2023 Call for Library Research Fellows in Mormon Studies
March 13, 2023
University of Virginia

Beginning April 15th, 2023 the University of Virginia’s Mormon Studies Program will be reviewing applications for short-term fellowships to conduct research in the Gregory A. Prince Collection during 2023 on any of the religious communities identified with Mormonism. Three fellowships of $2,500 will be awarded this year. Especially welcome are proposals related to race, gender and sexuality, or international Mormonism.
The Prince Collection is composed of 108 cubic feet of published and unpublished materials, audio recordings, images and artifacts related to Mormonism in its several varieties, but primarily the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It is housed in the Albert and Shirley Small Special Collections Library which number more than 400,000 books, 15 million manuscripts, and thousands of maps, broadsides, photographs, audio and video recordings, and artifacts. It is nationally recognized for the richness of its holdings in American history.
A guide to the Collection, including a container inventory may be browsed online by entering the call number MSS 16540 in the UVA Library Search Engine.
Successful applicants will be awarded $2,500. Fellows are given access to the Prince Collection, the Albert and Shirley Small Special Collections Library and other units of the UVA Library system. Fellows are responsible for arranging their own housing and parking. While we recommend staying within walking distance of UVA, temporary parking passes are available. Please contact the Office of Parking and Transportation for more information.
Fellows may be asked to present their research to members of the UVA community.
Prince Collection Fellowships are open to U.S. citizens and foreign nationals who live beyond a 60-mile radius of Charlottesville, VA, and
- hold the PhD or equivalent degree, or
- are doctoral students who have advanced to candidacy, or
- are independent scholars with a significant record of scholarly achievement.
Once awarded, funds must be expended by December 2023.
To Apply
Applications for our 2023 fellowships will be reviewed beginning April 15, 2023 and will be accepted until award funds are committed. Applicants will be notified of the committee’s decision by May 15.
Please include the following in your application:
- Cover letter,
- Two-page, double-spaced proposal, describing the research to be conducted at the Albert and Shirley Small Special Collections Library, with specific reference to the Prince Collection materials that the applicant intends to consult and the proposed dates of residence, and
- Current curriculum vitae.
Submit all application materials in PDF form via email to Prince Collection Research Fellowships at harrison_institute@virginia.edu with subject line “Prince Collection Fellowship”. Incomplete applications will not be considered.
Applications will be evaluated on the scholarly promise of the proposed research, the candidate’s qualifications for engaging in that research, and the relevance of the project to the holdings of the Prince Collection.
Staff of the Small Special Collections Library can assist prospective applicants in identifying collection materials relevant for their research. Please submit requests via the Library’s online reference form. Other questions may be directed to Kathleen Flake, Richard Lyman Bushman Professor of Mormon Studies at kathleen.flake@virginia.edu.