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Prince’s Research Excerpts: Priesthood & Mormonism – Teachers’ Minutes, 1834-45

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Teachers Quorum Minute Book, December 25, 1834 – February 12, 1845, MS 3428

“Dec 25th 1834

conference met acording to adjournment and appointed brother George Johnson pressident protem and A. C. Graves clerk conference opned by prayer by brother George Johnson–the conference then appinted brothers John Taylor and Benjaman Johnson to labor with Orva Cartwright for making use of tobacco, also brother Joseph Cechum was appointed to labor with broth Bates & wife also brothers G. Johnson & A. C. Graves was appointed to labor with the widow Shaw, this conference adjourned till the 31st day of Jan 1835 at 10 o clock conference closed by prayer by broth John Lowry Teachers Present

George Johnson

Joseph Cechum

John Lowry

John Taylor

Alvin C. Graves

Morgan Gardner

Benjamin Johnson”

Teachers Quorum Minute Book, December 25, 1834 – February 12, 1845, MS 3428

“Jan 31st 1835

the conference met acording to adjeornment and appointed brother George Johnson president protem conference opened by prayer by broth George Johnson; Brothers Morgan Gardner & George Pitkin was appointed to labor with John Poorman & Solomon Danolds on the account of a pair of stears also brothers Brothers [sic] Benj Johnson & Ecekel Peck Rockwell Family it is also agreed that MOrgan Gardner & Philo Dibble be appointed with Lorenso Chamberlain it is also agreed that brothers George Johnson & Tibets Brother Gilbert Goldsmith it is agreed that this meting be adjeorned untill the last Saterday in febuary counsel closed by prayer by brother Samuel Music  Teachers present

George Johnson

Alvin C. Graves

Cyrus Danolds

Morgan L. Gardner

John Loury

George Beele

Samuel Musick

William Weeden

Benjamin Johnson”

Teachers Quorum Minute Book, December 25, 1834 – February 12, 1845, MS 3428

“Feb 25th 1835

Conference met according to adjeornment and opened by prayer by Brother George Johnson president protem it is agreed that brother George Beebe report brother Porter Rockwell & wife to the Elders it is further agreed that this conference be adjeornd untill the last satterday in march conference concluded by prayer by Brother Benjaman Johnson

Teachers presant

George Johnson

Alvin C. Graves

Samuel Musick

Cyrus Danolds

Philo Dibble

George Pitkin

George Beebe

Horice Evens

John Lowry

Chapman Duncan

Benjaman Hendrick

Benjaman Johnson

William Wheden”

Teachers Quorum Minute Book, December 25, 1834 – February 12, 1845, MS 3428

“March 29th 1835

conference met acording to adjeornment brother George Johnson was chosen president protem conference opened by prayer by brother George Johnson broth A C Graves was appointed clerk; it was agreed that brother Cyrus Danels labor with broth Luman Gibbs for lying or extortion it is also agreed that brothers Music and Graves labor with brother James Dunn & wife; it is agreed that brother Morgan Gardner take a Deacon with him and labor with Olive Butler and it is also agreed that Brother Rawson take an other with him and see brother Lewis and know the cause why he does not attend with us it is agreed that this conference be adjeorned untill the last satterday in May this conference closed by prayer by broth Cyrus Danals

George Johnson president

A C Graves Clerk”

Teachers Quorum Minute Book, December 25, 1834 – February 12, 1845, MS 3428

“May 30th 1835

Conference met according to adjeornment and opned by prayer by brother Joshua Lewis president it was put to vote and voted that brother Lewis should be our president and br Graves our Clerk and that they should be ordained by each other which was accordingly done; it was then voted that the clerk should purchace a book for the purpose of keeping the minutes of the several conference; it was then agreed that broth Stringum take broth Covy with him and labor with broth Cyrus Danoldes & wife on the account of a contradiction existing between them; it is further more agreed that broth George Johnson take a deacon with him and labor with broth Solomon Danolds & wife & Cyrus Danolds & George beeber wives to settle a quarrel existing betweeen them; it is also agreed that brothers Allen and hendricks labor with louis hendricks and broth marvins for not keeping the word of wisdom &c it is a greed that this conference be adjeornd untill the last satterday in June next.

