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Prince’s Research Excerpts: Priesthood & Mormonism – 1833

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1833:  3 Jan.:  Revelation on priesthood function (see D&C 88). 

“Kirtland January 3d, 1833.  Revelation given to organize [“organize” is crossed out] for [illegible–looks like “for a ____]  

The order of the house, prepared for the presedency, and instruction, in all things, that are expedient for the officers: or in other words, them who are called to the ministry in the Church, begining at the high Priests, even down to the deacon, and this shall be the order of the house, he that is appointed, to be a teacher, shall be found standing in his place, which shall be appointed [“appointed” is crossed out] prepared for him, in the house of God, in a place that the congregation, in the house may hear his words correctly and distinctly; not with loud speach; and when he cometh into the house of God (for he should be first in the house, behold this is beautiful, that he may be an example) let him offer himself in prayer upon his knees, before God, in token of the everlasting covenants and when any shall come in after him, let the teacher arise, and with uplifted hands to heaven, yea even directly, salute his brother, or brethren, with these words saying, art thou a brother, or brethren, I salute you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, in token of the everlasting covenant, in which covenant, I receive you to fellowship, in a determination, that is fixed, immovable, and unchangable, to be your friend and brother, through the grace of God, in the bonds of Love, to walk in all the commandments, of God, blameless, in thanksgiving for ever, and ever; Amen.  And he that cometh in, and is a brother, or brethren shall salute the teacher with uplifted hands to heaven, with this same prayer, and covenant or by saying amen; in token of the same, Behold verily I say unto you, this is a sample, unto you for a salutation, to one another, in the house of God, and ye are called to do this by prayer, and thanksgiving, as the spirit shall give utterence in all your doings, in the house of the Lord, that it may become a sanctu[a]ry, a tabernacle, of the holy spirit to your edification, Amen.  Given by Joseph the seer, and writen by Frederick [G. Williams?] assistant scribe and Councellor.”  (Kirtland Revelation Book, pp. 47-48)

4 Jan.:  Sealed to priesthood power.

“Repent of all your sins and be baptized in water for the remission of them, in the name of the father, and of the son, and of the Holy Ghost, and receive the ordinance of the laying on of the hands of him who is ordained and sealed unto this power, that ye may receive the holy spirit of God.”  (Joseph Smith to Mr. Editor, 4 Jan., 1833.  In Jessee, Personal Writings of Joseph Smith, pp. 272-273)

22 Jan.:  Gift of tongues.

“I spoke to the conference in another tongue, and was followed in the same gift by Brother Zebedee Coltrin, and he by Brother William Smith, after which the Lord poured out his spirit in a miraculous manner until all the elders spoke in tongues, and several members, both male and female, exercised the same gift.”  (Joseph Smith, “History,” Times and Seasons V:723)

“The beginning of 1833 was signalized in Kirtland by the restoration to the earth of the gift of tongues.  Brigham Young was the chosen instrument for the re-appearance of the marvel, and it was even upon the occasion of his first meeting with Joseph that his mouth uttered certain articulate but unknown sounds which the peep-stone prophet declared to be of the pure Adamic language!  Out in Missouri just now, where upwards of a thousand Mormons had gathered, the times were sufficiently stirring, if sadly out of joint.  Late in June an elaborate and most elegant plat of Zion had been forwarded, containing many unique features, such as half a score of temples, and room enough for any number of thousands of inhabitants.”  (Leonard, D. L., “The Mormon Sojourn in Ohio,” in Papers of the Ohio Church History Society, Vol. 1, 1890; p. 50)

23 Jan.:  Counselors equal to Joseph in authority.

“Accordingly Bro. Joseph preceded to an ordained them [Frederick G. Williams and Sidney Rigdon] by the laying on of the hands to be equal with him in holding the Keys of the Kingdom and also to the Presidency of the high Priesthood.”  (Kirtland Council Minute Book, p. 17.  In Cook, The Revelations of the Prophet Joseph Smith, p. 192.  See also D&C 90)

23 Jan.:  Requirement of Apostleship.

“The Prophet Joseph said:  Brethren now you are prepared to be Apostles of Jesus Christ, for you have seen both the Father and the Son.”  (Zebedee Coltrin diary, ca. 23 Jan., 1833.  In Cook, The Revelations of the Prophet Joseph Smith, p. 188)

