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Prince’s Research Excerpts: LDS General Handbooks – GHI, 1985

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1985:  Oct.:  Young men’s missionary term now 24 months.

“Unmarried men, usually between nineteen and twenty-six, normally serve full-time missions for twenty-four months.”  (General Handbook of Instructions, No. 23, 1985; p. 7-1)

  Oct.:  Revision of “Priest-Penitent Privilege.”

“Legal Challenges to Clergyman Confidentiality

Church officers and members of Church courts who receive confidential information from members have a duty to keep it strictly confidential.  If confidential information indicates that a member has violated a civil or criminal law, local leaders should urge the member to clear the matter with civil authorities.

If civil authorities challenge clergymen confidentiality, the local priesthood leader who is challenged should seek legal advice from the office of General Counsel at Church headquarters or from local counsel in countries outside the United States.

For additional guidance on local laws that govern reporting child abuse, see the booklet Child Abuse: Helps for Ecclesiastical Leaders (PGSC 0386).”  (General Handbook of Instructions, No. 23, 1985; p. 8-3)

  Oct.:  Artificial insemination of single women.

“The Church disapproves of artificial insemination of single sisters.  Single sisters who deliberately refuse to follow the counsel of their priesthood leaders in this regard will be subject to disciplinary action.”  (General Handbook of Instructions, No. 23, 1985; p. 11-3)