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A Compilation of Quotes of Temple Ordinances
1. History of the Church, Vol. 2:112, Joseph Smith, Monday, June
23, 1834.
A council of High Priests assembled in fulfillment of the
revelation given the day previous, and the following individuals
were called and chosen, as they were made manifest unto me by
the voice of the Spirit and revelation, to receive their
Edward Partridge Simeon Carter
William W. Phelps Newel Knight
Isaac Morley Parley P. Pratt
John Corrill Christian Whitmer
John Whitmer Solomon Hancock
David Whitmer Thomas B. Marsh
Algernon Sidney Gilbert Lyman Wight
Peter Whitmer, Jun.
2. History of the Church, Vol. 2:197, Oliver Cowdery, Sunday,
February 15, 1835.
He (O. Cowdery) then read again, from the revelation, what
the Lord said unto the Twelve. Brethren, you have had your duty
presented in this revelation. You have been ordained to this
holy Priesthood, you have received it from those who have the
power and authority from an angel….
Never cease striving until you have seen God face to face.
Strengthen your faith; cast off your doubts, your sins, and all
your unbelief; and nothing can prevent you from coming to God.
Your ordination is not full and complete till God has laid His
hand upon you. We require as much to qualify us as did those who
have gone before us; God is the same. If the Savior in former
days laid His hands upon His disciples, why not in latter days?
* * *
Remember, you are not to go to other nations till you
receive your endowments. Tarry at Kirtland until you are endowed
with power from on high. You need a fountain of wisdom, know-
ledge and intelligence such as you never had. Relative to the
endowment, I make a remark or two, that there may be no mistake.
The world cannot receive the things of God. He can endow you
without worldly pomp or great parade. He can give you that
wisdom, that intelligence, and that power, which characterized
the ancient saints, and now characterizes the inhabitants of the
upper world.
3. History of the Church, Vol. 2:218, Joseph Smith, March 1835.
The school in Kirtland closed the last week in March, to
give the Elders an opportunity to go forth and proclaim the
Gospel, preparatory to the endowment.
4. History of the Church, Vol. 2:307-310, Joseph Smith, Thurs-
day, November 12, 1835.
This evening, at 6 o’clock, met with the Council of the
Twelve, by their request. Nine of them were present. Council
opened by singing and prayer. And I made some remarks as
The Prophet’s Remarks to the Twelve
….I supposed I had established this Church on a permanent
foundation when I went to Missouri, and indeed I did so, for if
I had been taken away, it would have been enough, but I yet
live, and therefore God requires more at my hands. The item to
which I wish the more particularly to call your attention
to-night, is the ordinance of washing of feet. This we have not
done as yet, but it is necessary now, as much as it was in the
days of the Savior; and we must have a place prepared, that we
may attend to this ordinance aside from the world.
We have not desired as much from the hand of the Lord
through faith and obedience, as we ought to have done, yet we
have enjoyed great blessings, and we are not so sensible of this
as we should be….The house of the Lord must be prepared, and
the solemn assembly called and organized in it, according to the
order of the house of God; and in it we must attend to the
ordinance of washing of feet. It was never intended for any but
official members. It is calculated to unite out hearts, that we
may be one in feeling and sentiment, and that our faith may be
strong, so that Satan cannot overthrow us, nor have any power
over us here.
The endowment you are so anxious about, you cannot com-
prehend now, nor could Gabriel explain it to the understanding
of your dark minds; but strive to be prepared in your hearts, be
faithful in all things, that when we meet in the solemn assembly, that is, when such as God shall name out of all the official
members shall meet, we must be clean every whit. Let us be
faithful and silent, brethren, and if God gives you a manifestation, keep it to yourselves; be watchful and prayerful, and you
shall have a prelude of those joys that God will pour out on
that day. Do not watch for iniquity in each other, if you do you
will not get an endowment, for God will not bestow it on such…
You need an endowment, brethren, in order that you may be
prepared and able to overcome all things; and those that reject
your testimony will be damned….But let me tell you that you
will not have power, after the endowment to heal those that have
not faith, nor to benefit them, for you might as well expect to
benefit a devil in hell…
5. Oliver Cowdery Journal holograph at CHD. The first 22 pages
of book N6328R-LC, the rest of which is in the Nauvoo High
Council Minutes, 1839- 1840. Cowdery’s Journal covers the period
Jan 1, 1836 – Mar 27, 1836; pp. 4-5; Jan 16, 1836.
pp. 4-5 (Jan 16, 1836): the Postscript, “met in the
evening with bro. Joseph Smith, Jr. at his house, in company
with bro. John Corrill, and after pure water was prepared,
called upon the Lord (p. 5) and proceeded to wash each other’s
bodies, and bathe the same with whiskey, perfumed with cinnamon.
This we did that we might be clean before the Lord for the
Sabbath, confessing our sins and covenanting to be faithful to
God. While performing this washing unto the Lord with solemnity,
our minds were filled with many reflections upon the propriety
of the same, and how the priests anciently used to wash always
before ministering before the Lord. As we had nearly finished
this purification, bro. Martin Harris came in and was also
6. Oliver Cowdery Journal; holograph at CHD. The first 22 pages
of book N6328R-LC, the rest of which is in the Nauvoo High
Council Minutes, 1839- 1840. Cowdery’s Journal covers the period
Jan 1, 1836 – Mar 27, 1836; p. 7; Jan 21, 1836.
–p. 7 (Jan 21, 1836): This morning, at 15 minutes past
nine my little daughter is 5 months old. O Lord, I thank thee
that thou hast thus been merciful and spared my only child. At
about three o’clock p.m. I assembled in our office garret,
having all things prepared for the occasion, with presidents
Joseph Smith, Jr. F. G. Williams, Sidney Rigdon, Hyrum Smith,
David Whitmer, John Whitmer and elder John Corrill, and washed
our bodies with pure water before the Lord, preparatory to the
anointing with the holy oil. After we were washed, our bodies
were perfumed with a sweet smelling oderous wash. At evening the
presidents of the church, with the two bishops and their counsellors, and elder Warren Parrish, met in the president’s room, the high councils of Kirtland and Zion in their rooms. Those named in the first room were annointed with the same kind of oil and in the man[ner?] that were Moses and Aaron, and those who stood before the Lord in ancient days, and those in the other room with anointing oil prepared for them. The glorious scene is too great to be described in this book, therefore, I only say, that the heavens were opened to many, and great and
marvelous things were shown.
7. Edward Partridge Journal; Meetings – Kirtland 1836; d.1423/
f.159; typescript, pp. 2-3; 21-22 Jan 1836.
21st. Having previously washed once or twice, the presidency with Bishop Whitney and his counsel, myself & my counsellors
met for the purpose of being annointed with Holy oil. Meeting
was opened by Prest. Joseph Smith, Jun., in behalf of the
Presidency, Bishop Whitney in behalf of himself and counsellors,
and myself in behalf of myself & counsellors. Then the presidency proceeded to sanctify the oil. Br. Joseph Smith, Jun., first
anointed his father, pronouncing blessings upon him; then all
the presidents beginning at the oldest rubbed their hand over
his head & face, which had been annointed. Then Br. J. prayed to
the Lord to accept of the anointing and all the Presidency with
right hand uplifted to Heaven said Amen. Father Smith then
proceeded to take the lead and pour on the oil; then Br. J.
followed and then in rotation as before described, prophesying,
&c., on one anothers heads. After the presidents, Bishop Whitney
& his counsel were annointed after the same manner, then myself
and counsel, then Br. Parrish as scribe for the presidency.
After this Hyrum Smith annointed Father John Smith who annointed
the rest of the High Council of Kirtland. Br. David Whitmer
annointed Br. Simeon Carter, who annointed the High Council from
Zion. Hymns were sung & a number saw visions & others were
blessed with the outpouring of the Holy Ghost, and we shouted
Hosanna to the Most High. The meeting was dismissed (p. 3) Br.
J. S. Jun, conferring the benedictions of Heaven upon us.
The 22d. The forenoon was taken up in telling the visions
of the preceding evening. We met in the evening for the purpose
of anointing the traveling High Council, and the 7 Presidents of
the 70. The Presidents of the Church anointed Br. Carlos Smith
as President of the High Priests in Kirtland. Prest. J. S.
Jun., requested Prest. Sidney Rigdon to ask the Lord to accept
the performances of the evening, and instructed us, when he was
done, to shout Hosannah, Blessed be the name of the Most High
God. These things were performed; the shout & speaking in
unknown tongues lasted 10 or 15 minutes. During the evening,
more especially at the time of shouting, a number saw visions as
they disclosed unto us.
8. History of the Church, Vol. 2:385; Joseph Smith; Sunday,
January 24, 1836.
In the evening met the Presidency in the chamber over the
printing room, and counseled on the subject of endowment, and
the preparation for the solemn assembly, which is to be called
when the house of the Lord is finished.
9. Edward Partridge Journal; Meetings – Kirtland 1836; d.1423/-
f.159; typescript; 26 Jan – 6 Feb 1836.
The 26th. Mr. J. Seixas, our Hebrew teacher, met with us
for the first time. After about 4 or 5 days he divided the
class. I was taken into the first class.
The Priests, Teachers, and Deacons met 2 or 3 evenings,
about the last of Jan., for the purpose of being anointed.
Bishop Whitney and counsel and myself and my counsel met
and anointed them. After the anointing was over, each man asked
the Lord to bless them and seal upon them the blessings that had
been pronounced upon their heads by the Bishops and their
counsellors. Bishop Whitney then asked the Lord to seal the
blessings that had been pronounced upon the heads of his
brethren. After he was through we shouted Hosanna 3 times, to
God and the Lamb, Amen, Amen, and Amen.
The 6th. Evening all the quorms met, and had all the
blessings sealed by the Presidency of the Church; at the close
of the ceremony we all shouted, agreeably to the above described
10. Oliver Cowdery Journal; holograph at CHD. The first 22 pages
of book N6328R-LC, the rest of which is in the Nauvoo High
Council Minutes, 1839- 1840. Cowdery’s Journal covers the period
Jan 1, 1836 – Mar 27, 1836.
–p. 12 (Feb 6, 1836): In the evening met with the presidency any (sic?) quorums in the Lord’s house, when their anointing blessings were sealed by uplifted hands and praises to God. Many saw visions, many prophesied, and many spake in tongues. Closed a little before 12 o’clock.
–pp. 21-22 (Mar 27, 1836): Sunday the 27th attended on
the dedication of the Lord’s house. For the particulars of this
great event see my account written by myself and printed in the
March No. of the Messenger and Advocate, signed C. In the
evening I met with the officers of the church in the Lord’s
house. The Spirit poured out–I saw the glory of God, like a
great cloud, come down and rest upon the house, and fill the
same like a mighty rushing wind. I also saw [p. 22] cloven
tongues, like as of fire rest upon many. (for there were 316
present,) while they spake with other tongues and prophesied.
11. Edward Partridge Journal; Meetings – Kirtland 1836; d.1423/
f.159; typescript; 27 – 31 March 1836.
Sunday the 27th. Met and dedicated the House of the Lord.
Prest. Rigdon preached in the forenoon. Prest. J. Smith, Jun.,
made many remarks and delivered the dedication prayer. Meet at 8
morn & dismissed 1/4 past 4 afternoon. Met again in the
evening, that is, the Authorities of the Church. Many spoke in
tongues; some saw visions, &c. Doct. F. G. Williams saw an angel
or rather the Savior, during the forenoon service.
Tuesday the 29th. The 9 presidents, the two Bishops and
their counsel met in the afternoon in the House of the Lord. We
cleansed our hands and faces and feet, after which we had our
feet washed in the name of the Lord; this took till dusk. We
then partook of bread and wine, a feast. We prophesied and
spoke in tongues & shouted Hosannas. The meeting lasted till
Wednesday all the officers of the Church met at 9 o’clock
in the Lord’s House, the Priests, Teachers & Deacons in one
corner, the vails having been let down, and the other officers
occupied the rest of the lower room. The washing of feet was
performed by noon, then they began to prophecy and speak in
tongues adding shouts of Hosannas to God and the Lamb with Amen
and Amen. This continued till dark, when they partook of a feast
of bread and wine. The meeting was kept up till morning, the
shouts were omitted during the night.
Thursday 31st. We met from 8 to 9 to accommodate those who
could not get in at the Sunday dedication. The house was about
filled and similar ceremonies performed that were performed on
Sunday. This meeting rather surpassed the Sunday meeting, both
in length & goodness. Wednesday the 6th we had a prayer meeting
from 9 to 4.
12. Stephen Post’s Journal; BYU/Film/298/#126; 27 March 1836.
Typed as in original without the use of [sic]. The “/” indicates
where the entry line ended and the next line begins in the
original source.
March 27 and 1836 / This day was appointed to be a day /
when the house of the Lord built / by the Church of the Latter
day Saints / was to be dedicated unto the Lord / of the whole
earth: there was also / a contribution; each individual as /
they came into the house of the Lord / donated as they could in
order to de[-] / fray the expense of the building as the /
committee had incurred much expense a- / bove what had before
been contributed. / the doors were opened at 8 and to be closed
/ at 9 A.M. however they were closed be- / fore 9 on account of
the house being / full many retired to, and filled the sch- /
ool room, under the printing office which / holds 400 or 450 and
many went home. / The congregation came to order and president
/ Sidney Rigdon commenced the services of the / day by reading
the 96 Psalm and then the 24 / Ps. Then a song of praise then a
prayer by / President S. Rigdon then another song of / praise
and next a discourse from S. Rigdon / from Matthew VIII 18-19-20
particularly the / 20 verse; after the sermon the several /
quorums voted and arose as they were call- / ed upon to declare
that they acknowledge / Joseph Smith Jun. as a prophet, seer,
and rev- / alator to Israel. there was a song of praise / and a
short intermission the order of the house / was for the people to keep their seats; as / this day was appointed as a fast day unto / the Lord from morning until evening. / and. a song of praise Joseph Smith Jun. / first president of the church of Latter day / saints; took the lead and called upon the / several quorums separately to acknowl- / edge each other in their several capacities / There was present the following, and they / voted in the following order, to acknowledge / the prophet, first the Presidency 2nd the 12 apostles 3rd the / High Council, 4th the Bishopric including / the Bishop of Zion and his counsellors / 5th the Zion Council on the right of the / Bishopric 6 the 7 presidents of the 70’s / on the left of the Bishopric, 7th the / Presidency and council of High Priests, 8th / the President and council of Elders 9th / the whole congregation when the Bish- / oprick voted the whole Bishoprick was / included viz Bishop of Kirtland of Zion Presidents of the / Priests teachers and Deacons with their coun / cils, President Joseph Smith Jun. Offered / up a dedication prayer unto the Lord / President Sidney Rigdon offered a short / prayer and then led the way, followed by / the whole congregation acknowledging / the Lord to be King, this is the sample / of the shout with uplifted hands unto / the most high, by the Lord anointed / Hosanna! Hosanna! Hosanna to / God and the Lamb Amen! amen. and / Amen. this was done three times. / making 9 hosannas and 9 amens / they next partook of the sacrament and then / were dismissed after some testimony / during the partaking by the congregation / of the bread and wine in remembrance / of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, Joseph / Smith Jun. testified of the Angel of / the Lord’s appearing unto him to call him / to the work of the Lord, and also of being / ordained under the hands of the Angel of / of the covenant. President Hyrum Smith / and President O. Cowdery, testified of the / truth of the work which was made kno- / wn to them by the power of God. Car- / los Smith President of the High priests / testified of the truth of the book. / President F. G. Williams arose and testified / that in the A.M. an angel of God came / into the window (at the back of the pulpit) / while P. t. Rigdon was at prayer and took his / seat between him and Father Joseph Smith Sr. / and remained there during the prayer. / The ordained members of the church were / requested to meet in the Lords house this / evening to receive instruction previous to / their going forth to proclaim the gospel / the congregation were now dismissed / This eve assembled in the house of the / Lord Joseph Smith jun. read the 6 / chap. 11 Chron. and showed us the order of / dedicating a house to God anciently: this / evening was designed as a continuation / of our pentecost, Angels of God came / into the room, cloven tongues rested / upon come of the Servants of the Lord / like unto fire and they spake with / tongues and prophesied. / Last Saturday I received my patriar / chal blessing under the hands of / Joseph Smith Sen. Patriarch and / Evangellist I write this monday / march. 28 the roads are bare but there / is plenty of snow in the woods, and / considerable yet in the fields people / are preparing for sugar making as they / have not yet tapped any where yet as / I have heard. the air is smoky today / it was ascertained and told to us last eve / that there was 1000 persons in the house / of the Lord yesterday and they contributed / as they went in $960. I will ment / ion here that two of the Apostles Brigham / Young and David Patten sang each / a song of Zion in tongues and each spake / in tongues and Elder Patten interpreted / brother Youngs tongue which he spake / During Last week there was / 11 baptized in Kirtland. / there was about 316 ordained mem- / bers met in the house of the Lord / Sunday eve and we received instruction / from Joseph Smith Jr relative to our / preaching and to our endowment this / eve the spirit of the Lord rested on / the congregation many spake in tongues / many prophesied, Angels were in our / midst, and ministered unto some, Cloven / tongues like unto fire rested upon / those who spake in tongues and prophesied / when they ceased to speak the tongues / ascended.
Wen. 30. This day between the hours / of 8 and 9 the
ordained members met in / the house of the Lord to attend to the
/ last ordinance of the endowment viz: / the ordinance of the
washing of feet / this ordinance is administered to none / but
those who are clean from the blood / of the generation in which
they live. / I did not expect much to receive the or- / dinance
as I had not labored much / in the vineyard, but I had en-
deavour- / ed to do as well as I could. however when / we came
together the word of the Lord / was that we all should receive
the / ordinance. O the goodness and condescen- / sion of God.
The washing was commen- / sed by the presidents who first washed
/ the 12 and the 7 presidents of the seventies / the 12 and 7
then commenced washing / until the whole were washed. The or- /
der of the house was that we tarry / until tomorrow morning in
the house / of the Lord and not go out only in ca- / ses of
necessity, after the washing the / Brethren commenced prophesy-
ing for the / spirit of prophecy was poured out up- / on the
congregation: the house was di- / vided into 4 parts by the
curtains and they / prophesied, spake and sang in tongues in /
each room. we fasted until even when / we partook of bread and
wine in commem- / oration of the marriage supper of the / Lamb.
now having attended through / the endowment I could form an idea
/ of the endowment anciently for Gods / ordinances change not.
13. Journal of Jeremiah Willey; CHO/d.1422/ f.159/Copy 1; pp.
10-12; 1836.
I spent the night in the temple in prayer and fasting; the
spirit of the Lord rested upon us, April 6 the presidency of the
Church, the Twelve Apostles, and other quorums met in solemn
assembly and sealed upon us our washings, anointings and
blessings – with a loud shout of Hosannah to God and the Lamb,
the Spirit of the Lord rested upon us after spending three hours
in the upper room, the quorums rejoined to the lower court. The
Veils were lowered and the ordinance of washing of feet was
administered. After this ordinance the veils of the temple were
pulled up and the prophet addressed the Elders for three hours.
Clothed with the power and spirit of God he unbosomed his
feelings in the House of his friends and gave much instruction.
He urged upon us the absolute necessity of giving strict heed to
his teachings and counsel and the revelations of the Lord to the
Church and us in all things, that Zion and her stakes may be
redeemed and established no more to be thrown down. He said
that the kings of the earth would yet come to behold the glory
of Zion and that great and glorious blessings would be bestowed
upon the Saints in the Last Days. Hyrum Smith bore testimony
and was followed by Oliver Cowdery, who exhorted the Elders to
keep within the bounds of their knowledge and let the mystery of
the kingdom alone, for the Gentiles had not a knowledge even of
the first principles of the Gospel. He said it is far better to
preach what the people would call the small of the kingdom than
to enter into the visions of Isaiah, Ezekiel and John. The
Twelve broke bread, which was distributed to the multitude who
eat and were filled. Thanks were returned and the meeting
closed. The house was again filled at Candle Light. Pres.
Joseph Smith requested the Elders to speak their feelings freely
and sing, exhort and pray as the spirit would give utterance.
