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Prince’s Research Excerpts: Priesthood & Mormonism – Healing, 1894

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PRIESTHOOD:  Healings, 1894.

1894:  15 Feb.:  Washed and anointed for health by sisters.

“For the benefit of my young readers, I will tell them how my brother was healed by the power of faith.  At the time this occurred we lived in the Eighteenth Ward, Salt Lake City.  My brother was very sick.  He was so low that his life was despaired of.

He had lain for two days in one position (only as he was moved by those who attended him), with his eyes set, when mother thought if she could get Sister Snow and Sister Zina D. Young to come and wash and anoint him he would get better.  So they were sent for.  They said he was very low, but they would comply with mother’s request.

When they got his head and arms done, he riased up and began to play with Sister Snow’s watch and chain, to the surprise of all who had seen him.  He got right well.  He is now 16 years old.

My mother often reminds him of how he was cured by the power of faith, and tells him he should be an extra good boy.  We children should have great faith in the power of the Priesthood, when we are sick, and insist on having the Elders lay hands on our heads.  And the Lord says we shall recover if we are not appointed unto death, and if we die then we die unto the Lord.  Sister Snow spoke of this instance in meeting to strengthen the faith of her listeners, and it is a great testimony to all that the Lord hears and answers the prayers of the faithful.”  (May Jacobs, age 13, JI 29(4):135-136, 15 Feb., 1894)

18 Feb.:  Dying unto the Lord.

“Not always are the administrations of the Elders followed by immediate healings; some are permitted to suffer in body, for the accomplishment of divine purposes, and in the time appointed of the Lord, His children pass through bodily death.  But if the counsels of God be observed in administering to the afflicted, then if the sick recover they live unto the Lord, and the assuring promise is added that those who die under such conditions die unto the Lord.”  (James E. Talmage, “The Articles of Faith,” lecture given 18 Feb., 1894; in JI 29(12):361, 15 Jun., 1894)

15 Apr.:  Self-administration of consecrated oil.

“A young lady in one of our Sunday schools informs her teacher than an Elder had rebuked her for using consecrated oil to rub her own throat with.  His reason for doing so, as he said, was that she had no right to use oil in that way; it must be used only in the hands of the Priesthood.

It seems incredible that any Elder should utter such a rebuke, and we think there must be some mistake about this statement; for such a rebuke would be nothing less than bigotry.  A man must be densely ignorant who would make any such remarks–that is, if this were all that the young lady had done.”  (George Q. Cannon, JI 29(8):242, 15 Apr., 1894)

15 May:  Can Aaronic Priesthood administer to sick?

“III.  Would it be right for a member of the Melchisedek Priesthood and one of the Aaronic Priesthood to take part in administering to the sick? . . .

Third:  Any member in the Church would be committing no sin to lay his or her hands upon the head of one who is sick, and bless or pray for the individual.  Members of the Aaronic Priesthood may act in this way under the direction of and in connection with the Melchisedek Priesthood when called upon do do so by those holding the Melchisedek Priesthood.

It is, however, perfrectly proper and advisable for the sick to use oil for their afflictions, and God will sanctify the anointing to their good.  All the Saints should be careful, however, to not overstep the rights which belong to them as members of the Church or members of the priesthood.”  (George Q. Cannon, JI 29(10):318, 15 May, 1894)

15 Jul.:  Consecrating of oil.

“The same correspondents ask:

‘In consecrating oil, which hand should we hold the oil in, and which should we hold up and connect with our brother by the elbow?’

The oil is generally held in the right hand and the left connects with the person standing next; but we may ask, in reply, would the holding the oil in the left hand by those holding the priesthood invalidate the consecration?  Certainly not.”  (George Q. Cannon, JI 29(14):451, 15 Jul., 1894)

Sep.:  Not a day passed without us administering to him.

“Alfred Johnson, of Vernal, Uinta County, met with an accident last fall which two skilled doctors said would result fatally.  He was engaged in gathering cattle on the mountains, and went to a spring one morning to wash for breakfast.  As he stooped to put his hands into the water his pistol, which was in his scabbard by his side, fell, and the hammer striking a rock, it was discharged.  The bullet passed through his body, piercing the right lung and being extracted from his back just below the shoulder blade.  He was twenty-five miles from home and had nothing but a buckboard on which to ride.  He was placed on this and one of the boys who was with him took the lines while another stood up behind and held him the whole of the distance home through a scorching hot sun.

