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Prince’s Research Excerpts: Priesthood & Mormonism – 1876

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1876:    8 Jan.:  Excommunication notice.

“Excommunicated.–In the High Council convened at Mount Pleasant Jan. 8th, the following individuals were cut off from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints for apostacy–Niels Jacobson, Peder Anderson, Moldrup Rasmus Hansen.

Wm. S. Sheeley, Bp.”  (Reprint of report of 14 Jan.; DN 24(51):808, 19 Jan., 1876)

13 Jan.:  Rebaptism into United Order.

“This day my son Daniel H. was Baptised into the United Order, and was ordained a Seventy by myself, Bros B & E Frost assisting.”  (J. D. T. McAllister diary, 13 Jan., 1876; Huntington Library)

12/13 Feb.:  Rebaptisms in Bear Lake Stake.

“A conference was held at Paris, Idaho, on Saturday and Sunday, Feb. 12 and 13, Elder C. C. Rich presiding. . . . A great number in each of the settlements had renewed their covenants by re-baptism, and a greater disposition to honor the law of tithing had been manifested than had ever appeared in our tithing settlements . . .”  (Reprint of report of 17 Mar.; DN 25(8):121, 22 Mar., 1876)

12/13 Feb.:  Only 1 Elders Quorum in Bear Lake Stake.

Minutes of Conference at Paris, Idaho, list 1 High Priests’, 1 Seventies’ and 1 Elders’ quorum in the stake.  (Reprint of report of 17 Mar.; DN 25(8):121, 22 Mar., 1876)

13 Feb.:  70s conference.

“Seventies’ Conference.–A Seventies’ Conference was held at South Cottonwood yesterday [13 Feb.], President Joseph Young presiding.  In the morning the speakers were Elders Feramorz Little and R. F. Neslen, and in the afternoon Elders C. H. Wilcken, W. A. McMaster, A. P. Rockwood, and President Joseph Young.  A good spirit prevailed, the teachings were of a practical character, relating to correct family government, and the general everyday duties of life, magnifying the Priesthood, and the culture of the young.  The meetings were largely attended.”  (Reprint of report of 14 Feb.; DN 25(3):41, 16 Feb., 1876)

9/11 Mar.:  Restoration of MP:  Orson Pratt.

“Brigham City

Mar 9″/[18]76

Hon Orson Pratt Esq.

Dear Brother

We have our Mutual improving Meetings and Theologicals once a week regular which i for one realize is a great blessing to us the Young and rising gennaration.  I find however in Sear[c]hing the history and puplicatun of the Church a Little Contradiction.  We have had several subjects this winter of our Church history and i find in reading the history of Joseph Smith in the Millennial Star he says it was Nephi that Visited him three times on the night between the 21″ and 22″ of Sept 1823 and that it was the same Messenger that visited him time afer time untill the year 1827 when the same messenger delivered up the plates to the Prophet.  In reading the Catechasm Published by Elder John Jaques on page 74. ninth Question there it reads it was Moroni that appeared to Joseph Smith.  Which of the two is correct I dont know, and again i find in reading about the Organization of the Church which took place on the 6th of April 1830.  Was the Melchisedec Priesthood revealed previous to the organization of the Church or was it after.  it reads in the Conpendiam Page 222 that on the 6the of June 1831 the Melchisedec Priesthood was first given.  on the same page it reads that on the day the Church was Organized Elders was ordained and hands was Laid on for the gift of the holy Ghost.  Can a person without the Melchisedec Priesthood ordain Elders and lay on hands for the gift of the holy ghost if so i have not understood it before.  I have reflected a good deal on theise subjects and i can not satisfy my own mind which is the correct one.  Wheither it was Nephi or Moroni that visited Joseph Smith the Prophet and in regard to the Melchisedec Pries[t]hood i should also like to learn if that was restored before the organization of the Church or after.  if you would therfore please to answer theise Either by letter or tru the Deseret news another item i should also like to know that is in regard to the Six members that the Church was organized with I have asked several persons but have not been abble to get any answer as to the whole number of them.  there is a great many more items i should Like to Learn but i see i will not have room theise time hoping if Your time will admit You will explain theise few Questions.

Which will Oblige very much

Your Brother in the Gosple

John Christensen.”

“Historian Office,

Salt Lake City, 

March 11th 1876.

