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1838: 12 Jan.: Change in procedure to remove Church President.
“Revelation Given at the French Farm in Kirtland, Geauga Co., Ohio. In the presence of J. Smith Jr., S. Rigdon V. Knight & Geo. Robinson January 12th 1838.
When inquiry was made of the Lord relative to the trial of the first Presidency of the Church of Christ of Latter Day Saints, For transgressions according to the item of law, found in the Book of Covenants 3rd Section 37 verse [D&C 107:82] Whether the descision of Such an Council of one Stake Shall be conclusive for Zion and all her Stakes.
Thus Saith the Lord, Let the first Presidency of my Church, be held in full fellowship in Zion and all her Stakes, untill they Shall be found transgressors, by Such an high Council as is named in the above alluded Section, in Zion, by three Witnesses Standing against Each member of Said Presidency, and these witnesses Shall be of long and faithfull Standing, and Such also as cannot be impeached by other witnesses before Such Council, and when a descision is had by Such an Council in Zion, it Shall only be for Zion, it Shall not answer for her Stakes, but if Such descision be acknowledged by the Council of her Stakes, then it Shall answer for her Stakes. But if it is not acknowledged by the Stakes, other Such Stake[s] may have the privilege of hearing for themselves or if Such descision Shall be asknowledeged by a majority of the Stakes, then it Shall answer for all her Stakes and again,
The Presidency of my Church may be tried by the voice of the whole body of the Church in Zion, and the voice of a majority of all her Stakes and again,
Except a majority is had by the voice of the Church of Zion and a majority of all her Stakes, The charges will be considered not Sustained and in order to Sustain Such Charge or Charges, before Such Church of Zion or her Stakes, Such witnesses must be had as is named above, that is the witnesses to Each President, who are of long and faithfull Standing, that cannot be immpeached by other witnesses before the Church of Zion, or her Stakes, And all this Saith the Lord because of wicked and asspiring men, Let all your doings be in meekness and in humility before me Even So Amen.” (“The Scriptory Book of Joseph Smith,” pp. 51-53, LDS Archives. In Cook, The Revelations of the Prophet Joseph Smith, pp. 328-329)
24 Feb.: Teachers and deacons to preside over branches.
2nd “Resolved, by the High Council that it be considered that no High Priest, Elder or Priest (except the Presidency, High Council and Bishoprick) has any right or authority to preside over or take the charge of any Branch, Society or neighbourhood within the bounds of this Stake: but that the teachers, assisted by the deacons, be considered the standing ministry to preside each over his respective branch of the Stake agreeable to the covenants.
3rd Resolved that we recommend to all High Priests, Elders and Priests who are in good standing & friends to Joseph Smith jr, the Prophet that they do not take the lead of nor appoint meetings in any branch or neighbournood of Saints within the bounds of this Stake without the invitation or consent of the Presiding officer of that branch. We also, consider that the teacher, who is the presiding officer, has a right to object to any official character, who may come among them to officiate, who is not in good standing or a friend to the true cause of Christ. And also, that the teacher report, to the High Council, such as are unruly or teach corrupt doctrine among them
4th Resolved that the High Council recommend to each neighbourhood or settlement of Saints, within the bounds of this Stake, to choose for themselves a teacher, who is skilled in the word of God, faithful in his ministry, full of the Holy Ghost, and a friend to Joseph Smith jr, the Prophet of God, to take the wachcare over them, and preside agreeably to the covenants, who shall be assisted by the other teachers and deacons in the Branch.
5th Resolved, that each branch of this Stake send one or more teachers once in three months to the Quarterly conference of this Stake, with a written account of the true situation of his Branch, agreeably to the Covenants.