A local physician was called and he examined the wound, giving him less than twenty-four hours to live.  The father, not satisfied with this diagnosis of the case, sent to Fort Duchesne, twenty-five miles distant, for the army surgeon, who speedily came and confirmed, without hestitation, the statement of his brother physician.  Therefore to all human probability the death of the young man was assured; but the father and friends were not willing to give up even in the face of such testimony.  They accordingly administered to the young man repeatedly.  Not a day was allowed to pass without his receiving the administration of the Elders.

Astonishing to relate the pain caused by the wound was comparatively slight, and his recovery was the cause of wonderment to all who witnessed it.

The young man’s parents and all who watched the case, are convinced that it was only the power of God, which resulted through the exercise of faith, that saved the life of this young man.  He is now almost entirely free from the effects of the accident.  The only difficulty he experiences at all is in the raising of his arm, the muscles of which were pierced by the bullet, above his head.  The strength of this arm, however, is equally as great as the other in lifting, or in any ordinary work.

This young man is not a member of the Church though he was born in it.  He has been a diligent and progressive student in the Church Academy in Vernal, and there is every probability that his faith will lead him to become a member of the Church in which faith brings so many blessings to the children of God.”  (“A Marvelous Healing,” Contributor 15(11):687-688, Sep., 1894)

15 Sep.:  Provisional cure of a lunatic.

“In the early days of the Church in Kirtland, when I was about ten years old, an incident occurred which impressed me very deeply.  Our near neighbor, Dr. Newcome, had a brother-in-law named Joseph Hunton, who had been a maniac nine years, and was chained in a lumber out building.  I often looked through the cracks in the boards at the crazy man.

One day my attention was attracted by hearing some of the brethren talking with my father (Oliver Granger) about fasting and praying to God in behalf of Joseph Hunton; they appointed a day and hour when they would visit him.  The time came, and with a boy’s curiosity I watched proceedings.  Seven or more of the brethren came, and among them were my father, Brigham Young, Dr. Newcome and others whom I do not remember.

The brethren entered the maniac’s room, and beyond the length of his chain kneeled around him.  My father was mouth in prayer.  That prayer impressed me as no other prayer ever has.  They arose from their knees and slowly approaching the maniac laid their hands on his head, and in the name of Jesus rebuked the spirit or spirits and power that bound and afflicted him, and told Joseph Hunton to be relieved.  They then removed his chains, and he was restored to consciousness.  The nine years were a blank in his life, of which he could remember nothing.

That fall I picked up potatoes after his digging.

He was afterwards taught the principles of the Gospel, and the necessity of his obedience thereto was urged, that he might be worthy to retain the blessing of God by whose power he had been restored.  He deferred again and again.  Three times he set a day on which he would be baptized, but when the days came he always said he was not ready.  The next morning after his third refusal his brother-in-law went to call him to breakfast, and he threw a sharp ax at his head–he had again lost his reason.  He was chained again, and I lost all further knowledge of him.”  (Lafayette Granger, JI 29(18):577, 15 Sep., 1894)

“About the year 1835, in Kirtland, Geauga County, Ohio, I became acquainted with a family, one male member of which, named Joseph Hunting, had been a raving maniac for sixteen years.  Brother Smith, the father of the Prophet Joseph, said the spirits that had possession of him were those that came out only through fasting and prayer.  This unfortunate man was chained down in a barn, and had been raving for some time.  Once, when some persons went in to see him, he said, ‘I have got Joe Smith in one corner and the devil in the other, and am trying to get them together, but cannot do so.’  What seemed most strange was that he knew nothing about the Prophet Joseph, except that which he learned from the spirits he was possessed with.  It was finally decided by several persons to fast and pray for this individual, under the direction of the Patriarch, Father Smith.  The family was called upon to covenant to keep the commandments of God, especially the Word of Wisdom.  A few friends of the family were invited to join them, among which number I was one.

We met at the house of the family above mentioned every morning.  Those holding the Holy Priesthood then went and administered to the afflicted one.  This was kept up for five days, during which time those engaged in the ceremony only ate once each day, by direction of Father Smith.  When the Elders went in and administered to him the last time, his strength left him, as did also the evil Spirits, and he wept like a child.  His chains were removed and because of his weakness it took two men to lead him into the house.  You, dear reader, can better imagine than I can describe the humility and gratitude we all felt in seeing this maniac, who had been a terror to the neighborhood, relieved in this manner.  His relatives felt to thank the Lord with all their hearts, and there was not a dry eye in the house where this miracle was performed.

