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1836: Corrill’s description of Priesthood.
“There are in the church two priesthoods. First, the Melchizedek, or high priesthood, also called the greater priesthood; second, the Aaronic, or lesser priesthood. In the first, or Melchizedek priesthood, were ordained high priests and elders; in the second were ordained priests, teachers, and deacons. Each different grade chose one of its number to preside over the rest, who was called president, and whose duty it was to call together those over whom he presided, at stated times, to edify one another, and receive instruction from him. The first, or high priesthood, was to stand at the head or and regulate the spiritual concerns of the church; the second, or lesser priesthood, was to administer in the ordinances, and attend to the temporal concerns of the church. Three of the high priests were chosen and set apart by the church to preside over all the churches, of that order, in all the world, and were called Presidents, and constituted what is called the first presidency. Joseph Smith, Jr., Sidney Rigdon and Hyrum Smith, are the persons at present. The church that was to be established in Jackson county was called Zion, the center of gathering, and those established by revelation, in other places, were called Stakes of Zion, or Stakes; hence the Stake at Kirtland, the Stake at Far West, the Stake at Adamondiamon, etc. Each stake was to have a presidency, consisting of three high priests, chosen and set apart for that purpose, whose jurisdiction was confined to the limits of the Stake over which they took the watch care. There was also to be a high council, consisting of twelve high priests, established at each Stake, also a bishop, who stood at the head of the lesser priesthood, and administered in temporal things; he had two counsellors who, with himself, formed a court to try transgressors. If two members had a difficulty, they were to settle it between themselves, or by the assistance of another, according to the scriptures; but if they could not do this, then it went before the bishop’s court for trial, but if either party was dissatisfied with the bishop;s decision, he could appeal it to the high council. there was also a traveling high council, consisting of twelve high priests, called the twelve apostles, or the twelve, whose duty it was to travel and preach the gospel to all the world. they were also to regulate the church in all places where it was not properly organized. One of their number presided over the rest in their councils. There were other bodies formed called the seventies, consisting of seventy elders each, (not high priests), seven of whom presided over the rest in their councils. These seventies were to travel and preach in all the world, under the direction of the twelve, who were to open or lead the way, and then call upon the seventies for assistance. There were three of these bodies formed, called the first, second and third seventies. The first presidency, the high council, the twelve, and each of the seventies, were equal in power, that is to say, each had a right to discipline their own members, and transact other business of the church within their calling, and a decision of either one of these bodies, when in regular session, could not be appealed from to any other, for one had no right or power to reverse or overthrow the judgment or decision of the other, but they could all be called together and form a conference, consisting of all the authorities, to which an appeal could be taken from either one and the decision reversed. These were the regular constituted authorities of the church; but, besides this, Smith and Rigdon taught the church that these authorities, in ruling or watching over the church, were nothing more than servants to the church, and that the church, as a body, had the power in themselves to do any thing that either or all of these authorities could do, and that if either or all of these constituted authorities became deranged or broken down, or did not perform their duty to the satisfaction of the church, the church had a right to rise up on a body and put them out of office, make another selection and reorganize them, and thus keep in order, for the power was in the people and not in the servants. The high priests, elders, and priests, were to travel and preach, but the teachers and deacons were to be standing ministers to the church. Hence, in the last organizing of the church, each branch of the church chose a teacher to preside over them, whose duty it was to take particular charge of that branch, and report from time to time to the general conference of elders, which was to be held quarterly. For some time after the commencement of the church an elder might ordain an elder, priest, teacher, or deacon, when and where he thought proper, but, after Stakes were planted, and the church became organized, they established a rule that none should be ordained without consent of the church or branch that he belonged to; neither should any man be placed over a branch or take charge of it without consent of same.
Thus I have given a brief portrait of the authorities of the church. In viewing the subject I saw that there were several different bodies that had equal power; I thought, therefore, they would serve as a check upon each other, and I concluded there was no danger where the full power and authority was reserved to the people. I did not examine the scriptures much on the subject, but I thought that no man who was acquainted with his Bible would pretend to deny that two priesthoods existed in ancient times. As to the apostolic church, I knew that Paul declared that Christ himself was a priest after the order of Melchizedek, that it never changed, and was such a priesthood as became them, from which I inferred that it was conferred on them, inasmuch as the New Testament was pretty much silent on the subject, and does not show the precise order in that respect of the apostolic church, every man is left to judge for himself.” (John Corrill, History, Chapter 13)
5 Jan.: I cannot tell when the endowment will take place.
“The whole work continually progresses, though somewhat slowly. I cannot tell when the Endowment will take place.” (W. W. Phelps to his wife, Sally, 5 Jan., 1836; JH 5 Jan., 1836)
