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Prince’s Research Excerpts: Priesthood & Mormonism – 1845

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1845:  1 Jan.:  Joseph received apostleship AND priesthood.

“The people did not choose that great modern apostle and prophet, Joseph Smith, but God chose him in the usual way that he has chosen others before him, viz., by open vision, and by his own voice from the heavens.  He it was that called him, and conferred on him the apostleship and priesthood, for the restoration of all things spoken of by the prophets; and for the ushering of the latter-day glory or millennial dispensation.”  (Parley P. Pratt, “Proclamation.  To the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints:  Greeting.,” 1 Jan., 1845; MS 5(10):150, Mar., 1845)

1 Jan.:  Reorganization of the Church by the Twelve.

“While the testator lived, the testament was not of full power:  all that was done was preparatory.  The chaos of materials prepared by him must now be placed in order in the building.  The laws revealed by him must now be administered in all their strictness and beauty.  The measures commenced by him must now be carried into successful operation.

In order to make ample provisions for the spread of the Gospel, as well as for the more perfect government of the church, the United States and adjoining provinces are to be immediately divided into Presidential districts, over which high priests will be especially appointed to preside..  Each district will constitute a yearly conference, and a number of quarterly conferences; all of which will be appointed and controlled by the President of the District under the Direction of the Twelve.  To these presidents and to the conferences appointed by them, every elder or other officer of the district will be accountable for his doctrine, labours, and conduct, with the exception of the seventies, who will be amenable to their own presidency.

No officer in one district will hold jurisdiction in another, or be privileged to minister beyond the bounds of the district where he is appointed or where he belongs.

Young men, who wish to extend the field of their labours beyond their own district, can only do so by going to head quarters, being ordained into a quorum of the seventies, and after due qualification, be sent to some other district, under the immediate superintendence of a president of their own quorum, and even then they will be confined to a certain district until removed to another by the proper authority.

These regulations will save the church from imposition, fraud, and false doctrine; endless calls for money to support the moving to and fro of elders, and from ten thousand snares, troubles, difficulties, jarrings, and confusions to which they are not exposed.  ‘Great apostles of the Gentiles,’ (falsely so called,) ‘Great lions of Mormonism,’ ‘Big Guns,’ &c. &c., will no longer run from church to church, from city to city, from state to state, contrary to the council of Twelve; teaching false doctrine, professing powers which they do not hold, sealing people to eternal life, which they do not themselves possess, and swindling the saints out of money which ought to be given to the modest, unassuming and faithful labourers who are labouring among them, and who never say much about their necessities, except to God.

We shall proceed to this regulation as fast as possible in the eastern states, and in the mean time–before these regulations are fully established, this part of the vineyard will be under the general superintendence of elders Brown and Benson, who have been sent from the west to aid me in the general presidency and care of the churches, together with such other faithful men as are found among you, who will be named in due time.

No elder or other officer, except the Twelve, and those whom they may appoint for the purpose, has a right to travel from state to state, or from city to city, to call conferences, to regulate branches, to ordain officers, to collect tithings, to raise contributions, or even to visit and idle away their time.  And the presiding officer of each branch, and all other members, are hereby instructed and forewarned not to receive such, but rather to support those who are known and faithful among themselves, and such others as are specially appointed and sent unto them.

The fact is, when the order of the kingdom is fully established, the Twelve are the only general officers of the church, whose jurisdiction is UNIVERSAL.

The seventies are so in one sense of the word; that is, they are called, like the Twelve, to be special ministers in all the world; but an individual of the seventies, or a number of individuals of them, under their respective presidents will be limited, even to their proper district, as may be appointed from time to time.

As well might we say, that the governor of New York has authority to preside over and govern the affairs of Missouri, as to say, that an elder or high priest from Boston or Philadelphia has authority in New York or some other place, out of his social jurisdiction, unless sent by the Twelve for that very purpose.

Therefore, let no conferences hereafter be appointed in these eastern states, except under the direction of some of the Twelve, or such general presiding officers as are or may be hereafter appointed by them.  And should we neglect any portion of the country, application may be made to us by a presiding  elder or others, and appointments made as far as necessary, and duly attended to by us.

Let not ordinations be administered except at the conferences, and then let the candidate come well recommended by the branch where he resides.