The man was shaved and dressed, although he had to rest several times while they were performing these duties for him.  His dress, for sixteen years, had consisted of a long, strong linen frock reaching from his neck to his feet.  Some light food was given to him and he went to bed.  All remained with him that night, during which he awoke once and appeared a little wild, but when administered to he quited down and was simple and child-like, but harmless.  He gradually increased in strength and was soon able to perform manual labor.  He frequently went with his mother to meeting in the Kirtland Temple.

But, alas!  After a time the family began to indulge in those things they had covenanted not to touch, thereby becoming covenant-breakers, and Satan took advantage of this and again entered the body of Joseph Hunting.  The family also, after a time became indifferent to their holy religion and apostatized, and the man who had been so miraculously healed, died a raving maniac.  

We think this incident should stimulate us to keep our covenants, live humble and receive the blessings promised to the faithful.”  (Ruth W. Tyler, JI 19(6):91, 15 Mar., 1884)

“I was not present at the casting out of the evil spirits from Joseph Hunting, related in the last number of the Juvenile Instructor, but heard all of the incidents related by different parties who were present.  I also boarded, some months subsequently, at Doctor Newcomb’s, where the tormented man lived with his aged mother and sister, the latter being the wife of Dr. Mewcomb.  Previous to going there to board, however, I had been told that Sister Hunting, the mother of Joseph, had resumed her practice of smoking and tea-drinking, and fears were entertained that, as this was a violation of a sacred covenant, the evil spirits would return.  I soon found the statement true that Sister Hunting smoked tobacco and drank tea, and, if I mistake not, Sister Newcomb also indulged in the use of the latter beverage.

One day, while working with Brother Simon Dykes in the hay field near the house, a member of the family came running and informed us that Joseph was crazy again, and threatening the lives of the family.  We arrived at the house just in time to arrest his violence.  As we entered, Brother Dykes told the maniac to be still, whereupon he became more enraged and used some most horrid oaths.  At this his mother remarked, ‘Why, Joseph, you should not swear.’  I shall never forget the look he gave her as he replied, ‘Mother, I will swear as long as you smoke and drink tea.’  The mother felt the rebuke and abandoned, for a time, her evil habits.

The insane man, after the scathing rebuke to his mother, gathered the andirons from the fire-place, one in each hand, to kill, as he had threatened he would, Elder Dykes.  Always during his affliction he had the strength of two able-bodied, athletic men.  As he raised the andiron with his right hand and advanced with deadly intent, Elder Dykes said, ‘Joseph, I command you, in the name of the Lord, to be still.’  He halted and, in a subdued tone, said, ‘Don’t you say that, don’t you say that;’ when the Elder said ‘I will,’ and in the name of Jesus Christ rebuked the evil spirits and commanded them to come out of him.  Immediately he laid down the andirons, and, like a little child, as he was in his mind when not under evil influences, he asked forgiveness and again went to work.  From that time there was no further trouble with him until the family again violated the Word of Wisdom, when, remarkable to say, as they gradually ceased to regard their sacred covenants, so gradually did also the evil spirits begin to manifest themselves, until, as I was informed, they threw off all restraint and ‘the end of that man was worse than the beginning.’

Dr. Newcomb and wife came to Salt Lake about 1850, after their apostasy, and visited Syster Tyler and myself.  They informed us that Joseph was worse than ever, and said it would be a relief to them if, on their return, they should learn that he was dead.”  (Daniel Tyler, JI 19(7):102-103, 1 Apr., 1884)

1895:  1 Jan.:  Repeated administrations at one episode.

“On my arrival at the latter’s house the whole family was filled with joy at seeing me.  They invited me up stairs where one of Brother Jessop’s daughters was lying sick with typhoid fever.  

