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Prince’s Research Excerpts: Priesthood & Mormonism – Welfare, 1940

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1940:  7 Apr.:  Overall description of plan.

“I would that every member of this great congregation could have had the opportunity of attending the General Welfare meeting held yesterday morning and had visualized in picture, graph, and statistics the splendid achievements of this great movement and its possibilities for the future.

Some of us are inclined to believe that the Church Welfare program is of a temporary nature, but I do not hesitate in declaring that the future will hold a greater need for it than there has been in the past.  In analyzing conditions in our great nation today, it is obvious that the matter of relief and unemployment is a local problem and sooner or later the Federal Government will turn it back to states, counties, cities, communities, and churches for solution.

The situation is clear.  The Federal Government has before it two issues: first, as to whether or not it is able to carry the relief burden, or is the Federal income adequate to cover the huge expenditures of the past, present, and future.  The present condition of the National Treasury indicates that disbursements are far in excess of receipts, which brings back to mind the truth expressed by President Clark, wherein he declared that no individual, nor private enterprise, nor even government can long exist on a sound financial basis when disbursements are greater than receipts.  This local problem of relief which has and is being expanded into tremendous proportions by government agencies will come back to local units of government where it rightly belongs, or the nation faces bankruptcy.

Secondly, the Federal Government in turning the problem of relief back to states, counties, cities, communities, and churches should set in motion through these local units preparation for the caring of those in distress.  Where preparation is being made to meet this problem, there will be but little difficulty.  But where no preparation has been made, suffering, difficulties, and bloodshed are not remote possibilities.

The Welfare Program is not the child of any individual’s brain, but comes to us from our Heavenly Father.  Your attention is directed to a revelation given to the Prophet Joseph Smith in the year 1832, as recorded in the 78th section of the Doctrine and Covenants, verse 3:

For verily I say unto you, the time has come and is now at hand; and behold, and lo, it must needs be that there be an organization of my people, in regulating and establishing the affairs of the storehouse for the poor of my people, both in this place and in the land of Zion.

In this revelation there are indicated to us two important points, probably three.  First, these storehouses are to be regulated and established by an organization of the Lord’s people.  Secondly, a storehouse was to be set up in ‘this’ place.  What place?  The place where the Saints were residing in 1832–in and about Kirtland, Ohio.  Third, the Lord said to the Prophet Joseph, ‘and in the land of Zion.’

In the wisdom of the Lord and through the power of inspiration, the Presidency of the Church some four years ago instituted this plan in greater measure than before.  As a result, there have been established in the land of Zion storehouses under the direction and regulation of an organization of the Lord’s people.  These storehouses are found in Canada, the Northwest, California, and in every Stake of the Church.  This impresses us with the fact that this is not a new plan, but rather the first one revealed to us through the instrumentality of the Prophet Joseph Smith.  This is one of the Lord’s ways of taking care of his people in distress.

As one phase of this organization there has recently been organized in the Church the General Welfare Committee, who under the mandate of the First Presidency have been and are establishing the Church Welfare Program of the Church.  The efforts of this group of men are of the highest order.  This Committee is composed of men from the various walks and vocations of life; some of them are professional men, others business men, others educators.  For the past four years they have given most generously of their time and talents in the attempt to establish in every Ward, Stake, and Region of the Church the Lord’s way of caring for His distressed people.

It is literally a day of preparation, and the members of the General Welfare Committee are exerting every effort to emphasize the necessity of being fully prepared in Priesthood quorums, Wards, Stakes, and Regions in order that this plan shall operate most efficiently in solving the problems of relief and unemployment.

Another great organization stands out in bold relief in connection with this movement, namely the Relief Society organization, which has contributed willingly, freely, and generously of its time and resources to the program.  If it had not been for the Relief Society organization, in some Stakes the Welfare program would have made but little progress.

This plan anticipates not only that men and women shall be rehabilitated in their temporal affairs, but that there shall be a rejuvenation and rehabilitation in their attitude towards God, towards their Government, and towards work.