7 Jan.: Independence High Council filled.
“I attended a council in the evening in the which the Zion Council was filled.” (Edward Partridge diary, 7 Jan., 1836, p. 44; LDS Archives, Ouellette)
13 Jan.: Kirtland High Council filled.
“I attended a council in which the High Council of Kirtland was filled.” (Edward Partridge diary, 13 Jan., 1836, p. 44; LDS Archives, Ouellette)
15 Jan.: President of Priests not a Bishop.
“William Cowdery was nominated and seconded to officiate as president over the priests of the Aaronic priesthood in Kirtland, the vote of the assembly was called, beginning at the Bishops council and passing through the several authorities untill it come to the presidency of the high counsil in Kirtland and received their sanction having been carried, unanimously in all the departments. . . . Bishop Whitney and his counselors then proceded to ordain Wm. Cowdery to the office whereunto he had been called, viz. to preside over the priests of the Aaronic priesthood in Kirtland, many blessings were sealed upon his head.” (Joseph Smith diary, 15 Jan., 1836)
16 Jan.: Authority of the 12.
“I next proceeded to explain the subject of the duty of the Twelve, and their authority which is next to the present Presidency, and that the arangement of the assembly in this place on the 15 inst in placing the High Councils of Kirtland next [to] the Presidency was because the buisness to be transacted was buisness that related to that body in particular, which was to fill the several quorum’s in Kirtland. Not becase they were first in office, and that the arangement was most judicious that could be made on the occassion. Also the 12 are not subject to any other than the First Presidency, viz, myself, S Rigdon, and F. G. Williams.” (Joseph Smith diary, 16 Jan., 1836; Faulring, An American Prophet’s Record, pp. 110-111)
15/17 Jan.: “Quorums organized.”
“Met in council again, Rules to regulate the house of the Lord were agreed upon. Carlos Smith was appointed president over the High Priests at Kirtland. Bishop Whitney nominated Presidents for the Priests Teachers & Deacons and ordained them.” (Edward Partridge diary, 15 Jan., 1836; p. 45; LDS Archives, Ouellette)
“The quorums of the Church were organized in the presence of the Church, and commenced confessing their faults and asking forgiveness. The Holy Spirit rested upon us. O may we be prepared for the endowment,–being sanctified and cleansed from all sin.” (Oliver Cowdey diary, 17 Jan., 1836)
27 Jan.: Post’s ordination, without recommend.
“The church had progressed until July 1835, before I became acquainted with it. At that time the Book of Mormon came into my hands, and I became satisfied that it contained the truth of heaven, and earnestly desired to obey the truth. I had an opportunity to obey its truths by being buried in the water in the name of Jesus Christ, rejoicing that I had found the way of life and salvation. In November following I came to Kirtland, Ohio, (from Crawford county, Pennsylvania, where I resided), intending to tarry through the winter in that place. Here the presiding authorities of the church resided, and I also found the elders had been called together to tarry, expecting that at the proper time, the Lord would pour out his spirit on them, and they would be endowed with power from on high. I learned from the books that those who desired to warn sinners unto repentance were privileged to do so by being ordained unto this power. My mouth had been signally closed up as to speaking at all in public. I could not do it; therefore I made it a subject of prayer that if it was the will of the Lord that I should preach the gospel that he would manifest it unto me. During part of the winter I attended a grammar school in one of the school rooms in the attic story of the temple, and on the 27th day of January, 1836, I went up to the school room before the class returned from their dinner, in order to look over the afternoon’s lesson. I had but just stepped through the door of the fourth room where the school was held when a voice spake unto me and commanded me to be ordained. It was neither a loud voice nor a harsh voice, but still as though it had been a whisper, yet it pierced me to the center, and I felt it through my whole frame. I did not immediately start, for I did not know where to go, having heard of no ordination meeting for that P. M. Soon the voice came to me the second time, and with such power that I felt it necessary to obey and turned short about and went through the school rooms. As I came in view of the head of the stairs there were two brethren of my acquaintance just turning to go down the stairs. When I first saw them I was told by the same power that commanded me to go and be ordained that ‘these brethren are going to be ordained, go with them.’ I accordingly went down the stairs, a few feet only behind them, and as we gained the outer door another of the brethren came along. I now said, you came down to be ordained, did you not? One of them answered and said yes, Brother Bement with his council meet for ordaining this P. M. and we have been sent for to come down and attend to our ordinations. The brethren did not know what room brother Bement met in, and stopped to enquire of brother Joseph, who said ‘at brother Noble’s,’ and then said to Martin Harris, one of the witnesses of the book of Mormon, brother Martin, go and show these brethren where brother Noble lives; so he went with us. In crossing over to brother Noble’s a horror of mind fell on me because I had no reccommend according to the regulations of the church, but this was dissipated when we arrived at brother Noble’s. Brother Martin said to Brother Bement and council, ‘Here are four men, and the Spirit of God tells me that they are all honest and true men. Ordain them all elders, and if there be any responsibility let it rest on me.’ The spirit then said to me, ‘that is for you,’ the others had been recommended. I now felt to rejoice in the kindness of the Lord, for I had learned two important lessons; one the callings of God when he called men into the ministry by his own voice, and also that God acknowledged the authority in this church as his authority or he would not have sent me to it for ordination.” (Stephen Post, “A Treatise on the Melchisedek Priesthood, and the Callings of God,” Council Bluffs, Iowa, 1872, p. 9)