To John Christensen

Dear Bro.–Yours of the 9th inst. is received.  You inquire whether it was the Angel Nephi or Moroni who visited the Prophet on the night of the 21st & 22nd Sept., 1823?  As Moroni holds the keys of the Stick or Record of Ephraim, (See B. of Cov. pp. 201, 322,) we have reason to believe that Moroni was that angel.  The discrepancy in the history to which you refer may have occurred through the ignorance or carelessness of the historian or transcriber.  It is true, that the history reads as though the Prohet himself was writing, but the Prophet was a slow and awkward writer; and many events recorded were written by his scribes who undoubtedly trusted too much to their memories, and the items probably were not sufficiently scanned by Bro. Joseph, before they got into print.  The prophet often received visits from Nephi, Moroni, Peter, James, John (the beloved), John (the Baptist), Elijah, Moses, the three Nephites, etc. etc.  In giving the instructions which these angels imparted to him in a verbal manner, it would not be surprising that some of the hearers should innocently confound and intermix the names of the Angels.

You also inquire, when the Melchisedec Priesthood was restored?  I answer that the office of Apostles was restored by Peter, James & John, before the rise of the Church; this office includes all the powers of the Melchisedec Priesthood; but when first restored, the Lord did not see proper to reveal it under the name of the Melchisedec Priesthood.  If the Compendium had stated that on the 6th of June, 1831, the name of the Priesthood, together with a more full description of its powers, were first given in the Conference assembled, it would have conveyed a more correct idea of the event.

You also inquire who were the first six members of the Church organizsed on the 6th of April, 1830.  I answer that there is some uncertainty in regard to their names.  I find on page 247, vol. 18, Deseret News, a Historical Discourse by Geo. A. Smith, delivered in the New Tabernacle June 20th, 1869, wherein he gives the six names as follows:–

Joseph Smith, Oliver Cowdery, Hyrum Smith, Peter Whitmer, Jr., Samuel H. Smith, and David Whitmer.

Whether the former historian obtained these names from any document or letter, or from verbal information, is unknown to me.

From Your Brother in Christ,

Orson Pratt, Sen.”

(From Orson Pratt Correspondence, xeroxes of holographs; LDS Archives; Barney)

“The following answers to questions regarding the identity of the angel who visited the Prophet Joseph, the date of the restoration of the Melchisedec Priesthood and the names of the first six members of the Church were answered by Elder Orson Pratt, Church Historian, under this date as follows:

Historian’s Office, Salt Lake City,

March 11, 1876.

To John Christenson.

Dear Brother,–Yours of the 9th inst, is received.  You inquire whether it was the Angel Nephi or Moroni who visited the Prophet on the night of the 21st and 22nd of Sept. 1823?  As Moroni holds the keys of the Stick or Record of Ephraim, (See B. of Cov. pp. 201, 322) we have reason to believe that Moroni was that angel.  The discrepancy in the history to which you refer may have occurred through the ignorance or carelessness of the historian or transcriber.  It is true that the history reads as though the Prophet himself was writing, but the Prophet was a slow and awkward writer, and many events recorded were written by his scribes who undoubtedly trusted too much to their memories and the items were probably not sufficiently scanned by the Prophet before they got into print.  The Prophet often received visits from Nephi, Moroni, Peter, James and John (the Beloved) John (the Baptist) Elijah, Moses, the three Nephites, etc.  In giving the instructions which these angels imparted to him in a verbal manner, it would not be surprising that some of the hearers should innocently confound and intermix the names of the Angels.

You also inquire, when the Melchisedec Priesthood was restored?  I answer that the office of Apostles was restored by Peter, James and John, before the rise of the Church; this office includes all the powers of the Melchisedec Priesthood; but when first restored, the Lord did not see proper to reveal it under the name of the Melchisedec Priesthood.  If the Compendium had stated that on the 6th of June 1831, the name of the Priesthood together with a more full description of its powers, were first given in the Conference assembled, it would have conveyed a more correct idea of the event.

You also inquire who were the first six members of the Church organized on the 6th of April, 1830?  I answer that there is some uncertainty in regard to their names.  I find on page 247, vol. 18, Deseret News, a Historical Discourse by Geo. A. Smith, delivered in the New Tabernacle, June 20th, 1869, wherein he gives the six names as follows:

Joseph Smith, Oliver Cowdery, Hyrum Smith, Peter Whitmer, Jr., Samuel H. Smith, and David Whitmer.

