Society.’

It would be well for faculty members to hold no discussions whatsoever on the John Birch Society, and to drop the matter entirely.

With kind personal regards, I remain

Sincerely yours,

David O. McKay


Wed., 3 June 1964:

“8:30 a.m.

Met with Presidents Brown and Tanner in my office at the Hotel Utah apartment.  I did not feel up to walking over to the Church Administration Building.  Some of the matters discussed were:

Communism’s Power in Cuba

Among the letters that I read was one that had been received from someone in Cuba reading as follows:  ‘This is the saddest letter I have ever written in my life.  Yes, the moment has come to say good-bye after forty-two weeks of listening.  Most of the boys in my group and I have been drafted, and it is with great sorrow that we have to forget everything in our usual lives to become Communist slaves.  We have to be their slaves because those who refuse are shot, and this will only add to thousands of wasted lives who went through the bloody nightmare of Communism.  Please pray hard that in the near future Cubans will see again the light of liberty.  We have suffered enough and deserve to be happy again.’

This letter was sent to WRUL, and as I reported it later to the Brethren in Council Meeting in the Temple, I said that it gives us a glimpse of the devils’ most potent factor (Communism) in the world today.”

Thurs., 4 June 1964:

“Germany – Distribution of Church Literature in East German Zone

President Ezra Taft Benson’s report of difficulties encountered recently in East Germany when police found Church literature for use by Latter-day Saints in the branches in East Germany was considered.

It was agreed that President Benson be advised that visits of President Tate and his representatives from Berlin each two weeks may seem to be too frequent, and that President Benson be cautioned about his going into East Berlin lest he be detained.

Sat., 27 June 1964:

“Note by CM

A booklet containing statements on Communism and the Constitution of the United States came off the press this day.  (see following newspaper clipping and also booklet.)


For more that two decades President David O. McKay has spoken out from the pulpit against communism as a threat to the American way of life and our Constitution.

To preserve these timely warnings and perpetuate them as a call to loyal Americans everywhere to oppose communism and other isms and to loyally preserve the Constitution of the United States these messages of the Church leader are now published in pamphlet form.

The booklet ‘Statements on Communism and the Constitution of the United States,’ is published by the Deseret Book Company, Salt Lake City.

Typical of President McKay’s warnings is this statement found on page 13 of the new pamphlet:

‘One condition that gives cause for concern and apprehension is the insidious influences, as well as the blatant heralding of ideas that undermine century-tried principles of peace, of justice, and of advancement toward the day of universal brotherhood.

‘We are grieved when we see or hear men and women, some of whom even profess membership in the Church, looking with favor upon the pernicious teachings of these groups, especially Communism.  These credulous, misguided persons claim to be advocates of peace, and accuse those who oppose them as advocates of war.  They should remember that all of us should ever keep in mind that there are some eternal principles more precious than peace, dearer than life itself.’  (General Conference, Oct. 5, 1951)

Deseret News – Church Section, Saturday, June 27, 1964″

Thurs., 17 Sept. 1964:

8:00 a.m.

Brother Arch Madsen, President of KSL, called at the office by appointment, and presented the following matters:

1)  Content of Church Radio Broadcasting over WRUL

He said that to the best of his knowledge, the WRUL Church-sponsored programs still are not being cleared through the General Authorities as I had directed.  He said that Richard Maycock was appointed to serve as radio-television program coordinator, reporting to the First Presidency and other General Authorities as directed.  Brother Madsen asked that a letter be released to the Board, over my signature, calling their attention to Brother Maycock’s appointment and responsibility.

I agreed to this letter being sent out.  (See copy of letter following.)

2)  Appointment of Elder Gordon B. Hinckley on the WRUL Board

Brother Madsen said he would like to have Brother Gordon B. Hinckley appointed to the WRUL Board as he felt that he would magnify the WRUL opportunities, as he is well informed in all other radio and television Church operations.  Would like a letter sent out under the signature of the First Presidency on this appointment before October 1, prior to the next Board of Directors Meeting.  Said that Brother Thomas S. Monson is currently on the WRUL Board and is providing indispensable services.  (See copy of letter regarding Brother Hinckley’s and Stanley McAllister’s appointments to the IEBC Board following.)

3)  Said that he had received a telephone call from Mr. Rex Howell, a member of a special committee of broadcasters, who has been chosen to select the new President for the National Association of Broadcasters.  This Association represents most of the television and radio stations in the United States, as well as all radio and television networks, and is a very vital factor in the present operation and future development of the nation’s great system of broadcasting.  According to Mr. Howell, the name of Brother Ezra Taft Benson has been selected for consideration.  Brother Madsen said that he had been asked to check with me to see if Brother Benson could be spared from his Church assignment to accept the position as full-time President of the National Association of Broadcasters in the event he is selected for this important position.

I asked Brother Madsen to remain and meet with the counselors, at which time we would discuss the matter regarding Elder Benson’s being considered for the new President of the National Association of Broadcasters.

8:30 to 9:30 a.m.

Held a meeting of the First Presidency.  Elder Arch Madsen met with us and pursuant to invitation, discussed the matter of the possible selection of Elder Ezra Taft Benson to serve as the new President for the National Association of Broadcasters.  Brother Madsen reiterated what he had presented earlier to me.

After hearing all the facts pertaining to the matter, I indicated that so far as the Church is concerned, Brother Benson would be available for such an appointment; that, however, before his name is presented the First Presidency would like to talk with Mr. Rex Howells about the matter.  Brother Madsen will arrange for Mr. Howells to meet and discuss this matter with the First Presidency.

After Brother Madsen left the meeting, in discussing this matter further, President Brown said that the only concern he had is Brother Benson’s attitude toward the Birch Society, which Society, President Brown claims, is becoming more and more unpopular with both the Republican and Democrats.  He said he felt if Brother Benson severed his relationship with that organization and accepted this position as a non-partisan assignment for the benefit of the Church primarily, he could do a lot of good; otherwise, he could do us a lot of harm. 

I said that if we find later that there is a probability that Brother Benson will be named for this position, we shall have a talk with him about the whole matter.  (See First Presidency’s minutes of this day for further details.)

Fri., 23 Apr., 1965:

John Birch Society

President Brown having mentioned that the John Birch Society has charged him with certain things, I said that many accusations had come to me about President Brown’s opposition to the Birch Society.  I asked President Brown why he is so bitter against the organization.  President Brown said that he did not consider it a good society, and he thought that they were doing more harm than good.  He further stated that since I had told him about a year ago to be quiet on that subject, he had said and done nothing further regarding it.

I said that it is wise not to mention the society.

Ezra Taft Benson’s Remarks in Conference

President Brown referred to the April Conference address of Elder Ezra Taft Benson and his remarks about civil rights and Communism, and said that he had had many unfavorable reactions regarding Brother Benson’s remarks.  He mentioned an article that appeared in the Washington Post with a big headline statement as follows:  ‘Rift in the Mormon Church, Benson Says that Civil Rights is Communistic’, and that the Presidency have announced that the Church stands for complete brotherhood and fairness.  President Brown said that he thought that Brother Benson should be told to take care of his missionary work and leave such matters alone.

I said that I had not noticed anything objectionable in what Brother Benson had said, and asked that President Brown bring to me a report of Brother Benson’s remarks, which President Brown said he would do at once.

I said that we should leave such subjects alone.

Referring to this same matter, President Tanner said that he had received telephone calls and letters from two areas particularly, one the Phoenix area and the other Idaho, in which he was told that these things have ‘split the people down the center’ in their thinking in Priesthood meeting classes, discussions in Sunday School classes, etc., that the complaint is made that Brother Benson is taking one position and that President Brown has taken another.

I said I had told everyone not to mention the Birch Society but let the matter die out.”

Mon., 3 May 1965:

“Ezra Taft Benson – Conference Sermon

President Brown discussed with me the recent Conference address by Elder Ezra Taft Benson, and I authorized the elimination from this address of the following statements by Brother Benson:

‘Before I left for Europe I warned how the Communists were using the Civil Rights Movement to promote revolution and eventual take-over of this Country.  When are we going to wake up?  What do you know about the dangerous Civil Rights agitation in Mississippi?  Do you fear the destruction of all vestiges of state government?

Now, Brethren, the Lord has never promised there would not be traitors in the Church.  We have the ignorant, the sleepy and the deceived who provide temptations and avenues of apostasy for the unwary and the unfaithful.  But we have a Prophet at our head and he has spoken.  Now what are we going to do about it?’

Wed., 23 June 1965:

“Czechoslovakian Mission – Cautions Received about Visits to

Attention was called to a letter from President Ezra Taft Benson of the European Mission enclosing a report from President J. Peter Loscher of the visit of himself and Sister Loscher to Czechoslovakia from May 12 to 17.  President Loscher cautions against trips into Czechoslovakia by people from home and outlines the problems and hazards resulting from our people making such trips.  He indicates that some of the visitors to that country have been trailed from place to place by authorities.  In this connection reference was made to the proposed visit to Czechoslovakia by Wallace F. Toronto.  Brother Toronto is expecting to go there the first of July.  He has read President Loscher’s letter.  Brother Toronto says he has personally had no trouble and has received his visa to enter Czechoslovakia.  It was decided that Brother Toronto should make the trip contemplated.

Thurs., 29 July 1965:

“Czechoslovakian Mission – Visit of Elder and Sister Wallace F. Toronto

Following Brother McAllister’s departure, we met with Elder Wallace F. Toronto, who gave us a very interesting and detailed report of his experiences in Czechoslovakia — of his arrest by the police, of the interrogation of government officials regarding his activities and that of the Church in Czechoslovakia.  (See copy of First Presidency’s minutes following for detailed report of President McAllister’s report and that of Elder Wallace F. Toronto.)

Czechoslovakian Mission

Elder Wallace F. Toronto called with his wife at the suggestion of Presidents Brown and Tanner and made a full report of his recent visit to Czechoslovakia where he went for the purpose of conferring with government officials pertaining to the possible reopening of missionary work in that land.  Brother Toronto stated that he went to Prague June 30th and visited the archives for the purpose of ascertaining if we could microfilm the genealogical records.  He said that it seemed that he had some success in that field.  He then visited the chief consultant of the Ministry of Health and Welfare whom he had met in Czechoslovakia six months ago.  He then visited Dr. Miloslav Ruzek who had been the Czechoslovakian ambassador to the United States and who was in Salt Lake City about five years ago and had met the First Presidency.  This gentleman was in Washington, D.C. for five years as ambassador to the United States.  He is now in Prague.  Brother Toronto said he spent a couple of hours with this man, that he remembered very well his visit in Salt Lake City and was very much impressed by what he saw, and now sent his greetings to the First Presidency.  Brother Toronto said he asked him to set up a meeting for Brother Toronto to meet with the leading Church official of the ministry in Czechoslovakia to see if it might be possible to have the work of our Church recognized by the state and brought out into the open.  Mr. Ruzek was going to set up a meeting for Brother Toronto the following Monday with Dr. Soucek, who is head of the Church Division of the Ministry of Schools and Cultural affairs.  Brother Toronto said that he then went to another town expecting to return the Monday following to meet this appointment and that he was in a little country town when the secret police appeared and announced that they wanted to take him back to Prague for interrogation.  He was brought before an audience of the Ministry of the Interior, the secret police, and heads of the state government.  He said that at this interrogation the director of churches whom he expected to see Monday was present, among others.  Brother Toronto was asked if he knew why he had been brought in and he said no, that he had no idea, that he came into Czechoslovakia with a valid passport and a valid visa.  They said that they had information that he had come into the country to stir up the people and organize the work of the Mormon Church, which is against the law and has been since 1950.  They further said that they could no longer tolerate this kind of activity and that his presence in Czechoslovakia was unwelcome at this time; that, therefore, they must accompany him to the border and he must leave the country.  Brother Toronto told them that these charges were not true.  He mentioned that he and Sister Toronto had been there six months previously when they visited most of the members of the Church, that our members still have testimonies of the gospel, and the first question they asked was whether or not he had come to reorganize the Church and get the work going again but he had answered them that the time was not yet right to do this and we would have to have the permission of the Czechoslovakian government before it could be done; also that we must have a better feeling of cooperation and that he would come back when conditions had improved.  He said that his present visit was in the interest of doing this very thing, that he was there to visit their ministers and officials to ascertain if it would be possible to reopen the work there.  The gentleman interrogating him said, ‘Mr. Toronto, that is your truth but our truth is that you are here stirring up the people and that you are leading them to disobey the law.’  Brother Toronto told him he did not know what their truth is but that he understood that the communist truth is relative and that they adapt it to their own purposes and their own objectives.  He reiterated that he was telling them the truth and wanted them to know that that was why he was there.  He also mentioned that he had expected to have a visit Monday with the head of the church who was in this particular meeting and that it would not be necessary to meet him again because he was seeing him in their presence.

Elder Toronto said he thought it was providential that he had this privilege of meeting with these officials together, that had he met with the head of the church department separately it still would have been necessary for him to have a concurrence with the Minister of the Interior who is the leading minister of that land, and that this ministry is the one which controls all the other ministries and their activities.  Brother Toronto said that he had an opportunity as they interrogated him to tell them of the work of our Church from the very beginning and to remind them that the Church had sent carloads of welfare good to their people right after the World War, that we had saved the lives of many hundreds of people by the distribution of food and clothing in that difficult time, and that we had had public recognition from the government for the wonderful work performed in the Czechoslovakian nation.  He also told them that they had 100 of the very finest ambassadors for Czechoslovakia represented in our missionaries who had lived among their people, and he bore testimony to the truth of the gospel.  He mentioned  the great sports festival where he said he saw 225,000 spectators in the great stadium and the thousands of participants.  He said that as he saw them parade down the street he could not but think that these also are the children of God and they need the gospel of Jesus Christ.  He told them that they also needed it and explained much of the Mormon philosophy to them.  They said that they have a materialistic philosophy and that Mormonism is sprinkled with spirituality and this they could not tolerate in that land.  Elder Toronto told them that it is true that they have a materialistic philosophy and that they are on the brink of economic bankruptcy at the present time and facing failure, which they admit.  He told them that if they could add the ingredient of spirituality which Mormonism has and remember that there is a God in heaven who presides over the affairs of men, they would do a lot better.  Brother Toronto bore testimony to them that the Lord has spoken in these days, that the gospel of Jesus Christ is for their people as well as all other people, and said that they could not ring an Iron Curtain down upon the priesthood of God and upon the gospel of Jesus Christ.  He said that from that point on they became quite interested in what he had to say.  Brother Toronto bore testimony to the fact that the Lord lives and does preside over the face of the earth and that there is a prophet and he was speaking for him and representing this people and the Lord in this regard.  He said that they sat there asking him questions and the interrogation turned from them questioning him to his questioning them on certain phases of their activities.  Brother Toronto said that he began his talk to them by referring to the Czechoslovakian constitution which guarantees religious freedom.  Dr. Soucek, the head of the Church Department, which is communist, who has no belief of his own and simply directs the churches that are organized, said that they do have religious freedom in that land, that it is in the constitution and that on the basis of this concept of freedom they recognize 17 churches in Czechoslovakia.  Brother Toronto said he slapped his fist on the desk and said, ‘We have 17 of them and that is enough.’  Brother Toronto said to them, ‘That is perhaps religious freedom for the 17, but what about the Mormons and what about all the other people who do not believe in the 17 churches,’ and asked, ‘Where is the freedom for them?’  Brother Toronto told them that they have a limited kind of freedom.  It is not free agency as he understands it.  He received no reply to these comments.  Elder Toronto said the interview warmed up and it became friendly in nature.  He mentioned to the brethren the blessing that President McKay had given him before he went on this trip wherein he said, ‘You will have influence with the men who are in positions of government and responsibility.’  He said that he sincerely believed that with the help of the Lord he did have influence upon this group of men who really made him preach the gospel to them.  Brother Toronto said he asked them what this arrest meant and they said that the decision was already made before he came there.  They said that they were sorry but they would have to escort him to the border and expel him from Czechoslovakia, that their orders were to take him to the border that night and deposit him in Western Germany and there was nothing they could do about it.  Brother Toronto asked if this precluded his entering Czechoslovakia again to talk with them about matters pertaining to the Mormon people and ascertaining if some recognition could be obtained.  The police officer said no, that this was not necessarily a continuing order, that under the present conditions they could not let him stay but if in the future conditions seemed to improve he could apply again and this order would not stand against him and they would permit him to come in again to talk to the Church Department and the Ministry for Schools and Cultural Affairs about our problem.  They said at the present time they could not permit this but in the future they thought this could be arranged.  Elder Toronto told the brethren that back in 1929 Dr. Widtsoe had said while visiting in that land that the gospel would go from there to other Czechoslovakian nations of the world, to Poland, to Yugoslavia and even to the great land of Russia.

Accordingly, Brother Toronto was escorted to the border that night about 9:30, they helped him to exchange his Czech money into German money, he suffered no bodily injury or threat of any kind, he shook hands with those who escorted him and they helped him with his bags as far as they could, and he and the porter carried his bags across the German border.

Elder Toronto reported an experience which he thought was worth mentioning.  He said that he was with the branch president at a sister’s farm house on the way to the city of Brno when the secret police came to get him.  He told them that he would change his clothes and would then join them and go with them to Prague.  He said that when he went into the next room alone to change his clothes he began to shake and tremble like he had never done before, that he had a strange and odd feeling come over him.  He did not know whether it was the result of an evil influence or evil power.  He stated that as he looked back upon it he did not think it was fear, that he just had that physical experience of weakening and beginning to shake and tremble and that he had to call on the Lord for strength to meet the situation, that in about ten minutes he composed himself and did get the strength for which he asked, and that from that time there was no difficulty and he had no fear.  He said that he believed he had tasted the influence of the evil power on that occasion, that he had never had an experience like that before.

Elder Toronto said that he would write a letter to the head of the church section of Ministry of the Schools and Cultural Affairs, remind them of their interrogation and their statement that this did not close the door and that we still were anxious to do all possible for our people to be given some freedom of choice.  He said that in the interview with these people he told them that it was not necessary that we send American missionaries into Czechoslovakia, that we would, however, like the privilege of having our people worship openly and we would be willing to set up a local leadership who would be under the leadership of Czechoslovakian citizens and not necessarily missionaries from the United States.

In answer to President McKay’s inquiry as to how many saints we have in Czechoslovakia, Brother Toronto said he thought there were about 475, that they are located in several branches; many are scattered, lone members in other isolated areas. 

In answer to questions by President McKay Elder Toronto explained that under the present arrangement in Czechoslovakia the saints cannot hold any open meetings, that we have initiated what is sometimes termed the home teaching program where two local elders go from home to home to visit the saints on Sunday in little family groups of not more than eight people, at which time they administer the sacrament to them and teach them the gospel according to a study course that has been prepared, and sing and pray with them.  He said that occasionally in the summer time a number of them will go out in the woods together for an outing, and once in a while they conduct a baptismal service in secret.  He said the branches keep a secret record of these meetings, that the police come regularly and ask to see our records but no official records are made.  He said that the saints in Czechoslovakia were very appreciative of the visit of Sister Toronto and him six months ago; also that a few of our young people have been able to go into East Germany, which is also communist dominated, but they are not under the strict regulations of our people in Czechoslovakia, that in the Dresden, Germany area there is a little branch at Anaberg where the German saints are permitted to hold meetings and this was a real opportunity for these young Czechoslovakian saints.

Elder Toronto said that Czechoslovakia is an armament building territory for the Russians and that they are manufacturing at the present time munitions, guns, tanks and war materials to send to Viet Nam, although the people generally do not know where these materials are being sent.  Elder Toronto said that he would submit a written report of his visit to Czechoslovakia to the First Presidency.  (Elder and Sister Toronto left the meeting at 9:15 a.m.)”

Sat., 30 Oct. 1965:

“Elder Ezra Taft Benson came over to the apartment and discussed matters pertaining to the socialistic trend of our government.”

Fri., 19 Nov. 1965:

“Did not hold a meeting of the First Presidency this morning.  Called my secretary and told her to tell my Counselors to go ahead and take care of the letters and other matters without me.  Asked Clare to bring over what she has to present to me.  She said that Elder Ezra Taft Benson wants to see me, so I told her to bring him over when she comes.

10:00 to 11:00 a.m.

Communism – Inroads of

Elder Ezra Taft Benson gave a report on the serious inroads the Communists have made in this country.  Now that the United States Supreme Court has ruled that the Communist Party does not have to register in this country, they will have greater freedom than ever.

Elder Benson is pleading that the Church have a course of study for our Priesthood members on Free Agency, Communism, and the Constitution such as was prepared sometime ago, but never used.

I agreed that we should have a course of study on these subjects as I am convinced that our country is already on the road to Socialism, and that the Communists are making gains here.  Elder Benson asked if President Isaacson could go back East and take a two-day seminar on Communism and conditions in our country to be given in December by the John Birch Society.  I said that it would not hurt President Isaacson to be informed on these matters.  (Later, President Isaacson decided not to go; that inasmuch as he has records containing all the information to be given at the Seminar, he will listen to the recordings and get as much enlightenment as if he were to take the time to go back to the Seminar.)

Thurs., 9 Dec. 1965:

“Priesthood Course of Study on Freedom, Communism, Etc.

I read a memorandum to the Brethren stating that we should have a Priesthood Course of Study on man’s long and continuing struggle for freedom, God’s gift of free agency, the inroads that have and are being made by the Communists, etc., and suggesting that Elder Ezra Taft Benson be asked to serve as the Chairman of a committee, with Elders Marion G. Romney, Delbert L. Stapley, and Thomas S. Monson to supervise the preparation of a manual for use by the quorums of the Priesthood throughout the Church for the year 1967.

It was decided to present this matter to the Council of the First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve today in their regular weekly meeting.

Later, at the meeting in the Temple, this matter was discussed at some length, and Elder Harold B. Lee, Chairman of the Correlation Committee, did not favor the course of study suggested, and I left the matter with the committee to consider and report back later.”

Fri., 7 Jan. 1966:

Utah Forum – Speakers in Assembly Hall on American Idea

Consideration was given to a request from Mark Anderson of the Utah Forum for the American Idea for the use of the Assembly Hall to present a series of speakers at 8:00 p.m. on February 10, March 4, April 22, May 5, and June 4 — these speakers to emphasize the American Idea.  The speakers to appear are Ezra Taft Benson, February 10, 1966; W. Cleon Skousen, March 4, 1966; Al Leppert, April 22, 1966; John Stormer, May 5, 1966; and Clarence Manion, June 4, 1966.

President Tanner suggested that this smacks very much of the John Birch Society.

President Isaacson stated that in approving this series it should be done with the understanding that any additional speakers should come to the First Presidency for approval.  He said that he could see no objection to any of these speakers who are on the list submitted.

President Smith said that he would be in favor of granting the permission requested with the provision that if we find anyone of the speakers saying anything harmful to the Government we should withdraw our permission for the other speakers.  This became the sentiment of the meeting.  It was decided to so notify Mark Anderson in answer to his letter.

Tues., 11 Jan. 1966:

Communism, Fight Against – Statement to be Made by First Presidency

A letter was read from Jerrald L. Newquist of Seattle, complaining about the First Presidency’s attitude toward the John Birch Society, and urging that something be done to correct this situation, and that the Church indicate its opposition to Communism.  In discussing the matter, the Brethren were agreed that the Church is looking to the First Presidency to take some stand in this matter.

I said that I think the time has come for the First Presidency to make a statement as to the Church’s attitude regarding Communism; that this, however, should have nothing whatever to do with the Birch Society, and should be a message from the First Presidency of the Church.

The Brethren agreed that there is a great need for such a message, and I was persuaded that I am the one who should prepare such a statement.

Wed., 9 Feb. 1966:

“8:00 a.m.

Met by appointment Elder Ezra Taft Benson who said that the editors of the ‘American Opinion’ magazine would like to have my portrait on the cover of their April issue.  He said this magazine is published in Belmont, Massachusetts, and is a high-class publication.  He showed me several past issues with pictures of Senator Barry Goldwater, the Honorable J. Edgar Hoover, Director of the FBI, and other prominent Americans.  Brother Benson said that they needed a colored photograph and some biographical material, and I asked him to get these from my secretary, Clare.

After discussing the matter, I could see no reason why I should not grant permission for the editors to use my picture.

Thurs., 10 Feb. 1966:

“8:30 a.m.

Met with Counselors — Presidents Brown and Tanner — in a meeting of the First

Presidency.  President Smith is meeting with the Council of the Twelve in the Temple, and President Isaacson is in the hospital.

Some of the matters considered by us were:

Constitution of the United States – Church’s Attitude Toward

We read a letter from Elder Ezra Taft Benson addressed to me complaining that some of our Stake Presidents and Bishops refuse to grant permission for circulation in their meetings and classes of material explaining the Constitution and urging people to support it.

President Brown stated that he did not like to see the Church involved in the political aspect of this subject.

I made no commitments at this time.”

Fri., 11 Feb. 1966:

10:00 to 11:30 a.m.

Meeting with my secretary on office matters.

Ezra Taft Benson’s Talk in Assembly Hall

Clare said that Paul Evans of KSL had called to inquire if I wanted to listen to Elder Benson’s talk in the Assembly Hall, I said that I should like to hear Elder Benson.  Arrangements were therefore made by KSL to check to see if everything is in order.

8:05 p.m.

Listened to Elder Ezra Taft Benson’s talk at the Utah Forum for the American Idea, held in the Assembly Hall, Temple Square.  The subject of his talk was ‘Stand Up for Freedom’.  I thought his talk was very good, and enjoyed listening to it.”     

Mon., 14 Feb. 1966:

Elder Ezra Taft Benson – Talk to be Published in Deseret News

I called Henry Smith and told him to publish in the Church Section as soon as possible the speech delivered by Elder Benson in the Assembly Hall on Friday evening, February 11, 1966.  This pertained to the inroads Communism and Socialism are making in this country.  I told Brother Smith that I should like to have it published just as it is with a modification of what Elder Benson said about the John Birch Society.  I asked Brother Smith to talk to Elder Benson about it — that we should not bring the John Birch Society into it — that we do not oppose it, but as a Church we cannot support this Society more than any other Society of like nature.”

Tues., 15 Feb. 1966:

Deseret News – Elder Ezra Taft Benson’s Talk

Earl Hawkes called on me at the apartment, without appointment.  He seemed very disturbed about printing Elder Benson’s talk in the Church section.  When he told me that a full account of Elder Benson’s talk had been given in the Deseret News on February 12, the day after the talk, I agreed that there was no need to publish it again.  The matter was left that way.”

Wed., 16 Feb. 1966:

11:30 to 12:50 p.m.

Deseret News – Publishing of Elder Ezra Taft Benson’s Talk 

Following the departure of the BYU group, I held a  meeting with my secretary, Clare.

She reported that Henry Smith of the Deseret News had called her and said that Earl Hawkes of the Deseret News had told him that I had countermanded the order to publish Elder Ezra Taft Benson’s talk of February 11, 1966, in the Church Section of the News.

I answered that Brother Hawkes had called at my home yesterday and said that the talk had been published almost in full in the daily paper on February 12.  Clare said that probably I should talk to Henry Smith about this matter, so I told her to get him on the phone and tell him to come right over.

Brother Smith arrived shortly thereafter, and he explained that Earl Hawkes had told him that I do not want Elder Benson’s talk published in the Church Section.  I said, ‘Well, I do, and it is going in.’  I said that Brother Hawkes gave me to understand that the talk had already been printed almost in full in the daily paper.  Brother Smith said, ‘It was just a regular coverage, and was not in any way published in full.’

I then told Brother Smith to go ahead with the printing of it in the Church Section, as I had heretofore instructed him.

Brother Smith later reported that Brother Hawkes was ‘furious’ when he heard about it; and said to Brother Smith, ‘Shall I go to President McKay again?’, and Brother Smith said to him, ‘I would not if I were you; just do as he has asked.'”

Fri., 18 Feb. 1966:

“John Birch Society

Elder Garff stated that a condition has developed in his office that has upset him terribly which must be corrected.  He said that the John Birchers are moving into his office and are selling tickets.  He said there is quite a propaganda going on in his office in regard to Brother Benson’s talk and the other four or five talks that are to be given in the Assembly Hall of a somewhat similar nature.  Brother Garff said that he and his associates cannot be a party to supporting, buying and selling tickets for anybody or anything that is not sponsored by the Church.  He stated that he has learned that there is a number of Birchers in the Building Department offices and there is one man in particular who must discontinue his propaganda or it will be necessary for him to discharge him.   He said that these people are trying to infiltrate the John Birch Society into the Building Department through Brother Benson.  He said he wanted me to know what he proposed to do, so that in case any complaints should come, I would be informed.  He stated that so far as he was personally concerned, he was not going to permit them to use his department as a vehicle for the John Birch Society.  Reference was made to the talk given in the Assembly Hall by Brother Benson in which he referred to the John Birch Society, which was responsible for some of the problems we are now confronting.  Brother Tanner mentioned that we shall have a great division in the Church and that there is now much discussion and argument in some of the Priesthood meetings in the stakes on this Birch Society question.

Elder Petersen mentioned Elder Benson’s interview with representatives of the Associated Press while he was in Boise, stating that the John Birch Society is the great organization to save America.  Brother Petersen said that people reading these things think the Church is giving its endorsement to the Society.  Elder Petersen further said that in his speech at the Assembly Hall Elder Benson gave strong endorsement to the Birch Society.  Elder Garff said that the problem is we have so many people confused because Breather Benson is teaching and saying that the Birch Society is the thing that will save the nation, and that people even in the Building Department accept what Brother Benson says about the Birch Society, and it puts us in an awkward position.

I stated that I had heard Brother Benson’s speech in the Assembly Hall by means of a wire connection with the Tabernacle; that Brother Benson gave a good talk on anti-communism until he started talking about the Birch Society, and that he went to an extreme in his remarks in this regard.

Elder Petersen stated that the Church Information Service had received a bill for $25 for a photograph of me which Brother Benson had requested, and it is proposed will be printed on the front page of the ‘American Opinion’ magazine, which is the John Birch Society organ.  According to Brother Petersen, Brother Benson had asked a photography shop in town to furnish a colored photograph of President McKay to be used on the cover of this magazine, the bill of $25 in payment therefor to be sent to the Church Information Service.  Elder Petersen said that if my picture is so published it will certainly look as though the Church is endorsing the John Birch Society.

I said that my picture should not appear on this magazine; that the Church has nothing to do with the John Birch Society.  I authorized Brother Petersen to tell Brother Benson that he had brought this matter to my attention, and had been told by me to stop the printing of my picture on this magazine; that I do not want it used in that way.

I said to Brother Petersen, ‘You are ordered in the presence of these men to stop it.’  I further said that I do not want to have anything to do with the John Birch Society; that the Church has had nothing to do with it in the past, and that so far as Brother Benson is concerned, I do not think we would hear anything more about it.

Note by CM

Later, when Elder Benson visited with President McKay, the President recalled that he had given Elder Benson permission to use his picture on the cover of the American Opinion magazine since it had carried pictures of such men as Barry Goldwater, J. Edgar Hoover of the FBI, and other prominent Americans.  This magazine is not the regular publication of the John Birch Society.

(See Diary of February 19, 1966; See also diary of March 8, 1966 — President McKay stopped printing of his picture on this magazine.)

Sat., 19 Feb. 1966:

“Spent the day at home.

American Opinion Magazine – Photograph for Cover

Elder Benson said that Elder Mark E. Petersen had come to him and said that I had told him that I do not want my picture placed on the cover of the April issue of the American Opinion magazine.

Elder Benson asked me if I had withdrawn my permission to have this done as given to him when he called to see me on February 9.  I asked Elder Benson how far they had gone into the preparation of this, and he said that he assumed that they are well into it; that the colored picture had been sent; that the artist in New York is working on it, and that all the biographical material had been sent to them.

Elder Benson said ‘All I want to know is what your pleasure is in this matter.’  I told Brother Benson that they had better go ahead with it since I had given my permission for this to be done.  Elder Benson then said that that they have carried pictures of Senator Barry Goldwater, J. Edgar Hoover, and others; that the magazine is considered a high-type magazine.

Wed., 2 Mar. 1966:

“8:30 a.m.

Held a meeting with the counselors in my office in the apartment.  Only Presidents Tanner and Smith were present, both Presidents Brown and Isaacson absent on account of illness.  A few of the matters discussed at this meeting were:

John Birch Society

A letter received from Margaret E. Jordan, YWMIA President of the Capitol Hill Ward, Potomac Stake, was read.  She requests a copy of a statement by the First Presidency setting forth their attitude regarding the John Birch Society, and a copy of the First Presidency’s letter to Reed Benson on the matter.  She also asks if there is any truth to the statement attributed to me that I had complimented Reed Benson on his work in behalf of the Society.  I said that I have never made such a statement.

Thurs., 3 Mar. 1966:

“Ezra Taft Benson – John Birch Society

A letter was read from Elders Kent Price, Bob Johnson, and Lon Pierce of Salt Lake City referring to the activities of Elder Ezra Taft Benson and his son Reed Benson in reference to the John Birch Society.  They make particular reference to Elder Benson’s recent talk in the Assembly Hall and talks that are to be given by other speakers along the same lines.  These young men say that they are in total disagreement with Brother Benson’s ideology and that many other members of the Church feel the same way.  They sustain him as a high official of the Church, but they are confused when he speaks on political matters.  They inquire if in so doing he is speaking for the Church.

In discussing this matter, I said that we would tell Brother Benson not to mention the Birch Society in his remarks, and that I do not think we should mention the Birch Society or have anything to do with it.  I said that I have been careful not to mention the Birch Society in remarks that I have made.

