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1873: 27 Jan.: Home Missionary appointments.
“HOME MISSIONARY APPOINTMENTS.–Sunday, Feb. 2nd, South Cottonwood (Rollin’s Ward)–
Elders R. Miller, R. F. Neslen, Isaac Croo, Thos. Taylor, Milo Andrus and Samuel Neslen.
Elders Geo. Teasdale, John Nicholson, S. A. Woolley, J. P. Freeze and A. Smith.
NEFF’S DISTRICT (Brinton’s Ward)–
Elders John Van Cott, M. B. Shipp, H. W. Naisbitt and W. A. McMaster.
Elders Milo Andrus and Isaac Groo.
Meetings commencing at 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. The Elders named are requested to be punctual in filling the above appointments.
Saints from adjoining districts and wards are cordially invited to attend.
per R. F. N.”
(Reprint of 27 Jan. notice; DN 22(1):4, 5 Feb., 1873)
9 Mar.: The 2 priesthoods & the Temple in Jackson Co.
“The nature of the city of Zion is nowhere fully described. John the revelator has described in his 21st chapter, two cities coming down from God but of heaven. The first one is the New Jerusalem. That will come down on the land of Joseph. After John had seen that, one of the angels who had one of the vials of the seven last plagues came to him and said, ‘Come hither, John, and I will show you another city, that is that great city, the holy Jerusalem.’ He took him to the summit of a high mountain and showed him that great city, the height of its walls, the number of its gates, the names that are to be upon the gates, and a great many particulars in relation to that city are clearly revealed. But the New Jerusalem is nowhere so fully described, only as the Psalmist David says, ‘Beautiful for situation, the joy of the wyole earth is Mount Zion, on the sides of the north, the city of the great King.’ David also says, in speaking of this same city, ‘Out of Zion, the perfection of beauty, God hath shined.’ From these declarations we can at least believe that Zion will be a very beautiful city–‘the perfection of beauty,’ whether it is constructed after the order of the old Jerusalem or not. Suffice it to say that God by revelation will inspire his servants and will dictate to them the order of the buildings of that city–the number and width of the streets, the kind of houses, the character of the Temple that is to be built therein, the kind of rock, timber and the various materials that will have to be brought from a distance to enter into the composition of that beautiful city.
When the Temple is built the sons of the two Priesthoods, that is, those who are ordained to the Priesthood of Melchizedec, that Priesthood which is after the order of the Son of God, with all its appendages; and those who have been ordained to the Priesthood of Aaron with all its appendages, the former called the sons of Aaron, will enter into that Temple in this generation, or in the generation that was living in 1832, and all of them who are pure in heart will behold the face of the Lord and that too before he comes in his glory in the clouds of heaven, for he will suddenly come to his Temple, and he will purify the sons of Moses and of Aaron, until they shall be prepared to offer in that Temple an offering that shall be acceptable in the sight of the Lord. In doing this, he will purify not only the minds of the Priesthood in that Temple, but he will purify their bodies until they shall be quickened, renewed and strengthened, and they will be partially changed, not to immortality, but changed in part that they can be filled with the power of God, and they can stand in the presence of Jesus, and behold his face in the midst of that Temple. This will prepare them for further ministrations among the nations of the earth, and it will prepare them to go forth in the days of tribulation and vengeance upon the nations of the wicked, when God will smite them with pestilence, plague and earthquake, such as former generations never knew. Then the servants of God will need to be armed with the power of God, they will need to have that sealing blessing pronounced upon their foreheads that they can stand forth in the midst of these desolations and plagues and not be overcome by them. When John the Revelator describes this scene he says he saw four angels sent forth, ready to hold the four winds that should blow from the four quarters of heaven. Another angel ascended from the east and cried to the four angels, and said, ‘Smite not the earth now, but wait a little while.’ ‘How long?’ ‘Until the servants of our God are sealed in their foreheads.’ What for? To prepare them to stand forth in the midst of these desolations and plagues, and not be overcome. When they are prepared, when they have received a renewal of their bodies in the Lord’s Temple, and have been filled with the Holy Ghost and purified as gold and silver in a furnace of fire, then they will be prepared to stand before the nations of the earth and preach glad tidings of salvation in the midst of judgments that are to come like a whirlwind upon the wicked.