24 Jan.:  Opening of School of the Prophets.

“The school of the prophets commenced on the 24 day of January 1833 agreeable to the commandment of the Lord which said the first Elders should be called in and receive learning by study and by faith and prepare themselves to go forth for the last time to bind up the law and seal up the testamony the school was organized by assembling together and the washing of the deciples feet which was done by brother Joseph girding himself with a towel and washing each ones feet and pronouncing at the same time that they were clean from the blood of this generation, and then Bro. Joseph administered the bread and wine after which the meeting was dismissed by uplifted hand to the most high in token of the everlasting covenant in which covenant we received each other into fellowship in a determination to share in each others burdens whether in prosperity or adversity and during the time of the school there was many powerful manifestation of the holy spirit and many counsel held at which times much useful instruction was obtained by the gift and power of the holy spirit and also the gift of tongues and the interpretation thereof there science we engaged in for the winter was English grammar during which time we obtained a general knowledge of that science.”  (Zebedee Coltrin diary, 24 Jan., 1833; LDS Archives)

“The school of the Prophets commenced on the 24th of January, 1833, agreeable to the commandments of the Lord which said that the first Elders should be called in and receive learning by study and by faith and prepare themselves to go forth for the last time to bind up the law and seal up the testimony.  The school was organized by assembling together and the washing of the deciples’ feet, which was done by Brother Joseph binding himself with a towel and washing each one’s feet and pronouncing at the same time that they were clean from the blood of this generation, and then Bro. Joseph administered the bread and wine, after which the meeting was dismissed by uplifted hands to the Most High, in token of the everlasting covenant, in which covenant we received each other with fellowship in determination to share in each others’ burdens, whether in prosperity or adversity.  During the time of the school there were many powerful manifestations of the Holy Spirit and much useful instruction given by the same spirit, and also through the gift of tongues and the interpretation thereof.”  (Zebedee Coltrin journal, JH 24 Jan., 1833)

2 Mar.:  Smith has seen Jesus and the Apostles.

“The following Curious occurrence occurred last week in Newburg about 6 miles from this Place [Cleveland, Ohio].  Joe Smith the great Mormonosity was there and held forth, and among other things he told them he had seen Jesus Christ and the Apostles and conversed with them, and that he could perform Miracles.”  (Reverend Richmond Taggart to Reverend Jonathon Goings, Letter, 2 Mar., 1833, Cleaveland, Ohio, p. 2., Jonathon Goings Papers, American Baptist Historical Society, Rochester, New York; Barney)

18 Mar.: Rigdon and Williams equal to Joseph in authority

“This day an assembly of the high Priests meet at the School room of the prophets and were organized in due form by solemn prayer to the most high by Sidney Rigdon then proceeded to ordain Doctor Hurlbut to be an elder under the hand of Sidney Rigdon after which Bro Sidney arose and desired that he and Bro Frederick [M. Williams] Should be ordained to the office that they had been called [was?] to the of President of the high Priesthood and to be equal in holding the keys of the Kingdom with Brother Joseph Smith Jr according to a revelation given on the [illegible number]th day of March 1833 in Kirtland saying thus, and again verily I say unto thy brethren Sidney and Frederick their sins are forgiven them also and they are accounted equal in holding the keys of this last kingdom, and again I give unto you a commandment that you continue in this ministry and presidency and when you have finished the translating of the prophets you shall from thenceforth preside over the affairs of the Church and the School from time to time as shall be manifest by the comforter receive revelation to unfold the mysteries of the Kingdom and set in order the Church.  Accordingly Bro Joseph proceded to and ordained them by the laying on of the hands to be equal with him in holding the keys of the Kingdom and also to the Presidency of the high Priesthood after which several exertations were given to faithfulness and obedience to the commandments of God and much useful instruction given for the benefit of the saints with a promise that the pure in heart that were present should see a heavenly vision, and after remaining for a short time in secret prayer the promise was verified to many present having the eyes of there understandings opened so as to behold many things after which the bread and wine was distributed by Bro Joseph after which many of the brethren saw a heavenly vision of the Saviour and concourses of angels and many other things of which each one has a record of what they saw.”  (Kirtland High Council Minutes, 18 Mar., 1833)

“Great joy and satisfaction continually beamed in the countenances of the School of the Prophets, and the Saints, on account of the things revealed, and our progress in the knowledge of God.  The High Priests assembled in the school room of the Prophets, and were organized according to revelation; prayer by Sidney Rigdon.