30 Jan.: Quorums set in order.
“In the evening went to the upper rooms of the Lord’s house & set the different quorems in order–instructed the Presidents of the seventy concerning the order of their anointing & requested them to proceed & anoint the seventy having set all the quorems in order I returned to my house.” (Joseph Smith diary, 30 Jan., 1836)
“At a conference of the Presidency of the Church of the Latter Day Saints, it resolved, that no one be ordained to an office in the Church in Kirtland without the voice of the several quorums when assembled for church business. Carried unanimously.” (Kirtland High Council Minutes, 30 Jan., 1836)
1 Feb.: Quorums organized.
“In the evening, attended to the organizing of the quorums of High Priests, Elders, Seventy, and Bishops, in the upper rooms of the house of the Lord, and after blessing each quorum in the name of the Lord, I returned home.” (HC 2:390; also Joseph Smith 1835-36 diary, Faulring, An American Prophet’s Record, p. 128)
6 Feb.: Arrangement of quorums to receive blessings.
“Called the anointed together to receive the seal of all their blessings. The High Priests and Elders in the council room as usual, the Seventy with the Twelve in the second room, and the Bishops in the third. I labored with each of these quorums for some time to bring them to the order which God had shown to me, which is as follows: The first part to be spent in solemn prayer before God, without any talking or confusion; and the conclusion with a sealing prayer by President Rigdon, when all the quorums were to shout with one accord a solemn hosannah to God and the Lamb, with an Amen, Amen and Amen; and then all take seats and lift up their hearts in silent prayer to God, and if any obtain a prophecy or vision, to rise and speak that all may be edified and rejoice together.
I had considerable trouble to get all the quorums united in this order. I went from room to room repeatedly, and charged each separately, assuring them that it was according to the mind of God, yet, notwithstanding all my labor, while I was in the east room with the Bishops’ quorum, I felt, by the Spirit, that something was wrong in the quorum of Elders in the west room, and I immediately requested Presidents Oliver Cowdery and Hyrum Smith to go in and see what was the matter. The quorum of Elders had not observed the order which I had given them, and were reminded of it by President Don Carlos Smith, and mildly requested to preserve order, and continue in prayer. Some of the replied that they had a teacher of their own, and did not wish to be troubled by others. This caused the Spirit of the Lord to withdraw; this interrupted the meeting, and this quorum lost their blessing in a great measure.
The other quorums were more careful, and the quorum of the Seventy enjoyed a great flow of the Holy Spirit. Many arose and spoke, testifying that they were filled with the Holy Ghost, which was like fire in their bones, so that they could not hold their peace, but were constrained to cry hosanna to God and the Lamb, and glory in the highest.
President William Smith, one of the Twelve, saw a vision of the Twelve, and Seven in council together, in old England, and prophesied that a great work would be done by them in the old countries, and God was already beginning to work in the hearts of the people.
President Zebedee Coltrin, on of the Seven, saw a vision of the Lord’s host. And others were filled with the Spirit, and spake with tongues and prophesied. This was a time of rejoicing long to be remembered. Praise the Lord.” (HC 2:391-392)