6 Resolved–that the High Council recommend and consider it the duty of priests to labor from house to house, each in his respective neighbourhood agreeably to the covenants.” (Far West Record, 24 Feb., 1838)
“The minutes of some previous Councils were read by the Clerk
First. The minutes of a Council held on Saturday the 24th of February 1838, when it was voted. First, That the 6th article of the said minutes be null & void & also, that a new article be put in the place of it (which was done).” (Far West Record, 15 Mar., 1838)
6 Mar.: 70’s of Kirtland wish to relocate together.
“At a meeting of the Seventies in the House of the Lord in Kirtland, on the sixth day of March, 1838, the moving of the Saints from Kirtland to the land of Missouri, in accordance with the commandments and revelations of God, was spoken of and also the practicability of the quorum of the Seventies locating in as compact a body as possible in some stake of Zion in the west, where they could meet together when they were not laboring in the vineyard of the Lord; and also could receive counsel from the Twelve and the First Presidency in matters pertaining to their mission to the nations with greater facilities than they would if scattered here and there over all the face of the land.” (HC 3:87)
“Seventies March from Kirtland-Smith Journal”
“At a meeting of the Seventies in the House of the Lord in Kirtland, on the sixth day of March, 1838, the moving of the Saints from Kirtland to the land of Missouri, in accordance with the commandments and revelations of God, was spoken of and also the practicability of the quorum of the Seventies locating in as compact a body as possible in some stake of Zion in the west, where they could meet together when they were not laboring in the vineyard of the Lord; and also could receive counsel from the Twelve and the First Presidency in matters pertaining to their mission to the nations with greater facilities than they would if scattered here and there over all the face of the land. The [urrily]? if Seventies desired.
The subject was discussed at some length, and a resolution was passed requesting the Councilors to consult together and make a report on the subject at the next meeting of the quorum. The meeting was then adjourned to Saturday, the 10th instant, at one o’clock p.m.
At that time the quorum met again and the Presidents reported that they had consulted together on the subject referred to them at the last meeting, a nd that they were of the opinion that the subject should be laid before the First Presidency of the Church for their counsel and advice; and also if it would be thought expedient to appoint the place for their location in Far West or some other place where it should seem good unto them.
The measures proposed by the Councilors were unanimously approved of by the members of the quorum president. The presidents further stated that they had taken into consideration the extreme poverty of the Seventies in Kirtland and vicinity, and that it seems to them almost [page 2] an impossible thing for the quorum (as such) to move from this place under existing circumstances; that the measures entered into by the High Council and High Priests for removing the Saints had failed and they had given up making any further attempts after their scheme of going by water had fallen through, and that they had further advised every individual of the Church wishing to go up unto Zion to look out for himself individually and make the best of it he could.
Much was said on the subject; and while the subject of going up in a body–which seemed to be the prevailing desire of the members was present–was under discussion, the spirit of the Lord came down in mighty power, and some of the Elders began to prophesy that if the quorum would go up in a body together, and go according to the commandments and revelations of God, pitching their tents by the way, that they should not want for anything on the journey that would be necessary for them to have; and further that there should be nothing wanting towards removing the whole quorum of Seventies that would go in a body, but that there should be a sufficiency of all things for carrying such an expedition into effect.,
President James Foster arose in turn to make some remarks on the subject, and in the course of his address he declared that he saw a vision in which was shown unto him a company (he should think about five hundred) starting form Kirtland and going up to Zion. That he saw them moving in order, encamping in order by the way, and that he knew thereby that it was the will of God that the quorum should go up in that manner.
