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1 Dec.: List of Non-Tithepayers only to MP quorums.
“The Stake Tithing Clerk will furnish the Presiding Officers of the several Quorums of the Melchisedec Priesthood of the Stake a list of the non-tithepayers of their respective quorums as they appear on the Bishop’s reports, so that a labor can be taken up in a quorum capacity, which should be done privately. In no way should individuals be mentioned in this connection at quorum meetings, or in a public capacity.” (First Presidency and Presiding Bishopric, Annual Instructions, No. 7, to Presidents of Stakes and Counselors, High Councilors, Bishops and Counselors, and Stake Tithing Clerks in Zion, 1 Dec., 1905, pp. 23-24)