Let none be sent on foreign missions except by the Twelve, nor on any mission out of their immediate locality, except by the general presiding officers at the conferences.  Each conference, of course, holding the authority to regulate its own internal affairs, under the direction of the Twelve, or others who preside.”  (Parley P. Pratt, “Proclamation.  To the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints:  Greeting.,” 1 Jan., 1845; MS 5(10):152-153, Mar., 1845)

10 Jan.:  Lesser priesthood quorums set in order.

“The lesser priesthood met at the Music Hall.  Bishop N. K. Whitney presided.  He stated the object of the meeting was to fill up the quorums in order that the saints might be visited by the lesser priesthood; he recommended that the bishops establish in their respective wards the manufacturing of palm leaf and straw hats, willow baskets and other business that children are capable of learning, that they may be raised to industrious habits; he further stated his determination to have a feast prepared for the poor that their hearts might be made to rejoice.  Bishops Edward Hunter, Isaac Higbee and others made some very interesting remarks.  Bishop Whitney gave the lesser priesthood a faithful charge in relation to ferreting out iniquity.  Four priests and ten teachers were ordained.”  (HC 7:351)

19 Jan.:  Further progress in 70s quorums.

“Jan 19th 25 [1845] also have moved on in like manner the organization the corums of the church are going on in order and great rappidity  the 20th corum of 70ties is now organized  the high priest corum is increasing rapidly and have covenanted to finish off the upper story of the temple this season coming for their own convienance for meeting and for the further of the work of receiving the Endowment as there are Ordinances which cannot be given only in an upper story which covenant was made on the 26th of Janr . . .”  (William Huntington diary, Huntington Library)

29 Jan.:  Priesthood from birth.

“Brigham, Wilard, Kimball, Janu 28  my wife taken sick on the morning of the 29 quarter past twelve  she was deliverd of the above son of Promise the above revlation  Verly thus saith the Lord, the Lad shall be grate Like unto his Father Even a Prophet Seer and Prophet from his youth on whoom the Priesthood shall rest from his [the word “youth” was written, then scratched out] birth to all Eternity even so Amen  given by Brigham Young.”  (Heber C. Kimball diary, 29 Jan., 1845)

[second, later entry in Kimball’s diary, between the entries for 3 and 4 Apr., 1845]  “A Revlation given by B. Young  Verly thus saith the Lord the Lad shall be great like unto his Father even a Prophet Seer and Revelater from his youth on whom the Preasthood shall rest from his burth to all Eternity  Even so Amen  My wife was delivered of this son January the 29 quater past 12 in the morning  I gave him the follolowing name  Brigham Willard Kimball.  A child of promis.”  (Heber C. Kimball diary, 29 Jan., 1845)

10 Feb.:  Joseph receiving administration of the angel.

“Spoke of the origin of the Church Joseph recieving the Administration of the Angel.”  (Wilford Woodruff diary, 10 Feb., 1845)

2 Mar.:  Quorum organization improving daily.

“this 2d of March 1845 the affairs of the church all move on in perfect harmony the different corums are improving daily in their state of organization . . .”  (William Huntington diary, 2 Mar., 1845, Huntington Library)

16 Mar.:  Priesthood roster in Glasgow.

“Conference opened by singing & Prayer after which 15 Branches of the Church was represented containing 1,065 Members, 35 Elders, 51 Priest, 37 Teachers, 24 Deacons.”  (Wilford Woodruff diary, 16 Mar., 1845)

19 Mar.:  Arch-Bishops?

“The Bishops, Arch Bishops, and Deacons are organizing along these days for the safety of the Church.”  (Zina Diantha Huntington Jacobs diary, 19 Mar., 1845; in BYU Studies 19(3):306, Spring, 1979)

28 Mar.:  Arch-Bishops?

“All things posible in the city.  The arch Bishop, Bishops and Deacons, All perform there severall dutes in the City of Joseph, (as the State has taken away the City Charter from Nauvoo) as g[u]ard nights and preserving peace.  They are faithful if it is to whistle or whittle.”  (Zina Dinatha Huntington Jacobs diary, 28 Mar., 1845; in BYU Studies 19(3):307, Spring, 1979)

6 Apr.:  High Priesthood holds sealing power.

“By this means the great and eternal High Priesthood, after the Order of his Son, even the Apostleship, has been restored; or, returned to the earth.