I intended to lay before you some things pertaining to the order of full consecration that will be observed when we get back to Jackson County, but time will not permit to enter into that now.” (Orson Pratt, 9 Mar., 1873; JD 15:365-366)
17 Apr.: Meeting of home missionaries.
“MEETING OF HOME MISSIONARIES.–A meeting of the Salt Lake County Home Missionaries was held in the west wing of the Fourteenth Ward Assembly Rooms yesterday afternoon [17 Apr.], commencing at 1 o’clock. The meeting was presided over by Apostles Orson Pratt and John Taylor, besides whom Elders Lorenzo D. Young and Reuben Miller and nearly all of the Home Missionaries of this county were present, also Elders A. Call and other Missionaries of Davis County, who had been invited to attend.
Excellent instructions were given by Elders Orson Pratt, John Taylor and L. D. Young, with regard to the nature and duties of the missionaries, and several resolutions were adopted relating to the future method of proceeding with the labors of the latter.
A resolution was passed, expressive of approbation of the way in which operations had been conducted during the past year, Elders L. D. Young and Reuben Miller, with the assistance of Elder R. F. Neslen, as Secretary, having made the appointments, which had been generally promptly filled by the Elders. It was also resolved that the Home Missionary operations of the county continue under the directino of Elders L. D. Young and R. Miller, the whole under the supervision of Elders Orson Pratt and John Taylor.
It was resolved that the Presidency of the Salt Lake Home Mission consult with Elder Call, of Davis County, with regard to occasionally combining the labors of the missionaries of the two counties, when deemed advisable.
The following is the complete list of this quorum of Home Missionaries, of Salt Lake County:
Orson Pratt, John Taylor, L. D. Young, R. Miller, R. F. Neslen, John Van Cott, Milo Andrus, Isaac Groo, W. G. Young, David Candland, S. A. Woolley, N. H. Felt, J. P. Freeze, G. G. Bywater, A. Smith, Thomas Taylor, George Teasdale, John Nicholson, H. W. Naisbitt, George Swan, S. W. Sears, David McKenzie, John Needham, Charles R. Savage.
The meeting was opened and closed with prayer.” (DN 22(12):185, 23 Apr., 1873)
3 May: Home missionaries discussed in General Conference.
“President Brigham Young, Jr., was the first to address the Conference. He spoke of the willingness of the Almighty to bless his people in their assemblies, whether it was few or many that met together. More revelation had been already given to the Latter-day Saints than they now lived up to. If the people could properly realize it, the instructions given by the leaders of the people were revelations to the latter. The business done at the first session of this Conference was dictated by revelation, and this adjourned session had been called under the same influence. It was strange that the people did not give more heed to the teachings of the servants of God, who were led by the same spirit of revelation as was enjoyed by the ancient apostles. The speaker in a recent quorum meeting felt impressed to ask the brethren then present to resolve themselves into a corps of missionaries to labor with their brethren in the various wards, to induce them to attend their quorum meetings. He thought it would be a good thing for all present at Conference to engage in the same kind of labor and endeavor to get their brethren and sisters to attend meetings and live their religion. He next dwelt upon the necessity of the people doing whatever they might be called upon to accomplish, in the building up of the kingdom of God. Only those who were thus diligent would receive the blessings of God.” (General Conference Minutes, 3 May, 1873; DN 22(14):217, 7 May, 1873)