Tues., 8 Mar. 1966:

“Received a telephone call in Huntsville from President Nathan Eldon Tanner stating that it was very urgent that President Smith, Elder Mark E. Petersen, and he see me this morning.

I told President Tanner that I would see them at 10:30 this morning.  He said that he had been in touch with my son Lawrence, and that they were bringing him with them; that he would drive them up to Huntsville.

John Birch Society – American Opinion Magazine

This meeting concerned the matter of my picture appearing on the cover of the April issue of the ‘American Opinion’ magazine, and the publicity that has been given to it by the circulation manager of the magazine.  Elder Petersen said that if my picture is so published, ‘It will certainly look as though the President is endorsing The John Birch Society’.  Elder Ezra Taft Benson’s participation in this matter was called to my attention by the three brethren present.

It was decided to telephone and also to send a telegram to the managing editor of the ‘American Opinion’ magazine, telling him not to use my picture on the cover of the magazine in question.

The following telegram was sent, signed by me, from the office of President Tanner:

‘Confirming telephone conversation with Mr. Bleumenfeld have been informed that you plan to use my portrait on your magazine.  This is unauthorized and must not be done.

/s/David O. McKay’

(For a full report of this meeting, see minutes of First Presidency meeting following.)

(See also Diary of Wednesday, February 9, 1966, also February 19, 1966, for Elder Benson’s visit regarding picture on cover of ‘American Opinion’ magazine.)

Tuesday, March 8, 1966

Special meeting of the First Presidency held in President McKay’s home in Huntsville, Tuesday, March 8, 1966, at 10:30 a.m.

There were present the following:  Presidents David O. McKay, N. Eldon Tanner and Joseph Fielding Smith; also Elder Mark E. Petersen and David Lawrence McKay.

Picture of President McKay in ‘American Opinion’ Magazine

President Tanner made the following explanation of the purpose of the visit of these brethren to see President McKay this morning:

‘Last night I received a letter, and when I read it I got in touch with Mark E. Petersen.  This letter is signed by Philip K. Langan, Circulation Manager of the American Opinion:

‘To All Friends Of American Opinion in Utah

‘The cover of the April 1966 issue of American Opinion will feature the President of the Mormon Church, David O. McKay.

‘We feel that our Standing Order Agents will want to increase their monthly shipment, as newsstand sales should improve with the well-respected President McKay on the cover.

‘Our Subscription Agents now have a good selling point for any Mormon prospects they might be trying to ‘sign up’.

‘And for our regular Subscribers and John Birch Society Chapter leaders, you now have an opportunity to favorably impress your Mormon friends, who are not yet actively involved in the battle against Communism.

‘Below is a form pertaining to our Agents, subscribers and Chapter leaders.

‘We hope to hear from you.

Kind regards,

/s/Philip K. Langan,

Circulation Manager’

President Tanner:  As soon as I received that I got in touch with Mark E. Petersen because he had been instructed to stop that.  When we met in your office a few days ago you told him to be sure and stop that because you did not want to have anything to do with it.  It is evident they are using your name and picture for their circulation and financial benefits, so I got in touch with Brother Petersen immediately and he said he had told Brother Benson that you had instructed him to stop this.  We got in touch with Lawrence to know if you knew anything about this, if anything had been done, he felt he knew your feelings too.  We felt we should come up and let you know what the situation is to see if you wanted to do anything about it because we knew you had directed Mark to stop the use of your picture.  We were there when you told Mark to do that.

President McKay:  Who is back of that, insisting?

President Tanner then read to President McKay copy of the minutes of the First Presidency held February 18, 1966, reading as follows:

‘Elder Petersen stated that the Church Information Service had received a bill for $25 for a photograph of President McKay which Brother Benson had requested, and it is proposed will be printed on the front page of the American Opinion magazine, which is the John Birch Society organ.  According to Brother Petersen, Brother Benson had asked a photography shop in town to furnish a colored photograph of President McKay to be used on the cover of this magazine, the bill of $25 in payment therefor to be sent to the Church Information Service.  Elder Petersen said that if the President’s picture is so published it will certainly look as though the President is endorsing the John Birch Society.  President McKay said that his picture should not appear in this magazine, that the Church has nothing to do with the John Birch Society.  President McKay authorized Brother Petersen to tell Brother Benson that he had brought this matter to President McKay’s attention and had been told by the President to stop the printing of his picture in this magazine, that he did not want it used in that way.  President McKay said to Brother Petersen, ‘You are ordered in the presence of these men to stop it.’  President McKay said that he did not want to have anything to do with the John Birch Society, that the Church has had nothing to do with it in the past, and that so far as Brother Benson is concerned he did not think we would hear anything more about it.’

President Tanner:  As soon as I got this letter I could not understand it.  I wanted to check with Mark to see if he had carried out your orders and he said he had.  We are here to see what you want us to do, if anything, about it.  They are using your picture to promote their own interests.

Lawrence McKay:  I hated to see your picture used to favor circulation of the magazine so I took the liberty of bringing these brethren up here.

President McKay:  How far have they gone with it?

President Tanner:  As soon as I got this I got in touch with Mark and said:  ‘You must not have carried out the President’s wishes.’  He said he had.

President McKay:  They have resorted to everything they could to get me associated with that. 

Elder Petersen:  As soon as I left your office that day, without going to my own office, I went to Brother Benson and gave your message to him, so that there wasn’t five minutes delay.  He at the time expressed surprise that you would object but he made no commitment as to what he would do, but I did deliver your message to him and I suppose that he is responsible for this.

President Tanner:  One reason we thought we should come this morning is if you thought it should be stopped we ought to get word to them immediately.

President McKay:  You get them by telephone.  Tell them I do not want anything to do with it, that I do not want my name associated with John Birch.

President Tanner:  We knew this and could not understand their action.  How should we proceed then, Lawrence, to do what your father wants?

Lawrence McKay:  I think we ought to send them a telegram.

President McKay:  I do not want to appear with the John Birch Society in any way and I am sorry Brother Benson took so much time when he gave the opening address; that at the close of his address he devoted all his time to John Birch.  He said:  ‘I am not a member of it but I stand for its principles.’

President Tanner:  We felt that we knew how you stood and we felt action should be taken immediately.  Lawrence, you know better than any of us what action to take to carry out your father’s wishes.

Lawrence McKay:  I think a telegram should be sent to them followed by a letter signed by you, and I think some representative ought to go back shortly to wherever this magazine is published.  I think it is Boston.

President Smith:  May be we have someone in Boston who can handle the situation on the ground.

Lawrence McKay:  And let him get an attorney to bring an injunction if necessary.

President Tanner:  It is quite possible the magazine for April is being printed now.  All they would need to do is put another picture on it.  This is the one with Brother Benson’s picture on it, and that is the way they would want to put your picture, and even if they have it printed they could put a new cover on without any trouble.

President McKay:  I do not want my picture on it.  Stop it!

President Tanner:  We three, President Smith, Mark Petersen and I, were there when you made this statement, and that is the reason we thought we should come.

Elder Petersen:  I carried out your instruction explicitly, and I did it that very afternoon, within five minutes.

President McKay:  It is a good thing you did.

Elder Petersen:  I feel like Lawrence, that we should send a telegram and a letter, and that the letter should be signed by you ordering them to stop it.  It would seem to me something ought to be said to Brother Benson also to stop it.  He will carry on his campaign.  He is the man we have to deal with.  You are the only man that can stop him.

President McKay:  You do not mean Reed.

Elder Petersen:  No, I mean Elder Ezra Taft Benson.

President McKay:  What campaign is Brother Benson carrying on?

Elder Petersen:  He is out speaking on this all the time.  It was only about ten days ago that he attended a John Birch Society meeting in Seattle and spoke vigorously in favor of their program, and he mentioned another meeting last Thursday.  He gives press interviews and is promoting this all the time, Ezra Taft is.

President McKay:  Why is he doing it?

Elder Petersen:  I am sure he will not stop for anybody but you.  I do not think he will pay any attention to any of us, like he paid no attention to me when I told him about the picture.  He paid no attention to it.  It hasn’t been stopped.

President McKay:  What has he in mind.  He is one of the Twelve.

President Tanner:  After you gave such firm and positive instruction and said ‘I want to say it before you men,’ we knew how you felt about it and to see this come out shocked us.

It was decided to send a telegram to the managing editor of the American Opinion magazine reading as follows:  ‘Have been informed that you plan to use my portrait on your magazine.  This is unauthorized and must not be done.  /s/David O. McKay’

This proposed telegram was written on a blank sheet of paper and President McKay attached his signature to it.

President Tanner continued the discussion as follows:

‘I cannot understand his position.  We all feel opposed to communism as much as can be, but when you and all the Twelve say not to use the Birch Society, it is quite serious.’

President McKay:  There is no reason why it should be called the Birch Society.  Other men have lost their lives by sacrifice the same as John Birch did.

President Tanner:  We can carry on the attack against communism without using the John Birch Society, but if we attach ourselves to a society we are in difficulty.

President McKay:  We haven’t done it and why should we?

President Tanner:  We haven’t but if your picture appears on it we have.  Elder Petersen was just saying, and I think we ought to consider this, that maybe something ought to be sent to Brother Benson from you so that he will know of your decision direct, not for Mark to take it to him or for me to do so, if you felt that you could send him a note.

President McKay:  Lawrence, you get him on the telephone and I will speak to him.

Brother Lawrence McKay called Brother Benson by telephone and spoke to him as follows:

‘Brother Benson, I am calling from Huntsville.  The First Presidency are here.  It is the plan of the American Opinion to publish father’s photograph on the cover.  Father does not want it done.  He has asked us to send a telegram stopping it.  They have sent a brochure out, that is how the First Presidency first got the word, stating ‘Our subscription agents now have a good selling point for any Mormon prospects that might want to sign up.’  This letter was addressed to President Tanner.’

President McKay then spoke to Brother Benson on the telephone as follows:

‘Good morning, Brother Benson.  My associates in the Presidency are here and they inform me that the publishers want my picture on the outside cover of American Opinion.’

Brother Benson:

President McKay:  Now would be a very poor time to put my picture on it.  I wish they would not do it.

Brother Benson:

President McKay:  At the present time I think it would be unwise because the members of the Church conclude that my giving permission to have my photograph on it was an implication that I belonged to this and was in favor of their ideals.  I do as far as opposing communism.  I would like a telegram sent to the publishers of the American Opinion telling them not to print my picture.

Brother Benson:

President McKay:  Let them know how I feel about it if you will.

Brother Benson: 

President McKay:  Call them by telephone and tell them I do not want my picture on it.

Following this conversation President McKay said that Brother Benson had said that he would call them and tell them.  President McKay further stated that this is purely advertising.

Lawrence McKay:  He says they can do it, that they ran his without his permission and they can do President McKay’s.

Elder Petersen:  I wonder if you ought to add that it must be stopped if necessary by injunction.  I think you have to be unusually firm with these people.

President Tanner:  I think inasmuch as he is phoning, Lawrence should phone to the same people right now from here and tell them what your wishes are so that there will be no misunderstanding, and if necessary let the President speak and tell them this will be confirmed by wire and letter.

Elder Petersen:  I think that’s a very good idea because Brother Benson is taking the position they have gone so far they cannot stop it, and they can do it anyway.

President Tanner:  Another thing, they have been supplied with the names to whom they should send these.  Just last week we refused to give somebody a list of names.

President McKay:  They want to put the Church in with the John Birch Society.

Lawrence McKay:  I suppose the managing editor would be the one to talk to.

At the request of the brethren, Lawrence then put in a call for the managing editor of American Opinion and asked to talk to Mr. Scott Stanley.  Mr. Stanley was out to lunch and Lawrence talked to Mr. Blumenfeld as follows:

‘Hello, this is David Lawrence McKay speaking from the office of President David O. McKay of the Mormon Church.  Word has just reached him that the American Opinion plans to publish his picture on the front cover of the April issue.  He is very much upset over that and asks that it be stopped no matter what the cost.  In fact, he has directed us to take whatever steps that are necessary in order to stop it.  This implies the approval of the John Birch Society by him as President of the Mormon Church and if that happened it would be necessary to deny that throughout the Church, besides taking any necessary legal action if there is any.

Mr. Blumenfeld:

Lawrence McKay:  I am sure there is.  We would appreciate it very much if you do not use it.

Mr. Blumenfeld:

Lawrence McKay:  Yes, if you will have him confirm this by telegram to President David O. McKay at 47 East South Temple Street —better, confirm it to me personally.  That would be David Lawrence McKay, 720 Newhouse Building, Salt Lake City, Utah.

Mr. Blumenfeld:

Lawrence McKay:  I can within an hour and a half.  I am now speaking from President McKay’s private residence in Huntsville, Utah in his office, but I will be back in Salt Lake City in an hour and a half.  My number if 363-7685, area 801.

Mr. Blumenfeld:

Lawrence McKay:  Thank you very much, but we prefer confirmation by telegram.  We will follow this by telegram and a letter from President McKay.  Thank you.

Brother Lawrence then said to the brethren:  ‘He says there is plenty of time to stop it.  Mr. Stanley is out to lunch and will be back in a half  hour or an hour and he will confirm that. 

President McKay:  I am glad you came.

Lawrence McKay then called LaRue Sneff, President Tanner’s secretary, and asked her to send the telegram that had been prepared.  The telegram as it was ultimately approved reads as follows:

‘Confirming telephone conversation with Mr. Blumenfeld have been informed that you plan to use my portrait on your magazine.  This is unauthorized and must not be done.  /s/David O. McKay’

Minutes by Joseph Anderson?”

Tues., 15 Mar. 1966:

“In Huntsville.

Ezra Taft Benson – Film Showing of Elder Benson’s Talk in the Assembly Hall on the Utah Forum Program on February 11, 1966, in St. Johns Ward, Arizona

Received a telephone call while in Huntsville from President Nathan Eldon Tanner, who at the time was in a meeting of the First Presidency at the Church Administration Building.  He reported the telegraphic request that had been received for use in the St. Johns Ward Cultural Hall for presentation of a film containing the talk given by Elder Ezra Taft Benson in the Assembly Hall on the Utah Forum Program, February 11, 1966.  This film is being distributed by The John Birch Society.

President Tanner said that he had discussed the matter with President Brown and David Lawrence McKay, and that it was decided to telephone to me regarding it, which President Tanner did with Lawrence McKay listening in on the line.

I concurred in President Tanner’s suggestion that permission should not be given for use of one of our cultural halls for this purpose.  A telegram was sent to Bishop Theron M. Halls as follows:

‘After discussing your telegram, President McKay and Counselors advise against use of hall for showing film referred to.  /s/First Presidency’

John Birch Society Dinner in Hotel Utah

When I returned home, I read the following minutes of the discussion held at this meeting regarding a dinner to be held in the Hotel Utah during Conference time in the Hotel Utah, Thursday evening, April 7, at 7:00 p.m., and that letters have been sent to Bishops of Wards inviting them and their counselors to attend this dinner and listen to an address by Mr. Robert Welch of The John Birch Society.

(See copy of letter and decision of the Brethren regarding this matter following.)

Notice in Deseret News this Evening about John Birch Society Dinner

This evening a notice to Church members was carried in the evening paper stating that the ‘Church is not involved in the dinner in any way, and, furthermore, has no connection with The John Birch Society.’  (See copy of notice following.)

Tuesday, March 15, 1966

4577 Wellington

Salt Lake City, Utah

March 8, 1966

Dear Brethren:

As members of the LDS Church we have been told that our Constitution would some day hang, as it were, by a single thread.  Our Constitution has never been in as great a danger as it is today.  A world-wide totalitarian communist conspiracy threatens it from without and men in high places threaten it from within.  At least two U.S. Senators have spoken against our Constitution as being obsolete and nothing more than a product of an eighteenth century agrarian society, and further, that the separation of powers with its checks and balances must be curtailed because it hobbles the president from making quick and decisive decisions.  Others are making statements that are equally offensive to our Constitution.  This two-pronged attack, both from without and from within, threatens to break the back of a Constitution which the Lord, through his prophet Joseph Smith, revealed to be divinely inspired.

Just recently, in the Assembly Hall on Temple Square, an Apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ, Elder Ezra Taft Benson, delivered a message entitled, ‘Stand Up For Freedom.’  In this talk Elder Benson reiterated his previous statement concerning the John Birch Society, viz., that he considered the Society ‘the most effective non-Church organization in our fight against creeping socialism and Godless communism.’  This talk was delivered to a turn-away crowd of over 2,000 persons.  President David O. McKay had requested that he be allowed to view the proceedings over closed-circuit television.  A major part of the speech was put into the Deseret News Church Section of February 26, 1966.  The message has created such wide-spread interest that local citizens have desired that other persons in the Utah area and surrounding states have an opportunity to hear this message.  They have undertaken the task and expense of sponsoring the televised broadcast of this talk which was previously filmed for future viewing.  Tape recordings of the talk are being requested form all over the country.  In short, people are hungry for the message which Elder Benson so bravely and forthrightly delivered.

A group of local citizens in the Salt Lake City area have decided to continue this educational process respecting the things which threaten us today.  In consequence of this, they have asked Robert Welch, founder of the John Birch Society, to speak at a dinner which will be held in the Hotel Utah, April 7th, at 7:00 P.M.  Elder Ezra Taft Benson will be present and will introduce Mr. Welch.   Many people will be in Salt Lake City at the time for the purpose of attending Conference.  As you know, Conference will be held April 6th, 9th, and 10th this year.  Thursday evening will be free for most people and we invite your attendance, along with your counselors and wives, at this dinner.  Tickets must be reserved in advance, so we urge you to act promptly.  Fill out the enclosed card and send it, along with your check, to the person and address listed on the card.  Seating will be arranged according to the date your reservation is received.  For preferred seats you will need to act now.

These are critical times for freedom everywhere.  Elder Benson has said it is a time to ‘Stand Up For Freedom.’  Come and join us in this great undertaking.  There is no better place to start than at the ‘Freedom Dinner’ this April 7th.  We hope to see you there.


J. Reese Hunter, Dinner Chairman

P.S.  We hope you will inform others in your area of this Freedom Dinner and encourage their attendance so they may see how this affects us as a people.

Birch Society Dinner in Hotel Utah

It was reported that the Birch Society has made arrangements to hold a big dinner at the Hotel Utah, Thursday evening, April 7th, at 7:00, and that letters have been sent out to bishops of wards inviting them and their counselors to attend this dinner and listen to an address by Mr. Welch as follows:

‘Dear Brethren:

‘As members of the LDS Church we have been told that our Constitution would some day hang, as it were, by a single thread.  Our Constitution has never been in as great a danger as it is today.  A world-wide totalitarian communist conspiracy threatens it from without and men in high places threaten it from within.  At least two U.S. Senators have spoken against our Constitution as being obsolete and nothing more than a product of an eighteenth century agrarian society, and further, that the separation of powers with its checks and balances must be curtailed because it hobbles the president from making quick and decisive decisions.  Others are making statements that are equally offensive to our Constitution.  This two-pronged attack, both from without and from within, threatens to break the back of a Constitution which the Lord, through his prophet Joseph Smith, revealed to be divinely inspired.

‘Just recently, in the Assembly Hall on Temple Square, an Apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ, Elder Ezra Taft Benson, delivered a message entitled, ‘Stand Up For Freedom.’  In this talk Elder Benson reiterated his previous statement concerning the John Birch Society, viz., that he considered the Society ‘the most effective non-Church organization in our fight against creeping socialism and Godless communism.’  This talk was delivered to a turn-away crowd of over 2,000 persons.  President David O. McKay had requested that he be allowed to view the proceedings over closed-circuit television.  A major part of the speech was put into the Deseret News Church Section of February 26, 1966.  The message has created such wide-spread interest that local citizens have desired that other persons in the Utah area and surrounding states have an opportunity to hear this message.  They have undertaken the task and expense of sponsoring the televised broadcast of this talk which was previously filmed for future viewing.  Tape recordings of the talk are being requested from all over the country.  In short, people are hungry for the message which Elder Benson so bravely and forthrightly delivered.

‘A group of local citizens in the Salt Lake City area have decided to continue this educational process respecting the things which threaten us today.  In consequence of this, they have asked Robert Welch, founder of the John Birch Society, to speak at a dinner which will be held in the Hotel Utah, April 7th, at 7:00 P.M.  Elder Ezra Taft Benson will be present and will introduce Mr. Welch.  Many people will be in Salt Lake City at the time for the purpose of attending Conference.  As you know, Conference will be held April 6th, 9th, and 10th this year.  Thursday evening will be free for most people and we invite your attendance, along with your counselors and wives, at this dinner.  Tickets must be reserved in advance, so we urge you to act promptly.  Fill out the enclosed card and send it, along with your check, to the person and address listed on the card.  Seating will be arranged according to the date your reservation is received.  For preferred seats you will need to act now.

‘These are critical times for freedom everywhere.  Elder Benson has said it is a time to ‘Stand Up For Freedom.’  Come and join us in this great undertaking.  There is no better place to start than at the ‘Freedom Dinner’ this April 7th.  We hope to see you there.


/s/J. Reese Hunter, Dinner Chairman’

‘P.S.  We hope you will inform others in your area of this Freedom Dinner and encourage their attendance so they may see how this affects us as a people.’

The brethren discussed at some length what should be done in regard to this matter.  It was agreed that so far as the proposed broadcast on television over KSL and other stations of Elder Benson’s remarks in the Assembly Hall, President Tanner would talk to Arch Madsen about it and tell him to stop it if he has not already committed himself to carry the program.

The question was discussed as to the advisability of presenting this whole matter to the Council of the First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve on Thursday next.  The thought was also expressed that inasmuch as Elder Harold B. Lee is in the east he should be requested to return home to be present at the discussion.  It was decided to postpone presentation of this matter to the Council until a week from Thursday when President McKay will no doubt be present, as will also Brother Lee and other members of the Twelve.

Minutes by Joseph Anderson

Tuesday, March 15, 1966


Letters have been received by bishops and other officials of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints inviting them to attend dinner in honor of Robert Welch, founder of the John Birch Society, to be held at the Hotel Utah on April 7.

It is explained in the letter that since many people will be in Salt Lake City for General Conference it will be convenient for them to attend the dinner at that time.

It also is explained that Elder Ezra Taft Benson will introduce Mr. Welch as the principal speaker of the evening.

In order to avoid any misunderstanding we wish to notify bishops, other church officers, and members of the Church in general, that the Church is not involved in this dinner in any way, and furthermore, that the Church has no connection with the John Birch Society whatever.

David O. McKay

Hugh B. Brown

N. Eldon Tanner

Joseph Fielding Smith

The First Presidency

Deseret News – Wednesday, March 16, 1966″

Wed., 23 Mar. 1966:

“7:45 a.m.

Conference with Elder Ezra Taft Benson concerning the John Birch Society, the dinner to be held in Salt Lake City during Conference time for Robert Welch, and the article which appeared in the Deseret News, (see March 15, 1966), etc.

I told Brother Benson that I think it would be best for him not to speak at strictly John Birch Society meetings, but approved of his filling speaking appointments already accepted which were not associated with this group.  (See also March 25, 1966)

Fri., 25 Mar. 1966:

“7:30 a.m.

Brother Ezra Taft Benson called, and again discussed matters pertaining to his acceptance of various non-Church speaking appointments concerning freedom and Communism, etc.

(See following letter signed by Elder Benson, which contains subject matter discussed and counsel I gave him, which he submitted to me for my approval.  This letter was read and approved by me.) 

Friday, March 25, 1966

March 25, 1966



President David O. McKay


Dear President McKay:

Thank you for seeing me at an early hour this morning.

It is my understanding that you counseled me, after referring to our visit last Wednesday a.m. and the meeting in the Temple yesterday as follows:

1.  Although you had advised me last Wednesday to attend the Freedom Dinner April 7 and introduce Mr. Welch else it would appear that I ‘was being slapped down,’

you advised me this morning to attend the dinner but to arrange for someone else to introduce Mr. Welch.

2.  You counseled it would be best that I not speak at strictly John Birch Society meetings such as the so-called, testimonial dinners for Robert Welch.

3.  You also approved my speaking to the following groups, using much of the same material used in my talk in the Assembly Hall, February11, in keeping with the requests of these organizations and my promise to them.

March 25 – Hood River Chamber of Commerce, Hood River, Oregon

April 14 – Phoenix Citizens Forum, Phoenix, Arizona

May 13 or 14 – San Fernando Valley Business and Professional Men’s 

Association, San Fernando Valley, California

May 24 – Florida State Dental Association, Miami, Florida

4.  I also reported I had learned that American Opinion Magazine would carry President J. Reuben Clark’s photograph on the front cover with appropriate tribute to him as a great patriot.  You said you had already been informed of this and commented, ‘I think that’s all right.’

If the above, which is my understanding, is in error on any point, please let me know.  I desire to follow your counsel at all times.

I am still convinced that the John Birch Society is a great patriotic, non-political, voluntary, educational organization which is doing great good in the fight against the Godless socialist-communist conspiracy which you have warned is the greatest evil in this world.

The attached clipping from last Wednesday’s Salt Lake Tribune is a true statement.

If you feel at any time I am getting off the right track please do as you promised and ‘tap me on the shoulder.’

Faithfully your brother,

Ezra Taft Benson


Tues., 29 Mar. 1966:

“John Birch Society – Elder Benson’s Participation In

President Brown reported that Elder Mark E. Petersen had stated that while in Spokane over the weekend, he learned that the Birch people had met with the Stake Presidency and urged that all of them attend the Birch Society dinner to be given in the Hotel Utah on the evening of April 7.  He mentioned that our people in Spokane had not seen the notice published by the First Presidency in the Deseret News regarding this dinner.

President Tanner reported that following the meeting on Thursday last, Elder Benson had told him that he thought he, President Tanner, was a little hard on him in his presentation of the case pertaining to his relationship to the Birch Society.  President Tanner told Brother Benson he thought that he was a reasonable as he possibly could be under the circumstances.  Elder Benson raised the question as to what he should do about the dinner to be given by the Birch people the evening of April 7.  President Tanner told him that he did not see how the question could have been stated more clearly to him by the President and by the Twelve, that everyone wanted to let him know that he should discontinue speaking about the Birch Society and for it, and that President McKay in the discussion had said two or three times that he should not participate further with them.

Brother Benson inquired about the dinner, that in the letter that had been sent out it was announced that he would be in attendance and introduce the speaker.  President Tanner said that he told Brother Benson that he could not give him any further answer than was given in the meeting on Thursday.  Elder Benson asked President Tanner if he would clear this matter for him with President McKay, and President Tanner had said no, that he felt that it was just as clear as anything could be.

President Tanner told us that he was considering writing Elder Benson a letter mentioning the questions that he had asked him and giving him his understanding relative thereto, quoting from the minutes of the meeting at Huntsville and from the minutes of the Council meeting on Thursday last.

President Tanner asked me if that would be a good thing to do.  I gave my approval, with the suggestion that President Tanner show the letter to me before it is sent.

I commented that I thought that it was made very clear to Brother Benson in the meeting Thursday that we do not want anything to do with the Birch Society.

Sat., 9 Apr., 1966:

4:00 p.m.

Called my secretary, Clare, and asked her to come over to the apartment.  I went over the program for the Priesthood Session tonight, and also over the manuscripts of my talk and the statement on Communism for this meeting.  I told Clare that I had decided to have Robert read the talk and the statement; that I would not try to give them myself.

7:00 p.m.

Priesthood Session

Attended the General Priesthood Meeting.  My sons, Lawrence, Edward, and Robert, accompanied me.  I asked Robert to read both my Priesthood talk and the statement regarding the Church’s stand on Communism and the right of each individual to study the Constitution and the insidious effects of Communism so that they might be informed and prepared to meet the challenges of the present day.

Elder Marion G. Romney, at my request, gave an excellent talk on ‘The United Order and Communism Compared’.

Other speakers were:  Bishop John H. Vandenberg, and Presidents Smith and Tanner.  The Boise Mormonaires furnished the music.

This session was broadcast over closed circuit to 85,000 Priesthood members who were gathered in 425 buildings throughout the United States and Canada.  It was an inspirational meeting and a thrill to be associated with these men of the Priesthood.  (See following newspaper clippings, and also manuscript of Communism statement read by Robert McKay, also printed copy of Priesthood talk and statement from the June issue of the Improvement Era.)

It was nearly 10:00 p.m. before I returned to the apartment.  My heart was filled with thanksgiving to the Lord for the inspiration and success of the meetings today!

Saturday, April 9, 1966

Statement Concerning the Position of the Church on Communism, made by President David O. McKay at the General Priesthood Session of the 136th Annual Conference of the Church, held in the Salt Lake Tabernacle, Saturday, April 9, 1966, at 7:00 p.m.

In order that there may be no misunderstanding by Bishops, Stake Presidents, and others regarding members of the Church participating in non-Church meetings to study and become informed on the Constitution of the United States, Communism, etc., I wish to make the following statements which I have been sending out from my office for some time, and which have come under question by some Stake authorities, Bishoprics, and others.

Church members are at perfect liberty to act according to their own consciences in the matter of safeguarding our way of life.  They are, of course, encouraged to honor the highest standards of the Gospel, and to work to preserve their own freedoms.  They are free to participate in non-Church meetings which are held to warn people of the threat of Communism or any other theory or principle which will deprive us of our free agency or individual liberties vouchsafed by the Constitution of the United States.

The Church, out of respect for the rights of all its members to have their political views and loyalties, must maintain the strictest possible neutrality.  We have no intention of trying to interfere with the fullest and freest exercise of the political franchise of our members under and within our Constitution which the Lord declared ‘I established…by the hands of wise men whom I raised up unto this very purpose’, and which, as to the principles thereof, the Prophet Joseph Smith, dedicating the Kirtland Temple, prayed should be ‘established forever’.  The Church does not yield any of its devotion to or convictions about safeguarding the American principles and the establishments of government under Federal and State Constitutions and the civil rights of men safeguarded by these.

The position of this Church on the subject of Communism has never changed.  We consider it the greatest Satanical threat to peace, prosperity, and the spread of God’s work among men that exists on the face of the earth.

In this connection, we are continually being asked to give our opinion concerning various patriotic groups or individuals who are fighting Communism and speaking up for Freedom.  Our immediate concern, however, is not with parties, groups, or persons, but with principles.  We, therefore, commend and encourage every person and every group who are sincerely seeking to study Constitutional principles and awaken a sleeping and apathetic people to the alarming conditions which are rapidly advancing about us.  We wish all of our citizens throughout the land were participating in some type of organized self-education in order that they could better appreciate what is happening and know what they can do about it.

Supporting the FBI, the Police, the Congressional Committees investigating Communism, and various organizations which are attempting to awaken the people through educational means, is a policy we warmly endorse for all our people. 

The entire concept and philosophy of Communism is diametrically opposed to everything for which the Church stands — belief in Diety, in the dignity and eternal nature of man, and the application of the Gospel to efforts for peace in the world.  It is militantly atheistic and is committed to the destruction of faith wherever it may be found.

The Russian Commissar of Education wrote:  ‘We must hate Christians and Christianity.  Even the best of them must be considered our worst enemies.  Christian love is an obstacle to the development of the revolution.  Down with love for one’s neighbor.  What we want is hate.  Only then shall we conquer the Universe.’  (Cleon Skousen, ‘The Naked Communist’, page 288.)

On the other hand, the Gospel teaches the existence of God as our Eternal and Heavenly Father, and declares: ‘Him only shalt thou serve.’

Communism debases the individual and makes him the enslaved tool of the state, to whom he must look for sustenance and religion.  Communism destroys man’s God-given free agency.

No member of this Church can be true to his faith, nor can any American be loyal to his trust, while lending aid, encouragement, or sympathy to any of these false philosophies; for if he does, they will prove snares to his feet.”

Tues., 12 Apr. 1966:

12:00 noon

April Conference – Statement on Communism to go in Church News

Clare took up some important letters and office matters.  I asked her to call Henry Smith of the Deseret News Church Section, and have him come over right away.  In a few moments he was at the office, and I told him that word had come that the statement I read on Communism at the General Priesthood Meeting Saturday evening, April 9, was not to go in the Church Section.  Brother Smith said, ‘Yes that is right.’  I said, ‘Well it should go in.  I made that statement to 85,000 Priesthood members; the press has it, and many recordings have been made of it.  I think it had better go in.’  Brother Smith then departed to arrange to have the statement included with my other remarks.”

Fri., 15 Apr. 1966:

11:30 a.m.

My secretary, Clare, who had come at my request, waited until I finished my interview with Brother Kimball.  After he left, it was getting so late, and she realized that I had had so many meetings she felt I was too tired to take up any of the work she had brought with her, but I insisted that she stay and present some of the important items.

Clare presented the matter of my Priesthood message on the Church’s stand on Communism and the printing of it in the Deseret News.  She said that Henry Smith had called and told her that I had deleted two paragraphs from the statement.  Clare said that many recordings had been made of the statement and that many people are calling the office to find out why these paragraphs had been deleted.

I told Clare that my son Lawrence had come over at the request of the counselors and urged that I leave those particular paragraphs out, pointing out that they would tie the Church in with the John Birch Society.  Clare said that many people had written and called and wanted to know if it is all right for them to study Communism, as many have been led to believe that they are entering politics when they talk about Communism.  I said, ‘Well, they are not, and we should know about these things — the country is well on the road to Socialism.’

Sat., 16 Apr. 1966:

“8:00 a.m.

Elder Erza Taft Benson – Matters Pertaining to Committee of 1776

Met by appointment at his request Elder Ezra Taft Benson who spent the next hour and a half telling me about a visit he had received from two or three prominent Americans who explained to him that a movement is under way to set up a non-partisan committee to try and stem the drift towards socialism in this country, and to draft Senator Strom Thurmond and him as candidates for the Vice-Presidency and Presidency respectively, which they propose to support through a committee to be named ‘The 1976 Committee’, which will consist of 100 men and will include prominent men from all over the country.