This High Priesthood, or Apostleship, holds the keys of the kingdom of God, and power to bind on earth that which shall be bound in heaven; and to loose on earth that which shall be loosed in heaven.  And, in fine, to do, and to administer in all things pertaining to the ordinances, organization, government and direction of the kingdom of God.”  (Proclamation of the Twelve, 6 Apr., 1845, in Clark, Messages of the First Presidency 1:253)

“Greeting, . . . The great Elohim, Jehovah, has been pleased once more to speak from the heavens, and also to commune with man upon the earth, by means of open visions, and by the ministration of HOLY MESSENGERS.

By this means the great and eternal High Priesthood, after the order of his Son (even the Apostleship) has been restored or returned to the earth.

This High Priesthood or Apostleship, holds the keys of the kingdom of God, with power to bind on earth that which shall be bound in heaven, and to loose on earth that which shall be loosed in heaven; and, in fine, to do and to administer in all things pertaining to the ordinances, organization, government, and direction of the kingdom of God.”  (“Proclamation of the Twelve Apostles of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  To all the Kings of the World, to the President of the United States of America . . .,” Liverpool: Wilford Woodruff, 6 Apr., 1845 [Written from New York], p. 1; Barney)

6 Apr.:  Holy Ghost vs. Holy Priesthood.

“Therefore we send unto you with authority from on high, and command you all to repent and humble yourselves as little children, before the majesty of the Holy One; and come unto Jesus with a broken heart and a contrite spirit; and be baptized in his name, for the remission of sins (that is, be buried in the water in the likeness of his burial and rise again to newness of life, in the likeness of his resurrection), and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit, through the laying on of the hands of the Apostles and elders, of this great and last dispensation of mercy to man.

This Spirit shall bear witness to you, of the truth of our testimony; and shall enlighten your minds, and be in you as the spirit of prophecy and revelation.  It shall bring things past to your understanding and remembrance; and shall show you things to come.

It shall also impart unto you many great and glorious gifts; such as the gift of healing the sick, and of being healed, by the laying on of hands in the name of Jesus; and of expelling Demons; and even of seeing visions, and conversing with Angels and spirits from the unseen world.

By the light of this Spirit, received through the ministration of the ordinances–by the power and authority of the Holy Apostleship and Priesthood, you will be enabled to understand, and to be the children of light; and thus be prepared to escape all the things that are coming on the earth, and so stand before the Son of Man.”  (Proclamation of the Twelve Apostles to the Kings of the World, 6 Apr., 1845, in Clark, Mesages of the First Presidency 1:253-254)

6 Apr.:  Deacons assumed duties of police force.

“The special annual conference commenced on the 6th of April, and adjourned on the evening of the 9th.  It was the largest assembly ever gathered in Nauvoo on a similar occasion, by many thousands.  The congregation covered from two to three acres of ground, and were various estimated from 20,000 to 40,000.  The most perfect order prevailed, notwithstanding the city authorities had ceased to act since the repeal of the charter, and consequently there was not a policeman or constable on the ground.  It was decided by Doctor Goforth, that the deacons preserved much better order than what had been effected by the police on former occasions.”  (Extract of a letter from George A. Smith to Wilford Woodruff, 13 Apr., 1845; MS 5(12):197-198, May, 1845)

14 Apr.:  Duties of deacons.

“Elder Richards and I attended the deacons’ meeting.  The deacons have become very efficient looking after the welfare of the saints; every part of the city is watched with the strictest care, and whatever time of night the streets are traveled at the corner of every block a deacon is found attending to his duty.”  (Brigham Young, HC 7:399)

15 May:  Office of Patriarch.

“The office of Patriarch over the whole church is to be a father to the church, and to confer blessings on its members, according to the order handed down from the first of Patriarchs to the present.  By some of these, great and most marvellous events have been predicted, which have received their fulfilment after many generations have passed away: for instance: Jacob blessing his son Joseph.  Moses blessing the tribes of Israel, &c., &c.

Father Smith, the first Patriarch and Hyrum his successor conferred many blessings upon the Saints that made their hearts glad.  But they, in the wisdom of God, have been called away, and William the son and brother succeeds them.  How many, now will say, I wish I had my patriarchal blessing?  This has been the lamentation of many since the death of Joseph and Hyrum.  William is the last of the family, and truly inherits the blood and spirit of his father’s house, as well as the priesthood and patriarchal office from his father and brother, legally, and by hereditary descent.”  (W. W. Phelps [See T&S 6(9):920], T&S 6(9):905, 15 May, 1845)

