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Prince’s Research Excerpts: Temples & Mormonism – Temple Healings

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1832:    9 Jan.:  Healed following baptism.

“My father had been for several years very feeble in health, and, for about six months previous to his baptism, had not been able to visit his barn, and was pronounced by physicians in the last stage of consumption.  His neighbors all believed that baptism would kill him.  I cut the ice in the creek, and broke a road for forty rods through the crust on two feet of snow; the day was very cold; the neighbors looked on with astonishment, expecting to see him die in the water, but his health continued improving from that moment.”  (George A. Smith, JH 9 Jan., 1832)

1833:  ca. Autumn:  John Smith healed following baptism.

“A short time after this work was commenced [construction of Kirtland Temple] my husbands brother John SMith who had been lying very low with the consumption came to a determination of being baptized notwithstanding he was not able to walk into the water.  He was baptized when Hyrum and William went on their first mission to Stockholm and Potsdam; was soon healed.”  (Lucy Mack Smith manuscript, p. 172)

1839:  John Rigdon healed following baptism.

“Speaking of his baptism he [John Rigdon] seemed proud of having been baptized by Hyrum Smith, the patriarch, in the presence of his own father and the Prophet Joseph.  ‘I was sick,’ he said, ‘and I remember well how father, who was one of those positive men, came in one morning and said, ‘Well boys, you are to be baptized today.  Sick as I was, I knew it was no use resisting, and so was taken and baptized in the river.  I quickly recovered thereafter.”  [He was born in 1830, and baptized at 9 years of age–see IE 8:465–making this 1839.]  (Editor’s Table [Joseph F. Smith and Edward H. Anderson, editors], IE 3(9):697, Jul., 1900)

1841:  8 Nov.:  Healing of hand by dipping in font.

“The following is copied from the private journal of William Clayton:

I will now copy an extract from the revelation of January 19, 1841, concerning building a Baptismal Font:

There is not a place found on earth that he may come and restore again that which was lost unto you, or, which he hath taken away, even the fullness of the Priesthood; for a baptismal font there is not upon the earth; that they, my Saints, may be baptized for those who are dead; for this ordinance belongeth to my house and cannot be acceptable to me, only in the days of your poverty, wherein ye are not able to build a house unto me.  But I command you, all ye my Saints, to build a house unto me; and I grant unto you a sufficient time to build a house unto me, and during this time your baptisms shall be acceptable unto me.

In conformity with the foregoing item of law, in the summer and fall of the year 1841, the brethren entered into measures to build a baptismal font, on the cellar floor of the Temple near the east end.  Brother William Weeks, the architect, drew a draught which was accepted by President Joseph and on the 18th of August of the same year, Brother Weeks commenced to labor on it with his own hands; he labored some days on it and then committed the work to the carpenters.  On the 11th of August, Brother Weeks commenced carving the oxen, twelve in number, on which the font was to stand.  After carving six days he committed this branch to Brother Elijah Fordham, the principal carver, who continued till they were finished, which was in about two months after the commencement.  On the 8th day of November, 1841, the font was dedicated by President Joseph Smith at 5 o’clock in the evening.  After dedication, Brother Reuben McBride was the first person baptized under the direction of the President.  He was baptized by President Brigham Young.  Brother Samuel Rolfe, being present, and being seriously afflicted with a felon on one hand, President Joseph instructed him to wash in the font, and told him he would be healed, although the doctors had told him it would not be well before spring, and advised him to have it cut.  He washed his hands in the font and in one week afterwards his hand was perfectly healed.  After this time, baptisms were continued in the font and many realized great blessings, both spiritually and bodily.  I will here also state that on the 25th of September, 1841, a deposit was made in the southeast corner stone of the temple.”  (JH 8 Nov., 1841)

“At 5 o’clock in the evening, the 8th day of November, 1841, the font was dedicated by Joseph Smith the Prophet.  After the dedication Brother Reuben McBride was the first person baptized, under the direction of the President.

Brother Samuel Rolfe, who was seriously afflicted with a felon upon one of his hands, was present.  President Joseph instructed him to wash in the font and told him that the hand would be healed.  The doctors had told him that he could not recover before Spring, and had advised him to have his hand cut.  He dipped his hand in the font, and within a week he was perfectly healed.

After this time baptisms were continued in the font, and many Saints realized great blessings–both spiritually and bodily.”  (William Clayton Journal, in JI 21(4):60, 15 Feb., 1886)

1844:  pre-27 Jun.:  Baptized for health by Joseph Smith.

“I was baptized twice by the Prophet, once for my health.”  (Mary Jane Thompson, “Joseph Smith, The Prophet,” YWJ 17(12):541, Dec., 1906)

1845:  8 Jun.:  Holy Order prayed for the sick.

“In the even the Holy Order met at W. Richards.  We praid fore rain as the Earth was drie and fore the sick.”  (Heber C. Kimball diary, 8 Jun., 1845)

19/20 Jun.:  Holy Order prays for Sister Kimball.