The past experiences of a great many charitable institutions and organizations prove, where assistance has been given without placing any requirements or obligation upon the recipients, it has brought about a condition of demoralization, disrespect for government, and the attitude that the world owes man a living without any mental or physical exertion on his part.  In such instances, when relief is taken away, such individuals are not able through desire or training to take care of themselves.  The Church Welfare Program solves the problem of demoralization by placing on every individual the responsibility of contributing of his time and talents on some worthwhile project that there may be instilled in his mind and heart the thought that what he has received is his, by right of having earned it.  The Lord has placed this obligation on all.  He said, ‘Thou shalt not be idle, for he that is idle shall not eat the bread nor wear the garments of the laborer.’  This is the essence and battle-cry of this great program of rehabilitation and preparation against the day of need, which will surely come.

On the other hand, those of us who are not particularly affected by the conditions of the times temporally have a most definite responsibility in that we should be susceptible to the lessons of this great program: First, the lesson of thrift, wherein through the practice of conservative and careful principles, we shall safeguard our private resources against days of future need and depression.

The matter of financing this great program rests squarely upon the shoulders of members of the Church.  The means and ways of such financing come from divine sources, for the Lord has indicated His desires relative to taking care of those who are in need.  The Lord’s method of financing the Church Welfare Program is the Fast Offering Plan, which has already been mentioned by Elder George F. Richards and Elder Joseph Fielding Smith of the Council of the Twelve.  This is a plan pregnant with enriching blessings for those who observe it, the most equitable and orderly system ever given to man whereby individuals contribute according to their resources: To abstain from two meals on the First Sunday of each month, the equivalent in cash or commodities to be presented to the Bishop in order that there might be provisions in the storehouse of the Lord for any who might be hungry or cold.  This plan provides a blessing for the donor.  It is a physical sacrifice for the receiving of a spiritual blessing.  It places the body under subjection to the will of the Lord, establishes closer relationship between man and the Holy Ghost, which assures a high degree of spirituality, a blessing so much needed in the world today.  It creates a prayerful attitude and provides an opportunity, as Paul declared, for the practice of pure and undefiled religion, in visiting the fatherless and the widows, and keeping themselves unspotted from the sins of the world.  By far the greatest spiritual blessing derived from the observance of this plan is the gift of testimony.  No greater privilege is offered to the membership of this Church that the one afforded the first Sunday of each month to contribute of our resources to those who are in distress, to pray and fast, and to bear testimony of the goodness of the Lord unto us.

The spirit of testimony is the power of the Holy Ghost.  Any individual who rises to his feet and declares that he knows that God lives, that Jesus is the Christ, and that Joseph Smith is a Prophet, does so under the power and influence of the Holy Ghost.  Brigham Young declared that no man could testify that Jesus was the Christ only by and through the power of the Holy Ghost.”  (Joseph L. Wirthlin, 7 Apr., 1940; CR Apr., 1940, pp. 107-110)

Sep.:  The Church Welfare Program.

“The Church is vitally concerned for the temporal welfare of its members.  From its organization it has endeavored to establish and maintain the economic independence of the people by fostering industries, creating employment and encouraging thrift, and has stood ready at all times to help faithful, active Latter-day Saints who are in need.  The health program of the Church has also been extensive, including preventive and corrective work, as well as the care of the sick.

With the inauguration of the Church Welfare Plan all organizations interested in the economic welfare of Church members in distress were consolidated to insure more effective operation.  The problems confronting ward bishoprics can best be solved by the united efforts of bishoprics, priesthood quorums, Relief Societies and other interested parties, rather than by unrelated endeavors which usually thwart the purposes of the Welfare Plan.

The objectives of the plan are briefly set forth in the following excerpts from the statement of the First Presidency issued during the April 1936 Conference:

1. Fast offerings must be increased to an amount equaling $1.00 per Church member per year.  This is an amount within the reach of every head of family and single person in the Church.  Those who can give more should do so.

2. Tithing should be fully paid in cash, if possible.  If payment cannot be made in cash, tithes in kind will be acceptable.