[page 3]The Spirit bore record of the truth of his assertions for it rested down on the assembly in power, insomuch that all present were satisfied that it was the will of God that the quorum should go up in a company together to the land of Zion, and that they should proceed immediately to make preparations for the journey. The Councilors were requested to devise the best course to be pursued to carry the plan into effect, and the meeting adjourned to Tuesday, 13th, at one p.m.” (Levi Edgar Young Papers, Utah State Historical Society, B12, Box 8, Fd 7, Pgs 1-3)
MARCH 17.–…”President Hyrum Smith came in and addressed the meeting at some length on the movements of the Saints in Kirtland in relation to their emigration to the land of Zion since the commandment had gone forth for the honest in heart to rise up and go up unto that land. He stated that what he had said and done in reference to chartering a steamboat, for the purpose of removing the Church as a body, he has done according to his own judgment without reference to the testimony of the Spirit of God; that he had recommended that course and had advised the High Council and High Priests to adopt that measure, acting solely by his own wisdom, for it had seemed to him that the whole body of the Church in Kirtland could be removed with less expense in the way [page 15] he had proposed than in any other. He said further that the Saints had to act oftentimes upon their own responsibility without any reference to the testimony of the Spirit of God in relation to temporal affairs, that he has so acted in this matter and has never had any testimony form God that the plan of going by water was approved of by Him, and that the failure of the scheme was evidence in his mind that God did not approve of it.
He then declared that he knew by the Spirit of God that the movements that were making by the quorum of the Seventies for their removal and the plan of their journeying was according to the will of the Lord. He advised all who were calculating to go up to Zion at present, whose circumstances would admit, to join with the Seventies in their plan and go up with them; and if he were so situated that he could join the camp himself and go with them, he would do so, and strictly comply with the rules which had been adopted for the regulation of the camp on the journey. It would be his delight to go as an individual without having any concern whatever in the management of affairs, either directly or indirectly, during the journey.”
(Levi Edgar Young Papers, Utah State Historical Society, B12, Box 8, Fd 7, Pgs 14-15)
MARCH 17. “After advising the camp not to be too particular in regard to the Word of Wisdom and advised them to have the assistance of the High Council in carrying the plan into execution, and giving other advise about organizing the camp, President Hyrum Smith retired.” (Levi Edgar Young Papers, Utah State Historical Society, B12, Box 8, Fd 7, Pg 16)
SATURDAY, JULY 14.–“…In the afternoon a complaint was prepared by N. B. Baldwin against Abram Bond for murmuring and other unchristian-like conduct. the council, after hearing the complaint and the defense, referred the case to the company in their own tent to settle among themselves.” (Levi Edgar Young Papers, Utah State Historical Society, B12, Box 8, Fd 7, Pg. 32)
FRIDAY, JULY 20.–“The Council met in the morning to attend to another complaint preferred by E. B. Gaylord, superintendent of the fourth division, against Abram Bond, for murmuring and complaining, and for personal abuse. Elder Zera Pulsipher, who presided, gave him a severe reprimand for his conduct in general on the journey and for abusing others with out any provocation, and he was informed that he would be left by the wayside if he did not reform, and behave more like a man of God than he had of late, or for a few days past.” (Levi Edgar Young Papers, Utah State Historical Society, B12, Box 8, Fd 7, Pg 38)
MONDAY, JULY 23.–“…On the road near Bellefontaine one of the sones of Martin H. Peck, had a wagon wheel run over his leg, but as the Lord would have it, and to the astonishment of all–considering the weight of the load on the wagon–he received no particular injury, although the wheel ran over the boy’s leg on a hard road without any obstruction whatever. The wheel made a deep cut in the limb, but after hands were laid on him in the name of the Lord, the boy was able to walk considerable in the course of the afternoon. This was one, but not the first, of the wonderful manifestations of God’s power unto us on the journey.” (Levi Edgar Young Papers, Utah State Historical Society, B12, Box 8, Fd 7, Pg 42)
SUNDAY, JULY 29.–“…The Council met in the morning to regulate some things relative to the duties of the day, and adjourned till five p.m. At that time they met again and took into consideration the case of Abram Bond, and unanimously resolved that for his murmuring and not giving heed to the regulations of the camp, he should be disfellowshiped by the camp and left to the care of himself, which decision was made known unto him and approbated by those who were present at the time. He accordingly left the camp the next day.” (Levi Edgar Young Papers, Utah State Historical Society, B12, Box 8, Fd 7, Pg 48)
FRIDAY, AUGUST 3.–“…The Council at a meeting held in the afternoon had taken into consideration the propriety of appointing three men to sit as councilors or judges (known as an Assistant Council, see p.128) to settle matters and difficulties between brethren, that the Council might be relieved in some measure from the arduous duties of settling controversies and have more time to devote to other things that devolved upon them as Presidents of the camp. Duncan McArthur, Gordon Snow and George Stringham were nominated, and the subject was laid before the meeting in the evening to receive the unanimous approbation
of all present.” (Levi Edgar Young Papers, Utah State Historical Society, B12, Box 8, Fd 7, Pg 55)
THURSDAY, AUGUST 16.–“…In the evening G. W. Brooks and wife were called before the Council and inquiry made into some things which had been in circulation for some days respecting them, and in the course of the investigation it was acknowledged that Brother Brooks’ wife had used tea most of the time on the road, and had used profane language, and she declared she would still pursue the same course, and it was not in the power of her husband or the Council to stop it. She further said that she was not a member of the Church and did not expect to come under the rules of the camp.
