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Prince Research Excerpts on Gay Rights & Mormonism – “18d – Rick Jacobs”

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18d – Rick Jacobs


“For Rick Jacobs, founder of the Courage Campaign, the wave of same-sex legislation across the country has Prop 8 in part to thank.

‘I think it’s the best thing that happened to the LGBT community since Stonewall,’ Jacobs, who now serves as chief of staff for Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti, said. ‘It changed forever the attitudes of people across the country. Everyone was impatient all of a sudden.’

Since Prop 8, attitudes toward same-sex marriage have changed. In 2008, 40% of Americans said same-sex marriage should be valid and today, 54% do, according to a Gallup poll.…” (Hunter Schwarz, “Why Prop 8 Was Good for LGBT Mormons,” BuzzFeed LGBT, November 8, 2013)