12 Feb.: Rules regarding ordination.
“I met in the School room in the chapel in company with the several quorums to take in concideration the subject of ordinations, as mentioned at the top of this page
opened by singing and prayer I then arose and made some remarks upon the object of our meeting, which were as follows–first than many are desiring to be ordained to the ministry, who are not called and consequ[e]ntly the Lord is displeased–Secondly, many already have been ordained who ought [not] to hold official stations in the church because they dishonour themselves and the church and bring persecution swiftly upon us, in consequence of their zeal without k[n]owledge–I requested the quorum’s to take some measures to regulate the same. I proposed some resolutions and remarked to the brethren that the subject was now before them and open for discussion
The subject was taken up and discussed by President’s S. Rigdon O. Cowdery Eld[e]r M. Harris and some others, and resolutions drafted, by my scribe who served as clerk on the occasion–read and rejected–it was then proposed that I should indite resolutions which I did as follows
1st–Resolved that no one be ordained to any office in the church in this stake of Zion at Kirtland without the unanimous voice of the several bodies that constitute this quorum who are appointed to do church buisness in the name of said church–viz the presidency of the church & council [of] the 12. apostles of the Lamb and 12 high counsellors of Kirtland the 12, high counsellors of Zion, the Bishop of Kirtland & his counsellors the Bishop of Zion and his counsellors–the 7 presidents of the Seventies; untill otherwise ordered by the said quorums.–
2nd–And further resolved that no one be ordained in the branches of said church abroad unless they are recommended by the voice of the respective branches of the church to which they belong to a general conference appointed by the heads of the church, and from that conference receive their ordination.” (Joseph Smith diary, 12 Feb., 1836)
“Att. Heb. School. Met the quorums in the presidents’ room in the evening to transact some church business.–regulating the manner and power to ordain.” (Oliver Cowdery diary, 12 Feb., 1836)
“Council convened in the House of the Lord for the purpose of taking into consideration the subject of ordaining men to the office of Elder and other offices in the Church of Christ of Latter Day Saints.
Opened by singing and prayer.
The following resolutions were offered by the Presidency for discussion.
1st Resolved that no one be ordained to any office in the Church in this stake of Zion at Kirtland without the unanimous voice of the several bodies that constitute this quorum, who are appointed to do church business in the name of said church. The Presidency of the Church and Council, the twelve Apostles of the Lamb The twelve High Counsellors of Kirtland, The twelve High Counsellors of Zion, The Bishop of Kirtland, and his counsellors The Bishop of Zion and his Counsellors, and the Seven Presidents of Seventies, until otherwise ordered by said quorum.
2nd Resolved that none be ordained in the branches of said church abroad unless they are recommended by the voice of the respective branches of the church to which they belong to the general conference appointed by the heads of the Church, and from that conference receive their ordination.
The foregoing were concurred in by the Presidents of the Seventies.” (Kirtland High Council Minutes, 12 Feb., 1836)
13 Feb.: Amendment to 2nd resolution.
“The council of the twelve Apostles met in the house of the Lord, and after prayer & consultation, upon the nature and expediency of the preceding–It was unanimously agreed to offer the following amendment to the 2nd resolution perfectly acquiescing with the first
viz that none be ordained to any office in the branches of the church abroad to which they belong to a general conference appointed by those, or under the direction of those who are designated in the Book of Covenants as having authority to ordain and set in order all the Officers of the church abroad & from that conference receive their ordination.” (Kirtland High Council Minutes, 13 Feb., 1836)
17 Feb.: Action of High Council on Resolutions.
“The High Council of Kirtland met in the House of the Lord at six o’clock p.m. to discuss the subject of ordination, as laid before the Council on the 12th instant; and also the proposed amendment of the Twelve Apostles of the 13th. After discussing the resolutions drawn by President Smith, it was voted unanimously that they should remain entire, and the proposed amendment of the Twelve Apostles be rejected.” (Joseph C. Kingsbury, clerk, 17 Feb., 1836, HC2:396-397)
“The High Council of Kirtland met in the House of the Lord at 6 o’clock P.M. and after prayer by Counsellor Green proceeded to discuss the matter of the subject of ordination as laid before us in the preceeding councils, and also the amendment of the Twelve apostles. After discussing the resolutions drawn up by the Presidents voted unanimously that it should remain, and also a vote based upon the amendment of the Twelve Apostles & voted unanimously that it should be rejected.” (Kirtland High Council Minutes, 17 Feb., 1836)
18 Feb.: Vote to accept resolutions without amendment.
“The high council of Zion met in the upper room of the Printing Office at 7 o’clock P.M. and after prayer by Counsellor Knight, proceeded to discuss the subject of ordination as laid before us in the resolutions of the preceeding councils and also the amendment of the twelve Apostles. After discussing the resolutions drawn up by the Presidents, voted unanimously, that they should remain, and that we perfectly acquiesce in said resolutions without any alteration or amendment.” (Kirtland High Council Minutes, 18 Feb., 1836)
22 Feb.: Action of 1st Presidency on Resolutions.
“The Presidency of the Church met and took in consideration the resolutions presented to the Twelve Apostles, (dated Feb. 12th), the presidents of Seventies, the High Councils of the Church for Zion and Kirtland. After due deliberation it was unanimously agreed that the original resolutions be adopted without amendments.” (Oliver Cowdery, Clerk of Council, 22 Feb., 1836, HC 2:398)
“The Presidency of the Church met and took into consideration the foregoing resolutions previously presented to the Twelve Apostles (Dated Feb. 12th 1836) the President of the seventies, the High council of the church for Zion & for Kirtland, and after due deliberation it was unanimously agreed that the original resolutions be adopted without amendments.” (Kirtland High Council Minutes, 22 Feb., 1836)