‘Doctor’ Hurlburt was ordained an Elder; after which Elder Rigdon expressed a desire that himself and Brother Frederick G. Williams should be ordained to the offices to which they had been called, viz., those of Presidents of the High Priesthood, and to be equal in holding the keys of the kingdom with Brother Joseph Smith, Jun., according to the revelation given on the 8th of March, 1833.  Accordingly I laid my hands on Brothers Sidney and Frederick, and ordained them to take part with me in holding the keys of this last kingdom, and to assist in the Presidency of the High Priesthood, as my Counselors.”  (HC 1:334)

“In the later presidencies of the church, beginning with the reorganization of March 18, 1833, the two counselors were ranked respectively as first and second, with attendant seniority.

In the first organization of the Presidency it is not readily apparent whether [Jesse] Gause or Rigdon was the senior counselor.”  (D. Michael Quinn, “The Evolution of the Presiding Quorums of the LDS Church,” Journal of Mormon History 1:21-38, 1974)

23 Mar.:  “Ordained” to purchase land for Kirtland Stake.

“The council decided to purchase the farms, and appointed Ezra Thayre and Joseph Coe to superintend the purchase; and they were ordained under the hands of Sidney Rigdon, and set apart as general agents of the Church for that purpose.”  (HC 1:335)

26 Mar.:  High Priests to supervise branches.

“Resolved that the Churches meet according to the appointments of the several highpriests stationed over their respective branches.”  (Far West Record, 26 Mar., 1833)

“At the sitting of the council of the 26th of March, according to the plan taught at the solemn assembly, which was, that the seven High Priests who were sent from Kirtland to build up Zion, viz.–Oliver Cowdery, W. W. Phelps, John Whitmer, Algernon Sidney Gilbert, Bishop Partridge and his two counselors–should stand at the head of affairs relating to the Church, in that section of the Lord’s vineyard; and these seven men, with the common consent of the branches comprising the Church were to appoint presiding Elders, to take the watchcare of the several branches, as they were appointed:  Now, therefore, as many of the High Priests and Elders–whose calling was to travel and preach to the world–went up to Zion, and commenced regulating and setting the branches in order, and claiming for themselves as much power by the authority of their Priesthood, and gift of the Holy Ghost, as those set apart and appointed to preside over the branches, it became necessary to call the council now spoken of, to set in order the Elders of Israel.  After a long discussion, it was decided from the revelations, that the order taught in the solemn assembly was correct; and that the Elders, when they arrived at Zion, were bound by the authorities set in the Church, to be submissive to the powers that be; their labors and calling being more particularly to push the people together from the ends of the earth to the places the Lord had appointed.  This decision in council gave general satisfaction, and the Elders soon saw the beauty of every man standing in his place.”  (HC 1:335-336, 26 Mar., 1833) 

Mar.:  Items on Priesthood.

“As before said, Christ is the head of his church, and from him comes every good and perfect gift.  And for the perfecting of the saints and so forth, he has bestowed offices and ordinances, with order, for the benefit of the whole church.–The high priest-hood, of which order is he, the Son of God, or this priest-hood being a type of his order, is set forth as follows, by Alma:

‘And again: my brethren, I would cite your minds forward to the time which the Lord God gave these commandments unto his children; and I would that ye should remember that the Lord God ordained priests, after his holy order, which was after the order of his Son, to teach these things unto the people; and those priests were ordained after the order of his Son, in a manner that thereby the people might know in what manner to look forward to his Son for redemption.

And this is the manner after which they were ordained, being called and prepared from the foundation of the world, according to the foreknowledge of God, on account of their exceeding faith and good works; in the first place being left to choose good or evil; therefore they having chosen good, and exercising exceeding great faith, are called with a holy calling, yea, with that holy calling which was prepared with and according to a preparatory redemption for such:

And thus they having been called to this holy calling on account of their faith, while other would reject the Spirit of God on account of the hardness of their hearts and the blindness of their minds, while, if it had not been for this, they might had as great privilege as their brethren.

Or in fine: in the first place they were on the same standing with their brethren, thus this holy calling being prepared from the foundation of the world for such as would not harden their hearts, being in and through the atonement of the only begotten Son, which was prepared:

And thus being called with this holy calling, and ordained unto the high priest-hood of the holy order of God, to teach his commandments unto the children of men, that they also might enter into his rest, this high priest-hood being after the order of his Son, which order was from the foundation of the world; or in other words, being without beginning of days or end of years, being prepared from all eternity to all eternity, according to his foreknowledge of all things.  Now they were ordained after this manner: being called with a holy calling, and ordained with a holy ordinance, and taking upon them the high priesthood of the holy order, which calling, and ordinance, and high priesthood, is without beginning or end; thus they become high priests forever, after the order of the Son, the only begotten of the Father, which is without beginning of days or end of years, which is full of grace, equity and truth.  And thus it is.  Amen.