17 May: Men foreordained to hold priesthood in this life.
“[O Pratt] Said all who hold the Priesthood in this life received it before they Came here were ordained to receive it in the flesh. President B. Young spok 11 Minuts & returned to the City.” (Wilford Woodruff diary, 17 May, 1873)
18 May: Stepwise restoration of the Priesthood.
“When Joseph Smith first learned from God the principle of baptism for the remission of sins, he undoubtedly thought that he had learned something great and wonderful; so, also, when he received his ordination to the Aaronic Priesthood under the hands of John the Baptist. But he did not fly off at a tangent, and think he had it all, but was willing and anxious to be taught further. After receiving this authority, he baptized his friends. When he organized the Church, he received the higher Priesthood, after the order of Melchizedec, which gave him authority not only to baptize for the remission of sins, but to confirm by the laying on of hands for the reception of the Holy Ghost. The Aaronic Priesthood holds power to baptize, but not to lay on hands to confer the Holy Ghost. When Joseph Smith received this higher power, he did not throw away the first, but received additions to it. He learned of and administered the Sacrament, then went to preaching a year or two, and received the High Priesthood, which he imparted to others, and then obtained other communications and powers, until he received the full pattern and authority to build up the kingdom of God, preparatory to the coming of the Son of Man, which also he imparted to others. There are men here who heard him say: ‘We have added to our faith and knowledge, and have received keys and authority, until I do not know of anything necessary to build up and establish the kingdom of God on the earth, but what I have received and bestowed upon you.’ He received his knowledge of the things of God by degrees, until he obtained the last blessing needful to bestow on his brethren.” (Brigham Young, 18 May, 1873; JD 16:41-42)
3 Jun.: Home missionary appointments.
“MISSIONARY APPOINTMENTS.–Here is the complete list of county appointments to June 22nd:
BOUNTIFUL. June 8th.–Elders John Nicholson and S. W. Sears.
WEST JORDAN. June 8th.–Elders H. W. Naisbitt and D. Candland.
CENTREVILLE. June 8th.–Elders S. W. Woolley and T. Taylor.
HOOPERVILLE, Weber County, June 15th.–Elders L. D. Young, H. W. Naisbitt, R. F. Neslen and G. Teasdale.
DRAPERVILLE, June 15th.–Elders Anson Call and Job Welling.
FORT HERRIMAN, June 15th.–Elders N. T. Porter and R. Hyde.
SOUTH COTTONWOOD, June 15th.–Elders J. W. Hess and T. Smith.
KAYSVILLE, June 15th.–Elders Isaac Groo and S. Neslen.
PLEASANT GROVE, Utah County, Saturday and Sunday, June 21st and 22nd.–Elders L. D. Young, R. Miller, Milo Andrus, R. F. Neslen, T. Taylor, W. G. Young, D. Candland and D. McKenzie.
BIG COTTONWOOD, June 22nd.–Elders G. Swan and S. W. Sears.
SUGAR HOUSE, June 22nd.–Elders John Nicholson and T. Harris.
We trust the missionaries will be punctual in filling the above appointments, and those unable to do so will please to report in time that other arrangements may be made.
Saints from adjoining wards and districts are cordially invited to attend.
Bishops will please announce these meetings.
L. D. Young.”
(Reprint of 3 Jun. notice; DN 22(19):289, 11 Jun., 1873)