pres Joshua Lewis John Lowry

Clerk Alvin C Graves Are Cartwright

Benj Johnson Josiah Sumner

George Pitkins Morgan L Gardner

Benj Hendricks Horace Evens

Wm Stringham Samuel Musick

George Johnson Wm Wheden”

Teachers Quorum Minute Book, December 25, 1834 – February 12, 1845, MS 3428

“June 27th 1835

Conference met according to adjeornment.  conference conference [sic] opned by prayer by Brother Luis it was agreed tht all regular labors should be made a minute of and handed in to this conference and have a record kept it is movd that this conference be adjeornd untill the last satterday in august conference closed by prayer by Brother cartwright


President Joshua Luis

Clerk Alvin C Graves

George Johnson

Benj Johnson

John Lowry

Chapman Duncan

John Taylor

Samuel Musick

Cyrus Danalds

George Beebe

Duncan Chapman

Are Cartwright

Joseph Allen

George Pitkin

Josiah Sumner

Horace Evens

Philo Dibble”

Teachers Quorum Minute Book, December 25, 1834 – February 12, 1845, MS 3428

“Aug 29th 1835

Conference met acording to adjeornment and opened by prayer by president Luis after recieveing some instructions from Brother Luis it was agreed Brothers George Johnson and president Burk be appointed to labor with brother Joseph Cechum and brother Jacob Crandal to settle a difficulty existing between them on the account of the keeping of a child it was further more agreed that this conference be adjeornd untill the last satterday in September to be held at brother George Beebes conference closed by prayer by pres Luis

Members pesent [sic]

pr Joshua Luis Ezechel Peck

clerk A C Graves John Taylor

George Johnson Joseph Allen

Samuel Music

Are Cartwright

Gipson Gates

Horace Rawson

Wm Stringum

Joseph Cechum

Benj Johnson”

Teachers Quorum Minute Book, December 25, 1834 – February 12, 1845, MS 3428

“March 19th 1836

Conference met according to request of the Bishop for the purpose of electing a president to fill the vacancy of brother J Juis Dec 3d and opned meeting by prayer by br Cyrus Danols it was then moved and secanded that broth George Johnson be elected our president the votes being cald for he was elected without one decenting vote the president then then [sic] a rose and taught the church according to the law and revelations  Conference adjeornd till the first satterday in may next at 11 oclock AM at Brother Nathan Sumners conference closed by prayer by the president Teachers presant

George Johnson president

A. C. Graves Clerk

Cyrus Danolds

John Lowry

Are. Cartwright

John Taylor

Samuel Musick

Benj Johnson

Nathan Sumner

Wm Stringum

Isaac Alldred

Joseph Allen

Ezekel Peck

Thoret Pearsons

Horace Evens

Joseph Kechum

Jesse Smith”

Teachers Quorum Minute Book, December 25, 1834 – February 12, 1845, MS 3428

“May 19th 1836

Conference met according to appointment and opned by prayer by the president we ware then taught according to the articles and covenants conference adjeornd till the first satterday in June next to be held at brother curtises at 11 AM conference closed by prayer by the president

Members presant

George Johnson

A. C. Graves

John Lowry

Isaac Alldred

Benj Hendricks

Benj Johnson

Gipson Gales

Josiah Sumner”

Teachers Quorum Minute Book, December 25, 1834 – February 12, 1845, MS 3428

“June 4th 1836

Conference met acording to adjeornment and opned by prayer by the president it was resolvd that the teachers labor with their boddy and return such as will not keep the word of wisdom and report them at the next meeting resolvd that this meeting be adjeornd untill the last satterday in July.”

Teachers Quorum Minute Book, December 25, 1834 – February 12, 1845, MS 3428

“Far West March 15th 1838

Confrence of Teachers met by order of the high Council under the direction of the Bishop he being authorised to organise the less Priesthood.  Confrence opend by prayer by Isaac Morley after receiveing instruction from the Bishop and others Albert Petty was elected President to preside over said quorum of Teachers.  Geo. W. Pitkin elected Clerk.  Confrence resolved to adjourn untill the 31 of March.  confrence closed by prayer by Albert Petty

James Allen Geo. W. Pitkin

Elijah Wilson A Petty

John Outhouse Philo Dibble

John L Butler Syrus Daniels

Benjamine Johnson Sidney Tanner

Roswell Stephens Alvin Graves

Joseph B. Hawks Geo Johnson

Andrew Rose Wm. M. Fossett

Ezekiel Peck

Morgan L. Gardner”