“Sister Richards sent for us to Cloth us [in the robes of the Holy Order] and pray for hur as she felt as she should not live long.  We offered up the Signs and praid for my wife; after dinner B. Young, G. A. [Smith] and my self went to the Temple to see how things ware going on.”  (Heber C. Kimball diary, 19 Jun., 1845)

“My wife wors[e].  I sent for Sister Whitney, she com.  We Clothed our selves, and Anointed hur and praid.  The Lord hurd.  She was beter.”  (Heber C. Kimball diary, 20 Jun., 1845)

1846:  Feb.:  After endowments, our health was better.

“In February we received our Endowments in the last company that went through the Temple–1846.  After this our health was better.”  (Mary Ann Weston Maughan journal; in Our Pioneer Heritage, 2:371, 1959)

1 Apr.:  Anointed for infirmities in the Nauvoo Temple.

“April 1st [1846] In the evening had an excellent time in the Temple.  Bro. Patten and Bro. A[n]derson with their women at the Quorum, all of them (there being six) were anointed for their infirmities and 2 children blessed.  The Sacrament was administered and we had had [sic] an interesting time.” (Samuel W. Richards Journal, The Nels B. Lundwall Collection, Harold B. Lee Library, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah, 1989)

13 Apr.:  Anointed and administered to for health, in the temple.

“April 13 [1846]…in the Evening was with the Quorum as usual. Bro. Loveless and Bro. Lamb were present with their wives, all of whom were anointed and administered unto for their health, after which the subject of the resurrection was again [?] on the birth of the spirit that we must be born of the earth. etc.” (Samuel W. Richards Journal, The Nels B. Lundwall Collection, Harold B. Lee Library, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah, 1989)

10 May:  Blind woman administered to in the temple.

“10 May [1846] After [Sabbath] meting attended Quorum meeting in the attick with my wife where we partook of the Sacrament and spent the evening.  Trustees Heywood and Fulmer were present, a woman was administered to, who had been blind for many years, brought to the meting [sic] by Bro. Heywood.” (Samuel W. Richards Journal, The Nels B. Lundwall Collection, Harold B. Lee Library, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah, 1989)

17 Jun.:  Lorenzo Snow baptized for health.

“Monday, June 15.  Harriet [Snow] came to let me know that L[orenzo] is very raving.  I walk’d over & found him in a distressed condition.  Father H[untington] & Gen. R[ich] soon came.  They administer’d to him & leaving him in the care of Br. Hoyt, said they would go & clothe & pray for him in the order of the Priesthood.  He soon became calm–had a short return of the paroxysm in the eve[ning].  I sat by him all night–he rested quietly. . . .

Tuesday, June 16.  Elder [Wilford] Woodruff call’d to see us–had a very pleasant interview–he administer’d to L[orenzo].

Wednesday, June 17.  L[orenzo] was baptized [for his health]–I returned to Col. M[arkham’s] in the evening.”  (Eliza R. Snow diary, 15-17 Jun., 1846; IE 46(5):316, May, 1943)

“At Pisgah there was much sickness.  The Saints had been weakened physically on account of the hardships they had endured.  There was sickness in almost every home, and many died.  So numerous were the deaths that no ceremonies were held at the burials.  Lorenzo Snow was stricken with the fever.  He was baptized in the river for his health, and recovered soon after.”  (Lesson outine for Second Intermediate Department, in JI 54(6):321, 1 Jun., 1919)

8 Aug.:  Phebe Woodruff baptized for health.

“Spent part of the day in council.  In the evening I was baptized for the remission of my sins under the Hands of Elder W. Richards.  I also baptised him And Mrs Phebe W. Woodruff twice once for the remission of sins & once for sickness & she seemed much better After baptism.”  (Wilford Woodruff diary, 8 Aug., 1846; near Winter Quarters)

10 Aug.:  Baptism for health/rebaptism.

“I baptized my mother, and my nephew, John Rich and his sister Elizabeth for their health; and John and Jerusha Smith, son and daughter of the late Bro. Hyrum Smith, Patriarch, for their sins.”  (John Taylor Nauvoo Journal, 10 Aug., 1845, BYU Studies 23(3):82, Summer, 1983)

14 Aug.:  Prayer circle for sick?

“In afternoon in council with the Twelve and Bishops.  Also in quorum meeting, where we prayed for a good many that were sick.”  (John Taylor Nauvoo Journal, 14 Aug., 1845, BYU Studies 23(3):82-83, Summer, 1983)

15 Aug.:  Phebe Woodruff baptized for health again.

“I met in Council with the Twelve to attend to such business as our circumstances requred.  I Baptized Phebe in the evening for the restoration of her health.  It seemed to be a benefit to her.”  (Wilford Woodruff diary, 15 Aug., 1846)