The meeting continued during the whole night. Many of the gifts
were poured out upon the people; at Break of Day we were
dismissed. I also spent the night of the Y in the Temple with
several of the Elders in prayer and praise. Before the Lord the
Holy Ghost rested upon us and the spirit of prophecy was given
and many things were shown by the Holy Spirit.
14. Journal of Wilford Woodruff; Tuesday, April 4, 1837.
Met at the house of Elder Hales at one o’clock in the
afternoon, in the company of twenty-three Elders for the purpose
of attending to the ordinance of washing. President Joseph
Young, who was one of the number, opened the meeting by prayer
and we then proceeded with the ordinance. Myself and Elder G.
Meeks were the first washed under the hands of President Joseph
Young, and we then assisted him in washing our brethren, the
Elders. Much of the Holy Spirit rested upon us.
At early candle light we again met together in the quorum
of Seventies at the upper part of the Lord’s House to receive
our anointing. The quorums of the Priests, Teachers, and Deacons
occupied one apartment, the Elders another and the Seventies a
third; each quorum met for their anointings.
Three of the Presidents met with the Seventies, namely,
Joseph Young, Hazen Aldrich and Zebedee Coltrin. After the
meeting was opened by prayer those who were to be anointed were
suitably addressed, and then the Presidency proceeded to the
ordinance by first consecrating the oil. The person then
presented for the anointing took a seat and the Presidency laid
their hands upon his head and pronounced such blessings upon him
as the testimony of Jesus directed. We had truly a glorious
season in this solemn ordinance of the House of God. There were
fifteen anointed in our quorum. President Coltrin anointed me
and pronounced upon my head great blessings which were sealed
upon my head in the name of Jesus Christ and responded to by a
loud Amen from all present. The meeting closed about 10 o’clock
15. History of the Church, Vol 5:1-2; Wednesday, 4 May 1842;
with footnote at the end of the entry by B. H. Roberts.
Wednesday, 4.–I spent the day in the upper part of the
store, that is in my private office (so called because in that
room I keep my sacred writings, translate ancient records, and
receive revelations) and in my general business office, or lodge
room (that is where the Masonic fraternity meet occasionally,
for want of a better place) in council with General James Adams,
of Springfield, Patriarch Hyrum Smith, Bishops Newell K. Whitney
and George Miller, and President [p. 2] Brigham Young and Elders
Heber C. Kimball and Willard Richards, instructing them in the
principles and order of the Priesthood, attending to washings,
anointings, endowments and the communication of keys pertaining
to the Aaronic Priesthood, and so on to the highest order of the
Melchisedek priesthood, setting forth the order pertaining to
the Ancient of Days, and all those plans and principles by which
any one is enabled to secure the fullness of those blessings
which have been prepared for the Church of the First Born, and
come up and abide in the presence of the Eloheim in the eternal
worlds. In this council was instituted the ancient order of
things for the first time in these last days. And the communications I made to this council were of things spiritual, and
to be received only by the spiritual minded; and there was
nothing made known to these men but what will be made known to
all the Saints of the last days, so soon as they are prepared to
receive, and a proper place is prepared to communicate them,
even the weakest of the Saints; therefore let the Saints be
diligent in building the Temple, and all houses which they have
been, or shall hereafter be, commanded of God to build; and wait
their time with patience in all meekness, faith, perseverance
unto the end, knowing assuredly that all these things referred
to in this council are always governed by the principle of
Footnote: This is the Prophet’s account of the introduction of the Endowment ceremonies in this dispensation, and is
the foundation of the sacred ritual of the temples. There has
been some controversies as to the time when these ceremonies
were introduced into the Church. A sect styling itself the
“Re-organized Church,” even goes so far as to claim that these
ceremonies were not introduced into the Church by the Prophet
Joseph Smith at all, but on the contrary claim that they had
their origin with Brigham Young and the Apostles who followed
him in the migration from Nauvoo to Great Salt Lake Valley in
Utah. The evidence, however, against such claims, is overwhelm-
ing. First, the statement of the Prophet in the text above.
Second, a previous allusion to the same thing in his remarks at
Nauvoo, on the 6th of January, 1842. (See History of the
Church, Vol. IV p. 492) Third, the same ceremonies are referred
to in the Revelation of Jan. 19, 1841, in which washings,
anointings, conversations, statutes, judgments, etc., are
explicitly referred to. (History of the Church, Vol. IV, p.
277.) In addition to this evi- [p. 3] dence also Ebenezer
Robinson, associate editor of the Times and Seasons when that
periodical was founded by Don Carlos Smith and himself, and who
at the death of Don Carlos Smith, 1841, became editor-in-chief
of that periodical, and so continued until the 15th of March,
1842–declares that such ceremonies as are alluded to in the
text were inaugurated by special action of the Prophet as early
as 1843. Mr. Robinson subsequently left the Church, but when in
1890, the aforesaid self- styled “Re-organized Church” persisted
in claiming that Joseph Smith the Prophet did not inaugurate
these Temple ceremonies, he published an article in the magazine
he was then conducting, called the Return, in which he bears
emphatic testimony to the effect above stated, namely, that all
these ceremonies were introduced into the Church by the Prophet
Joseph Smith at least as early as 1843. (See The Return, Vol.
II, No. 4, p. 252.)
16. Manuscript History of Brigham Young, p. 116; 4 May 1842.
May 4.–I met with Joseph, Hyrum, Heber, Willard, Bishops
Whitney and Miller, and Gen. James Adams, in Joseph’s private
office, where Joseph taught the ancient order of things for the
first time in these last days, and received my washings,
anointings and endowments.
17. Plural Marriage as Taught by the Prophet Joseph Smith, by
Helen Mar Whitney; published 1882; p. 14; c. 4 May 1842.
I have in my possession a daily journal, writen by my
father, of events which transpired in Nauvoo in 1842, 1843 and
1844, from which I extract the following:
`Strange Events’
“In June 1842, I was invited [initiated] into the ancient
order–was washed and anointed, sealed and ordained a Priest,
etc., in company with nine others, viz: Joseph Smith, Hyrum
Smith, William Law, William Marks, Judge Adams, Brigham Young,
Willard Richards, George Miller and N. K. Whitney.
“January, 1844, my wife, Vilate and many females were
received into the Holy order and were washed and anointed by
Emma Smith.”
18. Letter from Heber C. Kimball to Parley P. Pratt, dated 17
June 1842; Church Historical Department; c. 4 May 1842. [Typed
without sic.]
Nauvoo, June the 17 1842
to Mr Parly P. Pratt
Or Liverpool
Dear Brother and Sister Pratt Sister Ollive not forgoten
by me. no I remember old friends. all though I have not
written to you fore some time, it has been on the acount of much
buisness. I am well my family are tolarble fare. it is a time
of helth in the City of Nauvoo. the Emegration is great here..
they are coming in here from most Evry State in the union this
place has grone half. since I got home the Temple is getting
on well. all seam to be interested in the concern. thare is a
great menny Brick buildings going up this season. thare is 7 or
8 Brick yards in this place, some have burnt three kills this
season. and men Stand Ready to take Evry brick as soon as they
are cool. Brother Joseph feels as well as I Ever see him. one
reason is he has got a Small company that he feels safe in thare
hands. and that is not all he can open his bosom to and feel him Self safe I wish you was here so as to feel and hear fore your Self. we have received some pressious things through the
Prophet on the preasthood that would caus your Soul to rejoice I
can not give them to you on paper fore they are not to be riten. So you must come and get them fore your Self.– We have
organised a Lodge here. of Masons. since we obtained a Charter. that was in March since that thare has near two hundred been
made masons Br Joseph and Sidny was the first that was Received
in to the Lodg. all of the twelve have become members Except
Orson P. he Hangs back. he will wake up soon, thare is a
similarity of preast Hood in masonary. Bro Joseph Ses Masonary
was taken from preasthood but has become degenrated. but menny
things are perfect.. we have a prosession on the 24 of June.
which is cold by Masons St Johns day in this country. I think I
think it will result in good. the Lord is with us and we are
prosperd. Concidering all things. Money is scarce but provi-
sions plenty and cheap. the Saints that come from England–
have all got in to busness, and the grater part of them have got
places, those that have means to by with, by Lots. those that
have not go and take up lots on a disputed tract of land that
lays in the limets of the city it cost nothing. fore them.
proberbly they will not be troubled fore sevrel years they go on
to the Island whare they get thare timber to build with and
burn. this land lays on the bank of the River. and stone
plenty by picking up. so what more can they ask but at the
same time thare is menny that finds folt and are ready to denigh
the Lord and turn braters to thare Brethrn Som have found folt
becaus we had not Housses fore them to go in when they got here
Some becaus we did not make more of them and invite them Home.
and provide for them we would be glad if they could know we have
as much as we can do to live our selvs we are thronged all the
day Long we would Esteam it a pleasure to retire from the Sean.
and rest our warry Souls fore a time but this will not do, we
must fite Dear Br I can tell you our battle will be chort,
and others will have to front the battle my dear wife send
much love to you and wife, you have my best wishes. you have my
prairs. there is much Excitement in this county on the acount
of our Election. we have nominated our own of Officers. and no
doubt we Shal Elect them this maks the Devle made and I am glad
So amen. I am as Ever
/s/ Heber C. Kimball
19. Charles Walker, “Diary”; Church Historical Department; under
date given; also BYU Special Collections; Mor/M270.1/W151/Vol.
2; p. 444 of typescript; 26 July 1872; c. 4 May 1842.
Brigham Young speaking at the 14th Ward Meeting in Salt
Lake City, 26 July 1872:
(BY) Showed that the old members of the Church were fast
passing away, that lived when the Prophet Joseph was alive Said
that he was the only one alive out of seven that the prophet
revealed the Endowments and sealing to viz Hyrum Smith Heber C.
Kimball Bishop Whitney, Willard Richards and himself; the
others I do not recollect. [B. Young mentions there were only 7
who received the endowment on May 4, 1842 instead of the correct
number of 9, because he wanted to forever delete the names of Wm
Law and Wm Marks from the records of the Church since they were
apostates and caused persecution to come upon the saints.]
20. Willard Richards’ personal diary does not have any entry for
4 May 1842. There was no diary kept by Willard Richards for the
Prophet at this time.
21. Heber C. Kimball “Diary,” “Book 91”; Church Historical
Department; no date of entry; c. 4 May 1842.
Strange Events
June 1842 I was aniciated into the ancient order was
washed annointed and Sealled and ordained a Preast and So forth. in company with nine others. viz. Joseph Smith Hiram Smith. Wm
Law Wm Marks Judge Adams. Brigham Young Willard Richards, George Miller N K Whitney
January 1844 my wife Vilate and menny feemales was received
in to the Holy order, and was washed and inointed by Emma
22. Heber C. Kimball Journal; Extract of H. C. Kimball discourse
in the Nauvoo Temple; Church Historical Department; Under date
of 21 December 1845; also published by Helen Mar Whitney in
“Scenes in Nauvoo, and Incidents from H. C. Kimball’s Journal,”
Woman’s Exponent; c. 4 May 1842.
About 4 years ago next May nine persons were admitted into
the Holy Order 5 are now living — B. Young — W. Richards
George Miller — N. K. Whitney & H. C. Kimball two are dead, and
two are worse than dead [i.e. Wm Law & Wm Marks].
23. H. W. Miller, ed. “De Tal Palo Tal Astilla,” Annual
Publications–The Historical Society of Southern California, X,
(1917): pp. 120-121. Letter to “Dear Brother” June 26, 1855.
See also 1 July 1855 letter; c. 4 May 1842.
Many of the Apostles and Elders having returned from
England, Joseph washed and anointed as Kings and Priests to God,
and over to House of Israel, the following named persons, as he
said he was commanded of God, viz: James Adams (of Spring-
field), William Law, William Marks, Willard Richards, Brigham
Young, Heber C. Kimball, Newel K. Whitney, Hyrum Smith, and
myself; conferred on us Patriarchal Priesthood. This took place
on the 5th and 6th of May, 1842.
24. History of the Church, Vol 5:2-3; 5 May 1842.
Thursday, 5.–General Adams started for Springfield, [p. 3]
and the remainder of the council of yesterday continued their
meeting at the same place, and myself and Brother Hyrum received
in turn from the others, the same that I had communicated to
them the day previous.
25. Manuscript History of Brigham Young, p. 116; 5 May 1842.
–5–I attended Council as yesterday, and we administered
to brother Joseph the same ordinances.
26. History of the Church, Vol 5:409; 26 May 1843.
Friday, 26.–At five p.m. I met in counsel in the upper
room, with my brother Hyrum, Brigham Young, Heber C. Kimball,
Willard Richards, Judge James Adams, Bishop Newel K. Whitney and
William Law, and gave them their endowments and also instructions in the priesthood on the new and everlasting covenant, &c.
27. Manuscript History of Brigham Young; p. 129; 26 May 1843.
–26–Met with the Prophet Joseph, the Patriarch Hyrum,
brothers Kimball and Richards, Judge Adams, and Bishop N. K.
Whitney, receiving our endowments and instructions in the
Priesthood. The Prophet Joseph administered to us the first
ordinances of endowment, and gave us instructions on the
Priesthood and the new and everlasting covenant.
28. Joseph Smith “Diary”; Church Archives; 26 May 1843.
Friday May 26th 1843 5.P.M. . I and Hiram and Judge Adams &
Bishop Whitney B. Young, H.C. Kimball, W. Richards & Wm Law, in
council in upper room, receiving instructions on the priesthood,
the new and everlasting covenant, &c. adjourned to Sunday P.M.5.
29. Manuscript History of the Church, Book D1, p. 1561; c. 26
May 1843.
…and gave them their endowments and also instructions in
the Priesthood….
30. No reference in Brigham Young journal for 26 May 1843.
Nothing in Willard Richard’s journal relevant.
31. History of the Church, Vol 5:412; Sunday, 28 May 1843.
Sunday, 28.–Cold, rainy day.
At five p.m. I met with brother Hyrum, Brigham Young, Heber
C. Kimball, Willard Richards, Newel K. Whitney, and James Adams,
in the upper room to attend to ordinances and counseling.
Prayed that James Adams might be delivered from his enemies, and
that Orrin P. Rockwell might be delivered from prison, and that
the Twelve be prospered in collecting means to build the Nauvoo
32. Manuscript History of Brigham Young, p. 129; 28 May 1843.
–28 (Sunday)–I met with brothers Joseph, Hyrum, Heber,
Willard, Bishop Whitney and Judge Adams when we administered to
brother Joseph the same ordinances of Endowment, and of the holy
priesthood which he administered unto us.
33. Joseph Smith “Diary”; Church Archives, Ms/d/155/Bx1/fd6; 28
May 1843.
Sunday May 28. Clouds & rain.– cold. — 5 P.M. – adjourn-
ed council met in the upper Room. attend to ordinances and
councilled and prayed that James Adams might be delivered from
his enemies & O.P. Rockwell & the twelve be pospered [sic] in
collecting means to build the Nauvoo House Joseph– . & J.
Adams [shorthand] &c adjourned to 9 o clock Monday morning.
34. Brigham Young Journal; 28 May 1843.
Sunday 28 at home and at Br Joseph Smith in councel with
Brs. J. Smith H Smith H.C. Kimball N.K. Whitney Judge Adams and
W. Richards.
35. Willard Richards Journal; 28-29 May 1843.
At Josephs — upper Room looking after Lawrence estate,-
–Quorum [of] 12. 29 [May 1843] O.447. Lawrence Estate * * *
36. History of the Church, Vol 5:412-3; 29 May 1843.
Monday, 29.**At nine a.m., I met in council with brother
Hyrum, Brigham Young, Heber C. Kimball, [p. 413] Willard
Richards, Newel K. Whitney, and James Adams.
Singing, and prayer by Elder Brigham Young. Conversation,
instruction and teaching concerning the things of God. Had a
pleasant interview.
37. Manuscript History of Brigham Young, p. 129; 29 May 1843.
–29–Met at 9 a.m. with the same brethren, when Joseph
instructed us further in principles pertaining to the holy
38. Joseph Smith “Diary”; Church Archives, Ms/d/155/Bx1/fd6; 29
May 1843.
Monday May 29th 1843 9 A.M. met pursuant to adjournment. Joseph Hyrum, Brigham, Willard, & Sis Thompson, [shorthand] &
Heber & Newel K. present also Joseph. & James Adams. singing &
prayer by Elder Brigham Young — Conversation & instruction &
teaching concerning the things of God, had a pleasant interview
39. There is no 29 May 1843 Brigham Young entry. He starts on
a mission to the East 5 July 1843.
40. Journal of William Clayton; Friday, 20 October 1843.
Friday 20th [October 1843]. At B.F. Johnsons . . . Evening
J[oseph]. gave us much instruction, showing the advantages of
the E[verlasting]. C[ovenant]. He said there was two seals in
the Priesthood. The first was that which was placed upon a man
and woman when they made the covenant [Celestial Marriage] & the
other was the seal which alloted to them their particular
mansion [Second Anointing]—After his discourse B.F. Johnson &
his wife were united in an everlasting covenant.
41. Statement by Bathsheba W. Smith; quoted in Temples of the
Most High, by N. B. Lundwall; 1952 edition, p. 286; c. end of
1843-beginning of 1844.
I was a resident of Nauvoo, State of Illinois, from 1840 to
1846, I was married to George A. Smith July 25, 1841, Elder Don
Carlos Smith performing the ceremony. Near the close of the
year 1843, or in the beginning of the year 1844, I received the
ordinance of anointing in a room in Sis. Emma Smith’s house in
Nauvoo, and the same day, in company with my husband, I received
my endowment in the upper room over the Prophet Joseph Smith’s
Store. The endowments were given under the direction of the
Prophet Joseph Smith, who afterwards gave us lectures or
instructions in regard to the endowment ceremonies. There has
been no change, to my certain knowledge, in these ceremonies.
They are the same today as they were then. A short time after I
received my anointing, I was sealed to my husband, George A.
Smith for time and eternity, by Pres. Brigham Young, in the
latter’s house, according to the plan taught, to my knowledge,
by the Prophet Joseph Smith. When I was married in 1841, I was
married for time, and not for eternity.
42. Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, pp. 362-363; April 8,
The declaration this morning is, that as soon as the Temple
and baptismal font are prepared, we calculate to give the Elders
of Israel their washings and anointings, and attend to those
last and more impressive ordinances, without which we cannot
obtain celestial thrones. But there must be a holy place
prepared for that purpose. There was a proclamation made during
the time that the foundation of the Temple was laid to that
effect, and there are provisions made until the work is completed, so that men may receive their endowments and be made
kings and priests unto the Most High God, having nothing to do
with temporal things, but their whole time will be taken up with
things pertaining to the house of God. These [sic] must,
however, be a place built expressly for that purpose, and for
men to be baptized for their dead. It must be built in this
central place; for every man who wishes to save his father,
mother, brothers, sisters and friends, must go through all the
ordinances for each one of them separately, the same as for
himself, from baptism to ordination, washing and anointings and
receive all the keys and powers of the Priesthood, the same as
for himself.
43. Journal of Heber C. Kimball; May 1844.
In May 1844 my wife Vilate and many females were received
into the holy order and were washed and anointed by Emma.
44. George Laub Journal; BYU Special Collections; 31 December
At the dedication of the Seventies Hall in Nauvoo, 31
December 1844, Elder Heber C. Kimball urged the saints to
“preserve our president and his wife [viz. Brigham Young and
Mary Ann Young] for we must receive our Endumen [Endowments]
through them. But it must be done in order Every one at his
time as it comes through the channel begining [sic] at the head
& be patient and wait till the[ir] time and turn comes”
45. George A. Smith “Journal”; Church Historical Department;
Sunday, 26 January 1845.
Held Council in the evening. Elder John E. Page was
46. History of the Church, Vol 7:365; 26 January 1845.
Evening I attended prayer meeting.
47. Heber C. Kimball “Journal”; 26 January 1845.
January the 26. I preach / ed in the musick Hall in / the
Evning the Holly Preat / hood meet over Elder / Parley P Pratt
Store Elder / Page Received his admittan / ce in the holy order.