He explained that the purpose of the committee is to ‘inspire, promote, and guide political action which will help restore, maintain, and strengthen our Republic’.  The committee is to hold a meeting in Chicago on April 30, at which time they propose to announce that all conservative Americans of both parties demand an immediate nomination and election of the ‘Honorable Ezra Taft Benson and Senator Thurmond to the Presidency and Vice-Presidency of the United States.  (See following copy of statements.)

After reviewing this matter with Elder Benson, I expressed the feeling that it would not be wise to start a third party, and Elder Benson said that he also is opposed to this, but this Committee and movement might result in a realignment between the two political parties.

I said that this nation is rapidly moving down the road of soul-destroying socialism, and that I hoped and prayed that the efforts of the 1976 Committee would be successful in stemming the tide.

I told Elder Benson not to withdraw his name; to let them go ahead and wait and see what develops.

Brother Benson read to me a proposed statement which he might issue if and when the press contacts him following the announcement of the Committee after their meeting in Chicago.  I approved of the statement and also of a statement which I might issue to the press following the announcement if I am contacted by the press.  I told him to acquaint my secretary, Clare, with this confidential matter, and put copies of statements in her hands.  (See copies of these statements following.)

Communism – Statement on at Priesthood Meeting

Elder Benson expressed appreciation for the statement I made in the recently-held Priesthood Meeting (April 10) on Communism, and said he was sorry to see that the Deseret News Church Section had not carried the full statement.  I said that this was a mistake and I hoped to carry it in full in some future publication, possibly the Improvement Era.

(See minutes of this meeting by Elder Benson following.)

Saturday, April 16, 1966

The 1976 Committee

The Articles and Data of Organization

Origin.  At a meeting in Chicago, Illinois, on April 30, 1966, this Committee is hereby established by those citizens of the United States whose names appear below.  All of these men are either present, or are represented by proxies authorized to act in this matter on their behalf.

Purpose.  It is the purpose of The 1976 Committee to inspire, promote, and guide political action which will help to restore, maintain, and strengthen our republic.  These objectives are understood and intended to be in accordance with the basic concepts of government as followed by the Founding Fathers of our nation, and as formally set forth in the original Constitution of the United States and the first Ten Amendments known as the Bill of Rights.

Structure.  The 1976 Committee, when fully formed, will consist of one hundred members.  Preferably, but not necessarily, there will be at least one member from each of the fifty states of the Union; but the total of all members will be limited to one hundred throughout the life of the Committee.  An expanded organization, or subsidiary or affiliated groups, may be formed, through franchise arrangements, under such names as Supporters Of The 1976 Committee, or 1976 Clubs.  But full authority over all activities of such groups shall be bested in this parent Committee.

The 1976 Committee, when fully formed, shall have a Chairman; five Vice Chairmen; an Executive Committee consisting of the Chairman, Vice Chairman, and nine other members; and eighty-five members at large.  The Committee will be self-perpetuating, with both its officers and any new members always to be elected by the current membership at any given time.  And it is the intention of these founding members that the Committee will dissolve and go out of existence on July 4, 1976.


(Officers elected, and other members present or

represented at the organization meeting.)

Saturday, April 16, 1966

Statement By The Honorable Ezra Taft Benson

The original statement of the recently organized The 1976 Committee has been brought to my attention.  I approve of its general purpose, as I understand them, and am of course complimented and humbled by its specific reference to me.  But this does not in any way make me a candidate for any political office.  So I feel that it would be inappropriate and even presumptuous for me to accept any of the responsibilities of a candidate.  It will be my policy, therefore, not to answer questions or to comment on current events and developments, at any time, or in any way that my remarks could justifiably be construed as being political in nature.  If and when, in later months or years, whether because of public demand created by The 1976 Committee, or due to other causes, I should become a candidate for political office, I shall then be glad to accept a candidate’s role and discuss my views freely and frankly concerning all relevant matters on all suitable occasions.  Until and unless that happens, I expect to continue to devote my full time and energy to my duties as a member of the Council of Twelve of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.*

*Statement for public press by Elder Benson approved by Pres. McKay

Saturday, April 16, 1966

Elder Ezra Taft Benson

Dear Brother Benson:

Herewith is a statement concerning the movement to draft you for the Presidency which I intend to use at the appropriate time.

Statement by President David O. McKay

I have been informed of the interest of many prominent Americans in a movement

to draft Ezra Taft Benson for the Presidency.  It appears that this is gaining 

momentum and is definitely crystallizing into a formal draft movement.  Elder

Benson has discussed this with me and to whatever extent he may wish to become

receptive to this movement, his doing so has my full approval.

May the Lord bless you in all of your patriotic endeavors to help preserve our inspired Constitution and our liberties.

Faithfully yours,

David O. McKay

*Just statement in parenthesis to be announced publicly if called for

Saturday, April 16, 1966

Minutes of meeting held with President David O. McKay in his office in the Hotel Utah apartment, Saturday, April 16, 1966, at 8:00 a.m.  (By Elder Ezra Taft Benson)

This morning I spent an hour and fifteen minutes with President David O. McKay in his office in the apartment in the Hotel Utah.  I discussed with him fully, a most important and highly confidential matter.  Some few months ago, I was informed by two or three prominent Americans that a movement was under way to set up a non-partisan committee to try and stem the drift towards socialism in this country and to draft Senator Strom Thurmond and me as candidates for the Vice-Presidency and Presidency respectively, which they could support through their committee by playing up a crescendo and ground-swell of support.  I expressed serious concern and tried to dissuade them from using my name, but without success.  I then tried to get them to put Senator Thurmond first and my name second, also without success.  I immediately discussed this matter with President McKay who said, ‘Do not withdraw your name.  Let them go ahead and and we shall see what develops.’

This morning I told him that I had recently been informed that the movement is gaining momentum and that plans were definitely underway to establish a national committee known as ‘The 1976 Committee.’  I read to him, while he held a copy in his hand, the announcement of this committee which they propose to release at a meeting in Chicago, April 30, 1966.  It is a very comprehensive statement, copy of which is attached.  It provides for a national education program which starts on April 30, 1966, and to continue for a ten year period, expiring when the Committee dissolves July 4, 1976.  The committee will consist of 100 men and will include such prominent men as William Grede, Past President of the National Association of Manufacturers and former national President of the YMCA; the Honorable H.J. Hiestand, Sixth Term Congressman from California; Lloyd Wright, Past President, American Bar Association, and head of the largest law firm in Los Angeles; Admiral Ben Moreell, head of Jones Laughlin Corporation.

After very careful review of the entire matter, President McKay gave his wholehearted approval to the effort of this bi-partisan Committee as set forth in what will be a proposed brochure.  He also approved the statement which I had prepared which I might issue to the press following the announcement, if and when I am contacted.  He also approved a proposed statement which he might issue if and when the press contacts him regarding my part in this movement.  I had also drafted a letter for President McKay’s consideration which would be directed to me and which would incorporate the proposed statement.  This he signed.

It was then agreed that I should acquaint Clare Middlemiss, his secretary, with this very highly confidential material, leave her copies of all of it so it would be available on call from President McKay.  I told President McKay I would probably be out of the country on April 30, that I was leaving Monday, April 18 for Germany and would probably return about the first day of May, although if there were dedications, it would possibly be two or three days later.  He indicated he thought it would be better if I came back after the first of May.  He cautioned me that I would have to be as wise as possible and that I should feel free to come to him anytime for counsel.

President McKay emphasized the fact that this nation is moving rapidly down the road of soul-destroying socialism, and he hoped and prayed that the efforts of the 1976 Committee would be fully successful.  I explained to him that whether or not their efforts to nominate particular people for office were successful or not, they planned to continue their ten-year crusade to restore the American Republic.  This pleased President McKay very much.  He expressed his feeling that it would be wise not to start a third party.  I told him I was opposed to this, but this committee and movement might result in a realignment between the two parties.

I expressed my appreciation for the statement made in the Priesthood Meeting last April 10, on Communism, and expressed my regret that the full statement had not been carried in the Church News.  He said this was a mistake and he hoped to carry it in full in some future publication, possibly the Improvement Era Editorial page.

He held my hand for a long period as I bade him good-bye and invoked the blessings of the Lord upon me in the days ahead.  It was a most satisfying interview.”  

Sun., 17 Apr. 1966:

“Note by CM

Deseret News – Statement on Communism

This morning, Clare Middlemiss, secretary, received a call from Gerald Arnold regarding missing paragraphs in President McKay’s Priesthood statement which appeared in the Church Section of the Deseret News last evening.

He asked the secretary if she knew why some of the paragraphs had been left out, and she said that she did not; that she was surprised when she learned that they had been left out.  He then asked if she thought it would be all right for him to write a letter to the editor of the paper, and she answered, ‘You have your free agency; you may do as you wish in this matter.’

Mon., 18 Apr. 1966:

“11:30 a.m.

My secretary, who had been trying since early morning to see me, came over to the office.  She had many matters that had accumulated.  She showed me folders full of letters that had come to me from members of the John Birch Society commending me for the stand I have taken on the Constitution of the United States and Communism.  Many letters from members of the Church are protesting the recent editorial by Elder Mark E. Petersen which appeared in the Church Section, and the published statement of the First Presidency against the John Birch Society, and also protesting over the deletion of paragraphs from the statement on Communism that I made in the General Priesthood Meeting, April 9.

I told Clare that I did not wish these paragraphs deleted; that I gave them and the statement should stand as given; that many people have recordings of the full statement.  Clare said, ‘What shall I do?  People are calling your office asking for copies of the statement in full.’  I told her to send out the statement as I gave it, and furthermore that it should be published in full on the editorial page of the Improvement Era for June.

Later, Henry Smith of the Deseret News came over at my request and said that Brother Hawkes, General Manager of the Deseret News, had reported to the counselors about the statement being run and they were the ones who asked my son Lawrence to come to me and have the paragraphs about people’s studying Communism deleted as they feared these paragraphs would tie the Church in with the John Birch Society.  Henry was then instructed by Hawkes to leave the paragraphs out.  At the same time he was told to print Elder Harold B. Lee’s talk in full after the Church Section was already set up and ready to go.

These things are very upsetting to me, and the deletion of what I said at Priesthood Meeting is causing a lot of people to question and to wonder what is going on.

Tues., 19 Apr. 1966:

11:00 a.m.

BYU to Issue Statements on Communism and John Birch Society

President Ernest L. Wilkinson of the Brigham Young University called by appointment.  He read excerpts from a speech he will deliver to the student body of the BYU next Thursday morning in which he wishes to quote my statement on Communism given at the General Priesthood Meeting, April 9.  I gave permission to use this statement.

I listened with interest to the talk President Wilkinson has prepared in which he points out that all the Prophets of the Church from the Prophet Joseph Smith down have freely spoken out against Communism or any issue effecting the freedom of the people of this country.  I approved in general of the talk he will give.

President Wilkinson then asked if there is any objection to the schools’ paper (The Daily Universe) printing all of the statements that were made by the First Presidency and by me with respect to the John Birch Society.  He said that he had previously written a letter regarding this.  I said that I had no objection; that he could print all of the statements made, and that I think it would be a good thing to have them in sequence.  I then handed to him the following statements, which I had asked my secretary to gather for me:

1)  January 3, 1963 – the original statement of the First Presidency on the John Birch Society

2)  February 15, 1963 – clarifying letter sent to numerous persons who made inquiry as to whether the statement of the First Presidency of January 3, 1963, meant the Church was opposing the John Birch Society

3)  Undated letter – additional clarifying letter answering inquiry as to whether Elder Ezra Taft Benson was sent to Europe because of his having befriended the John Birch Society.

4)  March 15, 1966 – notice to Church members

5)  The latest official pronouncement on the subject.

Later the summary appeared in the Brigham Young University ‘Daily Universe’ of Friday, April 22, 1966.  (See newspaper clipping following.)

Statement on Communism – Deseret News to Reprint in Full

Following President Wilkinson’s departure, Clare came over at my request with a large folder of letters and telegrams requesting that the Deseret News reprint in full the statement on Communism which I gave at Priesthood Meeting, and in full, that I have decided to have you run it again in next Saturday’s Church Section.’

Brother Hawkes could hardly speak for a moment, and then said, ‘All right.’  I then called my son Lawrence and told him that I was having the article reprinted in full, and he said, ‘Well I must see you about it.’

That afternoon, Lawrence visited with me about reprinting the statement on Communism, and Lawrence was so upset about its being reprinted that I decided not to have it reprinted in the News.  Lawrence therefore called Brother Hawkes and told him not to run it.

Clare then told me that Doyle Green of the Improvement Era had telephoned and has asked to run both my address and statement on Communism given at the Priesthood Meeting in the June issue of the Improvement Era.

I dictated a letter to Brother Green giving him permission to print both the address and the statement in this issue.  (See April 9, 1966 for copy) 

Tuesday, April 19, 1966



I met with President McKay at about 10:30 a.m.  I had previously written to ask whether there was any objection to the school paper printing all of the statements that were made by the First Presidency and by President McKay with respect to the John Birch Society.  When I met him I referred to my letter and asked whether there was an objection and he said there was not — that he would be happy to have all of them printed, and that he thought it would be a good thing to have them in sequence.  He then personally handed to me the following statements, with the suggestion that they be printed in full:

1.  January 3, 1963 – the original statement of the First Presidency on the John Birch Society.

2.  February 15, 1963 – Clarifying letter sent to numerous persons who made inquiry as to whether the statement of the First Presidency of January 3, 1963, meant the Church was opposing the John Birch Society.

3.  (undated letter)  Additional clarifying letter answering inquiry as to whether Elder Ezra Taft Benson was sent to Europe because of his having befriended the John Birch Society.

4.  March 15, 1966 – Notice to Church Members.

5.  April 9, 1966 – The latest official pronouncement on the subject.

Tuesday, April 19, 1966


Repeated requests reach the campus of Brigham Young University, and the offices of officials of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, concerning the official Church attitude on Communism and on whether members of the Church should or should not join organizations which oppose Communism.

The Daily Universe has obtained permission from the First Presidency to publish, in sequence, the official statements that have been made on the subject during the past three years or more.  These appear in this issue of the Daily Universe, which brings them together at one time in one place for the first time.

The statements appear below in chronological order:

Original Statement of First Presidency on John Birch Society printed in the Deseret News January 3, 1963.

The First Presidency of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Thursday issued a signed statement setting forth the stand of the Church on ‘political questions in general and the John Birch Society in particular.’  (The statement is as follows:)

‘The following statement is made to correct the false statements and unwarranted assumptions regarding the position allegedly taken by the leaders of the Church on political questions in general and the John Birch Society in particular.

‘The Church recognizes and protects the right of its members to express their personal political beliefs, but it reserves to itself the right to formulate and proclaim its own doctrine.

‘We believe in a two-party system, and all our members are perfectly free to support the party of their choice.

‘We deplore the presumption of some politicians, especially officers, co-ordinators and members of the John Birch Society, who undertake to align the Church or its leadership with their partisan views.

‘We encourage our members to exercise the right of citizenship, to vote according to their own convictions, but no one should seek or pretend to have our approval of their adherence to any extremist ideologies.

‘We denounce communism as being anti-Christian, anti-American, and the enemy of freedom, but we think they who pretend to fight it by casting aspersions on our elected officers or other fellow citizens do the anti-Communist cause a great disservice.

‘We again urge our bishops, stake presidents, and other officers of the Church to refuse all applications for the use of our chapels, cultural halls, or other meeting places for political meetings, money-raising propaganda, or to promote any person’s political ambitions.’

/s/David O. McKay

/s/Henry D. Moyle

/s/Hugh B. Brown

The First Presidency

  Under date of February 15, 1963, the following clarifying letter was sent by President McKay’s secretary to numerous persons who made inquiries as to whether the statement of the First Presidency of January 3, 1963, meant the Church was opposing the John Birch Society:

‘Dear Brother…………:

‘Inasmuch as President McKay is presently under such a heavy schedule of duties pertaining to the general administration of the Church, he has asked me to acknowledge for him your letter of …………(date)……….., where in you make reference to a recent statement published by The First Presidency setting forth the position of the Church regarding partisan politics and other related matters.

‘I have been directed to say that members of the Church are free to join anti-Communist organizations if they desire and their membership in the Church is not jeopardized by so doing.  The Church is not opposing The John Birch Society or any other organization of like nature; however, it is definitely opposed to anyone using the church for the purpose of increasing membership for private organizations sponsoring these various ideologies.

Sincerely yours,

Clare Middlemiss

Secretary to:

President David O. McKay

The above letter was read in the United States Senate by Sen. Wallace F. Bennett, and was published in the Congressional Record.

An additional clarifying letter was written by Miss Middlemiss at the request of President McKay late in 1965, answering inquiries as to whether Elder Ezra Taft Benson was sent to Europe because of his having befriended the John Birch Society.

The first three paragraphs of this letter were a repetition, for the most part, of the letter written in February 1963.  However, the final paragraph, concerning Elder Benson, reads:

‘President McKay has further instructed me to tell you that Elder Ezra Taft Benson was not sent to Europe for the reason given in your letter. Elder Benson was called by inspiration to preside over the European Mission.  He has the love and respect of President McKay and other General Authorities; and, furthermore, was sustained and upheld by them and the membership of the Church as a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles at the recent General Conference of the Church.’

The question of the John Birch Society and the Church arose again in March of this year, which resulted in the following official notice in the Deseret News of Wednesday, March 16, 1966:


Letters have been received by bishops and other officials of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints inviting them to attend a dinner in honor of Robert Welch, founder of the John Birch Society, to be held at the Hotel Utah.

It is explained in the letter that since many people will be in Salt Lake City for General Conference it will be convenient for them to attend the dinner at that time.

It also is explained that Elder Ezra Taft Benson will introduce Mr. Welch as the principal speaker of the evening.

In order to avoid any misunderstanding we wish to notify bishops, other Church officers, and members of the Church in general, that the Church is not involved in this dinner in any way, and furthermore, that the Church has no connection with the John Birch Society whatever.

David. O. McKay

Hugh B. Brown

N. Eldon Tanner

Joseph Fielding Smith

The First Presidency

The latest official pronouncement on the subject is the statement concerning the position of the Church on Communism, made by President David O. McKay at the General Priesthood Session of the 136th Annual Conference of the Church, held in the Salt Lake Temple, Saturday, April 9, 1966, at 7:00 p.m.  The complete statement follows:

In order that there may be no misunderstanding by Bishops, Stake Presidents, and others regarding members of the Church participating in non-Church meetings to study and become informed on the Constitution of the United States, Communism, etc., I wish to make the following statements which I have been sending out from my office for some time, and which have come under question by some Stake authorities, Bishoprics, and others.

‘Church members are at perfect liberty to act according to their own consciences in the matter of safeguarding our way of life.  They are, of course, encouraged to honor their highest standards of the Gospel, and to work to preserve their own freedoms.  They are free to participate in non-Church meetings which are held to warn people of the threat of Communism or any other theory or principle which will deprive us of our free agency or individual liberties vouchsafed by the Constitution of the United States.

‘The Church, out of respect for the rights of all its members to have their political views and loyalties, must maintain the strictest possible neutrality.  We have no intention of trying to interfere with the fullest and freest exercise of the political franchise of our members under and within our Constitution which the Lord declared ‘I established…by the hands of wise men whom I raised up unto this very purpose,’ and which, as to the principles thereof, the Prophet Joseph Smith, dedicating the Kirkland Temple, prayed should be ‘established forever.’  The Church doesn’t yield any of its devotion to or convictions about safeguarding the American principles and the establishments of government under Federal and State Constitutions and the civil rights of men safeguarded by these.

‘The position of this Church on the subject of communism has never changed.  We consider it the greatest Satanical threat to peace, prosperity, and the spread of God’s work among men that exists on the face of the earth.

‘In this connection, we are continually being asked to give our opinion concerning various patriotic groups or individuals who are fighting Communism and speaking up for Freedom.  Our immediate concern, however, is not with parties, groups, or persons, but with principles.  We, therefore, commend and encourage every person and every group who are sincerely seeking to study Constitutional principles and awaken a sleeping and apathetic people to the alarming conditions which are rapidly advancing about us.  We wish all of our citizens throughout the land were participating in some type of organized self-education in order that they could better appreciate what is happening and know what they can do about it.

‘Supporting the FBI, the Police, the Congressional Committees investigating Communism, and various organizations which are attempting to awaken the people through educational means, is a policy we warmly endorse for all our people.

‘The entire concept and philosophy of Communism is diametrically opposed to everything for which the Church stands – belief in Deity, in the dignity and eternal nature of man, and the application of the Gospel to efforts for peace in the world.  It is militantly atheistic and is committed to the destruction of faith wherever it may be found.

‘The Russian Commissar of Education wrote:  ‘We must hate Christians and Christianity.  Even the best of them must be considered our worst enemies.  Christian love is an obstacle to the development of the revolution.  Down with love for one’s neighbor.  What we want is hate.  Only then shall we conquer the Universe.’

‘On the other hand, the Gospel teaches the existence of God as our Eternal and Heavenly Father, and declares:  “Him only shalt thou serve.’

‘Communism debases the individual and makes him the enslaved tool of the state, to whom he must look for sustenance and religion.  Communism destroys man’s God-given free agency.

‘No member of this Church can be true to his faith, nor can any American be loyal to his trust, while lending aid, encouragement, or sympathy to any of these false philosophies; for if he does, they will prove snares to his feet.’

Brigham Young University ‘Daily Universe’ – Friday, April 22, 1966″

Thurs., 21 Apr. 1966:

“Note by CM

April Conference – Statement on Communism Given at Priesthood Meeting

Henry A. Smith of the Church Section called Clare Middlemiss, secretary, and said, ‘Did you know that the Church Section is not going to run President McKay’s statement on Communism in the Church News; that Lawrence McKay, under instructions from his father, had called Earl Hawkes, the Manager, and told him not to publish it.

Lawrence later came in and explained to the secretary his reasons for believing that the statement on Communism should not appear in full in the Church Section.”

Fri., 22 Apr. 1966:

“3:30 p.m.

At my request, my secretary Clare came over.  I discussed with her the matter of the statement on Communism which I asked my son Robert to read at the Priesthood Meeting of October Conference.  I had in my hand a copy of the Church Section and noted that the statement had been left out.  I said, ‘I made that statement, and it will be printed in its entirety in so many places that we cannot get away from it, and I made the statement, and there it stands.  I have never seen people so upset, thinking that this statement will tie the Church in with the John Birch Society.  We shall have more letters than ever now asking why the statement was left out.  I do not believe it ties the Church in with the Society — the Church is not sponsoring it any more than any other anti-communism organization.”

Tues., 26 Apr. 1966:

10:40 a.m.

Statement on Communism

My secretary, Clare, came over at my request with a number of letters and other office matters.  She showed me a folder full of letters regarding requests that had come to me for the Communism statement in full that I made at the General Priesthood Meeting.  I told Clare ‘Well, it is going to be printed in full in the Improvement Era and also in the Conference pamphlet, and it shall not be edited; it shall be printed as I gave it.’

Wed., 27 Apr. 1966:

11:20 – 12:30 p.m.

Conference with Clare.  She presented letters for my signature.  She said we are still receiving letters from members regarding their joining the John Birch Society.  I told her to continue sending the letter which has been sent for the past three years or more telling members of the Church that their membership in the Church is not in jeopardy if they choose to belong to the John Birch Society; however, that the Church does oppose this organization, or any other organization of like nature, using the Church to increase membership in their organizations.

Clare stated that she was tired and provoked over all the dissension that has arisen regarding the John Birch Society; that the more that is said against the organization, the more people resent it, and the more they write to the President of the Church and want to know what is wrong if they study the evils of Communism and the Socialistic state, etc.  She said it has been a lot of worry to her because people’s feelings have been hurt, and that she would give it all up if it were not for the fact that she wants to help me out.  I said to her, ‘You have stayed by my side, and I appreciate that it has caused a lot of turmoil for you.’  Clare answered, ‘As long as you need me, I shall never leave, but if I thought I were going against your will in any of this, I could not stand it.’  I answered here, ‘I will be the first one to let you know when you are not doing what I wish.'”

Tues., 3 May 1966:

“Note by CM

2:35 p.m.

Deseret News – Complaint Regarding Handling of the Statement on Communism

At President McKay’s request, I reported to Earl Hawkes, General Manager of the Deseret News, the telephone call that I had received April 21, 1966, from a Mr. Gerald L. Arnold of 890 Emerald Drive, Sandy, Utah, who informed me that he had received a telephone call from Mr. Hawkes in answer to a letter he had sent to him regarding the omission of three paragraphs of President McKay’s statement on Communism given at the General Priesthood Meeting, April 9, 1966.  A copy of this letter was sent to President McKay’s counselors.

I told Brother Hawkes that Mr. Arnold indicated that he (Brother Hawkes) had made some remarks to the effect that Clare Middlemiss had been issuing statements from President McKay’s office to help the John Birch Society out; that in fact she was a member of the Society.

Mr. Arnold said he told Brother Hawkes:  ‘I am a member of the John Birch Society.  I know of no activity or any membership of Clare Middlemiss in the John Birch Society.’  Mr. Arnold then told Brother Hawkes:  ‘I do not believe that the Prophet would deliberately change his statement after he had given it out to 85,000 Priesthood holders.’  Brother Arnold then said that Brother Hawkes made remarks that the Prophet has changed his mind on many things before; that people around the Church Offices are trying to take advantage of him.’

Brother Hawkes denied talking to Brother Arnold.  Said that it was his secretary, Mel Graham, who had talked to him, because he, (Brother Hawkes) was in Boston at the time.

I told Brother Hawkes that Mel Graham should be put straight on a few things, and that he has no right to be talking over the telephone about things he knows nothing about; that I am not a member of the John Birch Society, and that I have never sent out one letter, nor one sentence that had not been approved by President McKay.

I said that Brother Graham can do a lot of damage talking the way he did.  I said President McKay knows what he wants, and he dos not change his mind when given all the facts.

I further told Brother Hawkes that on April 17, 1966, Brother Arnold had called me again at home and said that he was greatly disappointed to note that the Church Section had left out three paragraphs from the statement on Communism by President McKay.  He asked me if I knew why there were left out, and I said, ‘No, I do not.’  He then said:  ‘Do you think I would offend President McKay if I should write to the Deseret News and to President McKay asking why these paragraphs were left out?’  and I answered, ‘No, you have your free agency; you may do anything you wish in this regard.’

I then said, ‘Mr. Arnold, knowing that you are a member of the John Birch Society, I wish to say that this statement of President McKay’s has nothing to do with the John Birch Society, and must not be used by them, and I think Brother Benson has already so instructed them.’  (For correspondence on this matter, see April Conference 1966 file.)”

Wed., 4 May 1966:


A resolution condemning the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints for circulating theories of white supremacy has been passed by the Salt Lake City branch of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.

The resolution, the second in two years, was signed by chapter President John M. Driver and will be forwarded to the NAACP National Convention in Los Angeles in July.


The resolution said representatives of the LDS Church ‘are to be regarded with some skepticism concerning favorable support for civil rights and equal treatment under the law.’

The resolution said, ‘…the Mormon Church…has maintained a rigid and continuous segregationist stand and …by its policy implicity encouraged widespread circulation of several theories of white supremacy among its membership, and makes no effort to counteract the widespread disciminatory practices in education, in housing, in employment, and other areas of life-practices which are occasioned by the official race policy of that church and the widespread adherence of the membership to the official word…’


The document also said LDS Church officials ‘have disseminated anti-civil rights propaganda from its pulpits and publications and this by some of its highest ranking officials, even to the extent of warning at its General Conference of the so-called communist-inspired nature of the civil rights movement…’

Mr. Driver said a similar resolution was passed by the Salt Lake City NAACP branch last year but that it did not pass at the national convention because it was ‘not as clearly stated and was not well understood by convention members.’

In response, President Hugh B. Brown of the LDS First Presidency referred to a talk in which he denounced racial prejudice as ‘demoralizing arrogance’ in the church’s general conference in April.


In the talk, Pres. Brown said, ‘All men have a right to equal consideration as human beings regardless of their race, creed or color.

‘For any church, country, nation or other group to believe that it is the only people in whom God is interested or that it has special merit because of color, race ace or belief, that they are inherently superior and loved by God, without regard to the lives they live, is not only a great and dangerous fallacy, but is a continuing barrier to peace,’ he said.

If the resolution is passed at the NAACP national convention in July, Mr. Driver said the Salt Lake City branch would be encouraged to publicize the stand of the LDS Church on civil rights.

The Salt Lake Tribune – Wednesday, May 4, 1966″

Thurs., 26 May 1966:

John Birch Society – President Brown Reported Letter and Alleged Activity of Elder Benson in this Society

A letter was read from William L. Knecht of Berkeley, California, enclosing a circular which he states is being passed among Church members in the Bay area regarding Elder Benson and the John Birch Society.  In his letter Brother Knecht says that reports regarding Elder Benson’s expressed attitude regarding the Birch Society and the talks that he has given at Birch Society functions, etc., have caused confusion and misunderstanding among the members of the Church.  President Brown mentioned that information had come to him that Brother Benson is still talking about the Birch Society and that the Birch people have been showing at the BYU and in seminaries a film showing the riots on the University of California campus at Berkeley, California.  In connection with it they say that the riots were instigated by the Communists and that the Birch Society are fighting these things.

President Brown further stated that the Birch people are claiming that the Communists will take over the Constitution and are asking their people to arm themselves and a great many of them have guns in their homes.

President Brown also mentioned that Brother Benson had converted some of our people in Europe to the Birch Society philosophy, and mentioned particularly Mark Anderson, who was formerly President of the Finnish Mission.

I asked President Brown to furnish me with evidence that Brother Benson has been active within the past month in promoting Birch Society philosophy.

Sat., 28 May 1966:

“Minutes of a meeting with President McKay by Elder Ezra Taft Benson

This morning, May 28th, I called President David O. McKay from my home at 7:45.  I talked to one of the women in his apartment regarding the possibility of my seeing the President, possibly Tuesday morning or this morning.  She talked with the President and then asked if I could come in at 8:30 this morning.  I have just completed an hour visit with him from 8:30 to 9:30.  It was lengthened because of his request.

1976 Committee

I brought him up-to-date on the work of the 1976 Committee and my relation to it and also the response of Senator Strom Thurmond.  I told him of Mr. Sligh’s letter and the report I had had that last week the Committee at their new offices in Displains, Illinois had received 100 letters, all of which were favorable.  I told him of the letters I had received and also Mr. Thurmond, which were favorable also.  He said he was very pleased to hear it and hoped I would do nothing to interfere with the movement following a natural course.  He indicated the country needs strong, conservative, spiritual leadership, as it has never needed it before in our day.  I also indicated that there were a few newspapers that had indicated their support, and mentioned particularly the one in Hurricane, Utah, the ‘Tri-State News Advertiser’ published by Myrlan Brown.  I wasn’t quite sure of his first name.  It has circulation of 10,000 in Southern Utah, Eastern Nevada and Northern Arizona.  He asked me for the man’s name and I wrote it down for him.  He said he would like me to determine whether or not he is related to President H.B.Brown.

Elder Benson’s Family

He asked me about my family and I told him that our youngest daughter Beth was being married on the 8th of June and that we were having a reunion of our family.  All of the children and their companions were coming to Salt Lake with the sixteen grandchildren.  He asked that I convey his love to them.

Salt Lake Temple Organizational Problems

I then mentioned that I had been in the Temple yesterday for marriages, including one for my nephew, Taft Benson and that I had also had a few words with President McDonald, in which President McDonald had said he would like to tell me briefly the circumstances surrounding his release.  I then recounted to President McKay as best I could from memory, what Brother McDonald had said.  I told him that I felt Brother McDonald had had a fine spirit, was devoted to the Church and so far as I could tell, had done a good work as Temple President.  He apparently was very much surprised at his release, but is accepting it graciously.  He said he would be willing to do whatever the President wants him to do.  President McKay then indicated it was not his doing, that he was notified that he had been released.  I said President McDonald should have an opportunity to tell his side of what has happened.  President McDonald indicated he would not ask for a hearing, but would be willing to come if the President invited him.  President McKay said ‘I want to have him come in.  I want to hear what he has to say.  I would like to have the facts regarding this case.’  He said he had not asked that Brother McDonald be released and it was not his wish.  He also said it was not his wish that the second counselor, Brother Byron Bunker be appointed as President of the Temple.  The inference was that his first counselor had gone beyond his authority in the matter.  I mentioned that Brother McDonald had indicated that President Hugh B. Brown and President Byron Bunker are related and that I thought Brother McDonald had said that President Brown’s daughter had married Brother Bunker’s son.  President McKay indicated he would call Brother McDonald in.

Prayer, and Elder Benson’s Call as Secretary of Agriculture

Our conversation then drifted to the matter of prayer and President Mckay asked me to recount for him my call into the Cabinet.  I then told him of the circumstances of Senator Arthur Watkins’ call, my meeting President McKay on the parking lot the following morning, at which time President McKay said to me, ‘I had a very important call last night.’  I said, ‘Yes, I guess from Senator Watkins.’  Then I told him that Senator Watkins had called me the day before indicating that there was a groundswell of support for me for Secretary of Agriculture and asked if I would be willing to serve and I told him and he asked what the attitude of the Church would be.  I said, ‘There is only one man who can answer that and that is President David O. McKay.  I would be happy to try to do anything I can to fill his desires.’  President McKay said, ‘Yes, Senator Watkins called me and told me about the ground swell of support for you.’  And then he said this, ‘Brother Benson, my mind is clear.  If the opportunity comes in the proper spirit, you should accept.’