24 Feb.: Regulations concerning licenses.
“O. Hyde O. Cowdery and Sylvester Smith were nominated and seconded to draft and make regulations concerning licenses–vote of the assembly called and unanimously passed.” (Joseph Smith diary, 24 Feb., 1836)
“In the evening met the quorums of the Church in the Lord’s house, and heard the petitions of several brethren, who wished to be ordained. Was appointed by the council, in company with pres. Orson Hyde and Sylvester Smith, to draft resolutions to be adopted as a rule of Church, regulating the recording of licenses, and conference minutes.” (Oliver Cowdery diary, 24 Feb., 1836)
24 Feb.: Proposed ordinations rejected by quorum.
“The several quorums met in the House of the Lord, to conclude the business concerning the ordination of official members in the church of Christ, of the Latter Day Saints, also to ordain the following members to the office of Elders in said Church.
Opened by prayer
The names of Wm. Wightman & Charles Wightman were presented and a vote of the whole assembly called and passed unanimously, that they be received. Copeland Hubbards name presented, objections were raised, and his name dropped.
[22 other names presented, 18 of which were rejected.]” (Kirtland Council Minute Book, pp. 144-145. In Cook, Kirtland Elders’ Quorum Record, pp. 14-15)
27 Feb.: Drafting of resolutions for 3 Mar. meeting.
“In the afternoon and evening met pres. Orson Hyde and Sylvester Smith in committee and dictated resolutions to be introduced Thursday evening for the consideration of the quorums.” (Oliver Cowdery diary, 27 Feb., 1836)
3 Mar.: Regulations ratified.
“This evening the several quorums met agreeably to adjour[n]ment and were organized according to their official standing in the church.
I then arose and made some remarks on the object of our meeting which are as follows.
1st To receive or reject certain resolutions that were drafted by a commitee chosen for that purpose at a preceeding meeting respecting licenses for elders and other official members.
2nd To sanction by the united voice of the quorum[s] certain resolutions respecting ordaining members; that had passed through each quorum seperately without any alteration or amendment excepting in the quorum of the twelve.
The council opened by singing and prayer. President O. Cowdery then arose and read the resolutions respecting licenses three times, the third time he read the resolutions he gave time and oppertunity after reading each article for objections to be made if any there were; no objections were made–I then observed that these resolutions must needs pass through each quorum seperately begining at the presidency and concequently it must first be thrown into the hands of the president of the Deacon[s] & his council as equal rights & privileges are my motto, and one man is as good as another, if he behaves as well, and that all men should be esteemed alike, without regard to distinction’s of an official nature,–the resolutions passed through the quorum of the Deacons by their unanimous voice
It was then thrown before the president of the Teachers and his council and passed unanimously–
Next into the hands of the President of the priests & his council and passed unanimously
Then into the hands of the Bishop’s council of Kirtland & passed unanimously
from them to the Bishop of Zion & his council & passed unanimously–
Next into the hands of the president of the Elders & his council & passed unanimously
From them into the hands of the president of the High-Priests & his council and passed unanimously
Next into the hands of the presidents of the 70. & passed unanimously
from them to the high council of Zion & passed unanimously–
from them to the high council of Kirtland & passed unanimously–
and then into the hands of the 12, & passed unanimously
& lastly into the hands of the presidency of the Church & all the quorums and rec[eive]d their sanction.–having now passed through all the quorums, the resolutions are received as a Law to govern the Church.” (Joseph Smith diary, 3 Mar., 1836)
“The following authorities of the church of Latter Day Saints assembled in the House of the Lord according to adjournment for the purpose of transacting business for the church Viz. the Presidency of the church. The Twelve apostles of the Lamb, the twelve High Counsellors of the Church in Kirtland, The twelve High Counsellors of the church in Zion. The Bishop and his counselors of Kirtland, The Bishop and counselors of Zion, The seven Presidents of the Seventies, the President and counselors of the High Priests the President and counselors of the Elders, The President and counselors of Priests: The President and counselors of the Teachers, and the President and counselors of the Deacons. Opened by singing and Prayer.