24 May:  Priesthood bearers between death & resurrection.

“How do you think the spirit of the Saviour spent the three days that intervened between his crucifixion and his resurrection?  Did he sit down in his Father’s kingdom and do nothing but slap his hands and sing praises?  His Father unfolded to him the world of spirits.  He looked upon them and saw that they were his lawful legitimate brothers and sisters in the spirit, that they all descended from the same Father, and he possessed the natural feeling of anxiety to redeem his kindred from their situation.  The Father commissioned him to preach the gospel to them, and show them the plan by which they could be brought up in the resurrection and prepare themselves for higher glories.  This is the way that he spent the time, and this is the way that every person who holds the priesthood will spend the time that intervenes between his death and his resurrection.  The spirits of men are not all that will be employed in this delightful task; but you too, my sisters, will take a part therein, for you will hold a portion of the priesthood with your husbands, and you will thus do a work as well as they, that will augment that glory which you will enjoy after your resurrection.”  (Orson Pratt, funeral sermon for Caroline Smith, 24 May, 1845; MS 6(6):90, 1 Sep., 1845)

1 Jun.:  Additional words on the office of patriarch.


Since the publication of the last Times and Seasons, we have frequently been interrogated about the meaning of some remarks made by Eld. Wm. Smith in an article headed patriarchal, and also concerning some expressions in the editorial connected therewith; and as the nature of the office of Patriarch, does not seem to be fully understood, we thought a little explanation on this point might not be amiss. 

So far as the editorial is concerned it was written rather hastily by our junior editor, W. W. Phelps, and did not come under our notice until after it was published.  There are some expressions contained in it, which might have been worded better and have rendered it less subject to criticism; but he assures us that no such intention was intended to be conveyed as that which is conceived by some.  And concerning Brother Wm. Smith, we are better acquainted with him, and with his views, than to believe that he intended to convey any such idea as the one which some persons would put upon, or gather from his sayings.

In regard to the office of Patriarch, William Smith has been ordained Patriarch to the church; but he is not the only Patriarch, but would act as a senior Patriarch, holding the keys of that priesthood; and his labors would be more especially connected with the church in Zion; and he would take the lead, priority, or presidency of the Patriarchal office in this place; and in this capacity if there should be a council of Patriarchs, he as a matter of course would preside by right of office–But every legally ordained Patriarch has the same right to bless that he has, and their administrations are just as legal as his are.  Every ordinance that is administered by a legal administrator, is legal.  A priest has just as much right to baptize a person for the remission of sins as an elder, a high priest, or an apostle; but he cannot lay on hands for the gift of the Holy Ghost, because he does not pos[s]ess the authority to do it; but an elder does, and an elder’s administration would be just as legal as the administration of any of the beforementioned persons, or as that of the president of the church.

Every father, after he has received his patriarchal blessing, is a Patriarch to his own family; and has the right to confer patriarchal blessings upon his family; which blessings will be just as legal as those conferred by any Patriarch of the church: in fact it is his right; and a Patriarch in blessings his children, can only bless as his mouth-piece.

A Patriarch to the church is appointed to bless those who are orphans, or have no father in the church to bless them.  Not as stated inadvertently, in the editorial above alluded to ‘to bless all, and such as have not a father to do it,’ for this he could not do, where the church is so extensive; the burthen would be too onerous; hence other Patriarchs have been ordained, both in this country, and in England, to assist the Patriarch to the church, and hence the provision made in the Book of Doctrine and Covenants:  ‘It is the duty of the Twelve, in all large branches of the church, to ordain evangelical ministers, (Patriarchs) as they shall be designated unto them by revelation.’  Page 104.  And should any of those Patriarchs remove here, they have just as much right to administer in their patriarchal office under the direction of the patriarch to the church, as an elder or priest would, who should remove from one of the branches to this place, under the direction of the presidency.  Brother Wm. Smith however, ‘holds the keys of the patriarchal blessings upon the heads of all my people,’ and would of necessity have the seniority, and of course the priority and presidency; yet it would be left for those who wished to be administered to, to make their choice; just as much as it would for a candidate for baptism to choose who should administer to him.

The above is the true doctrine of the church in regard to this matter, and we speak of it for the information of the brethren at large, lest those who may have received their patriarchal blessings from other sources, or from their fathers, might be tempted to think they were of no avail, and also, to set at rest this agitated question.

We now proceed to answer some of the remarks which we have heard:

We have been asked, ‘Does not patriarch over the whole church’ place Brother William Smith at the head of the whole church as president?