Now as I said concerning the holy order of this high priesthood:  there were many which were ordained and became high priests of God; and it was on account of the exceeding faith and repentance, and their righteousness before God, they choosing to repent and work righteousness, rather than to perish; therefore they were called after his holy order, and were sanctified, and their garments were washed white, through the blood of the Lamb.

Now they, after being sanctified by the Holy Ghost, having their garments made white, being pure and spotless before God, could not look upon sin, save it were with abhorrence; and there were many, exceeding great many, which were made pure, and entered into the rest of the Lord their God.

And now, my brethren, I would that ye should humble yourselves before God, and bring forth fruit mete for repentance, that ye may also enter into that rest; yea, humble yourselves even as the people in the days of Melchizedek, who was also a high priest after this same order which I have spoken, who also took upon him the high priest hood forever.

And it was this same Melchizedek to whom Abraham paid tithes; yea, even our father Abraham paid tithes of one tenth part of all he possessed.

Now these ordinances were given after this manner, that thereby the people might look forward on the Son of God, it being a type of his order, or it being his order; and this, that they might look forward to him for a remission of their sins, that they might enter into the rest of the Lord.

Now this Melchizedek was a king over the land of Salem; and his people had waxed strong in iniquity and abominations; yea, they had all gone astray: they were full of all manner of wickedness; but Melchizedek having exercised mighty faith, and received the office of the high priesthood, according to the holy order of God, did preach repentance into his people.

And behold, they did repent; and Melchizedek did establish peace in the land in his days; therefore he was called the Prince of Peace, for he was the king of Salem; and he did reign under his father.

Now there were many before him, and also there were many afterwards, but none were greater; therefore of him they have more particularly made mention.  Now I need not rehearse the matter; what I have said may suffice.

Behold the scriptures are before you; if ye will arrest them, it shall be to your own destruction.’

After the high priesthood comes elders, priests, teachers, and deacons.  Now the offices are separate, for the edification and benefit of the whole church, and, though the elders and bishops are appendages to the high priesthood, & the teachers and deacons are appendages to the lesser priesthood, yet these offices are important in their places, and regular in their gradation: from deacon to teacher, from teacher to priest, from priest to elder, from elder to high priest.

As the angels are the ministers of the Almighty, so are these the servants of Christ, and each accountable in his place.

A private member has no authority to preach, neither administer ordinances; nor has a teacher or deacon, authority to baptize, or confer blessings; nor has a priest power to confirm the members, for all things must be done according to the articles and covenants, which are from the Lord.”  (“The Church of Christ,” E&MS Mar., 1833) 

13 Apr.:  Duty of priesthood offices.

“The duty of a High Priest is to administer in spiritual and holy things, and to hold communion with God; but not to exercise monarchial government, or to appoint meetings for the Elders without their consent.  And again, the process of laboring with members:  We are to deal with them precisely as the Scriptures direct.  If thy brother trespass against thee, take him between him and thee alone; and, if he make thee satisfaction, thou hast saved thy brother; and if not, proceed to take another with thee, etc., and when there is no Bishop, they are to be tried by the voice of the Church; and if an Elder, or a High Priest be present, he is to take the lead in managing the business; but if not, such as have the highest authority should preside.”  (Joseph Smith to Brother Carter, HC 1:338-339)

21 Jun.:  License revoked for non-performance.

“The President’s court also took Brother Daniel Copley’s Priest’s license and membership from him, because he refused to fulfill his mission according to the council of the High Priesthood of the holy order of God.”  (HC 1:354)

21/23 Jun.: Excommunication for non-repentance.

“I, Doct P Hurlbert, haveing been tried before the Bishops council of High Priests in a charge of Unchristian like conduct with the female sex, and myself being absent at the time and considering that strict justice was not done me I do by these presents most solemnly enter my appeal unto the Presidents council of high priests for a re hearing according to the privilege garranteed to me in the laws of the Church which council is now assembled in the school room in Kirtland this 21st June 1833–It was motioned seconded and voted that Bro D. P. Hurlbut be granted a rehearing–Bro Joseph, the President, opened the council by prayer–The council then proceeded to ordain two High Priests to make out the number, twelve, that the council or Church court might be organized.  Bro John and William Smith were ordained by the hands of Bro Sidney Rigdon by the voice of the council.  Bro Hurlberts case was laide before the court & the testimony against him given in by Orson Hyde & Hyrum Smith and duly investigated.  It was decided that Bro H should be forgiven because of the liberal confession which he made.  This council decided that the Bishops council decided corectly before, and that Bro H’s crime was sufficient to cut him off from the Church, but on his confession, he was restored.”  (21 Jun.)