Whether the former historian obtained these names from any document or letter, or from verbal information, is unknown to me.”

(Orson Pratt to John Christenson, 11 Mar., 1876; JH 11 Mar., 1876)

26 Mar.:  P, J & J came AFTER Book of Mormon translated.

“Inquires one–‘Did this angel give any authority to Joseph Smith, and to others to whom he revealed himself, to baptize?’  Not at all.  He revealed the record, and Joseph was commanded to translate it by the aid of the Urim and Thummim that was with it, and he was told that it would be sent to all nations, kindreds, tongues and people.  But he did not give Joseph Smith authority to preach that Gospel, neither did he give him authority to baptize, or to lay on hands for the gift of the Holy Ghost, and the probability is that the person who held the keys to reveal the everlasting Gospel did not have the authority himself–it is not all angels that have this authority.  Peter, James, and John had the authority, and after the book was translated they were sent.  What for?  Not to reveal the Gospel, for that was revealed by another angel prior to that time; but they were sent to lay their hands upon individuals, and ordain them to the Apostleship.  No one can say that Peter, James and John did not hold the Apostleship, and that people could not be ordained under their hands.  They ordained them to the Apostleship, and they commanded, in the name of the Lord, that they should preach the Gospel, and ordain others to the same power and authority which was conferred and restored from heaven.  They were commanded to preach the Gospel to all of the nations and kindreds of the earth.  That was the way that the Lord restored the everlasting Gospel.”  (Orson Pratt, 26 Mar., 1876; JD 18:175-176)

30 Mar.:  Revival of P.E.F. to renew Gathering.

“The following circular letter was issued by the First Presidency:


Dear Brethren:  It is our desire to commence again to assist the scattered poor of God’s people in gathering to Zion.  To aid in the accomplishment of this purpose we request the Bishops and Presiding Elders in the various settlements to give special attention to the collection of the debts due to the Perpetual Emigration Fund from those who have been assisted in past years.  In view of the near approach of the season when our emigration leaves the shores of Europe we desire that our brethren give this matter their immediate attention that we may be enabled to do as much good as possible this present year.

It is the duty of all the Saints who have the means to assist in the gathering of their brethren and sisters who are still scattered in Babylon, and we should be pleased to have the local authorities solicit donations from those who are not in debt to the P. E. Fund, and who are able and willing to do their part for the gathering of scattered Israel.

Your brethren,

Brigham Young, Daniel H. Wells.”

(Deseret Evening News, 30 Mar., 1876; JH 30 Mar., 1876)

6 Apr.:  John Baptist gave Priesthood; P,J&J Apostleship.

“. . . and from the day that Moroni gave that record into the hands of Joseph Smith, the Lord held him responsible for the use which he made of it; and when he gave him the Priesthood under the hands of John the Baptist, and the Apostleship under the hands of Peter, James and John, the Lord Almighty held him responsible unto the day that he sealed his testimony with his blood, for the course that he pursued with these things.”  (Wilford Woodruff, 6 Apr., 1876; JD 18:189)

6 Apr.:  Definition of Priesthood.

“Then, he has restored the holy Priesthood, and that, as I understand it, is the rule and government of God, whether on the earth or in the heavens, the principle by which all things are governed in the heavens, and by which, when the kingdoms of this world become the kingdoms of our God and his Christ, all things will be governed here on the earth.”  (John Taylor, 6 Apr., 1876; JD 18:197)

6 Apr.:  Rebaptisms into United Order.

“The following items were copied from the report of James G. Bleak of St. George:

  . . . .

Elder James W. Nixon baptized 22 persons into the United Order Covenant, to wit: . . .”