Ans.  No.  Brother William is not patriarch over the whole church; but patriarch TO the church, and as such he was ordained.  The expression ‘over the whole church,’ is a mistake made by W. W. Phelps.  He is patriarch TO the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  The Twelve are commanded to ordain evangelical ministers in all large branches of the church abroad, and who has charge over them, the patriarch?  No.  Those who ordained them, and to whom is committed the power and authority to regulate all the affairs of the churches abroad.  And who has the charge of the whole priesthood here?  Ans.  The presidency of the church; and not the patriarch.  

But does not the Book of Doctrine and Covenants say,

‘First, I give unto you Hyrum Smith to be a Patriarch unto you to hold the sealing blessings of my church, even the Holy Spirit of promise whereby ye are sealed up unto the day of redemption, that ye may not fall.’

Yes.  But that is in regard to seniority not in regard to authority in priesthood, for it immediately follows, ‘I give unto you my servant Joseph to be a presiding elder over all my church.’  In page 110, D. C. we read ‘the duty of president of the office of the high priesthood, is to preside over the whole church, and to be like unto Moses.’  And from this it is evident that the president of the church, not the patriarch, is appointed by God to preside.

But does not the Patriarch stand in the same relationship to the church, as Adam did to his family, and as Abraham and Jacob did to theirs?  No.  This is another mistake which is made by our junior, and one that may be very easily made inadvertantly.  Adam was the natural father of his posterity, who were his family and over whom he presided as patriarch, prophet, priest, and king.  Both Abraham and Jacob stood in the same relationship to their families.  But not so with Father Joseph Smith, Hyrum Smith, or William Smith.  They were not the natural fathers of the church, and could not stand in the same capacity as Adam, Abraham, or Jacob; but inasmuch as there had been none to bless for generations past, according to the ancient order, they were ordained and set apart for the purpose of conferring patriarchal blessings, to hold the keys of this priesthood, and unlock the door, that had long been closed upon the human family: that blessings might again be conferred according to the ancient order, and those who were orphans, or had no father to bless them, might receive it through a patriarch who should act as proxy for their father, and that fathers might again be enabled to act as patriarchs to their families, and bless their children, For like all other ordinances in the church, this had been neglected; and must needs be restored.  But Father Joseph Smith was not president of the church, nor the president’s counsel.  Nor was Hyrum Smith either president or president’s counsel.  He was once counsel but when he was ordained patriarch he gave it up and another was ordained in his stead, (Wm. Law) and in all probability of Br. William magnifies his calling he will not be able henceforth to attend to the duties of an apostle; but officiate in the same capacity in regard to blessing as his brother Hyrum did.  Not as president of the church; but as patriarch to it.

The president of the church presides over all patriarchs, presidents, and councils of the church; and this presidency does not depend so much upon genealogy as upon calling, order, and seniority.  James and Joses were the brothers of Jesus, and John was his beloved disciple, yet Peter held the keys and presided over all the church.  Br. William was in the Quorum of the Twelve yet he was not president of the Twelve during his brother’s lifetime, nor since; and if being ordained a patriarch would make him president of the church, it would have made Father Joseph Smith and Hyrum Smith, presidents over the church instead of Joseph.

Br. William understands the matter, and were it not for the folly of some men ther would be no necessity for these remarks.

A Patriarch is what is termed in scripture an evangelist, and Br. William acts in that capacity, and God placed in the church ‘first apostles,’ not first evangelists, but the president stands in the same relationship to the church as Moses did to the children of Israel, according to the revelations.

Again, who ordained Father Smith to the office of patriarch?  His son Joseph: and Father Smith ordained Hyrum, and the Twelve (of whom Br. William is one) ordained him.–Who are appointed to ordain evangelical ministers?  (See page 104 D. C.)  Can a stream rise higher than its fountain?  No.  Says Paul, ‘verily the less is blessed of the better.’

We think that every one will see that Br. William Smith’s patriarchal office will not exalt him higher in regard to priesthood than he was before, as one of the Twelve; but will rather change the nature of his office.