“Bro D. P. Hulberts case was called in question this day before a general Council and upon the testimony of Bro Gee of Thompson, who testified that Bro D. P. H said that he had deceived Joseph Smith’s God, or the Spirit by which he is actuated &c &c The council proceeded to cut him off from the Church.  There was also corrobberating testimony brought against him by Bro. Hodges.”  (23 Jun.)  (Kirtland High Council Minutes, 21 & 23 Jun., 1833)

“On the 13th day of March A.D. 1833, Doctor P[hilastus] Hurlbut came to my house.  I conversed with him considerably about the Book of Mormon.  He was ordained to the office of an Elder in this Church under the hand of Sidney Rigdon on the 18th of March in the same year above written.  According to my best recollection, I heard him say, in the course of conversing with him, that if he ever became convinced that the Book of Mormon was false, he would be the cause of my destruction &c.  He was tried before a counsel of High Priests on the 21st day of June 1833, and his license restored to him again.  He previously having been cut off from the Church by the Bishop’s court.  He was finally cut off from the Church a few days after having his license restored on the 21st of June.”  (Joseph Smith, 1832-34 diary; Faulring, An American Prophet’s Record, p. 20)

25 Jun.:  Counselors chosen for bishops.

“Concerning Bishops, we recommend the following:  Let Brother Isaac Morley be ordained second Bishop in Zion, and let Brother John Corrill be ordained third.

Let Brother Edward Partridge choose as counselors in their place, Brother Parley P. Pratt and Brother Titus Billings, ordaining Brother Billings to the High Priesthood.

Let Brother Morley choose for his counselors, Brother Christian Whitmer, whom ordain to the High Priesthood, and Brother Newel Knight.  Let Brother Corrill choose Brother Daniel Stanton and Brother Hezekiah Peck, for his counselors; let Brother Hezekiah also, be ordained to the High Priesthood.”  (Sidney Rigdon, in behalf of the First Presidency, to Brethren in Zion, 25 Jun., 1833, HC 1:362-364)  

15 Jul.:  Charges against the Saints.

“They openly blaspheme the most high God, and cast contempt on his holy religion, by pretending to receive revelations direct from heaven by pretending to speak in unknown tongues, by direct inspiration, and by divine pretentions derogatory of God and religion, and to the utter subversion of human reason.”  (Epistle from Citizens of Jackson County, 15 July, 1833.  Quoted in John Whitmer, History, Chapter 10)

21 Jul.:  Oliver Cowdery, the Apostle.

The Galenian, Galena, Ill., Friday, September 20, 1833, vol. IX, no. 19, whole no. 71.

“Independence, Mo. July 21, 1833.

Sir–I have this day witnessed a new and strange thing.  Indignation has for sometime been rising against the Mormons, but more especially as they were gathering strength in numbers and seemed disposed to increase the same by the introduction of the free people of color.  This day 400 men were assembled, and under the direction of some of the principal characters, their brick printing office was torn down to the ground, the store shut up and Partridge, their principal leader, together with another man, was tarred and feathered.  Cowdray, the Apostle; McClellean, the Preacher; and Phelps, the Printer, made their escape.  Order was maintained thro’ all the proceedings of the day, and every thing was done in as regular and temperate a manner as the nature of the case would permit, but with a resolution not to be resisted.

Yours, respectfully,

Salmon Sherwood.”

[Sherwood is referred to in the article as a “seceding Mormon.”  Note the reference to Cowdery as an APOSTLE.]

(DALE MORGAN – “THE MORMONS AND THE FAR WEST:  A collection of transcripts of newspaper articles on the Mormons, also containing material on the following subjects:  the opening of the West; the fur trade; Indians of the middle and south-western states; the Santa Fe trade, etc.  1809-c.1857.”  Huntington Library)

Jul.:  Ordained by the power of the Holy Ghost.

“We will remind our brethren of a clause in the covenants, which informs us that all who are ordained in this Church, are to be ordained according to the gifts and callings of God unto them, by the power of the Holy Ghost which is in the one who ordains them.  We would also remind them of one valuable caution recorded in Paul’s first letter to Timothy, which says, ‘Lay hands suddenly on no man, neither be partaker of other men’s sins.'”  (HC 1:386)

21 Aug.:  Calling oneself to High Priesthood.

“First:  Br. Harvey Whitlock laid before the council the case of Br. Christian Whitmer the President of the Elders who desired the office of the Highpriesthood, he also stated it himself by request of & others.  Simeon Carter also said he had a testimony of the Lord that it was his will &c.