20 Aug.:  Baptism for health/rebaptism: Mormon Battalion.

“At four p.m. the battalion was called together, for the first time, and addressed by Elders Daniel Tyler, Levi W. Hancock, William Hyde and Jefferson Hunt.  They stirred up our minds to a remembrance of our duty to God, the mission we were on, the sacrifice we had made to perform this mission, and the goodness of God manifested towards us.  It was a first rate meeting.  Two persons were baptized for the recovery of their health and one for the remission of sins.”  (JH 20 Aug., 1846)

17 Sep.:  Winter Quarters and Mt. Pisgah.

“Many at Winter Quarters, Mt. Pisgah, and in other settlements were immersed in water for the recovery of their health.  [Footnote 81:  Leonora Cannon diary, 17 Sep., 1846]”  (Richard E. Bennett, Mormons at the Missouri, 1846-1852, p. 146)

1847:    18 Feb.:  Washed and anointed feet and joints.

“Azariah Smith journalizes as follows:

A meeting was held in our room, Bro. Levi Hancock and others being present.  We washed and anointed one another’s feet and joints, after which Brother Hancock gave some good instructions.”  (JH 18 Feb., 1847)

25 Apr.:  “Brother Elijah Newman was baptized in the lake to-day for the benefit of his health, by Elder Tarlton Lewis.  Brother Newman had been afflicted with the black scurvy in his legs to such an extent that he could not walk, except with sticks or crutches.  But after the baptism and confirmation, he returned to camp without any help.”  (William Clayton diary, 25 Apr., 1847, in JI 21(20):310, 15 Oct., 1886)

“About 4 o’clock p.m. Brother Elijah Newman was baptized in the lake by Elder Tarlton Lewis for the benefit of his health.  He has been afflicted with the black scurvy in his legs, and confined to his bed for some time.  When he went to the water to be baptized, it appeared difficult for him to to walk even with two sticks, but after going through the ordinance and having hands laid on him, he walked back to his wagon without either staff or assistance of any kind, and seemed much better.”  (“Pioneer Journal of Heber C. Kimball,” 25 Apr., 1847; UGHM 30:80, Apr., 1939)

3 Jul.:  Norton Jacob baptized for health.

“[2 Jul.]  I was taken sick this afternoon with a fever, which has prevailed through the camp to a considerable extent since we left the mountains.  [It is] supposed to be produced by a sudden change of climate.  We are now in the heat of summer, while there we were in the midst of frost and snow.  I bathed myself all over with warm water and went to bed in my wagon, and was [taken] across the river.

Saturday, 3d–I suffered excessively with pain in the spine, joints, and head, with a high fever through the night.  Charles anointed my head and back, and rubbed it hard, which caused the pain to cease in my back, but the fever still continued.  I kept in my wagon through the day.  The remainder of [the] wagons were brought over, and we moved down the river 3 miles and camped on its bank.  The mosquitos are very troublesome here during the sunshine of day, but the nights are too cool for them, and they leave us to rest quietly.  After arriving in camp, Brother Heber came to visit me, and Charles Harper baptized me for the restoration of my health, which was confirmed upon my by Brethren Kimball, Markum, Barney, and Charles, and Doctor Richards.  The administration had the desired effect and broke my fever.”  (C. Edward Jacob, ed., The Record of Norton Jacob, 1949; 2/3 Jul., 1847)

17 Jul.:  Prayer circle for Brigham’s health.

“In the afternoon eight of the brethren took their garments of [the] Priesthood and went up on the mountain, and offered up prayers for the recovery of the President and those that are sick.”  (C. Edward Jacob, ed., The Record of Norton Jacob, 1949; 17 Jul., 1847)

18 Jul.:  Brigham washed and anointed for health.

“Met according to adjournment and received some good instruction from Brother Heber, and partook [of] the sacrament.  Brother Heber remarked that the Lord had heard and answered our prayers, for when they had washed and anointed him [Brigham], he fell into a sweet sleep and awoke much refreshed.”  (C. Edward Jacob, ed., The Record of Norton Jacob, 1949; 18 Jul., 1847)

20 Jul.:  Baptism for health on the plains.

“Camped at night on A trout creek about 10 feet across.  We found 3 waggons that had stopped on this creek in consequence [of] the sick.  Brs. Sherwood Johnson & Dewey were so sick they could not Journey & we camped on the same ground with them.  Sherwood & Johnson were Baptized for their sickness & I confirmed.”  (Wilford Woodruff diary, 20 Jul., 1847)

7 Aug.:  Rebaptism/baptism for health.

“Between 9 and 10 oclock the council met and recommended that all the camp be rebaptized and decided that Elders Tarlton Lewis, Chas Shumway, Erastus Snow, Stephen H. Goddard and Addison Everett should baptize; Heber C. Kimball, Orson Pratt, Wilford Woodruff, Geo. A. Smith and Amasa Lyman should confirm, and Thomas Bullock, Albert Carrington, Jesse C. Little, John G. Smith and Lieut Williams be clerks to attend to the re-baptisms, and to commence at 6 oclock in the morning.