They had been praying to the Lord for Him to send some of us Elders to them, as the girl was so sick.  They asked me to administer to her.  I first inquired if they had any oil.  They had none; so I laid my hands on the girl, as she was in so much pain, and it eased her.  Then I asked them to get some oil, which they did, and after consecrating it I anointed her with it and administered to her again.  The fever left her entirely; but as she was still suffering pain I administered to her once more, and in less time than it takes to tell it she was entirely healed, although her body was weak.  So you will see that the Lord is still with His servants and answers prayers.”  (J. T. Lovett, JI 30(1):29, 1 Jan., 1895)

24 Jan.:  Administering to one’s self.

“Elder James V. Williams of Munroe, gives us the following incident of healing:  ‘I had been ailing for some time with severe pains in my hips, legs, arms, and shoulders, as well as in the back of my head.  My sufferings had continued for two weeks or perhaps longer.  My bowels also suffered the most excruciating pain, which did not last more than five or ten minutes at a time, but were almost unendurable at such times.  On the e 24th of January, 1895, I went to bed under the most agonizing pains throughout almost my entire system, and it seemed for awhile as though I would pass away in death.  Not wishing to disturb my family I lay for some time in this condition, when the thought came into my mind:  You hold the Priesthood and are frequently called upon to administer to the sick.  You have power to rebuke all pain and sickness that are preying upon others, why not exercise the authority upon yourself?  I thereupon laid my right hand upon my head and in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by virtue and authority of the Holy Priesthood vested in me, I commanded the pains and afflictions to depart from me and my habitation.  I did not use any oil, as it was not handy; neither did I speak aloud.  When I had finished my mental or secret prayer, I felt the pains cease, and a sickening sensation start from the top of my head and work down through my whole system and pass away through the extremities of my feet.  As it did so I experienced a slight shock, similar to that of electricity.  Thereafter, I fell into a sweet and undisturbed sleep for the remainder of the night, and have since experienced no sickness whatever.

I feel very grateful to the Lord for the blessing He bestowed upon me, and with which I know He favors His faithful Saints who seek him in humility and meekness.”  (JI 30(7):219, 1 Apr., 1895)

15 Mar.:  Anointing of eyes with oil.

“The entire family, with my sister’s eyes bandaged, and wearing her ugly sunbonnet, attended meeting, where some of the Elders laid their hands on her, after anointing her eyes with oil.  On returning home her sunbonnet was laid aside and her eyes grew stronger daily.  She has never had sore eyes since.  We are grateful that we have this knowledge of the power of God.”  (Annie S. Walker, JI 30(6):197, 15 Mar., 1895)

Apr.:  Can a deacon assist a teacher in administering?

“The following inquiries have been propounded to us by a subscriber in Salt Lake City, to which we are pleased to give the accompanying answers, all of which have been submitted to the authorities of the Church who have approved of the same and consequently they may be considered authentic:

Has a deacon of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints any authority to assist a teacher in the laying on of hands for the healing of the sick, though a deacon is not mouth?  For example, the teachers of a certain block were called to administer to a sick person.  There were also two deacons in the room at the time, and the head teacher called upon them to assist in the administration of the ordinance.  Now, has a teacher the right to call upon a deacon to assist him, or has a teacher any right, to lay on his hands for the recovery of the sick, even though he be full of faith which is burning within him.  Of course in Section 20 of the Doctrine and Covenants, paragraph 57, it says that a deacon is to assist a teacher if the occasion requires it, but in paragraph 58 it plainly states that neither a teacher nor a deacon has authority to baptize, administer the sacrament or lay on hands; but does not this latter mean that he is not to lay on hands for the bestowal of the Holy Ghost after baptism?

A deacon or a lay member of the Church has the privilege to lay on hands for the recovery of the sick where they are asked to do so, or are led by the Holy Spirit to take this course, though in such cases they have no right to use the authority of the Priesthood.  There are instances where little children have laid their hands uopn those who were sick, praying at the same time for the Lord to heal the afflicted one.  Their simple, child-like faith has prevailed with God, and those in whose behalf they have prayed have been healed.  It is not infrequent for leading officers of the Church to call upon teachers and deacons to join them in laying hands upon the sick; women, too, have been invited to join in this holy ceremony, but such persons have not been asked to be mouth in administering, nor to anoint with oil.  There is not the least impropriety in teachers and deacons, or even lay members who have faith, taking part to the extent above mentioned in the holy ordinances of the Gospel, though it can be readily understood that such persons have no authority to lay on hands for the reception of the Holy Ghost.  In the instance mentioned above the teachers who requested the assistance of the deacons undoubtedly held the Melchisedek Priesthood and were merely acting as teachers.  Otherwise, if they were only ordained teachers, they had no more authority than did the deacons to lay on hands.”  (“Department of Inquiry,” Contributor 16(6):386-387, Apr., 1895)

Apr.:  We are relying too much on doctors.