3. Ward authorities and priesthood quorums should exert the greatest possible effort to see that fast offerings and tithing are fully paid.

4. Upon ward teachers, personal welfare committees of priesthood quorums and the Relief Society must rest the prime responsibility of discovering and appraising the wants of the needy.  These wants must be administered in accordance with the regular rules and through the regular organizations of the Church.

5. Bishops should aim to accumulate sufficient food and clothes to provide for every needy family.  The Relief Society should cooperate in the work by directing and assisting needy sisters in drying and preserving fruits and vegetables, providing clothing, bedding, etc.

6. Every bishop and stake president should constantly remember that other wards and stakes may be more in need than his own, and even though his own ward or stake may not need the whole he is to collect in fast offerings, nevertheless he must collect the full sum in order that any amount not required for the needs of his own ward or stake may be passed on to places where it is needed.  The problem of relief is Church-wide; it is to be accomplished through local unit organizations and operations.  it will be the business and responsibility of bishops and their ward organizations, priesthood quorums and Relief Societies to see that the full relief collections are made.

7. Relief is not to be normally given as charity; it is to be distributed for work or service rendered.  All members of the Church must cooperate to this end.  The Church itself will be prepared to assist to the utmost extent possible in providing work on its own properties for its unemployed members, and also in providing other work in wisely rehabilitating ranches, farms, gardens, and orchards that may be used to furnish foodstuffs for those in need.  No pains must be spared to wipe out all feeling of diffidence, embarrassment, or shame on the part of those receiving relief; the ward must be one great family of equals.  The spiritual welfare of those on relief must receive especial care and be earnestly and prayerfully fostered.  A system which gives relief for work or service will go far toward reaching these ends.

8. The responsibility of directing and coordinating this work rests with the Presiding Bishopric and the General Committee appointed to assist them.

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Regional Organization–To facilitate the work of the Church Welfare Plan, stakes within a given geographical area are grouped together into regions, with the presidents of the several stakes in the group comprising the regional executive council.  A chairman and vice-chairman are selected from the executive council.

The responsibilities of regional councils, which function under the direction and supervision of the General Committee, are:

1. To provide suitable storehouses for the storing and distribution of surplus commodities received from the stakes comprising the region, or to send them to designated general committee storage centers when the surpluses are not needed by any stake within the region.

2. To create regional fast offering funds from surplus cash fast offerings on hand in the stakes at the end of regular periods agreed upon by the executive council, and to disburse these funds upon requisition of the stake presidents to stakes within the region in need of additional assistance or to send the funds to the Presiding Bishop’s Office at the end of each quarter, if they are not needed by the region.

3. To work out productive programs each year that will approximate the probable needs of the regions.

4. To efficiently and economically produce, store and distribute surplus commodities within the regions.

5. To improve the economic conditions within the regions through the establishment of employment agencies, development of irrigation and reclamation projects, encouragement of exchanges between groups producing cooperatively, and by organizing and fostering agricultural or industrial projects in an effort to reduce the relief load.

6. To furnish the Presiding Bishopric and the General Committee monthly statements of cash received and disbursed by regional storehouses to individuals, stakes, or general committee central storage centers.

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Stake Supervisory Committee–In each stake a supervisory committee is designated as the stake welfare committee to coordinate the work of wards, priesthood groups or quorums, and Relief Society organizations, and to stimulate in every group activities that will accomplish the utmost in looking after the welfare of the individuals of each group.

This committee is composed of the stake presidency as advisers, a member of stake presidency as chairman, the chairman of the bishops’ executive council, president of the stake Relief Society, stake work director, stake Relief Society work director, chairman of stake agricultural committee, (stake clerk or assistant as secretary, if desired).

Relationship of Stake Welfare Committee to Stake Melchizedek Priesthood Committee–Projects for the economic welfare of its members, an important quorum activity, should be undertaken in harmony with the efforts of the Church Welfare Plan.  For this reason, and to prevent unnecessary duplication, the member of the stake presidency who is chairman of the stake welfare committee might also be the chairman of the stake Melchizedek Priesthood committee.  The two committees need not have the same membership; but the stake Melchizedek Priesthood committee could sit in, as desired, with the stake welfare committee, to discuss projects of mutual interest to the two committees.