George A. Smith writes:

Saturday, Aug. 7. . . . Baptized two persons for their health.”

(JH 7 Aug., 1847)

8 Aug.:  Rebaptism for health AND remission of sins.

“Sunday, 8th–This morning I was baptized by Bishop Lewis for my health and the remission of my sins; confirmed by Wilford Woodruff unto all the blessings, privileges, authority, and keys which had before been sealed upon my head by the servants of God, by the holy anointing.  Night before last the Twelve were baptized; last evening, 55 others; and today, the greater part of the remainder of the Camp, including several who had never joined the Church before.”  (C. Edward Jacob, ed., The Record of Norton Jacob, 1949; 8 Aug., 1847)

1849:  7 Dec.:  England:  healed during baptism.

“Having observed the many and interesting accounts of cases of healing, which from time to time have been inserted in the Star, I send you the following:–

Sister Mary Bolland, aged 25, and residing in Pool Street, Wolverhampton, had suffered sever[e]ly from a rupture ever since her confinement in the Autumn of 1847, until her baptism by Elder Richard Ramsell, on the 7th of December, 1849.  She had, up to the time of her baptism, been accustomed to wear a truss, or some such instrument, whereby she was enabled to get about with safety, but this she took off before she entered the water, and has ever since dispensed with it entirely, having been perfectly healed in the act of baptism; in testimony of this the undersigned witnesses subscribe their names, at the same time expressing their gratitude to Almighty God, for this and the many other manifestations of His goodness which we all from time to time experience.”  (James Bell to Orson Pratt, Editor; MS 12(9):143, 1 May, 1850)

1850:    10 Jul.:  Baptism for health in Platte River.

“Drove 20 miles on the Platt.  Camped on the bank of the River.  I Baptized 14 Persons for the remission of sins & confirmed them & 2 for Health.”  (Wilford Woodruff diary, 10 Jul., 1850)

27 Nov.:  Consecrated bath water for healing of sick.

“On Wednesday, Nov. 27, 1850, at 2 p.m., the Presidency, quorum of the Twelve, Presidency of the Seventies, the High Council, and others, with their ladies, assembled at the Bath House, to celebrate the festival of consecrating the baths for the healing of the sick, and to open the house for the benefit of the public.

Elder Kimball offered the dedication prayer, that the water might be filled with life and health, and that no foul spirit might ever pass the threshhold, dedicating the whole unto the Lord.

President Young then addressed the leaders of Israel present, relative to the cause of starting the mineral baths, stating that the house was built by the public funds, but it would have to be supported from the avails of the baths; and we expect every person who visits this house will follow the example which we set this day.  {i.e. We suppose, that those who visit the house, should do it in the spirit of prayer, giving thanks unto the Lord for all things, with their liberal offerings of gold and silver, for the support of the house, which is quite right.–Ed.}  He delivered a very appropriate address for about half an hour, which was followed by Mr. J. Kay singing ‘The Seer.’

The presidency attended to the seating of the tables, where justice was done to the dainties set before them.  Dancing was kept up with great spirit through the evening, and all were highly gratified with the evenings amusement.”  (DN 1(24):188, 11 Jan., 1851)

1851:    14 Mar.:  Advertisement for Deseret Bath House.

“The Inhabitants of Deseret are hereby respectfully informed, that the Baths are now open, and printed tickets ready for issue to accommodate families by the quarter, half year, or year.  The following are the terms for privilege of the Baths, viz:

For single person per quarter, $0,50

Families of from 2 to 4 persons per qr.  1,00

    ”    ”   ”   5 to 8    ”     ”   ”   2,00

    ”    ”   ”   8 to 16   ”     ”   ”   3,00

    ”    ”   ”   16 to 24  ”     ”   ”   3,50

Families to furnish their own towels.

Tickets for sale at the Tithing Office, and also at the Bath House.


March 14, 1851.”

(DN 1(29):232, 22 Mar., 1851)

1854:    29/30 Jun.:  Baptisms for health.

“Thursday, June 29.  One of our sisters gave birth to a baby boy and I administered to some of the sick.  I also baptized and sister in the evening for the benefit of her health at her own request.

Friday, June 30.  I was awakened at 4 o’clock in the morning and requested to administer to several persons who were sick.   We traveled that day as usual and when we camped for the night I baptized Ove Hansen for his health and also baptized his brother Olin Hansen and confirmed him a member of the Church.”  (Journal of Christian J. Larsen, 29/30 Jun., 1854; JH 5 Oct., 1854)

1855:  26 Aug.:  Baptized for health in St. Louis.

“Sunday meeting in the forenoon and those rebaptized were confirmed, not many to the meeting on account of sickness.  Christian Anderson and others very sick and believed that the Lord would heal them by regaining their covenant.  I baptized them right by their house and confirmed them right there.”  (Jens Christian Nielsen diary, 26 Aug., 1855 [St. Louis]; in Our Pioneer Heritage, 5:491, 1962)

1858:    21 Jun.:  Woman healed during baptism.