But will it take any thing from his priesthood? it may be asked.  No.  You cannot take any man’s priesthood away without transgression.  Br. William will still retain the same power, priesthood and authority that he did before, and yet will hold in connexion with that the patriarchal office and the keys of that priesthood, and as one of the Twelve must maintain his dignity as one of the presidents of the church, of whom President Brigham Young is the president and head, and presides over all patriarchs, presidents and councils of the church.”  (John Taylor, T&S 6(10):920-922, 1 Jun., 1845)

29 Jun.:  28th quorum of 70 organized.

“Sunday, June 29th.–This day the twenty-eighth quorum of the seventies have been organized, and is nearly full. There are twenty-seven quorums duly organized and all appear united in the same interest, and firm in the faith.”  (Brigham Young to Wilford Woodruff, 29 Jun., 1845; MS 6(6):92, 1 Sep., 1845)

6 Jul.:  MP holds keys of mysteries of God.

“The Melchisedek Priesthood, holds the keys that unfold the purposes of Jehovah, and drags into day light the secret of God, the mystery of godliness, as well as the secret abominations of the wicked:–Yea, ‘Life and immortality is brought to light through the gospel.’. . .

Let us be patient, and submit to the authorities of God in all things, and be governed by the authority of the eternal priesthood, and you shall understand all things pertaining to your salvation.  Trust in God, and the authorities of his church; do not be fearful and unbelieving, for the fearful and unbelieving go outside of the city.”  (John Taylor Nauvoo Journal, 6 Jul., 1845, BYU Studies 23(3):76-77, Summer, 1983)

“We read of Adam, or Michael if you please, of Gabriel and some others.  Who was Michael? and who Gabriel?  They were those who had existed in this world, those persons having the everlasting priesthood, and who now exist in the eternal world to administer in offices pertaining to man on earth.

Who was it that came to our Saviour to administer unto him when he was on the mount with Peter, James, and John?  We read that Moses and Elias were seen with him.  What were they doing there if they were dead long ago?  They had long existed in the eternal world.  Who was with John on the Isle of Patmos?  He was in the spirit on the Lord’s day, and had the heavens opened unto him, and the glories of the eternal world unveiled to his astonished vision.  He gazed upon the future purposes of God, and wrapt in prophetic vision described the designs of Jehovah down to the latest age.  A glorious personage stood before him, who unfolded to him many great events.  John fell down to worship him; but he said, see thou do it not, for ‘I am thy fellow servant, and of thy brethren, that have the testimony of Jesus; worship God.’  John might have said, ‘You were dead long ago.’  No, but says Jesus, ‘I am the resurrection and the life, he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live.’  Michael, Gabriel, Moses, Elias, and thousands of men who had the everlasting priesthood on the earth and officiated in it here, existed or lived still to perform the work which they had commenced upon the earth.  They had the everlasting priesthood while upon earth, and officiated in it according to the eternal purposes of God, and the laws that govern the eternal world while they were upon this earth; and when they left this earth they still lived in another sphere; their names were not blotted out of existence; they had the everlasting priesthood that administers in time and eternity.  This was the situation of these individuals, as far as the other world is concerned.”  (John Taylor, 6 Jul., 1845; MS 8(6):85-86, 15 Oct., 1846)

“The Melchisedic priesthood holds the keys that unfold the purposes of Jehovah, and drag into day-light the secret of God, the mystery of godliness, as well as the secret abominations of the wicked.”  (John Taylor, 6 Jul., 1845; MS 8(6):89, 15 Oct., 1846)

18 Jul.:  Unto him (a baby) the priesthood belongs.

“This morning at half Past Seven oclok Just 30 minutes past 7 Mrs Phebe W. Woodruff was deliverd of a fine Son After a Short sickness.  I told here it should be well with her & with her Child which was the case.  This was the first Child we have had since our endowment & I thank the Lord that it is a Son for unto us a child is born unto us a Son is given.  His name shall be Called JOSEPH for unto him the Priesthood belongs.  He is the first fruits of the fulness of the Priesthood out of the loins of Ancient Joseph through the linage of Ephraim given unto us in answer to our Prayers for we Asked the Lord to give unto us a Son And he has granted unto us our request.