The decision of the Council was that they must leave the camp, and Brother Brooks was severely reprimanded for not keeping his tent in order according to the Constitution of the camp, and not keeping his family in subjection, as a man of God, especially as an Elder of Israel.” (Levi Edgar Young Papers, Utah State Historical Society, B12, Box 8, Fd 7, Pg 69)
FRIDAY, AUGUST 17.–“Elders J. Foster and Henry Harriman, having finished the job of embankment (levee), came back into the encampment themselves but did not bring back their tents. In the afternoon the Council met and several of the members of the camp were tried for breach of the Constitution, and Nathan K. Knight presented an appeal from a decision of the Assistant Council on a charge preferred against himself and wife by Amos Jackson, overseer of his tent, for some misdemeanor in respect to the order of the camp and unchristian-like conduct on the journey, which the decision was that they had violated the Constitution of the camp and disregarded their covenant to observe and keep it, and consequently must be left by the wayside. After an inquiry into the affair the decision made (by the Assistant Council) was confirmed by the Council of the camp.
Josiah Miller was advised, in consequence of the conduct of his son-in-law, Aaron Dolph, who was not a member of the Church, and would not conform to the order of the camp, to take his family and go by himself.
Nathan Staker was requested to leave the camp in consequence of the determination of his wife, to all appearances, not to observe the rules and regulations of the camp. There had ben contentions in the tent between herself and Andrew Lamereaux, overseer of the tent, and also contentions with his family several times on the road, and after the camp stopped in this place. The Council had become weary of trying to settle these contentions between them. Andrew Lamereaux having gone to Dayton to labor, taking his family with him, was not present at the Council, neither was there any new complaint made, but the impossibility of Brother Staker to keep his family in order was apparent to all, and it was [page 71] thought to be the best thing for him to take his family and leave the camp. Some other things were brought before the Council and inquiry made into the conduct of several individuals, and the Council had come to the determination to put iniquity from the camp wherever it could be found, that God’s anger might be turned away and His blessings rest down upon us.” (Levi Edgar Young Papers, Utah State Historical Society, B12, Box 8, Fd 7, Pgs 70-71)
TUESDAY, AUGUST 28.–…”Charles Wood was expelled form the camp by two of the Council, James Foster and Henry Harriman, on the 27th. Brother Wood was tenting about two miles from our encampment with two or three other families, who for some misdemeanor had been expelled form the camp. Brothers Foster and Harriman, by the consent of all concerned, acted in this matter without a majority of the Council, as a majority was considered necessary to have a trial or council concerning any matter relating to the affairs of the camp; but in this instance no exceptions were made by any.” (Levi Edgar Young Papers, Utah State Historical Society, B12, Box 8, Fd 7, Pg 82)
10 Mar.: Procedure for ordination.
“The High Council of Zion, met in Far West, on Saturday, March 10, 1838, agreeable to adjournment: the Council being organized, was opened by singing, and prayer by Elder Grover.