“[Mission to England] The sick were healed and the lame made to leap for joy.  One case I will mention: A woman, 40 years old, by the name of Elizabeth Tucker, who had not walked for 19 years without the aid of crutches, as soon as she was baptized walked to the house alone.  After she was confirmed, she walked about the house with ease and said if she was only across the big pond she could walk to Zion.”  (William Brown autobiographical sketch, JH 21 Jun., 1858)

1859:  16 Oct.:  Washed and anointed for health.

“Bishop Crousby taken violently sick; was washed & anointd for his helth by Father Morly, Hamblin & myself.  Recieved instant relief.”  (John D. Lee diary, 16 Oct., 1859)

1861:  11 Mar.:  Prayer circle for injured child.

“At night Bro Rushton called on me to go and get my Priestly robes and prepare to meet in Circle to pray for a child that had been burnt very Shocking.  I went and enjoyed myself, in doing good.”  (Charles L. Walker diary, 11 Mar., 1861)

1867:  9 Apr.:  Prayer circle for sick aunt.

“At the Juvenile Instructor’s Office and called at Mrs. Hooper’s.  Afternoon found a dispatch at the S.U. & Ex. office from Warren.  Learned that Aunt was just alive and that she wished a prayer circle to remember her.  Was fortunate in having the necessary arrangements promptly attended to.”  (Wilson Howard Dusenberry diary, 9 Apr., 1867; in Our Pioneer Heritage 1:248, 1958)

1875:  1 Aug.:  Healing of sick Indians through baptism.

“After the meeting was dismissed, the scenes I was going to relate took place.  They hurried me to the water, as there were so many that wanted to be baptized.  I did not stop to visit with the brothers and sisters who came to see us, but went immediately to the river.  I baptized over three hundred before I came out of the water.  Amongst the number there were several that were sick.  Some had been sick for a long time, and all, without an exception, on being baptized for their health, were healed.  There was one man that had been sick for several months; he had been so bad that he was unable to walk a step for four or five months.  It took three men to carry him into the water to be baptized.  I baptized him for his health and for the remission of his sins, when he walked out of the river with one man walking on each side of him to steady him, and he got well immediately. . . .

This same chief took sick about a week after he was baptized, and called for baptism for his health.  I baptized him, and he got well immediately.  The power of God was made manifest in his case to such an extent, and made so much impression upon him, that, on being taken sick last summer, he started to come a distance of between two and three hundred miles on horseback, to be baptized for his health.  Now, if he had never been healed himself, nor seen anybody else healed, he would never have started that distance on horseback to have that ordinance performed.”  (G. W. Hill, JI 15(4):45, 15 Feb., 1880)

1877:  6 Mar.:  “At the Temple. . . . 11 baptized for their

health.”  (L. John Nuttall diary, 6 Mar., 1877)

12 Apr.:  “I was baptized for 14 of My Relatives & friends & had Ann Eliza Wells Baptized for 6 of my dead relatives  was also Baptized for remission of Sins & renewall of covenants & restoration to health.”  (L. John Nuttall diary, 12 Apr., 1877)

24/25 May:  Sores didn’t run while in temple.

“The weather was very stormy and when we arrived at St. George on the 24th of May, 1877, and after we had something to eat, Brother Tuttle and myself went to see Brother Wilford Woodruff who had charge of the Temple.  As I had two running sores on my leg I was afraid that I would not be allowed to go through the Temple.  I told Brother Woodruff my condition and asked him if I should keep the bandage on my leg or take it off.  When he had waited for the promptings of the spirit, he told me to take the bandage off and go in the Temple the following day.

On the 25th of May I entered the Temple of the Lord, this was the same building I had seen in a dream, and I saw the wife I married on the stairs as I did in my dream and we were sealed for time and eternity.  All the time I was in the Temple the sores on my leg did not run, nor even mark my garments, and my leg did not give me any pain, but as soon as I got back to the wagon the sores began to run again and I had to put on a bandage.”  (Thomas Briggs diary, 24/25 May, 1877; in Our Pioneer Heritage, 3:291-293, 1960)

27 May:  “1st Baptism – John Cummings Tyler for renewal of covenants – and sister Ann Pulsipher for her health.  [At Kanab, not in Temple]”  (L. John Nuttall diary, 27 May, 1877)

12 Jun.:  “At the Temple as usual; baptisms for the dead 571 for health 15.”  (J.D.T. McAllister diary, 12 Jun., 1877)

28 Aug.:  Continual prayer St. George Temple for Brigham.

“The Spirit of the Lord was poured out uon those who were engaged in prayer, on special occasions, enveloping them, coursing and searching even to the marrow in the bones.  Notably was this the case in President Young’s last illness.  On Tuesday, August 28, 1877, five companies for prayer were formed in the different up-stairs rooms of the Temple.  Prayers were offered at intervals until 4 p.m., when an adjournment was taken until 7 o’clock in order to allow time for refreshments.  It should be stated that after the opening of the Temple on Tuesday morning, all who were present repaired to a room and prayer was offered, and at that prayer, and also at the opening prayer about 9 o’clock, the Spirit prompted him who was mouth to dedicate, consecrate and set President Young apart to the Lord, whether for life or for death.  We wrestled in mighty prayer that day and prvailed with the Lord, for he revived, as we were advised by telegrams at intervals through the day, and hopes were entertained that full life would again return to him, nevertheles the feeling existed and was mentioned by several that they felt as though they were attending a funeral.