Ordained under the hand of Simeon Carter & sit in council with us.”  (Far West Record, 21 Aug., 1833)

28 Aug.:  No ordinations w/o consent of Conference.

“Resolved that no High priest Elder or Priest shall ordain any priest Elder of High priest in the land of Zion without the consent of a Conference of Highpriests.”  (Far West Record, 28 Aug., 1833)

11 Sep.:  High Priests appointed over branches.

“Ten High Priests were appointed to watch over the ten branches of the Church in Zion.”  (HC 1:409)  [Check Far West Record for this date.]

18 Sep.:  Joseph Sr. promised Patriarchal Priesthood.

“Blessed of the Lord is my father, for he shall stand in the midst of his posterity and shall be comforted by their blessings when he is old and bowed down with years, and shall be called a prince over them, and shall be numbered among those who hold the right of patriarchal priesthood, even the keys of that ministry . . . he shall be called a prince over his posterity; holding the keys of the patriarchal priesthood over the kingdom of God on earth, even the church of the Latter Day Saints.”  (Patriarchal blessing given to Joseph Sen. by Joseph Jr., 18 Sep., 1833, Patriarchal Blessings Book, Vol. 1:8, HDC.  Quoted in Collier, Unpublished Revelations, pp. 64-65)

Dec.:  On the subject of ordination.

“On the subject of ordination, a few words are necessary: In many instances ther has been too much haste in this thing, and the admonition of Paul has been too slightingly passed over, which says, ‘Lay hands suddenly upon no man.’  Some have been ordained to the ministry, and have never acted in that capacity, or magnified their calling, at all: Such may expect to lose their calling, except they awake and magnify their office.  Let the elders abroad be exceedingly careful upon this subject, and when they ordain a man to the holy ministry, let it be a faithful man, who is able to teach others also; that the cause of Christ suffer not.  It is not the multitude of preachers that is to bring about the glorious Millenium! but it is those who are ‘called, and chosen, and faithful.'”  (“The Elders in Kirtland, to their Brethren Abroad,” E&MS 2(15):120, Dec., 1833 [Oliver Cowdery, Editor])

Dec.:  Be careful about sending boys to preach.

“Be careful about sending boys to preach the gospel to the world; if they go, let them be accompanied by some one who is able to guide them in the proper channel, lest they become puffed up, and fall under condemnation and into the snare of the devil.”  (“The Elders in Kirtland, to their Brethren Abroad,” E&MS 2(15):120, Dec., 1833 [Oliver Cowdery, Editor])

18 Dec.:  Joseph Sr. ordained Patriarch & Pres. of HP.

“He [Joseph Sr.] removed with his family to Kirtland in 1831; was ordained Patriarch and President of the High Priesthood under the hands of Oliver Cowdery, Sidney Rigdon, Frederick G. Williams and myself [Joseph Jr.], on the 18 of December, 1833.”  (HC 4:190)

18 Dec.:  Hyrum blessed to hold Patriarchal Priesthood.

“He shall stand in the tracks of his father, and be numbered among those who hold the right of Patriarchal Priesthood, even the Evangelical Priesthood, and power shall be upon him.”  (Blessing given by Joseph Jr. to Hyrum Smith, 18 Dec., 1833; in JI 44(2):57, 1 Feb., 1909)

26 Dec.:  Excommunication for not repenting.

“This day a council of Elders met in Kirtland to take into consideration the cases of James Blanchard and Alonzo Rider, who, on account of their repeated transgressions, and promissing to reform and never fulfilling, were cut off from the Church of Christ, and letters to this effect, were sent unto them immediately, informing them of their excommunication, themselves not being present.”  (Kirtland High Council Minutes, 26 Dec., 1833)