16 Aug.: The Priesthood in OT times.
“This seems to have been the condition of Israel in the land of Goshen, in Egypt. Consequently, when Moses went down to Egypt, he found an ignorant people. It is true they kept up the form of the Priesthood among them. Before the Priesthood of Aaron was confined to that particular tribe, we have an account of this Priesthood being in existence. After they were led through the Red Sea, before the Lord set apart Aaron and his sons, before he confined the Priesthood to Levi, when the children of Israel came and camped before Mount Sinai, we recollect that there was a strict law given. The Lord told them that he was about descend on Mount Sinai, and he charged the people that they should not break over certain bounds lest they should perish, for if any person or beast should touch the Mount, they should be stoned to death. The people, being ignorant and not fully acquainted with the strictness of the commandments of the Most High, a curiosity was excited, and some of the congregation, when Moses went up to Mount Sinai, wanted to draw near, and the Lord sent Moses down to charge the people again a second time. And the Priests were commanded that they should not break through lest they should perish. What Priesthood? Not a Priesthood that was confined to Levi, or to the descendants of Aaron, or to Aaron himself; but it was a Priesthood that existed among Israel. That same Priesthood that is mentioned in one of the revelations in the Book of Doctrine and Covenants, where in speaking of the two Priesthoods, it says that they continue together in the Church of God, in all generations, when God has a people upon the face of the earth; not confined to any special lineage, so far as the Priesthood is concerned. Go down and charge the PRIESTS, that they do not break through. This organization may have existed through all the period of the slavery of the children of Israel, for several generations, although we cannot suppose that they had been fully instructed. They had no printed records as we have. They had not a large collection of books similar to the Book of Mormon, for printing was not then known. If any of their scribes found a little leisure to write off some of the revelations, it would be only a strayi copy or two that would be in the hands of the children of Israel. We can therefore see the difference between them and the Latter-day Saints. They were permitted to enjoy, in a special manner, the power of the Almighty in their midst. This shows that in some of the dealings of God, he manifests his power, if he does not manifest his revelations.” (Orson Pratt, 16 Aug., 1873; JD 16:148-149)
16 Aug.: Sidney Rigdon was called Baneemy.
“When the Lord was about to have the Book of Covenants given to the world, it was thought wisdom, in consequence of the persecutions of our enemies in Kirtland and some of the regions around, that some of the names should be changed, and Joseph was called Baurak Ale, which was a Hebrew word; meaning God bless you. He was also called Gazelum, being a person to whom the Lord had given the Urim and Thummim. He was also called Enoch. Sidney Rigdon was called Baneemy.” (Orson Pratt, 16 Aug., 1873; JD 16:156)
18 Sep.: HP, 70, Elder should be pleased to act as AP.
“We cannot be satisfied, neither can you be safe, without the order of the Kingdom being observed. . . . [check omission] The Lord says, How can the body stand without the feet, etc. We hope therefore, that High Priests, Seventies and Elders, if required to fill up these Quorums, will be pleased to act in each, and magnify their callings, as Priests, Teachers and Deacons.” (Edward Hunter to Joseph A. Young, 18 Sep., 1873, General Tithing Store, Letterbooks, 1872-1875; quoted in Hartley, “Ordained and Acting Teachers in the Lesser Priesthood, 1851-1883,” BYU Studies 16(3):391, Spring, 1976)
18 Sep.: Teachers’ Court.
[Teachers Meeting] “Remarks were made by Bp. Sheets, Crs. McAllister and Brockbank on the necessity of the Saints being continually visited by the Teachers, in keeping with the teachings of the Book of Covenants. The Bishop said that the Ward was required to build a Back House for use at the new Tabernacle and hoped the brethren would assist.
Br. Anderson sent word that he was sick and could not attend as requested. Br. Henry Wallace reported the case of Br. John Hepworth and wife. Sister Hepworth said she did not wish to belong to the Church any longer, but preferred to be cut off. And on motion made by Br. Henry Wallace and seconded by Br. John N. Pike, Br. John Hepworth and Frances Amelia Hepworth were unanimously cut off from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints for apostacy and according to their own request.” (8th Ward Minutes, 18 Sep., 1873)
8 Oct.: Restoration of the Priesthood.
“Joseph Smith did not call upon any man to ordain or to baptize him, but he waited until the Lord sent forth his servants to administer to him. He was commanded of the Lord to go forth and be baptized, but not until he had received the Priesthood. Where did he get it, and in fact what is the Priesthood? It is the authority of God in heaven to the sons of men to administer in any of the ordinances of his house. There never was a man and never will be a man, in this or any other age of the world, who has power and authority to administer in one of the ordinances of the house of God, unless he is called of God as was Aaron, unless he has the holy Priesthood and is administered to by those holding that authority.