I then told him of being with Elder Mark Petersen and dividing the Sharon Stake when the call came from the Eisenhower headquarters in New York.  I told him of my trip to Washington, my interview with President Eisenhower, the first cabinet meeting in which I was asked to offer prayer, the request by Jim Haggerty for copies of the prayer for the press and my finally trying to reconstitute what I had said.  I also told him of my memorandum to the President, following our first cabinet meeting after the inauguration in which there was no prayer, and how the President sent a memorandum as a result to every cabinet member and then finally decided that each cabinet meeting would be opened with prayer.  I also told him of prayer with my own staff in the meetings and experience with Jim McConnell who was later added to the staff.  I also mentioned that I frequently emphasize prayer with my brethren as I meet with stake presidencies, high councils and bishoprics and told him of experiences where a mere suggestion had resulted in an invocation at important meetings at which I was the speaker.  President McKay emphasized the need for greater spirituality in America and that the Priesthood should do all in their power to help bring it about.

I told him of my appreciation that he had issued the item in the Priesthood meeting, encouraging our people to become alerted and informed regarding the greatest threat to our Country, namely the Godless socialist-communist conspiracy.


He then asked where I was going this weekend and I told him to Mesa.  He said he had organized the first branch years ago in Phoenix and asked me to convey his love to the people.  He asked when I would return and I told him Sunday night.  He said, ‘I want to see you when you get back.’  I said ‘That night or the next morning.’  He said ‘Come in at 8:00 o’clock Monday morning.’  This I promised to do.

It was a delightful visit, long because he insisted that I remain.  He is truly a great soul.  I am so grateful the Lord has prolonged his years and hope he will continue to do so.

I left for Mesa at 2:00 p.m. where we held preliminary meetings and interviews in preparation for the reorganization of the stake presidency.  Brother John Longden joined me in these conferences and meetings.”

Mon., 13 June 1966:

“8:00 a.m.

Freedom Award Plaque Presented

By appointment Elder Ezra Taft Benson called at the apartment and presented to me a plaque for ‘patriotism and support of the Constitution of the United States’ which was awarded to me by the Utah Chapter of the Young Americans for Freedom, a conservative organization which is being established on College campuses throughout the Nation.  I had received a letter from Mr. Zane Miskin, President of the Utah Chapter, asking me to be present at a banquet to be held at the Teogra Restaurant in the City, Saturday evening, June 11, 1966, at which time the plaque would be awarded to me.  But, I was unable to accept his invitation, and had asked Elder Benson to attend and accept the award for me.

Brother Benson said that Mr. Zane Miskin, President of the Utah Chapter, paid high tribute to me for my stand for freedom and the Constitution of the United States, and that when he received the plaque for me the audience gave me a ‘standing ovation and prolonged applause.’

The plaque reads:  ‘In grateful tribute to his life-long dedication to the ideal of freedom under God.’

At this point, I learned that Elder Benson’s sons, Reed and Mark, were standing out in the hall waiting for Brother Benson, and insisted that they come in.  I then asked Brother Benson if he had a photographer with him so that a picture could be taken of the plaque, and he said, ‘No, but I could call Henry Smith and have him come right over with a photographer.’  I asked him to do this, and in a few moments Brother Smith and the photographer were there, and I invited Reed and Mark to join their father and me in the picture.

We had quite a discussion regarding the current trend of the country, and the struggle that is going on to maintain our freedom and the rights vouchsafed by the Constitution.

Brother Benson then mentioned the statement on Communism which I made at the General Priesthood Meeting in April, which now appears in the June issue of the Improvement Era, and I said, ‘I will stand or fall on that statement.’  Brother Benson said that he would like to have the statement printed in pamphlet form so that it could easily be mailed out, and I told him to give a memorandum to my secretary and that I would follow through with it.  I also gave Brother Benson permission to contact Brother Parry, Manager of the Deseret Book Store, about the printing of the statement.

I then reminisced about my world tour of missions years ago with Elder Hugh J. Cannon, and of the experiences of that historic trip.

Brother Benson then mentioned that his father’s family will always be grateful that I spoke at the funeral services of their mother.  I said that I could recall it very well and that Brother Benson’s mother was a noble woman.  Brother Benson then said that he had given a copy of the funeral address to my secretary for the scrapbooks, and I said that Sister Middlemiss has been very faithful and has done a wonderful work in preserving my talks and activities, for which I am very grateful to her.

Brother Benson and his sons then took their departure.  I enjoyed meeting and talking with them very much!  (See following minutes by Elder Benson, also newspaper clipping.) 

Monday, June 13, 1966

Meetings with President David O. McKay – (Minutes by Elder Ezra Taft Benson)

Saturday evening, June 11th, at the request of President David O. McKay, I called at the banquet of the Utah Chapter of the Young Americans for Freedom at the Teogra Restaurant, 1900 South State, to receive a plaque which the Association were presenting to President David O. McKay.  Mr. Zane Miskin, President of the Utah Chapter paid high tribute to President McKay and presented the plaque to him, through me.  President McKay received a standing ovation and prolonged applause from the men and women present.  Sunday night, I called President McKay’s apartment at the Hotel Utah and reported that the plaque had been received and asked what his wishes were.  He asked if I could come in on Monday morning, June 13th, to deliver the plaque.  We kept the appointment with Reed and Mark accompanying me.  President McKay was very pleased with the plaque and read the inscription.  Several times he repeated how lovely it was for the Young Americans to present it to him and how deeply he appreciated it.  We all commented on the great leadership which President McKay has provided in this freedom struggle.

Statement on Communism to be Printed by Deseret Book Co.

We also referred to the statement on Communism which was made in the General Priesthood meeting in April, which copy appears on the Editorial Page of the June issue of the Improvement Era.  President McKay said, ‘I will stand or fall on that statement.’  At my suggestion, President McKay indicated that he would be pleased to have me go to the Deseret Book Company and see Brother Parry about having it printed in appropriate form for maximum distribution.  Following my suggestion that it might be helpful to have it placed in the hands of the Home Teachers, in the Priesthood Bulletin and sent to Stake Presidents with a suggestion that it be read in the Sacrament meetings, he suggested that I give a memo to his secretary, Clare Middlemiss, in the hope that this distribution could be made.

In response to Reed’s comment that more and more people are coming to appreciate President McKay’s fight for freedom, President McKay replied to Reed, that he, Reed, was leading the fight for freedom (referring, of course, to Reed’s responsible position in Washington).  He asked about Mark’s activities and commented about his being in Texas, and Mark indicated that he was active in the MIA on the Stake Board and had been on the General Board before going to Texas a year earlier.  Mention was also made about the Temple Project and that Mark is teaching the class which has grown from some fifteen to fifty and that one family had come to Salt Lake and joined Mark here for their sealing in the Salt Lake Temple.

I mentioned to President McKay, as I had done at an earlier appointment, that the people more and more over the country, especially the patriots, are looking to the Church for leadership in this freedom fight; that the Churches of the world have become so socialistic and so soft on Communism that real patriots have no other place to go.  Reed also mentioned that he had baptized four people recently who are real patriots and became interested in the Church because of the stand of the Church and the stand of President McKay on the freedom issue and also because of the book by Jay Newquist entitled ‘Prophets, Principles and National Survival.’  I mentioned that the Churches of the world are becoming softer on this freedom fight and more and more they are looking to our Church for leadership and that we seem to be about the only Church standing up on this freedom question.  President McKay replied, ‘It certainly appears to be so.’

As we were leaving the question was raised about a photograph of the plaque with President McKay and President McKay said he would like that and would like to have me in on the picture and in fact he said, ‘I should like all of you in on the picture.’  When it was mentioned that Reed and Mark were not members of the Young Americans for Freedom, President McKay indicated that everybody knows that and insisted he wanted them in the picture if it could be arranged.  On returning to the office, I called Henry Smith, who indicated he had a photographer immediately available.  After calling President McKay’s apartment, we met Henry Smith and the photographer at the apartment where the picture was taken of the four of us in the act of presenting the plaque to the President.  When Henry Smith asked us to draw close together President McKay said, ‘The closer I am to Brother Benson, the better I like it.’  During the conversation, Reed mentioned the importance of our keeping our eye on the Captain, and I indicated that probably no two young men had quoted President McKay more often.

From that we went into a discussion of his world trip years ago with Hugh Cannon.

Our first appointment occupied about fifteen minutes, and the period for the picture approximately the same.

I also mentioned to President McKay, that my father’s family would be ever grateful for the great uplift which he gave at the funeral service of my mother.  He said he could recall it vividly and referred to my mother as a ‘noble woman.’  I mentioned that I had obtained a copy of his talk at the funeral service from the family scrapbook and had placed a copy in Clare’s hands.  He paid high tribute to his secretary, Clare Middlemiss, and said she had done a wonderful work in preserving his talks and activities for which he was deeply grateful.”

Tues., 5 July 1966:

April Conference – Statement on Communism at Priesthood Meeting

Our attention was called to two letters that have been received at the office of the Improvement Era, asking for copies of the statement made by me at the General Priesthood meeting of the April Conference on the matter of joining organizations to study Communism.

We decided to suggest to the Improvement Era that they inform these people that they are not prepared to furnish reprints of this statement to those making requests; that, however, if they wish to make photostat copies there is no objection to their doing so.

Wed., 31 Aug. 1966:

“Czechoslovakian Mission

President Brown reported that Brother Wallace Toronto is requesting an appropriation of $1,500 to further the work he is doing directly and indirectly in the Czechoslovakian Mission.  He explained that the money we have given in the past has gone to various individuals who are in need of help, and has assisted some to emigrate.  Elder Toronto states that another $1,500 would be of great assistance to these people and asks for an appropriation of that amount.  I gave my approval.

Wed., 16 Nov. 1966:

“Ezra Taft Benson – October Conference Talk

President Brown said that each of the Counselors (President Isaacson excused) had read Elder Benson’s October Conference sermon, which Elder Benson desires to have printed in mimeograph form for wider circulation.  It was reported that President Tanner had called attention to certain parts of the talk which he indicates would give one the impression that Brother Benson and I stand alone among the General Authorities on the question of freedom.  Brother Brown said that so far as he is concerned is felt that the talk is wholly objectionable because it does impugn the other Brethren of the Authorities as to their motives when they have advised the people to live their religion and stay away from extremist ideas and philosophies.

We decided that the talk should not be mimeographed and distributed in pamphlet form.

Following the meeting of the First Presidency, I retired to the living room.  Did not feel up to holding any more meetings this morning.”

Fri., 2 Dec. 1966:

“9:30 a.m.

Elder Ezra Taft Benson of the Council of the Twelve came in by appointment.

He referred to the Council Meeting held yesterday in the Salt Lake Temple, and said it was one of the ‘greatest spiritual experiences he had witnessed’ in our Thursday meetings.

Statement on Communism

Elder Benson said that the statement I had made on Communism at the April Conference of this year is being distributed by the hundreds of thousands.  Brother Benson feels that it should be reprinted in the Instructor and other Church magazines.  I told him that so far as the Instructor is concerned, he could speak to Lawrence McKay about it.

Brother Benson also mentioned that he had written to the First Presidency asking for permission to mimeograph his talk given at the October Conference.  As yet he has received no answer to the letter.  However, in our meeting of the First Presidency on November 16, 1966, President Tanner called attention to certain parts of the talks which he (President Tanner) indicates would give one the impression that Brother Benson and I stand alone among the General Authorities on the question of freedom.  President Brown said that so far as he is concerned, he felt that the talk is wholly objectionable because it does impugn the other brethren of the Authorities as to their motives when they have advised the people to live their religion and stay away from the extremist ideas and philosophies.  At this meeting, we agreed that the talk should not be mimeographed and distributed in pamphlet form.  However, later as I re-read Elder Benson’s talk, I could see no objection to its being mimeographed and sent out.  In his talk he had quoted almost in its entirety (and this with my permission) the statement that I had made on Communism at the October 1966 Conference.  There is nothing wrong with the talk, so I told my secretary to tell Elder Benson he could have it mimeographed if he wished.  Elder Benson informed the secretary that he had given practically the same talk at the Brigham Young University, and that they had published it in pamphlet form and that it is receiving wide distribution.  So the matter stands where it is now.  (See notes following by Elder Benson on the above Conference.)

Friday, December 2, 1966

To: Sister Clare Middlemiss Date:  December 2, 1966

From: Elder Ezra Taft Benson


In order that your file may be complete, I hand you copy of a press release which came to my home yesterday from The 1976 Committee.  I believe you already received the packet containing the booklets.  385,000 copies have been mailed.

Two or three things came out in the conversation with President McKay today, for your information.

He seemed very pleased as I referred to the Thursday meeting in the Temple and the remarks he made at the conclusion of the administration of the Sacrament.  It was one of the greatest spiritual experiences I have witnessed in our Thursday meetings.  We were so impressed with his remarks and testimony that as we went into dress, not a word was spoken in the large room until we had finished dressing and came back into the meeting room.  My reporting this seemed to please him very much.  I think I have never felt the spirit of the man and witnessed how the Lord operates through him more powerfully that I did last Thursday.

I told him how widely his statement on communism which was read under his direction at the April Conference was being distributed and told him I thought that if it were reprinted in the Church magazines, particularly The Instructor it would help.  He authorized me to talk to Lawrence McKay and see if it could be run in The Instructor.  He was highly pleased when I told him the distribution was going into the hundreds of thousands.

As I talked to him about my letter of October 15th to the First Presidency requesting permission to mimeograph my conference talk, I could see he was somewhat confused and seemed to feel it was somewhat out of his hands.  I told him there was really no need for it now as the talk was largely embodied in my BYU talk given October 25th and that the conference talk would appear in The Improvement Era within the next few days.

As I left him he told of his love for me and said, Brother Benson, we always know where you stand.  I responded by indicating that I was only following the example of my file leader, President David O. McKay.  He chuckled and said, ‘It’s true of both of us.'”

Fri., 6 Jan. 1967:

9:30 a.m.

Elder Ezra Taft Benson came in and reported the progress of the ‘1976 Committee.’  He said that they are having a meeting in Chicago on the tenth of this month; that they are in real earnest trying to get the people of the country to return to the fundamentals of the Constitution and to draft him to become a candidate for the Presidency of the United States, and Strom Thurmond as Vice-President.  He said they now have automobile bumper stickers with ‘Benson for President’ and ‘Thurmond for Vice-President – 1968’.

I said to Elder Benson, as I said before, these matters will have to take their own course, and we shall see what comes of it; that Elder Benson is not to take an active part in this campaign until and unless he is drafted!”

Sun., 5 Feb. 1967:

“Minutes of conference held with President David O. McKay and Dr. Ernest L. Wilkinson, President of the Brigham Young University, Sunday, February 5, 1967, at 4:00 p.m.

By invitation, I met with President McKay to discuss a number of matters as follows:

4)  Tom Anderson and Robert Welch.  I asked President McKay whether there would be any objections to having Tom Anderson or Robert Welch speak at the BYU provided we balance them with a liberal speaker.  He answered that he would prefer that we wait a while for this.

11) Teaching of Socialism.  I informed President McKay that there was a tendency at most universities throughout the country to teach Socialism and certain ingredients of the welfare state even though I thought the faculty members of those institutions were naive and did not know what they were doing.  I informed him that we were subject to the same tendency on the part of certain faculty members at the BYU, and asked whether it would be appropriate for him to give me a statement to the effect that we are not to advocate any facets of Socialism at BYU.  He said that he would be happy to give such a statement, and suggested that I draft something for him.

Fri., 24 Feb. 1967:

10:45 – 1:10 p.m.

My secretary, Clare, came over with a brief case full of letters and other office matters.  She presented five petitions for cancellation of Temple sealings, which I considered and passed upon.

I then went over a number of letters prepared for my approval and signature.  Clare handed me a 12-page letter marked personal and confidential from Robert Welch of The John Birch Society, a cursory glance of which indicates or pleads for permission for Ezra Taft Benson to serve on the National Council of the Society.  Clare left the letter with me for my attention and final decision.

Wed., 22 Mar. 1967:

“8:30 a.m.

Ezra Taft Benson – Conference

Elder Ezra Taft Benson came in and visited with me regarding the efforts of the 1976 Committee to draft him for high office in the United States.  He said that he is receiving many hundreds of letters from people from various parts of the country, and that the Committee is receiving about one hundred per day.

He also showed me a tape recording of the lecture given by Miss Lola Belle Holmes, a Negress, who spoke in Salt Lake City last Friday under the title, ‘Why I Became a Communist for the FBI’.  I told Brother Benson that I should like to listen to it at some convenient time.

Brother Benson then referred to the letter which Robert Welch of the John Birch Society had sent to me asking for the second time for permission to have him (Elder Benson) on the Council of the Society.  In discussing this with Elder Benson, I told him that I do not feel that he should accept a position of this kind with the Society, but that I enjoyed reading Mr. Welch’s letter and felt that he is sincerely dedicated, and that he displayed a very good spirit in his letter.  It was agreed that Elder Benson would answer Mr. Welch and tell him that it would be impossible for him to serve on the Council at this time.

Wednesday, March 22, 1967

Minutes of meeting held with President David O. McKay on Wednesday, March 22, 1967, from 8:35 to 8:55 a.m.  (Prepared by Ezra Taft Benson)

Today, between 8:35 and 8:55 a.m., I enjoyed a delightful visit with President David O. McKay.  He was in good spirits and it was a joy to visit with him.  In keeping with his request, I brought him up-to-date on the efforts of the 1976 Committee to draft me for high office in the United States.  He reported that his secretary, Clare Middlemiss, had read several letters to him which I had received from people from various parts of the country.  I mentioned that I received many hundreds of such letters and I understood the Committee were receiving about one hundred per day, while the number I am receiving runs all the way from 10 to 25 per day.  I showed him the letter which the committee had sent out which he read very carefully, also the flyer mailed out recently under the caption, ‘We believe in the two-party political system’, and a statement on the reverse side under the caption, ‘We are dedicated to the cause.’  These he also read very carefully.

He again said, ‘We will not do anything to stop or promote this program, but it seems to be gaining momentum.’  Again he repeated the words, ‘Time will tell.’  He asked me to give copies of this printed material to his secretary so that he would have a complete file.

I also showed him a tape recording of the lecture by Miss Lola Belle Holmes who spoke in Salt Lake City last Friday under the title, ‘Why I Became a Communist for the FBI’.  He asked that I mention this to his secretary so she could arrange for him to hear it.  The tape was left on his desk.  I also mentioned that I had received a letter from Robert Welch of some length, asking me for the second time, to come on the Council of the John Birch Society.  He mentioned that he had received a very nice letter from Mr. Welch, which he felt was very sincere from a man with a good spirit and a good heart.  I suggested to President McKay that I had in mind answering the letter, indicating that I had discussed the matter with President McKay and felt that now was not the appropriate time to become a member of the Council.  President McKay indicated that this would have his approval, and would I write it in a way so that he would not be required to respond

to the letter he had received.  I wrote the following letter:

‘This morning I had a very pleasant visit with President David O. McKay, now in his 94th year.  He is quite well and is busy preparing for the Annual Conference of the Church, the meetings for which start in less than two weeks.

He mentioned the very lovely letter he received from you and said, ‘It was a great letter from a man who is sincere and with a good heart.’  He appreciates, as do I, your kind invitation for me to join the Council.  After discussing the matter at some length, it was our feeling that now would not be the proper time for me to make such a move.

President McKay, as you know, has given his full support to the draft effort through the 1976 Committee, response to which has given us considerable encouragement.  I assume you saw the press release issued by the Committee in which they quoted President McKay’s statement.  I believe I realize, Bob, as do few people, your concern.  This concern is shared also by President McKay who has spoken out in words of warning regarding the Communist conspiracy as few men in America have done.

I express for President McKay, and myself, our deep appreciation for your lovely letters and for the kindly spirit in which you have presented this matter for the second time.  We, of course, do not know fully what the future holds, but you may be assured of my desire to be helpful in the great struggle in which we are engaged.  It is the greatest evil in this world and the greatest threat to all we hold dear.

With warm personal regards and prayerful wishes for your welfare.

Wednesday, March 22, 1967

Robert Welch

Belmont, Massachusetts 02178 February 21, 1967

(Original in Birch File)

Personal and Confidential

President David O. McKay

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

47 East South Temple Street

Salt Lake City, Utah

Dear President McKay:

First, let me apologize, sincerely and earnestly, for writing you so long a letter.  I can only hope that its length will seem to you to be justified by its substance and its purpose.

For that purpose, to state it plainly and promptly, is to ask that you permit the Hon. Ezra Taft Benson to become a member of the COUNCIL of The John Birch Society.  And since there can be no question about the seriousness of such a step, I am undertaking to give you the basic information and explanation which might be helpful to you in considering our request.

It is also clear that Secretary Benson, in his position in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, owes and gives a devotion to the Church which overrides all other demands on his loyalty, his energy, and his time.  We are aware that he would not be willing to accept a place on our COUNCIL, nor would you consent to his doing so, unless the action were consistent with a deep concern for the future welfare of both his church and his country.  It is with these thoughts in mind that we plead with you to hear our story.  And despite appearances to the contrary, it will be kept as concise as is practicable.


Second, let me try to indicate, as well as I can within these feasible limits, the value and effectiveness of the Society in the effort to save the United States from the Communist tyranny which has already been imposed on so many other countries.  In this protracted struggle The John Birch Society has already accomplished a great deal more in this fight with the Communists than anybody except the communists themselves seems to realize.  For evidence, I paraphrase our brief comments in our February Bulletin on just two major projects.

Five years ago not one American in a thousand was aware of the already far advanced Communist plot to discredit, neutralize, and undermine our local police forces, so that they could be replaced by the brutal gestapo of a central government — such as Robert Kennedy sent into Oxford, Mississippi under the name of ‘federal marshals’; and so that Communist-led riots could run unchecked, or actually be aided, by this federal gendarmerie.  It is true that years ago the Senate Internal Security Subcommittee had made and published an excellent study, showing that there was such a worldwide Communist plot with regard to local police forces everywhere.  But it had been completely smothered and forgotten.  Then The John Birch Society inaugurated its nationwide Support Your Local Police Drive.  Today this drive has been so successful, as shown specifically by the overwhelming defeat of Mayor John Lindsay’s referendum for a civilian police review board in New York City, that this important part of the Communist program is being completely spiked.  And all it took was exactly what The John Birch Society provides, namely the creation of sufficient understanding.

Five years ago, few people who were thoroughly familiar with the main divisions of Communist strategy saw any chance of keeping the Negro Revolutionary Movement from reaching decisive proportions.  It was to supply the flaming front to the whole ‘proletarian revolution,’ as planned by Walter Reuther and supported by his stooge, Bobby Kennedy.  But the one thing the conspirators could not stand was to have sufficient light turned on their plans and their activities.  Because of that increasing light, the march on Selma turned into an obscene farce, and the revolution started in Delano never got off the ground.  The John Birch Society proved in Americus, Georgia, that the most carefully plotted campaign of destruction by the ‘civil rights’ agitators could be thwarted by American good will and common sense.  And in the Rio Grande Valley of Texas, members of the Society proved that the fuse lit in Delano could be stamped out by enough patient and courageous labor.

The required semblance of civil war which was to have been created — exactly as had been done in China and Algeria and Cuba — to help the Communists in the final stages of taking over our Country, failed to materialize.  The failure was so complete, and our part in causing it was so obvious, that Reuther turned loose against us during the latter half of 1966, through the distribution of separate folders and the publication of long editorials in the labor press, running altogether into millions of imprints, one of the most vicious and massive campaigns of vilification to which we have so far been subjected.

The danger of this ‘pretense of civil war’ development is still with us, because the Communists never give up in connection with any predetermined course.  But as of right now their progress on this front has been slowed almost to a standstill.  Walter Reuther is losing out to George Meany in their battle for supremacy in the American labor movement; M.L. King is becoming more widely recognized as an over-inflated Comsymp; and Saul Alinsky’s professional riot productions have remained in the planning stage.

Plenty of other American groups and individuals have played worthy roles in this accomplishment, of course.  But The John Birch Society, through its distribution of hundreds of thousands of excellent books and literally millions of forceful pamphlets; through its hundreds of local or regional TACT Committees, its scores of speakers (including especially its courageous and convincing Negro speakers); through a wide showing of its film, Anarchy USA; through its letter writing campaigns, and the unceasing efforts of its members; through all of these means together the Society has clearly made a tremendous, effective, and successful contribution to spiking the program of the King and his associates.  And again, all it took was the creation of sufficient understanding, on the part of enough people, as to what was behind all of this civil turmoil and what were its real purposes.

(One of our Negro speakers, Lola Belle Holmes, who serves in the Communist Party for seven years as an undercover agent of the FBI, is right now carrying out a schedule of eighty-three speeches on eighty-three consecutive nights.  The theme of each of these speeches can be summarized as follows:  ‘Don’t tell me that the Communists are not running the ‘civil rights’ movement, because I was for years one of the Communists that was doing it.’  And that speech, before she gets through, really creates understanding of what is taking place.)

We could give you hundreds of illustrations of our specific but cumulative effectiveness on many fronts.  But perhaps the above will serve our present needs.  We are a kind of force, and a kind of opposition, which the Communists have never faced before.  And their typically Communist reaction has been, not to meet us on those few fronts where we were being successful, but to try to discredit and then destroy the Society itself.  This they had fully expected to do, long before now.  Instead, I believe that, in connection with this Vietnam mess, we are just about to cause them more of a problem and a setback than we have ever accomplished before.  It can also be done simply by creating sufficient understanding of what is really taking place.  And to that end we need the unceasing help of all other truly patriotic Americans.


Third, I hope you will be willing to look with me at a highly condensed account of what we have been obliged to survive.  For the Communists have gone about their campaign of intended destruction of The John Birch Society by every means known to their book of strategy and their manual of tactics.

They have, of course, used all of their massive influence over the American communications media to have unceasing falsehoods and misunderstandings created and spread about us.  Knowing that Communism must be advanced at least ninety percent by non-Communist hands, they have found ways to have their smears disseminated most widely and most effectively by misguided Conservatives or pseudo-Conservatives of the Richard Nixon or Bill Buckley type.  At the same time, through articles and editorials in Communist or Comsymp publications, they have tipped off every crypto-Communist and ‘sleeper’ who ever climbed out of the woodwork, to do everything possible to damage the Society at all times and in every way.

A part of this smear campaign, which now ranges through an average of more than a thousand items per day about us in the American press, is aimed at me personally.  An explanation of this feature is offered in a signed statement by our Executive Committee, just issued as a part of our effort to obtain wider readership for The Truth In Time and The Truth About Vietnam.  Please forgive my lack of modesty in quoting two paragraphs out of that statement as follows:

‘We have now worked closely with the founder of The John Birch Society for many years.  It is our belief, from our own experience and observations, that the smears heaped on his head have not arisen because he has been wrong; but have been inspired by Socialist-Communists behind the scenes because, repeatedly and continuously, he has been right, both as to what had already happened in the past and as to what was going to happen in the future.  The smears have then been widely spread by innocents who were unaware of what they were really doing.

‘In our opinion the greatest danger to the Communists from The John Birch Society, the reasons why it has been vilified and undermined more extensively than any other organization in American history, and the unceasing efforts to weaken the Society by somehow getting Mr. Welch out of his position of leadership, have all derived from his thorough knowledge and understanding of the background, methods, purposes, and progress of the conspiracy…’

The attacks on the Society in the communications media, because of what our members can accomplish as an educational army, and on myself for what I am able to see and reveal about what the Communists are really up to, have combined to put more obstacles in our way, and more brakes on all the wheels which we try to keep turning, than could possible be imagined by anybody not sitting, as I do, right at the center of the whole operation.  But this gigantic weight which we must carry, in every forward step we try to take, from recruiting new members to exposing the truth about Vietnam, is matched by an entirely different form of Communist strategy aimed at our destruction.

This second approach is through the creation of misunderstanding, factionalism, dissension, disputes, bitterness, and feuds within the Society itself.  The Communists are, of course, grand masters at this game.  And ever since they became convinced that they were not going to be able to destroy us by attacks on the body as a whole, they have gone to work with increasing energy and cunning to damage and destroy us by internal division.  Here again, as in everything else, they work mostly through non-Communist hands, using every trick in human psychology to have influential members turn against us or against each other.  By cunning fabrication, subtly put together, of exaggerations, distortions, and outright falsehoods of amazing variety, both sides of every dispute have been supplied reasons which appeared to justify their actions and their feelings.

Sometimes we are able to discover the source of these troubles, whether local, regional, or national, and to eliminate that source.  Sometimes the problem arises so largely from natural human cantankerousness and jealousies, with such a small amount of Communist manipulation having been required to blow it up into serious proportions, that any drastic remedy would be more damaging than letting the feud run its course.  But the worst situation of all is when we know who is continuously causing us major problems within the upper echelons of the Society’s nationwide organization, and even largely how — that is, we recognize the general Communist formula for trouble making which is being followed — but because of the position of the culprit and the circumstances which must be considered, we do not think it wise to bring the whole matter out into the open.  We must try, instead, to carry our top people along with us anyway, by our own dedication, leadership, and actions, despite the constant clever knifing of this inside enemy.  We have now been faced with one such situation, high up in the top circles of the Society, for over four years.  It has caused us considerable damage and many problems, for which I have usually been given the blame.  We’ll do something decisive about it when the time is ripe–but not before.

The cumulative and total effect of all Communist-inspired efforts of every kind to undermine us and destroy us is beyond all measure and beyond most imaginations.  We ourselves make mistakes of course.  We would undoubtedly make our share anyway.  But we are operating a crash program, with time an imperative consideration, against every conceivable form of opposition and handicap provided by the most vicious, ruthless, and best organized enemy that any group has ever faced.  So we undoubtedly make more than our normal share of mistakes, some of them running to more than the normal cost which would be acceptable for any business.  And that confession brings us a huge step nearer to the end of this long letter.


Next, let me set forth certain premises which are a part of the circumstances behind this letter.  Some of them are premises with which you may not yet be in entire agreement.  And I doubt if you can spare the very considerable time and energy to do the reading which I think would bring you into agreement.  But enclosed with this letter is a thin sheaf of carefully selected materials which will go quite a way towards convincing support of what I have to say below.  In due course you may find them of sufficient interest to be worth your time.  In the meantime, here are the premises which I think sufficient study will substantiate. 

1.  The horror and fear abroad in the world today are direct results of the plans, the cunning, and the ruthlessness of a longstanding international conspiracy.  For convenience we may refer to the top command of that conspiracy as the INSIDERS.  This clique is self perpetuating, through decades and even generations.  It is the unswerving ambition of these INSIDERS to establish their brutal tyranny, through the vast conspiratorial organization which they now control, over the whole population of the earth.

2.  This conspiratorial force works primarily from the top down.  In every country its controlling members are to be found in the very top financial, economic, social, educational, and political circles.  The agents of this ruling clique create revolution, or the semblance of revolution, at the bottom, as simply one of the many means by which the INSIDERS carry forward their purposes.  During the past fifty years this worldwide fraternity of INSIDERS has become so powerful and so pervasive that, for most practical purposes, they now control, alike, Moscow and Peking and Paris and London and Washington and New York (including the United Nations).

The effective governmental regimes in these cities today are all but arms of one octopus-like body, controlled by a central nervous system which serves as its brain.  Any strife anywhere, between any of these arms, is but a show put on — at whatever cost in death and cruelty and destruction — to serve some purpose of this ruthless and cunning brain.  You do not have your right hand appear to fight your left hand, or proclaim your worry about which hand holds the biggest pistol or the sharpest knife, except as a means of distracting children while you are putting them to sleep.

Today we talk a great deal about blunders and stupidity and naivete on the part of the controlling powers in Washington.  But deep inside we are well aware that the true explanation is far more sinister.  The actual purpose being carried out by many of the very top men in the present Administration, as in all recent Administrations, must be classified in any realistic appraisal as either treason to the United States, or as an overriding loyalty to the concept of one-world government — which necessarily involves treason to the United States.

3.  The success of this conspiracy has always depended, and still depends, primarily on deception.  The greatest single aim of that deception, since long before the days of Karl Marx, has been to keep the very existence of the conspiracy a secret.  To serve that end there was created a clever phrase, ‘the conspiratorial theory of history,’ which could be used to ridicule all of those who sought to expose the truth.  For all further deceptions depended ultimately on keeping this one effective.

With this underlying fraud solidly sustained, however, a thousand more specifically directed deceptions could be built at need upon it.  The pattern being applied to the United States follows in general some proven formulas which have already been used to enslave other countries.  A gullible and basically decent people, unable to believe that other men can be so massively cruel and so completely evil, is led to destruction by the cunning use of every conceivable division among them.  Whether these divisions are based on race, color, religion, political views, old prejudices, economic status, plain greed, or purely imaginary and fabricated reasons for bitterness, they all become grist for the Communist mills.  From them there is ground out by these mills an ever increasing stream of confusion, cross purposes, frustration, and despair.  And all during this process the infinite threads of total power are — at first slowly, then more rapidly, but always gradually, insidiously, and patiently — being woven around the American people, by INSIDERS who know exactly what they are doing.

4.  The one thing, the only thing, which this conspiracy (or any conspiracy) cannot withstand is sufficient light on its activities.  If enough understanding could be created of what is really happening, the determination and the steps to keep it from happening would come into existence as surely and rapidly as men rush to put out a fire which threatens to devour their homes.  Let enough of the American people – Republicans, Democrats, or Independents — grasp the fact, for example, that the present Administration is actually controlled by the influence and agents of an international conspiracy which seeks to enslave America (exactly as it has already enslaved China and Czechoslovakia and Cuba and a score of other countries of all levels of ‘development’), and a great many things would start happening fast.  As just one important change, the massive steps being taken by Washington right now to help our Communist enemies all over the world would stop as suddenly as the bagstuffing of a burglar when caught in the act by a posse of policemen.