At 7 o’clock p.m. we again assembled and were joined by a number of others who had not been with us during the day.  The exercises were kept up until after 1 a.m., Wednesday morning, when the congregation all gathered together in the large upstairs room and sang ‘Sweet rest in heaven’ before adjourning.

I was at that time outside of the Temple, on duty with Brother Miles P. Romney.  We were resting on a quilt on the ground near the north entrance, and we remarked that we never heard such sweet, heavenly singing before.  It seemed as though those in the Temple were joined by a host, and the music was most angelic.  The voices were heavenly.

No one doubts for a moment that Brother Brigham had finished his work acceptably to the Lord and that his time had fully come for him to go hence.”  (M. F. Farnsworth, “Temple Manifestations,” Contributor 16(1):65, Nov., 1894)

17 Sep.:  “I with some of the brethren prepared a place above the town for baptism and baptized three of the Teachers and in the afternoon 82 persons were re-baptized by Elder C. H. Jensen and 11 were baptized for the first time, all of whom were confirmed by Bros John Lovell, John Dutson and myself.  Afterward bro Geo Lovell and I baptized John Partridge for his health, he having been very sick, and at present not able to walk or help himself in anyway.”  (Platte D. Lyman diary, 17 Sep., 1877; LC Collection)

1880:    6 Aug.:  Baptism for health.

“Manti City, Sanpete County,

August 6th, 1880.

Editors Deseret News:

I desire to make known through your columns the goodness of God to me and to testify to the manifestation of his power in this our day.  For the past five years I have been a helpless cripple, and for the past two and a half years have used two canes to enable me to walk.  Yesterday being fast day, I was rebaptized by Bishop Hans Jensen for the renewal of my covenants and for my health, and since then am enabled to walk without any assistance and am entirely free from pain.  I acknowledge this to be through the gift and power of God in answer to my prayers of faith and obedience to the ordinances of the Gospel.

Hoping to live worthy of the countinued favors of Heaven,

I subscribe myself,

Yours in the Gospel covenant,

John Frischknecht.”

(DN 29(30):471, 25 Aug., 1880)

21 Oct.:  “Br Henry Charles Fowler Baptized my Daughter Susan C Scholes in the font for the Renewal of her Covenants and her health.”  (Wilford Woodruff diary, 21 Oct., 1880)

1881:  28 Nov.:  [Germany]  “In the evening six persons came here to be baptized; they were, Peter Vogel, his wife Katharina, and daughter Margaretha; Franz J. Meidel, and Johann Bauer, with his wife Babeta.  I baptized them all, the first named being also baptized for his health, he having a lame back.”  (A. H. Cannon diary, 28 Nov., 1881)

1883:  11 Dec.:  “I confirmed 28.  Also Sister E. S. Woodruff who renewed her covenants and was baptised for her health.  Prest. Woodruff Blest Bro. Geo. Geasdale who was baptized for his health.”  (J.D.T. McAllister diary, 11 Dec., 1883)

1884:  3 Mar.:  Washed and anointed him for his recovery.

“In the evening I went to prayer meetings, after which I with 5 other elders visited Brother James Whithead, Jr., who was still very low with rheumatic fever.  I officiated in washing and annointing him all over for his recovery.”  (Oliver B. Huntington journal, 3 Mar., 1884)

21 May:  “[Logan Temple]  Prest George Q. Cannon offered the Morning prayer after which the ordinance of Baptizm was performed   Apostle F. D. Richards the first male for the dead – and Sister Sophia Elizabeth Taylor Nuttall the first female for the dead – others were baptized for their health – and for renewal of Covenants also for the dead.”  (L. John Nuttall diary, 21 May, 1884)

1886:  31 May/2 Jun.:  “Jane was baptized for Eliza Kenoyn and Emma Hughes.  Jane also renewed her covenant & was baptized for her health. . . .