There was no man on the face of the earth, nor had not been for the last seventeen centuries, who had power and authority from God to go forth and administer in one of the ordinances of the house of God. What did he do then? Why, the Lord sent unto him John the Baptist, who, when upon the earth, held the Aaronic Priesthood, who was beheaded for the word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ. He laid his hands upon the head of Joseph Smith and ordained him to the Aaronic Priesthood, and he never attempted to act in any authority of the Gospel until he received this Priesthood. Joseph was then qualified to baptize for the remission of sins, but he had not the authority to lay on hands for the reception of the Holy Ghost, and he never attempted to administer in this ordinance until Peter, James and John, two of whom–Peter and James–were also martyred for the testimony of Jesus and the word of God. These three men were the last who held the keys of the Apostleship in its fullness and power previous to this dispensation. They laid their hands upon the head of Joseph Smith, and sealed upon him every power, principle, ordinance and key belonging to the Apostleship, and until he received this ordination he was not qualified and had no right to administer in the ordinances of the house of God, but he did this after he received the Priesthood, and on the 6th day of April, 1830, he organized this Church with six members, which was the foundation of what we see to-day in this Tabernacle, and for six hundred miles through this American desert. This has all come from that small seed–the foundation of the great kingdom of our God upon the earth.
What did Joseph Smith do after having received this Priesthood and its ordinances? I will tell you what he did. He did that which seventeen centuries and fifty generations, that have passed and gone, of all the clergy and religions of Christendom, and the whole world combined were not able to do–he, although an illiterate youth, presented to the world the Gospel of Jesus Christ in its fullness and simplicity, as taught by its Author and his Apostles; he presented the Church of Jesus Christ and the kingdom of God perfect in their organization, as Paul represents them–with head and feet, arms and hands, every member of the body perfect before heaven and earth. How could he, an illiterate boy, do that which the whole of the learning of the Christian world for seventeen centuries failed to do? Because he was moved upon by the power of God, he was instructed by those men who, when in the flesh, had preached the same Gospel themselves, and in doing this he fulfilled that which Father Adam, Enoch, Moses, Elias, Isaiah, Jeremiah and Jesus and his Apostles all prophecied about. Well might Paul say–‘I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God unto salvation unto every one that believes.’ So may the Latter-day Saints say–‘We are not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ.’ I am not ashamed to say that Joseph Smith was a Prophet of God; I am not ashamed to bear record that he was called of God, and laid the foundation of this Church and kingdom on the earth, for this is true, and any man or woman who is inspired by the Holy Ghost can see and understand these things.” (Wilford Woodruff, 8 Oct., 1873; JD 16:266-267)
17 Oct.: Difficulty in staffing AP quorums.
“We have many times tried to fill up these quorums by those who have not received the Melchisedeck Priesthood, but have been almost immediately called out to receive their endowments, leaving vacancies that had to be filled with High Priests, Seventies or Elders.” (Edward Hunter to Orson Hyde, General Tithing Store, Letterbooks, 17 Oct., 1873; in Hartley, “Ordained and Acting Teachers in the Lesser Priesthood, 1851-1883,” BYU Studies 16(3):392, Spring, 1976)
31 Oct.: New schedule for regular ward meetings.
“WARD MEETINGS.–In view of the cessation, for the winter season, of the Sunday meetings at the Tabernacle, it was decided, at the last Bishops’ meeting, to hold afternoon as well as evening services at the various ward meeting houses in this city. It was also decided to adopt a uniform time for opening the meetings in all of the wards, two o’clock in the afternoon and six o’clock in the evening being the time agreed upon.” (Reprint of 31 Oct. report; DN 22(40):633, 5 Nov., 1873)