48. Brigham Young “Journal”; 26 January 1845.
Sunday 26 / I was sick in the morning went to the high
Priest corum they agread to finish the upper part of temple next
summer then I went to the temple store had a meeting in the high
49. Amasa M. Lyman “Journal”; 26 January 1845.
. . . in the evening meet in the Quorum.
50. Willard Richard’s “Journal”,26 January 1845, nothing
51. High Priests Quorum Mtg; Misc Minutes Collection; CHO,
Ms/d/4358/folder 8/1845; 26 January 1845.
[Brigham Young encouraging the High Priests not to go ahead
and build a hall but]: . . . go and finish off the upper story
of the Temple [then] you will have a place in which you can
receive your washings and anointings and endowments. . . .There
are certain branches of the endowment that must be done in an
upper room.
52. Perrigrine Sessions Diary; Church Archives; 3 February 1845. [Typed without sic.]
I would remark that on the eighteenth of January that my
brother in law Winsor P. Lyon and my cosen Enock B. Tripp were
baptized under the hand of brother Heber C. Kimball one of the
Twelve this give the connection a time of rejoicing to see them
Obey the truth on the twentieth after receiving my indewments in
the house of the Lord with Lucina my wife I commenced work in
the Temple and I will here say that the Spirit of the Lord was
poured out upon those that were atending to the Ordinances of
the holy priesthood about this time a man by the name of Strang
came into the City and Clamed to bee the head and leader of the
chuch saying that he was called and Ordained by the Prophet
Joseph to that Office this made conciderable of a stir
53. Millennial Star, Vol 5:104; Orson Hyde; March 1845.
Before I went east on the 4th of April, we were in council
with Brother Joseph almost every day for weeks. Says Brother
Joseph, in one of those councils, “There is something going to
happen; I don’t know what it is, but the Lord bids me to hasten,
and give you your endowment before the temple is finished.” He
conducted us through every ordinance of the holy priesthood, and
when he had gone through with all the ordinances he rejoiced
very much, and says, “now if they kill me you have got all the
keys, and all the ordinances, and you can confer them upon
others, and the hosts of Satan will not be able to tear down the
kingdom as fast as you will be able to build it up; and now,”
says he, “on your shoulders will rest the responsibility of
leading this people, for the Lord is going to let me rest a
while.” Now why did he say to the Twelve “on your shoulders
will this responsibility rest,” why did he not mention Brother
Hyrum? The spirit knew that Hyrum would be taken with him, and
hence he did not mention his name; Elder Rigdon’s name was not
mentioned, although he was here all the time, but he did not
attend our councils.
54. Millennial Star, Vol. 5:109; Wilford Woodruff; March 1845.
Has the Prophet Joseph found Elder Rigdon in his councils,
when he organized the quorum of the Twelve a few months before
his death, to prepare them for the endowment? And when they
received their endowment, and actually received the keys of the
Kingdom of God, and oracles of God, keys of revelation, and the
pattern of heavenly things, and thus addressing the Twelve,
exclaimed: “Upon your shoulders the kingdom rests, and you must
round up your shoulders and bear it, for I have had to do it
until now. But now the responsibility rests upon you. It
mattereth not what becomes of me.” I say, has this been the
case with Elder Rigdon in any wise?
55. Millennial Star, Vol. 6:9-10, Appendix; P. P. Pratt, editor;
Written in New York; April 6, 1845.
The despised and degraded son of the forest, who has
wandered in dejection and sorrow, and suffered reproach, shall
then drop his disguise and stand forth in manly dignity, and
exclaim to the Gentiles who have envied and sold him—“I am
Joseph; does my father yet live?” or, in other words, I am a
descendant of that Joseph who was sold into Egypt. You have
hated me, and sold me, and thought I was dead; but lo! I live
and am heir to the inheritance, titles, honors, priesthood,
scepter, crown, throne, and eternal life and dignity of my
fathers, who live for evermore.
He shall then be ordained, washed, anointed with holy oil,
and arrayed in fine linen, even in the glorious and beautiful
garments and royal robes of the high priesthood, which is after
the order of the Son of God; and shall enter into the Holy of
Holies, there to be crowned with authority and power which shall
never end.
The spirit of the Lord shall then descend upon him like the
dew upon the mountains of Hermon, and like refreshing showers of
rain upon the flowers of Paradise.
His heart shall expand with knowledge, wide as eternity,
and his mind shall comprehend the vast creations of his God, and
his eternal purpose of redemption, glory, and exaltation, which
was devised in heaven before the worlds were organized; but made
manifest in these last days, for the fulness of the Gentiles,
and for the exaltation of Israel.
He shall also behold his Redeemer, and be filled with His
presence, while the cloud of His glory shall be seen in His
56. History of the Church, Vol. 7:417-418; Brigham Young
speaking; Saturday, May 24, 1845.
A large number of the saints assembled to witness the
laying of the capstone on the south-east corner of the Temple.
At six o’clock and eight minutes a.m. Brother Wm. Player
commenced spreading the mortar, perfect silence prevailing; the
stone being lifted to its place. I stepped on the same and
fitted it precisely to its position with the large beetle, at
twenty-two past six a.m. the capstone was pronounced set. . .
I said: The last stone is now laid upon the Temple and I
pray the Almighty in the name of Jesus to defend us in this
place and sustain us until the Temple is finished and we have
all got our endowments.
57. History of the Church, Vol 7:481; 9 October 1845.
There seems to be no disposition abroad but to massacre the
whole body of this people, and nothing but the power of God can
save us from the cruel ravages of the bloodthirsty mob.
We concluded to plead with our heavenly Father to preserve
his people, and the lives of his servants that the saints may
finish the Temple and receive their endowments.
58. Nothing in George A. Smith “Journal”; 9 October 1845.
Nothing in the Willard Richards “Journal”; 9 October 1845.
59. Heber C. Kimball “Journal”; T. Bullock’s handwriting; 9
October 1845.
in the morning met for prayer / * * * in the evening the
usual company met for prayers the [next page] following things
were prayed for the prosperity of the Elders / in the United
States, & the brethren in the South Pacific / Islands & the
brethren in the West among the Red men of / the Forrest, that
our enemies may be frustrated in all their / designs, that
confusion and disorder, and treachery / might enter into their
ranks, that the sick of this people / might be healed, union
prevail, and that all of his / servants be saved from their
enemies & that they should / not have power serve their vexa-
tious writs, that the / Temple & Font may be finished and
dedicated & consecrated / to the most high God, that his
servants & handmaids may obtain their ordinances & sealing
powers of the Priesthood, / and the way opened for his saints to
go to the West &c
60. Nauvoo Temple [Historical Documents]; “Nov. 30, 1845 Meeting
of the Twelve and others. Dedication of Upper Room of Temple.
Some Journalizing [by Apostle John Taylor].”; Church Archives;
CR/342/1/fd4; 30 November 1845. [Notation: ^<. . .> represents
inserted text.]
On Sunday the 30th. of November 1845 I met with the
brethren of ^<the> Quorum, not only of the Twelve but others who
had received an endowment during the life-time of Joseph Smith,
in the upper room of the Temple for the purpose of dedicating it
preparatory to receiving or giving the endowments. The large
Room for giving the endowments in is 100 one hundred ^<ninety>
feet long and eighty ^<28> feet wide–it was well fitted up and
carpeted all over. The brethren had sent in their carpets from
all part [sic] the day before. There were also twelve rooms six
on each side for that were well fitted up carpeted and furnished
for the purposes of the priesthood those rooms were all of a
size & were fourteen feet by fourteen feet five inches. The
Room on the south East corner was the one occupied by President
Brigham Young-the next room next west Br. Heber C. Kimball &
President Young ^<together H. C. Kimball & Willard Richards.
Willard Richards is Historian which necessarily throws him into
that position> the first one being intended partly for an
office The third room from the East corner was occupied by
Orson Hyde & Parley P. Pratt the fourth by ^<John E. Page> John
Taylor &/ George A. Smith & Amasa Lyman-The fifth room by Joseph
Young the President of the whole seventies & his council. The
sixth room is for a preparation rooms to wash & annoint preparatory to the annointing. All of these rooms were on the south
side of the building. [p. 2]
The first room on the north east corner was appropriated to
Bishop Whitney & ^<Miller> his coun their Council being intended
for the bishopric. the second for the President of the Stake, &
the High Priesthood & their Quorum. A number of those were
present at the dedication who had heretofore received their
endowment. The fifth room was appropriated for the president of
the Elders & his Council. the sixth for a preparation Room
The order of the rooms so far as the two east corners is
concerned is according to the order of the priesthood in
buildings & Temples. It is the order that the first ^<or south
East> corner stone ^<viz the south east> that be laid in a
Temple should be laid by the president of the ^<whole> Church if
present or (see revelation)—
The following persons were present
Brigham Young– Isaac Morley–
Heber C. Kimball– Alpheus Cutler–
Orson Hyde– Reynolds Cahoon–
Parley P. Pratt– W W Phelps–
Willard Richards– Wm Clayton–
John Taylor– Cornelius ^<P> Lot–
George A. Smith– Orson Spencer–
Amasa Lyman– Joseph Young–
Newel K. Whitney– Lucian Woodworth–
George Miller– Levi Richards–
John Smith– Joseph Kingsbury–
61. History of the Church, Vol. 7:537; Brigham Young; Tuesday,
December 2, 1845.
I spent the day in the Temple making preparations for the
Spent an hour in prayer.
62. History of the Church, Vol. 7:538; Brigham Young; Thursday,
December 4, 1845.
I was engaged with several of the Twelve fitting up the
Temple preparatory to administering the ordinances of endowment.
Evening, the council met for prayer in the Temple.
63. History of the Church, Vol. 7:538; Brigham Young; Monday,
December 8, 1845.
I have been actively engaged in the Temple since the
painters finished, fitting up the apartments and preparing the
rooms for administering endowments.
64. History of the Church, Vol. 7:539; Brigham Young; Wednesday,
December 10, 1845.
Nine a.m., I went to the Temple, weather fine, but cold.
I fitted up the curtains on the east windows, Brother Heber
C. Kimball and wife, Sisters Parley P. Pratt and N. K. Whitney
assisted me.
At 3:45 p.m., we completed the arrangements of the east
room, preparatory to giving endowments.
Four-twenty-five (4:25) p.m., Elder Heber C. Kimball and I
commenced administering the ordinances of endowment (Dec. 10,
Nine-thirty p.m., we assembled for prayers, Amasa Lyman was
We continued officiating in the Temple during the night
until three- thirty a.m. of the 11th.
The following were administered to:
Willard Richards;
Heber C. Kimball and his wife, Vilate;
George A. Smith and Bathsheba W.;
Orson Hyde and Nancy Marinda;
John Smith and Clarissa;
Newel K. Whitney and Elizabeth Ann;
Brigham Young and Mary Ann;
William W. Phelps and Sally;
Parley P. Pratt and Mary Ann;
Amasa Lyman and Mariah Louisa;
George Miller and Mary Catharine;
John Taylor and Leonora;
Lucien Woodworth and Phebe;
John E. Page and Mary;
Joseph C. Kingsbury;
Mary Smith, widow of Hyrum;
Agnes Smith, widow of Don Carlos.
65. History of the Church, Vol. 7:543; Brigham Young; Thursday,
December 11, 1845.
Elder Heber C. Kimball and I went to Joseph Kingsbury’s and
ate breakfast and returned to the Temple.
I officiated in the Temple with the brethren of the Twelve. We administered the ordinances of endowment to:
Isaac Morley and his wife, Lucy;
Orson Spencer and Catharine C.;
Joseph Young;
Alpheus Cutler and Lois;
Reynolds Cahoon and Thirza;
William Clayton and Ruth;
Cornelius Lott and Permelia;
Mother Lucy Smith and Mercy R. Thompson.
At eight a.m., we assembled for prayer, Elder John E. Page
was mouth.
66. History of the Church, Vol. 7:544; Brigham Young; Friday,
December 12, 1845.
In company with my brethren of the Twelve I officiated in
the Temple until midnight.
Orson Pratt and his wife, Sarah Marinda, the First Presidency of the Seventy and their wives and others numbering in all
twenty-eight males and twenty-seven females received the
ordinances of endowment.
67. History of the Church, Vol. 7:544-545; Brigham Young;
Saturday, December 13, 1845.
We continued officiating in the Temple; twenty-five males
and twenty females were administered unto.
I drafted rules for the preservation of order in the House
of the Lord.
68. History of the Church, Vol. 7:545; Brigham Young; Sunday,
December 14, 1845.
The Twelve and others with our wives met in the attic story
of the Temple.
After prayer and singing, Elders Isaac Morley and Charles
C. Rich administered, and we partook of the sacrament.
I introduced the subject of establishing rules for the
preservation of order in the House of the Lord which were agreed
to and ordered to be printed. * * *
There is too much covetousness in the church, and too much
disposition amongst the brethren to seek after power and has
been from the beginning, but this feeling is diminishing and the
brethren begin to know better. In consequence of such feelings
Joseph (Smith) left the people in the dark on many subjects of
importance and they still remain in the dark. We have got to
rid such principles from our hearts.
I referred to the manner in which the corner stones of this
Temple were laid as published in the Times and Seasons and said
that the perfect order would have been for the presidency of the
stake to lay the first or southeast corner; the high council the
second or southwest corner; the bishops the northeast corner;
but the high priests laid the southwest corner, though they had
no right to do it.
I spoke of the brethren making objections to persons being
permitted to receive the ordinances, and added, that when
objections were made I should feel bound to determine whether
the person making the objections was a responsible person, and
if he is not, I should do as I pleased about listening to the
objections; but if he was a responsible person I should listen
to them.
To constitute a man responsible he must have the power and
ability not only to save himself but to save others; but there
are those who are not capable of saving themselves and will have
to be saved by others.
When a man objects to another receiving the ordinances he
becomes responsible to answer to God for that man’s salvation;
and who can tell but if he received the ordinances he would be
saved, but if we refuse to give him the means he cannot be saved
and we are responsible for it.
There is no law to prevent any man from obtaining all the
blessings of the priesthood if he will walk according to the
commandments, pay his tithes and seek after salvation, but he
may deprive himself of them.
After much profitable instruction we united in prayer,
Orson Hyde being mouth.
Meeting adjourned for one week.
69. History of the Church, Vol. 7:547-548; Brigham Young; Monday
to Saturday, December 15-20, 1845.
Monday, 15—the ordinances of endowment were administered
to sixty- four brethren and sisters.
The Twelve and others officiated.
Tuesday, 16—Sixty-nine brethren and sisters received
their endowments.
Wednesday, 17—We continued our labors in the Temple,
administered the ordinances of endowment to sixty-nine brethren
and sisters.
Thursday, 18—Sixty-six persons were administered to in
the Temple.
In consequence of the great pressure of business during the
past week, it had been decided to devote Saturday to the purpose
of washing robes and garments used, but there being a general
desire in the minds of all those officiating in the ordinances
that the work should not cease; it was determined that the
clothes should be washed during the night.
Friday, 19—Ninety-eight persons received ordinances.
Saturday, 20—Ninety-five persons received their ordinances.
70. Harrison Burgess Journal; CHO; Ms/d/893; Monday, 22 Dec
Mon the 22 I was called upon by Pres Joseph Young to go to
the Temple and assist in the work of Endowment with a request
that I would help him clear through until the work was done;
which I did.
71. History of the Church, Vol. 7:549-555; Brigham Young; Monday
to Saturday, December 22-27, 1845.
Monday, 22,—I stayed in the Temple last night and early
this morning gave direction for the arrangements of the day,
assisted by George Miller [Footnote: Brother Miller was
president of the high priests.] as the day was set apart more
especially for the high priests.
One hundred and six persons received ordinances.
Tuesday, 23,—Eighty-seven persons received the ordinances.
Wednesday, 24—All the Twelve have been absent from the
Temple the greater part of this day except Orson Pratt. One
hundred twenty-two persons received the ordinances.
At 11:20, Elder Heber C. Kimball and I returned to the
Temple and remained all night.
Thursday, 25—Six p.m., the high council met for prayer in
room No. 4; the high priests met in room No. 8.
One hundred seven persons received their ordinances. The
business of the day closed at twenty minutes past ten o’clock,
and notice was given that no more washings and anointings would
be attended to at present. Brother Kimball and I, with some few
others, remained in the Temple all night.
Friday, 26—Elders Heber C. Kimball, Orson Pratt and I
were present in the Temple this morning and a few of those who
had been officiating: I called them together in the east room
about 11:30 a.m., and told them there would be no business done
today and that they were all dismissed except the two Brothers
Hanson, and three brethren for officers.
I said we shall have no more anointing at present, and if
the brethren do not get anything more than they have already
received, they have got all they have worked for in building
this house; and if there is any more to be received it is
because the Lord is merciful and gracious.
The high council and high priests will meet together once a
day as usual for prayer.
Two hundred sixty-eight high priests were reported to have
received their endowments.
I further remarked, that when we begin again we should pay
no respect to quorums. Every man that comes in, is washed and
anointed by good men and it makes no difference. Every man that
gets his endowments, whether he is a high priest or seventy may
go into any part of the world and build up the kingdom if he has
the keys. We have been ordained to the Melchizedek priesthood
which is the highest order of the priesthood, and it has many
branches or appendages.
I said, my feelings were to rest a few days and let the
Temple rest, and when we commenced work again I would make a
selection of hands who will remain and officiate daily. No
persons will be allowed to come in unless they are invited, and
I shall feel insulted if they remain here. I felt it impressed
upon me to rest a few days and make these regulations, and as
our oil is done we cannot do much anyway.
Saturday, 27—Orson Pratt was the only one of the Twelve
present in the temple.
72. History of the Church, Vol. 7:564-567; Brigham Young; Monday
to Saturday, 5-10 January, 1846.
Monday, 5—8:45 a.m., commenced washing and anointing
(i.e. in the Temple). Seventeen bottles of oil were consecrated.
One hundred four persons received their endowments.
Tuesday, 6—Seventeen bottles of oil were consecrated.
Ninety persons received ordinances.
Wednesday, 7—This morning there was an immense crowd at
the reception room waiting for admission.
One hundred twenty-one persons received ordinances.
This afternoon, the new altar was used for the first time,
and four individuals and their wives were sealed. The altar is
about two and one- half feet high and two and one-half feet long
and about one foot wide, rising from a platform about 8 or 9
inches high and extending out on all sides about a foot, forming
a convenient place to kneel upon. The top of the altar and the
platform for kneeling upon are covered with cushions of scarlet
damask cloth; the sides of the upright part or body of the altar
are covered with white linen.
The Twelve and presiding bishops with their wives were
present at the dedication of the altar this afternoon.
Thursday, 8—Eighty-one persons received ordinances.
Friday, 9—One hundred and five persons received ordinances in the Temple. I attended to ordinances at the altar.
Saturday, 10—One hundred and eighteen received ordinances.
73. Journal of John Spiers; CHO; Ms/d/1725; 12 January 1846.
On the 12th of January 1846 I received the first degree of
my endowment under the hand of the Presidency of the Seventies,
was washed anointed with oil ordained to be a King and Priest
unto God, in his own due time and introduced through the signs
and orders of the Priesthood.
74. History of the Church, Vol. 7:567-569; Brigham Young; Monday
to Saturday, 12-17 January 1846.
Monday, 12—One hundred and forty-three persons received
their endowments in the Temple. I officiated at the altar.
Such has been the anxiety manifested by the saints to receive
the ordinances of the Temple, and such the anxiety on our part
to administer to them, that I have given myself up entirely to
the work of the Lord in the Temple night and day, not taking
more than four hours sleep, upon an average, per day, and going
home but once a week.
Tuesday, 13—A council was held in the Temple. The
captains of fifties and tens made reports of the number in their
respective companies, who were prepared to start west immediately, should the persecutions of our enemies compel us to do so.
Friday, 16—A company of about forty saints including a
portion of Elder Woodruff’s family, consisting of his wife,
Phebe, and two children, left Liverpool. . . for New Orleans.
Saturday, 17—Thirty-six persons received ordinances in
the Temple.
75. History of the Church, Vol. 7:570-576; Brigham Young; Monday
to Saturday, 19-24 January 1846.
Monday, 19—I administered at the altar all day with the
exception of thirty minutes in which I took some refreshments.