(JH 6 Apr., 1876)

15 Apr.:  Tabernacle Sabbath meetings discontinued.

“No Tabernacle Meetings.–Until further notice there will bek no meetings at the Tabernacle on Sundays for public worship, and the ward meetings will continue, afternoon and evening, as usual.”  (Reprint of report of 15 Apr.; DN 25(12):185, 19 Apr., 1876)

7 May:  Chosen acting teacher.

“Today I was chosen to act as teacher in Church capacity, in this ward [Toquerville], and to act as clerk of the teachers Quorum.  [He had previously been ordained an Elder and received his endowments.]”  (Levi Mathers Savage diary, 7 May, 1876; LC Collection)

21 May:  Tabernacle meetings resumed.

“Tabernacle Meeting.–Elder Orson Pratt preached yesterday afternoon.”  (Reprint of report of 22 May; DN 25(17):265, 24 May, 1876)

1 Jun.:  Excommunication notice.

“Excommunicated.–To whom it may concedrn:  This is to certify that Isaac Ferguson, Big Cottonwood, was cut off the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, by the High Council of this stake of Zion, June 1, 1876.

George E. Wallace,

Clerk of High Council.

Salt Lake City, June 2, 1876.”

(Reprint of report of 3 Jun.; DN 25(19):300, 7 Jun., 1876)

5 Jun.:  Ordination and endowment at age 15.

George F. Richards was ordained an Elder (without ever receiving the Aaronic Priesthood) and endowed the same day, at age 15.  (See Mouritsen Diss., p. 21)

16 Jul.:  Rebaptism into United Order.

“[16 Jul.] Pres. F. D. Richards said it was a commonly accepted proverb that we should practise what we preached.  The doctrine advocated by Pres. Snow on co-operation should not therefore fail to be fully appreciated.  The principle of forgiveness had been dwelt upon too, showing that the brotherhood of the gospel required us to forget as well as forgive, and that the more forgiving and charitable we became the nearer we patterned after the Redeemer.  Those who had become members of the Church since the revelation of the United Order was given, which was in 1843, had, by virtue of their first baptism, covenanted to accept it in connection with other certain requirements.  It would seem a matter of wonder why we now should be so afraid to renew our covenants when called upon to do so by the same authority through which we obtained remission of our sins.”  (“Minutes of a Two Days’ Conference held at Logan, Commencing Saturday, July 15,” DN 25(27):420, 2 Aug., 1876)

30 Jul.:  God told Joseph how to organize the Priesthood.

“Who organized this Church?  I have read that in former times God placed in the Church, first Apostles, secondarily Prophets, afterwards Pastors, Teachers, Evangelists, for the perfecting of the Saints, the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ.  Who knew anything of this?  God told Joseph to organize a Quorum of Twelve Apostles, and he did it.  He told him how to organize a First Presidency, and he did it.  God told him how to organize the Aaronic and Melchizedec Priesthood, and he did it.  Who knew anything of this?  No one.  They had a Babel of confusion everywhere, without certainty or true intelligence.  We read that there were Seventies.  Who knew anything what a Seventy was?  Joseph was told to organize Quorums of Seventy, and he did it.  He was told to organize a High Priests’ Quorum.  He was told what their duties were.  Did Joseph himself know anything of all this?  Not till he was told.  He was told to ordain Bishops.  All kinds of notions were entertained about the position and duties of a Bishop.”  (John Taylor, 30 Jul., 1876; JD 18:210-211)

ca. Jul.:  Rebaptism of ward by order of Brigham.

“In the beginning of the year 1876 . . .

At this time the Saints were renewing their covenants by being re-baptized by order of President Brigham Young.  I could not go when the rest of the ward went, but I went as soon as I was able to get things straightened, and when I was re-baptized I felt so weak I could hardly get home.”  (Thomas Briggs journal; in Our Pioneer Heritage, 3:290, 1960)

14 Sep.:  Excommunication during Teachers’ meeting.

“Cut Off the Church.–At a special Teachers’ meeting held on the 18th Ward Meeting-house on the 14th ult., Bishop L. D. Young presiding, Wm. D. Brown and wife were cut off the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints for apostasy, which action was sustained by the High Council, on Monday evening, the 9th inst.

Geo. F. Gibbs,

Clerk of H.C.”

(Reprint of report of 11 Oct.; DN 25(38):593, 18 Oct., 1876)

20 Sep.:  Regular Bishops’ meetings.

“Notice To Bishops.–The Bishops’ meeting will be held on Thursday [21 Sep.] at 7 o’clock, p.m., at the Council House, instead of the City Hall, as heretofore.