The committee appointed on the 24 of February to draft resolutions for the better regulation of Licensing the official members of said church, made their report, which was read three times by the chairman of said committee, after which an addition was made to the 6th articles, extending the power of the chairmen and clerk pro-tem pore to act in the abscence of the standing chairman and clerk. The following is a copy of the report of a committee appointed by the authorities of the church of Latter Day Saints, assembled in the House of the Lord in Kirtland, Feb. 24th 1836, for the purpose of drafting resolutions to regulate the manner of licenses to the official members of said church which were to be presented to said authorities for their consideration.” (M&A 2(5):266-267, Feb., 1836) [The article then goes on to quote the following:]
“Whereas the records of the several conferences, held by the Elders of the church, and the ordinations of many off the official members of the same, in many cases have been imperfectly kept since its organization, to avoid ever after, afny inconvenience, difficulty or injury in consequence of such neglect your comme recommend. 1st. That all licenses hereafter granted by these authorities assembled as a quorum or by general conference held for the purpose of transacting the business of the church, be recorded at full length, by a clerk, appointed for that purpose in a book to be kept in this branch of the church until it shall be thought advisable by the heads of the church, to order other books and appoint other clerks to record licenses as above. And that said recording clerk be required to endorse a certificate under his own hand and signature on the back of said licenses, specifying the time when & place where such license was recorded, and also a reference to the letter and page of the Book containing the same.
2d. That this quorum appoint two persons to sign Licenses given as afore said, one as chairman, and the other as clerk of conference, and that it shall be the duty of said person appointed to sign licenses as clerk of conference immediately thereafter, to deliver the same into the hands of the recording Clerk.
3d. That all general conferences abroad give each individual, whom they ordained a certificate signed by the chairman & Clerk of said conference and stating the time and place of such conference, and the office to which the individual has been ordained, and that when such certificate has been forwarded to the person hereafter authorized to sign licences as clerk of conference, such person shall together with the chairman of conference, immediately sign a license, and said clerk of conference shall, after the same has been recorded forward it to the proper person.
4th. That all official members in good standing & fellowship in the various branches of this church, are requested to forward their present licenses accompanied by a certificate of their virtues & faithful walk before the Lord, signed by the chairman and clerk, or a general conference, or by the clerk of the branch of the church in which official member resides, by the advice & direction fo such Church, to the clerk of conference whose duty it shall be to fill a new license as directed in the 3d article. And that all licenses signed recorded and endorsed, as specified in the first article shall be considered good and valid to all intents & purposes in the business, and spiritual affairs of this church as a religious society, or before any court of record of this or any other country wherein preachers of the Gospel are entitled to special privileges, answering in all respects as an original record without the necessity of refering to any other document.
5. That the recording clerk be required to publish quarterly in a paper published by some member or members of this church, a list of the names of the several persons for whom he has recorded licenses within the last quarter.
6. That this quorum appoint two persons to sign as chairman and clerk of conference, Pro. Tempre licenses for the standing chairman and clerk who shall be appointed as named in the 2d article and also to act in their absence in signing other licenses. as specified in the foregoing article.
Kirtland Feb. 27. 1836 Oliver Cowdery
Orson Hyde Committee
Sylvester Smith.”
(Kirtland Council Minutes, March 3, 1836. In Jessee, Personal Writings of Joseph Smith, p. 662-663)
[“In compliance with these instructions, between March and early June 1836, 263 members received certificates from Kirtland, consisting of 244 licenses for elders, 11 for priests, 3 teachers, and 5 for deacons. By the end of that year, 285 men had received certificates in Kirtland affirming that they were worthy to preach the everlasting gospel.” (Backman, The Heavens Resound, p. 111)]
[Following Cowdery, Hyde, Smith signatures]: “The several bodies were then called upon for their decision upon the foregoing report. The Deacons being first called uon gave a unanimous vote in favor of the same. The teachers were then called upon and voted unanimously in favor of the report. The quorum of Priests received it by a unanimous vote. The Bishop & council of Kirtland received it unanimously. The Bishop and council of Zion received it without a dissenting voice. The Elders passed it unanimously. The High Priests also. The Presidents of the Seventies The High counsellors of Zion, the High counsellors of Kirtland, The Twelve Apostles and the Presidency, all concurred in the reception of said report.
Joseph Smith Jun. was nominated as standing chairman & Frederick G. Williams as clerk.
Sidney Rigdon as chairman and Oliver Cowdery as clerk pro tempore.
The several bodies were then called to vote upon the above nominations which passed by unanimous vote.
The resolutions offered to the quorums on the 12th of February regulating ordinations were then read, when a discussion was had after which the Twelve recalled their previous amendments except three (viz) John F. Boynton, Orson Pratt & Lyman Johnson.