Tuesday, 20—One hundred and ninety-five persons received
ordinances in the Temple.
Public prejudice being so strong against us, and the
excitement becoming alarming we determined to continue the
administration of the ordinances of endowment night and day.
Wednesday, 21—Two hundred and eight persons received
Thursday, 22—One hundred and ninety-eight persons
received ordinances in the Temple.
Friday, 23—One hundred and twenty-eight persons received
ordinances in the Temple.
Saturday, 24—One hundred and fifty-one persons received
ordinances in the Temple. I attended a general meeting of the
official members of the church held in the second story of the
Temple, for the purpose of arranging the business affairs of the
church prior to our exit from this place.
We intend to finish the Temple and the Nauvoo House, as far
as putting on the roof and putting in the windows are concerned.
76. History of the Church, Vol. 7:576-578; Brigham Young; Sunday
to Saturday, 25-31 January 1846.
Sunday, 25—I attended to ordinances in the Temple.
Monday, 26—Nine a.m., I went to the Temple and commenced
the ordinances in the different departments which were set apart
for the purpose; the washing and anointing was suspended until
Tuesday, 27—One hundred and twenty-six persons received
Elders Heber C. Kimball, Orson Hyde, Parley P. Pratt, Orson
Pratt, Amasa Lyman, and I officiated in the higher ordinances.
I officiated at the altar until 10 p.m. and remained in the
Temple all night.
Wednesday, 28—One hundred and seventy-two persons
received ordinance in the Temple.
Thursday, 29—I continued giving endowments in the Temple
in connection with my brethren of the Twelve and others. One
hundred and thirty- three persons received ordinances.
Friday, 30—One hundred and seventy-two persons received
the ordinances of endowment.
Nine a.m., the (wind) vane was put upon the tower of the
Saturday, 31—Two hundred and thirty-three persons received ordinances.
77. History of the Church, Vol. 7:578-581; Brigham Young; Sunday
to Saturday, 1-7 February 1846.
Sunday, 1—Public meeting in the second story of the
Monday, 2—Two hundred and thirty-four persons received
Ten a.m., the Twelve, Trustees and a few others met in
council, to ascertain the feelings of the brethren that were
expecting to start westward. We agreed that it was imperatively
necessary to start as soon as possible.
. . . after returning to the office made inquiries of the
Lord as to our circumstances and the circumstances of the saints
and received satisfactory answers. Retired about 1 a.m.
Tuesday, 3—Notwithstanding that I had announced that we
would not attend to the administration of the ordinances, the
House of the Lord was thronged all day, the anxiety being so
great to receive, as if the brethren would have us stay here and
continue the endowments until our way would be hedged up, and
our enemies would intercept us. But I informed the Brethren
that this was not wise, and that we should build more Temples,
and have further opportunities to receive the blessings of the
Lord, as soon as the saints were prepared to receive them.
Looking upon the multitude and knowing their anxiety, as they
were thirsting and hungering for the word, we continued at work
diligently in the House of the Lord.
Two hundred and ninety-five persons received ordinances.
Wednesday, 4—I continued loading up my wagons, preparatory to starting west.
Friday, 6—Five hundred and twelve persons received the
first ordinances of endowment in the Temple.
Saturday, 7—According to G. A. Smith’s Journal upwards of
six hundred received the ordinances (i.e. of the Temple): One
hundred and twenty-six of which were reported in the Seventies
78. Manuscript History of Brigham Young; Book 4, Ms p. 107;
Brigham Young speaking; July 21, 1849.
Addison Pratt received his endowments on Ensign Hill on the
21st, the place being consecrated for the purpose. Myself and
Elders Isaac Morley, P. P. Pratt, L. Snow, E. Snow, D. D. Rich,
F. D. Richards, Levi W. Hancock, Henry Harriman, and J. M. Grant
being present. Pres. H. C. Kimball, Bp. N. K. Whitney and Elder
John Taylor came after the ordinances were attended to. Elder
C. C. Rich, and P. Pratt were blessed by all, Pres. Kimball
being mouth.
79. Hosea Stout “Journal”; BYU Special Collections; 26 February
* * * In the Evening met several brethren in a prayer
meeting at the upper room in Council House. The endowment is
commenced there & this was a meeting after the order of the
80. Journal of Discourses, Vol. 3:269; Heber C. Kimball; Salt
Lake City; March 23, 1852; as quoted in Temples of the Most
High, “When Endowments Prove a Curse”, p. 387-388.
The most of those present have received their endowments,
their washings and anointings and have made covenants to their
God and their brethren, before witness, that they would be
faithful, that they would be true, that they would listen to all
the counsels of the Lord’s servants, and cease to do evil. All
who have done this have been pronounced clean, and will they
then go and pollute themselves with the wicked? I am sorry to
say that a few are unwise enough to do so.
Both men and women have also covenanted that they will have
no unlawful intercourse with each other. After all this, do any
of you make a practice of speaking evil one of another, of
cheating one another, of lying and deceiving? Yes, some who are
under the covenants just named actually indulge in those evil
practices, and I say to all such that if they do not repent of
their follies and sins, their washings and anointings will prove
a curse instead of a blessing, and will expedite their condemnation.
If a man sins to that degree that he is cut off from the
Church, he forfeits the blessings promised on condition of
keeping his covenants. When a man loses his membership in this
Church, he also loses his Priesthood, and of course the blessings of his endowments. Do not flatter yourself that you can
retain the blessings of the Gospel, and at the same time pursue
a wicked course, for you cannot do it.
81. Journal History; November 8, 1852.
Monday, Nov 8. The day was dull in G. S. L. City. Pres.
Heber C. Kimball, Willard Richards, Thos. Bullock, Wm. C.
Staines, James Ure, James W. Cummings, Samuel L. Sprague, Wm. W.
Phelps, each with a wife met in the Temple room. The brethren
annointed each other. The wives were annointed by Sister
Whitney and Snow; afterwards all partook of cakes and wine.
Some spoke in tongues, etc.
82. Journal of Discourses, Vol. 2:31-32; President Brigham
Young; Delivered on the South-East Corner Stone of the Temple at
Great Salt Lake City, after the First Presidency and the
Patriarch had laid the Stone; April 6, 1853.
And those first Elders who helped to build it [the Kirtland
Temple], received a portion of their first endowments, or we
might say more clearly, some of the first, or introductory, or
initiatory ordinances, preparatory to an endowment.
The preparatory ordinances there administered, though
accompanied by the ministration of angels, and the presence of
the Lord Jesus, were but a faint similitude of the ordinances of
the House of the Lord in their fulness; yet many, through the
instigation of the devil, thought they had received all, and
knew as much as God; they have apostatized, and gone to hell.
But be assured, brethren, there are but few, very few of the
Elders of Israel, now on earth, who know the meaning of the word
endowment. To know, they must experience; and to experience, a
Temple must be built.
Let me give you the definition in brief. Your endowment
is, to receive all those ordinances in the House of the Lord,
which are necessary for you, after you have departed this life,
to enable you to walk back to the presence of the Father,
passing the angels who stand as sentinels, being enabled to give
them the key words, the signs and tokens, pertaining to the Holy
Priesthood, and gain your eternal exaltation in spite of earth
and hell.
Who has received and understands such an endowment, in this
assembly? You need not answer. Your voices would be few and
far between, yet the keys to these endowments are among you, and
thousands have received them, so that the devil, with all his
aids, need not suppose he can again destroy the Holy Priesthood
from the earth, by killing a few, for he cannot do it. God has
set his hand, for the last time, to redeem His people, the
honest in heart, and Lucifer cannot hinder him.
Before these endowments could be given at Kirtland, the
Saints had to flee before mobocracy. . . .
At Nauvoo, Joseph dedicated another Temple, the third on
record [the other two being Kirtland and Far West]. He knew
what was wanting, for he had previously given most of the
prominent individuals then before him their endowment. He
needed no revelation, then, of a thing he had long experienced,
any more than those now do, who have experienced the same
things. It is only where experience fails, that revelation is
But what of the Temple in Nauvoo? . . . many received a
small portion of their endowment, but we know of no one who
received it in its fulness.
83. Journal of Wilford Woodruff; September 17, 1854.
President Young preached this afternoon & spoke upon the
Law of Consecration & had an interesting conversation in our
Prayer Circle. The subject of Elder Orson Pratt publishing The
Seer & the doctrine it contained was brought up in conversation. President Young said he ought not to have published the marriage
ceremony. It was sacred & one of the last ceremonies attended
to in the Endowments & ought not to have been given to the
84. Remarks by President H. C. Kimball; CHO, Ms/d/627/Box 3;
Tabernacle; Sunday Morning, Feb. 4, 1855.
If [I] want to court a man’s daughter it is my duty first
to ask the father’s consent, when I get his permission I have to
come and court her.
Well I will make a few remarks to the brethren in the
priesthood upon the subject. For there is no greater responsibility than those out of the kingdom, they have to get the
consent of parents and the woman, but have first to get leave
from the man who holds the keys of the priesthood then of the
father and mother before you can take a young woman to wife. If
a woman comes to you and makes a proposal, say I have no
authority to accept of your proposition but I will go and ask
the person who hol[d]s the keys first and then I can tell you
what I will do. And when a woman in this Church marries a man
out of it, a woman that has received her endowments she violates
her covenant. Do you know that? I want to to [sic] tell you of
it. Although I had no idea of speaking upon these subjects but
I am very glad that I have, are not you? (Congregation respond-
ed yes.)
85. Journal of Discourses 2:315; Brigham Young; the Tabernacle,
Great Salt Lake City; July 8, 1855. [Compare with D&C 129.]
Then go on and build the Temples of the Lord, that you may
receive the endowments in store for you, and possess the keys of
the eternal Priesthood, that you may receive every word, sign,
and token, and be made acquainted with the laws of angels, and
of the kingdom of our Father and our God, and know how to pass
from one degree to another, and enter fully into the joy of your
86. Journal of Discourses 3:332; Brigham Young; the Bowery,
Great Salt Lake City; June 8, 1856. [See also Ezra 10:19;
Genesis 48:13-14; Isaiah 41:10, 13; Acts 7:55-56; Romans 8:34;
Heb. 1:1-3.]
A great many of you have had your endowments, and you know
what a vote with uplifted hands means. It is a sign which you
make in token of your covenant with God and with one another,
and it is for you to perform your vows. When you raise your
hands to heaven and let them fall and then pass on with your
covenants unfulfilled, you will be cursed.
87. Wilford Woodruff “Journal”; Church Archives; 2 October 1856.
I met with Presidents B. Young, H. C. Kimball & J. M. Grant
at the House of the Lord at 6 O’clock P.M. for the purpose of
Dedicating the Baptismal Font which has of Late been built on
the east side of the House of the Lord there was also present
besides the Presidency W Woodruff E Hunter Joseph Young D. H.
Wells A Carrington L. W. Hardy J. C. Little & Gilbert Clements.
We went to the Font & knelt down around it & dedicated it
unto God President B. Young called upon President Heber C
Kimball to be mouth in the dedication Prayer. . . After the Font
was dedicated President Brigham Young went down into the Font &
Baptized Presidents Heber C. Kimball & J. M. Grant & he laid his
hands upon them & confirmed them members in the Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter Day Saints & blessed them in the name of the
Lord He blessed Heber C. Kimball & Heber C. Kimball was mouth
in blessing J. M. Grant
President Young said unto Heber C. KImball Brother Heber
Chase In the name of Jesus Christ I lay my hands upon your head
and I confirm you to be a member in the Church of Jesus Christ
of Latter Day Saints & I seal upon you the gift of the Holy
Ghost & Eternal life and I ordain & seal upon your head to be a
prophet, Seer & Revelator in the Church & Kingdom of God on the
Earth that was ever sealed upon the head of any man & I seal
these blessings upon you in the name of Jesus Christ Amen. . .
President Brigham Young then Baptized me & all the Presidency
laid hands upon me & J. M Grant was mouth in confirming me &
said. . . President B. Young then baptized Bishop Edward Hunter
& confirmed him he was mouth & said. . .
President Young then baptized the following persons, Joseph
Young D. H. Wells, A. Carrington L. W. Hardy, J. C. Little &
Gilbert Clements & was mouth in confirming them all except D. H.
Wells. H. C. Kimball spoke upon his head. this made 10 persons
which President Brigham Young Baptized & confirmed.
Heber C. Kimball then baptized President Brigham Young &
confirmed him & said (J. M. grant also laid on hands) Brother
Brigham Young we lay our hands upon your head & Confirm you to
be a member in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints &
we seal upon your head the Holy Priesthood with all the Keys
powers & blessings appertaining thereunto even to be a prophet
seer & revelator in the Church & Kingdom of God & over the House
of Israel & we seal upon your head all the blessings all the
blessing which were sealed upon you by the Prophet Joseph & we
say unto you that you shall have power over your enemies & you
shall not be slain by them but you shall live to see them
overthrown & to see the Saints come off victorious over there
enemies & I seal these blessing upon you in the name of Jesus
Christ Amen. . .
88. Journal of Discourses, Vol 4:149; Wilford Woodruff; Salt
Lake City; December 21, 1856; as quoted in Temples of the Most
High, “Those Who Slew the Prophet Joseph Had Their Endowments”;
p. 389.
I remember what Joseph said a short time before he was
slain in one of the last sermons I ever heard him preach. Said
he: “Men are here today who are seeking my blood, and they are
those who have held the Priesthood and have received their
washings and anointings; men who have received their endowments.” I saw the faces of those men at that time, and they had
a hand in slaying the Prophet. There are men who now possess
the same spirit and the same desire.
89. Journal of Discourses, Vol 4:192-3; Wilford Woodruff; Salt
Lake City; January 25, 1857; as quoted in Temples of the Most
High, “God Received His Endowments Millions of Years Ago”; p.
Some of the people have looked upon the law of tithing as a
kind of tax and burden laid upon them, but who is it for? Our
tithing, our labor, and all that we do in the Kingdom of God,
who is it all for? The tithing is not to exalt the Lord, or to
feed or clothe Him. He has had His endowments long ago; it is
thousands and millions of years since He received His blessings,
and if He had not received them, we could not give them to Him,
for He is far in advance of us. I want the brethren to under-
stand this one thing, that our tithing, our labor, our works are
not for the exaltation of the Almighty, but they are for us.
90. Journal of Discourses, Vol 4:231-2; Wilford Woodruff; Salt
Lake City; February 22, 1857; as quoted in Temples of the Most
High, “Ten Tribes to Receive Endowments Through Those Present”;
p. 389-390.
Again, here are the ten tribes of Israel. We know nothing
about them only what the Lord has said by His Prophets. There
are Prophets among them, and by and by they will come along, and
they will smite the rocks, and the mountains of ice will flow
down at their presence, and a highway will be cast up before
them, and they will come to Zion, receive their endowments, and
be crowned under the hands of the children of Ephraim, and there
are persons before me in this assembly today who will assist to
give them their endowments. They will receive their blessings
and endowments, from under the children of Ephraim, who are the
first fruits of the Kingdom of God in this dispensation, and the
men will have to be ordained and receive their Priesthood and
endowments in the land of Zion, according to the revelations of
91. Journal of Wilford Woodruff; Church Historical Department;
Ms/f/115; June 14, 1857. Typed as in original.
I attended the prayer circle The presidency & W.W. G.A.S.
A Lyman & C C Rich of the Twelve were present there was much
conversation upon various subjects President Young said I
shall not seal the people as I have done Old Father Allred
brough[t] three young girls 12 & 13 years old I would not seal
them to them him They would not be equally yoked together.
The devil can get as many recommends as he can back many get
their endowments who are not worthy to & this is the way devils
are made there will be some needed in the next world. J.C.
Little & L.W. Hardy was sent out to obtain cattle to help pay a
Church Debt in a few days they returned Little from the North
& Hardy from the South there was cattle gotten so the presidency
paid fifteen thousand Dollars debts with them The subject of
Wm Smith was brought up it was said that Joseph Smith Prophes-
ied that he would become a good man when he became an old man
The brethren thought that he said if he ever did become good it
would be when he was an old man President Young then said
“whether Joseph said it or not I will say in the name of the
Lord that if Wm Smith lives until He is 65 or 70 years old He
will become a good humble man he will do the best he can he
will have to answer for his sins” write this Brother Woodruff
& put in into the Church History” When a man give[s] way to the
power of the Devil he finds it hard to recover himself again.
92. Journal of Discourses, Vol 4:372-3; Brigham Young; Salt Lake
City; June 28, 1857; as quoted in Temples of the Most High,
“Giving Endowments to Some Proves Their Overthrow”; p. 388-389.
Giving endowments to a great many proves their overthrow
through revealing things to them which they cannot keep. They
are not worthy to receive them. Brother Heber takes the lead in
giving endowments, and you may ask, “Why do you give such folks
their endowments?” To qualify them to be devils, if they wish
to be. The plan of salvation is calculated to make devils as
well as Saints; for by and by we shall need some to serve as
devils; and it takes almost as much knowledge to make a complete
devil as it does to fit a man to go into the celestial kingdom
of God, and become an heir to His kingdom. We want to complete
the education of a number of such fellows; they are running to
the States, to California, and elsewhere, and are trying to
reveal this, that, and the other; but I defy any one of them to
give any idea of what is taught them in their endowments, except
a garbled mass of trash. God takes that knowledge from their
93. Journal of Wilford Woodruff; Brigham Young speaking; August,
Many get their endowments who are not worthy to, & this is
the way devils are made. There will be some needed in the next
94. Journal of Discourses 6:63; Heber C. Kimball; the Tabernacle, Great Salt Lake City; Sunday morning, November 22, 1857.
I do not believe that we can emerge right into the presence
of God, although we may see him, not in the flesh, but we can in
the Spirit, if He touches the eyes of our understanding; but we
cannot see him with these bodies of flesh. Joseph always told
us that we would have to pass by sentinels that are placed
between us and our Father and God. Then, of course, we are
conducted along from this probation to other probations, or from
one dispensation to another, by those who conducted those
95. Journal of Wilford Woodruff; November 26, 1857.
In company with G A Smith I called upon President Brigham
Young and asked counsel about publishing the endowments or an
outline of it telling the time when the Twelve received their 2d
Anointing and about the organization of the Council of 50. He
gave his consent for us to publish an account of it so that the
Saints might understand it.
96. Journal of Discourses 6:154-155; Orson Hyde; the Tabernacle,
Great Salt Lake City; January 3, 1858. [Note the reference to
the apostolic right to forgive sins, as mentioned in John
Well, brethren and sisters, let it be our happy lot and our
ambition so to live before our God and our superiors that have
gone before us, that they may take pleasure in saying to us.
`Well done, good and faithful servant; thou hast been faithful
over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things.’ I
tell you, Joseph holds the keys, and none of us can get into the
celestial kingdom without passing by him. We have not got rid
of him, but he stands there as the sentinel, holding the keys of
the kingdom of God; and there are many of them beside him. I
tell you, if we get past those who have mingled with us, and
know us best, and have a right to know us best, probably we can
pass all other sentinels as far as it is necessary, or as far as
we may desire. But I tell you, the pinch will be with those
that have mingled with us, stood next to us, weighed our
spirits, tried us, and proven us: there will be a pinch, in my
view, to get past them. The others, perhaps, will say, If
brother Joseph is satisfied with you, you may pass. If it is
all right with him, it is all right with me.
97. Journal History; Mss History of B. Young, p. 1085; Heber C.
Kimball speaking; November 13, 1858.
We do not expect that for several days to come all the
Saints will be Masons, but the principle is for every man to
hold each other sacred, it is so with many of us, but it should
be the case with us all, especially towards our President. The
endowments are necessary to place men under obligations to God.
The covenants you make in the house of the Lord were made with
the Father, Son and the Holy Ghost, hence do you not see that we
are only witnesses in all the endowments. I merely speak of
this to remind you of your sacred obligations. We have the true
Masonry. The Mason of the day is received from the apostasy
which took place in the days of Solomon and David. They know
now and then a thing that is correct but we know the real thing
but how many comprehend it and see the propriety of being true
to each other.