Bishops’ Executive Council–The bishops’ executive council is expected to work in the closest harmony with the stake committee and is designed primarily to supervise the operation of bishops’ storehouses that they may be organized to serve all or a part of the wards of a given teritory as storage and distribution centers.  Otherwise, the bishops are to counsel together frequently to unify the work of the various wards within the stakes and to establish uniform policies in dealing with welfare and unemployment problems.

Ward Welfare Committee–The ward welfare committee consists of the bishopric as advisers, with one of the bishopric as chairman, the ward work director to assume active chairmanship, (if desired by the bishop), the chairman of the personal welfare committee of the high priests’, seventies’, and elders’ groups in the ward, the leader of the adult Aaronic Priesthood class, the ward Relief Society president and the Relief Society work director.

This small unit is of utmost importance.  It is the hub about which the whole activity of the program revolves. It is a staff to aid the bishopric and the priesthood quorums of the ward.  Though the Relief Society is well represented in the ward committee, the quorum responsibility remains.  This ward agency is an effective method of coordinating the work of the various quorums of the ward in their mission of mercy and brotherhood.

It is the duty of the ward committee to make and keep up-to-date a family survey of families requiring assistance, in order to have before it constantly the economic status of each needy individual in the ward.  With this information available, the committee, in coordination with the stake welfare committee, should endeavor, as far as possible, to reach the objectives of the welfare plan.  Jobs should be solicited for the unemployed, and work projects developed to produce commodities and to provide work for those who are unemployed.  It should be the endeavor of the ward committee to urge that every priesthood group in the ward have a productive project of some kind, to assist in providing the necessities required by needy quorum members.  The commodities thus provided and stored in central storehouses established by cooperation with other wards in the stake, or with other stakes in the region, can be efficiently distributed to needy families upon bishops’ orders to reach the first objectives of the program.

Should the stake storehouse lack a sufficient supply or variety of commodities that have been produced by the welfare program to meet the requirements of the wards in any storehouse district, these additional commodities, to be drawn from the surpluses of other regions, may be had by applying to the General Committee.

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Employment–The primary purpose of the Church Welfare Plan is to furnish employment to the unemployed so that they may become self-sustaining.  This is one of the responsibilities of the ward welfare committee, as previously described.

Church Welfare Projects–It is vital that able-bodied persons who need assistance be given opportunities to work, and that commodities received by them from storehouses should represent, in part at least, compensation for labors performed.  Hence work projects should be of a productive nature and as far as possible a part of the budget program being carried forward to meet the requirements of the needy.  Projects with storehouse participation must not be thought of as permanent enterprises, but as a temporary provision to meet emergencies until gainful employment can be found by individuals in private industry.

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Melchizedek Priesthood Quorums–Melchizedek Priesthood quorums are directly under the supervision of the stake presidency, but are expected to function actively in cooperation with the ward bishoprics and ward Relief Societies in looking after the welfare of the individual members of quorums.  Where quorum memberships are made up of several ward groups, quorum presidencies should advise with group leaders and ward bishops and appoint a representative from each quorum to act on ward welfare committees.  In order for quorum presidencies to keep closely in touch with the welfare problems of quorums made up of groups from several wards, it is suggested that quorum Personal Welfare Committees, made up of one or more persons from each ward group, be appointed and that the entire personal welfare committees meet regularly with quorum presidencies to discuss welfare problems of members in the various wards.

Ward Melchizedek Priesthood Groups and Adult Aaronic Priesthood–The ward priesthood group is expected to function with the ward welfare committee in exactly the same manner as though the entire membership of the quorum lived within the ward, and each group should have representation on the ward committee.

Adult Aaronic Priesthood groups are to have representation on both stake and ward committees, and otherwise assist the Melchizedek Priesthood on all project work.