“There is a wonderful amount of sickness among the Latter-day Saints at the present time.  Diseases of various kinds seem to be making inroads upon both the young, middle-aged and the old.  We have wondered if one cause of so much sickness is not that the Latter-day Saints lack that faith and power with God which were characteristic of them in earlier times.  It is to be expected, of course, that from the scourges which are to be poured out upon the earth in the last days the Saints will not entirely escape, but it is presumed, because of the promises which are made, that those who are faithful shall be delivered from the power of the destroyer.

It is a fact, which is doubtless apparent to all, that doctors are generally kept busy among members of the Church.  Indeed, doctors and lawyers, two classes whose services should be needed the least by Latter-day Saints, seems to be kept most busy.  We have no word of complaint to offer against these professionals, for their callings are honorable, but we would like to see those who have made covenant with the Lord adhere more closely to those divine laws which have been instituted in the Church for the government of the people.  In this event we would find less sickness among the people and less expense in the settlement of financial difficulties.

There are a number of settlements of the Latter-day Saints where doctors’ services have not been required for years.  We have been informed there are some settlements of considerable size that have never yet had need of physician or surgeon to visit them in a professional way.  One city of considerable size where Latter-day Saints live had a peculiar experience in the direction indicated.  For many years there was no doctor living among them.  One Brother, who had graduated in the East, located there after his return home, but he was compelled for a time to take other than professional labor to sustain himself.  His presence, however, seemed gradually to lead the people to seek his advice, and after several years among them he was a visitor at almost every home.  When he reached this conditionhe was called to fill a mission, and, being a faithful member of the Church, responded to the call.  He was absent some two years, during which time the people all recovered from their ailments and were again in the old-time condition of not needing medical aid.  The lesson they had learned during his absence made a salutary impression upon their minds and when the doctor returned home he was left without practice, and eventually moved to another city in order to follow his profession, being unable to obtain sufficient practice to sustain him at his former home.

There are many families in the Church that follow strictly the law of God, which has been given–to call for the Elders when any are afflicted–and the prayer of faith does heal the sick.  These families do not need the services of doctors, for they have acquired, through the constant exercise of faith, such confidence in the fulfillment of the promises of God that they prefer to depend upon Him rather than upon human skill, and their faith is not in vain.  We think that the talents of skilled men and women who have made the human system a study should be utilized for the alleviation of pain, but we think the Saints should never neglect the ordinances which God has instituted in His Church for the healing of the sick, but should place their confidence in the gifts of the Gospel and thus find relief which human skill too often cannot afford.”  (Editorial, “Is Faith Decreasing?” Contributor 16(6):388-389, Apr., 1895)

1 Apr.:  Administering to sick in fast meeting.

“In the summer my little brother was very sick.  He had the marasmus.  We took him to many doctors, and they said it was a serious case, and he could not live.  And sometimes we thought the same, for he looked like a corpse.  Yet we never lost faith, for we know God hears our prayers.  We had him prayed for in the Temple, and also had him administered to in fast meeting.  He is well and healthy now.  I am sure if we pray earnestly God will answer our prayers.”  (J. E. K., age 16, JI 30(7):232, 1 Apr., 1895)

15 Apr.:  Infant healed by a woman.

“Nine years ago my papa was sent to the Penitentiary for living with and taking care of mamma.  The day of his trial my brother was born.  He was a sickly and nervous child, and grew worse every day.  No one thought he would live; but mamma often said she thought our Father had sent him to stay and comfort her, though it looked as if he could not live.  After suffering three months he went into a fit or spasm, and was in it one hour and twenty minutes.  The doctor and all who saw him said he would not come out of the fit alive.

One gentleman, who was kind to us while papa was gone went to the canyon to get his team to attend the funeral that he expected to be right away.  He met the sexton and engaged him to dig the grave, telling him that our baby was no doubt dead by that time.

To the surprise of all, the baby came out of the fit alive, though so weak it was not thought he would last long.