98. Journal of Discourses 10:172; Brigham Young; the Tabernacle, Great Salt Lake City; May 24, 1863.
Those who are counted worthy to dwell with the Father and
the Son have previously received an education fitting for that
society; they have been made fully acquainted with every
password, token and sign which has enabled them to pass by the
porters through the doors into the celestial kingdom.
99. Journal of Discourses, Vol 10:240-41; Heber C. Kimball; the
Bowery, Great Salt Lake City; July 19, 1863; as quoted in
Temples of the Most High, “Jesus Gave His Disciples Their
Endowments”; p. 386-387.
Let the Saints reflect upon these matters which I am laying
before them. Think of your holy endowments and what you have
been anointed to become, and reflect upon the blessings which
have been placed upon you for they are the same in part that
were placed upon Jesus; he was the one that inducted his
Apostles into these ordinances; it was he who set up the kingdom
of which we are subjects. This is the kingdom of which all the
Prophets spake, and to which Daniel alluded when he said: “And
in the days of these kings shall the God of Heaven set up a
kingdom, which shall never be destroyed; and the kingdom shall
not be left to other people, but it shall break in pieces and
consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand forever.” It is
a blessing to have the privilege of entering into the Kingdom of
God and partaking of the privileges and blessings that are be-
stowed upon its members.
100. Brigham Young Letter; February 17, 1864.
There is no sealing done outside the endowment house in
this city.
101. Journal of Discourses, Vol 10:309; also Discourses of
Brigham Young, p. 396; June 11, 1864.
Most of you, my brethren, are Elders, Seventies, or High
Priests; perhaps there is not a Priest or Teacher present. The
reason of this is that when we give the brethren their endowments, we are obliged to confer upon them the Melchizedek
Priesthood; but I expect to see the day, when we shall be so
situated that we can say to a company of brethren, You can go
and receive the ordinances pertaining to the Aaronic order of
Priesthood, and then you can go into the world and preach the
Gospel, or do something that will prove whether you will honor
that Priesthood before you receive more. Now we pass them
through the ordinances of both Priesthoods in one day, but this
is not as it should be and would, if we had a temple wherein to
administer these ordinances. But this is all right at present;
we should not be satisfied in any other way, and consequently we
do according to the circumstances we are placed in.
102. Journal of Wilford Woodruff; Brigham Young speaking; July
13, 1865.
Get your endowments before you get married so that your
sons may be heirs to the priesthood – “a right to the priesthood
and heirship.”
103. Journal of Wilford Woodruff; December 26, 1866.
President Young said that when persons came to get their
endowments should be clean and pure. A man should not touch a
woman for 10 days before getting their endowments and the Twelve
while travelling should hold meetings with the male members at
priesthood meetings & teach these, but they have to be handled
in wisdom or evil will grow out of it.
104. Journal History; January 31, 1868; also History of Brigham
Young 1868:131.
The school of the prophets met in the 14th Ward School
House. Pres. Brigham Young, Heber C. Kimball and Daniel H.
Wells and the Twelve Apostles and others were present. Pres.
Brigham Young and counselors spoke; also Hiram B. Clawson, Bp.
Edwin D. Woolley, Daniel Evans and Erastus Snow. Prests.
Young, Kimball and Wells spoke on the impropriety of the youth
of Zion marrying instead of getting sealed. He also spoke of
cleanliness of person, before going to get their endowments; a
woman should not go for a week after her menses were upon her, a
man should not have intercourse with his wife for several days,
but should be clean in body and exercised in spirit previous
thereto; his clothing should be changed once or twice before
going there.
105. Journal of Discourses 12:163; Brigham Young; the Old
Tabernacle, Salt Lake City; February 16, 1868.
It is absolutely necessary that the Saints should receive
the further ordinances of the house of God before this short
existence shall come to a close, that they may be prepared and
fully able to pass all the sentinels leading into the celestial
kingdom and into the presence.
106. Journal of Discourses, Vol 16:186-187; President Brigham
Young; Franklin, Cache County; Thursday evening, September 4,
There are many of the ordinances of the house of God that
must be performed in a Temple that is erected expressly for the
purpose. There are other ordinances that we can administer
without a Temple. You know that there are some which you have
received–baptism, the laying on of hands, the gifts of the Holy
Ghost, such as the speaking in and interpretation of tongues,
prophesying, healing, discerning of spirits, etc., and many
blessings bestowed upon the people, we have the privilege of
receiving without a Temple. There are other blessings that will
not be received, and ordinances that will not be performed
according to the law that the Lord has revealed, without their
being done in a Temple prepared for that purpose. We can, at
the present time, go into the Endowment House and be baptized
for the dead, receive our washings and anointing, etc., for
there we have a font that has been erected dedicated expressly
for baptizing people for the remission of sins, for their health
and for their dead friends; in this the Saints have the privilege of being baptized for their friends. We also have the
privilege of sealing women to men, without a Temple. This we
can do in the Endowment House; but when we come to other sealing
ordinances, ordinances pertaining to the holy Priesthood, to
connect the chain of the Priesthood from father Adam until now,
by sealing children to their parents, being sealed for our
forefathers, etc., they cannot be done without a Temple. But we
can seal women to men, but not men to men, without a Temple.
When the ordinances are carried out in the Temples that will be
erected, men will be sealed to their fathers, and those who have
slept clear up to father Adam. This will have to be done,
because of the chain of the Priesthood being broken upon the
earth. The Priesthood has left the people, but in the first
place the people left the Priesthood.
107. Jans Christian Anderson Weibye Daybooks; CHO; Daybook #3,
pp. 159-160; December 31, 1874. J. C. A. Weibye born Sept 26,
1824; died Feb 28, 1893. [Typed as in the original without use
of sic.]
Copy of a Letter from J. F. Steck in St. George to James
Wareham here in Manti.
St.George Dec. 31st 1874.
Pr. G.A. Smith had asked Brother Brigham Young, why he was
in such a hurry to see the Temple in St. George completed. Prs.
B. Young answered, “What will you do if I die before the Temple
is completed, the candle is nearly burnt out, and can not last
much longer; therefore I want to see this Temple completed
before I die, that I can give the Keys to others.”
Last Sunday George A. Smith was preaching about the
persecutions that the Church had undergone in the past, and he
said “if the Gentiles oppress us much more, & drive us from
here, we will send 10 or 15,000 Elders through the States [p.
160] and we will take the Government from them whether they like
it or not, So help me God.” a loud and deep Amen! arose from
the assembled congregation.
108. “Journal of Henry W. Bigler”; Utah Historical Quarterly,
Vol 4:143; October 30, 1876.
October 30th. 1876. Endowments ceased in the Endowment
House. President Young said, “If the people wish to receive
their endowments and sealings they must go to Saint George and
receive them in a Temple.”
109. “St. George Temple. Account of Building and Dedication
1873-1877″; Church Archives; Restricted Document; CR/343/19/Vol
1(?); 27608 (vault); January 1, 1877.
Remarks by President Brigham Young At the Temple, St.
George, January 1, 1877.
“I cannot consent in my feelings to retire from this house
without exercising my strength, the strength of my lungs,
stomach and speaking organs, in speaking to this people. I
hardly dare say what is in my heart to say to this people.
Perhaps it would not be prudent, but I will say a few encouraging things to the Latter Day Saints, that is they ought to be
encouraging. We that are here are enjoying a privilege that we
have no knowledge of any other people enjoying since the days of
Adam. that is, to have a Temple completed, wherein all the
ordinances of the House of God, can be bestowed upon His people. Brethren and Sisters, do you understand this! it seems that a
great many of the people knew nothing about it. It is true that
Solomon built a Temple for the purpose of giving Endowments, but
from what we can learn of the history of that time, they gave
very few, if any Endowments, and one of the High Priests was
murdered by wicked and corrupt men, who had already begun to
Apostatize, because he would not reveal those things Appertain-
ing to the Priesthood, that were forbidden him to reveal until
he came to the proper place. I will not say, but what Enoch had
Temples and officiated therein, but we have no account of it.
We knew that he raised up a people so pure and holy that they
were not permitted to remain with the wicked inhabitants of the
earth, but were taken to another place. We as Latter Day Saints
have been laboring for over forty years, and the revelations
given us in the first, were to establish the Kingdom, by
gathering the Saints, building Temples, and organizing the
people as the family of heaven here on the earth, We reared up
a Temple in Kirtland, but we had no basement in it, nor a font,
nor preparation to give Endowments for the living or the dead.
It was left by the saints before it was completed. they going
to Missouri; Joseph located the site for the Temple Block, in
Jackson County Missouri, and pointed out the southeast corner of
the Temple in the year 1831. also laid the corner stone for a
Temple in Far West, Caldwell County, Missouri. These Temples
were not built. We built one in Nauvoo, I could pick out
several before me now, that were there when it was built, and
knew just how much was finished and what was done. It is true
we left brethren there with instructions to finish it, and they
got it nearly completed before it was burned, but the Saints did
not enjoy it. Now we have a Temple which will be finished in a
few days, and of which there is enough completed to commence
work therein, which has not been done since the days of Adam,
that we have any knowledge of. Now those that can see the
Spiritual Atmosphere, can see that many of the Saints are still
glued to this earth, and lusting and longing after the things of
this world, in which there is no profit. It is true we should
look after the things of this world and devote all to the
building up of the Kingdom of God. According to the present
feelings of many of our brethren, they would arrogate to them-
selves this world and all that pertains to it, and cease not day
nor night to see that it was devoted to the building up of the
Kingdom of the devil. and if they had the power, they would
build a rail-road to carry it to Hell and establish themselves
there! Where are the eyes and hearts of this people? Where is
their interest in their own Salvation and that of their fore–
fathers? We enjoy privileges that are enjoyed by no one else on
the face of the earth. suppose we were awake to this thing,
namely the salvation of the human family, this house would be
crowded – as we hope it will be – from Monday Morning until
Saturday night. This house was built here in this place purposely, where it is warm and pleasant in the winter time, and
comfortable to work, also for the Lamanites and all those coming
from the South and other places to receive their Endowments and
other blessings. What do you suppose the fathers would say if
they could speak from the dead! Would they not say, We have
lain here thousands of Years, here in this prison house, waiting
for this dispensation to come. Here we are bound and fettered
in the Association of those who are filthy” What would they
whisper in our ears? Why! if they had the power the very
thunders of heaven would be in our ears, if we could but realize
the importance of the work we are engaged in. All the Angels of
heaven are looking at this little handful of people, and
stimulating them to the Salvation of the human family, so also
are the devils in hell looking at this people too. and trying to
overthrow us, and the people are still shaking hands with the
servants of the devil. instead of sanctifying themselves and
calling upon the Lord and doing the work which he has commanded
us. and put into our hands to do. When I think upon this
subject, I want the tongues of Seven thunders to wake up the
people. Can the fathers be saved without us? No. Can we be
saved without them? No. and if we do not wake up and cease to
long after the things of this earth, we will find that we as
individuals will go down to hell, although the Lord will
preserve a people unto Himself.
“Now we are ready to give Endowments. Do you have any
feelings for those who have died without having the Gospel? The
Spirit was awakened in the people in the North. When we gave
the word that we should do no more work in the Endowment House,
they came to us crying and pleading to be baptized for their
dead. What else could they do? They can come here and do the
work for their dead. and put these poor prisoners on the ground
where they will be free. Do we realize this? As long as we
tarry here, we are subject to the world. But now go to, like
men and women, and say, we will embrace the truth and enter into
the covenants of God, and carry them out. Then the bonds are
broken and the hearts of the people are united in the Father.
Perhaps, brethren and sisters, you will not get my meaning, but
now go to work and let these holes in the ground alone, and let
the Gentiles alone, who would destroy us if they had the power.
You are running after them, and some of our brethren are putting
their wives and daughters into their society, and will go to the
devil with them too, if they do not look out. I would not have
a dollar on the earth if I had to get it there. It has been the
Kingdom of God with me. What I have, I have got in this
Kingdom. Well, now, some of the Elders are running after these
holes in the ground, and I see men before me in this house, that
have no right to be here, they are as corrupt in their hearts as
they can be, and we take them by the hand and call them brother. You will go to hell [unreadable] [if you do not ?] repent. You
may think this is plain talk, it is not as plain as you will
find by and by. If you should ever go to the Gates of heaven,
Jesus will say he never knew you, while you have been saying
your prayers and going to your Meetings and are as corrupt in
your hearts as men can be. You had better stop now and repent
of your sins, and sin no more while there is yet time. and
before the doors are Closed against you. I want to wake you up,
and if I had the power to lift the Vail from your eyes, and let
you see things as they are, you would be astonished. Not but
what there are a great majority of the people as good as they
know how to be. Now I will say, bless the people, that they may
do better, but show some of the Elders of Israel according to
their present conduct, a dollar on one side, and Eternal life on
the other, and I fear they would choose the dollar.
“We are now prepared to attend to Baptizing and giving
Endowments, and shall appoint Tuesdays and Wednesdays for
baptisms, and Thursdays and Fridays for Endowments and Sealings,
as a standing appointment for the present,
“God bless you. Amen.
“I do not know whether the people are satisfied with the
services of the dedication of the Temple or not. We should be
satisfied, but I do not mean to and never expect to be satisfied
until the devil is whipped and driven from off the face of the
The Choir sang the Hymn, “Glorious things of thee are
Spoken,” and the Assembly was dismissed by prayer by Elder B.
Young Jr.
The People passed out at the east door.
110. “St. George Temple. Building and dedication services,
1877–1927.”; Church Archives; Restricted Document; CR/343/19/
Vol. 2; January 1, 1877. In a dedicatory prayer used in the St.
George Temple is the following beautiful invocation:
We thank thee, O Lord, that (p.2) Thy people who Thou hast
led to this distant land and whom Thou hast preserved by Thine
own right arm, have been permitted to establish themselves in
the home which Thou hast given them, and that, through Thy
continued blessings, they have been enabled to gather together
the materials of which this building is composed; to put
together and erect the same, even a Temple, which we dedicate
and now consecrate to Thee, that it may be Holy unto Thee the
Lord our God, for Sacred and Holy purposes, and that the
blessing, even Life forevermore may be commanded here from
Heaven, even from Thy presence and may flow through the Ordinances which appertain unto Thy Holy Place unto us Thy children.
111. Church Archives; CR 343/19 (vault) contains book with
information about building, dedication and beginning of temple
work. A dedication was conducted January 1, 1877 in the sealing
room w/ Brigham Young, Wilford Woodruff, Erastus Snow, and
Brigham Young Jr. present. At the occasion Erastus Snow, Brigham
Young Jr. and Wilford Woodruff gave dedicatory prayers and
Brigham Young spoke–all recorded in this book and in journal of
Wilford Woodruff. From the Temple Book (Apparently this was
prepared by Wilford Woodruff himself using his diary as one
source. It closes “Salt Lake City March 26, 1883 signed. Wilford
Woodruff.” Prepared by him and copied into the St. George
book.); 1 January 1877.
<1> pp. 23-24 from WW’s dedicatory prayer:
“that Thou wilt lay Thy hand upon Thy servant Brigham unto
the renewal of his body and the healing of all his infirmities,
and the lengthening out of his days and years. Yea, Oh! Lord,
may he live to behold the inhabitants of Zion united and enter
into the holy order of God. And keep the Celestial Law. that
they may be justified before Thee. May he live to behold Zion
redeemed, and successfully fight the devils, visible or in-
visible, that make war upon They [sic] Saints. May he live to
behold other Temples built…. that Thy Servant Brigham may
stand in the flesh to behold the nation which now occupies the
Land upon which Thou Oh! Lord, hast said the Zion of God should
stand in the latter-days, that Nation, who has shed the blood of
Prophets and Saints, which cries unto God, day and night for
vengeance [sic]…, that he may live to see that Na[t]ion, if
they will not repent and serve God, broken in pieces like a
potters vessel, and swept from off the face of the earth, as
with a leson [sic] of destriction [sic] as were the Jaredites
and Nephites, that the land of Zion, may cease to groan under
the wickedness, and abominations….” [p. 27] “bless all the
organizations of the Church and Kingdom. May Thy people
accomplish the work unto which they are ordained; build up the
Zion of God and prepare the earth for the coming of the Son of
Man. Bless the Female Relief Societies throughout the land of
Zion. May they fully accomplish the object of their organization by thy servant Joseph, may they influence the daughters of
Zion to deeds of virtue, holiness, righteousness and truth, may
the blessings of Sarah, Huldah, Hannah, Anna and Mary, the
ancient Prophetesses and holy women rest upon them.”
<2> pp. 33-34 from Erastus Snow’s dedicatory prayer:
“Bless especially they [sic] servant Brigham Young, whom
Thou has given us for a leader and President over all thy
people. by whose hand Thou didst lead them into this land, and
plant their feet in the tops of the mountains, inspired him to
build this house unto Thee with all the Apartments and appointments thereoff. [sic] Comfort him in his old age, heal up his
body, relieve him of aches and pains, fill him with the revelation of thy Spirit to speak they [sic] word unto thy people. and
that he may be able to order all things in this Thine House, and
among thy people as thou wilt. Bless also his wives and
children and all that Thou hast given him.”
<3> pp. 38 from Brigham Young Jr’s prayer:
“Bless thine aged Servant Brigham Young, with strength to
labor in this building, as seemeth good unto Thee righteous
112. Journal of Discourses 18:303; Brigham Young; at the
Temple, St. George; January 1, 1877. According to Masonic
tradition, Hiram Abiff was murdered in the Jerusalem Temple
because he would not reveal the Master’s password. However,
perhaps President Young was referring to Zachariah, for which
see Matthew 23:35; Luke 11:51 and 2 Chronicles 24:20.
It is true that Solomon built a Temple for the purpose of
giving endowments, but from what we can learn of the history of
that time they gave very few if any endowments, and one of the
high priests was murdered by wicked and corrupt men, who had
already begun to apostatize, because he would not reveal those
things appertaining to the Priesthood that were forbidden him to
reveal until he came to the proper place.
113. Church Archives; CR 343/19 (vault) contains book with
information about building, dedication and beginning of temple
work. From the Temple Book (Apparently this prepared by Wilford
Woodruff himself using his diary as one source. It closes “Salt
Lake City March 26, 1883 signed. Wilford Woodruff.” Prepared by
him and copied into the St. George book.); 9 January 1877.
“I Wilford Woodruff, bear testimony, that Prest. B. Young,
told me to go to work and prepare the Temple for giving Endowments and I had made the preparations according to his acceptance. And on the 9th of Jan. 1877 we repaired to the Temple,
and for the first time the Ordinance of baptism for the dead was
performed in the Temple of St. George. Wilford Woodruff went
into the font, by the direction of Prest. Brigham Young, and
administered the ordinance of baptism for the first 141 persons. and confirmed the first person. Prest. Young laying on hands at
the same time.
114. Church Archives; CR 343/19 (vault) contains book with
information about building, dedication and beginning of temple
work. From the Temple Book (Apparently this prepared by Wilford
Woodruff himself using his diary as one source. It closes “Salt
Lake City March 26, 1883 signed. Wilford Woodruff.” Prepared by
him and copied into the St. George book.); January 1877.
pp. 10-11 indicate that in addition to the men mentioned as
having been selected by BY and others added by WW for temple
work, there were fourteen women “called by Prest. B. Young” in
January 1877.
115. Letter Press Book # 4; BYU Special Collections; Mss 188,
L. John Nuttall Papers, Container #4; p. 290; c. January 1877.
In January 1877, shortly after the lower portion of the St.
George Temple was dedicated, President Brigham Young, in
following up in the Endowments written, became convinced that it
was necessary to have the formula of the Endowments written, and
he gave directions to have the same put in writing.
Shortly afterwards he explained what the Lecture at the
Veil should portray, and for this purpose appointed a day when
he would personally deliver the Lecture at the Veil. Elders J.
D. T. McAllister and L. John Nuttall prepared writing material,
and as the President spoke they took down his words. Elder
Nuttall put the same into form and the writing was submitted to
President Young on the same evening at his office in residence
at St. George. He there made such changes as he deemed proper,
and when he finally passed upon it said: This is the Lecture at
the Veil to be observed in the Temple.
A copy of the Lecture is kept at the St. George Temple, in
which President Young refers to Adam in his creation &c.