We have dedicated & Consecrated him unto the Lord even from his mother womb he is Holy unto the Lord.  My Prayer to my Heavenly father is that his life may be preserved to stand among the Sons of Zion bear the Priesthood with honor And bless his Father and Mother in their old age And Honor them that his days may be long upon the land which the Lord God of Israel shall give unto him.”  (Wilford Woodruff diary, 18 Jul., 1845)

25 Jul.:  Woodruff’s blessing of 8-day old son.

“Joseph Woodruffs Blessing received under the Hands of his Father Wilford Woodruff of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles while in the Arms of his Mother Phebe W. Woodruff on the eight day of his age July 25th 1845 he being born Friday morning 30 minutes past 7 oclok on the eighteenth day of July AD 1845 in Liverpool England while his Parents were on a mission from their native Country to England:

In the name of Jesus Christ, and by virtue of the Holy Priesthood & the keys of the Kingdom of God I lay my hands upon thy head & anoint thee with Holy Consecrated oil which has been Consecrated under the hands of the Quorum of the Twelve apostles.  With this Anointing I seal thy name upon thy head which is JOSEPH.  For thou are out of the Loins of Ancient Joseph sold into Egypt through the linage of Ephraim.

Thou hast a legal right to the Melchezedec Priesthood by linage.  Thou art the first fruits of the Priesthood unto thy parents since there endowment.  Thou art a gift from God unto thy Parents in answer to their Prayers.  I bless you with the blessings of Abraham Isaac and Jacob and Joseph, Ephraim & Manassah and the blessings of the new & Everlasting Covenant the blessings of heaven & the blessings of the Earth.  I seal thee against the power of Death sickness & the destroyer untill thy work is finished/for thou shalt have power over them./

I here by dedicate and Consecrate thee unto God and the Priesthood from this time forth and forever.  Thou shalt live to honor thy Parents & the Priesthood.  Thou shalt lay thy hands upon the heads of thy Father and Mother in their old age and bless them & thou shalt be a Comfort unto them.  Thou shalt be Baptized the day thou art eight years of age so that thy Covenant with God & his kingdom shall not be broaken during thy life.

I ordain the[e] to be a High Priest after the order of Melchisedic in the Church and kingdom of God and I seal upon thy head all the powers and blessings of this Priesthood that when thou shalt arrive to years of accountability & discretion thou shalt have power to administer in the ordinances thereof.

Thou shalt follow the footsteps of thy Father in thy day and generation in the linage of the priesthood.  Thou shalt have posterity who shall honor their fathers.

I seal thee in the covenant of thy father that in the morning of the first resurrection thou shalt take thy station in the celestial kingdom in the linage of thy Fathers in the family organization of the celestial world.  I seal thee up unto Eternal life and no man shall take thy Crown.  I seal all these blessings upon thy head in the name of Jesus Christ & by virtue of the holy Priesthood And Apostleship and Keys of the kingdom of God.  Even so Amen.  Thou shalt have thine inheritance with the tribe of Ephriam in the land of Joseph which is the land of Zion both for time and Eternity.”

(Wilford Woodruff diary, 25 Jul., 1845)

4 Aug.:  Rebaptism/reordination.

“Immediately after this council was over we, (the Twelve and others,) met in council at Dr. Richard’s to take into consideration the case of Bro. Emmet, who about twelve months ago had taken off a company of men and their families west, contrary to counsel; and in consequence had been cut off from the Church; he had now returned  however and wished to be reunited, and said he was willing to abide by the counsel of the Twelve because he believed they were the only legal authority under the heavens.  I made the following remarks, that if he had pursued that course some time ago, it might have been better for him and would have saved much difficulty for himself, his friends, and the Church.  He had rejected counsel when it was plainly given to him, and that he knew he was going contrary to counsel, when he took the course he did, he seemed to think that he would go as far as he could without being cut off from the Church; but he had gone too far, and the tie had been severed; that he seemed to think that he had great power and authority, and was independent of the counsels of the Church and the Priesthood, but that no man is exempt from that authority, not excepting Pres. Young; but that we did not wish to oppress him since he now manifested a disposition to do what was right.

Bro. Amasa Lyman, went on to corroborate what I had said, as well as others of the Twelve.

It was then proposed and agreed to, that some men be sent out along with him under the direction of the Twelve to take charge of the company.  Bro. Emmet said he was willing to abide the counsel of the Church in all things.  It was then directed that he should be baptized and ordained again.”  (John Taylor Nauvoo Journal, 4 Aug., 1845, BYU Studies 23(3):80-81, Summer, 1983)

10 Aug.:  Baptism for health/rebaptism.

“I baptized my mother, and my nephew, John Rich and his sister Elizabeth for their health; and John and Jerusha Smith, son and daughter of the late Bro. Hyrum Smith, Patriarch, for their sins.”  (John Taylor Nauvoo Journal, 10 Aug., 1845, BYU Studies 23(3):82, Summer, 1983)

