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David O. McKay Diaries – “Godhead”

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Wed., 28 Apr. 1965:

“8:30 a.m.

Held the regular meeting of the First Presidency.  Some of the matters discussed were:

Joseph Smith – Painting of the First Vision

The Brethren gave consideration to a painting that has been prepared by an artist portraying the First Vision, wherein the boy Joseph saw the Father and the Son.  It was reported that the Deseret Book Company in preparing a pictorial book regarding the Church is desirous of using in the book a copy of this painting to represent the Mormon attitude about Deity.

I advised against using a picture of the First Vision in which God the Father is portrayed, stating that it was beyond the comprehension of the human mind to portray the Father.  I suggested that if it were desired to use the picture the artist might portray these beings surrounded by light brighter than that of the noon day, but not attempt to portray the features of the Father, that He might be shown rather indistinguishably in outline.  The suggestion was also made that there should be improvement in the features of the boy Joseph.”

Fri., 19 Aug. 1966:

“4.  I asked for a policy statement of whether we should attempt to show the figures of Deity in any kind of art work relating to the First Vision of Joseph Smith.  He said we should not use the figures of Deity, but to show Joseph and the shaft of light only. 

I am giving you this report on the meeting for your record.

Yours sincerely,

Mark E. Petersen