/s/ L. John Nuttall
For Presidents W. Woodruff
Geo. Q. Cannon
Jos. F. Smith.
June 3, 1892
Salt Lake City,
116. Diary of L. John Nuttall; Brigham Young speaking; 7
February 1877.
When we got our washings and anointings under the hands of
the Prophet Joseph at Nauvoo, we had only one room to work in
with the exception of a little side room or office where we were
washed and anointed, had our garments placed upon us and
received our New Name. After he had performed these ceremonies,
he gave the key words, signs, tokens and penalties. Then after
this we went into the large room over the store in Nauvoo.
Joseph divided up the room the best that he could, hung up the
veil, marked it, gave us our instructions as we passed along
from one department to another, giving us signs, tokens,
penalties with the key words pertaining to those signs. After
we had got through, Brother Joseph turned to me and said:
`Brother Brigham this is not arranged right, but we have done
the best we could under the circumstances in which we are
placed, and I wish you to take this matter in hand and organize
and systematize all these ceremonies with the signs, tokens,
penalties and key words.’ I did so and each time I got something more; so that when we went through the Temple at Nauvoo, I
understood and knew how to place them there.
117. Letter from Brigham Young to Abraham Washburn; CHO;
Ms/f/219/reel 22/p. March 9th 1877.
St. George, Utah
March 9th 1877
Abraham Washburn,
Monroe, Sevier Co.
Dear Brother,
In reply to your questions: as
you and your wife received your Endowments before being sealed
as husband and wife there is no need of the children being
sealed to you.
As to the New Name when you and your wife get to the Temple
and to the proper place you can get it from your wife, but not
till then.
Your Brother in the Gospel.
Brigham Young
118. Jans Christian Anderson Weibye Daybooks; CHO, Daybook #5,
p. 60; July 9, 1877. Typed as in the original without use of
[sic]. J.C.A. Weibye born Sept 26, 1824; died Feb 28, 1893.
Prs. E. Snow said, when we can get time, we will give
Endowment for Each Priesthood separate, and after a while when
Temples is built we will give Endowment to each according to
what Priesthood they hold; they we will give men the Endowment
of the Aronic Priesthood and nothing else.
119. Journal of Discourses, Vol 19:229-230; Wilford Woodruff;
New Tabernacle, Salt Lake City, Utah; Sunday afternoon, September 16, 1877.
I will say here, before closing, that two weeks before I
left St. George, the spirits of the dead were gathered around
me, wanting to know why we did not redeem them. Said they, “You
have had the use of the Endowment House for a number of years,
and yet nothing has ever been done for us. We laid the foundation of the government you now enjoy, and we never apostatized
from it, but we remained true to it and were faithful to God.”
These were the signers of the Declaration of Independence, and
they waited on me for two days and two nights. I thought it
very singular, that notwithstanding so much work had been done,
and yet nothing had been done for them. The thought never
entered my heart, from the fact, I suppose, that heretofore our
minds were reaching after our more immediate friends and
relatives. I straightway went into the baptismal font and
called upon Brother MacAllister to baptize me for the signers of
the Declaration of Independence, and fifty other eminent men,
making one hundred in all, including John Wesley, Columbus, and
others; I then baptized him for every President of the United
States, except three; and when their cause is just, somebody
will do the work for them. * * *
I have felt to rejoice exceedingly in this work of redeem-
ing the dead. I do not wonder at President Young saying he felt
moved upon to call upon the Latter-day Saints to hurry up the
building of these Temples. He felt the importance of the work;
but now he has gone, it rests with us to continue it, and God
will bless our labors and we will have joy therein. This is a
preparation necessary for the second advent of the Savior; and
when we shall have built the Temples now contemplated, we will
then begin to see the necessity of building others, for in
proportion to the diligence of our labors in this direction,
will we comprehend the extent of the work to be done, and the
present is only a beginning. When the Savior comes, a thousand
years will be devoted to this work of redemption; and Temples
will appear all over this land of Joseph,—North and South
America—and also in Europe and elsewhere; and all the descendants of Shem, Ham, and Japheth who received not the Gospel in
the flesh, must be officiated for in the Temples of God, before
the Savior can present the kingdom to the Father, saying, “It is
120. John Taylor Letter Book; Church Historian’s Office; Nov.
7, 1877.
Ut. Terr.
to: Geo. Q. Cannon, MC Nov. 7, 1877
Washington, D.C.
My Dear Nephew
. . . We have it in our mind, so soon as the addition to the
Temple is roofed in, which will not be long, to place an alter
therein and have sealings performed. As the need of a place
where marriages can be legally performed according to the Holy
order of the Priesthood, somewhere nearer to our Northern
settlements than the St. George Temple is every day pressing
itself more forcibly upon our notice. We realize that the
avenues to lawful marriages should not be diminished amongst the
Saints, but that it should be encouraged by every consistent
means within our power, at the same time I am in my own feelings, very much opposed to these promiscuous marriages for time
that are being celebrated here, there and everywhere by the
Bishops and others. . . .
John Taylor
121. John Taylor Letter; November 15, 1877.
November 15, 1877
To all Stake Presidents
– Young people marry for time
– Deemed salutary to have the Priesthood discountenance
wherever practicable the marriages of Latter-day Saints in any
place not especially dedicated and set apart for the ordinances
of the House of the Lord.
– To aid in the accomplishment of this object, it was
unanimously resolved by the Council of the Apostles to re-open
the Endowment House in this city for the performance of certain
1. Sealing those married for time.
2. Sealing the living who could not go to St. George
because of inconvenience.
3. To give endowments to those not having received.
4. Giving endowments to the aged, sick or infirm – if
Bishops thought they would not live until the Salt Lake, Manti
or Logan temples were completed and opened.
Must have recommend. (Had to be re-baptized to receive
these blessings.)
122. Journal of Discourses, Vol. 19:250; Elder Charles C. Rich;
at Quarterly Conference; Paris, Bear Lake, Idaho; February 10,
1878. [Referring to the revelation in D&C 130:10-11.]
It was a long time after the Prophet Joseph Smith had
received the keys of the kingdom of God, and after Hyrum and
others had received many blessings, that the Lord gave Joseph a
revelation, to show him and others how they could ask for and
receive certain blessings. We read in the [R]evelations of St.
John, that the Saints are to receive a white stone, `and in the
stone a new name, which no man knoweth save him that receiveth
it.’ Joseph tells us that this new name is a key-word, which
can only be obtained through the endowments. This is one of the
keys and blessings that will be bestowed upon the Saints in
these last days, for which we shall be very thankful.
123. Journal of Discourses, Vol 19:299; Elder Wilford Woodruff;
Saturday morning, April 6, 1878.
And I wish all Israel to understand that when we impart of
our substance to build Temples that we do not do it to benefit
the Lord at all, he had his endowments a long time before we
were born, and also passed through his probation. We are his
children, he wishes to exalt us back to his presence, and he
knows very well we are obliged to walk in the same path and
receive the same ordinances in order to inherit the same glory
that surrounds him.
124. Meeting of Workers at St. George Temple; John D. T.
McAllister, President, M. F. Farnsworth, Recorder; 10 A.M. 31
Aug 1880.
Prest J. D. T. McAllister expressed his pleasure to meet
with us, and to be one, with us in our desires to go forward and
Minister before the Lord in Sacred things, in His Stead upon the
Earth. We are called to do this work before the Lord, act for
him just as much as any man that was ever called. Aaron was not
called any more of God, than we have been who labor in this
House. I am glad of the unity, that we can live together and
work together. . . * * * We will work towards perfecting
ourselves and be guarded in our acts and Sayings, that God will
accept of us and our labors. Those having charge of the Rooms
will please to See that there is no loud talking or laughter in
their rooms, avoid making a noise and Jar with the pipes in
using the water &c. With regard to new Names. give easy names
to be understood: Scripture names or names not in the Scripture, there are many good names of those who have lived upon the
earth which are easy to understand, don’t give any fanciful
names, be Sure they get the New Name and that they understand
it. Avoid all you can having a noise with the Steam or Engine
during prayer: Every person called to work in this house Should
Notice the time and be in their Seats at prayer time. Brethren
notice the prayer Roll and try and be here when your time comes
for prayer, even if you have to be excused afterwards: Door
Keepers See that there is no loud talking or laughter at the
door. During the time of the Endowments, there Should be no
knitting or Sewing in any of the rooms, no loud talking or
noise, Workers who are called to take parts, commit them [to
memory] So as not to have to read them but have your book with
you So you can refer if necessary.
125. Journal of Discourses, Vol 22:209; President Wilford
Woodruff; Delivered in the Salt Lake Assembly Hall; Semi-Annual
Conference of the Salt Lake Stake of Zion; Sunday Afternoon,
January 9, 1881.
We are building temples to the name of the Lord. What are
we building them for? That we may enter in and redeem our dead. The Lord has had his endowments a great many years ago. He has
ascended to his thrones, principalities and powers in the
eternities. We are his children.
126. Deseret News Weekly, p. 546; President Wilford Woodruff;
September 28, 1881.
“(God) has had his endowments a great many years ago. He
has ascended to his thrones, principalities and powers in the
eternities. We are his children. . . . We are here to fill a
probation and receive an education.”
127. St. George Stake Historical Record; CHO, Number 97707; 20
November 1881.
Pres. Erastus Snow arose and read Par 12, 13, 14, & 15 of
Section 128 of the D. & C. He said the general features of the
St. George Temple are in conformity to those of the Kirtland
Temple which was dedicated in April 1836.
That temple may be said to have been built to show forth
the order of the priesthood, Aaronic and Melchizedek–the
priesthood there received the ordinance of the washing of feet
and the anointing of the head with oil. This was confirmed to
those holding the priesthood. There was no baptismal font in
the temple at Kirtland for that ordinance had not been revealed
to the people.
By the time the Nauvoo Temple was being built the doctrine
of the baptism for the dead was revealed and one of the first
thing[s] attended to there was the preparation of the font for
the Baptism of the Dead. It was revealed here in St. George to
the prophet Brigham Young that there should be variations made
in the temples to be built. This was given unto the Prophet
Brigham in answer to his question, “Oh Lord show unto thy
servants if we shall build all temples after the same pattern?”
The answer came. “Do you all build your houses after the same
pattern? Do you after increasing your families build after the
same pattern used when your family is small? So shall the
growth of the knowledge of the principles of the Gospel among my
people cause diversity in the pattern of Temples.”
128. History of the St. George Temple, Its Cost & Dedication
and the Labor Thereon.; Church Archives, CR 343/19 (vault);
March 26, 1883.
The corner stones were laid on the 10″ day of March, 1873,
and labor was continued thereon until/ Jan 1″, 1877, when it
was dedicated to God. (See W. Woodruff’s Journal of Jan 1″,
1877, which contains the dedicatory prayers of W. Woodruff,
Erastus Snow, and B. Young Jr., also the speech of President
Young.). I, Wilford Woodruff, bear testimony, that Prest. B.
Young told me to go to work and prepare the Temple for giving
Endowments, and I had made the preparations according to his
acceptance; and on the 9″ of Jan., 1877, we repaired to the
Temple and for the first time the ordinance of baptism for the
dead was performed in the Temple of St. George. Wilford
Woodruff went into the font by the direction of Prest. Brigham
Young and administered the ordinance of baptism for the first
140 persons, and confirmed the first person, // Prest. Young
laying on hands at the same time. John L. Smith administered
the ordinance of baptism for the next 83 persons, making 223
baptisms and confirmations during that day. Wilford Woodruff
Confirmed one 1. J. D. T. McAllister confirmed 64, A. H.
Raleigh 15, H. W. Bigler 123, and Erastus Snow 20. Susie Amelia
Young Dunford was the first baptized and confirmed by W.
Prest. Brigham Young requested me to take charge of the
Temple, which I did. He also requested me to write all the
ordinances of the Church from the first baptism and confirmation
through every ordinance of the Church. Geo. Q. Cannon assisted
some in this writing, and when I had finished it to the satisfaction of the President, he said to me, “Now you have before
you an ensample to carry on the endowments in all the temples
until the coming of the Son of Man.”
On the 8″ of April, 1877, W. Woodruff was appointed in the
public assembly to take charge of the Temple and preside over
it, and in private conversation with the President, he said he
wanted me to take the whole charge of the Temple and attend to
all affairs connected with the endowments, sealings &c. I told
him I was not able to go to the altar and do all the sealings as
I had injured myself at that labor in the Salt Lake Endowment
House. Prest. Young told me to go to work and ordain some men
to help me to do the sealing. He told me to set apart J.D.T.
McAllister and David H. Cannon for that purpose and, if I needed
more, to set them apart. I set apart Br. McAllister to that
work April 14″, 1877. I set apart David H. Cannon for the same
purpose on the 27th of April. I also set apart James G. Bleak
to officiate at the altar some time afterward (I do not recollect the date). (2d March 1881.)
Prest. Young gave me power and authority to give second
anointings and seal women to men as I might be led by the Spirit
of God. I parted with Prest. Young for the last time in the
flesh at 9:30 A.M. on April 16″, 1877, when he started for Salt
Lake City. Brigham Young Jr., was very sick at the time.
When I left St. George, I placed the presidency of the
Temple in the hands of John David Thompson McAllister, who was
to preside over it in my absence.
This is the testimony which I Wilford Woodruff bear to all
whom it may concern. Salt lake City, March
26, 1883.
/s/ Wilford Woodruff.
[The following is in red ink and in the hand of John D. T.
Length of Building 141ft8in
Width ” ” 93 ” 4 “
Height from grade of Gr g 84 feet to top of Parapet.
Tower 31 feet Square, and 175 feet to top of Vane from the
The first Main room above the basement is 99 feet by 78 feet
Ceiling is elliptical and the center of the Ceiling is 27 feet
The Font room is 35 feet by 40 feet
Number of inside Doors 92. Outside doors 8
Round windows 50. Long windows 58. Extra long 8.
Cost to 31st Decr 1879 $420,941.94
do ” ” ” 1882 457,443.90
” ” ” ” 1883 470,394.31
The year 1875 was the largest expenditure “123,433.64
/s/ JDT Mc A.
129. “The Higher Ordinances.” Deseret News Semi-Weekly, 15
February 1884, p. 2. No doubt, Scovil’s letter was dated
February instead of January.
Springville, Jany. 2nd, 1884. [sic]
Editor Deseret News:
I noticed an article in the Deseret News of January 25th,
1884, in relation to Church Doctrines. I can testify that on
the 3rd day of May, 1842, Joseph Smith the Prophet called upon
five or six, viz: Shadrack [sic] Roundy, Noah Rogers, Dimick B.
Huntington, Daniel Cairns [sic], and myself (I am not certain
but that Hosea Stout was there also) to meet with him (the
Prophet) in his business office (the upper part of his brick
store). He told us that the object he had was for us to go to
work and fit up that room preparatory to giving endowments to a
few Elders that he might give unto them all the keys of power
pertaining to the Aronic [sic] and Melchisedec [sic] Priest-
We therefore went to work making the necessary preparations, and everything was arranged representing the interior of
a temple as much as the circumstances would permit, he being
with us dictating everything. He gave us many items that were
very interesting to us, which sank with deep weight upon my
mind, especially after the temple was finished at Nauvoo, and I
had received the ordinances in which I was among the first, as I
had been called upon to work in the Temple as one of the hands
during the winter. Some weeks previous to the dedication he
told us that we should have the privilege of receiving the whole
of the ordinances in due time. The history of Joseph Smith
speaks for itself. But I can and do testify that I know of a
surety that room was fitted up by his order which we finished in
the forenoon of the said 4th of May, 1842. And he gave us to
understand that he intended to have everything done by him that
was in his power while he remained with us. He said his work
was nearly done and he should roll the burden of the kingdom
upon the shoulders of the Twelve. I am the only one living that
I know of, who helped to fit up that room, except Hosea Stout,
[who] was there.
I am, most respectfully, your brother in the Covenant.
/s/ Lucius N. Scovil.
130. Compiled by Alan H. Gerber; Film/298/#101/V. 39; pp.
85-86; c. May 17, 1884.
“When did full Temple rites commence in Utah, especially in
Salt Lake City?
“The first sealing ordinance was performed in the home of
Franklin D. Richards, he having two wives sealed to him at that
time. The date was the 13th of October, 1849. (Saturday by H.
K.) The Endowment House was opened on the 20th of February
1851. Endowments for the living, baptism for the dead, sealings
for the living and sealings for the dead couples were performed
in the Endowment House. ENDOWMENTS FOR THE DEAD were not
performed until in the St George Temple in 1877. President
Brigham Young was in St George and took part in the introduction
of the ordinances there. President Wilford Woodruff was made
President of the Temple.
“Sealings for the living were done in the Nauvoo Temple as
well as in the Endowment House; but Endowments for the dead were
not done until the St. George Temple. There were a few children
sealed to their parents in the Endowment House, but not many.”
Another item of interest is mentioned by Joseph F. Smith
(His. Record 194). After the opening of the St. George Temple,
the Endowment House in Salt Lake City was closed for ordinances. But after the death of President Young, when it was found
necessary to again open it, I was placed in charge thereof,
which position I filled until the summer of 1884, when the house
was again closed.” (This second closing presumably occurred
after the dedication of the Logan Temple, May 17, 1884).
131. Journal of Discourses, Vol 25:183; President John Taylor;
delivered at the dedication of the Temple, in the Tabernacle,
Logan, Cache County; Sunday afternoon, May 18, 1884.
Joseph Smith, before his death, was much exercised about
the completion of the Temple in Nauvoo, and the administering of
ordinances therein. In his anxiety and for fear he should not
live to see the Temple completed, he prepared a place over what
was know as the brick-store–which many of you who lived in
Nauvoo will recollect–where to a chosen few he administered
those ordinances that we now have today associated with Endowments, so that if anything should happen to him–which he
evidently contemplated–he would feel that he had then fulfilled
his mission, that he had conferred upon others all the keys
given to him by the manifestations of the power of God.
132. Letter from John Taylor to Elder Wm H. Folson; April 8th
April 8th 1886
Elder Wm H. Folsom,
Supt. Manti Temple,
Dear Brother:
We are in receipt of your letters of the 5th and
6th inst. and have persued with interest the condition of the
work on the Temple.
Respecting the painting and other ornamentations of the
Temple at St. George and Logan my recollection is not sufficiently distinct, it having been some tine since I saw them, to
make any particular suggestions to you upon the subject.
However, it is important that Brother Weggeland be impressed to
so arrange the painting in the Garden that the Tree of Life will
be convenient for the purpose for which it is used, and that the
whole scenery be arranged so that the person at the Altar in
giving his lecture can make convenient reference to the various
objects. Complaint has been made respecting these points at
Logan and before painting the Garden at Manti some one of
experience who is familiar with the work and the giving of
lectures in the Garden should be consulted as to the proper
position for everything to be placed in with reference to the
Altar and the Cherubim &c.
We have no objection to the employment of Bros Weggeland
and Morris. Enclosed please find a permit for you to go to the
Temple at Logan.
By applying to Brother James Jack he will give you an order
for 2000 bushels of wheat on Bp’s Agent George Farnsworth–for
$500.00 on the Provo Factory–$500.00 on Z. C. M. I. and
$1000.00 on Washington Factory on Manti Temple account.
With kind regards,
Your Brother,
John Taylor
133. Compilation by Alan H. Gerber; CHO, Film/298/#101/v. 39 p.
77-78; c. June 8, 1887.