One good sister said she thought to herself that one who had suffered so much and still lived, could surely get well, so with the baby on her lap she put her hand over her eyes and prayed to our Father in Heaven, asking Him if it was His will for the child to live that He would show her how to treat him that he might grow better right away.  She said it seemed as though someone whispered to her to dip cloths in cold water and wrap about the baby’s body and head.  After getting mamma’s consent, she did as she was prompted by the good Spirit, and baby went right to sleep.  This was the first real rest he had had for a long time.

We could all see that he was resting sweetly.  For two hours he did not wake.  We repeated the treatment until he got quite well, which was so fast everyone was surprised.  Now my brother Ralph is a living evidence of the power of prayer and faith in our Heavenly Father.”  (Ora Watson, age 12, JI 30(8):258, 15 Apr., 1895)


Twelve or fourteen years ago I was giving patriarchal blessings at Draper, Salt Lake County. Elder Maddison’s wife was sick and had been confined to her bed over four years. The relatives tried doctors and every conceivable aid without effect. Brother Maddison asked me to bless his wife and family, who were strangers to me. When I arrived at his home I found Sister Maddison in a very helpless condition, which much surprised me. By her request I anointed her head with consecrated oil, and I sealed and confirmed the anointing, the entire family laying hands on her head with me. I then gave her a patriarchal blessing, and she was healed by the blessing and power of God.

Sister Maddison is a resident of Bishop Mousley’s Ward of Bluff Dale. She has been active and able to attend to her duties for years as a good Latter-day Saint. She was restored by an ordinance of the Holy Priesthood.

Patriarch Wm. J.  Smith.

[Juvenile Instructor 30:448-449, 1895]

10 Jul.:  Baptism for health fails; deacon succeeds.

“My eldest daughter, Lizzie by name, was so sorely afflicted in her eyes and wrists for about two years that she could not bear any light without pain, and could scarcely lift a paper from the table or turn the leaves of a book.  Besides these afflictions, she was so weak in her general health that she was rapidly going into a decline.

During the last few weeks of this time she could not wait on herself at the table without great distress.  For days and weeks she would sit, listless and helpless, in a chair, not being able to read or work, or do anything to while away the tedious hours of the long summer days, and was unable to sleep at night.  Notwithstanding all these ceaseless sufferings she uttered not one murmuring word or heaved a complaining sigh.

I took her to the Salt Lake Temple, where she was baptized for her health, the entire family fasting for her.  I administered to her many times.

During our ward conference I requested Presidents Geo. Q. Cannon, Joseph F. Smith and Angus M. Cannon to administer to her, which they did, and promsied her many great blessings.  Again we all fasted for her.  I placed her in the care of one of our lady doctors for three months.  All these efforts proved futile, as my daughter did not improve. . . .

Wednesday, the 10th of July, 1895, was very cloudy and stormy, and my son Artie was quite concerned, as he saw me return from the canyon in bright sunlight; but he did not lose faith in the healing.  Towards noon the clouds broke away and the storm ceased.  I returned just as he had seen me do.  His first question to me as soon as I stepped into our kitchen was, ‘Pa, has a Deacon authority to rebuke disease?’  My answer was, ‘Yes, if he is administering to the sick.’ 

This was not according exactly with the answer I had given him in his vision, so he went to his sleeping room and prayed to the Lord.  He then went to my daughter’s bedroom, where Lizzie was lying on the bed, and taking her by the right hand commanded her to arise and be made whole.  This he did in the name of Jesus Christ, and she immediately arose, and in an hour was assisting about the housework.  She now stands a living monument of God’s divine power and blessings, and we as a family give glory and honor and power unto His great and holy name.”  (Richard S. Horne, JI 30(21):660-663, 1 Nov., 1895)

1 Aug.:  Washed and anointed for health by sisters.

“When my brother Willard was four years old he had pneumonia for the second time.  He was so sick that his life was despaired of.  Mamma had to care for him as though he were an infant.  For six weeks he had not borne a particle of weight on his feet; he had not even touched them to the floor.  He had been administered to repeatedly by the Elders, in whom we all had great faith.  Each time he was administered to he was better for awhile, but he did not remain so long.

At length mamma thought she would have him washed and anointed.  So she sent for two sisters to wash and anoint him.

The lady who anointed him said that he should begin to walk from that time.

He could scarcely wait to be dressed before beginning to walk.  That day, with a little help, he walked across the floor eight times, and continued to improve in health and strength until he was fully restored.