Edward Hunter,

L. W. Hardy,

R. T. Burton.”

(Reprint of report of 20 Sep.; DN 25(35):552, 27 Sep., 1876)

21 Sep.:  Report of Bishops’ meeting.

“Bishops’ Meeting.–Last night Bishops’ meeting was held in the Council House building.  President B. Young, Elders John Taylor, Orson Pratt, George Q. Cannon, and Joseph F. Smith, of the Twelve, Elder A. M. Cannon, President of this Stake of Zion, and Bishops L. W. Hardy and R. T. Burton, of the Presidency of the Bishopric, were present.  The house was dedicated for the use of the Priesthood, for which it was originally intended, the dedicatory prayer being offered by Elder John Taylor.”  (Reprint of report of 22 Sep.; DN 25(35):552, 27 Sep., 1876)

27 Sep.:  Regular 70s meetings to be in Council House.

“Seventies’ Meetings–We are requested, by President Joseph Young, to announce that in future the general meetings of the Seventies’, held on the evening of the first Wednesday of each month, will convene in the Council House Building, instead of in the City Hall, as heretofore.”  (Reprint of report of 27 Sep.; DN 25(36):561, 4 Oct., 1876)

19 Oct.:  Salt Lake Stake no longer “center stake.”

“Until Brigham Young placed all Church stakes on an equal basis in 1876, [Bishops Meetings with Presiding Bishopric, 19 Oct., 1876] many leaders and members accepted Salt Lake Stake as the center stake for the Church, authorized to supervise and direct work in the other stakes.  For years, therefore, the presidencies of the Salt Lake Stake’s deacons quorum, teachers quorum, and priests quorum were sustained at general conference as general lesser priesthood officers–they were sometimes termed ‘General Authorities’–for the entire Church.  The stake’s monthly deacons, teachers, and priests meetings and a combined stake monthly Aaronic Priesthood meeting frequently attracted lesser priesthood leaders from non-Salt Lake settlements whenever such men were in town.  The Presiding Bishopric and local bishops also attended.  Initially important, these general meetings faded in significance by the late 1870s, although in individual Salt Lake wards deacons and teachers quorums flourished.  Priests quorums, requiring a minimum of twenty-five members back then, rarely if ever existed at the ward level, although some stake quorums were formed.”  (William G. Hartley, “Ordained and Acting Teachers in the Lesser Priesthood, 1851-1883,” BYU Studies 16(3):379, Spring, 1976)

29 Oct.:  Duties of Priesthood offices.

“The Presidency and Twelve met for Prayer.  We then spent an hour in president Youngs office Conversing with him upon various subjets among which was the Priesthood and the decision was as follows:

The first Presidency Preside over the whole Church in all the world.  The Twelve Apostles hold the same keys and authority to preside over the whole Church in all the world in the Absens of the first Presidency.  The seventies are special Messengers to preach the Gospel & build up the kingdom of God in all the world under the direction of the Twelve & to preside in the Abscens of the first Presidency & Twelve.  A Patriarch may also be ordained to be A Patriarch to the whole Church.  A Presiding Bishop may also be ordained to preside over the lesser Priesthood & Bishopprick in all the world.  But all other Presidencies are Local and belong to the several Stakes of Zion.  A Presiding High Priest Presides over the High Priests of that stake of Zion in which He resides.  An Elder Presides over 96 Elders, A Priest over 48 Priests A Teacher over 24 Teachers, A Deacon over 12 Deacons and all are local officers.”  (Wilford Woodruff diary, 29 Oct., 1876)

5 Nov.:  Priesthood and ordinances came directly from God.

“If we have any ideas of a God, we have obtained them through these revelations, if we have a worship which is accepted of God, it is because the Lord has dictated as to its form and manner; if we have a Priesthood, it is because some of the ancient Priesthood who existed heretofore on the earth and now administer in the heavens, have come and conferred, upon man on the earth, this authority; if we have ordinances of any kind, it is not because other people have received these ordinances through whom we have obtained them, but because God has revealed them to us direct; and if we have various officers in the Church, it is not because we have copied after any other church or people, but because God has told us what his order is, what his law is in relation to these matters, and the proper manner of government to conduct and direct the affairs of God upon the earth.  It is in short the revelation of the will of God to man in these the last days.”  (John Taylor, 5 Nov., 1876; JD 18:279)

5 Nov.:  Importance of ordained Teachers.

“Some of us thing that our Teachers are of very little importance.  I will tell you how I regard them.  If the Teachers do not come to visit me as often as I think they should, I do not like it very well.  When they do come, I acquaint my family with it, call them together, and then tell our visitors that we are all under their jurisdiction, ready and anxious to hear from them the words of eternal life.  That is how I feel towards the Teachers, and in the same manner I respect all the Priesthood in the various positions they occupy.”  (John Taylor, 5 Nov., 1876; JD 18:285)

6 Dec.:  Work on Temple to be performed on quorum basis.

“To the Bishops, Seventies, High Priests and Elders.