In 1887, shortly before the death of President John Taylor,
Wilford Woodruff, then the President of the Quorum of Twelve and
next in seniority in the Priesthood calling, received a communi-
cation from Elder Samuel Roskelly, who was at the time in charge
of the temple at Logan. From the inquiry of Elder Roskelly it
seems some doubts had arisen as to the propriety of certain
temple ordinances, and changes were suggested. “You say,” said
President Woodruff, in his reply “`We are told here,’ so and so
concerning Sealings and Adoptions. Who is it has told you these
things and given these instructions? I don’t think it can be
President Taylor, for neither he, nor I, have ever received such
teachings from either Joseph Smith or Brigham Young. But I have
been taught right the reverse by President Young.” Then on the
unchangeableness of these ordinances, President Woodruff, in
this letter to Elder Roskelly, dated St. George, Utah, June 8,
1887, said:
“Your letter of the 1st reached me last night. * * *
“Now, concerning endowments, in all its phases. My own
views are these–that we ought to follow out, as far as we can,
the pattern laid down by our leaders. I consider that if there
ever was any man who thoroughly understood the principle of the
Endowments it was Brigham Young. He has been with Joseph Smith
from the beginning of the Endowments to the end, and he under-
stood it if any man did. And before his death he required me to
write in a Book every ordinance of the Church and Kingdom of God
from the first to the last, beginning with baptism, to the last
ordinance performed, through every department of the endowments. I was several weeks doing this writting, [sic] and President
Young corrected it all, until he got through. Then he said to
me, `Now, there you have a pattern of all the ordinances or
endowments for every temple we shall build, until the coming of
the Son of Man.’
“Now, if I ever have anything to do or say, in any Temple
on the earth concerning the Endowment, I would say: Follow the
pattern laid down by our leaders. Follow the pattern that
President Young has set us, and not deviate from it one iota.
And if we do that, we may have a hundred Temples at work, and
all the work and ceremonies will be alike in every temple.
While on the other hand, if every man who is called to preside
over a temple has his own way, and introduces his own form of
ceremonies, our Temple work would be as diverse as the sectarian
world, and God would not approbate it.
“Brother Roskelly, I have given endowments in Salt Lake
City for twenty years, and I received my endowment under the
hand of the Prophet Joseph Smith. I directed the fixing up of
the Temple at St. George for giving Endowments, under the
direction of President Young; since the rules are written for
our guidance in All future time, I feel very strenuous that in
our giving Endowments we should all work alike, and not deviate
from the written word.”
134. Journal of Abraham H. Cannon; Friday, December 6, 1889.
In speaking of the recent examination before Judge Anderson, Father said that he understood when he had his endowment in
Nauvoo that he took an oath against the murderers of the Prophet
Joseph as well as other prophets, and if he had ever met any of
those who had taken a hand in that massacre he would undoubtedly
have attempted to avenge the blood of the martyrs. The Prophet
charged Stephen Markham to avenge his blood should he be slain;
after the Prophet’s death, Bro. Markham attempted to tell this
to an assembly of Saints, but Willard Richards pulled him down
from the stand, as he feared the effect on the enraged people.
Bro. Joseph F. Smith was traveling some years ago near Carthage,
when he met a man who said he had arrived just five minutes too
late to see the Smiths killed. Instantly a dark cloud seemed to
overshadow Bro. Smith and he asked how this man looked upon the
deed. Bro. Smith was oppressed by a most horrible feeling as he
waited for a reply. After a brief pause the man answered, “Just
as I have always looked upon it–that it was a d—-d cold-
blooded murder.” The cloud immediately lifted from Bro. Smith
and he found that he had his open pocket knife grasped in his
hand in his pocket, and he believes that had this man given his
approval to that murder of the prophets, he would have immediately struck him to the heart.
135. Letter from President Wilford Woodruff to Elder John Henry
Smith, one of the Twelve Apostles; September 21, 1891.
Office of
of the
21st 1891.
One of the Twelve Apostles.
Dear Brother:
The condition of many of the saints in Arizona in connection with their marriages has been brought to the attention of
the First Presidency. We understand that there are many couples
in that Territory who are prevented by poverty and other
circumstances from going to the Temple to have their sealings,
and that many of the children are being born out of the covenant
because of this.
We feel to take some action upon this, as it is a great
deprivation for Latter-day Saints to not have the privilege of
marrying and bearing children in the covenant. In view of this,
we have decided to authorize you, as one of the Apostles to
dedicate rooms which are now used for prayer according to the
holy order, and in those rooms solemnize marriages such as are
properly recommended, and which are of the class referred
to–that is, marriages of those who are unable, through poverty
or some other serious impediment, to go to the Temple of the
Lord to be sealed for time and for eternity. The authority is
hereby conferred upon you during this present visit to Arizona
to attend to cases of this kind, and perform the sealing
ordinances for time and for eternity. In doing this, we desire
you to be very careful and make a proper record of all such
sealings, that every case may be reported here; and in order
that this may be done, we furnish you a book in which you will
have entry made of all these sealings.
Praying the Lord to bless you upon this mission and in the
exercise of this authority,
I remain your brother,
/s/ Wilford Woodruff
136. BYU Special Collections; Mss 188, L. John Nuttall Papers;
Container #4, Letter Press Book #4, p. 285. The insertions (^)
were added to the press copy in L. John Nuttall’s Letter press
book from where this is taken. October 7, 1891.
At a meeting of the First Presidency, Twelve Apostles,
Presiding Bishops, First Presidents of Seventies, Presidents of
Stakes and Bishops, held at the 18th Ward Chapel, Salt Lake
City, October 7, 1891. President Wilford Woodruff related the
“Over fifty years ago, while in Boston, he (^I) dreamed
that the Saints migrated to the Rocky Mountains, built a Temple
and dedicated it; that at the dedicatory services Elders were
set apart to go among the Gentile nations to bind the law and
seal the testimony. That when after our arrival here, the
question was discussed, as to what material should be used in
the Temple building, some suggesting brick and others adobe, he
(^I) made the remark that it never would be built of anything
else than cut Granite. This, so far has come to pass as he (^I)
saw it. Just before the death of Prest. Taylor, too, he (^I)
dreamed that the Temple was finished; and he (^I) saw the
grounds around filled with the Priesthood; and while wondering
why the people did not go into the Temple, Prest. Young came up
and he (^I, Prest. Woodruff.) asked why the brethren did not
enter the building; with that Prest. Young took from his pocket
the keys and handed them to him (^me) (Prest. Woodruff) telling
him (^me) to open the Temple and let the people in. In thinking
the matter over the following morning, he (^I) wondered why it
was that Prest. Young handed the keys to him (^me), seeing that
Prest. Taylor was alive and that they were not given to him.
The following night, he (^I) received the same manifestation;
and addressing himself (^myself) to Prest. Taylor, he (^I) asked
him, why he did not come in (to the Temple); he answered that he
could not walk. In the morning, Prest. Woodruff said, he (^I)
felt that Prest. Taylor would not live to see the Temple
finished. A short time before Prest. Taylor’s death, Prest.
Woodruff said he (^I) received a letter from Prest. Cannon
informing him (^me) of the illness of Prest. Taylor; it also
stated that Prest. Taylor’s legs were swollen.” As to this
Prest. Woodruff remarked, it was of little consequence whether
he lived or not to witness the completion of the Temple; those
were things wholly in the hands of the Lord.
137. Abraham H. Cannon “Journal”; BYU Special Collections; Vol.
V, p. 87. 7 October 1891.
–Pres. Woodruff told of manifestations he had received 50
years ago concerning the temple. Before the material for its
construction had been selected, he knew it was to be constructed
of cut granite. Before Pres Taylor’s death he dreamed for two
nights in succession that he received the keys to the Temple
from Pres. Young, and at its dedication he beheld a large number
of elders called and sent forth into the world to bind up the
law and seal the testimony to the Gentiles.
138. Abraham H. Cannon “Journal”; BYU Special Collections; Vol.
XVI, pp. 54-5. 1 March 1892.
In the evening I took Sarah with me to President Woodruff’s
farm to celebrate his birthday, and to be present at the
dedication of his new house. * * *
Pres. Woodruff made some remarks at the close. * * * He
hoped to live to dedicate the Temple in this city, for he
dreamed on two occasions that he would be given the keys for
this edifice by Presidents Young and Taylor who had preceded
him. He believed that he would live to accomplish this labor.
139. Diary of Lorenzo Brown; Mor/m270.1/B8142, p. 410; October
16, 1892.
Took Breakfast at the House & drove to through Leeds to
Harrisburg to dinner then to St George before night Stopped at
Edwards About town chatting & handshaking Everyone knows me
Many of the younger faces have grown out of my knowledge I have
been away for nine years but all seem pleased to see me & make
me welcome and all invite me to come back & live
For a few days looking around town then commenced work in
the Temple Wife has found a list of names to work for & I am
assisting her I find the ceremonies the same as ever & am
informed that the ceremonies as revised & corrected are used in
Logan & Manti have not been altered one whit but word for word &
the same will be used in the Salt Lake
140. “Temple Manifestations,” by Joseph Heinerman, p. 119;
April 8, 1893.
April 8, 1893 Sunday. Received special permits for myself
and my sons . . . to attend all the temple services. . . . Pres.
Wilford Woodruff said . . . of seeing a vision of thousands of the Lamanites enter the temple by the door in the west end of the
temple and would do as much ordinance work in an hour as the
other brethren could do in a day. (Journal of Jesse Nathaniel
Smith, p. 393.)
141. Historical Department. Confidential Research Files,
1950–1974; CR/100/14/#2/Volume 8:16,17; Church Archives Vault.
From a xerox of the original letter. A copy of this letter may be found in: First Presidency. Letterpress Copybooks, 1877-1949. Jan. 1894–Nov. 1894; CR/1/20/# 23; Volume 28, pp. 633-634. Church Archives. August 31, 1894.
Office of
of the
August 31, 1894.
Elder Lorenzo Snow,
Prest. Salt Lake Temple.
Dear Brother:-
As a result of the conference of the brethren engaged as
ordinance workers in the several Temples, held at Salt Lake
Temple, some time ago, the following slight corrections have
been adopted by us, which you will please note:
In the creation on the fifth day a grammatical error
occurs. The word “their” is used instead of “its”; the word
their, therefore, is changes [sic] to its. In the lecture the
words “next room” are used in the Terrestrial room when that
same room is referred to; the words “the next” therefore have
been changed to “this”, as the appropriate form.
In the placing of the girdle, it should be placed on the
outside of the apron strings.
In the ceremonies at the veil, the practice has been to use
the words, “this man Adam,” while in the Logan Temple the words,
“this man, representing Adam”, are used. It was decided to drop
the words, “this man representing,” and say “Adam, &c.”
The word “christian,” referred to in the lecture, in
connection with name, is dropped and the word “given” is
The words “and some have to go away on business,” which
occur at the end of the lecture, were expunged.
The words, “new name,” were substituted for the pronoun
“it,” to avoid ambiguity, where it reads in the lecture, “You
must (p. 2) remember “it”, that is, your new name.
The people, when being put under covenant, should signify
their assent by bowing and saying, “yes”.
It was left optional with the Temple President to use
persons as witnesses who were receiving endowments or to use
workers as such.
The words “that my tongue be torn from its roots in my
mouth,” were substituted for “from the roof of my mouth.”
In giving the sign and token of the Aaronic priesthood that
Salt Lake Temple use the word, “index”, meaning the fore-finger. It was decided to use the words, “fore finger,” instead of
“index finger,” the latter being more easily understood.
It has been the practice to mark the shirt, but we think
this unnecessary as it is not strictly a part of the Temple
clothing. The marking of the garment should be done in the
washing room and not at the veil; and the greatest care should
be taken to see that no person is permitted to leave that room
wearing an unmarked garment.
In the Salt Lake Temple the practice in the Garden is for
the couple at the altar to remain kneeling while the covenant
relating to the first token of the Aaronic Priesthood is being
administered, while the practice in the other Temples is for the
couple to arise. The reason given by the Salt Lake Temple for
not arising is that the couple would have to descend three
steps, and as a matter of convenience they were permitted to
remain on their knees. It was decided that the couples should
Your Brethren,
/s/ Wilford Woodruff
/s/ Geo. Q. Cannon
/s/ Jos. F. Smith
142. Wilford Woodruff: His Life and Labors; p. 562, 582, 584.
Also Conference Report, April 7, 1898, p. 29.
p. 562 Vision just before John Taylor’s death was on March
12, 1887. 4 months and 15 days before Taylor’s death.
p. 582 Is just an incidental comment on the above vision
before Taylor’s death.
p. 584 Has an extract purporting to be from the last entry
of Woodruff’s Journal for 1893. But the journal does not have
the last sentence of the page in it: “Nearly fifty years ago
while in the City of Boston I had a dream vision of going to the
Rocky Mountains to build a Temple there and to dedicate it to
the Lord.”
CR Wilford Woodruff address where he refers to being
“ordained to dedicate this Salt Lake Temple fifty years before
it was dedicated.”
143. Conference Report, p. 90; 10 April 1898. Wilford Woodruff
in his last discourse to the Church in General Conference, in
the very last paragraph sought to impress the importance of the
work of the Temple upon the Latter-day Saints:
Every father and mother has a great responsibility resting
upon them, to redeem their dead. Do not neglect it. You will
have sorrow if you do. Any man will who neglects the redemption
of his dead that he has power to officiate for here. When you
get to the other side of the veil, if you have entered into
these Temples and redeemed you[r] progenitors by the ordinances
of the House of God, you will hold the keys of their redemption
from eternity to eternity. Do not neglect this!”
144. Salt Lake Temple. Sisters Meeting Minutes, p. 67; Church
Archives, Restricted Document; CR/306/66/fd 1; 16 June 1899.
Sister B[athsheba] W. Smith . . . said that it was in the lodge room over the store [where] . . . there were two rooms over the store [below]. In one room they had a sheet hung up as a vail
[sic], and the first endowments were given there. . . . Joseph
gave me permission to stand by the vail [sic] and listen to the
ceremony, which I did. . . . Joseph said that Masonry was taken
from the priesthood. Our brethren used to belong to these
societies, but since the priesthood had been more fully established the brethren have withdrawn from these societies.
145. Church Archives; CR 343/19 (vault) contains book with
information about building, dedication and beginning of temple
work. From the Temple Book (Apparently this prepared by Wilford
Woodruff himself using his diary as one source. It closes “Salt
Lake City March 26, 1883 signed. Wilford Woodruff.” Prepared by
him and copied into the St. George book.); 9 May 1902.
From First Presidency to temple president David H. Cannon,
9 May 1902,
in answer to a series of questions propunded [sic] by him
to them. Re: must a person administering the Second Anointings
in the Temple be clothes [sic] in his Priestly apparel when
administering same? Ans:
President Young considered that it was absolutely necessary
“before the completion of our Temples,” but that when done in
the Temple this was optional and no longer required. “after the
completion of the Temples this was changed under the direction
of President Young himself.”
146. Temple Ordinances Book B, Outside of Temple; 25 July 1889
– 8 June 1903.
Sealings in Marriage, (single wives), from 25 July 1889 – 8
June 1903
Arizona – Mesa, Thatcher, Bowie, St. John, Snowflake,
Pinetop, Lehi, Springville, St. David, Woodruff.
Canada – Magrath, Sterling, Cardston.
Colorado – Manasseh, Sanford, Pueblo.
Mexico – Del Norte, Cave Valley (Chihuahua), Dublan,
Juarez, Los Palomas, Dias, Cuernavaca, Casa Grandes.
On the Pacific Ocean – Anthon H. Lund
Texas – El Paso
Utah – Kaysville, A. B. Benzon’s house – Salt Lake City by
Adolph Madsen.
By Whom:
By General Authorities and Stake Presidents
John Henry Smith, Geo. Q. Cannon, Joseph F. Smith, Geo.
Teasdale, Brigham Young, David K. Udall (Stake President), F. M.
Lyman, Thos. F. Rousche, John W. Taylor, Anthon H. Lund, Rodger
Clause, Heber J. Grant, Alex F. Macdonald (Stake President,
(1873 – Daniel H. Wells – sealing outside of temple)
147. Deseret Evening News (23 June 1903); found in Journal
History, pp. 3- 5; 12 June 1903.
Friday June 12, 1903
Weber Stake Reunion:
Joseph F. Smith speaking:
Aunt Bathsheba, widow of George A. Smith, who is with us
today, is the last living witness, so far as I know, who
received her endowments while Joseph Smith was living. Here is
Aunt Bathsheba, who received her endowments in Nauvoo as they
are now given in the Temples. She is a living witness and if
necessary she will tell us that she received her endowments in
Nauvoo as they are now given in the Temples. She is a living
witness and if necessary she will tell us that she received
these privileges under the direction of Joseph Smith. Opponents
say that Brigham Young established the endowments and also
plural marriage, out here is a witness who knows better.
Brigham Young only sought to carry out the instruction he
received from Joseph Smith, and Joseph Smith as he received it
from God. So far as the principle of plural marriage is
concerned, we are not teaching it, nor practising [sic] it. * *
* Joseph Smith revealed plural marriage and the endowments, and
here is a living witness to those facts. So am I, for I
received it of those who received it from Joseph Smith. * * *
Aunt Bathsheba Smith was called upon and spoke briefly as
follows: President Smith has told you the truth. I know that
the endowments are given now the same as they were given by
Joseph Smith the Prophet. He was present with us and lectured
and talked with us after we had received our first ordinances,
and I have met him many times at councils which were held and he
told us many things and explained them to us, showed us how to
pray, and how to detect them when true or false angels come to
us, and many other true things he taught us, and he instituted
the endowments through the Lord, and it was not Brigham Young or
any one else. I know he was a true Prophet of God and this
knowledge could not be stronger if angels were to come and talk
to me. I know he never taught a thing that was wrong, and if we
obey him we will receive celestial glory and without we will
not. I bear this testimony and it is true, for I worked in the
Nauvoo Temple and in the Endowment House and in the Salt Lake
Temple. This is the first day I have left the Temple to go
anywhere since Sister Zina’s death. I was at the first meeting
when the Relief Society was organized in Nauvoo and I enjoyed
the teaching of the Prophet and tried to profit by it and to
teach my sisters. Brother Smith, I guess this will do?.
President Smith: “Did Brigham Young reveal plural marriage?”
Sister Smith “He did not. God revealed it through the
Prophet Joseph Smith. I have tried to be one with my husband
and I was just as happy with him as any woman could be, for I
loved him dearly and I knew why he practised [sic] the principle
of plural marriage. He knew it was a principle of exaltation,
and I wished him to receive as great an exaltation as any one,
and I expected to share it with him. If I lived my life over
again, I do not know that I could better it, though I have more
experience now.
Sister Smith then related a dream she had concerning her
husband and also some remarks made by the Prophet Joseph when
she was a young girl. Continuing she said, “God bless us all
and keep us in the line of our duty, that we may live our lives
in earnest and receive the glory and exaltation we seek, Amen.”
148. Joseph F. Smith Letterbook; October 27, 1903.
Parents endowed at Nauvoo. Sealing done in Brigham Young’s
office. Valid if record made.
149. Journal of Thomas A. Clawson; 1904-1906 Bk, p. 17; April
5, 1904. (Brother Clawson was ordained a high priest and made a
high councilor in the Salt Lake Stake on March 12, 1900. Then,
on April 1, 1904, he was set apart as a high councilor in the
newly organized “Ensign Stake”. He attended many prayer circles
in which members of the Twelve Apostles were present–see entry
for April 25, 1901.)
At Priesthood leadership meeting, the remarks of Joseph F.
Smith, “In regards to recommends to the Temple, the bishops
should only give them to saints to receive their first endowments and they should exercise more care and caution in giving
same, as some unworthy persons have been admitted to the Temple
and even some who were not members of the Church.
150. Joseph F. Smith’s Letter Book; October 22, 1904.
October 22, 1904 – Raymond, Canada – To Elder John W.
Taylor copy to Apostle George W. Teasdale in Mexico dated
October 26, 1901
Pres. Woodruff & Snow
Authorized some of the Apostles and perhaps others to
perform sealings for time and eternity.
Why? – inconvenience and expense of a journey to a temple.
On this date 1904 – 1st Pres. and Apostles withdraw
authority – and leave the keys thereof in the hands of him who
holds the keys thereof.
Can perform civil marriages
Joseph F. Smith
John R. Winder
Anthon H. Lund
151. Joseph F. Smith’s Letter Book; April 21, 1905.
Sealings no where except 1st Pres. in the temple.
152. Joseph F. Smith’s Letter Book; August 17, 1905.
General advice to couples sealed out of temple is to be
re-sealed over the alter of the temple – but – first sealing is
effectual. If convenient – ought to be done.