After some discussion, it was
1st. Resolved, That the High Council recommend, by writing, to the various branches of this church, that all those who wish to receive ordination, procure a recommend from the branch to which he belongs, and have it pass through the hands of the different quorums for inspection, previous to his ordination.” (Elders’ Journal 1(3):46, Jul., 1838)
15 Mar.: Bishop presides over Teachers’ reorganization.
“Far West March 15th 1838
Confrence of Teachers met by order of the high Council under the direction of the Bishop he being authorised to organise the less Priesthood. Confrence opend by prayer by Isaac Morley after receiveing instruction from the Bishop and others Albert Petty was elected President to preside over said quorum of Teachers. Geo. W. Pitkin elected Clerk. Confrence resolved to adjourn untill the 31 of March. confrence closed by prayer by Albert Petty
James Allen Geo. W. Pitkin
Elijah Wilson A Petty
John Outhouse Philo Dibble
John L Butler Syrus Daniels
Benjamine Johnson Sidney Tanner
Roswell Stephens Alvin Graves
Joseph B. Hawks Geo Johnson
Andrew Rose Wm. M. Fossett
Ezekiel Peck
Morgan L. Gardner”
(Teachers Quorum Minute Book, December 25, 1834 – February 12, 1845; LDS Archives, MS 3428)
6 Apr.: 95 infants blessed in one meeting.
“Far West, April 6th, 1838.
Agreeable to a resolution passed the high council of Zion, March 3rd 1838, the saints in Missouri assembled at this place, to hold the anniversary of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and to transact Church business. . . .
The meeting adjourned for one hour–and again opened by David W. Patten–After which the bread and wine was administered, and 95 infants were brought forward and blessed–When on motion the meeting closed.” (Elders’ Journal 1(3):47, Jul., 1838)
26 Apr.: Disfellowshipment from Teachers’ quorum.
“The Teachers’ quorum voted today not to hold any member of the quorum in fellowship, who would not settle his own difficulties in the Church, and show himself approved in all things; and that they would not hold any member of the quorum in fellowship who would take unlawful interest.” (HC 3:25)
6 Jul.: Importance of Teachers and Deacons.
“The Conference convened agreeable to adjournment, opened by singing, ‘He died the great Redeemer died.’
After which President Sidney Rigdon made a few remarks respecting the officers in the Church saying, each officer must stand in his place, and perform his duty as it is required at his hand, and in so doing, he would be willing to predict, that there would be no difficulty in the Church untill the coming of Christ, also that the foundation of the happiness of the Church rests upon the heads of the Teachers and Deacons, whose duty it is to go from house to house and see that each family in the Church is kept in order, and that the children are taught the principles of righteousness; and also that the time had come when it was required at the hands of the Deacons, Teachers, & Priests to render an account of their stewardship, the standing of the various branches to which they belonged, &c. he also gave much good instruction to the Upper Priest-hood–He then addressed all the quorums present on the subject of speaking lightly of each other, thinking, perhaps, he had not much influence, when at the same time some one might be present who had great confidence in you, and it would soon lead to a great difficulty, because all the Officers in the Church has more influence than he may suspect, therefore, when you speak, let your words be seasoned with grace.
He then addressed the Elders, saying they were called to convert the world, and admonished them to put away ambition and go and perform the duty which is required at their hands–he compared the Elders to quarriers of stone, who merely quarried the stones and brought them to the building, where the Priests, Teachers, and Deacons, are polishers, whose duty it is to prepare them for the building.” (Far West Record, 6 Jul., 1838)