Council closed by prayer of Bishop Partridge.” (Kirtland High Council Minutes, 3 Mar., 1836)
“Att. Heb. School. met the quorums in the evening in the Lord’s house, and read the committee’s report previously drawn, which was adopted without amendment, except a small addition in the last article, extending the power of certain conference further, in signing licenses. I confess the hand of God in this matter, in giving me his Holy Spirit, to indite this valuable article, as by it the elders will enjoy their privileges as citizens, and the churches be freed from imposition.” (Oliver Cowdery diary, 3 Mar., 1836)
11 Mar.: Disfellowshipment from Elders’ Quorum.
“The Elders met, and being organized, the case of Elder Dean Gould was again brought forward, and president [Alvah] Beman stated to the quorum that Elder D. Gould had not appeared to make his confession but the accusation (I.E.) he behaved in an unchristian like manner was disobedient to his parents &c., and he, Dean, left the house, on the evening of the 7th went into the school house, as testified by Elder W. Bosley and Mosses Martin, and their went to jumping and behaved himself in an unchristian like manner, and was reproved by them. The quorum then, by vote, withdrew the hand of fellowship from him: again voted to carry his case to the high council of Kirtland: and dismissed with prayer.” (Kirtland Elders’ Quorum Record, 11 Mar., 1836)
17 Mar.: Several prospective priests voted down.
“The several quorums met in the House of the Lord for church business, and after prayer the following names were presented requesting to be ordained (viz) [10 names presented; 6 accepted, 4 rejected].” (Kirtland High Council Minutes, 17 Mar., 1836)
19 Mar.: Withdrew all objections to resolution of 12 Feb.
“Elders Orson Pratt, John F. Boynton, and Lyman Johnson met the Presidency of the church and verbally withdrew all objections to the first resolution presented to the quorums by the Prsidency on the 12th of February for the regulation of ordinations.” (Kirtland High Council Minutes, 19 Mar., 1836)
22 Mar.: Power to raise dead, travel to other countries.
“. . . Thou art one of the horns of Joseph to push the people together from the ends of the earth, and if thou wilt serve God with all thy might, mind, and strength, thou shalt receive a crown of celestial glory in the kingdom of the Father and live to see the end of this generation and proclaim the gospel to the end of the wicked until the earth shall reel to and fro and stagger like a drunkard at the coming of the glorious Messiah, for thou shalt live to see him come in the clouds of heaven while thou art yet in the flesh. Thou must seek council at the hand of thy God and keep all the commandments and thou shalt receive all the power of the holy priesthood; power to raise the dead, heal the sick, cause the lame to walk, the dumb to speak. Thou shalt have power to translate thyself from land to land and from country to country, from one end of heaven to the other, and when thy work is done thou shalt translate from earth to heaven.
Thou art one of the hundred and forty four thousand which shall stand upon Mount Zion with the harps of God. These blessings, the Lord shall give unto thee in his own due time and I seal them for thee in thee in the name of Jesus and I seal thee up unto eternal life. Even so. Amen.
Recorded in book account, page 36. Sylvester Smith, scribe.” (Patriarchal blessing given by Joseph Smith, Sen. to Ethan Barrows, 22 Mar., 1836; in “Journal of Ethan Barrows,” Journal of History 15:40, Jan., 1922)
27 Mar.: Sustaining of quorums at Kirtland dedication.
“I then called upon the quorums and congregation of saints to acknowledge the high council of Kirtland in all the authorities of the Melchisedec priesthood and uphold them by their prayers which they assented to by rising. I then called upon the quorums and congregation of saints to acknowledge and uphold by their prayer’s the Bishops of Kirtland and Zion and their counsellors, in all the authority of the Aaronic priesthood, which they did by rising. I then called upon the quorums and congregation of saints to acknowledge the high-council of Zion, and uphold them by their prayers in all the authority of the high priesthood which they did by rising. I next called upon the quorums and congregation of saints to acknowledge the Presidents of the seventys who act as their represent[at]ives as Apostles and special witnesses to the nations to assist the 12 in opening the gospel kingdom, among all people and to uphold them by their prayer’s which they did by rising–I then called upon the quorums and all the saints to acknowledge [the] president of the Elders and his counsellors and uphold them by their prayers which they did by rising–The quorums and congregation of saints were then called upon to acknowledge and uphold by their prayers the Presidents of the Priests, Teachers, and Deacons and their counsellors, which they did by rising.
N.B. The Presidents of the seventy’s were acknowledged first after the 12 Apostles.” (Joseph Smith diary, 27 Mar., 1836)
“President J. Smith jr. then addressed the congregation in a manner calculated to instruct the understanding, rather than please the ear, and at or about the close of his remarks, he prophesied to all, that inasmuch as they would uphold these men in their several stations, alluding to the different quorums in the church, the Lord would bless them; yea, in the name of Christ, the blessings of Heaven shall be yours.” (Report of Kirtland Temple dedication, M&A 2(6):277, Mar., 1836)
27 Mar.: Joseph ordained under the hands of the angel.
“[After Joseph Smith delivered the dedicatory prayer to the Kirtland Temple, and after the passing of the ‘bread and wine’,] Joseph Smith Jun. testified of the angel of the Lords appearing unto him to call him to the work of the Lord, & also of being ordained under the hands of the angel of of [sic] the covenant.” (Stephen Post Papers, Journal, 27 Mar., 1836; Barney)
Mar.: Authority of the priesthood.