The Relief Society Organization–As explained in the Relief Society Handbook of Instructions, page 21: ‘Original Instructions by Joseph Smith’–The minutes of the first meeting state: ‘The meeting was addressed by President Joseph Smith, to illustrate the object of the Society–that the Society of sisters might provoke the brethren to good works, in looking to the wants of the poor, searching after objects of charity and in administering to their wants.’

At later meetings the Prophet gave additional instructions as follows: ‘This charitable Society is according to your natures, it is natural for females to have feelings of charity.  You are now placed in a situation where you can act according to these sympathies which God has planted in your bosoms.  If you live up to these principles, how great and glorious.  If you live up to your privileges, the angels cannot be restrained from being your associates.  This Society is not only to relieve the poor but to save souls.’

The Relief Society is to have representation on stake and ward welfare committees and should work in the closest harmony with the ward bishopric, priesthood quorum presidencies, and priesthood welfare committees in looking after the welfare of ward members.  Relief Society workers will look to the General Relief Society Board for advice and instructions in methods of analyzing family problems.

When officers of the Relief Society visit a family, a record should be made of all employable members.  This record will then be handed to the ward committee for assignment of the unemployed to Church projects.  Work directors and members of the priesthood should endeavor to assist these persons in securing employment in industrial or agricultural enterprises.

Order blanks have been provided by the central office of the General Committee on which the Relief Society president may list the commodities needed by the family.  These orders, when approved by the ward bishop, may be presented to the nearest available storehouse to be filled.

Responsibility for the Care of the Poor–The primary responsibility, legally and morally, of caring for the needy rests with the relatives.  As Paul says in his Epistle to Timothy, ‘but if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith and is worse than an infidel.’  (I Tim. 5:8)

If relatives are not able to provide for those requiring assistance, then the Church, through the welfare organizations established in each ward and branch, should render necessary aid by supplying those for whom the Church is responsible, commodities produced by the welfare program consisting of food, clothing and fuel.  [NOTE THE DELETION FROM THE 1934 GHI OF THE COUNTY’S LEGAL RESPONSIBILITY]  The next important step should be to make dependents self-supporting by securing permanent employment for the unemployed.  The cooperation of personal welfare committees of priesthood quorums and the ward welfare committee should be solicited in accomplishing this objective.  Under the direction of the bishop the Relief Society may assist in making a social study of all cases and in formulating budgets to control and properly direct the expenditure of family incomes.

Cases to be Cleared–When a family requests assistance from the bishop, either of commodities or employment, the bishop should direct the Relief Society president or her social aid to first clear the case, then visit the family, determine whether or not an emergency exists, and the amount of assistance that should be rendered by the ward.  Emergencies should be taken care of immediately.  The Relief Society president or her aid, by tactful investigation, should learn where the family came from, in what ward their membership was last recorded, how long they have resided in the county, and something of their history and relatives.  Necessary details should also be obtained to prepare work cards already referred to.  In Salt Lake County, clearance may be made through the Relief Society Social Service Department, and in Los Angeles, through the L.D.S. Welfare Department.  In other localities, cases should be cleared with local public welfare departments and with any other local relief agencies.

Causes of Poverty–In considering the relief of distress among Church members, it may be well to direct attention to the chief causes of poverty.  Poverty may be caused by any one of a number of unfavorable conditions: sickness, injury, infirmity, unemployment, lack of education, poor management, physical or mental deficiency.

Poverty should be relieved by getting at the source of the trouble and adopting ways and means of remedying it as soon as possible.  Consequently, the practice of giving aid without careful investigation is not the proper way to render relief.  A careful study of the family by the Relief Society president and personal welfare committee of the quorum is essential, and aid should be rendered with sympathy and judgment.

Who Should be Assisted–Faithful members of the Church should receive first consideration by the bishopric of the ward and the Relief Society.  A faithful member is one who paid tithing when in a position to do so and who attends ward meetings and performs the duties required of him by his presiding officers.