17 May: Disciplining of Seventy by Seventies.
“At a council of the presidents of the seventies held this day in the Lord’s House, a charge was prepared against Elder Lewis Eager by Elder Jonathan Dunham for breach of counsel, abusing a congregation; for teaching erroneous doctrine and for ordaining Brother Norris contrary to the rules of the Church of L.D. Saints. The Council organized by prayer and appointing Elders J. L. Holman and W. D. Pratt, counsellors, protem. On the side of Justice, Elders Butterfield, Herriman and Wilber; on the side of mercy Elders Pulsipher, Holman and Pratt. The charge was then read and Elder Eager pleaded not guilty. Elder John Lamoreaus was called on and his testimony fully substantiated the second, third and fourth specifications of the charge. And Elder J. Butterfield being called substantiated the first. Two counsellors spoke on each side. Elder Dunham waved his right to speak. Elder Eager made a [page 32] Speach[sp] in his defense after which Elder J. Foster, who presided, decided that Elder Eager should be suspended and his license given up till he made satisfaction and proved himself worthy to hold the office of Elder which was unanimously agreed to be the council and the congregation present. The council then adjourned to Tuesday the 18th at 1 P.M.” (Levi Edgar Young Papers, Utah State Historical Society, B12, Box 8, Fd 8, Pgs 31-32)
18 May: Disciplining of Seventy by Seventies.
“Council met according to adjournment and a complaint was presented by Brother H Chency against Elder Hiram Dayton for refusing to pay him a debt. The council organized in the following manner by ballot. On the side of plaintiff, counsellors J. Foster, J. Butterfield and H. Herriman. For defendant, J. Young, and E. Smith and B. S. Wilber counsellors protem. After a patient hearing of the case, President Z. Pulsipher decided the course of action, which was agreed to by vote of the council and of the assembly present with a few exceptions. The Council then adjourned.” (Levi Edgar Young Papers, Utah State Historical Society, B12, Box 8, Fd 8, Pg 32)
8 Jul.: Instructions to the 12.
“The following Revelation was given in Far West, M[iss]o[uri], July 8th 1838 and read this day in the congregation of the Saints.
Revelation Given to the Twelve Apostles, July 8th 1838, in Far West, Mo in the presence of J Smith, Jr, S Rigdon, H Smith, E Partridge, I Morly, J Carter, S Avard, T B. Marsh, and G W. Robinson Making known the will of the Lord concerning the Twelve. Show unto us thy will O Lord Concerning the Twelve.
Verily thus saith the Lord, Let a conference be held immediately. Let the Twelve be organized. Let men be appointed to supply the places of those who [have] fallen. Let my servant Thomas [B. Marsh] remain for a season in the land of Zion to publish my word. Let the residue continue to preach from that hour. And if they will do this in all Lowliness of Heart, in meekness and pureness and long suffering, I the Lord God give unto them a promise that I will provide for their families and an effectual door shall be op[e]ned for them from henceforth. And next spring let them depart to go over the great waters and there promulg[at]e my gospel in the fullness thereof and to bear record of my name. Let them take l[e]ave of my Saints in the City Far West on the Twenty sixth day of April next on the building spot of mine house saith the Lord.
Let my servent John Taylor, and also my servent John E. Page, and also my servent Willford Woodruff, and also my servent Willard Richards be appointed to fill the places of those who have fallen and be officially Notified of the appointment. Even so. Amen.” (Joseph Smith Scriptory Book; Faulring, An American Prophet’s Record, pp. 193-194)
15 Jul.: Aaronic necessary before Melchizedek?
“The Elders Quro Quorum [sic] Met in the Lords House After Prayer by Counselor [Lehasa] Hollester Proceeded to buisness six names was presented for Ordination (Viz) William Shoeman Henry Moore Charles Green Jeremiah Knights thair abilities and moral standing and [a]bout to take a vote to receiving of them to Ordination brother [Willard] Woodstock High priest Brother [John] Sawyer a Priest object to thair Ordination on the Account of thair not passing through the Lessor Priesthood as they concidered proper and necesery After some Arguments for and against such Procedings a motion was made to refer to counsel of the Church accordingly Voted that a counsel of the authorieties of the church be cauled to meet in the Lords house Satuarday next at 1 Oclock to take this subject in concideration.” (Kirtland Elders’ Quorum Record, 15 Jul., 1838)
Jul.: This dispensation given by an angel.