2 Nov.: Restoration of the Priesthood.
“I will come still closer. Here is the Book of Mormon. When Joseph Smith obtained the plates from which this book was translated, when he came to the history of how baptism was administered among the Israelites of ancient America, and learned that it was by immersion, he felt very anxious to be baptized, not having been baptized in any Church in existence, and not understanding fully about this matter, he and a young man, who was acting as his scribe, went out and called upon the Lord, desiring to know what they should do in relation to their baptism. They read that those who dwelt on this Continent eighteen hundred years ago were baptized by immersion and that the ordinance had to be administerd by men holding the authority to do so from God. In answer to their prayers, the Lord sent an angel to them on the 15th day of May, 1829, nearly a year before the Church was organized, and this angel laid his hands upon the heads of these two individuals, and ordained them to the holy Priesthood, that is, the Priesthood which John the Baptist held, which had the right to baptize, but not to confirm by the laying on of hands; and when he had ordained them he commanded them to baptize each other, and they did so. Here then was a commencement of the restoration of authority to the earth. Prior to that time, for hundreds and hundreds of years, no man had authority to baptize, from the very fact that they all denied new revelation, and hence none of the could have been called as Aaron was.
After Joseph and his scribe had been baptized for the remission of their sins, they sought after authority in order that they might have hands laid upon them for the Holy Ghost. The lesser Priesthood could not do this, the Priesthood that John the Baptist held was not authorized to lay on hands; he could only baptize believers in water. But John, when upon the earth, said there was one coming after him mightier than he, who held a greater Priesthood and authority than he–the Priesthood after the order of Melchizedeck–and he would bestow upon them the higher baptism–the baptism of fire and the Holy Ghost. Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdrey sought after this higher authority, and the Lord gave it to them, before the rise of this Church, sending to them Peter, James and John. What for? To bestow upon them the Apostleship. Now, who would be likely to have better authority than Peter, James and John, the three foremost of the ancient Apostles when they died? When Peter was crucified with his head downwards, and James was martyred, their Priesthood was not taken from them; their Priesthood remained with them after their bodies were laid in the tomb, and they will hold it until their bodies are resurrected; and when they reign on the earth, they will reign as kings and Priests; and, as we read in the New Testament, these twelve Apostles will eat and drink at the table, and in the presence of, God–and will rule over the twelve tribes of Israel.
Now, who would be better qualified to administer the sacred office of the Apostleship than the three men who held it while they were here on the earth? There are a great many in heaven who have not the right to ordain Apostles, a great many who, though they are exalted and have glory and great authority, yet do not hold the Apostleship, and therefore they have no right to come as angels from heaven and lay their hands upon any individual and ordain him to the Apostleship. It has to be a man who holds authority in heaven that can bestow it here on the earth; and such men were Peter, James and John, who restored that authority to the earth in our day, by bestowing it upon Joseph Smith. When this authority was restored, the Church was organized, on the 6th day of April, 1830, consisting of six members, and then there was power in existence, not only to baptize, but to confirm by the laying on of hands for the baptism of fire and the Holy Ghost; and from the authority then sent down afresh from heaven has this Church been enabled to pass along, and receive the great blessings which the Lord has bestowed upon it.” (Orson Pratt, 2 Nov., 1873; JD 16:294-295)
9 Nov.: Excommunications during Sacrament Meeting.
“Presented a motion to the Conference ‘That we cut Peter Shirts, of Pinto Ward, off the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints for Apostacy. Seconded and unanimously sustained.’
President Macdonald moved that the action of Bishop Walter Granger in cutting Walter E. Dodge off the Church for Apostacy and teaching Spiritualism, be sustained. Seconded and unanimously carried.