5.  It is not too difficult, with careful enough research, observation, and analysis, to show the Communist hands and plots at work in any area chosen for study.  We are prompted, for instance, by thoughtful comments from many sources, to believe that our own pamphlets, Two Revolutions At Once and The Truth About Vietnam, give a convincing exposition of what the INSIDERS are really trying to accomplish under the deceptive banners of ‘civil rights’ and ‘resisting Communist aggression in Vietnam.’  We are equally encouraged to feel that our more general study, The Truth In Time, gives an adequate and accurate bird’s eye view of the total conspiracy.  At least we are certainly willing to let you be the judge of the value of these booklets in support of their purpose.  The whole difficulty, and one which has been skillfully created by the Communists, is to get such books and pamphlets widely enough distributed and read.

6.  To bring about this smothering of material which exposes the conspiracy, the Communists rely on the weapon of prestige more heavily than on anything else.  And they use it very effectively for both defensive and offensive tactics.  They prepare smooth roads and green lights — and awards by national and international committees — for those who will ridicule all exposures, and exposers, of the conspiracy.  Especially favored in this respect are those who oppose socialism and communism on an ideological or academic plane, because such ‘opponents’ are considered more convincing than the Communists themselves on this one point which is so important to their strategy and their aims.  On the other hand, let even a good socialist, who supports the Communists in every matter or doctrine, but advances some suggestion of there being a conspiracy at work, and he will be hounded out of all the rewards of scholarship.

Since, we believe, The John Birch Society has done more than all other groups put together to awaken our fellow citizens to the existence and the workings of this conspiracy, we were already being smeared by the Communists and their dupes and allies, even during our early years, more viciously and more extensively than all other anti-Communist groups put together.  This was not done because of hatred, or for the sake of revenge.  The Communists are too ruthlessly cold to have time or room for any such ‘human’ sentiments, except when those sentiments serve some calculated need.  But there was a need, and by the fall of 1965 it had grown considerably greater.  For we had broken through their smothering blanket at two points.  These were our campaigns under the banners of Support Your Local Police, and Expose The ‘Civil Rights’ Fraud, as already discussed earlier in this letter.

Both of these successful drives on our part were seriously damaging to the Communist schedule.  So they redoubled their efforts, to make sure that the same thing could not happen again.  And the Communist reaction to any exposure always follows a predetermined formula: Do not fight the accusation; merely destroy the accuser.  But that intended destruction can itself take several forms.  In this case, one major direction of the vastly increased campaign of vilification against us during the past eighteen months has visibly been to create a situation in which the public, including even many good anti-Communists, simply would not read our publications.  And in this extremely important step of their strategy, the Communists have been substantially successful.  Our enemies are quite confident at the present time that no matter how revealing, how interesting, how well documented, or how convincing may be anything we put out, we shall never again be able to get it widely enough read to create the wave of understanding which will upset their plans.  And this is the barrier which we must now overcome.


Which brings us, at long last, to one of the main points in this impassioned cry for help.  For there is one way, and so far as I can see only one way of our breaking through, or crossing over, this barrier which has been so diligently created across our path.  And that is by our use, on the offense, of the same weapon of prestige.

The fact that our COUNCIL of The John Birch Society consists of men of considerable prominence, who are widely recognized for both their character and their accomplishments, has always presented a problem for the Communists.  It is one of the factors which has made the Society more feared by our enemies, and the harder for them to neutralize, than any or all other anti-Communist groups.  Secretary Benson has met with these men, briefly or informally, on several occasions, and I am sure would support my appraisal.

But the influence of the names and standing of these leaders, on the attitude of the general public towards the Society, has been heavily eroded by the unceasing attacks of the Communists for that purpose.  What we need now, and what would be of decisive significance at this point, is an accession of new strength and new prestige to our COUNCIL.  The one man who could most effectively spearhead that accession, and thus do more than anybody else to provide the reinforcements we now need in this battle, is the Hon. Ezra Taft Benson.  With tremendous reluctance, therefore, because I do know what it will require of him in courage and sacrifice, I have written to Secretary Benson asking him to give us this powerful help, by becoming a member of our COUNCIL — and to do it now!  And I am pleading with yourself, as earnestly as I know how, for your consent to his doing so.

The effect on the morale of our membership, of the addition to our COUNCIL of three or four outstanding Americans headed by Secretary Benson, would of course be very beneficial.  Much more immediately important, however, would be the decidedly greater ease with which our members could again get our literature read by a considerable element of the more literate public.  But most important of all in the long run would be simply having so able and honorable a man as Ezra Taft Benson on our leadership team.  Of those who were both good men and great men, whom it has been my privilege to know fairly well personally among leaders on the national or international scene, the two most admirable human beings within my experience have been Syngman Rhee and Ezra Taft Benson.  So you can see why we would be so justly pleased and proud simply to have him on our COUNCIL, even if we did not so badly need, at the present time, his official adherence to our cause.

I am aware, and have wanted to make sure Secretary Benson realized, that in extending this invitation I am asking him to be prepared to put his reputation on the line, and to be prepared to stand up against attacks on the Society, and on himself personally, which I am sure are coming in the years ahead.  For the INSIDERS who control the ‘pressures’ which can be exerted by government, press, and some of the largest banks, are ruthless beyond the imagination of ordinary decent human beings.

But I am also aware of his deep-rooted belief, which I am sure you share, that the preservation of our Constitution, and hence of the American Republic itself, would at some time hang by a thread.  And it is not too far-fetched a possibility that this very action could be that saving thread.  The fact that this war is being fought in a different way from all previous wars makes realistic courage and daring decisions none the less vital.  It simply makes their proper time and place and form harder to identify.  And there can be no doubt, in any event, that this action on the part of Secretary Benson would constitute a powerful blow against our Communist enemies, and on behalf of the one force which they now fear most.

That last clause is not an exaggeration of our own position or responsibility.  And it does deserve careful attention among the considerations to be weighed.  For I believe, and I am convinced the Communists believe, that if The John Birch Society does not gather the strength to play the leading role in exposing and stopping the Communists, there is simply nobody else on the horizon today with any chance to do so.  And while I am also convinced that the Mormon Church will survive through anything, and come out of any storm as a mighty force for the rebuilding of a sane world, the incredible destruction, darkness, cruelty, and suffering, which could be imposed even on America for a decade or a generation, is a horror to be avoided by all of the dedication and heroism which mortal men can put into the task.

Finally, and on the positive side, Secretary Benson would find himself in The John Birch Society, a member of what is, outside of some church organizations, quite literally the finest body of men and women on the earth today.  And as a member of the top governing body of the Society he would find himself one of a small group who are unsurpassed anywhere, for character, for courage, for ability, for a sense of responsibility, and above all for dedication to our epic undertaking.  That undertaking, basically, is simply to preserve for our children and their children the glorious country and humane civilization which we ourselves inherited.

Needless to say — but let me say it anyway — that I am, ardently and prayerfully, hoping to hear from yourself, or from Secretary Benson, that you have given or would give your consent to his own favorable decision with regard to our plea.  And in the meantime, please permit me to send to yourself this further expression of my good wishes, my admiration, and my kindest regards.

Respectfully and sincerely,

Robert Welch


P.S.  The carefully selected material enclosed is merely for you to read or refer to if you might ever have the time and the inclination to do so.  They would offer both documentation and a more detailed exposition of many points made in the above letter.  But there is no suggestion that they should be read before you arrive at any decision.  For that purpose we must be willing to have the letter stand on its own feet.


Tues., 18 Apr. 1967:

“8:00 a.m.

Elder Ezra Taft Benson came in and first brought up the subject of the General Conference and how pleased and satisfied he was with it.

He then asked if he could bring Mr. Robert Welch of the John Birch Society in to meet me later this morning.  I said that 11:00 a.m. would be a good time for him to come in.  Brother Benson said that Mr. Welch is in Salt Lake City to deliver a talk at the Highland High School.  I said, ‘All right, I’ll see you following the meeting of the First Presidency.’

11:00 a.m.

John Birch Society – Courtesy Visit of Robert Welch

By appointment Elder Ezra Taft Benson came over to the apartment with Mr. Robert Welch of the John Birch Society, Belmont, Massachusetts.

Following greetings and introductions, Elder Benson explained that in order to save my time, Mr. Welch had written a letter to me which contains the subject matter he would like to discuss with me this morning.

I said, ‘All right, Mr. Welch, you read the letter to me.’  So he read very slowly and clearly the letter which he had prepared.  The letter outlined, as he sees it, the present situation of our country, the very fate of which he thinks hangs in the balance.  At the conclusion of his reading, he said that it would help the cause exceedingly if I would give my permission for Elder Ezra Taft Benson to become a member of the National Council of the John Birch Society.

I explained to him, as I have on two other occasions by letter, that it would not be wise for Elder Benson to serve in this capacity.  (See following Mr. Welch’s letter, also letter and minutes from Elder Benson).

Tuesday, April 18, 1967

Robert Welch

Belmont, Massachusetts, 02178

April 18, 1967

President David O. McKay

Hotel Utah

Salt Lake City, Utah

Dear President McKay:

This is probably the most important letter I have ever written.

The reasons why this is so will constitute the letter itself.  They will also serve as my excuse and my apology for presenting again the plea made in my long letter of February 21.

For I fully believe what I must set forth so briefly below to be the facts of the present situation, where the very fate of our country hangs in the balance.  And I further believe that, with the hundreds of pages of explanation and documentation which might be required, this series of plain and frightening facts could be made entirely clear and wholly convincing.

1.  Infiltration of Communist influences into strategic positions within our government, and within every great organization and major division of our national life, has now reached so far that rampant treason is gradually but surely establishing Communist control over the United States, exactly as it has already done in dozens of other countries.

On one side of Stettin Harbor in Communist Poland today, ships are being unloaded with wheat, sent by our government to feed the workers in the Communist armament factories.  Simultaneously, on the other side of that same harbor, ships for Haiphong are being loaded with the guns produced in those factories, to be used against us by the North Vietnam Communists.  This is only a tiny but dramatic illustration of the incredibly extensive, enormous, and comprehensive effort to supply our enemies with the means to kill our sons.

2.  This war, in which our government, either directly or indirectly, is supplying the equipment and paying the bills for both sides, has been planned and is being used as the means for gradually imposing the shackles of Communist tyranny on the American people here at home.

The long planned Communist strategy, as we have now been pointing out for three years, while our forces in Vietnam steadily grew from a few thousand to half a million men, has been and still is to make this carefully stage-managed show a larger and larger war, despite all of the pretenses and motions by our government of seeking peace.  And then to bring the American people, by frustration and dissension and confusion and despair, and by coercive use of the controls and powers already established, to an acceptance of ‘peace’ under the full and formal rule of a one-world Communist tyranny disguised as the United Nations.

3.  Simultaneously the Communists are marching toward this same goal along every road and by every means which will insidiously convert the American people into helpless slaves of the central government.  They plan to use every form of pressure which they have learned and rehearsed elsewhere, from the arrest of patriots for ‘treason’ to the starvation of patriots by planned famine, to subdue all resistance and force a helplessly divided and disarmed people into abject submission.

4.  The one form of resistance which can possibly prevent this catastrophic horror, the only form of organized opposition which the Communists have not faced in any other country, is adequate exposure, while there is still time, of these plans, methods, and purposes of the Communists.  If — and only if — we can create, in time, sufficient understanding of what is happening, can the Communists be slowed down and stopped before they have sufficient force and terror in their hands with which to replace pressures and deception.

5.  Steadfastly pursuing this policy of creating understanding, the John Birch Society has now become not only larger and more influential, by practically any standard of appraisal, than all other anti-Communist groups and organizations in America put together, but by our unwavering sense of direction and unshakable purpose, we have not visibly become the one enemy which the Communists fear most anywhere in the world.  For the culmination of the communist work of decades, and the ultimate complete success of the worldwide Communist conspiracy, now depend entirely on what happens right here in the United States.  And the John Birch Society is the one formidable, unshattered bulwark remaining in their way.

6.  Having spent years trying unsuccessfully, but by every form of attack and of undermining tactics in their book, to destroy the John Birch Society, the Communists have now turned practically their whole effort against us into measures to keep us from being heard, and our literature from being read, by the much larger audiences which we now need to reach.  And in this undertaking they have the help of the cumulative effect of their years of vicious smears and unceasing propaganda against the Society.

7.  The outcome of the struggle, the future of our children, our country, and indeed of millions of people in other countries, and even our own lives and freedom, now depend literally on how many people we can get to listen to us, to see our films, and to read our literature.  And that, as the Communists are well aware, depends very largely on the intangible but vital factor of prestige.

8.  It is this fact which would make the immediate accession of Ezra Taft Benson to our COUNCIL of inestimable and even of vital importance.  Not only for the value of his own name and influence and guidance and support, but because this would give just the needed amount of courage and of encouragement to some three or four other men whose addition to our COUNCIL at the present time would also be of great value to our cause.

One such man, for instance, is Dr. James Fifield, Jr., of Los Angeles.  He has been invited to join our COUNCIL, and is deliberating over his decision.  I am confident that, on being told of Ezra Taft Bensons’ acceptance, Dr. Fifield would immediately give me a favorable reply for himself.  There are others on whom this accession by Secretary Benson and Dr. Fifield would immediately have the same effect.  And the reinforcement of our present COUNCIL at this time by three or four additional men of recognized stature and character and leadership would be to our embattled troops like Blucher arriving on the field of Waterloo.

9.  The effect on the morale of our COUNCIL, our staff, and our total membership, in these visible hours of crisis, would be electrifying.  The effect on the public would be equally so.  The most beneficial direct and tangible result would be the ability thus given us, by the psychological impact of these reinforcement, to have at least twice as many good patriotic Americans, throughout the whole extent of our country, willingly accept and read our literature — and then join with us in persuading still others to do the same.  And it is my earnest belief that this one development, at this particular juncture of the long struggle, would open eyes, breed confidence, and set off reverberations which would later prove it to have been the decisive turning point in the struggle.  Many a great battle has been won by the impact of some similar reinforcement at the crucial moment.

10. Our members, despite all odds on the side of entrenched evil, have accomplished a great deal, and have been visibly successful in stopping or slowing down the Communists on many fronts.  But for the opposition of the John Birch Society our country would already have been carried by Communist internal subversion beyond the point of ‘no return’.  Despite the unceasing labors and courage and sacrifice of our members, we are now getting nearer to that point anyway, and the future of our republic is hanging by a thread.  For many years I myself have given all that I have and all that I am to this battle to save our people from Communist slavery.  I am still doing so — even by writing this letter and by trying so hard to obtain the help we so badly need.  Our members, our COUNCIL, and myself, have fought the good fight, against every conceivable form of harassment and persecution.  We shall still do so, and we can still win despite the lateness of the hour.  But our cry for help is a realistic expression of our realization of the present state of the battle and of the immensity of the stakes.

The Honorable Ezra Taft Benson is, in my opinion, one of the world’s truly great men.  Here is, I really believe, an opportunity for him to perform for his country an act of greatness equal to that of many another hero in our history.  And we are making this most fervent and earnest plea for your blessing on his courage and his willingness to do so.

Respectfully and sincerely,

Robert Welch

Tuesday, April 18, 1967

April 19, 1967


President David O. McKay


Dear President McKay:

Thank you for seeing my good friend, Robert Welch, today.  He appreciated it deeply, as did I.

Mr. Welch is a great American, a true patriot, and a devoted worker for freedom.  His letter, which he read to you, I am sure, represented his very deep convictions, although I am pleased to abide by your decision that I should not go on the Council at this time.

Thank you so much for seeing him and for your kindness in inviting me to stay during the interview.

With affectionate greetings.

Sincerely your brother,

Ezra Taft Benson


Tuesday, April 18, 1967


To: Sister Clare Middlemiss Date:  April 18, 1967

From: Elder Ezra Taft Benson

Re: Visit of Mr. Robert Welch and me with President McKay — for the journal

Today, April 18th, I met with President McKay for about fifteen minutes at 8:15 a.m.  I took him two booklets.  A current issue of ‘Review of the News’ and a booklet which my son Mark had sent entitled, ‘Let Freedom Ring’.  I also read two paragraphs from Mark’s letter transmitting this latter booklet to his salesmen of Saladmaster Corporation where Mark is Sales Manager.  I also outlined to President McKay, our plans to visit Europe and tour the missions.  He asked that I carry his love and blessings to the people.  I also talked to him about the recent conference.

I told him that Mr. Wm. J. Grede, Chairman of The 1976 Committee was in the city yesterday and made a report to me regarding The 1976 Committee, indicating that two meetings were held recently.  One, in Los Angeles, about the 1st of April and the other, in Pittsburgh, April 6th.  The Committee is moving forward and there is much encouragement.  I indicated that they have been receiving about $400.00 per day and around 100 letters daily.  President McKay seemed pleased and asked me to keep in touch with him and keep him informed.

I mentioned that there was a distinguished man in the Hotel who would like very much to see him, by the name of Robert Welch.  Mr. Welch is a true patriot and a very devoted American who is doing a great work having devoted the last twelve years of his life fighting the Communist Conspiracy and striving to preserve our freedom without a dollar of compensation.  President McKay said, ‘I want to see him.’  I arranged to have him come in as soon as the First Presidency’s meeting was over.

At about 10:00 o’clock I took Mr. Welch to the President’s apartment.  The nurse escorted us into the living room.  At the President’s request, I remained during the forty-five minute interview.  Mr. Welch indicated his joy at meeting the President and expressed his great admiration for him and his gratitude for the fight the President has made in support of the Constitution and freedom.  Mr. Welch then read a letter, while President McKay followed it on the original copy which was left with him.  The reading was slow and distinct so that the President could follow it easily.  After the reading, President McKay asked several questions regarding the seriousness of conditions in our own country, to which Mr. Welch responded.  Mr. Welch emphasized that the Socialist-Communist conspiracy is closing in and unless there is a great upsurge of activity and increased prestige thrown into the fight, the Untied States might well go the way other nations have gone.

In commenting on the last part of the letter having to do with Mr. Welch’s request for Elder Benson to serve on the Council of the John Birch Society, the President asked if he didn’t feel that Elder Benson could do as much outside the John Birch Society as he could serving on the Council.  Mr. Welch felt very strongly that if I would go on the Council it would also attract other prominent Americans, which Mr. Welch felt are very much needed.  President McKay then turned to me.  I indicated that I would be glad to try and serve anywhere the President wanted me to serve and that I would be willing to do anything that is right to help preserve our freedom and the Constitution.  After some further discussion, President McKay said, ‘Well, I think Elder Benson should not go on the Council at this time.’  This ended our conversation as Mr. Welch expressed his appreciation.”

Fri., 21 Apr. 1967:

“10:15 a.m.

Conference with Mark E. Petersen

Met with Elder Mark E. Petersen of the Council of the Twelve.  I discussed the following with him:

3)  The John Birch Society

I then read to Elder Petersen the letter Mr. Robert Welch of the John Birch Society had given to me personally when he visited me on Tuesday, April 18.  After I had finished reading the letter, Elder Petersen remarked, ‘President McKay, Elder Harold B. Lee has some hair-raising stories to tell about the Birch Society which I am sure he will tell you, which I think would scare you to death.  We have the Church, and if we live up to its teachings, we do not need to worry about what will happen to this country!’

11:30 a.m.

Brother Alvin R. Dyer came in at my request and gave me a report on:  1) Deseret Management Corporation; 2) Independence, Missouri; and 3) Nauvoo Corporation; 4) KSL; 5) Priesthood law; 6) Church Real Estate Department; 7) Elder Dyer’s talk on ‘Center Place of Zion’, etc.  (See minutes following)

12:00 noon – 12:20 p.m.

Knowing that I was tired, Clare who had been present during Elder Dyer’s conference, said that she would take up with me just a few important letters that needed to go out.  She read two or three letters that had come addressed to me from members of the Church inquiring regarding their status in the Church if they should join the John Birch Society.  One member of the Society said that he had applied for a teaching position in one of our Seminaries and had been told by his Bishop that his membership in the Society would prohibit his being accepted as a teacher.  I instructed Clare that so long as this man did not advocate the John Birch Society during his teaching at the Seminary, membership therein should not prohibit his becoming a Seminary teacher.

Clare said she did not want to do anything contrary to what I wanted in this matter, and, therefore, would prepare the answers to the letters as I directed and bring them to me for my approval.

Clare left the apartment, and I joined Sister McKay in the living room.

Sun., 21 May 1967:

“8:00 a.m.

Brigham Young University – Problems Concerning

President Wilkinson called at the apartment and discussed with me three items:

1)  That the Gospel in its fullness as taught by the teachers at the BYU,

2)  That the teachers at the BYU should not advocate Communism or any of its variants per se,

3)  That the teachers at the BYU should not advocate Socialism or the Welfare State.

Sunday, May 21, 1967

Confidential Memorandum of Conference with President David O. McKay Which Lasted From 8:00 a.m. Until About 9:45 a.m. On May 21, 1967

1.  First of all I called President McKay’s attention to the demoralizing riots and disorders, and civil disobedience that occurred on many campuses, and reviewed with him instructions he had continuously given me that teachers at the BYU should 1) teach the Gospel in its fullness as taught by Church leaders, 2) not advocate communism or any of its variants per se, 3) not advocate socialism or the welfare state.

I told President McKay that the third item enumerated was difficult of achieving without more definite instructions from him.  He reiterated his former instructions to me and said that he would write me a letter about the same.  He inquired as to our practice of only hiring members of the Church and I informed him that even the faculty had passed a resolution to that effect and I would get it to him.

2.  I then took up with him matters that I propose to take up in the next meeting of the Board of Trustees.  I recalled instructions he had given me that when I had important new policies to take up he would appreciate me discussing them with him in advance.

Among the items discussed were the following:

a.  Limitations on free speech at the BYU.  These are the limitations discussed in 1 supra.  He approved of these limitations.

b.  I informed him that if the Board wanted to keep intimately acquainted with what was going on at the Brigham Young University, it would be desirable that I have more time with the Board each month.  He expressed the hope that this could be worked out.

c.  I suggested that, in the interests of the Board maintaining a closer control of what’s going on at the BYU, it would be desirable for us to have three subcommittees of the Board; 1) on faculty and academic programs, 2) on student body affairs, and 3) on finances.  Without committing himself as to my final plan, he instructed me to take this up with the Board.

Sunday, May 21, 1967

May 25, 1967

President Ernest L. Wilkinson

Brigham Young University

Provo, Utah 84601

Dear President Wilkinson,

Recent disturbing events in our coutnry — such as an alarming increase in nearly all categories of crime, divorce, juvenile and adult delinquency, riots at colleges, strikes of school teachers, civil disorders which go far beyond ‘peaceable assemblies’,  the resurrection of a pagan philosophy that God is dead, demoralizing movies, television programs which encourage lewd and lascivious conduct, and now a report of a national committee on law enforcement which, instead of recommending the enforcement of our criminal laws, would surrender to the forces of evil by eliminating from the category of crime nearly all sex offense — have given me great concern and prompt me to write you as to measures which I hope you, as President of the Brigham Young University, and the faculty will follow to make sure that the thousands of students under your supervision are receiving the proper teaching and training.  I want them to be protected from the seriously increasing evils of the day which past Prophets have indicated would come to pass, and which are now upon us.

1)  I want, first of all, to congratulate you, the faculty, and the students of the Brigham Young University upon the fact that we have had no riots or other serious disturbances at the ‘Y’ such as have tarnished the reputations of other institutions and brought down public condemnation upon them.  In view, however, of current trends and pressures on our young people, as reflected daily by the public press, I wish that you and the faculty would be even more vigilant than you have been in the past to see that only students of acceptable spiritual and academic standards are admitted and retained, and that the reputation of the Brigham Young University as a university where the ‘glory of God is intelligence’, and where high standards of moral conduct, sobriety, and order are ever present, are not only maintained, but increasingly improved and enhanced.

2)  In these days when not only religious standards but some of the Ten Commandements themselves are under attack, I hope that you and the faculty will go the extra mile in seeing that the religious doctrines of our Church are taught in their fullness so that students will have proper religious convictions for all decisions which they have to make.  The trends of the time in the opposite direction are so strong that it will require extraordinary vigilance on the part of all of us to resist them.

I have been happy over the years to know that the faculty itself some years ago resolved that the first qualification for appointment to the faculty of the Brigham Young University is that of an ‘attitude toward and adherence to the principles of the Gospel of Jesus Christ’.  I am happy, also, to know that a very large number of faculty members are now serving with General Boards, or as Stake Presidents, Bishops, and High Council members, and in other Church positions.  I would urge all the principles of the Gospel and standards in every class whenever the opportunity arises, whether that class be a class in theology or otherwise.

3)  I cannot help but think that there is a direct relationship between the present evil trends which I have above indicated, and the very marked tendency of the people of our country to pass on to the State the responsibility for their moral and economic welfare.  This trend to a welfare state in which people look to and worship Government more than their God, is certain to sap the individual ambitions and moral fiber of our youth unless they are warned and re-warned of the consequences.  History, of course, is replete with the downfall of nations who, instead of assuming their own responsibility for their religious and economic welfare, mistakenly attempted to shift their individual responsibility to the Government.

I, therefore, fervently urge that the departments of History, Sociology, Political Science, Economics, and all other related departments continuously teach our students the evils of Socialism and the welfare state, and I hope that no one on the faculty of the Brigham Young University is advocating these demoralizing governmental programs.  In urging this, I am not only expressing my individual views as President of the Church, but that of every Prophet of the Church from the Prophet Joseph Smith on down, for all of them in general, and most in specific language, have condemned Socialism and all trends that lead in that direction.  From the beginning of our Church it has been a part of our philosophy that we should be strong and self-reliant individuals, not dependent upon the largess or benefactions of Government.  In other words, it is not the Government’s duty to support us — no government owes us a living.  We get it by our own acts!  – never by trespassing upon the rights of a neighbor; never by cheating him.

It is a part of our ‘Mormon’ theology that the Constitution of the United States was divinely inspired; that our Republic came into existence through wise men raised up for that very purpose.  We believe it is the duty of the members of the Church to see that this Republic is not subverted either by any sudden or constant erosion of those principles which gave this Nation its birth.

In these days when there is a special trend among certain groups, including members of faculties of universities, to challenge the principles upon which our Country has been founded and the philosophy of our Founding Fathers, I hope that the Brigham Young University will stand as a bulwark in support of the principles of Government as vouchsafed to us by our Constitutional Fathers.

Again, may I express my gratitude for all that you and members of the faculty have done to give the Brigham Young University the reputation it now has.  May God bless you to carry it to still greater heights, in the ‘Mormon’ tradition I have set forth above, I remain

Sincerely yours,

David O. McKay


Mon., 12 June 1967:

“Following Brother Taylor’s departure, Elder Richard L. Evans came over and talked to me about the letter which I had signed and had passed out at the BYU Board of Trustees meeting, held June 7.  This letter was approved and adopted by the Board.

I told Brother Evans to hold the letter, and I would go over it again, although it is now in the hands of all members of the Board.

Later, Elder Evans called my secretary and reported his visit with me and reported to her that ‘the letter is not ‘couched’ in the language of the President’; and that he would hate to see it go down in history as being President McKay’s.  The secretary answered that President McKay had read the letter several times and approved it, as also did the Board of Trustees at their meeting held Wednesday, June 7 — that no one opposed it, excepting for changing one word.  ‘Yes’, said Brother Evans, ‘but there was a lot of rumblings afterwards.’  I said, ‘Brother Marion Romney said before the whole Board, ‘this is a great letter’, and he moved that it should be adopted by the Board.’  (See dairy of May 21, June 7, and June 14, 1967.)”

Fri., 16 June 1967:

“8:10 a.m.

Ernest L. Wilkinson of the Brigham Young University called at the office in the Hotel Utah.

He reported that my secretary had informed him that Elder Richard L. Evans had called her and given her instructions that I am to hold up any circulation of the letter to the Board of Trustees until he heard further on the matter.

President Wilkinson reminded me that the letter was adopted by the Board of Trustees until he heard further on the matter.

President Wilkinson reminded me that the letter was adopted by the Board of Trustees as the policy of that Board at their meeting held June 7, and that copies of the letter have already been distributed.

I told President Wilkinson that I had re-read the letter, and that I think the letter is ‘a good letter’, but that Elder Evans wants to make some ‘radical changes’.  I told President Wilkinson that if any changes are made in the letter, they should be presented to him, and that if I receive any recommendations for changes, I shall refer them to him.

President Wilkinson said that one of the General Authorities had said to him:  ‘Did President McKay really write that letter?’  I stated, ‘I approved and signed that letter — and it is mine.’

(See following memorandum by President Wilkinson)

President Wilkinson then brought up the matter of Junior College sites which have been purchased by the Church.  President Wilkinson said that he had been given instructions that these sites are not for sale, but that some of the General Authorities are giving a different impression.  I said that no decision had been made to sell the properties, and that I shall send a memorandum to the General Authorities stating that these properties are not for sale.  (See memorandum following by President Wilkinson — also copy of letter sent to all General Authorities.)

Did not hold any other meetings this morning.

Friday, June 16, 1967

Memorandum of Conference with President David O. McKay, Friday, June 16, 1967, at 8:25 a.m.

I informed President McKay that Sister Clare Middlemiss had mentioned to me that Elder Richard L. Evans had expressed an objection to the letter the President had written me giving instructions as to subjects not to be advocated at the BYU; that later Elder Evans told her that she was to inform me that I was to hold up any circulation of the letter until I heard further on the matter.

I reminded the President that his letter to me had been adopted by the Board of Trustees as the policy of that Board, and that copies of it had already been distributed to members of the Board of Trustees, June 7; further that Elder Evans had voted for it.

President McKay replied that he thought it was ‘a good letter’, but that Elder Evans wanted some ‘radical changes’.  The President volunteered that if any changes were to be made, they ought to have my approval.  He informed me that when and if he received any specific recommendations he would get them to Clare for me so that I could comment on them — that he would not act on any suggestions until this was done.

Dr. Ernest L. Wilkinson, President

Brigham Young University

Approved:  David O. McKay

Tues., 11 Jul., 1967:

“In Huntsville.

3:00 p.m.

Telephone call from President Hugh B. Brown, who presented the matter of taking missionaries out of Hong Kong because of the conflict that is going on with the Red Chinese moving in and fighting in the streets, making it unsafe for our missionaries.

I told President Brown to get the missionaries out, and have them transferred to other Missions in the Far East where it is safe for them to work.”

Fri., 22 Sep., 1967:

“Did not hold a meeting of the First Presidency today.

11:45 a.m. 

Elder Ezra Taft Benson came over to the office and interrupted the meeting long enough to discuss with me the subject of the address he would like to give at the General Conference. He briefly talked about the plight of the Negroes in this Civil Rights Issue, and how the Communists are using the Negroes to further their own schemes to foment trouble in the United States. He said that he would talk on this subject from the viewpoint of bringing peace in our country instead of uprisings of the Negroes in riots, etc.

I told Brother Benson that under these circumstances, he may go ahead with his subject.

Tues., 21 Nov., 1967:

“9:00 a.m.

Held a meeting with the First Presidency in my office in the apartment. The following were present: Presidents Brown, Tanner, and Smith, and Elder Alvin R. Dyer. President Tanner left shortly before 10:00 a.m., to attend the Expenditures Committee meeting.

In addition to a number of routine correspondence matters, the following items were discussed and decisions reached:

John Birch Society – Discussion Regarding

President Brown called attention to a letter from William C. Patten, President of the Tampa Stake, in which President Patten reports that he and his wife had joined the John Birch Society, and he is asking if it would be fitting and proper to show to various Priesthood groups in the Stake a film entitled, “The United Nations–the Peace Dove Unmasked”, which had been shown to the John Birch Society members.

It was decided to advise President Patten against showing the film he mentions to Priesthood groups in the Stake.

(See following minutes of this discussion by Alvin R. Dyer; also see diary of Sunday, November 26, 1967, for conference with Alvin Dyer on this matter.)”

“(Minutes by Elder Alvin R. Dyer Re: Discussion – John Birch Society and

Letter to Stake President in Florida regarding his participation in Society)

This matter, which was discussed at great length, concerned a letter that had come to President Brown’s desk from a Stake President in Florida. The letter stated that this Stake President and his wife had joined the John Birch Society and he was seeking approval to show a certain anti-Communist Society film in a Priesthood meeting of the wards in the Stake.

President Brown had had a letter prepared in answer which included the usual policy statement to members of the Church who make inquiry with regard to joining this Society. The letter already bore the signature of Joseph Fielding Smith. President Brown in asking for the President to sign the letter, suggested that the letter should be made stronger since it was going to a Stake President and not just a member. He intimated that no man should be permitted to hold the office of Stake President who is a member of the John Birch Society.

I asked what then was to be done about letters already sent to leaders wherein only the policy statement of the Church was used, which does not restrict. President Brown said he knew of no Stake President who was a member, except the case in question. I then said that it was my understanding there was, and also other leaders, and any letter sent to one should be sent to all for consistency sake. I also stated that the freedom of Church members, whether leaders or not, should not be jeopardized as this would be contrary to our principles. Any revision of the sentence in the letter in question should not carry a “must” clause.

President McKay said several times during the discussion that the Church has no affiliation with the John Birch Society. This was echoed by President Smith.