Then, there are cases which may be termed divided families, where the head of the family is not a member of the Church, but his wife and children are devoted and active members.  This class is entitled to assistance by the Church, because the mother and children cannot always control the acts, ideas, or religious inclinations of the head of the family.  Such families should receive the attention of the special missionaries or ward teachers in order that the family as a whole may be stimulated and encouraged to participate in Church activities.

There are also families where both the father and mother are members of the Church, but one or the other is inactive.  This situation should not preclude the rendering of assistance.

In every ward there are families who are inactive and have contributed nothing to the Church in the way of service or finances, consequently the Church is not obligated to care for them.  The federal government, county, or community should assume repsonsibility for these cases.  If, however, these inactive members fail to secure aid from government agencies, and they are willing to work for what they may need, it is our responsibility to see that none lacks the necessities of life.  Kindness and charity must always characterize the Church.  Families classified as inactive should also receive the attention of the special missionaries or ward teachers.

There are also cases which may be termed borderline, where the head of the family fails to earn sufficient to adequately meet the family needs.  In such cases, if careful investigation warrants, the Relief Society president may, with the approval of the bishop, work out a program for supplemental assistance.

Transient members of the Church frequently call on bishops for assistance.  It is advisable in these cases to determine where the persons came from and, if possible, to secure information which will indicate whether they are entitled to call upon the Church.  This information can be obtained by clearing the cases, as suggested in a preceding paragraph.

Finances–The finances necessary to sustain needy members of the Church are derived from four sources: Fast offerings, contributions to the welfare plan, Relief Society funds, and the tithing.

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Welfare Requirements–Welfare requirements are of two classes: cash and commodities.

Cash–Rent, light, medicine, carfare, special diet.  If the welfare fund is insufficient to pay cash and commodity accounts, the bishop should present an itemized statement to the stake presidency indicating the amount required to balance the account, and make application for this amount from the stake fast offering fund.  If the stake account is depleted, the president of the stake should determine whether any funds are avilable in the region.  If the region is unable to pay the account, the statement, bearing the endorsement of the stake president, should be forwarded to the Presiding Bishopric.

Light-Rents–If it becomes necessary to submit light and rent accounts to the Presiding Bishopric for payment, because of the lack of funds locally, light bills should be presented in ample time to take advantage of discounts.  For rents, a statement should be prepared showing the name of the tenant, his address, the amount of the rent, the month for which the rent is being paid, and the name and addresss of the owner of the property.

Commodities–Food, fuel, clothing.  Payment of accounts incurred for commodities are to be handled in the same manner as suggested for cash accounts.  Itemized statements are sent to each ward by the regional storehouse.  These statements should give the names of the persons receiving aid.  If ward funds are inadequate to pay fully the regional account, the bishop should remit such amount as he may have, deduct the remittance from the total of the statement, and then forward it to the president of the stake.  The statement should be properly audited and certified to by the bishop.  If the stake cannot pay the account, it will be taken care of either by the region or the Presiding Bishopric in the same manner as cash accounts.

Deseret Industries–This department of the welfare plan supplies renovated furniture, clothing, shoes, and practically all household equipment.  Where there is need of these items, and the bishop has insufficient funds to purchase them, he may apply to the stake for assistance.  If the stake has no money, the request for assistance will follow the same routine as recommended in preceding paragraphs.

Stored Commodities–Commodities received by bishops as fast offerings or welfare contributions are to be distributed through existing storehouse facilities, first to take care of the needy in the wards where the contributions originate.  Stored commodities are to be delivered to stake storehouses for the relief of the needy in other wards.  Stake surpluses should be delivered to regional centers for distribution within the region, or to the general committee storage center for distribution throughout the Church as required.

Should a storehouse need commodities not supplied by Church units comprising the territory served by the storehouse, request may be made to the regional storehouse or general committee storage centers and the commodities will be supplied if available elsewhere.  The storehouse receiving them will be required to pay only the actual cost of containers and transportation.  Bishops requesting merchandise from storehouses will be expected to reimburse the storehouses on the same basis.  This policy serves as an exchange medium and should materially reduce cash expenditures for commodities which are produced by the program or received as contributions.