31 Dec.:  Excommunicated for denying THE VISION.

“On the 1st of May [1833] Bro. L. Johnson came to me in the morning from Geneseo, and said that he and Bro. Orson Pratt had been to Genesseo visited Ezra Landen, Elder, who denied the vision in the Book of Covenants and some of the Revelations, and a number of the church joined him.  They wanted me to go and help deal with them.  Bro. Rich and myself went with him, we met bro. Landen in conference 6 oclock afternoon, four high Priests forming the councel viz. Bros. Rich, Lyman, Orson and myself.  I acted as moderator and opened the conference by dedicating ourselves in prayer to the Lord.  Bro. Orson laid the case before the conference, by stating tha Bro. Landen said ‘the vision was of the Devil.’  And that he did not believe it, any more than he believed the Devil was crucified.  And many like things which Bro. Lyman witnessed too.  Landen stated that he would not have the vision taught in the church for one thousand Dollars and was very much opposed.  Landen rose after this statement and thanked God that he was permitted to speak for himself, and was quite jaughty about it, and with a wining sectarian tone tried to work up sympathy in us and every one present, by telling the sacrifices he had made, the hardships he had endured, and the good he had done for the cause.  I answered him ‘he had told us quite a story but what did it all amount too’ It was true I had made as great sacrifice as perhaps he had made, but this was nothing to the case.  Ezra Booth denied the Revelations and was cut off from the church.  Landen became ashamed and I exhorted him to repent.  He became bound in spirit and was willing to be taught the vision.  We adjourned till next morning at eight Oclock and met agreable to adjournment.  Bro. Orson led in explanation of the vision and the other Revelations.  Myself and Bro. Lyman followed.  we continued till 1/2 after 12, dismissed and came together at one.  Bro. Landen acknowledged the things we taught.  Bro. Orson said he did not like his confession for it seemed to be exhorted from him, but bro. Landen confessed that he had talked hard to the brethren, asked them forgiveness, said that he heartily received all that we taught and would teach it to the church, and said he would not for two thousand dollars be set back where he was when we came to him.  We allowed him to stand in his office and a good portion of the church met that afternoon and we taught the same things to the church and they promised obedience to them and to all the Commandments of the Lord, and the Spirit attended.”  (John Murdock autobiography, LDS Archives; Ouellette)

“December 29th.  Being the Sabbath we attended a meeting with our brethren at Geneseo.  We went into the schoolhouse before meeting began; but Brother Landen did not ask us to preach, but preached himself.  However, Brother John did say a few words to the congregation after Brother Landen had got through.  After meeting we went to visit Brother Landen and found that he still rejected the vision [i.e., D&C 76] and said that it was of the devil.  In the evening Brother Murdock preached upon the Priesthood.

December 30th.  Brothers Lyman and Amasa arrived.

December 31st.  We met in conference at which the following official members were present, viz.: High Priests: Lyman Johnson, Orson Pratt, John Murdock, Amasa Lyman; Elders: Joseph Young, Roger Orton, Chester L. Heth, Oliver Granger; Priests: Hiram Straten; Teacher: Edward Bosley.  Conference organized by appointing Lyman Johnson moderator and Orson Pratt clerk.  Opened with prayer by Brother Lyman and then proceeded to examine into the case of Brother Ezra Landen, a High Priest.  We had previously visited Brother Landen and endeavored to reason with him but in vain.  He also had been warned to attend the conference but would not attend and treated us with contempt and ridicule.  After his case was duly examined by the conference and some points of the revelations read and explained touching his situation, the conference was requested to give their decision.  They unanimously gave their voices against him and he was cut off from the Church.  The same day we demanded his license but he refused to give it up.  Brother Hiram Straten, a priest, was sharply rebuked by the confernce for being unwise in many things.  The conference decided that seven or eight of the official members present should go two by two and visit several members of the Church in this vicinity and examine into their situation and notify them to appear at the next meeting appointed on the Thursday following.  The conference close.

January 1st, A.D., 1834.  This day I felt some of the effects of the fever and ague. 

January 2nd.  The Church met according to previous appointment.  Four high priests and three elders were present.  After the meeting was opened we explained the reasons why E. Landen was cut off.  The following persons requested their names to be taken from the Church record of names, viz.: Lester More, Daniel More, Letitia Bosby, Aaron Clark, Rodman Clark, Polly Kelly.  The Church therefore were called upon to raise their hands against them and they were cut off.”  (Orson Pratt diary, 29 Dec., 1833-2 Jan., 1834; UGHM 28:46-47, Jan., 1937)

[Note the following background information, an entry by Heber C. Kimball shortly after his baptism:

Brother Ezra Landon preached in Avon and Genesee, baptized eighteen or twenty, and being afraid to confirm them and promise them the Holy Ghost, he requested me to confirm them, which I did according to the best of my knowledge, pronouncing only a few words on the head of each one, and invariably saying, ‘recieve ye the Holy Ghost in the name of Jesus Christ.’  Immediately the Holy Ghost fell upon them and several commenced speaking in tongues before they arose from their knees.  (Journal History, Apr., 1832; Corcoran)

“To Whom it May Concern.