153. Journal of Anthony Woodard Ivins; October 9, 1905.
Monday Oct. 9/05 Special Priesthood Meeting Opening exercises. . . . Pres. Smith. A Bishops Court is not an open
court. . . . Patriarchs are extravagant in their promises to the
people. Keep within legitimate bounds and be careful that promises made are dictated by the Lord. Do not quench the spirit of the Lord & do not neglect to impress upon the mind of
the recipient that the fulfulmant [sic] of the promises depends
upon their own faithfulness. Recommends to the temple should
not be given by Bishops except they and their Counselors know
that he is a worthy man. Suicides or murders should not receive
temple ordinances.
154. Joseph F. Smith’s Letter Book; April 1906.
Secret orders – if a member of not to get temple endowments.
155. Joseph F. Smith’s Letter Book; August 24, 1906.
Man sealed out of the temple lawful and valid.
But “the order of the Priesthood requires that its ordinances shall be performed in a temple — whenever the circumstances
of the people are such that they can erect a temple!!
156. George F. Richards Journal; CHO/MS/f/600/#4.
Thursday, 7 April 1921
I attended and spoke at the 8 am. temple meeting. Attended
regular council meeting from 10 am. to about 5 P.M. except the
adjournment to lunch and while I was marrying a number of
couples and sealing some couples. At our council meeting it was
decided that the old form of ordaining be used in the Temple and
elsewhere. It was also decided that we disorganize the temple
choir at once. A decision was also made that the Twelve Disciples held the apostleship i.e. we so believe.
Friday, 8 April 1921
Attended the temple meeting as usual and after the meeting
Elder Jos. F. Smith and I met with the temple choir members,
thanked them for their faithful services of the past and
released them with our blessing. Congregational singing will be
engaged in exclusively. Bro [illegible] will continue to lead
without [illegible] after this month and Sister Davis will
continue to be the organist. By instructions from the First
Presidency given yesterday while in Council meeting. I instructed the brethren of the temple to eliminate from the
ceremony of ordination (“We confer upon you the holy Melchesidek
[sic] Priesthood”) insisted by order of Pres. Jos. F. Smith.
The old form is to be made uniform.
Tuesday, 12 April 1921
We led our first temple without a choir this morning. Am
working with Bro. D M McAllister on records trying to get
uniformity of ordinances, decisions & with a view to having the
Presidency pass on our suggestions and have them go out to all
the temples.
Saturday, 10 December 1921
I went to the temple and worked at my desk until about 4
P.M. I have been for some time correlating rules and decisions
by appointment of the First Presidency to be considered and
approved for guidelines of all temple presidents.
Tuesday, 27 December 1921
. . . I went to my office and to the temple and did some
work on compilations of decisions & rulings and have them ready
to submit to Bro. McAllister for inspection before presenting to
the Committee & then to the Presidency. They comprise 25 pages
foolscap size pages.
Wednesday, 28 December 1921
I turned papers over to D.M. McAllister to go over decisions proposed by me for use in all the temples—
Saturday, 3 June 1922
I took 7:20 car for my work at the temple. This day I went
before the Presidency and presented to them an important change
in the endowment ceremony by which the robes should be placed on
the left shoulder first and then changed to the right shoulder
once only before entering the Terrestrial room; also that
Aaronic and Melchizedek be used instead of lower order of the
Melchizedek and higher order of the Aaronic. I am to come back
with a definite recommend of the Presidency of the Temple. This
or my own suggestion. Other members not accessible today.
Wednesday, 7 June 1922
I attended to my duties as usual at the Temple. I had 33
marriages solemnized. I filled an appointment made with the
Presidency other brethren being present as follows: Jos.
Fielding Smith, Albert W. Davis, Duncan M. McAllister, Willard
Young, Israel Call & Patriarch Hyrum G. Smith.
I presented the suggestions of a change in the order of
robing and in the wording of the ordinances and lecture which
were by vote approved. This order is to place the robe on the
left shoulder at that point in the Telestial room when formerly
it was placed on the right shoulder, and change on to the right
shoulder at that point in the ceremony in the Telestial room
where at present it is changed on to the left shoulder–There
will be no other changing of the robes. The ceremonies and
Lecture will be changed to conform. Full explanation will be
given in Temple Historical Record. This will clarify some
matters which at present are obscure and will shorten the
157. Memorandum Entry; President George F. Richards; Salt Lake
Temple President; June 7, 1922. The excerpt below is from a 16
page compilation of entries by George F. Richards, President of
the Salt Lake Temple. Andy Ehat received the 16 page compilation from the descendants of the family. This typescript is an
exact copy of the one which appears in the 16 page compilation.
to APRIL 30, 1937.
……. G E O R G E F . R I C H A R D S …….
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
CEREMONY: Taken from the minutes of a meeting at the office of the First Presidency. Presidents Grant, Penrose and Ivins being present. I represented having discussed with associates in the temple the advisability of instituting a change in the procedure of placing the Endowment Robes on the individuals receiving endowments the present method being to first place the robe on the right shoulder, subsequently change it to the left shoulder, and later again back to the right shoulder. The proposed change would be to place the robe first on the Left shoulder, and retain it there until after the Second Token of the Aaronic Priesthood has been given, then to change it to the Right shoulder, in conformity with the giving of the Tokens of the Melchizedek Priesthood, thus obviating one of the changes heretofore made, and more effectively indicating transition from the lower to the higher orders of the Priesthood.
After considering carefully the proposed change, the Presidency decided unanimously that from that time on the Robe
should first be placed on the Left shoulder, and be changed to the Right shoulder at the time the Endowment candidates are going to enter the Terrestrial World room. The necessary changes in the text, to conform with this decision, are to be made in the new books of rules, etc. that are to be issued to the Temple Presidents.
(Announced to Temple workers in meeting held 14 Aug. 1922)
158. George F. Richards Journal; CHO/MS/f/600/#4; Wednesday, 30
August 1922.
From printed booklet, “Instructions to Temple Workers,” by
Geo. F. Richards, President, Salt Lake Temple, Approved by the
First Presidency, 26 October, 1922.
“Brethren and sisters who have been set apart as regular
temple workers may have access, while in the temple, to the
books containing the ceremonies, but neither the books nor a
transcript there from should be taken away from the Temple.”
Thursday, 31 August 1922
. . . Attended the regular weekly Council of the Twelve and
Presidency where the Temple ordinances and rulings were considered as a final consideration and the books were put into the
hands of Bro. D.M. McAllister to be written up for all the
temples. This is a great relief to me. I have been engaged on
this work for months.
159. George F. Richards Journal; CHO/MS/f/600/#4; President,
Salt Lake Temple, “Instructions to Temple Workers”; October 26,
Cleanliness is next to Godliness and in the House of the
Lord that principle must be strictly observed. This applies
alike to both person and apparel.
Workers may wear their shoes into the Temple but they
should be kept polished and clean from dust and mud. In the
ante-room to the Annex will be found materials which may be used
for this purpose when necessary.
Those who come to the Temple for ordinance work should
remove their shoes from their feet before entering the Temple.
A checking room has been provided where, without charge, shoes,
wraps, and valuables should be checked to avoid losses through
mistake or otherwise.
People coming to the Temple to witness sealings should be
ushered into the reception room next to the sealing room where
they may be comfortable while waiting. They should not enter
the celestial room, except where it becomes necessary in order
to sign their names as witnesses.
Persons going through for Endowments may wear white
house-slippers instead of moccasins when desired, but where this
is done, the slippers should be kept clean the same as the other
part of the Temple clothing. Where moccasins are used, white
house-slippers may be used over the moccasins if desired. * * *
Hats must not be worn in the Temple. Men should remove
their hats before entering the Annex. We would be pleased if
the sisters would observe the same rule.
160. George F. Richards Journal; CHO/MS/f/600/#4; Saturday, 14
April 1923.
I spent 1-1/2 hours with the Presidency where I read to
them the ceremonies connected with the giving of the 1st and 2nd
lectures of the Aaronic Priesthood as I had written them after
hearing them repeated and after I had revised them. I asked if
all the ceremonies could not be written, revised and approved
and go into the Presidents’ Book held only by the Temple
Presidents. The Presidency were all present and thought favor-
ably of by these. The matter is to be submitted to the Council
of the First Presidency, the Twelve & Patriarch. This would
give us a standard to go by that these ceremonies might be kept
The subject of the garment was again brought up and
considered and certain changes thought favorably of. The
permisibility [sic] of dispensing with the collar, using buttons
instead of strings, using the closed crotch and flop, and for
the women wearing elbow sleaves [sic] and leg length legs just
below the knee.
I spent about seven hours at the temple–President E. J.
Wood was given a full set of Temple books to take home with him
to Cardston for the Temple. [illegible] change.
Monday, 16 April 1923
I spent at the temple writing what has heretofore been
unwritten ceremonies of the temple. My son George assisted me
all the afternoon.
Tuesday, 17 April 1923
I spent at the Temple busy at my desk and meeting callers,
answering questions. Pres Jos F. Smith & Albert M. Cavis, my
assistants read and approved the form of ceremonies which I have
been preparing.
Thursday, 19 April 1923
I was the speaker at the temple this morning, prayed at the
altar in Council–Our Council meeting lasted from 10 am. to
about 4 p.m. I read in the council meeting which is known as the
unwritten ordinances of the temple prepared by me and it was
decided to have copies made and one each entered inside the
Presidents’ Book of each Temple.
Friday, 20 April 1923
. . . I spent some time with the Presidency and Bishopric
considering improvements to be made at the temple. It was left
in the hands of the Bishopric & Presidency of the Temple.
I had the unwritten ordinances of the Endowments typed
today by Bro. Jos. Anderson under the direction of Duncan M.
McAllister. This is done by the authority of the First Presidency. A copy is to be kept in the Presidents’ Book at each
Saturday, 12 July 1924
. . . When pouring over the Temple Ceremonies alone and
with a committee appointed to consider them with me I usually
mention [in this journal] that I have been working at my desk or
in the Temple, yet in time great changes have evolved which as a
whole may not be mentioned by me in my journal. Of that
character of work I can say that since I became the President of
the Salt Lake Temple we have re-written those temple ceremonies
and ordinances which have been heretofore written, first at the
time of the Dedication of the St. George Temple, and have put
them into leather back covers as loose leaves and provided each
Temple President with a copy. Later those ceremonies known as
unwritten ceremonies i.e. the covenants and the instructions
given in forming the circle and at the veil, were written and
copies furnished on loose leaf sheets for the Presidents of
Temples Book. A list of 83 rules and decisions have been
written also for the guidance of Temple Presidents supplanting
all former rules not in full harmony. Each of the Temple
Presidents has been supplied with copies, or rather, they were
included in the Books when they first sent out to the Temple
The Temple Committee have gone over the ceremonies of the
Endowments with a view to more perfectly put them in proper form
and we are still working on them and I am in hope that in due
time these will be considered by the Presidency and as far as is
right the suggestions will be approved and the ceremonies be
re-written having all the written ceremonies appear in their
most perfected form and regular order in the Presidents’ Books
and in the past books. I am delighted with what has been done
thus far and am hopeful that the future will see the other
changes made which are very much needed. As these things
originated on my recommendations and I have had more to do with
them than any body else. I feel that I have had [an] important
part in the splendid accomplishment which the saints generally
know not of. I have felt that since I have been called to
preside here in the Temple that if I should live and labor here
acceptably to the Lord, He would use me as an instrument in
advancing the work in these lives and I believe he has thus
blessed me, and used me. The First Presidency could not be
expected to be in touch with all the details of Temple work &
with the needed changes only as these things are brought to
their attention and who should do this if not the Apostle in
charge of the Salt Lake & Leading Temple of the church. The
first committee appointed on this work consisted of in order of
seniority, Geo. F. Richards, David O. McKay, Jos. Fielding
Smith, Stephen L. Richards and John A. Widtsoe. Since David O.
McKay is away, in Europe, Bro. James E. Talmage has been
appointed a member of that committee.
Pres. A. W. Ivins has been appointed to go over the work
with the Committee before it is presented to the Presidency. To
date we have had two sittings with Pres. Ivins.
A small sheepskin binding book is kept in my desk which
shows progress of the work at the Salt Lake Temple since I
became President. This book gives valuable information but is
not as complete as I could wish.
Thursday, 9 December 1926
Attended temple meeting at 8:15 am. and the Weekly Council
meeting at 10:00 am. the latter continued until about 5 P.M. We
had under consideration a revision of the Temple ordinances.
The question of Retribution took considerable time. I had
battery put in charge.
Thursday, 16 December 1926
Attended to my regular duties at the Temple as usual-
Attended a meeting of the Twelve from 9 to 10 o’clock and a
meeting of the Presidency and Twelve from 10:am. to about 3:PM.
This was a very important meeting. At this meeting the Report
of the Committee of Apostles on Temple Ordinances was accepted
with a few minor changes. This necessitates the printing of the
Ceremonies for all the Temples. It is helpful to have these
ready for the beginning of the New Year.
Tuesday, 25 January 1927
I went to the Temple as usual. Pres. Grant called me over
to his office and the First Presidency then decided several
important points pertaining to the Temple ordinances making a
finish of the work which has been under consideration of a
committee of five of the Twelve for several years. These points
today decided will be reported to the Council for their approval
next Thursday.
Thursday, 27 January 1927
. . . At the Council meeting the last of the committees’
recommendations concerning the endowment ceremonies was ap-
proved. There remains to have them written for all the temples.
Tuesday, 15 February 1927
February 15, 1927
Pres. St. George Temple
St. George, Utah
Dear Brother:
We have the Temple ordinances written into the books for
the Presidents of Temples and are preparing the Part books and
will get them to you in the near future, or at conference time.
At request of President Grant we have already adopted some
of the changes decided upon, and it will be in order for you to
do the same.
In sealing for the dead, whether one or both be dead, omit
the kissing. Omit from the prayer in the circle all references
to avenging the blood of the Prophets.
Omit from the ordinance and lecture all reference to
retribution. This last change can be made with a day’s notice
to those taking parts that contain such reference.
This letter is written with the approval of the Presidency.
Sincerely your brother
/s/ Geo. F. Richards
161. Historical Department–Confidential Research Files,
1950–1974; Church Archives Vault; Restricted Document; CR/100/
14/#2/V.10: p.70; David O. McKay, 17 Jan. 1955 Pesega, Samoa.
Microfilm reel 15, in Archives section.
I think I heard your spokesman say something about a
temple, or was I mistaken? Well, when I see what you have
accomplished since I was here thirty-four years ago, I am pretty
sure that sometime in the near future somewhere in the South
Seas, convenient to you, there may be a temple. And this much
too, I will tell you, on this sacred occasion, the time has
arrived in the history of the Church when temples will be taken
to the people so that faithful members of the Church may receive
all the blessings of the Church and remain in their own environment to complete family lives, to be associated with those whom
they love and without sacrificing their life’s savings to go to
the House of the Lord and receive all the blessings that any
other member of the Church may have.
162. Continuing the Quest, by Hugh B. Brown, p. 38; 1961 ed.
Now we meet in the temple that the activities of the
seminar may be sealed by the Holy Spirit so that we more
effectively carry on our work. Here we will not only lay aside
the clothing of the street, but the thoughts of the street, and
will try not only to clothe our bodies in clean white linen but
our minds in purity of thought.
163. Temple Ceremonies — Notes; Compiled by Lauritz G.
Petersen; 17 February 1971.
Lectures given in the Nauvoo Temple were not given as part
of the ceremony. After members had received their endowments,
they were called together into an assembly room and lectures
were given there. This may or may not have been the same day of
receiving the endowment.
The endowment record kept by the First Council of Seventy
deals only with those who have received their washings and
anointings. The record gives the new name, the present name of
the members, together with date and place of birth. In some
instances there were ordinations to the Melchizedek Priesthood
performed and they too are recorded. The Seventy did not record
the other part of the endowment.
The record gives who were assigned to perform the washing
and anointing. As mentioned above, the name of the person being
washed is given, with his birthdate, the priesthood he held, his
wife’s name and her birthdate, time session began, to the
minute, and the time session ended.
Time spent washing and anointing male 15 persons, one hour
and 10 minutes.
Time spent washing and anointing female 12 persons, one
hour and 50 minutes.
Another group spent 45 minutes washing and anointing 17
male, and one hour and 20 minutes with 24 female.
*Complete endowment, washing and anointing and endowment, 6
hours, 30 minutes. Time spent differs with the number of those
doing the washing and anointing. For the male department, they
had 2 washing and 3 anointing. Another interesting item is that
members were called to come for their endowments. Also the men,
Peter, presiding at the veils called the names of those present,
when to come to the veil. This agrees with the sermon given the
28th of December 1845 in the temple.
*Everyone started with the washing and the anointing and
went straight through to the complete endowment. There was no
break for lunch.
The lectures gave a much better explanation of the meaning
and use of the new name, etc.
An item of interest is that there were no garments given in
the Kirtland Temple during the washing and anointings. Garments
are not mentioned until in Nauvoo.
164. “Temples–The Gates to Heaven”; Elder Marion G. Romney,
Council of the Twelve; the Ensign, pp. 12-16; March, 1971.
Pondering upon the subject of temples and the means there
in provided to enable us to ascend into heaven brings to mind
the lesson of Jacob’s dream. You will recall that in the
twenty-eighth chapter of Genesis there is an account of his
return to the land of his father to seek a wife from among his
own people. When Jacob traveled from Beersheba toward Haran, he
had a dream in which he saw himself on the earth at the foot of
a ladder that reached to heaven where the Lord stood above it.
He beheld angels ascending and descending thereon, and Jacob
realized that the covenants he made with the Lord there were the
rungs on the ladder that he himself would have to climb in order
to obtain the promised blessings–blessings that would entitle
him to enter heaven and associate with the Lord.
Because he had met the Lord and entered into covenants with
him there, Jacob considered the site so sacred that he named the
place Bethel, a contraction of Beth-Elohim, which means literally “the house of the Lord.” He said of it: “. . . this is none
other but the house of God, and this is the gate of heaven.”
(Gen 28:17)
165. “House of Glory”; address by Truman G. Madsen, Ten Stake
Fireside, p. 7; March 5, 1972. This statement was made by Pres.
McKay at a meeting in Los Angeles to encourage contributions
towards the L.A. Temple.
Brothers and sisters, I believe there are few, even temple
workers, who comprehend the full meaning and power of the temple
endowment. Seen for what it is, it is the step-by-step ascent
into the eternal Presence. If our young people could but
glimpse it, it would be the most powerful spiritual motivation
of their lives.
166. October Conference, 1972; Spencer W. Kimball; the Ensign,
p. 34; December 1972.
Joseph Smith bestowed upon the Twelve apostles all the keys
and authority and power that he himself possessed and that he
had received from the Lord. He gave unto them every endowment,
every washing and anointing, and administered unto them the
sealing ordinances.
167. Doctrinal New Testament Commentary, Vol 1:248-249; First
Edition; Elder Bruce R. McConkie; 1973.
After people are converted and have the gift of the Holy
Ghost to enlighten their minds it is time enough for them to
learn the deeper things pertaining to exaltation in the eternal
worlds. The sacred teachings revealed in temple ordinances, for
instance, are mysteries reserved for selected and faithful
members of the kingdom who have attained sufficient stability
and background to understand them.
168. Doctrinal New Testament Commentary, Vol 1:400; First
Edition; Elder Bruce R. McConkie; 1973.
It appears that Peter, James, and John received their own
endowments while on the mountain. (Doctrines of Salvation, Vol
2:165) Peter says that while there, they “received from God the
Father honour and glory,” seemingly bearing out this conclusion. It also appears that it was while on the mount that they
received the more sure word of prophecy, it then being revealed
to them that they were sealed up unto eternal life. (2 Peter
1:16-19; D&C 131:5)
169. Huntsville, AL Stake Conference; Elder Vaughn J. Feather-
stone quoted by J. Boyd Eskridge; 24 April 1982.
I promise you that all who faithfully attend to temple work
will be blessed beyond measure. Your families will draw closer
to the Lord, unseen Angels will watch over your loved ones when
Satanic forces tempt them, the veil will be thin, and great
spiritual experiences will distill upon this people.
170. Alabama Mission Zone Conference; Elder Vaughn J. Feather-
stone; 4 May 1982.
I promise you that if you are faithful in your temple work
that there will be angels there to protect you and your children
in your time of need.