We all knew that he was healed at that time, although it took six months to get rid of the cough which he had.  He has had one attack of pneumonia since then, but is still living and enjoying better health than ever before.  He has been healed instantly several times since.  He has so much faith in consecrated oil that it is his medicine always.”  (Rhoda Knowlton, age 11 years, JI 30(15):485-486, 1 Aug., 1895)

29 Sep.:  Deacon blesses his sister.

“Richard Horne tole me yesterday of the remarkable healing of his almost blind and very feeble daughter, who has been ill since birth, by the faith and prayers of her young brother, who is a deacon, and blessed her one day that she might recover.  The family are delighted, and praise the Lord for this blessing, which came in so unexpected a way.”  (A. H. Cannon diary, 29 Sep., 1895)

1 Oct.:  Anointing of child’s eyes by a woman.

“I will endeavor to relate to you how my baby sister was healed of sore eyes.

Mamma had been anointing the baby’s eyes with consecrated oil.  But one of the neighbors said, ‘You might just as well pour warm water into her eyes as to put oil on them.’

Different remedies were recommended to mamma for the baby’s eyes, but the more she heard, the more faith she seemed to have, and felt in her heart and said that she knew the consecrated oil was the best.  She again anointed the baby’s eyes with the oil and prayed God to heal them up.  Her prayer was answered, for the baby’s eyes were well the next morning, and looked as though they had never been sore.  And they were swollen and inflamed very badly before this.

This instance of healing has increased my faith in this ordinance of the gospel.”  (Levi Lorenzo Savage, age 8 years, JI 30(19):613, 1 Oct., 1895)


Items From Grandpa’s Log-Book.

One afternoon grandpa told us all a story of one of his voyages, and I think it is so nice that perhaps the young readers of the JUVENILE INSTRUCTOR would like to hear it. Grandpa called this story “Items from my Log-book.” “Log-book” is the sailor’s name for diary. I will try to tell this story as near as I can in his own words:

In 1852 I signed articles of agreement to sail in the barque Naomi, bound for Acapulco, on the Pacific coast of Mexico. We had on board one thousand tons of coal. We soon arrived in the tropics, where the climate was very warm. Here we saw many flying fish, who sometimes in their flight would fall on the ship’s deck. When they fell on the deck in this way we would cook them to eat. Their length was about eight or ten inches, and they were shaped like our mountain trout. These flying fish are of a bright silver color. Their fins, with which they fly, extend from behind the gills down to the end of the tall. They eat small squids or cuttle-fish that jump two or three feet out of the water.

There is also another fish found in this part of the ocean called the albecore. This kind of fish will follow the ship, and sailors will sometimes catch it with a hook, bated with a piece of white cloth to imitate the squid. To catch this fish we used to get out on the end of the bow-sprit or jib-boom and let our hook, which was bated with a piece of white rag, dip up and down in the water. We caught twelve or thirteen of these fish. They are something like a mackerel, having blue and white stripes alternately across the body. Some sailors will not eat them because they are sometimes poisonous. They obtain the poison from the copper plates on the ships’ bottom. There are small shell-fish called barnacles that adhere to these plates. The albecores suck the barnacles off the copper, and by doing so become unfit for use. The sailors’ way of testing these fish is to boil a piece of one of them with a piece of silver. If they are good, the silver retains its color; if not it turns black. We did not observe this rule but all of them proved to be good except the last one, which was poisonous. Thirteen sailors out of twenty-two made a hearty breakfast of the last one, on Sunday morning. All of them were poisoned except myself. None of them died, but some were more affected than others.

Before taking this voyage I had become a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

I thought that since the Gospel was so good and sweet to me that it would be as sweet to anyone else, but I was mistaken. When I went to sea I took quite a number of books and tracts with me to lend to my ship-mates to read. I never allowed a night to pass without asking for God’s protection, nor sat down to eat without first asking a blessing upon the food, although I was made fun of by the rest of the crew for so doing. I believe the reason I did not get sick by eating that poisoned fish was because I asked the Lord’s blessing upon it before eating.

A great many boys and girls would think it strange to see a man going tip the rigging or over the bows of the ship, when she was rolling and tossing in the sea, to pray. Yet this is what I did. Once while thus praying on the Pacific Ocean a voice spoke to me and told me that when I returned to England I would be called upon to hold the Priesthood, if I remained faithful, and that I would not be able to leave England until I was ordained. When I returned to England from this voyage all that the voice said to me came to pass.