At a conference of elders of the church of Christ, convened at Genesco, Livingston county, N.Y. on the 31st of December, 1833, Ezra Landin, formerly an elder in said church, was silenced by the voice of said conference for promulgating unscriptural principles, and refusing to give proper satisfaction for his conduct.  His credentials were demanded by the conference, but they were denied.  According to the rules and regulations of the church, he was then excommunicated from this body.

Lyman Johnson, Moderator

Orson Pratt, Clerk.”

(E&MS Feb., 1834)

“Met in council O. Pratt L Johnson A. Lyman and myself High Priests and Elders Joseph Young R. Orton O. Granger and Hiram Stratten Priest and Deacon E. Bosley [NOTE THE PARTICIPATION OF PRIEST AND DEACON IN A CHURCH COURT]  The conference organized by appointing L Johnson moderator O. Pratt clerk E. Landen refused to attend and treated the council with contempt and it unanomouly voted that E. Landen be no longer a member of the church and adjourned one hour.  The four High Priests visited E. Landen and demanded his licence he would not give it up and according to the law of God and the land forbade him preaching any more and told him we would advertise him.  council met according to adjournment took into consideration the case of Br H. Stratten and found he had not acted in wisdom in many things for which he was sharply reproved of the Council.  The Council then decided that each of the High Priests take an official member with him and visit the members of the church and notify them to a church meeting next Thursday and concluded by prayer.”  (John Murdock journal, 31 Dec., 1833; LDS Archives, Ouellette)

“On arrival there they found that Landon and Orton and several others had been excommunicated from the branch of the Church at Geneseo and elder John Murdock was presiding there instead of Landon.  Landon and others had been cut off from the church for rejecting the Vision concerning the three glories &c as recorded in the Book of Doctrine and Covenants.”  (Warren Foote, Autobiography and Journals, 1837-1903; LDS Archives, Ms 1123, Vol. 1; Barney)

ca. 1833:  Campbell and arguments of 2 priesthoods.

“. . . therefore I took up this objection that Mr. Campbell brings against the book of mormon which is as follows.  according to his statements on what he intimates that the neephites as expressed in the book of mormon are pretendedly under the influence and benefited by the Levidical pristhood and by this priesthood only this sstatement I think I have the Liberty to infer from what Mr. Campbell states in his phamplet otherwise I am void of understanding as concerning his writings.  now if this is according to what is expressed in the book of mormon then I do not understand to read vary plain language.  now in this representation by Mr Campbell of the book of mormon I thinkwe are under the necessity of Drawin the following conclusion.  that he is mistaken and ignorant concerning what is expressed in the book of mormon or else he has defiled his ministerial _____ by handing out what I call _____ of an absurd kind concerning the book of mormon now in order to see the inconsistancy of this conclusion and argument drawn by Mr. Campbell we have only to take the book of mormon and read under the 258th and 259th and 260th pages of the book of Alma or of the book of mormon.  here we shall find that the God of Alma ordained priests after his holy order like as Melkisadac was or as Enoc was or Jethro or moses.  and now we see evidently that this priesthood that these holy men of renown of old were in is after the order of the son of God and all though the Saviour had not yet come in to the world.  yet the efficacy of his merit by faith was effectual by the authority of the priesthood which is forever after the order of Melchesadac and in other words after the order of the son of God.  and now if this pristhood had never been introduced to the sons of men until Jesus Christ came into the world then Mr. Campbell would be more justified in finding fald with the book of mormon because the neephites have a priesthood and the authority of a priesthood all though the Neephites were the descendants of Joseph and not of the tribe of Levi.  now I think that nothing is more true that this statement the gospel was administered in the days of Melkesadac and of Abram and also in the days of many others long before the advent of the son of God and if so where is the impropriety of believing that the people upon this Land which part of the creation is an important part as any of the creation of God did realise the priviligees of a priestwhood.  but I pass to notice one or two _____ of the objections he states that the book of mormon expresses that the Nephites or the people of Lehy brings cattle . . .”  (Jared Carter journal, ca. 1833; LDS Archives, Ms 1441; Barney)

ca. 1833/35:  Transcripts of Phelps, Partridge trials?

“The Wilford C. Wood Collection

Volume I

An annotated catalog of documentary-type materials in the Wilford C. Wood Collection.

by LaMar C. Berrett

Published by the Wilford C. Wood Foundation

Printed by the Brigham Young University Printing Service

September 1972

3-I-b-3: Statement signed by Tom McCluskey; Richmond, Missouri, October 13, 1949; indicating that he had in his possession the transcripts of the trials of Edward Partridge and W. W. Phelps in 1833 and 1835.  He indicated that they would eventually go to the LDS Church in Salt Lake City, Utah.  Handwritten.  1 p.”