I stated that my views in this matter were different than President Brown’s, and while I myself would not join the John Birch Society, we cannot make it mandatory upon our people not to join. I further stated that I could see the effect that a Stake President and his wife joining could have upon the members of that Stake, and for that reason, and only that reason, perhaps the President should be advised of the delicate position he has placed himself in, which if he were not extremely careful would impose the onus of this Society upon the members of the Stake.

As the matter was left, Joseph Anderson was to re-write the letter.  President Brown said, “Let me see it when you are finished.” I cautioned Brother Anderson that the letter should have no element of force or coercion in it. (See Report given to President McKay by Elder Dyer Sunday, November 26, 1967)”

Sun., 26 Nov., 1967:

“11:15 a.m.

John Birch Society

By appointment Elder Alvin R. Dyer called at the Hotel, and we discussed the letter that I had asked Joseph Anderson to prepare on Tuesday, November 2 , 1967, in answer to one of the Stake Presidents in Florida, who is a member of the John Birch Society, and had asked for permission to show an anti-Communist film to the Priesthood of the Wards of his Stake. (See diary of November 21.)

We discussed the policy statement regarding members of the Church joining the John Birch Society which we have been sending out to all members who have inquired whether or not they could join the Society. This statesnt says: “Members are free to join the John Birch Society if they so desire, and their membership in the Church is not jeopardized by so doing. The Church is not opposing the John Birch Society or any other organization of like nature, however, it is definitely opposed to anyone’s using the Church for the purpose of increasing membershp for private organizations sponsoring these various ideologies.”

Letters signed by both and the First Presidency have been sent out to a number of inquiries that have come from members and is now considered will regarding the matter.

Brother Dyer said, in light of the above statement, to impose upon any member who holds a position of leadership in a Ward or Stake anything beyond that which is intended in the statement referred to — that involves a “must” clause in order to holding position in the Church — would not only deprecate, but would deny personal freedom to the individual which would be contrary to the principles of the Gospel.

Brother Dyer quoted the Prophet Joseph Smith wherein he said, “I want the liberty of thinking and believing as I please. It feels so good not to be trammeled. It does not prove that a man is not a good man because he errs in doctrine.” (DHC, Vol. V, page 340.)

After further discussion, I said that I feel that the policy statement is adequate in answering the particular letter in question. I asked Brother Dyer to see Brother Joseph Anderson, who is preparing the letter concerning this, and that I wanted to see the letter so that we could go over it.

(See following minutes of this meeting by Elder Dyer.)”

“(Minutes by Elder Alvin R. Dyer of Meeting Held in the Hotel Apartment with President David O. McKay)

RE: JOHN BIRCH SOCIETY — Position of the Church Regarding

My purpose in going to see the President (11:15 A.M. Sunday morning) was to discuss with him the subject content of the letter which President Brown had called attention to in The First Presidency Meeting held on Tuesday, November 21, 1967, concerning the Florida Stake President and the John Birch Society.

I read to the President my own Journal Record of this particular matter, and also some special notes that I prepared — Concerning the policy answer which the Church used in answering inquiries. (See “Policy Statement Regarding Members of the Church Joining the John Birch Society”.)

The President seemed intently interested in all that I had said, saying that he understood the situation. He further stated that inquiries made should be treated on the basis of membership only, and that discriminative instruction to teachers and leaders making inquiries should not be treated separately.

If a leader failed to heed the counsel given in the policy statement, then such action would be treated as a special case, and could lead to loss of position.

I mentioned to the President, that as I prepared my Journal on this matter, it occurred to me how wrong it would be to invoke a “Must” upon a Stake leader in this case; that I felt I should bring the facts in the matter to him for his determination as to what should be done.

He was quite decisive in his feeling that the policy statement is adequate in answering the particular letter in question. I mentioned that I felt I ought to see Joseph Anderson, who is preparing the letter concerning this. President McKay said I was to do this, and that when the letter came before him he would call me so that we could go over it.”


“You are free to join this organization if you desire, and your membership in the Church is not jeopardized by your so doing. The Church is not opposing The John Birch Society or any other organization of like nature; however, it is definitely opposed to anyone’s using the Church for the purpose of increasing membership for private organizations sponsoring these various ideologies.”

(Taken from a letter sent to Nephi K. Kezerian, First Counselor in the BYU Second Stake Presidency.)


I believe the above statement to be adequate in answering such inquiries and should not be changed whether such inquiry comes from a member or from one who holds a position of Ward or Stake leadership.

My reasons for believing this are as follows:

(1) The above statement which has been sent in answer to a number of inquiries, reflects the will of the President in handling this matter, since such letters have been signed by the Presidency or the President individually.

(2) To impose upon any member who holds a position of leadership in a Ward or Stake anything beyond that which is intended in the statement referred to — that involves a “must” clause in order to hold position in the Church — would not only deprecate, but would deny personal freedom to the individual which would be contrary to the principles of the Gospel.

(3) To go beyond the spirit of the statement would be to place an onus upon that movement before our members and this in reality would deny freedom of thought to members of the Church. In connection with this the Prophet Joseph Smith once made this statement:

“I want the liberty of thinking and believing as I please. It. feels so good not to be trammeled. It does not prove that a man is not a good man because he errs in doctrine.” (DHC Vol 5 page 340. )

(4) Members of the Church may take the liberty, depending upon their political ideologies, of giving utterance in support of various issues; and upon the other hand may signify their opposition to the same issues. But these utterances are their own. Because one Church member may disagree with another on these issues, is no justification for the Church to give proclamation to that which would elate some members and antagonize others. (BYU Talk — Dyer, March 15, 1966.)”

Tues., 28 Nov., 1967:

“8:30 a.m. Held a meeting of the First Presidency. Among items discussed were:

Czechoslovakian Mission 

Letter was read from Fred C. Goldthorpe written as he states at the suggestion of President Wallace F. Toronto of the Czechoslovakian Mission, recommending the appointment of Fred C. Goldthorpe as First Counselor and Dale T. Tingey, as Second Counselor to President Toronto. Elder Goldthorpe mentions that he has been visiting weekly with President Toronto concerning the affairs of the mission, and indicates that Brother Toronto would appreciate a call from the office at his home.

President Brown mentioned that President Toronto is in a very serious state of health, suffering from cancer, and that he expects to call on him today.

Elder Dyer mentioned that there is a man living in Frankfurt, Germany, who comes from Czechoslovakia, and has relatives there. He said it might be advisable to have a man in Europe serve as a counselor to the Presdent of the Czechoslovakian Mission, that this man could get into Czechoslovakia quite regularly.

Fri., 1 Dec., 1967:

“Did not hold a meeting of the First Presidency today.

9:00 a.m. 

Discussion Regarding President William C. Patten of the Tampa Stake and His Membership in the John Birch Society 

By appointment, met with Elder Alvin R. Dyer, at which time we discussed the matter of answering President William C. Patten’s (Tampa Stake) letter regarding his membership in the John Birch Society. After considering very carefully the answer prepared by the counselors, I decided that the Church should be consistent in its instructions to all members regarding their joining the John Birch Society; namely, that they are free to do so as long as they do not use the Church in any way in furthering membership in the Society, and also that Church buildings not be used for holding meetings of that Society, etc.

I therefore instructed Elder Dyer that he should return the letter to the Secretary to the First Presidency with the instructions that he rewrite the letter omitting the last paragraph, stating that “it would be inadvisable for Presidents of Stakes, Bishops of Wards, and others in Church leadership positions to become affiliated with the John Birch Society, etc.”

I stated that that pararaph amounted to telling President and Sister Patten that they should get out of the Society; and that I felt the Church should not dictate to them what they could do in matters of this kind; that they had their free agency to do as they wish, so long as they adhere to the policy of not using the Church to further the interests of this society.

(See copy of letter and minutes following, also meeting with Elders Mark E. Petersen and Alvin R. Dyer on December 5, 1967, and President Tanner’s re-presentation at the First Presidency’s meeting on December 6, 1967, and his request and petition that the paragraph in question be left in the letter; also see President McKay’s decision on November 26, 1967.)

“(Meeting of President McKay with Elder Alvin R. Dyer Re: John Birch Society and Letter to Stake President in Florida regarding his participation in Society)

In the thought of pursuing the matter of seeing President McKay, I called Clare Middlemiss, his secretary, and asked if she would arrange a meeting for me with the President sometime during the morning. She agreed to endeavor to do this and to call me.

Later in the morning I was called by phone and advised that President McKay was waiting for me. So I took my leave and went directly to the President’s Apartment. The nurse, Mrs. Noyce, let me in. The President was most gracious in his greeting, saying he was pleased that I had come.

I closed the door and then sat down close by the President. My purpose in meeting with him, primarily, was to discuss the letter, which was before him, answering President William C. Patten of the Tampa Stake in response to his letter already referred to in the Journal. (See November 21st and 26th.)

The President, in our meeting on Sunday, November 26, stated that when the letter in answer had been prepared, that he would call me and we could go over it together. This is what we did upon this occasion.

I read the letter to the President, slowly, calling attention to the last paragraph which in addition to the other substance of the letter which conveyed the policy statement of the Church concerning Church members joining the John Birch Society, stated;

“We, therefore, consider it inadvisable for presidents of stakes, bishops of wards, and others in Church leadership positions to become affiliated with the John Birch Society or other similar organizations, thus avoiding the influence such affiliation could have upon the Church membership under their jurisdiction.”

When I finished reading the letter, the President took it and read and studied it for quite some time. (See copy of letter attached.)

We then reviewed the reasons which we had discussed upon my presentation to the President on Sunday, November 26, as to why such a statement should not be made in answering President Patten’s letter. (See my notes on this, which are part of the November 26th Journal, expressing just how I felt in the matter, and with which the President fully agreed at that time.)

Here again on this day he was in full agreement that a class distinction of member and leader and of varying obligation, so far as the John Birch Society is concerned, should not be conveyed.

The President, unsolicited, said that the last paragraph amounted to telling President and Sister Patten that they should get out of the Society; and this he felt the Church should not so convey to them. Although they were under strict obligation to adhere to the policy of the Church.

I called attention to the President that many hundreds of letters had gone out from The First Presidency, some signed by President McKay alone, others by the complete Presidency, to various members — some leaders and others as members only. These letters, even in the cases of letters to Stake Presidencies, Bishops, teachers, had not included any such instruction as now proposed for President Patten; and to send this to him would be wholly inconsistent with the others.

The President then said that the last paragraph should be taken out before the letter is to be sent. The Church, said he, should be consistent in its instruction to the members. He handed the letter back to me and asked that I return it to Joseph Anderson to be re-typed — omitting the last paragraph.

We discussed the delicate position President Patten and his wife had placed themselves in by joining the John Birch Society, and that perhaps a phone call to him emphasizing the policy of the Church, and advising him that a letter would follow, would no doubt make the needed impression that the Church in no way should be involved in holding meetings or in distributing any publicity media, or to associate the Church as a Church with the John Birch or any other society. The President thought the idea of calling President Patten on the phone, in addition to the letter, a good one, and asked if I would call and talk to President Patten and explain the urgency of the Church policy in this matter. I agreed to do so.

Later that morning, after leaving the President, I took the letter to Brother Anderson and conveyed to him the wishes of President McKay.”

“November 29, 1967

(Letter to be re-drafted following the meeting with President McKay December 1, 1967.)

President William C. Patten

Tampa Stake

4305 Leona Street

Tampa, Florida 33609

Dear President Patten:

We refer to your letter of November 7th in which you report that you and your good wife have joined the John Birch Society. You inquire whether or not it would be appropriate to show to the various priesthood groups in your stake the film entitled, “The United Nations — The Peace Dove Unmasked,” which is a Birch Society picture.

It would be contrary to the policy of the Church to authorize the use of this film in the manner suggested.

In answer to inquiries that have come from time to time regarding the John Birch Society we have generally made the following statement: Members of the Church are free to join anti-communist organizations if they desire and their membership in the Church is not jeopardized by so doing. The Church is not opposing the John Birch Society or any other organization of like nature; however, it is definitely opposed to anyone’s using the Church for the purpose of increasing membership for private organizations sponsoring these various ideologies.

We, therefore, consider it inadvisable for presidents of stakes, bishops of wards, and others in Church leadership positions to become affiliated with the John Birch Society or other similar organizations, thus avoiding the influence such affiliation could have upon the Church membership under their jurisdiction.

Sincerely yours,


Tues., 5 Dec., 1967:

(Elder Mark E. Petersen and I Meet With The President) 

Re: Pamphlet Containing October Conference Address

After returning to my office from The First Presidency meeting, I learned from Clare Middlemiss, the secretary of President McKay, that the pamphlets which contained the main address of President McKay at the October Semi-Annual Conference of the Church of this year, upon printing had been delivered to the PBO distribution center but had never been sent out to Stake Presidencies and Bishoprics. This distribution was the intent of those concerned with its publishing, spearheaded by Elder Mark E. Petersen who was very much concerned at the whole matter. Apparently Presidents

Brown and Tanner had deliberately held them up. Because of this Elder Petersen wanted to seek the counsel of President McKay in the matter.

I also, with Clare Middlemiss, felt that the letter to President Patten of the Tampa Stake would be brought up by the counselors on Wednesday morning, and not being there myself, the counselors may push it through.

I asked Clare Middlemiss to arrange a meeting for me with President a McKay, and if Mark Petersen had not already seen the President, that we could go together and each take up our separate matters with him. Sister Middlemiss called me back later with the information that President and Sister McKay were being driven to Huntsville for a change by their son Lawrence, but that he would be back later that day and we could see him at 3:45 P. M.

3:45 p. m – Meeting with Elders Alvin R. Dyer and Mark E. Petersen

We were there precisely at the scheduled time to find the President seated in his office, looking and feeling especially fine. I spoke a little German to him “Wie Geht Es Ihnen Herr President.” He replied quick as a flash, “Sehr gut, sehr gut.” He said he had enjoyed the ride to Huntsville very much. Brother Petersen told him how well he looked. The President replied by saying that he would like to go horseback riding, but wasn’t sure whether he could get on or not. 

Pamphlet of October Conference Address

Elder Petersen presented his matter first at my request. He called President McKay’s attention to the pamphlet that had been printed of his Conference talk; that it had been approved to mail them to various Church leaders, but that this had never been done, and they couldn’t do much good stored in the PBO distribution. I commented that they were just a stack of paper unless they were sent out to the Church Stake and Ward leaders. The President asked why this had not been done. Elder Petersen then related his conversation with Bishop Vandenberg, who said they were waiting for approval from The First Presidency to mail them.

Elder Petersen had typed a proposed letter to Bishop Vandenberg from the President authorizing that they be shipped immediately. The President gave approval to have Clare Middlemiss prepare the letter for his signature. (See copy of letter following) 

Letter Re: Joining John Birch Society by Stake President, Bishops, etc

I next discussed my matter with the President, referring to the letter that had been prepared for mailing to President Patten of the Tampa Stake, contained in which was a paragraph, the last, that the President wanted deleted. I reported to the President that I had requested Joseph Anderson to re-type the letter with the deletion as requested, but that he had not done it but had turned it over to President Tanner; that it no doubt would be brought back before him on the morrow, and that I would not be present to advise him of it. I had a copy of the letter and the President read it again, and said to Mark Petersen, “What do you think about it?” (I had showed the letter to Mark before our meeting.) His answer was, “I agree with Alvin, that last paragraph should not be in the letter.”

The President said, “I fully agree”, and asked that I again request Brother Anderson to prepare the letter without the last paragraph. I said he no doubt will not do it unless he is told to do so by the counselors. This irked President McKay and he said, “Who is Joseph Anderson; he is to do what he is told.” I agreed to convey the President’s wishes to Joseph Anderson a second time.


Having completed the purpose of our visit with the President, we rose to leave. But the President said, “What is your hurry?” We both replied that we were in no hurry but did not want to tire him. He said, “Sit down with me, it feels so good to have you both here.” We stayed another precious 15 or so minutes with the President. It was most enjoyable. The President looked better and seemingly felt better than for many weeks; Elder Petersen said two years.

President McKay again said to us, “They think I am a sick man; but I am not, tell them I am not sick!”

Elder Petersen spoke of the Christmas lighting on Temple Square and invited President McKay to be present when the lights were switched on. The President replied he would look forward to attending.

When we did leave, the President said how happy he was that we had come. I told him that it was like “hitting the jackpot” twice in one day for me. He asked me when I would be back from my trip on Wednesday. I told him late on the same day. He said that was fine and that he would see me when I returned.

I left Elder Petersen in the Hotel Foyer and went to Joseph Anderson’s office, where I again advised him of the President’s wishes. He confirmed that Elder Tanner was going to bring up the matter before the President since, as Brother Anderson said, President McKay had approved extending the original letter to President Patten and thus it should go back for clarification. I said that the President nor did I ever agree to the addition of such a paragraph. I suggested that if they were going to take it to the President again, that they should prepare the letter as it originally was. But this he seemed reluctant to do.”

“December 5, 1967

Bishop John H. Vandenberg

Church Administration Building

Salt Lake City, Utah

Dear Bishop Vandenberg:

This is your authority to mail to the Stake and Mission Presidents the pamphlets containing my address given at the last General Conference of the Church, with instruction to have one delivered to each Latter-day Saint home by the Home Teachers.

The pamphlets should be distributed immediately, with instruction that the Home Teachers should deliver them during their regular visits in January of 1968.

I shall appreciate your cooperation in this matter.

Sincerely yours,

David O. McKay


Fri., 6 Dec., 1967:

“8:30 a.m. 

Held a meeting with Presidents Brown, Tanner, and Smith. President Isaacson still confined to his home from a stroke, and Elder Alvin R. Dyer in Independence with Architect Emil Fetzer to look over the site of the proposed new Visitors Center on Temple land property. Some of the items discussed were:

John Birch Society – Letter to William C. Patten, President of Tampa Stake, concerning his Membership in

President Tanner mentioned a matter that had been discussed by us a short time ago pertaining to President William C. Patten of the Tampa Stake, who reports that he and his wife had joined the John Birch Society and he asks whether it would be proper for them to show a picture to the Priesthood that had been prepared by these John Birch people. When the matter was discussed previously by us, it was decided to write President Patten, telling him that he should not show this picture to the Priesthood, and that while everyone has his free agency relative to joining organizations of this kind, we think it inadvisable for Stake Presidents, Bishops, and other Church leaders to become affiliated with the Society because of the influence it would have upon members of the Church under their jurisdiction.

President Tanner presented a letter that had been prepared to Brother Patten to this effect, which letter was signed by President Joseph Fielding Smith and President Nathan Eldon Tanner, and which had not as yet been presented to President Brown for his signature, but President Brown said that he would wish to sign it. However, the letter was returned with the notation that the concluding paragraph should be eliminated. This was the paragraph in which reference was made to the inadvisability of Presidents of Stakes and other Church leaders becoming affiliated with this organization and similar organizations. When the letter was returned, asking that this paragraph be deleted, it was stated that I wanted the last paragraph deleted.

President Brown said that the letter as written represented what the First Presidency had decided, and he did not understand why the last paragraph should be deleted, although both Presidents Brown and Tanner said that if that was my desire, of course, they wanted to do what I felt should be done.

President Tanner said that it was his feeling that our position should be made clear because we are accused from time to time that the Church is backing the John Birch Society. If our Stake Presidents and Bishops were to join the organization and begin to hold meetings and show pictures and lectures, it certainly would look as though the Church was in favor of it. (It is understood that no member can use the Church for John Birch Society meetings.)

I said that I think the least we have to do with the Birch Society the better.

Presidents Brown, Tanner, and Smith felt that the letter should go as it was originally written, without the proposed deletion.

The letter as originally written was read and I also read it personally. In answer to an inquiry as to whether I am willing that my signature be attached to the letter without the concluding paragraph being deleted, I said that I was.

(See diary of November 26, and December 5, 1967, for former decisions.)

(See also following copies of letters from President Patten and answer finally sent to him.)

“November 7, 1967

The First Presidency

Dear Brethren:

Knowing of President McKay’s deep concern regarding the forces which are at work to undermine our great country and to destroy our Divinely inspired Constitution and heeding his advice to join with groups which are similarly concerned and which are geared to disseminate information in order to counteract this conspiracy, my wife and I have associated ourselves with the John Birch Society.

At our last Chapter meeting, a very fine film entitled, “The United Nations–The Peace Dove Unmasked” was shown to the members.

The purpose of this letter is to determine from the First Presidency whether or not it would be fitting and proper to show this film to various Priesthood groups in our Stake.

We will appreciate knowing your feelings in this matter.

Sincerely your brother,

William C. Patten


Tampa Stake”

“December 6, 1967

President William C. Patten

Tampa Stake

Dear President Patten:

We refer to your letter of November 7th in which you report that you and your good wife have joined the John Birch Society.  You inquire whether or not it would be appropriate to show to the various priesthood groups in your stake the film entitled, “The United Nations–The Peace Dove Unmasked,” which is a Birch Society picture.

It would be contrary to the policy of the Church to authorize the use of this film in the manner suggested.

In answer to inquiries that have come from time to time regarding the John Birch Society we have generally made the following statement:  Members of the Church are free to join anti-communist organizations if they desire and their membership in the Church is not jeopardized by so doing.  The Church is not opposing the John Birch Society or any other organization of like nature; however, it is definitely opposed to anyone’s using the Church for the purpose of increasing membership for private organizations sponsoring these various ideologies.

We, therefore, consider it inadvisable for presidents of stakes, bishops of wards, and others in Church leadership positions to become affiliated with the John Birch Society or other similar organizations, thus avoiding the influence such affiliation could have upon the Church membership under their jurisdiction.

Sincerely yours,

The First Presidency

By David O. McKay

Hugh B. Brown

Nathan Eldon Tanner

Joseph Fielding Smith”

Thur., 21 Dec., 1967:

“10:00 a. m.

Held a meeting with Presidents Tanner and Smith and Elder Alvin R. Dyer. President Brown is at Palm Springs, California for the Christmas holidays. Some of the matters discussed were:

John Birch Society – Letter to Tampa Stake President. 

Elder Dyer referred to a letter that had been written for the First Presidency to sign addressed to President Patten of the Tampa Stake in answer to a letter that had been received from him stating that he and his wife had joined the John Birch Society, and asking if they might show in their Priesthood Meeting a Birch Society film. The First Presidency had written stating that they should not show the film to the Priesthood or other Church gathering, and had stated in the concluding paragraph that because of the influence it would have upon the members of the Church under the Stake President’s jurisdiction, it was felt inadvisable for Stake Presidents and other Church leaders to join the Birch Society or other similar organizations. Elder Dyer mentioned that in a meeting he had with President McKay, he had discussed this concluding paragraph and the President had expressed the thought that this paragraph should be eliminated and that he had asked Elder Dyer to convey this word to Brother Anderson, which he did. He had also asked Brother Dyer, so he said, to call President Patten in Florida and talk to him and explain to him that nothing should be done to use the Birch Society to encroach upon the Church. Brother Dyer said he did this, telling President Patten that under no circumstances should he use the Society to exploit the Church to build up what he felt personally. President Patten told him at that time that he had received the letter of the First Presidenty advising him that it was inadvisable for Stake Presidents and Bishops to be identified with this organization. Brother Dyer said he asked President Patten how he felt about it, and he said he had mixed feelings, but he wanted to follow the counsel of the President of the Church. Secretary Anderson explained that inasmuch as the letter was a First Presidency letter it had been taken back to the First Presidency for their further consideration before making the deletion Brother Dyer had mentioned; that all four of the Brethren of the First Presidency were present, that President McKay asked that the paragraph in question be read two or three times, that he then took the letter and read the paragraph carefully and indicated his approval, that Brother Anderson then asked him if he was authorized to attach his, the President’s signature, to the letter and the President said yes. Elder Dyer said that this brings up a question about answering letters one way to one person and answering them another way to another. He contended that letters have been sent to Stake Presidents and Bishops and Seminary teachers and other responsible men all over the United States where there has been no discrimination as to their position in the Church. The Presidency had merely stated the policy in these letters that they make their own choice in the matter, but they must not involve the Church.

President Tanner commented that the problem is that we find reports coming from different areas of the Church that some of the Brethren belonging to this Society get up in Church and advertise that one of these pictures is going to be shown to the Priesthood, etc.

Elder Dyer said he did not think we should create class distinction in the Church, that when a letter like this goes to a Stake President or a Bishop and he violates the advice given, it becomes a matter of action, that to tell him that he should not join such a Society is depriving the individual of his rights.

President Tanner said that he thought we could properly say that we advise against it because of the problems involved; he thought that was what caused the President to decide it this way.

President McKay confrmed the action that had been taken.

Thur., 28 Dec., 1967:

“Did not hold a meeting of the First Presidency today.

10:45 a.m. 

My secretary, Clare, came over. She handed me letters and memoranda that had come to my office for my attention. We discussed the letter signed by the First Presidency that was sent to President Patten of the Tampa Stake regarding his being a member of the John Birch Society, which indicates now that Stake Presidents, Bishops, etc. should not become members of that Society. Clare called attention to the fact that I have been sending letters all along stating that so long as these local authorities do not use the Church nor their influence in any way to further the cause of this Society, they have their free agency to join this or any other organization they wished to protect and maintain our freedoms and way of life.

I stated that I did not want that letter to the Tampa Stake to be sent without the deletion of the paragraph stating that it would be best if Stake Presidents, Bishops, etc. did not join the John Birch Society; that I had instructed Elder Alvin R. Dyer when he and Elder Mark E. Petersen met with me, to tell Joseph Anderson to write the letter over and delete that paragraph, but that later he had gone to the Counselors about it. They had brought it up at a First Presidency’s meeting and stressed the point that Stake Presidents and Bishops are showing John Birch Society films in Stake and Ward buildings, and are using their influence in favor of that Society. The Counselors felt it was very necessary to include that paragraph in the letter, and at their insistence I had given my consent.

However, the more I think about it, the more I think we should have left the whole matter where it stood, and that they should have followed the previous instructions I gave to JosephAnderson when I discussed this matter with Elders Petersen and Dyer.

(See diary of November 26, 1967; December 1, 1967, and December 6, 1967.)

Tues., 9 Jan., 1968:

“9:00 a.m. 

Held a meeting with Presidents Brown and Tanner and Elder Dyer. President Joseph Fielding Smith was indisposed, and President Isaacson is still confined to his home. Some of the matters discussed at this meeting were:

BYU – Inviting Negro Speakers at the School 

President Wilkinson said that they have had much pressure at the BYU from faculty members and others who would like to invite Negroes to speak to the studentbody; that, however, in accordance with my suggestion it had been suggested to the faculty that they not discuss the Negro question nor raise any discussion regarding the John Birch Society. This was about four years ago. President Wilkinson expressed the thought that if they could bring in some prominent Negro of the right kind to speak to the students, there would perhaps be no question. He mentioned in this connection Senator Brook of Massachusetts, formerly Assistant State Attorney General. President Wilkinson had made a check with Senator Bennett and Senator Moss and others regarding this man and had learned that he is not a crusader, and these people all say that they think it would be profitable to have him speak to the students sometime. I stated that this would meet with my approval, and the other Brethren concurred if it was thought desirable to invite Senator Brook to the BYU for this purpose.

Tues., 20 Feb., 1968:

I then read a letter addressed to me by Mark Anderson, formerly President of the Finnish Mission, wherein he reported a conference with President Brown, who said that the statement made by me at April 1966 Conference was not my statement, although it was read by my son, Robert, and that “Clare Middlemiss is sending letters out from President McKay’s Office on her own about the John Birch Society”. He said that President Tanner claims that Clare had a lot to do with Alvin Dyer’s appointment to the Apostleship.

Clare then asked me if she “has to take these accusations”, and I said “Yes, the Lord will take care of it.”

(Priesthood Meeting Article On Communism)

(Stake Presidents – Bishops — The John Birch Society)

Before leaving I heard Sister Midddlemiss ask President McKay about what should be done concerning President Brown’s efforts by correspondence to Bishops and others wherein he is telling these different ones that the pamphlet containing a statement by President David O. McKay concerning the position of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on Communism, given at the General Priesthood Meeting April 9, 1966, is not the words of President McKay at all — inferring that Sister Middlemiss had added to this compiled information; also that he is referring to the letter sent to President Patten of the Tampa Stake erroneously, saying that Stake Presidents and Bishops are not to join the John Birch Society.

When asked if these matters should be brought out and cleared in a First Presidency meeting, the President shook his head and said, “The Lord will take care of it.”

Alvin R. Dyer”

Fri., 1 Mar., 1968:

“9:00 a.m.

Held a meeting with the First Presidency. Presidents Brown, Tanner, Smith, and Flder Alvin R. Dyer were present.

Some of the matters discussed were:

Communism – Discusion of Classes on the Constitution and Communism

President Brown called attention to a letter that had been received from the President of the Tempe Stake in Arizona regarding a series of adult classes that are projected to be held in Mesa and Scottsdale for a discussion of the Constitution, Government, Communism, and related matters. President Brown stated that he had talked to President Dana this morning on the telephone and he is convinced that those conducting the classes are affiliated with the John Birch Society, etc. 

Later Elder Dyer called to report to me that Bishop Vance of the Tempe Stake had called on me personally and that he had a letter addressed to me as President of the Church appealing for permission to continue the classes which are merely for the study of the Constitution, Communism, etc. He says he is not a member of the John Birch Society; that the President of the Stake is not opposed to the classes, rather that he is in favor of them, as are his two counselors, and that they are not “Birchite” meetings. Bishop Vance was advised to follow the Stake President’s instructions.

I asked Elder Dyer to follow through on this matter; to get in touch with President Dana and find out the facts in the matter. Elder Dyer later telephoned to President Dana and reported that he had stated that the new series of classes proposed by Bishop Vance will be held during the M. I. A. in the Third Ward, Bishop Vance’s Ward, as a Special Interest Class.

1. The teacher of the class is a Brother Spradling who is a full-fledged member of the John Birch Society, and who has worked with Bishop Vance in organizing the classes.

2. Bishop Vance feels that he has placed the idea in proper reference by shifting the classes to the M.I.A. time (rather than in the early morning hours as heretofore) to fit the instruction of the M.I.A. organization for Special Interest study on the Constitution.

3. President Dana said that he would like to see classes held where the principles of the Constitution could be discussed; that he and his Counselors had attended some of the early morning classes, and in fairness to the group sponsoring the classes, all of whom are sincere men, especially Bishop Vance, the subject material discussed had no direct reference to “Birchite” principles.

4. He felt that the class is being conducted in a subterfuged manner (with the teacher being a member of the John Birch Society) to further the John Birch Society. But here, President Dana said the problem is this: “Those attending the classes are sincere, honest men and faithful members of the Church, but there are some who are against it which is tending to split the people.” For this reason he feels that a directive or counsel from the First Presidency is needed. He stated that the main opposition to the holding of the classes comes from members of the Stake High Council, in which G. Homer Durham, a liberal Democrat, takes a leading part.

5. President Dana stated that Bishop Vance, while not a full-fledged member of the John Birch Society, is a “Home Member”. This is one who receives all printed material of the organization and is committed unequivocably to its action, but who does not openly agree to identification.

6. Classes or “Constitutional Seminars” as they are called, are also being held in the Mesa Stake, and are even perhaps more widespread.

7. President Dana stated that when counsel is sought of members of the Quorum of the Twelve, one says one thing and another says something else. One says to hold the classes, and the other says they should be stopped, thus only the First Presidency can clear the air on the subject.

Following this report, Elder Dyer urged President Dana to send him tapes containing the subject material that is being taught in these classes.

I told Elder Dyer that the whole matter of these classes being held in Arizona should be looked into and further facts obtained and I instructed him to follow the matter up and report back to me.”

Sat., 2 Mar., 1968:

“10:45 a.m. 

Elder Alvin R. Dyer reported a telephone conversation he had had with President Dana of the Tempe Stake regarding classes being held on the Constitution of the United States, Communism, etc. I asked him to follow through on this matter.

(See diary of March 1, 1968, for details of phone conversation)”

Fri., 8 Mar., 1968:

“8:30 a.m.

First Presidency’s Meeting.  (See Minutes of First Presidency Meeting by Elder Alvin R. Dyer)

(Monthly Classes for Priesthood on the Constitution and Law and Order)

I spoke of the need of the Church taking the initiative in providing the lesson material, through correlation, for a monthly lesson for the combined Priesthood of every Ward and Branch, on the subject of the Constitution, Law and Order, etc.

The reasons I gave for this were: (A) Its timely nature. This will be a riot year; constituted law and order will be flouted. (B) The continued requests we hear from members for direction in opposing the creeping paralysis of Communism and the direction of our Prophet to oppose it. (C) That members of the John Birch Society will hold such classes if we do not. At least if we do something they will not be in a position to say that the Church is doing nothing against a force that seeks to destroy freedom and the right of choice.

I mentioned that the new program for Priesthood in Wards and Branches called for a cessation of the monthly home teaching lesson given to combined Priesthood groups and that this could be replaced by a monthly lesson on the Constitution, or constituted government, law and order.

The President approved this approach, and it was sustained by all present. President Tanner suggested that President Brown be authorized to take the matter up with Elder Lee.

I said that discussing the matter with him would not be enough, that it should be presented to him as the decision of The First Presidency that it be done. President Brown said he would present it to Elder Lee in that way.”

Thur., 21 Mar., 1968:

“8:30 a.m.

Held a brief meeting with the First Presidency. We discussed general matters.

