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Prince’s Research Excerpts: Priesthood & Mormonism – 1977

Below you will find Prince’s research excerpts titled, “Priesthood, 1977.” You can view other years here.

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1977:    1 Apr.:  70s now approved & ordained at stake level.

[New material]  “Stake presidents are authorized to call and ordain worthy brethren to the office of seventy without prior approval of the Presidency of the First Quorum of the Seventy.  The candidate(s) should be approved by the high council and sustained in a stake conference or stake priesthood meeting before being ordained, as is true with any ordination in the Melchizedek Priesthood.

Special forms pertaining to the application and approval for ordination to the office of seventy or for the approval of a president of a seventies quorum in a stake are no longer used.  Also, no record of those who have been ordained seventies need be sent to the Presidency of the First Quorum of the Seventy.”  (General Handbook of Instructions, 1976, #21, Supplement Number 2, 1 Apr., 1977; p. 2)

1 Apr.:  Clarification of “incest.”

[New material]  “When the term ‘incest’ is used by the Church, it refers to sexual intercourse between a parent and child, including a parent with an adopted or foster child.  There may be other instances, however, that constitute incest.  The First Presidency should be contacted by letter explaining the circumstances of any cases in question.  When a young child is involved, disciplinary action will not be taken against the child.”  (General Handbook of Instructions, 1976, #21, Supplement Number 2, 1 Apr., 1977; p. 5)

1 Oct.:  Prospective Elders and reactivation.

“We are deeply concerned over the need to reduce the inflow from the ranks of inactive adults and also to bring substantial numbers out of the adult rank into activity.  With this in mind, we have the following to suggest:

. . . .

5. Working more actively with those whom we classify as prospective elders.  Under our present program, our elders quorums assume responsibility for these men.  It should be remembered, however, that provision is made in the program under which high priests and even seventies may be called to assist with these men.  The elders quorum, through the priesthood executive committee, may ask that high priests serve as home teachers to some of these men, particularly to those who would find greater congeniality with high priest home teachers.  Likewise, in those families where there are nonmembers of the Church, the seventies might be asked to assist, with the thought that they will go to the homes not only as home teachers, but also as missionaries to the nonmembers of the Church who may reside there.  I am satisfied, brethren, that we can do much more than we are now doing to bring many of these men back into full activity.  In so doing, we shall bless their lives and the lives of their families, and in a very substantial manner strengthen the work of the Lord.

6. For years we have urged that seminars be held to which prospective elders and their wives, as well as inactive elders, may be invited to meet together.  There, under the tutelage of an inspired and effective teacher, they can increase their knowledge of the gospel with the objective that they may prepare themselves to go to the house of the Lord.  We have approved a course of study for such seminars.  This has been prepared under the direction of the Priesthood Executive Committee, and we are hopeful that bishops and stake presidents will utilize it in this important undertaking.

Brethren, we cannot relax while many of our brothers and sisters and many of our young men and women are failing to participate in the programs of the Church.  I ask that you again reflect on your responsibilities in this matter and take steps to accelerate this work of redemption.”  (Spencer W. Kimball, 1 Oct., 1977; CR Oct., 1977, pp. 67-68)

1977-1978 Annual Guidelines.

“The 1977-1978 Gospel Doctrine class explores the historical drama of the scriptures and gives the background for a doctrinal study of the scriptures in priesthood quorum meetings. . . .


In addition to performing special assignments relating to their priesthood office, members should be regularly encouraged by their quorum leaders and home teachers to improve their performance in all of their Church and priesthood responsibilities.  These responsibilities include having daily personal and family prayers; holding regular scripture study; faithfully holding family home evening (at least weekly); living and teaching gospel principles in the home; attending meetings, including sacrament meetings, quorum meeting, and Sunday School; observing the law of the fast; paying a full tithe, and generous offerings and contributions; supporting ward and stake activities; keeping the Sabbath day holy; observing the Word of Wisdom and principles of good health; preparing for and participating in temple ordinances and genealogical research; being a member missionary; being honest in all dealings with others; observing the laws of the land; actively participating in civic and community affairs; avoiding temptation; faithfully performing Church callings; caring for personal and family needs; following current counsel from Church leaders; serving those in need of encouragement and assistance; and keeping all other commandments of the Lord. . . .


1.  Elders, seventies, and high priests have equal responsibility for personal and family preparedness and for participating in Church preparedness.

2.  Elders have special responsibility for activating prospective elders.

3.  Seventies have special responsibility for stake missionary work.

4.  High priests have special responsibility for genealogical research and temple work. . . .

Each seventy should initiate a group meeting in his home at least once every three months.  A group meeting consists of two or more part-member families. . . .

All adult Church members have a special assignment for 1977-78 to update the personal History portion of their family Book of remembrance. . . .

As a second special assignment for this year, Church members are encouraged to organize for genealogy as immediate families, and wherever possible, ancestral families. . . .

For the third special assignment of 1977-78, all families should prepare themselves to receive temple ordinances.  [CHECK THE CHURCH ALMANAC TO SEE IF THIS RESULTED IN ANY INCREASE IN LIVE ENDOWMENTS.] . . .

The fourth assignment for 1977-78 is to compile and perfect four generations of family records. . . .


Single Adults

The Young Adult, Young Special Interest, and Special Interest programs assist in serving the special needs of single adults.  Elders quorum presidencies should–

1. Account for every single adult member within their respective stewardships.  (See Melchizedek Priesthood Handbook, 1975, p. 2.)

2. Promote activities for single adult members and appropriate joint activities through the ward committee for single adults.

3. Keep on their permanent agenda an item for continual review of the special needs of their single members.

4. Call a quorum representative to assist the presidency in identifying and meeting the needs of single adults.

. . .

8. Assist divorced and single parent families, widowers, and widows; and include them in quorum activities.

9. Encourage home evening groups among single adults.

. . .

17. Give public support and encouragement to single adults.”

(“Annual Guidelines, 1977-78”)