“Far West March 31st 1838

Confrence met according to appointment and opend by prayer by Albert Petty examined our quorum found all present in good standing  1st motiond and carryd that we will not admit any motion or question to come before our quorum unless a vote is called if carryd when sufficient light is given it shall be recorded  2nd motiond and carryd that evry member in this quorum shall observe order and arrise when he speaks in council  3d motiond and carryd that we will not receive any member in fellowship in our difrent branches unless they bring a reccommend unless we are personally acquainted with them  4th Motiond and carryd that we will not hold any one in our quorum in fellowship who will not observe the word of wisdom in as mutch as our circumstances will admit of   resolved to adjourn untill the last Thursday in April at 10 P.M. closed by pray by Geo. johnson

Geo. W. Pitkin Andrew Rose

Albert Petty Wm. M. Fossett

Ezekiel Peck Benjamin Johnson

Alvin Graves John Outhouse

Joseph B. Hawks John Taylor

Roswell Stephens

Geo Johnson

James Allen

Nathan Steward”

“Far West April 26th 1838

Confrence met according to appointment and opend by prayer by Geo. W. Pitkin.  1st Motiond and carryd that we will not hold any member in our quorum in fellowship who will not settle his own difficulties in the church show him self approved in all things  2nd Motiond and carryd that we will not hold any one of our quorum in fellowship who will take unlawful intrest  3d  Motiond and carryd that our quorum shall be fild out agreeable to the Articles and Covenants whos names shall be recorded the members of this quorum will be expected to attend all Councils if possible

resolved to adjourn untill the last Saturday in June Confrence closed by prayer by Timothy B Clark

John L. Butler

Geo. W. Pitkin

M. L. Gardner

Cirus Daniels

Andrew Rose

Andrew Moore

John Outhouse

Timothy B. Clark

Nathan Steward

Reuben Middleton

Henrey Ettleman

Gibson Gates

Wm. M. Fossett”

“Far West May 2d 1838

A list of the names of the quorum of Teachers under the inspection of President Petty

Geo. W. Pitkin 1

John L. Butler 2

Morgan L. Gardner 3

Cirus Daniels 4

Andrew Rose 5

Andrew Moore 6

John Outhouse 7

Timothy B. Clark 8

Nathan Stewart 9

Reuben Middleton 10

Henry Ettleman 11

Gibson Gates 12

Wm. M. Fossett 13

Alvin C. Graves 14

Joseph B. Hawks 15

Philo Dibble 16

Geo Johnson 17

Benjamane Johnson 18

Roswell Stephens 19

Tarltan Lewis 20

William Taylor 21

Horace S. Rawson 22

John Taylor 23

James Allen 24″

“Far West June 30th 1838

Confrence met according to appointment and opend by prayer by Andrew Rose

Andrew Rose appointed President protem to act confrence resolved to ajourn untill the last Saturday in July

Confrenc closed by prayer by Tarlton Lewis

Benjamine Johnson

Roswell Stephens

Timothy B. Clark

Andrew More

Andrew Rose

Gibson Gates

Tarlton Lewis

Henry Ettleman

Geo W. Pitkin”

“City of Nauvoo May 2 1841

Conference met acording to appointment and was opened by prayer by James W Huntsman he then apointed Thos Spiers for Clerk 1st Motioned and carried that every member of this Qorum when he speaks on any subject shall rise to his feet and shall not be interupted while he is speaking

Teachers Names

Elisha Averett president

James Hendricks James W Huntsman  Councilors

Joses Curtis

Mathew Mansfield

John Taylor

Thomas Tinkens

Benjiman Hendryx

Albert Pease

Thomas Wakefield

Albert Petty

Thomas Spiers Clerk

Edmund Nelson”

“City of Nauvoo May 9 1841

The qorum of Teachers met acording to ajourment and was opened by prayer by Elisha Averett, and the subject of Teachers visiting the house of each member was discused but was laid over until we get more information on the subject the meeting was the[n] closed by prayer to neet next sunday morning at the house James Hendricks.”

