Panel: Religions and the State in Refugee Relief
September 21, 2017 | 6:00 pm
Caplin Pavilion, UVA School of Law, 580 Massie Rd.

In conjunction with our third annual Joseph Smith Lecture on Religious Liberty, a distinguished panel discussed the moral and legal dynamics inherent in religion’s cooperation with the state.
The evening’s case study was recent refugee relief and resettlement efforts. This event was designed to foster public reflection on religious liberty and disestablishment within a morally diverse, democratic society. The discussants were representatives from the U.S. State Department and directors of international, religiously sponsored relief organizations.
The panel comprised:
- Barbara Day, U.S. Department of State Chief of Domestic Resettlement
- Sharon Eubank, Director of LDS Charities and Humanitarian Services
- Michael Kessler, Managing Director of Georgetown University’s Berkley Center
- Anwar Khan, Chief Executive Officer of Islamic Relief