Bishop Joshua T. Willis moved, That the Confernce cut Ephraim Ellsworth, of Harrisburg, off the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints for unchristianlike conduct in leaving his wife and family for the purpose of taking a young woman to Salt Lake City, avowedly to make her his wife according to the Law of the Lord, but stopping by the way and being wedded to the young woman at Provo by a Justice of the Peace; thereby, committing Adultery. Seconded and carried unanimously. Bishop John W. Freeman moved that the Consference sustain his action in cutting William Freeleigh and Richard Ashworth off the Church for Adultery, seconded and unanimously carried.
All these excommunications took place on Sunday, November 9th 1873 at Sacrament meeting, in St. George Tabernacle.” (9 Nov., 1873, Minutes of the Semi-Annual Conference of the Southern Mission; Annals of the Southern Mission, Book B, pp. 295-296)
“[St. George Conference] The general authorities of the Church, as sustained at the last October Conference in Salt Lake City, were presented to and unanimously sustained by those present.
The following local authorities were then presented and sustained:
Robert Gardner and Alexander F. Macdonald of the Presidency of the St. George Stake of Zion.
Marius Ensign, John O. Angus, William Empey, Erastus W. McIntire, Samuel Miles, Richard Bentley, Miles P. Romney, John M. Macfarlane, Erastus W. Snow, Charles Smith, John Lytle, sen., Archibald Sullivan, James G. Bleak, and Joseph Birch, High Councilors.
William G. Perkins, Patriarch.
William Fawcett, Local President of the High Priest’ Quorum.
Adam F. Seegmiller, President of the Elders’ Quorum in Washington County.
Charles Stapley, jun., President of the Elders’ Quorum in Kane County.
Luke Syphius, President of the Elders’ Quorum in the Western Valleys.
Daniel D. McArthur, Bishop of St. George Ward and Wm. Carter and David H. Cannon, his Councelors.
David Milne, Bishop of 1st Ward, St. George.
Henry Eyring, Bishop of 2nd Ward, St. George.
Walter Granger, Bishop of 3rd Ward, St. George.
Nathaniel Ashby, Bishop of 4th Ward, St. George.
John W. Freeman, Bishop of Washington Ward.
Edward Bunker, Bishop of Santa Clara Ward.
Joshua T. Willis, Bishop of Toquerville Ward.
John Parker, Bishop of Virgen City Ward.
Chas. N. Smith, Bishop of Rockville Ward.
Lorenzo W. Roundy, Bishop of Kanarra Ward.
Wilson D. Pace, Bishop of Harmony Ward.
William Snow, Bishop of Pine Valley Ward.
Richard S. Robinson, Bishop of Pinto Ward.
Thos. J. Jones, (Acting) Bishop of Panacca and Eagleville Wards.
George H. Crosby, Bishop of Hebron Ward.
Levi Stewart, Bishop of Kanab Ward.
Jas. Leithead, Bishop of Long Valley Ward.
Henry Lunt, Bishop of Cedar Ward.
Jacob Hamblin, President of Indian Mission East and South East of the Rio Virgen.
The presiding Elders of branches and Bishops Councilors of the Southern Mission as far as they may be sustained by their respective Bishops.
Henry Eyring, President of the Priests’ Quorum.
Charles Smith, President of the Teacher’s Quorum.
Ephraim Wilson, President of the Deacon’s Quorum.
. . . .
The following Home Missionaries were called to labor in the ministry in Washington County: Jacob Gates, H. W. Miller, David H. Cannon, Chas. Pulsipher, Chas. Smith, Miles P. Romney, John E. Pace, Jno. M. Moody, H. W. Church, Erastus W. Snow, Erastus B. Snow and Joseph Judd.
Also the following to labor in Kane County: Jehiel McConnell, Jas. A. Little, Jno. R. Young, James L. Bunting, Jas. Lewis, Thos. Robertson, Royal J. Cutler, William Heaton, Jno. W. Perry, Chas. Riggs, Isaac Duffin and Martin Mack.” (Minutes of the Semi-Annual Conference of the Southern Mission, JH 9 Nov., 1873)
9 Nov.: Excommunications during conference.
“On motion, Peter Shirts was cut off the Church for apostasy.