“May 16  The quorum met acording to ajourment and was opened by singing, and prayer by James Hendricks”

“City of Nauvoo June 6 1841

The quorums of Teachers and Deacons met acording to appointment and was opened by prayer by Albert Petty”

“City of Nauvoo Oct 7 1842

The quorum of Teachers meet according to preavious appointment and was opined by prays by Elisha Avirits

And then was organnized in to a coram

Names of Said qoram

Elisha Averett (president

James Huntsman  Elijah Averett (concilars

Samuel Eggleston (clerk

Stephen Hales

Archabald Bates

Solomon P. McIntoush

James Proctor

John Richards

William Empey

William Blackhorst

Thomas More

David Orsman

Mathew Mansfield

Jonathan Hoops”

“City of Nauvoo Oct 9th 1842

The Teachers met according to previous appointment and the meeting was opened by prayer by Elisha Averett and was then organized into a quorum

1st motioned and carrid that Samuel Eggleston be our Clerk

2nd motioned and carrid that every member of this quorum when he speaks on any subgect shall rise to his feet and shall not be interupted while he is speaking

3rd motioned and carrid that this quoam adjourn to meet at Elisha Averetts in four weeks at 2 Oclock PM meeting closed by prayer by Stephen Hales Sen.

names of said quorum

Elisha Averitt (President)

James Huntsman  Elijah Averitt (Counselors

Samuel Eggleston (Clerk

Stephen Hales Sen

Archabald Bates

Solomon P. McIntoush

James Proctor

John Richards

William Empey

William Brackhorst

Thomas More

David Orsman

Mathew Mansfield

Jonathan Hoops”

“City of Nauvoo June 4th 1843

A few of the Teachers of the Church of Jesus Christ of latter day Saints met according to previous appointment and the meeting was not opened on account of not being enough to form a quorum what was presant concluded to meet 2 weeks from this day at 8 Oclock in the morning

names of teachers presant

Elisha Averitt (president

Elijah Averitt (Counselor

Samuel Eggleston (Clerk

Stephen Hales

Archabald Bates

William Brackhurst

George Hales

Stephen Perry”

“City of Nauvoo February 4th 1844

The quorum of teachers met according to previous appointment and was opend by prayer by brother James Huntsman.  the president arose and made some verry appropriate remark, in the subjects visiting the brethren and settling difficulties amongst the brethren and was followed by Several of the brethren on the same subjects the meeting was then adjourned untill the first Sunday of March next at Warren Smiths meeting closed

Elisha Averitt )President Ezekiel Peck

Elijah Averitt )Counsellors Henry Hoyt

James Huntsman ) Archabald Hill

Samuel Eggleston )Clerk Harman Wickle

William Blackhurst James Proctor

Daniel Hendricks Francis Birch

Thomas More Liman Emma

Henry Davis Jared Roundy

William Vanorden

Alfred Pew

George Hales

Matthias Spencer

William Dod

Richard Hardman

Mathew Mansfield

Peter Conover

Florit Pearsons

Joseph Hammons

Nathan Hallitt

Jonathan Harvey

John Richards

John Davis

Joseph Armstrong”

“Citty of Nauvoo January the 13 1845

the Bishopriks for the Church of Jesus Christ of latterday Saints and teachers met according to previous appointment to reorganize the quorum of teachers it being previousle disorganized by a great number of said quorum joining the Seventies and high Preasts quorums and was organized by ordaining Daniel Hendrix and John Berry councellars to Elisha Averett President of said quorum  members of said quoram

Elisha Averett (President

Daniel Hendrix (Counsellors

John Berry     (

Francis M Owens

Benjamin Gipson

Henry Gibson Jonathan Partridge

Henry Gifford Robert Bags

Thomas W. Treat Harmon D Bailas

Richard Hardman Jared Roundy

Joseph Knowls Samuel Hodge

Thomas Boardman James Erwood

William Turpin Harmon Wickel

Andrew Swanly Thomas Barker

Joshua Terry John Smith

John Everett

Amer Dillworth

John Richards

Henry Davis

Samuel Wert

John Dingman

George Burdy

David Wilkerson

Alen Wilkerson

Thomas Carter

William Ford”

“this 12 day of febuary 1845

the quorum of teachers met acording to previous appoint and meating opened by prays by Elisha Averitt the president of said quorun and some appropriate remarks made by him to the quoram teaching them the duty of there office then followed by Henry Davis on the same subject Emer Dilworth on the same subject motioned by daniel hendrix that evry member of the quoram arise to there feet when speking and address the quoram and caried Daniel hendrix then arose and exorted the quorum to speak in meting and improve on there tallents Thommas Carter then followed and approved of the remarks maid by those wich had spoke on the ocation John Richard then gave in a report of a visit he had maid in a part of the church stating he he [sic] found the members generally in good standing and so forth francis M Oins made some remarks expressing his determination to do his duty Ruffus Abbot made some remarks and so forth meting then ajurned to one week from that knight”