“[Referring to Rev. 14:6, 7 previously mentioned in the text] The authority connected with the ordinances renders the time very desirable to the man of God, and renders him happy amidst all his trials, and afflictions. To such an one, through the grace of God, we are indebted for this dispensation, as given by the angel of the Lord. . . . And they who sin against this authority given to him–(the before mentioned man of God,)–sins not against him only, but against Moroni, who holds the keys of bringing to pass the restitution of all things, or the restoration of all things. And also John, the son of Zacharias which Zacharias Elias visited, and give promise that he should have a son, and his name should be John, and he should be filled with the spirit of Elias, which John I have sent unto you, my servants Joseph Smith Jr. and Oliver Cowdery, to ordain you to this first priesthood, even as Aaron. . . . And also Peter, and James and John, whom I have sent unto you by whom I have ordained you, and confirmed you to be apostles and especial witnesses of my name; and bear the keys of your ministry, and of the same keys of my kingdom, and a dispensation of the gospel for the last time, and for the fulness of times.” (David W. Patten, in Elder’s Journal 1(3):41-42, Jul., 1838; Barney)
Aug.: With respect to licenses.
Agreeable to the proceedings of a general Conference of the authorities of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter day saints, assembled in the city Far West, April 6th 1838, at the first quarterly conference held in this place. It becomes my duty to give some information to the ordained members of this church, with respect to licenses, etc. All licenses whether that of an elder, priest, teacher; or deacon, must be given by the general Recorder, and signed by the first presidency, and general clerk otherwise they will be considered null and void, or without authority.
Certificates, however can be given to those who are ordained, where it is inconvenient to obtain licences as the time, which certificates, when presented to the general recorder, will entitle him to a license. It is also necessary to have all licenses recorded on the general church record. It is further necessary for all persons receiving or taking licenses from any individual in consequence of ill behavior; to send such license to the general recorder, in order to have it erased from the docket, or record. If the licenses of any persons are called for officially; in consequence of their misbehavior, and such persons refuse to give them up, then it is the duty of such Court or officer, authorized to take such license or licenses to give information accordingly, to the general recorder, that his license may be killed, and he published to the world.
It is the duty of the Clerk of each branch of the church, not yet organized into a stake by the first presidency to send a record of the names of said branch. And also the most interesting part of said history such as miracles etc. to the Clerk of the nearest stake, or to such as they may be attached.
It is the duty of the Clerk and recorder of each stake of Zion, to preserve in order the records under his hands, that, he has the names of the individuals belonging to, or with in his jurisdiction in alphabetical order, so that the general recorder can obtain them with ease. They will also please to observe and keep their record with an index or in such order, that the matter wanted, at any time, can be had with as little trouble as possible.–And further that every Clerk and recorder, notice in his record every interesting incident or such as his president, or the presidents of such stake may think proper, so that the same may be noticed in its proper sequence in the general church history, which will undoubtedly be published from time to time, as the Church progresses. Also let them furnish the general Clerk and recorder every quarterly Conference with a transcript of all their records, or else such stake will not be noticed in the general history.
George W. Robinson, General Clerk and Recorder.”