Constitution and Government – Lessons on in Priesthood Meetings

Elder Dyer called attention to a matter that had been discussed previously by the First Presidency relative to an arrangement treating the subject of Constitution and government authority in Ward Priesthood Meetings one Sunday each month. He mentioned a seminar on this subject that is being held in Arizona, concerning which we had written one of the Stake Presidents, and said that at least five separate letters had come to him from representatives of groups, one in Oregon, which group carries the name of TOLD. This latter group, he said, has stationery on which there is a reproduction of the painting by Arnold Friberg of General Moroni speaking in behalf of freedom. These people are asking for permission to continue to use this picture which is copyrighted by the Church on their stationery. He said they are holding classes on matters pertaining to the government and constitution. He mentioned a similar letter that had been received from another group in Montana and one from Salt Lake City. Elder Dyer said that these classes are spreading all over the Church and he thought the way to let our people know where the Church stands is to place into our Priesthood teaching courses a lesson for one Sunday a month on this subject. When this matter was previously discussed by the Presidency, President Brown was requested to confer with Elder Lee, who is chairman of the Correlation Committee, regarding it. Elder Dyer said that he understood that President Brown had talked with Brother Lee who had said that their lessons are all arranged now for the Priesthood course and it would be difficult to change them.

Elder Dyer said he had been in the discussions regarding replacing the home teaching lesson in the Priesthood monthly meetings with other material, and he felt the change had not gone so far that lessons along the lines indicated could not be substituted. He also mentioned that some people are asking to hold these discussions during the Sunday School hour and others during the Mutual hour, and he thought that unless the Church takes the initiative in the matter and gives them the proper material and opportunity, these groups will continue. President Brown said that he would not oppose the proposition if the committee felt it a desirable thing to do. He suggested that Brother Dyer follow the matter up with the committee. Elder Dyer said that he would be glad to do this if he could do it as an assignment from the First Presidency. President Tanner suggested that if we were inclined to make that change we could direct the committee to give the matter consideration and bring back their recommendation. Brother Dyer said that it was his understanding that he would present it to them as a recommendation from the First Presidency that they consider it. President Tanner said there was one thing that gave him some concern in his thinking about this matter and that was that we have said that they cannot use the Church buildings or Church organizations for these discussions, and have taken a firm position on the matter, and yet we have told our people that they are free to join any of these study groups and learn all they can and do what they should in the interest of freedom, etc. He said he sometimes thought that if our people attend these meetings and not promote them they can do much good, but promoting such discussions has some hazards.

Referring to reproducing the General Moroni painting on their stationery and otherwise, it was agreed that we ought not to authorize its use.”

Tues., 26 Mar., 1968:

“8:30 a.m.

Held a meeting of the First Presidency.  Presidents Brown, Tanner and Smith, also Elder Alvin R. Dyer were present.  Among matters discussed were the following:

Constitution of the United States and Government – Priesthood Lessons on 

Elder Dyer reported that at the request of the First Presidency he discuss with the Correlation Committee the matter of devoting one Priesthood Meeting a month in each Ward to a study of governmental matters and particularly the Constitution, he had talked with Elder Monson who is chairman of the adult group of the Correlation Committee and lent him his file so that he could have the complete picture regarding the units that are springing up all over the Church outside of Church jurisdiction. He had asked Elder Monson to consider the possibility of holding such meetings this year. Elder Monson had answered that the Priesthood lessons this year are all on the press so they could not makes a change. He said that he and his committee would take it under consideration to see what might be done at a later time, probably next year.

Thur., 18 Apr., 1968:

“Did not hold a meeting of the First Presidency today.

9:40 a. m. 

Left the Hotel for the Salt Lake Temple.

10 to 1:30 p.m. 

I was very happy to be present this morning, and commenced the meeting promptly at 10:00 a.m. I presided and conducted and directed the reports and discussion on the various matters discussed by the brethren. Although I did not intend to do so, I remained the full 3-1/2 hours of the meeting. Many important matters were discussed during that time, and I wanted to consider them carefully.

One or Two of the Matters Discussed:

Ezra Taft Benson — Letter Addressed to the First Presidency and Council of the Twelve on Dangers Ahead in the Country was Read.

At my request, Elder Benson’s letter on ” Dangers Ahead” dated April 10, 1968 was read at the meeting. In this letter Elder Benson called attention to dangers ahead in the future of our country, and mentioned his conviction (which he claims is supported by some of the best authorities in America) that we are rapidly approaching a substantial economic recession or major depression, etc. (See copy of letter following)

Priesthood Course of Study

Elder Benson mentioned that some months ago I had requested and approved an outline for a course of study for quorums of the Priesthood which has not been used. President Tanner commented that the suggestions made by Elder Benson were all good. He said the only thing he had noticed that we have not done is to put into practice the proposed course of study by the priesthood. 

Referring to the priesthood study course, Elder Romney, speaking for the Correlation Committee, Brother Lee being absent, said that the courses of study for a two-year period in advance. He said although he is not handling it personally, he assumed that the recommendation for a study on communism in each priesthood class has not been formally acted on in the Correlation Committee, but that there is a feeling among the brethren that were we to go forward with that course of study as suggested, it would turn the priesthood quorums all over the Church into a battle between the two extremes, and that the wisdom of that would have to be determined bv the President of the Church himself.

Elder Benson said he was not suggesting a course on communism, but the outline was entitled “The Perfect Law of Liberty”, and it is really a course of study on man to maintain his freedom and free agency, and that communism would be incidental; that the course would go back to the beginning to our preexistent state, and continue from then on. He said it wasn’t his thought to get into controversy — either right or left — but state the basic principles of freedom and free agency, and our belief in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, and then bring in the threat of communism along with it. He thought there was a real need for it in the Church. President Dyer mentioned that he had conferred with Elder Monson, chairman of the Adult Correlation Committee, in regard to this matter, and stated that the lessons are prepared for two years, and that at least the first lessons for the ensuing year are already on the press; that, however, there might be a possibility of working something into the lessons for next year. He said he had turned over to Brother Monson his complete file on the subject; among other things showing the organization of groups in various areas throughout the country sponsored by our people, but without control by the Church or church organizations.

Elder Benson read to the brethren a list of the chapters that were included in the proposes course of study. President Tanner raised a question as to whether it is the responsibility of the Church and of the priesthood to try to direct this kind of discussion. Personally he did not feel that it was. He thought that if we were to do so, we would involve ourselves immediately in the whole question of politics, which he felt presented some dangers. Elder Hinckley mentioned that the course of study that has been provided for the next two years is based on President J. Reuben Clark, Jr. ‘s book. He said that one thing that gives him concern is that whatever course of study is prepared for the priesthood quorums is used in England, Sweden, Japan, Hong Kong, and all over the world where the Church is organized. He said he couldn’t think of any program which would be more likely to create divisiveness in the Church and to increase the natural inclination of people overseas to be critical of America than a program of this kind sponsored by the Church for the study of all priesthood quorums. He said he felt just as alarmed as does Brother Benson about some of the trends in this nation, but he felt a course of study of this kind by the priesthood would do more to divide the Church than to unite it, and that it would tend to influence the meeting of little groups outside the sponsorship of the Church, rather than to stop those things. He said he could not feel that this would have the desired result, but that it would create all kinds of criticism of the Church on the part of our priesthood brethren overseas. Elder Romney said that he thought he was as near to Brother Benson in his feelings as anybody on this subject, but he felt to agree with Brother Hinckley’s feelings that it would not be wise to line up the Church throughout the world against the governments of many of the countries of the world; that our responsibility is to teach the gospel throughout the world, in communist countries as well as others. He said he understood President Tanner to feel that it would be unwise for the Church to go out as an enemy of the governments of the countries where we want to teach the gospel, and we cannot have a course of priesthood study that would attack the governments of some of the countries. 

President Tanner suggested the wisdom of referring this matter to the Correlation Executive Committee for their study and recommendation. He thought if left with them it would be handled in the best possible way. This committee, he mentioned, is composed of Elders Harold B. Lee, Spencer W. Kimball, Marion G. Romney, Richard L. Evans, Howard W. Hunter, Gordon B. Hinckley, Thomas S. Monson, and Bishop John H. Vandenberg. Elder LeGrand Richards commented that there is nothing that can divide us more than a discussion of political issues.

I said it would be all right to leave this with the Correlation Executive Committee.

“April 10, 1968

The First Presidency and

Council of the Twelve


Re: Dangers Ahead 

Dear Brethren:

While I hope you will not consider me an “alarmist”, I am deeply concerned regarding the future of our country and the impact which the policies of the last 35 years are having and will continue to have upon our country and the members of the Church. It is my conviction that the United States and its great majority of honest, hard-working and decent citizens have never been in greater danger than at the present time.

It is my conviction, supported by some of the best authorities in America, who are not in the public eye, that we are rapidly approaching a substantial economic recession or major depression. Present strikes, zooming interest rates, restrictive money policies, speculation, and stock volume draw a frightening close parallel to the year 1929 which most of us remember well. The addition of our immense private debt and the ever rising government deficits could combine to cause one of history’s most devastating financial debacles. Great dangers are rapidly developing which will likely result in a series of serious crises between now and 1970.

Destruction from within which is fast developing in our beloved country is rapidly taking the form of anarchy and bloody revolt which is and has been fomented by the Communist masters of Russia. The purpose is the destruction of America from within as President David O. McKay has been warning for years.

By Communist agents over a period of years the yellow man has been incited against the white man in China. In the Middle East Arabs are incited against Jews and for many years carefully trained Communist agitators have done everything in their power to make Negroes hate white men and white men hate Negroes.

Recent riots, and more to follow, are merely “warm-ups” or rehearsals for what the Communist high command plans as the “big push” a year or two or three hence. The “march on Washington” of 5,000 Negroes and white radicals, the killing of Martin Luther King (a Communist or Communist tool) to make room for more vigorous leadership is all in preparation for the ultimate mobilization of all the dissident elements at a time when the United States is in the throes of a serious economic depression. These Godless destroyers of America anticipate that during such a period some 20 million or more people will be out of work, millions more will be suffering foreclosures of their homes as in the 1930’s. Banks will be closing and a weak and impotent President and Congress will be sitting fearfully in Washington as they are doing today during the preliminaries.

A so-called investigation of racial riots by the recent presidentially appointed commission is a farce and will be totally unproductive of any real deterrent to “anarchy in the streets” in the future . If the truth were known, the F.B.I. has made some investigations that would disclose clearly who is “back” of the riots, but the reports have not been made public. In fact, the President himself has power to order U.S. Attorneys throughout the country to impanel special grand juries to immediately and thoroughly investigate who instigated the riots but it is doubtful he will do so. It is also doubtful that Congress will make a thorough investigation although it may go through the motions.

Real investigation would no doubt reveal-some politically unpalatable facts about the connections of some radically involved supporters of the present administration.

Looking ahead it seems to me to be quite clear that we may expect three or four crises which are definitely in the formative or evolutionary stage. These may include:

1. Concerted racial violence in a hundred or more cities. These riots will be extended to many of the urban middle-class areas.

2. The possible outbreak of World War III.

3. A monetary and credit squeeze of great severity and,

4. A prolonged recession or depression.

One or more of these may be avoided by changes in policy of the present administration or by the election of new leadership.

These threatening dangers impose serious obligations on the leadership of the Church. What can be done? As a minimum, I believe we should give increased attention to the following:

1. The Priesthood of the Church must be alerted and informed regarding the threat to our freedom by the Godless Conspiracy. Some months ago the President of the Church requested and approved an outline for a course of study for Quorums of the Priesthood. It has not been used. The need is much greater today.

2. The recommendation of the Church over a period of years that our people keep a year’s supply of basic food and other products on hand is more important today than ever.

3. Our people should be encouraged to pay their debts, get their homes clear of encumbrances where possible and get some cash on hand preferably in the form of coins. If possible it would be well to have access to a small home away from big centers of population, and to have land and equipment ready for productive use. No home or law abiding person should be without means of defense. Neighborhoods should be organized for defense. Pending bills in Congress to limit the sale of fire arms would simply handicap law abiding citizens without effectively preventing the lawless from burning, looting and wrecking homes and businesses and killing or raping the occupants.

4. Every member of the Priesthood should magnify his calling. Every father should stand at the head of his home – attend to family prayers, hold regular home evenings and with the cooperation of his wife promote real family solidarity by teaching their children the ways of the Lord.

The threat to our peace, prosperity and freedom from within is very real. The days ahead are ominous to say the least.

Sincerely your brother,

Ezra Taft Benson”

Wed., 22 May, 1968:

“9:00 a. m.

Held a brief meeting with the First Presidency in the Apartment at the Hotel Utah. Presidents Brown, Smith, and Dyer were present. President N. Eldon Tanner is in New York, and President Thorpe B. Isaacson is still confined to his home. We gave consideration to five or six items, among which were:

Czechoslovakian Mission — No Mission President to be Appointed at Present

We discussed correspondence that had been received regarding the problems that have arisen in Czechoslovakia. Russia is indicating a more strict policy with regard to the people of that country, and will possibly send a greater number of troups to occupy the land.

President Brown said that a man by the name of Caldwell, who is the second secretary in the Canadian Embassy in London, is very much interested in the Czechoslovakian situation; that he is a returned missionary from Czechoslovakia. Yesterday a man called from the BYU who is also a returned missionary from that country. These brethren both think that we should wait a little while until the present unsettled condition in Czechoslovakia subsides.

Elder Benson has been working on the matter, and he agreed with this suggestion. It is felt that if a local man is placed in charge of our affairs there, it would be better than someone from the other missions in Europe. There are some good men there whom they would like to recommend to us later on.

I said that we had better wait and see what develops in that country before appointing a Mission President.

Wed., 21 Aug., 1968:

John Birch Society – Re: Alleged Activities of this Society in the Kearns Stake – President Merrill A. Nelson Participating

Upon invitation we met with President Merrill A. Nelson of the Kearns Stake regarding a Fireside Meeting which had been held in the Kearns Stake at which John Birch Society matters were discussed.

After listening to the whole story from President Nelson, who had conducted himself well and displayed a good spirit, I stated that I felt his (President Nelson’s) answer was satisfactory. President Nelson then departed from the meeting.

(See copy of First Presidency Minutes and President Dyer’s Minutes)”

“(Minutes of the First Presidency on Meeting with President Merrill A. Nelson of the

Kearns Stake)

President Merrill A. Nelson of Kearns Stake

President Merrill A. Nelson of the Kearns Stake called upon invitation of the First Presidency and the brethren read to him a letter of complaint that had been received from members of his stake, also a memorandum of an interview with Secretary Anderson by the bishop of one of the wards in his stake, regarding a meeting that had been held in the stake at which John Birch Society matters were discussed. President Nelson said that he is a member of the John Birch Society and is proud to be a member of that organization because of the conditions that exist in our country today, and especially among government officials. He presented in detail the facts pertaining to the meeting referred to stating that having inquired of Elder Gordon B. Hinckley’s office regarding Bill Turner, who had served as a warrant officer in Viet Nam and was reported to him as being a very fine speaker, he was told that he wouldn’t go wrong in inviting Brother Turner to the stake to talk to the people. President Nelson said he conferred with his counselors and it was agreed to invite the man to speak at a meeting Sunday night at 8:00 following the sacrament meeting, that he was not available on the week nights that they had open. President Nelson mentioned that he invited several of the stake presidents in the surrounding area to come listen to this talk. In the meantime he had talked with Mark Anderson, who has an office next to his. He said that at that time Brothel Anderson was not an ofIicer of the John Birch Society but was a candidate on the Republican ticket for senate. Brother Anderson was invited to introduce Brother Turner at this meeting, which he did. He said that Brother Turner gave one of the finest missionary talks he had ever heard. He reported that he had been in charge of the LDS mission services in Viet Nam. He said that when he left Viet Nam he signed a paper to the effect that he would not give any speeches about Viet Nam or write any articles, but he would answer questions. He then went on to tell about conditions in Viet Nam which were inexplicable so far as help to the enemy was concerned. He said that the people asked what could be done to correct this situation and Brother Turner suggested that they could write their congressmen, and he also mentioned that there were petitions being circulated through the nation and they could sign one of these petitions if they wished to do so. President Nelson said he then closed the meeting and he held a meeting with the counselors in the stake presidency and the high council, that while he was in this meeting many people remained in the chapel and he later learned the Viet Nam situation was discussed and some petitions were circulated and signed. In the discussion following the meeting he said he was informed there were two young men who were home from Viet Nam who took exception to what Brother Turner had said, claiming that the statements he made were not true. President Nelson said he later asked one of these men what was wrong with what Brother Turner had said and he had said that there was nothing wrong but that he and the other serviceman came to the meeting especially to contradict what Brother Turner had said. The brethren mentioned to President Nelson the unwisdom of inviting Mark Anderson to be there and introduce the speakers. President Tanner said that President McKay has said on a number of occasions that anyone can join the John Birch Society who wishes to do so and still be in good standing in the Churcll, but that they should not use the Church to obtain members nor should they use our Church buildings to promote any political belief or philosoplly. President Tanner referred to a statement on this subject recently published by the First Presidency in the Deseret News. Referring to the charges made against him by one of his bishops, President Nelson said that he did not receive any financial compensation of any kind from the John Birch Society and that the only Birch meeting that he had authorized was one held in his own home to which he invited members of the stake presidency and high council. President Nelson said that other than this he had done no proselyting for the Birch people.

In answer to a question by President Brown he said that one of his counselors belongs to the John Birch Society and also one of the high councilors. President Nelson said another thing he considered wrong was that Mark Anderson brought with him some literature for political purposes regarding the Birch Society which he gave to one of the members. The brethren told President Nelson that it was a mistake to permit the distribution of petitions in the Church building.

President Nelson said that before the meeting was held he talked to Mark Anderson in his office and told him he would rather not have him introduce the speaker in the meeting to be held, and also that he could not under any circumstances make it known that Brother Anderson was a candidate for political office, that, however, in spite of this, he had gone forward and made the introduction.

President Nelson assured the brethren that he felt bad about what happened and that he would guard against such things in the future.

Minutes by Joseph Anderson.”

“(Minutes of President Alvin R. Dyer Re: Fireside at Kearns Stake)

President Tanner read a number of letters from individuals concerning the particular Fireside meeting in question.

President Nelson stated that he was aware that a number of people had written to the Presidency concerning him and his alleged activities, but he said they had never shown him the courtesy of providing copies of their letters of charge against him, so he did not know what they had said.

He then said to President McKay that he loved the Constitution of the United States and wanted in every way to sustain and support it.

He reported that there had been reported to him a certain serviceman who had returned from Viet Nam by the name of William Turner who had been giving a number of talks in various Wards which were highlighted by his missionary activities wherein he had brought some one hundred men into the Church. He stated, with this recommendation, that William Turner was invited to speak at a Stake Fireside which was to be held in the Chapel of the Kearns Stake Center. He stated that he had asked Mark Anderson, who is a candidate for the Senate in the State of Utah to be present and introduce Brother Turner. President Nelson acknowledged that this was a mistake and he endeavored to get out of this but could not do so and so it had to follow through; but that he had advised Brother Anderson that he was in no way to use this occasion as a means for any political propaganda.

President Nelson stated that the Fireside itself developed no problems; that Mark Anderson introduced Brother Turner who gave a very fine talk. After his talk was when the problems developed. He stated that he was completely unaware and never intended that anything such as transpired was to happen. This constituted some slight applause in the Chapel and also one individual raising a petition saying those who wanted to sign it requesting the Government not to sell merchandise to the enemy could do so at that time and that a number of people remained in the Chapel to discuss matters which individuals could construe as a planned Birchite propaganda session. Brother Nelson stated that he had nothing to do with this and was surprised himself at some of the things that developed. He said that if he were doing it over again he would know now how not to make the same mistakes that were made in connection with this meeting.

President Nelson acknowledged that he was a member of the John Birch Society and he said he was proud of it because here is an active force that is working against the spread of Communism in the United States and throughout the world. He also mentioned another matter which was a disappointment to him wherein Mark Anderson had brought with him some campaign literature in his seeking for the Senate seat which he passed out to some individuals after the meeting. President Nelson acknowledged the mistakes that he had made, but said that they were not intentional; that his desire was to do only that which was expected of him as a Stake President.

I asked President Nelson if he knew of any individuals in his Stake who had joined the John Birch Society because of their knowledge that he, as the Stake President, was a member of that Society. His answer was that there was not a single individual which indicated that he had not put any pressure nor had projected the John Birch Society among any of the members of the Stake.

President Nelson had a very fine spirit and conducted himself very well in answering the question at hand. President McKay stated that he felt that his answer was satisfactory and thus Brother Nelson left.


President Nelson had visited me the day before and advised me that he had received word to appear before the First Presidency on this morning. I advised him to speak only before the entire First Presidency since there was some question as to whether he should not make his report just to President Brown or President Tanner. I advised him that if I were in his position, I would make my report only to the First Presidency as a whole and this he advised them he would do. I further advised him to tell his story as completely and simply as possible directly to President McKay when the time arrived. He had made the preceding report.”

Thur., 22 Aug., 1968:

“At 9:15 a. m. held a meeting with my counselors – Presidents Brown, Tanner, and Dyer.

Some of the items discussed were:

Benson, Elder Ezra Taft – Compilation of Talks in Book Form

President Brown mentioned that the other day he had brought me a report from Elder Lee, together with letters from Elders Marion G. Romney and Howard W. Hunter, who had read the talks by Elder Ezra Taft Benson which Brother Jerrald Newquist desires to publish in book form. President Brown asked me if I had any decision to make on the matter. President Tanner mentioned that the things that concerned Elders Lee, Romney, and Hunter most were frequent references in some of the speeches to the views and statements often given in private by me, and wittingly or unwittingly implying that the speaker, Brother Benson, was expressing the views of the Church. President Dyer suggested that Brother Benson be asked to delete these inferences from the book if it were to be published.

President Dyer said he did not think it was fair to prohibit the publication of the book just because there were several things in it that these brethren questioned. (It was apparent to me that Presidents Brown and Tanner were arguing that the book be not published.) President Dyer thought that in fairness Elder Benson should know the objections and be given the privilege of making the necessary corrections if he desired so to do, as there is much good in his writings.

I directed President Brown to send a letter to Elder Lee and the Reading Committee instructing them to point out to Elder Benson the various features they considered objectionable, and ascertain what he wishes to do About it.

Note by President Dyer:

Telephone Conversation with President Arthur Kay – Seattle Stake

I later talked to Elder Benson confidentially and advised him of the forthcoming criticism and suggested that he give consideration to the feelings of the Reading Committee, relating my own experience to him.

I later talked to Dr. Arthur Kay of the Seattle Stake who is the Stake President where Gerrald Newquist lives. It is to be recalled that in the First Presidency meeting President Brown alleged that Brother Newquist is a member of the John Birch Society and consequently, if the book were published, it would be used as propaganda by the Society.

Not knowing Newquist personally, but knowing of his previously published compilations, (A) Prophets and Principles and National Survival; and (B) Discourses and Writings of George Q. Cannon; I felt to satisfy my own curiosity to find out if Brother Newquist was actually a member of the John Birch Society. This is the reason why I talked to Dr. Kay, his Stake President. President Kay stated that he regarded Brother Newquist as a very solid member of the Church. He has four children, two of which are married. He is a member of the Seattle Stake High Council. He is a jet pilot for the United Airlines and he is not now, nor ever has been, a member of the John Birch Society. I gave Joseph Anderson, the secretary of the First Presidency, a memo stating these facts as I had learned them concerning Gerrald L. Newquist, that they could become part of the minutes rather than the erroneous statements made by President Brown concerning this man.”

Note by CM:

Czechoslovakia – Russians Quell Demands for More Freedom with Military Might


President McKay was very worried this morning over the news that Russia had gone into Czechoslovakia with soldiers, guns, and tanks to use their might in putting down an uprising by the people for more freedom from the Russians.”

Mon., 26 Aug., 1968:

“Did not hold a meeting of the First Presidency today.

Czechoslovakia — Invasion of by the Communists

Knowing that I am interested in the plight of the Czechoslovakian people, since the Communists went into their country with their armed might to stop all attempts of the people to get out from under the Communist yoke, Clare reported that Americans who were in the country and witnessed the Russians with their tanks and guns shooting down the people in the streets–even children–were horrified. Actress Shirley Temple (Mrs. Charles Black) who was in Czechoslovakia in the interests of one of the foundations for crippled people was so stunned at what she saw and heard that when the reporters interviewed her she could not talk. One of her companions gave the story to the reporter.

I stated that the Communists will never surrender their main aim -that of world conquest — no matter what they say or do.”

Tues., 27 Aug., 1968:

“9:30 a.m.

Held a meeting with counselors – Presidents Brown, Tanner, Smith, and Dyer.

Communism – Action to be Taken Against a Member Who Is Chairman of the Utah Communist Party

Attention was called to a letter from Elder Mark E. Petersen reporting a telephone conversation with President Ernest A. Strong of the Kolob Stake about one of his members who is identified as the Chairman of the Utah Communist Party. President Strong asks what if anything should be done regarding this man’s membership in the Church.

It was the sentiment of the brethren that Elder Petersen be authorized to call the man, Wayne Thomas Holley, into his office and discuss the question with him, ascertain what his beliefs are, etc., and if he is an admitted communist, action should be taken against him.

Elder Petersen was to bring back his recommendation after discussing the matter with Brother Holley.

Thur., 24 Oct., 1968:

“8:40 a. m. Meeting of the First Presidency in the hotel apartment. Present were: Presidents N. Eldon Tanner and Alvin R. Dyer. President Hugh B. Brown indisposed and President Joseph Fielding Smith meeting with the Twelve.

The following matters were taken up:

General Conference – Talks Given During

Reference was made to questions that have been raised by presidents of stakes and mission presidents in Germany, the British Isles, etc., and also by the Era, regarding talks that have been given in conference by the brethren of the Authorities such as the one given by Brother Benson at the recent General Conference regarding the responsibilities we have to oppose socialism, etc. A letter had been received from the President of the Manchester Stake stating that certain talks at the conference could create a problem, and he asks for some clarification before the conference pamphlet is published. He mentioned an address by one of the brethren reminding the people that we are under obligation to heed the counsel of the General Authorities as being from the Lord, and that on Friday morning an address was given denouncing all forms of socialism in governments, and specifically mentioning England. He explains that over half of the members of his stake in England vote socialist and that members of the stake presidency, high council and bishoprics support that cause, that there is therefore some confusion in regard to how they should accept these statements. The brethren were agreed that in General Conference the Authorities should talk about principles and leave politics or pointed attacks on politics out of their talks.

Thur., 31 Oct., 1968:

“A meeting of the First Presidency was held this morning at 9:00 a. m. in the President’s hotel apartment. Present were: Presidents N. Eldon Tanner and Alvin R. Dyer. President Brown was indisposed and President Joseph Fielding Smith was meeting with the Twelve.

The following matters were discussed:

Book – Publication of Jerreld Newquist’s Manuscript of Talks by Elder Ezra Taft Benson

A letter was read from Elder Ezra Taft Benson relative to a manuscript prepared by Jerreld Newquist containing talks and writings by him which has been referred to the Church Reading Committee. Elder Benson states that Elders Harold B. Lee, Marion G. Romney and Howard W. Hunter of the Committee had read the manuscript and made some comments as to suggested changes, which suggestions Elder Benson says have been adopted in the manuscript. He now asks if approval may be given for the publication of the manuscript.

I gave my approval, the brethren concurring, that inasmuch as the suggested corrections and amendments have been made there should be no objection to its publication.

Sat., 7 Dec., 1968:

“Note by CM:

This morning at 8:30 the secretary received a long-distance call from New York City from Elder Ezra Taft Benson who stated that he had just completed his tour of the Oriental Missions and had returned via New York City in order to visit his daughter and had just learned of the ground-breaking services of the Washington Temple, and since he was the first President of the Washington Stake, and had been on the ground-work for the need of the Temple, he had decided to attend the services. He asked that President McKay be notified that he will attend these services, and felt sure that the President would approve of his attending.

John Birch Society – Suggestion to Send Telegram of Congratulations

Then Elder Benson said: “Clare, President McKay has told me on various occasions that there are two things he regretted in his presidency: (1) the untimely decision, which was later changed, to move the college at Rexburg to Idaho Falls; and (2) the issuing of the statement in the public press against the John Birch Society.”

“Now”, continued Elder Benson, “in order to alleviate that feeling about the John Birch Society, I wonder, since they are celebrating their 10th Anniversary tonight at a meeting and banquet in Indianapolis, Indiana, if President McKay would send a telegram similar to the following: ‘John Birch Society, c/o Mr. Robert Welch, Stauffer Inn, Indianapolis, Indiana — Congratulations upon reaching ten years of courageous and effective service in defense of our freedom and acquainting the American people with the insidious dangers of the atheistic communistic conspiracy. Best wishes for future success in the fight to preserve our God-given liberties.'”

The secretary told Elder Benson that she thought it would be impossible to reach the President by telephone this morning to discuss the above matter, but that she would see what she could do. She did try to call the President, but was informed by the nurse that he was in a meeting with his son Lawrence and Fred E. Schluter of Trenton, New Jersey, and that he could not be interrupted.

Clare then called President Alvin R. Dyer and informed him of Elder Benson’s desire to have the above telegram sent to Robert Welch, and President Dyer advised against the sending of the telegram. He said it would have an “adverse affect upon the Church and that it would be used by the John Birch Society everywhere–in their publications etc.” He said it would be better for President McKay to make a statement, probably at Conference time, complimenting societies, some of which have now fought atheistic communism for ten years, and that in that way President McKay could get over to the people a message about the Church’s feeling regarding Communism. President Dyer said that inasmuch as this meeting will be held on this very day, it would bring pressure on President McKay, and that it is not fair to place this decision on him in this way. He said that he would talk to Elder Benson about this matter upon his return to the city. No further report was given on this matter. 

Wed., 8 Jan., 1969:

“[First Presidency Meeting, Tanner, Smith, Dyer and McKay present.]

Society of Moroni:

President Dyer reported on the letter he had received from President Knudson of the San Diego Stake with regard to the Society that had originated there, purportedly to fight Communism, which had taken the name of the Society of Moroni.

President Dyer reported that in accordance with my instructions he had counseled them concerning this matter not to use the name Moroni or any other name that would infer that the group is Church affiliated and that they had ceased to use this name.”

Wed., 22 Jan, 1969:

“Due to a cold President McKay was not present at the First Presidency’s meeting held today.

Two matters of importance discussed were:

Book – Jerreld Newquist’s Manuscript of Talks by Elder Ezra Taft Benson

President Tanner reported regarding the assignment given to Elders Mark E. Petersen and Thomas S. Monson to confer with Marvin Wallin of Bookcraft regarding the Lindsay Curtis book. While they were there they learned that the new Ezra Taft Benson book compiled by Jerreld Newquist had on the inside jacket that the book had been approved by the Reading Committee and the First Presidency.

Note by President Alvin R. Dyer

“President Brown then said, ‘I thought that we got that book stopped.’ President Tanner made the query as to where the approval had come from for the book to be in a publishing form with Bookcraft. Joseph Anderson then left the meeting, went to his office, and returned with a letter to Brother Benson indicating that changes and recommendations of the Reading Committee had been met and, inasmuch as they had, that the First Presidency had no objection to the publishing of the material. This was signed by David O. McKay, Hugh B. Brown, and N. Eldon Tanner. I then mentioned the fact that approval had been given, virtually, to Brother Benson to publish the material as evidenced by the letter which they had signed.

“I then commented that I had talked to Brother Benson about two of the chapters in the book which leveled abject criticism at constituted authorities of the Government and had encouraged him to remove these chapters, which he had done. I told them that I was sure that Brother Benson realized that the removing of objections to the publication of the book did not mean that it had the approval of the Reading Committee or of the First Presidency since the First Presidency does not give approval to books of this nature. It was determined that the information proposed to be contained on the inner side of the jacket of the book would be checked into and, if such a statement was to be placed there, that it would be removed before publication.

“Both President Brown and Tanner seemed out of patience with the fact that the book had gotten so far toward publishing and I mentioned to them that, ‘You brethren, yourselves, signed the letter, so there isn’t anything that can be done about that.’ President Tanner then said that the letter should never have been written.””

Mon., 3 Feb, 1969:

“8:45 to 10:30 a. m. Held a meeting of the First Presidency. Present were Presidents Hugh B. Brown, N. Eldon Tanner, Joseph Fielding Smith and Alvin R. Dyer.

The following were among the matters discussed:

John Birch Society – TACT, TOLD

Reference was made to a letter addressed to the members of the First Presidency by Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Parsons of Richfield, Utah. Brother Parsons states that he is an ex-bishop and currently high priest group leader in the ward, that he and his family have joined the John Birch Society which they did following my talk in the General Priesthood meeting at the April 1966 Conference, and that they feel that it is their responsibility to warn their friends and accordingly have tried to hold educational meetings along this line. They say, however, that they are somewhat bewildered at times because of the difference of opinion that seems to prevail on the subject between some of the members of the General Authorities. The brethren commented upon the difficulty that we have been encountering and are encountering because of talks that are given by Elder Benson in various places criticizing leading men of the nation, etc., and claiming that they are communistically inclined. It was decided to write these people the usual letter about the Church’s attitude toward the Birch Society. In this connection President Dyer mentioned that he had received a letter from a man in Indiana where Brother Benson had been to conference who said that he came home from the conference spiritually impoverished because of the reference to certain governmental officials in Brother Benson’s conference talk stating what the people should be doing to counteract these things. President Dyer said that this man had said that he and his family were at first considering the possibility of withdrawing from the Church but because of their love of the gospel and their testimony they felt they could not do this. President Tanner mentioned that this question had been discussed in detail by the First Presidency and the Twelve some time ago at which time I had directed Brother Benson not to do this any more in his Church work but that he has continued to do it. President Dyer said that this man in his letter mentioned also that so many of the brethren go there to conference and tell stories and take up the time but do not preach the gospel.