On motion, Walter E. Dodge was cut off the Church for apostacy and for teaching spiritualism.
On motion, Ephraim Ellsworth was cut off the Church for unlawful marrying and cohabiting with a young woman.
On motion, William Freeleigh was cut off the Church for adultery.
On motion, Richard Ashworth was cut off the Church for adultery.”
(Minutes of the Semi-Annual Conference of the Southern Mission, JH 9 Nov., 1873)
21 Nov.: Meeting of Home Missionaries.
“At the suggestion of President Brigham Young, a meeting of the Home Missionaries was called at the Historian’s Office, of which the following minutes are on file:
Historian’s Office, Salt Lake City,
Nov. 21, 1873, 7 p.m.
At a meeting of the Missionaries held in the Historian’s Office, Bro. Lorenzo D. Young presiding: Meeting was opened by prayer offered by Isaac Groo. Robert F. Neslen read the names of the missionaries present.
Bishop Lorenzo D. Young expressed his satisfaction at the labors of the Home Missionaries. The meeting was called at the suggestion of President Young who had expressed his willingness to let the Home Missionaries rest for a season until the people expressed a wish to call on the missionaries.
Bishop Young said he felt satisfied with the labors of the Missionaries. He realized they had been a great benefit to the people. When they started out the ward meetings were but thinly attended, but now the Ward meetings were well attended.
President Joseph Young made a few remarks, and told how delighted all were to hear a servant of God speak by the inspiration and power of God. He realized that Missionaries who talked here were measured by the Saints; the depth of water which the missionaries stood in was known to the congregations before whom they ministered.
Bishop Young endorsed the remarks of President Joseph Young.
Elder Henry W. Naisbitt spoke of the good that had been done by the Home Missionaries; the missionaries had been influenced by the spirit and power of God, they had not run in the old groves [grooves?]. He had felt that influences had been exercised against him extra, making it necessary for extra care and power to do good.
Elder Wm. G. Young said he had a message from President Young, who could not come to the meeting. He wished the missionaries to do all the good that they could wherever they might chance to be. He wished the wards to rest for a season and to give out no more appointments for the present. President Young also expressed his satisfaction with the labors of the missionaries; he had heard nothing but good reports from the labors of the missionaries.
W. G. McMaster spoke of the good done.
Bro. Geo. Teasdale spoke.
Benediction by President Joseph Young.”
(JH 21 Nov., 1873)
“HOME MISSIONARY MEETING.–A meeting of the Salt Lake County home missionaries was held at the Historian’s Office last night, Elder Lorenzo D. Young presiding. President Joseph Young and nearly all of the missionaries were present.
President Brigham Young, on account of pressing business, was unable to attend the meeting personally, but a message was received from him during the evening, stating that he was highly gratified with the past labors of the missionaries, being confident that they had been productive of much good to the people. He thought, however, that it would be advisable for the brethren to suspend their labors, in an organized capacity, for the present, after filling the published appointments. Notwithstanding that it was deemed advisable not to publish appointments for a time, they should not lay aside the harness. On the contrary they should still hold themselves in readiness to respond to any invitations to preach that they might receive from any of the wards, either in town or country, and also be prepared to fill promptly any call that might be made upon them, as a list of their names would be kept on hand, for reference.
Elder L. D. Young and President Joseph Young made some very excellent instructive remarks, and several others of the brethren expressed the pleasure and power they had enjoyed in their labors as home missionaries, and stated their confident belief that the operations of the missionaries, who had labored together harmoniously, the people among whom their efforts had been directed and they themselves had been benefitted and blessed.
There was a universal expression of good feeling towards Elder L. D. Young for the fatherly and considerate manner in which he had directed the labors of the missionaries during the past year and a half.” (Reprint of 22 Nov. report; DN 22(43):681, 26 Nov., 1873)