(Elders’ Journal 1(4):62, Aug., 1837)
25 Aug.: Woodruff’s call to Apostleship.
“I have just received several lengthy letters from the Presidency in Zion in which I am informed there hath been some vary interesting and important revelations lately received of the Lord in which I am commanded in person to come immediately to that place via far west and also to take upon me the Bishopprick or Apostleship of one of the twelve which have fallen away and that I am to take the parting hand with the saints in Zion.” (Wilford Woodruff to his brother, Asahel H. Woodruff, 25 Aug., 1838; in BYU Studies 25(3):358, Spring, 1975)
28 Dec.: Special calling of 70s.
“A meeting of the Seventies was held this day at the school house, near the residence of John Sagers, in Rockford township, Caldwell county, Mo., three miles south of the city of Far West. The meeting was opened by singing and prayer by Elder Joseph Young. Elder Zerah Pulsipher presided. Present Zerah Pulsipher, Joseph Young, Levi W. Hancock and Henry Harriman, Counsellors and Heber C. Kimball and Brigham Young of the quorum of the Twelve all of which addressed the meeting on the particular calling of the Seventies and the necessity of their going immediately into the vineyard of the Lord to labor therin in righteousness for him. The following were then, on the recommendation of the Apostles Heber C. Kimball and Brigham Young and others after examination [?] by vote of the quorum, ordained into the quorum of Seventies to be special witnesses to the nations of the earth:
. . . .”
(Seventies Record, A 53; JH 28 Dec., 1838)
Rebaptism in 1838?
“On the 13th of October [1838] we crossed the Mississippi at Louisiana, and began to hear of great troubles among the Mormons at Far West, and we were warned of the great danger of proceeding, but our camp was only stirred to greater desire to go on. Here I remembered my former purpose to renew my covenant by baptism [he had been baptized in 1835], and as one of my associates, D. D. McArthur, was to be baptized, I went with him and was baptized by Henry Hariman.” (Benjamin F. Johnson, My Life’s Review, n.p., n.d.; p. 35)
Priesthood restoration narratives: History of the Church.
“While we were thus employed, praying, and calling upon the Lord, a messenger from heaven descended in a cloud of light, and having laid his hands upon us, he ordained us, saying unto us, ‘Upon you my fellow servant . . .’ [Text of D&C 13] The messenger who visited us on this occasion, and conferred this priesthood upon us said that his name was John, the same that is called John the Baptist, in the New Testament, and that he acted under the direction of Peter, James and John, who held the keys of the priesthood of Melchizedek, which priesthood he said should in due time be conferred on us– . . . we were forced to keep secret the circumstances of our having been baptized, and having received the priesthood; owing to a spirit of persecution which had already manifested itself in the neighborhood.” (History of the Church, Manuscript, Book A-1 [1838], CR 100/102, LDS Archives; T&S 3(19):855-856, 1 Aug., 1842; also in HC 1:39-41; Barney)
“We now became anxious to have that promise realized to us, which the angel that conferred upon us the Aaronic Priesthood had given us, viz: that provided we continued faithful we should also have the Melchisidec Priesthood, which holds the authority of the laying on of hands for the gift of the Holy Ghost. We had for some time made this matter a subject of humble prayer, and at length we got together in the chamber of Mr. Whitmer’s house in order more particularly to seek of the Lord what we now so earnestly desired; and here to our unspeakable satisfaction did we realize the truth of the Savior’s promise; ‘Ask, and you shall receive, seek, and you shall find, knock and it shall be opened unto you,’ for we had not long been engaged in solemn and fervent prayer, when the word of the Lord came unto us in the chamber, commanding us; that I should ordain Oliver Cowdery to be an elder in the church of Jesus Christ, and that he also should ordain me to the same office, and then to ordain others as it should be made known to us, from time to time: we were however commanded to defer this our ordination until, such times, as it should be practicable to have our brethren, who had been and who should be baptized, assembled together, when we must have their sanction to our thus proceeding to ordain each other, and have them decide by vote whether they were willing to accept us as spiritual teachers, or not, when also we were commanded to bless bread and break it with them . . .
The following commandment will further illustrate the nature of our calling to this Priesthood as well as that of others who were yet to be sought after.” (History of the Church, Manuscript, Book A-1 [1838], CR 100/102, LDS Archives; T&S 3(22):915, 15 Sep., 1842; also in HC 1:60-61; Barney)