Jane was baptized, confirmed, anointed and washed for her health and also blessed by Janes G. Bleak.  The baptism & confirmation on May 31, the washing, anointing & sealing on June 2nd by permission and sanction of Prest J. D. McCalister he intended to bless her himself but he overlooked it till he went to the sealing room which kept him busy till late.”  (Christopher J. Arthur diary, 31 May/2 Jun., 1886; LC Collection)

1 Jun.:  All the rest verbally repeated the prayer.

“I called a special meeting of the prayer circle to pray for Dove Bird, widow of Vernon Bird and after the meeting we all went ato her house, annointed and laid on hands, each one of us being mouth in turn and all the rest (5) repeated what the one said, by sentences.”  (Oliver B. Huntington journal, 1 Jun., 1886)

1888:  28 Feb.:  “Olonzo came to the Temple and was baptized for his health and administered to.”  (Marriner Wood Merrill diary, 28 Feb., 1888)

26 Aug.:  “[Chihuahua, Mexico]  Poor Adeline is still lying and suffering, perfectly helpless in bed.  The baptism for her health on the 7 of last January did not seem to affect any permanent relief.  She was then baptized in a vat in the house.  A short time ago she desired to be rebaptized in the river, so the Elder officiating could ‘go down into the water.’  On the 9 of August 1888 we took her to the river and she was rebaptized and reconfirmed under the voice of George Barber (for her health) but still she lies and suffers.”  (Levi Mathers Savage diary, 26 Aug., 1888; LC Collection)

25 Sep.:  “At the Temple baptising in the Font.  I baptized Bigler and Allan Wakeling.  Also some for their health, and their Dead relatives, officiating also in other ordinances.”  (Charles L. Walker diary, 25 Sep., 1888)

16 Oct.:  “Sophia Angman came with Olonzo and me.  She was baptized for her health on Tuesday, October 16.”  (Marriner Wood Merrill diary, 16 Oct., 1888)

Winter:  “On account of poor Adelines tedious sickness, she became very anxious to go to Utah [she was in Chihuahua, Mexico], enter the Temple and undergo medical treatment. . . .

Adeline’s relatives [in Logan] were very kind and good to us.  She entered the Temple and was baptized for her health several times, this was repeated several times during the winter of 1888 and 1889.  I worked a while in the Tithing Office at Franklin.  Adeline was also under the care of Doctor Snow of Logan, but spring found her health but little improved.”  (Levi Mathers Savage diary, 7 Nov., 1892)

1890:  Jul.:  “It was Alice’s second year of high school.  She was so anxious to get all she could out of it that she studied at night so that she couldn’t sleep.  When school closed she had a nervous break-down.  She had acute St. Vitus, the worst I ever saw or heard of.  She had no control of any muscle in her body and it was next to impossible to feed her.  She did not sleep more than ten minutes in twenty-four hours, for twelve days.  It was impossible for us to handle her.  She was engaged to be married to William W. Spendlove, but no time had been set.  He saw that we would have to have some man to help us, so asked that they might be married, so that he might help take care of her.  They were married on the 20th of May a few days after she was taken sick.  After weeks of this we got some medicine that quieted her, but it must have been too strong for it affected her mind.  I did not know what to do.  I advised with the brethren in regard to taking her to the temple.  They told me that I could bring her if I felt that it would do her any good.  I took her much against her will.  We had many friends in St. George and they were willing to help us in any way they could.  Friends persuaded her to go to the temple.  She was baptized for her health and received her endowments there and was greatly blessed.  She began to bet better.  She then went for the dead.  Will went home in a week.  She was so much improved that she was willing to go to the temple and they were sealed on the 16th of July.  Will and I then went home leaving her still in St. George.  In another week we brought her home.  She seemed herself only that she had no love for us.  She felt bad about it.  Will went on a trip to Salt Lake City and was gone a month.  Alice went to Kolob with her Uncle Richard and was gone three weeks.  She got fat and well and was glad to meet her husband when he returned.  Her sickness was the greatest trial of my life.  According to the doctors no one could live afflicted as she was, but she was healed by the power of God in His Holy House.  All glory be to His name.”  (“Memoirs of Alice Parker Isom,” UHQ 10:68, 1942)

1891:    8 Feb.:  Washed and anointed women prior to confinement.

“I did not go to Sunday School but visited with my sister until meeting time when we rode in carriage to meeting.

After meeting I took her to Oliver’s according to previous arrangement to wash and annoint Oliver’s wife and my daughter Nelly for their confinement.  It was for this purpose she came from her home to my house.”  (Oliver B. Huntington journal, 8 Feb., 1891)

7 Sep.:  “I wrote to Pres M. W Merrill at Logan Temple introducing Sophia.  she left by the 3:30 p.m. train wishing to do what she can for her health.”  (L. John Nuttall diary, 7 Sep., 1891) 

11 Sep.:  “Sophia returned from Logan this morning feeling better for her visit to the Temple and glad to be home again.”  (L. John Nuttall diary, 11 Sep., 1891)

22 Sep.:  “went to the [Manti] Temple in the Temple vehicle.  There were quite a number of baptisms for renewal of health and for the Dead.  I met Prest A. H. Lund who received me very Kindly & had conversation with him.  I felt much impressed to be baptized for my health and Bro Alstrom provided me suitable clothing so I was baptized 7 times by Bro John Bench.  Bro Simon T. Beck was mouth in blessing me & Bros David F F uns [sic] & John Haber were witnesses.”  (L. John Nuttall diary, 22 Sep., 1891)

22 Sep.:    Administered to in the temple.

“One particular case of healing I will mention which occurred in the Manti Temple.  Brother Joseph V. Robison of Fillmore, was afflicted with cancer.  It had eaten away his right ear, and was in his mouth and on his face.  He was in a very bad condition.  The cancer had advanced so far that medical skill had entirely failed.