“The whole matter then comes to this, that the gospel as set forth in the New Testament, is an order of things through which men were made partakers of the power of God while in the flesh, and that by one man administering to another by the authority of God in the name of Jesus Christ, this is what is called the gospel in the New Testament. It was enjoyed by the ministery of Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists &c., and through the ministry of these men the power of God was received; they administered to the believers by the laying on of the hands, and the power of God attended, and thus men in days of old received the power of God unto salvation, and it was because of this, that the gospel is called the power of God unto salvation.
You ask if we have the gospel, and where is the gospel?
I answer that the power of administering in the name of the Lord Jesus to men through which they were made partakers of the power of God, was never enjoyed by any of the human family but by the revelation of Jesus Christ as Paul got it, if we have got the gospel that is the way we have got it, and this power we profess to have, and we obtained it by the ministering of Holy Messengers.
Thus I have answered your queries in as few words as possible in order to cut the work short in righteousness.” (Sidney Rigdon to O. Barr, Mar., 1836, in M&A 2(6):274, Mar., 1836)
31 May: Wilford Woodruff ordained to High Priesthood.
“Spent this 31st DAY of MAY at Br Fry Eagle Creek and found it to be the most interesting, important & instructive day of my LIFE. For on this Glorious DAY I was ordained unto the High Priesthood and also as one of the Second Seventy & sealed up unto Eternal LIFE under the hands of my Beloved Brethren, VIZ Elder’s David W Patten & Warren Parrish. My ordination was requested by the PRESIDENCY of the Church at Kirtland Ohio.” (Wilford Woodruff diary, 31 May, 1836. I:74) [Note that Woodruff had been ordained an Elder 28 Jun., 1835. Was Elder not yet considered the High Priesthood?]
3 Sep.: Ordinations during quarter.
“During the quarter ending September 3rd, fifty-two Elders’, six Priests’, three Teachers’, and two Deacons’ licenses were recorded in the license records, in Kirtland, Ohio, by Thomas Burdick.” (HC 2:466)
15 Dec.: Lineage entitled to priesthood.
“Copy of L Snow’s Blessing for a Patriarchal blessing meeting held in the Lord’s House in Kirtland this the fifteenth day of Dec eighteen hundred and thirty six. Joseph Smith Sen the patriarch of the Church of LD Saints being present and holding the meeting & Patriarchal blessing was conferred on the head of Lorenzo Snow son of Oliver Snow born in Mantua Portage Co State of Ohio the 3rd of April 1814.–Brother–in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the authority of the Holy Priesthood which God has confered on me and by the Holy Anointing I lay my hands on thy head and give thee a fathers blessing . . . Thou are of the House and lineage of Abraham thy discent is through the loins of Joseph and Ephraim and art entitled to the Priesthood–. . . this is thy Blessing–In the name of Jesus Christ I seal these on thy head and by the authority of the Holy Priesthood I seal thee up to Eternal life–even so Amen Amen.” (Lorenzo Snow, 15 Dec., 1836; Journal and Letterbook, 1836-1845, MS 1330, LDS Archives; Barney)
22 Dec.: Welfare problems.
“Minutes of a Conference, held in the House of the Lord, on the 22d day of December, 1836.
The authorities of the church being present; viz: the first Presidency, the High Council of Kirtland, the quorum of the Twelve, the Presidents of the Seventies, the President of the Elders and his counsellors, and many other official members, such as Priests, Teachers, Deacons, &c.:–The house was called to order, and the following motions were made, seconded, and carried by the unanimous voice of the Assembly.
1st. That it has been the case, that a very improper and unchristian-like course of conduct, by the Elders of this church, and the churches abroad, in sending their poor from among them, and moving to this place, without the necessary means of subsistence: whereas the church in this place being poor from the beginning, having had to pay an extortionary price for their lands, provisions, &c.; and having a serious burthen imposed upon them by comers and goers from most parts of the world, and in assisting the travelling Elders and their families, while they themselves have been laboring in the vineyard of the Lord, to preach the gospel; and also having suffered great loss in endeavoring to benefit Zion: it has become a serious matter, which ought well to be considered by us–
Therefore, after deliberate discussion upon the subject, it was motioned, seconded and unanimously carried, that we have borne our part of this burthen, and that it becomes the duty, henceforth, of all the churches abroad, to provide for those who are objects of charity, that are not able to provide for themselves; and not send them from their midst, to burthen the church in this place, unless they come and prepare a place for them, and means for their support.” (Minutes signed by Joseph Smith, in M&A 3(4):443, Jan., 1837)