In four months and twenty days after leaving harbor we arrived at Acapulco. This is the coaling station for the steamboats running from California to Panama. They call here to take in coal in traveling both ways. When I was there, there was a fort that commanded the entrance to the harbor. The houses of the working classes were made of bamboo and mud, and thatched with cane, with dirt for the floor. The church was built of adobes, with a flat roof and not many windows. It was a Catholic church.

There was a huge cuttle-fish that got pretty close to the shore in this harbor. A Mexican took the end of a rope in his hand, with a running noose, and dove under the fish and slipped the noose over the fish’s tail. Ten or twelve men at the other end of the rope pulled the fish into shallow water. They took from it what they wanted to eat. A shark which we saw in the harbor, and which we supposed would measure about eighteen feet in length, seized the remainder of the cuttle-fish and tried to drag it into deep water again, and it would have done so if the Mexicans had not driven him away.

While we were there a steamboat came in from San Francisco. While taking in coal, some boys between ten and twelve years of age swam out to the steamboat, and the passengers on the quarter-deck threw small pieces of money into the water for them. No sooner did the coin touch the water than two, or three boys would dive in after it. By the way they laughed and chattered you may be sure that one of them got the coin every time.

After unloading our coal and taking in ballast, we left Acapulco, with its fine harbor, for Callao in Peru. On the passage along the coast of Callao, I was taken sick, as were also two more sailors, the carpenter and the captain.

Every ship carries with it a medicine chest, also a book telling what kind of medicine is good for diseases. My medicine was a bottle of consecrated oil, which I had taken with me from London. For three days I tried prayer and administering to myself, and found no relief. And wondering why it should be so, and in fact not liking to ask the captain for medicine, I examined my conduct from the time that I had been baptized and found that I had not done anything to prevent me from receiving that blessing. While still wondering what could be the cause, the Spirit whispered, “Your faith is weak.”

All right, I thought, I’ll fast tomorrow, and I did so. So being on the look-out, on the last dog-watch, from six till eight o’clock, I went into the forecastle and got my bottle of oil. I then went over the ship’s boughs, administered to myself, and offered up a prayer to be healed, which was answered to my entire satisfaction. When relieved from my duty I went below and ate a hearty supper and went to bed, a place where I could not trust myself during my illness. The captain, the carpenter and the two seamen had taken all the medicine which they could read or think about, yet it was from five to six weeks before they could get about the decks. Then they were so weak that they could not stand without something to lean upon.

While I was sick some of the sailors became more friendly towards me, and would do almost anything for me. They would tell me that if I didn’t take some medicine from the captain I would die; but they said they would see that I was well sewed up in the canvas, with plenty of weight at my feet, so that I could make a quick passage to the bottom of the sea.

Millie Babcock.  Age 13.

Spanish Fork, Utah

[30:644-646, 1895]

15 Dec.:  Child healed by administration by women.

“One beautiful autumn morning I started with my mother to make a visit about thirty miles south of our home.  After about four hours’ ride we arrived at our destination in safety, where we were kindly treated by our friends.  After spending two days with them we started home, when I was suddenly taken ill, and continued to grow worse and worse until my parents feared I should not recover.

My mothers tried many soothing remedies, and earnestly prayed to the Lord for my recovery, but all efforts seemed in vain.  Gradually her faith began to weaken, and she said she would call in the doctor.  As she was about to do so, my aunt came to the door, and I told her that my mamma was going to call the doctor, but I had no faith in him nor did I want his services, for I knew that God could heal me, as He had made many promises to those who would keep the Word of Wisdom, which I have tried to do all my life.  I had also tried to be faithful in attending meetings and Sunday School.  For this reason I felt that the Lord would heal me in time of need.

My aunt also strengthened my faith by telling me that if I so desired she would administer some consecrated oil, and then in connection with my mother would pray for me.  As soon as this was done all pain ceased, and I was instantly healed by the power of God.

I have also seen the power of God made manifest in the healing of the sick many times, and I know that if we will try and be obedient to the Lord and observe His laws, He will hear and answer our prayers.”  (Effie Q. Reynolds, age 12 years, JI 30(24):781, 15 Dec., 1895)