Dear Brethren–It is expected, in accordance with a circular issued some time ago, ‘that the labor upon the Temple here will contine to be pushed forward by those now engaged in it,’ viz.: the Seventies’, Elders’ and High Priests’ Quorums.

The Presidents of Seventies have issued a circular calling upon their Quorums to continue in their present labors on the Temple and in the quarry.  It is desirable that the High Priests’ and Elders’ Quorums should continue their labors, as heretofore, that the work upon the Temple may progress as fast as practicable, during the winter, and that preparations may be made for the accomplishment of a good work the next summer.  If any of the Quorums can provide for the payment of competent workmen to do the fine cutting for the outside courses, it should be attended to, as there is a large amount of common stone now cut, and being cut, and it requires a stronger force of workmen for the outside finish, that all portions may progress equally and with celerity and dispatch.  There are a number of such workmen in the city, and perhaps elsewhere, who stand ready to do this face work when called upon.  The Quorums of Seventies will continue to report to their presiding officers, as indicated in their circulars, and Presidents Elias Smith and Edward W. Davis will respectively act as agents in this City for the High Priests’ and Elders’ Quorums, to whom reports can be made, and from whom information may be had.

The Bishops will also assist in the arrangement of these matters, and in any other manner tending to forward the good work.

Jno. W. Young,

Daniel H. Wells, Of the First Presidency.

John Taylor, In behalf of the Twelve Apostles.”

(DN 25(45):705, 6 Dec., 1876)

31 Dec.:  Adam, Noah, Abraham gave keys to Joseph Smith.

“Then comes another personage, whose name is John the Baptist.  He ordained the Prophet Joseph to that portion of the Priesthood of which he held the keys, namely, the Aaronic, or lesser Priesthood.  Afterwards came Peter, James and John, who held the keys of the Melchizedek Priesthood, and of the dispensation of the fullness of times, they being the last in their day to whom it was committed, and therefore they came to him and revealed to him the principles pertaining to the Gospel, and the events to be fulfilled.  Then we read again of Elias or Elijah, who was to act as a restorer, and who committed to him the powers and authority associated with his position.  Then Abraham, who had the Gospel, the Priesthood and Patriarchal powers, in his day; and Moses, who stood at the head of the gathering dispensation in his day, and had these powers conferred upon him.  We are informed that Noah, who was a Patriarch, and all in the line of the Priesthood, in every generation back to Adam, who was the first man, possessed the same.  Why was it that all these people should be associated with all these dispensations, and all could communicate with Joseph Smith?  Because he stood at the head of the dispensation of the fullness of times, which comprehends all the various dispensations that have existed upon the earth, and that as the Gods in the eternal worlds and the Priesthood that officiated in time and eternity had declared that it was time for the issuing forth of all these things, they all combined together to impart to him the keys of their several missions, that he might be fully competent, through the intelligence and aid afforded him through these several parties, to introduce the Gospel in all its fullness, namely, the dispensation of the fullness of times, when, says the Apostle Paul, ‘He might gather all things in Christ, both which are in heaven and which are in earth, even in him.’  Consequently he stood in that position, and hence his familiarity with all these various dispensations and the men who administered in them.  If you were to ask Joseph what sort of a looking man Adam was, he would tell you at once; he would tell you his size and appearance and all about him.  You might have asked him what sort of men Peter, James and John were, and he could have told you.  Why?  Because he had seen them.”  (John Taylor, 31 Dec., 1876; JD 18:326)

31 Dec.:  Position in hereafter determined by Priesthood.

“What about our deceased friends?  Our kingdom and Priesthood are organized according to the order God has given us, and we expect, every one of us, to stand in our proper place in the eternal worlds, according to the order of the Priesthood which we represent.”  (John Taylor, 31 Dec., 1876; Funeral Sermon; JD 18:334)