President Dyer also stated that it was his belief that the statements made by me, which have been printed and circulated, are sometimes taken advantage of and abused in their application. He cited for example the organization of TACT and TOLD which were organized by members of the Church throughout the northwest and in some cases in Arizona, where regular meetings were being held and that such meetings developed into a denunciation of the United States Government and also the governmental leaders. President Dyer expressed the opinion that he knew that I was opposed to Communism and the inroads that are being made in our way of life and that we, as a people, should be opposed to it and he felt there was a genuine opposition to this by the brethren, but it is probable that well-meaning members are going beyond this in endeavoring to set up centers of interest for themselves and their groups.

President Dyer asked if I might be willing to make a further statement at this Conference which might help clarify, at least to some of these groups, just how I and the Church felt about this matter.

Note by President Dyer:

“After the others had left the meeting, I stayed with President McKay for a brief visit and discussed with him personally the articles that had been sent out under his name concerning Communism regarding which, I believe, there is some misunderstanding. I suggested to the President that perhaps I could get this material together and then discuss it with him and if he felt to make any changes or clarifications this could be done and incorporated in one of the talks that he would give at the April General Conference of the Church. President McKay encouraged me to get this material together and to discuss it with him.”

Wed., 12 Feb, 1969:

“9:00 a. m. First Presidency Meeting in President McKay’s Apartment. Present were: Presidents Hugh B. Brown, N. Eldon Tanner, Joseph Fielding Smith and Alvin R. Dyer.

Among the matters discussed were the following:

Elder Ezra Taft Benson–Complaint Regarding his Talks

A letter was read from Dennis R. Judd, John W. Rider and Brent W. Brown referring to Brother Ezra Taft Benson’s remarks at the recent quarterly conference of the Illinois Stake. They claim that his talk dwelt largely on political matters, that he discussed “Godless communism” and “Socialism” and linked these “insidious influences” to the decisions of the Supreme Court, the Civil Rights movement, and other political matters. President Dyer mentioned that he could see no objection personally to making references to the principles of free agency and unrighteous dominion, that these are gospel principles, but it was another matter when we begin to localize these things and tie them to officials in government, that this creates confused feelings among the people. President Dyer mentioned a letter that he had received from someone else in regard to this same conference and Elder Benson’s remarks on that occasion. President Brown had received a letter from another man on the same question with which he enclosed copy of a letter he had written to Brother Benson about the matter, together with a copy of Brother Benson’s reply saying that if he would keep his eye on the prophet he would be all right, that if his, Brother Benson’s, teachings are published in the Era he might know that they have the sanction of the Church.

I asked what conclusion the brethren had reached regarding the matter. President Tanner said the same conclusion that was arrived at about two years ago, that Elder Benson should discontinue this kind of thing, and particularly in stake conferences, and should limit himself to talking about the gospel and its applications. President Tanner said that he thought I made as clear a statement on the subject as he had heard made in the meeting of the Council of the First Presidency and the Twelve at that time. 

I said that there is no reason why we should not continue that understanding.

Note by President Alvin R. Dyer

“During this day I met with Elder Ezra Taft Benson and discussed with him a letter signed by three men of the Priesthood from the Champagne, Illinois, area and also a letter which I had received from that same area concerning a talk which he gave at a Stake Conference which highlighted the denouncement of Communism and of certain blames placed upon members of the Supreme Court of the United States concerning present difficulties in the United States.

“In my own feelings Brother Benson is a man of great influence and Gospel messages about righteous and unrighteous dominion and free agency are not out of line but to localize and denounce Governmental Agencies in a Stake Conference would create wrong impressions and set up controversies among the people. I expressed these thoughts to him and suggested that he might give concern to the matter.

“Elder Benson said that his talk was not out of line as he felt it. I then asked the question if it might be possible that a tape was made of his talk and that if we could receive this then we could refute the statements that were made by these men.

“In my own way of thinking, I think it would be a tragedy if we did not have the freedom of speech for a man of the caliber and type of Brother Benson. However, when issues are spoken of that create divisions among our people, then these issues should be avoided. I believe that a campaign against Communism and origins of unrighteous dominion can be carried on within the realms of the teachings of the Gospel just as effectively as when we attempt to denounce those in public office.”

Tues., 25 Feb, 1969:

“9:30 a.m. Meeting of the First Presidency in the President’s Hotel Apartment. Present were Presidents Hugh B. Brown, N. Eldon Tanner, Joseph Fielding Smith and Alvin R. Dyer.

The following were some of the matters discussed:

NOTE: The following is quoted from President Dyer’s minutes of the First Presidenty meeting regarding the statements President McKay has made on communism:

Note by President Alvin R. Dyer:

“As President McKay had requested, the statement made by him which various Church members, particularly in the West, are incorrectly using as a reason to form groups and hold regular meetings, some during Church regular sessions, but away from Chapels, to discuss Communism, the Constitution, and failures of our Government to act to curtail Communism, the defection of our Supreme Court, etc., was identified, and was given in the General Priesthood Meeting held on April 9, 1966. Read by his son Robert R. McKay.

“President Dyer produced various letters and circulars to show responses taken, including the formation of organized groups such as TOLD (Title of Liberty Defenders) and TACT (Truth About Civil Turmoil)–and the former was most active, with headquarters in Portland and now spreading throughout the West. I told of recent report from Bishop Kevin Watts, Cottonwood Second Ward, where a controversy is now raging.

“It can be seen that the intent of President McKay’s remarks to oppose Communism, is being abused and in some areas causing divisions among the members.

“President Dyer made the recommendation that he felt the best way to curtail these movements within the Church, and to abide by the spirit of President McKay’s remarks, was to have placed in the Melchizedek Priesthood class study manual some lessons on the principles of Free Agency, Patriotism, Righteous Dominion, etc. to positively approach the matter rather than negatively.

“Approval was given to this and President Dyer directed to meet with Correlation Executive Committee for this purpose. If this could be done, President McKay will say something about it at the General Priesthood Meeting.”

Thur., 13 Mar, 1969:

“8:45 a. m. Meeting of the First Presidency in the President’s Hotel Apartment with Presidents Hugh B. Brown, N. Eldon Tanner, and Alvin R. Dyer present. President Joseph Fielding Smith meeting with the Twelve.

Among the matters discussed were the following:

Note by CM:

President Dyer met with Elder Harold B. Lee Concerning President McKay’s Priesthood talk and the statement prepared with regard to the activities of various organizations such as TOLD, the John Birch Society, TACT and others in the Wards and Stakes. According to President Dyer, Brother Lee stated that to have the statement read in the Priesthood Meeting would be a great accomplishment and he encouraged President Dyer.”

Mon., 24 Mar, 1969:

“In Huntsville.

Note by CM:

At the suggestion of Lawrence McKay to turn over the matter of Conference Speakers to the counselors, Secretary Clare Middlemiss went to President Brown to show him the list of proposed speakers, including the broadcast speakers which had been gone over by President McKay before he left for Huntsville.

President Brown was quite disturbed over the fact that Elder Ezra Taft Benson and President Joseph Fielding Smith were assigned to the broadcast sessions. He said that all Elder Benson ever talks about is political and that President Smith does not give a good talk over the air. (President Brown said he could not sleep nights because of the condition of the Church.)”

Tues., 25 Mar, 1969:

“I held no meeting of the First Presidency today. However my counselors met in the First Presidency’s Office and took up the following matter of importance:

Proposed Article by President McKay

President Dyer reported that he had prepared a statement as a suggestion to be included in my General Priesthood talk at conference clarifying my statement made in the General Priesthood meeting of conference in 1966 on the matter of encouraging people to join groups to inform themselves regarding the constitution etc. The proposed statement has been read by Presidents Brown and Tanner and also Elder Harold B. Lee. President Dyer said he would attempt to get this before me for my approval.

Sat., 5 Apr, 1969:

“7:00 p. m. Priesthood Session

My son Lawrence read my Priesthood talk “Let Virtue Garnish Thy Thoughts”. See copy of remarks which I made on Communism clarifying the Church’s position; also a copy of the complete talk which follows.

(See newspaper clippings)

Note by President Alvin R. Dyer

“I had given this talk to Lawrence McKay, explaining the situation. Late Friday evening he called on the phone to say that he had visited with his father three times and that every word of the talk had been gone over with his father and that some word and phrase changes were made.  He stated that President McKay approved every word of the talk, including the statement which we had prepared for him with regard to the neutrality of the Church concerning certain political and other idealogical movements, and was enthusiastic about it.”

(Remarks on Communism clarifying statement at April 1966 Priesthood Session)

In the United States of America, the Constitution vouchsafes individual freedom, and let us pray also, that the Lord will frustrate the plans of the Communists who would deprive us of freedom.

I desire to refer to some remarks concerning Communism which I made in the General Priesthood meeting three years ago. At that Priesthood Conference, in addition to the encouragement to study the Constitution and be alert to Communistic inroads that would undermine it, I said the following:

“The Church, out of respect for the rights of all its members to have their political views and loyalties, must maintain the strictest possible neutrality. We have no intention of trying to interfere with the fullest and freest exercise of the political franchise of our members under and within our Constitution, which the Lord declared he established ‘by the hands of wise men whom (he) raised up unto this very purpose.’ (D&C 10l:80) and which, as to the principles thereof, the Prophet Joseph Smith, dedicating the Kirtland Temple, prayed should be ‘established forever.’ (D&C 109:54. ) The Church does not yield any of its devotion to or convictions about safeguarding the American principles and the establishments of government under federal and state constitutions and the civil rights of men safeguarded by these.

The position of this Church, however, on the subject of Communism has never c changed.  We consider it the greatest satanical threat to peace, prosperity, and the spread of God’s work among men that exists on the face of the earth. ” (End of Quote.) 

It is suggested that, in educating themselves on the perils of Communism, members should not expect Bishops and Stake Presidents to join with them, or through their positions lend support to their efforts, since they are expected to maintain a strict neutrality as referred to. Nor should organized movements to become informed on Communism impose their ideas upon the membership of the Church in any area, in a manner that may lead to division among the members. Nor should Bishops, Stake Presidents, and other Church leaders take the lead in support of such efforts of groups in such a way as to impose such movements upon other Church members.

It is the right and obligation of every citizen and therefore every member of the Church, to be alert and to be informed about social, educational, Communistic, and other political influences that would tend to undermine our free society. But it would defeat its own purposes if it were done in a manner that would tend toward division in our own membership.

It must never be forgotten that converts to the Church come from all nations, representing diverse views on controversial issues. Ours must be the responsibility to teach our members from all nations the true doctrines of Christ with such power that they be fortified against all false ideas regardless of the label under which they may be presented.

The Melchizedek Priesthood Course of Study for the coming year will include in the lesson material some such subjects as “Liberty and Freedom,” “Religion and the State,” “The Dangers of Communism,” and other subjects considered of vital inlportance in the study of the profound truths of the Gospel.

The study of these lessons will enable the brethren of the Priesthood to become better acquainted with forces that are opposed to righteousness, as well as with the Lord’s Plan of Salvation for all His children.”

Fri., 11 Apr, 1969:

“Held no meeting of the First Presidency today.

Note by CM:

Clare was with the President an hour today. He was very grateful to see her and told hear three times what a “wonderful” girl she is. She read the Conference letters from Korea and from Elder Franklin J. Murdock. (See April 6, 1969. )

They talked about the statement read at the Priesthood Session on Communism. Clare reported that President Brown had said that Brother Benson wrote the original statement on the John Birch Society and the statement about study groups read at the April 1966 Priesthood Meeting. President Brown then said that the President wished he had never made the statements. Clare told Brother Brown that the President had said he would stand or fall on his April 1966 statement and President McKay said to Clare, “Good for you”.”

Mon., 12 May, 1969:

“9:30 a. m. Meeting of the First Presidency in the President’s Hotel Apartment. Present were Presidents Hugh B. Brown, Joseph Fielding Smith.

President Brown and President Smith called at the hotel apartment this morning and discussed with me the matter of a message to be given by President Brown from the First Presidency in his devotional talk tomorrow at the BYU. President Brown stated that Elder Ezra Taft Benson had made a talk at the Y last week which was a very inflammatory speech against the government and the United Nations. He said it left the students with the feeling that what Brother Benson said was the Church’s position. President Brown felt that the First Presidency should make a statement of their position regarding sustaining law. He had prepared a statement which was read to me emphasizing that we believe in being subject to kings, presidents, rulers, and magistrates, in obeying, honoring and sustaining the law. The statement that he proposed for the First Presidency to sign consisted mainly of a quotation from President Joseph F. Smith on that subject. President Brown stated that he thought we should get such a statement before the students before the school closes and the devotional at which President Brown will speak tomorrow will be the last devotional of the school year. He further stated that he thought President Nixon was doing a good job and that he thought he should have our support.

President Smith agreed with the statement as presented and said that we must sustain the government, that while the government makes mistakes sometimes he believed that President Nixon, who is now president, is doing the best that he can.

I, in commenting on the matter, said that I did not think that any government officials should be accused of these things.

I authorized President Brown to have my signature attached to the statement. 

(See May 19, for further discussion of this matter with my secretary; also see May 20 and 21 for further pressing presentation of this matter by the counselors. )

(See complete copy of statement following)”


In order that there may be no misunderstanding about the stand of the Church in matters having to do with and supporting constituted authority, the First Presidency of the Church reaffirms our traditional and revealed position epitomized in one of our Articles of Faith, namely, “We believe in being subject to kings, presidents, rulers, and magistrates, in obeying, honoring and sustaining the law.”

We make no statement on how this country can or should try to disengage itself from the present regrettable war in Vietnam; that is a problem, a very difficult problem, which must be solved by our governmental officials in whom we have complete confidence.

We believe our young men should hold themselves in readiness to respond to the call of their government to serve in the armed forces when called upon, and again we repeat, we believe in honoring, sustaining, and upholding the law.

We quote with approval and re-emphasize what President Joseph F. Smith, former president of the Church, said:

TRUE PATRIOTISM.   Patriotism should be sought for and will be found in right living, not in high sounding phrases or words.  True patriotism is part of the solemn obligation that belongs both to the nation and to the individual and to the home. Our nation’s reputation should be guarded as sacredly as our family’s good name. That reputation should be defended by every citizen, and our children should be taught to defend their country’s honor under all circumstances.  A truly patriotic spirit in the individual begets a public interest and sympathy which should be commensurate with our nation’s greatness.  To be a true citizen of a great country takes nothing from, but adds to, individual greatness.  While a great and good people necessarily adds greatness and goodness to national life, the nation’s greatness reacts upon its citizens and adds honor to them, and insures their welfare and happiness.  Loyal citizens will probably be the last to complain of the faults and failures of our national administrators. They would rather conceal those evils which exist, and try to persuade themselves that they are only temporary and may and will in time be corrected.  It is none the less a patriotic duty to guard our nation whenever and wherever we can against those changeable and revolutionary tendencies which are destructive of a nation’s weal and permanence.

IMPORTANCE OF NATIONAL PATRIOTISM. Our national welfare should always be a theme deeply rooted in our minds and exemplified in our individual lives, and the desire for our nation’s good should be stronger than political party adherence.  The nation’s welfare means the welfare of every one of its citizens.  To be a worthy and prosperous nation, it must possess those qualities which belong to individual virtues. The attitude of our country toward other nations should always be honest and above suspicion, and every good citizen should be jealous of our nation’s reputation both at home and abroad. National patriotism is, therefore, something more than mere expression of willingness to fight, if need be.

The First Presidency

David O. McKay

Hugh B. Brown

N. Eldon Tanner

Joseph Fielding Smith

Alvin R. Dyer”

Mon., 19 May, 1969:

“There was no meeting of the First Presidency held this day.

ll:00 a. m. President Dyer came over for a few minutes to take up some matters with me.

My secretary Clare reported to me that several telephone calls had come to the office including one from President Wilkinson who said he was very disturbed over President Brown’s talk to the students, especially the part which read: “Loyal citizens will probably be the last to complain of the faults and failures of our National Administrators. They would rather conceal those evils which exist, and try to persuade themselves that they are only temporary and may and will in time be corrected.”

I said in thinking this statement over that it was appropriate for the times when President Joseph F. Smith was living, but we cannot always trust men in high offices in these times.

(See May 12, for initial discussion on President Brown’s talk; also see May 20 and 21 for further pressing presentation of this matter by the counselors.)”

Tues., 20 May, 1969:

“No First Presidency Meeting held on this day.

9 00 a. m. President Dyer met with President McKay on the following matters:

President Smith’s Accident

President Dyer reported to me that President Joseph Fielding Smith had met with an accident by slipping on the stairway and hurt his head requiring some stitches. His doctors told him to remain in his apartrnent for the present.

President Brown’s Talk to the Brigham Young University

For further discussion on the statement President Brown made to the students at the Brigham Young University see copy of the minutes as dictated by Joseph Anderson which follow.”

“(Minutes by Joseph Anderson of a Meeting of President Alvin R. Dyer with President McKay regarding President Brown’s talk at the BYU including the statement from the First Presidency.)

“President Dyer reported that he had received a telephone call from Ezra Taft Benson in Washington, D. C., that Brother Benson is quite concerned about a statement by the First Presidency regarding upholding and sustaining the government that was read by President Brown in his recent devotional talk at the Brigham Young University. President Dyer said that Elder Benson made specific reference to two paragraphs in President Brown’s talk and had asked him, President Dyer, to read these two items to President McKay, which he promised to do. President Dyer mentioned that the talk had been read to President McKay and received his approval before it was delivered. The items mentioned were as follows:

“We make no statement on how this country can or should try to disengage itself from the present regrettable war in Vietnam; that is a problem, a very difficult problem, which must be solved by our government officials in whom we have complete confidence. “

President McKay said, “That is good.”

President Dyer then read to him the other item which he said is part of President Joseph F. Smith’s statement on patriotism as contained in President Smith’s book “Gospel Doctrine”. The statement reads:

“Loyal citizens will probably be the last to complain of the faults and failures of our national administrators. They would rather conceal those evils which exist, and try to persuade themselves that they are only temporary and may and will in time be corrected. It is none the less a patriotic duty to guard our nation whenever and wherever we can against those changeable and revolutionary tendencies which are destructive of a nation’s weal and permanence.”

President McKay said, “That is a good statement. “

President Dyer said that he had told Brother Benson that he thought it was a good statement but Brother Benson is quite concerned about it. President Dyer said he could see nothing wrong with it himself.”

(Minutes by President Alvin R. Dyer from his journal of his meeting with President McKay regarding President Brown’s talk at the BYU including the statement from the First Presidency.)

“I reported to President McKay that I had received a telephone call the night before from Elder Benson in Washington, who objected strongly to the statements which President Brown had made concerning the alleged neutrality of the Church with regard to the behavior of certain Governmental officials. In accordance with my promise to him, I had brought with me the statement and there, in the presence of Brother Joseph Anderson who kept a record of the same, I read the statement again to President McKay, referring particularly to those segments which Elder Benson had spoken against.

After reading the statements, the President asked me to read them again, which I did, and then made the statement that he could see nothing wrong with them.””

Wed., 21 May, 1969:

“President Alvin R. Dyer met with President McKay this morning at the hotel apartment in company with Secretary Joseph Anderson and Henry Smith.

Further discussion was held concerning President Brown’s talk to the students at the Brigham Young University and the statement he read from the First Presidency.

(See Minutes by Joseph Anderson and President Dyer which follow.)”

“(Minutes by Joseph Anderson of a Meeting of President Alvin R. Dyer with President McKay regarding President Brown’s talk at the BYU including the statement from the First Presidency.)

“President Dyer read to President McKay a telegram that had come addressed to President McKay from Reed Benson, son of Ezra Taft Benson, pertaining to the recent talk by President Hugh B. Brown at the Brigham Young University devotional, in which President Brown read a statement from the First Presidency setting forth the Church’s attitude toward sustaining government officials. Brother Benson states that he was grieved to hear of the statements of the First Presidency which President Brown had quoted. President Dyer said that President Brown in his address referred to the war in Vietnam and stated that we have confidence in our government officials that they will do everything they can to settle that most regrettable incident. He said this is the particular part of the statement they disagree with, that they do not think the government is doing everything that can be done, and he feels that the First Presidency ought not to make a statement saying we support the government in their efforts to try to settle the war in Vietnam. Brother Benson sets forth in his telegram a number of reasons why he feels that we should not have complete confidence in our government officials. He concludes the telegram by saying: “You are a great soul, President McKay, as well as the mouthpiece, and if you want me to have complete confidence in our government officials I want to know it and then if the spirit confirms it I will adjust my life accordingly.” President Dyer said it seemed to him that this is a disrespectful wire. President Dyer reminded the President of the interview had with him yesterday when certain statements from the First Presidency’s announcement by President Brown were read, at which time the President indicated his approval of the statements. President Dyer mentioned that Henry Smith was present for the reason that he wished to be sure whether or not the First Presidency wished the talk by President Brown and the statement therein by the First Presidency published. He asked President McKay if authorization should be given to Brother Smith to go ahead and publish it in the Church News and the President said yes. President Dyer commented that we must have confidence in men placed in government positions, that President Nixon was elected by the vote of the people and that one of our articles of faith says that we believe in honoring, obeying and sustaining the law, and being subject to kings, presidents, rulers, magistrates, etc. He said that it seems evident that President Nixon is making a real effort to end the conflict in Vietnam, and President McKay stated it as his belief that this is so.”

(Minutes by President Alvin R. Dyer from his journal of his meeting with President McKay regarding President Brown’s talk at the BYU including the statement from the First Presidency.)

“I read to President McKay the telegram received frorn Reed Benson of which I had received a copy, which referred to certain quotations from the statement which he objected to in President Brown’s address at the Brigham Young University. He felt that these were not the statements of President McKay and asked that reconsideration be given to them before they were published. I read the wire from Reed Benson very carefully to President McKay and from all that I could observe, the President was not too pleased with it. He again affirmed his feeling that the statement was agreeable to him.

Henry Srnith was there to have confirmation from the President as to whether or not the statement signed by the Presidency, which was presented in connection with the talk given by President Hugh B. Brown at the Brigham Young University, should be printed. The President, as he had stated the day before, said that the statements were all right and he gave approval for them to be published.””

Mon., 26 May, 1969:

“9:00 a. m. 

Meeting of the First Presidency in the President’s Hotel Apartment. Present were Presidents Hugh B. Brown and N. Eldon Tanner.

The following were among the matters discussed:

Communism – Students for a Democratic Society

President Tanner called attention to a letter that had been received from a Brother John S. Kelley addressed to Elder Ezra Taft Benson, in which reference is made to a priest in his ward who is actively supporting the program of the Students for a Democratic Society. This brother asks if the young man should be allowed to officiate at the sacrament table and to perform other Church ordinances. The brethren were agreed that we should refer the matter to the stake president and tell him to try to dissuade the young man from continuing his membership in this organization, and if he refuses to do so he should not be used in the ward or stake; that, however, he should not be cut off the Church even though he may be a communist, and that this should be our attitude toward all members of the Church who are communists.

(See also item on Communists on May 29, 1969.)

Thurs., 29 May, 1969:

“9:00 a. m. 

Meeting of the First Presidency in the President’s Hotel Apartment. Present were Presidents Hugh B. Brown, N. Eldon Tanner and Alvin R. Dyer.

Among the matters discussed were:

Communists — Handling of Church Membership

President Brown mentioned a specific case that had come to his attention where a man had been charged with being a Communist and the man in question had written a letter saying that he was not a communist, never had been, that his allegiance is to the Church. He states that he does have some leanings to a certain type of socialism. President Brown said he would like to discuss the matter with the Twelve this morning and I said that would be all right.

President Tanner inquired if a man were an avowed communist, would our position be to excommunicate him or disqualify him for any position in the Church. He said that if he admits that he is a communist and carries a communist card, should our position be to excommunicate him or just say that he cannot hold office and must cease all activities as an office holder. I said I did not see why our Church should have anything to do with the communists. It was my decision that communists should hold no positions and that if action were to be taken against them it would be done in the usual manner of their being cited to appear before a Church tribunal.

Thurs., Jul. 3, 1969:

“President Tanner, accompanied by Secretary Joseph Anderson, met with President McKay at 12:30 p.m. and presented the following matters and actions were taken as indicated:

Patriarchal Blessings Behind the Iron Curtain

President Tanner reported to President McKay that at a recent meeting of the Council of the First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve, it became the recommendation of the Council that Percy Fetzer, who is a Regional Representative and looking after our saints behind the Iron Curtain in East Germany, be ordained a patriarch and given permission when he visits Dresden and other areas behind the Iron Curtain to give blessings to worthy saints in that area.  It was explained to the president that a new mission was recently organized in East Germany, of which Henry Burkhardt was made the president.  He was also ordained a high priest by Brother Monson at that time.  President McKay agreed that this was a good thing to do.

Mon., Nov. 3, 1969:

“Note by Clare Middlemiss, Secretary — 8:45 a.m.

I called the nurse over at the President’s apartment and asked about the President.  She said he was quite well and alert this morning and had just finished his breakfast and that he would like to see me if I could come right away.

When I arrived the President greeted me with a smile.  I said to him jokingly, ‘You know your secretary don’t you,’ and he said with a broad smile on his face ‘Of course I do.’

He looked fine and was immaculately groomed.  I took a few moments to read to him his editorial for the February 1970 Instructor.*  thinking that this was enough work for him I decided to not take up any further business with him, so I just sat there and chatted with him for awhile until I left his office at 10:30 and went directly back to the Church Administration building to take up matters there.

*The Title of the Editorial was ‘The Sacredness of Independence and Freedom.’  Later Lawrence McKay decided not to print the article in the Instructor.  (See copy of Editorial which follows.)

January 12, 1970

Lawrence McKay said that this was too political and nationalistic and therefore refused to use this article which his father had already approved.



President David O. McKay

Members of the Church believe that god has created all things and that His plans are Infinite and Progressive, ever with the purpose in mind of serving and fostering a closer relationship between Him and the human family, for He has said that ‘His work and His glory is to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man.’  Therefore, human beings are engaged in life’s highest activity when they cooperate with Him in bringing about this consummation.  Earth with its barren rocks and saline seas, and lifeless planetary systems would be purposeless without the creation of intelligent human beings.  Only in their creation and eternal destiny do we find the answer to the question:

What is man, that thou art mindful of him? and the son of man, that thou visitest him?

For thou hast made him a little lower than the angels, and hast crowned him with glory and honour.  (Psalms 8:4-5)

Plainly, God’s glory is not in lifeless formations, but in the ‘immortality and eternal life of man.’

In no other era has god’s purposes been nearer human comprehension, and we should have an overwhelming gratitude just to be alive in this great age of the world.

Next to life we should never cease to express to the Lord gratitude for the gift of Free Agency, for when He created man, He placed within him part of His own Omnipotence and bade man to choose for himself.  Liberty and Conscience thus became a sacred part of human nature.  Freedom not only to think, but to speak and to act is a God-given privilege.  President Brigham Young was inspired to state: ‘My independence is sacred to me–it is a portion of that same Deity that rules in the heavens.  There is not a being upon the face of the earth who is made in the image of God, who stands erect and is organized as God is, that should be deprived of the free exercise of his agency so far as he does not infringe upon others’ rights, save by good advice and a good example.’  (Brigham Young, Journal of Discourses, Vol. 10, page 191.)

Personal liberty is the paramount essential to human dignity and human happiness.

We should be grateful for and hold sacred the right of free peoples to resort to the ballot, and for freedom to meet in legislative halls to consider problems and settle difficulties without fear of coercion of dictators, of secret police, or of retaliation of evil or corrupt men.  Government exists for the protection of the individual, not the individual for the government.  We constantly pray that the United States Government, and freedom-loving countries everywhere, will hold so sacredly the principles of self-government, and give to their peoples such enjoyment of peace, tranquility, and opportunities for progress as will make communistic governments of dictatorship, of mock trials, of unjust imprisonment, of enforced tyranny, so universally reprehensible as to be discarded forever by liberty-loving peoples.

Even though the Gospel is restored in its fullness, and the Church of Jesus Christ is established authoritatively on earth, there are millions who are being influenced by false ideologies which are disturbing the peace of mind, and distorting the thinking of honest men and women.

In his message in the FBI Annual Report for 1969, J. Edgar Hoover, Director, said: ‘During the 1969 fiscal year, our Nation suffered grave and often unparalleled threats to its freedom and internal security.  From without, forces antagonistic to a free government sought through espionage and other clandestine-type activities to weaken the United States and its contribution to the defenses of the Free World.  From within, shocking excesses of criminal activity–organized and otherwise–and violent attempts to subvert democratic processes and promote racial discord lacerated our society.  Destructive acts of senseless rebellion by increasing numbers of our youth and widespread contempt for properly constituted authority greatly supported the causes of lawlessness and subversion throughout the country.’

We are aware of the fact that during the past four or five years many cities in the United States have been afflicted by an epidemic of acts of so-called civil disobedience, and that municipal ordinances and state statutes have been willfully and intentionally disobeyed.

Timely references and appropriate warnings have been given time and time again of the danger and menacing threat of the unpatriotic activities and underhanded scheming of disloyal groups and organizations within our country, bringing disintegration.  We are witnessing the attempts that are being made at this very time by insidious forces to induce contention and confusion in organized societies of mankind.

Down through the ages, men have been free to accept or to reject the righteous laws of God.  history records how many have yielded to the enticements of the flesh, and how few, comparatively speaking, have followed the path of Light and Truth that leads to happiness and Eternal Life.

During the month of February we especially remember those great characters Washington and Lincoln, and honor them for their lofty examples and great contributions to our beloved land.  We need to remember their faith, and that of the founding fathers of this great Republic.  we need to remember that the two most important documents affecting the destiny of America are the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States, and that both of these inspired, immortal papers relate primarily to the freedom of the individual.  Founded upon that principle of free enterprise, fostered by these documents, in less than two centuries the people have prospered and the United States of America has become a great nation.

We know that threatening upsets in national standards are increasing, and that too many people look upon morality as an old-fashioned superstition.  We know, also, that there has been an alarming increase in the abandoning of the ideals that constitute the foundation of the Constitution of the United States and of the American home, that there is real cause for apprehension when we read that in an opinion poll conducted last May 31, 1969, 70 percent of American adults believe religion is losing its influence on life in the United States, while only 14 percent believe it is gaining.  This is a complete reversal from a 1957 survey which showed that 69 percent of the respondents were confident that religion was gaining in influence.

The American code of life has been founded on the Ten Commandments and the Golden Rule.  The people of America have had faith in their political and economic system because they have had faith in God.  Who or what is undermining or sabotaging this faith?  

At this time of national apathy, I think it might be well for us to read and keep in mind the faith and patriotism of Washington and Lincoln.  Throughout the long Revolutionary War, Washington suffered anxiety and despair as he struggled to hold an army together and keep alive the fight for freedom.  In January 1776, six months before the Declaration of Independence was signed, he wrote: ‘the reflection on my situation, and that of this army, produces many an uneasy hour when all around me are wrapped in sleep.  few people know the predicament we are in, on a thousand accounts. . . . If I shall be able to rise superior to these . . . I shall most religiously believe, that the finger of Providence is in it, to blind the eyes of our enemies.’  (George Washington, The Washington Papers, Page 167)

On violation of the laws of the land, Abraham Lincoln declared: ‘Let every American, every lover of liberty, every well-wisher of his posterity, swear by the blood of the Revolution never to violate in the least particular the laws of the country, and never to tolerate their violation by others.  As the patriots of Seventy-six did to the support of the Declaration of Independence, so to the support of the Constitution and laws let every American pledge his life, his property, and his sacred honor.  Let every man remember that to violate the law is to trample on the blood of his fathers and to tear the charter of his own and his children’s liberty.  Let reverence for the laws be breathed by every American mother to the lisping babe that prattles on her lap; let it be taught in schools, in seminaries, and in colleges; let it be written in primers, spelling books and almanacs; let it be preached from pulpit, proclaimed in legislative halls, and enforced in courts of justice.  In short, let it become the political religion of the Nation.’  (Emil Ludwig, Life of Lincoln, translated by Eden and Cedar Paul; Little, Brown and Company, Boston, Massachusetts, 1930, page 254).

At one time Lincoln said: ‘I have been driven many times to my knees by the overwhelming conviction that I had nowhere else to go.  My own wisdom and that of all about me seemed insufficient.’  Upon leaving his home town to assume the presidency of the United States, Lincoln’s spirit of reverence for Deity was again evident.  At the railroad station in Springfield, Illinois, on February 11, 1861, as he was about to board the train, he turned and looked upon the people who had gathered there.  ‘His lips quivered, and tears filled his eyes.  For a few moments he stood in solemn silence.  Then getting control of himself, he spoke in a husky voice the following farewell:  “My friends, no one not in my situation, can appreciate my feeling of sadness at this parting.  To this place, and the kindness of these people, I owe everything.  Here I have lived a quarter of a century, and have passed from a young to an old man.  Here my children have been born and one is buried.  I now leave, not knowing when or whether I may ever return, with a task before me greater than that which rested on Washington.  Without the assistance of that Divine Being who ever attended him, I cannot succeed.  With that assistance, I cannot fail.  Trusting in Him who can go with me, and remain with you and be everywhere for good, let us confidently hope that all may yet be well.   To His care commending you, as I hope in your prayers you will commend me, I bid you an affectionate farewell.’  (Emil Ludwig, Life of Lincoln, Little Brown and Co., Boston, Massachusetts, 1930, page 254)

It is my fervent hope and prayer that every American and member of the Church will ever hold sacred and inviolate the sacredness of the Constitution of the United States, and will realize that the future hopes of our country depend on our belief in a Supreme Being and the keeping of His commandments.”