“this the 19 of febuary 1845

the qouran of teachers meat persuent to ajunement meting oppended by prays by daniel hindrix he then gave privilige for all to speak that wish to daniel hendrix the[n] gave a reporte of a visit he had in the severals wards he stated that he found the members generally in good s[t]anding he allso exorted the members of the quoram to be faithe in all these dutys then closed his remarks henry davis arose and maid very appropriate remarks to the quoram exerting the members of said qoram to be faith allso stating he intende dto do whatever he was cald to do if it cost him his life if the lord gave hime st[r]eng[th] to do so the president then maid some remarks on the duty of the quoram meting then ajurnd one weak from that knight”  [This is the final entry in the minutebook]

MS d 7062 fd 4

“A record of the proceedings of the Lesser Priesthood in the Territory of Iowa

A meeting of the members of the Lesser Priesthood was held in the city of Zarahemla the 15th day of May 1841 for the purpose of organizing agreeable to the Laws of the Church.  The meeting was opened by prayer by Bishop Elias Smith, who stated the object of the meeting and called for the names of the priests Teachers & deacons in the different branches of the Church in the County of Lee and enquired whether they were in good standing in the Church or not.

The following were present and were accepted . . .

Joshua Mecham who was not present but was reported as being in good standing was unanimously elected to the office of President of the Quorum of Priests and Pliny Fisher President of the Quorum of Teachers.  The Bishop then addressed the Quorums on the duties of the Presidents of the several Quorums of the Lesser Priesthood and of the Priests and Teachers, followed by president John Smith who gave them much instruction.  The members of the Lesser Priesthood present then expressed their determination to keep the commandments of the Lord and to magnify their office and calling.  Adjourned to the first saturday in june next at one oclock P.M. to meet in Zarahemla.

Closed by prayer by father Fisher.”

“June 5th  Met pursuant to adjournment–Opened by prayer by Counsellor Joseph B. Noble.  Some instructions were then given and Joshua Mecham was ordained to the office of president of the quorum of Priests and Pliny Fisher to the office of president of the quorum of Teachers [note that Fisher was already a Teacher at this time, but was nonetheless “ordained” to the “office” of quorum president], agreeable to their appointment.  Leeman Gibbs and Daniel Bullard Priests were then received into the quorum of Priests by vote of the quorum and Lewis Abbott and Josiah Sumner Teachers were also recived into the Teachers quorum.  Benjamin Ellsworth and David Morehead Deacons were by vote of the quorum also excepted.

CLosed by prayer by President Mecham.

Adjourned sine die.”

“July 17th Met at the house of Father Fisher in Zarahemla agreeable to previous notice.  Opened by prayer by counsellor Joseph Mecham jr.  John H. Goff & Barnabas Adams Preiests, and John Wheeler & Samuel McBride Teachers were received into their respective quorums.  The priests and Teachers made a report of their labours in past in visiting the members of the Church.  They reported that several elders and other officers in the Church did not keep the word of wisdom nor pray in their families and also many of the members.  They were instructed to continue to discharge the duties of their calling and office agreeable to the Laws of the Lord given unto us and with diligence and faithfulness continue to root iniquity out of the church and see that the members did their duty by the Bishop and others who were present among whom were President John Smith and elder Willard Snow.  As there were none of the members of the quorums present from the Siloam [?] branch of the church in this county and no report from that branch President Joshua Mecham and Teacher John Wheeler were appointed to visit that branch, and President Pliny Fisher and Priest John H. Goff to visit the members in Zarahemla and make report at the next meeting of the Lesser Priesthood to be held in Zarahemla the first saturday the 7th of August next at on PM.

Adjourned and closed by prayer by Bishop Smith.

Met on Saturday 7th August in the morning before the commencement of the conference of the Church in Iowa held on that day.  Opened by prayer by the bishop.  William Eaton a Teacher then presented his recommendation and licence and was received into the quorum.  After some instructions were given to the members of the quorum the meeting adjourned sine die.”