Public Aid–The federal, state, and county governments provide for direct payments to individuals in the form of–

Direct Relief–

a. Old-age assistance (sometimes called pensions).

b. Aid to dependent children.

c. Aid to adult blind.

d. General Relief.

Earned Benefits–

e. Employment on federal work projects.

f. Unemployment insurance or compensation.

g. Old-age insurance (this is distinct from old-age assistance listed under (a) above).

The direct cash assistance provided under the Federal Social Security Act, as old-age assistance, aid to dependent children, and aid to the blind, is intended only for those who through disability, infirmity, youth, or old age, are unable to provide for themselves.  General relief is provided for those unable to provide for themselves because of disability, unemployment, or other reasons.  Recipients of these types of assistance are subject to a social service investigation, and the assistance is administered through state and county welfare departments only upon the basis of need.  Likewise, workers are assigned to empoyment on federal work projects on the basis of need determined by means of social service investigation.  Benefits paid under the Social Security Act as unemployment compensation and old-age insurance are a form of insurance paid from funds accruing from a payroll tax on employers and employees.

Church members should be counseled against seeking public aid unless they are entitled to it and do not have other means of livelihood.  Common honesty and loyalty to the government demands such a course, in fairness to those who are eligible for this assistance.

Those who work on federal projects where a regular wage is offered should continue their employment so long as they have no other means of livelihood but should be sure to give a full day’s work for the wages received.  If any worker has a farm or other means of obtaining a livelihood, he should be advised to be independent of work-relief projects, if possible.  Workers who are entitled to unemployment compensation and individuals covered by old-age insurance should be counseled to accept these benefits.

Where the income from these public agencies is insufficient to adequately provide for the needs of the family, priesthood quorums and Relief Society officers may supplement such public aid.  This should be done, however, only with the knowledge and cooperation of the public agency, and with a thorough understanding of the family’s needs and requirements.  Those who receive supplemental assistance should be given the opportunity and urged to render whatever service may be possible in providing for their own needs and for the needs of others, e.g., elderly persons incapacitated for other work might be requested to do Temple work on the genealogical lines of those who make this supplementary help possible.

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Quorum Funds–Quorum funds must be carefully safeguarded.  Receipts and disbursements should be properly and promptly entered in the books of the quorums.  Approval of every expenditure should be shown on the quorum records.  The following procedure, approved by the general priesthood councils of the Church, should be observed by quorum officers and members.

Quorum funds should be conscientiously expended for the purposes for which the funds are collected, such as the maintenance of the central office (in the case of the seventy), missionary support, help for the needy, contributions to the Church Welfare Plan or for general quorum support.

Quorum presidencies are the authorized receivers and custodians of all quorum funds.  All proposed expenditures, before being made, should be presented to the quorum for approval.  Withdrawals, properly authorized, should be made by checks signed by the president and secretary of the quorum, or by the finance committee, if one has been appointed.  All funds collected for special purposes, and also the quorum allotment for the Welfare Plan, may be disbursed as above.  Before quorum help is given missionaries or members in need, consultation should be had with the bishop or ward welfare committee concerning each case, to determine the worthiness of the case and to avoid duplication of effort.  Extraordinary or large disbursements, such as loans, investments, etc., should be made only after consultation with the stake presidency.  Special care shouild be taken to secure properly any loans made by suitable collateral or reliable endorsement.  Before making any loan or investment or any appropriation of funds, careful consideration of the quorum presidency and authorization of the quorum members should be received.  All quorum funds should be deposited in properly safeguarded banks.  The First Presidency has created a non-profit organization known as the ‘Cooperative Security Corporation’ in order to legalize business transactions in the Church Welfare Plan.  If desired, quorum funds may be deposited with this corporation, and withdrawn at the pleasure of the quorum as above indicated.”

(Handbook of Instructions for Stake Presidencies, Bishops and Counselors, Stake and Ward Clerks and Other Church Officers, No. 16, 1940, pp. 31-57)