14 Sep.:  Priesthood roster in Manchester.

Total members:  1,764

Elders:  44

Priests:  99

Teachers:  57

Deacons:  27

(Wilford Woodruff diary, 14 Sep., 1845)

6 Oct.:  William Smith not sustained as patriarch.

“Elder Isaac Morley arose and said; he would next present William Smith as the Patriarch of the Church; and moved that he be continued and sustained in that office; seconded and lost unanimously.”  (HC 7:460)

6 Oct.:  Quorum of deacons organized.

“President B. Young moved, that there be a quorum of deacons selected, and a president over them, and that the presiding bishops see to it as soon as possible, and make a report to this conference before its close.  Seconded and carried unanimously.”  (Minutes of the first General Conference in the Nauvoo Temple, 6 Oct., 1845; MS 7(2):19, 15 Jan., 1846)

19 Oct.:  Wm. Smith cut off by vote of conference.

“I attended a general conference of the Seventies in the Temple. . . . After the business was done, the congregation of the Saints assembled and was addressed by Brother Orson Hyde . . . Elder Taylor read to the congregation two letters written by Wm. Smith (he having gone to Galena) in which he speaks evil of the Saints at Nauvoo and threatens B. Young.  After the reading, Brother Brigham made some remarks showing the folly of his course–yea, the wickedness of his conduct in trying to injure his friends.  ‘Twas then unanimously resolved that Wm. Smith be cut off from the Church and given into the hands of the Lord.”  (C. Edward Jacob, ed., The Record of Norton Jacob, 1949; 19 Oct., 1845)

23 Oct.:  Rebaptism of Udney Jacob.

“Saturday [entry seems to refer to a date after 23 Oct.] my Father Udney H. Jacob came to my house from Pilot Grove & in the evening he said he now fuly believed this work (Mormonism) to be true indeed he now k[n]ew it to be the work of God foretold by the Prophets, but when he was baptised two years ago he did not know it to be true.  I was much rejo[i]ced to hear this & it was soon arranged that he should be rebaptised on the morrow; there had been some difficulty in the Branch in Pilot Grove which had caused him to request his name to be taken from the record–but all was now right.”  (Record of Norton Jacob, p. 22)

14 Dec.:  70 higher than High Priest.

“Quite a number of the quorum assembled in the Temple and clothed at 11 o clock.  After singing and prayer the sacrement was administered by Isaac Morley and Charles C. Rich.  President Young instructed the quorum concerning a number of items and proved that the office of seventies are higher than the office of High Priests or high Council.  At half after one we offered up the signs and prayers Elder Orson Hyde being mouth.”  (William Clayton diary, 14 Dec., 1845) 

“I stated that the Seventy were ordained Apostles, and when they went forth into the ministry they are sent with power to build up the kingdom in all the world, and consequently they have power to ordain High Priests and also to ordain and organize a High Council.”  (Brigham Young, JH 14 Dec., 1845; xerox)

14 Dec.:  Priesthood roster in Britain.

“Elder Wilford Woodruff attended a special conference of the churches in the British Isles in the Hall of Science, Manchester.

10,956 members were represented; including 8 high priests, 392 elders, 590 priests, 311 teachers, and 188 deacons; 1570 were baptized since April last.”  (HC 7:546)

“We herd represented 11,072 Members 8 High Priest 392 Elders 590 Priest 311 Teachers and 188 Deacons And 1573 Baptized during the last 8 months.”  (Wilford Woodruff diary, 14 Dec., 1845)

21 Dec.:  Temple room for Seventies.

“At ten a.m., the seventies met in the Music Hall.  The thirty-second quorum of seventies was organized; and arrangements made to finish an upper room in the Temple for the benefit of the seventies.”  (HC 7:549)

26 Dec.:  No respect to quorums.

“I further remarked, that when we began again we should pay no respect to quorums.  Every man that comes in, is washed and anointed by good men and it makes no difference.  Every man that gets his endowments, whether he is a high priest or seventy may go into any part of the world and build up the kingdom if he has the keys.  We have been ordained to the Melchizedek priesthood which is the highest order of the priesthood, and it has many branches or appendages.”  (Brigham Young, HC 7:552-553)

27 Dec.:  Woman blessed to heal the sick.

“Thou shalt have faith to heal the sick when there is no elder present.”  (Patriarchal Blessing of Mehitable Duty, given by John Smith, 27 Dec., 1845.  RLDS Archives, P8/F15)