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Prince’s Research Excerpts: Priesthood & Mormonism – 1925

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1925:    4 Apr.:  Priesthood Conventions.

“During the past three months, by direction of the First Presidency of the Church, there have been held, in many of the stakes of Zion, priesthood conventions, the purpose of whic was to stimulate renewed zeal and increased activity in the councils and quorums of the Priesthood.  I hail with delight the inauguration of this heaven-inspired movement, in which I am proud and happy to have taken part.

The Priesthood, which means divine authority and the men in whom that authority is vested, is by far the most important thing in the Church of Christ; being, in fact, the rock upon which it rests.  There could be no Church without the Priesthood.  It is therefore of vital consequence that all the quorums and councils should function effectively toward the great ends for which they were instituted.”  (Orson F. Whitney, 4 Apr., 1925; CR Apr., 1925, pp. 15-16)

The Aaronic Priesthood.  (manual)

Duty of Bishops.

“The very important duty of preparing boys for induction into Aaronic Priesthood callings, and of training them for efficiency in this work, has been placed upon the Bishops by divine revelation.  No greater work has been assigned to the Bishoprics than this task of training boys to do their full part in the administration of Church affairs in the wards, and in the exercises of our public worship.”  (p. 5)

Course of Study.

“The lessons for class study for the Lesser Priesthood cover seven years, two for the Deacon, two for the Teacher, and three for the Priest.  [This represents a change from the 1922 edition of the same pamphlet, when each class covered three years.  The age for deacons is still 12; the ages for teachers and priests are not specified.]”  (p. 7)

The Sacrament.

[Not in 1922 edition.]  “As much as possible young men of the Priests’ Quorum should officiate at the Sacrament table, both at Sunday School and at the regular Sunday Sacrament meeting.  Every young man should be encouraged to take part in this important ministry, as soon as he is advanced to the office of Priest.

The aim should be to exercise as many young men in this calling, as possible.  In populous wards, having a large number of Priests, it is not advisable to have the same young men officiate, both at the Sunday School and at the evening meeting on the same Sunday.  In order that all who are eligible, may have a fair share of this work and responsibility, a schedule of names and dates should be made up at intervals; and appointments should be made at least a week in advance. . . .

METHODS OF ADMINISTERING THE SACRAMENT–The Priests, who are to officiate, should be in their place before the meeting is called to order. . . .

The Priests should be trained in these matters by the Bishop or his counselors.  These officials should always be on the alert to detect gross mistakes, committed in the administration of the sacrament; and they should in gentleness, at the proper time, instruct the inexperienced young men how to improve in this calling.”  (pp. 13-14)

(The Aaronic Priesthood–The Preparation, Ordination and Training of Young Men.  Prepared and Issued Under the Direction of the General Authorities of the Church.  Salt Lake City, Utah.  1925)