He came to the Temple on September 22, 1891, and was anointed with Holy Oil, and was administered to by the brethren, there being seven of them in the room.  I anointed him, and Brother Lund sealed the anointing, rebuking the cancer.  He was healed, and is now healthy and strong, his testimony being that he is a well man.”  (M. F. Farnsworth, “Temple Manifestations,” Contributor 16(1):66, Nov., 1894)

23 Sep.:  “I spent an enjoyable day also assisted in anointing & blessing for health of several persons.”  (L. John Nuttall diary, 23 Sep., 1891)  [Note:  Done in the Manti Temple.]

14 Nov.:  “I called at Sister Precinda Kimball’s yesterday with Sister Lizzie Woolley, who wanted to be washed & anointed for her health.”  (L. John Nuttall diary, 14 Nov., 1891)

1892:  11 Feb.:  Form of prayer for rebaptism.

“[At the council meeting of the Twelve] we had some talk as to the correct form to be used by the person who administers the ordinance of baptism, and President Woodruff expressed himself in favor of adhering to the words used in the revelation of the Lord as contained in our church publications, except in the case of baptism for the health, when the object of the ordinance might be mentioned.”  (Abraham H. Cannon diary, 11 Feb., 1892)

8 Apr.:  “I then accompanied Father to the font under the Tabernacle where he baptized Angus and Ada, who are to be married soon, and David for his health.  I was mouth in the confirmation of Ada.”  (Abraham H. Cannon diary, 8 Apr., 1892)

1893:  Apr.:  Baptized for health in St. George Temple.

“She [Zina D. Huntington Young] has been to the temple at St. George three times, each time having the privilege of assisting in the ordinance work.  While there she was seriously afflicted with the rheumatism, being severely crippled therefrom.  Going into the baptismal font for her health, she came out perfectly sound and well.”  (“Temple Workers,” YWJ 4(7):294, Apr., 1893)

Apr.:  Blessed by woman in endowment house.

“A young girl from Payson came to the [Endowment] House with a knot of protruding veins or a swelling on one of her wrists.  Sister [Bathsheba W.] Smith told her in blessing her that some day she should wake up and the swelling would all be gone.  In prophesying this Sister Smith felt almost frightened at her own words.  But it came to pass just as she had predicted.  The girl afterwards told her that it was just as she said.  If the cure was not a miracle, surely the prophecy was a very singular circumstance.”  (“Temple Workers,” YWJ 4(7):295, Apr., 1893)

Apr.:  Eliza Snow blesses blind eye.

“At another time a sister came who was blind in one eye, had been so since her childhood.  She had been struck with a ruler by her teacher when a child, and the eye had been blind ever since.  On coming into the House this sister gazed continually upon Sister [Eliza R.] Snow, and when asked at last what caused her deep attention, she told Sister Snow that she had seen her in a dream a little time before, and that she was to receive through her a great blessing.  Sister Snow anointed the blind eye, and pronounced the healing of the Holy Spirit upon it.  A few weeks afterwards the sister returned to show her once blind eye, which was now bright and perfectly sound.”  (“Temple Workers,” YWJ 4(7):295-296, Apr., 1893)

Apr.:  Many healings by Lucy Young in St. George Temple.

“How many times the sick and suffering have come upon beds to that temple, and at once Sister [Lucy B.] Young would be called to take the afflicted one under her immediate charge, as all knew the mighty power she had gained through long years of fastings and prayers in the exercise of her special gift.  When her hands are upon the head of another in blessing, the words of inspiration and personal prophecy that flow from her lips are like a stream of living fire.  One sister who had not walked for twelve years was brought, and under the cheering faith of Sister Young she went through the day’s ordinance and was perfectly healed of her affliction.  Numbers of times childless women have sought out the prayers and faith of Sister Young in her temple duties, and have afterwards turned, as Hannah of old, to bring up their promised child to receive further blessings in the temple.  Volumes would not contain the myriad instances of cases of illness and disease healed by the power of God under Sister Young’s hands.  No one was too high, none too low, no one too poor no one too sick for her faith to reach.  This gift is still with her, and humbly and powerfully does she exercise it.”  (“Temple Workers,” YWJ 4(7):299, Apr., 1893)

Apr.:  Baptized for my health in St. George Temple.

“From my twenty-eighth to my thirty-first year [born in 1839] I enjoyed moderately good health, when I met with an accident which paralyzed my right arm and nearly the right half of my body.  This caused me to be a helpless invalid for six years, during which time my husband was called to leave this world of sorrow.  In the seventh year of my sickness I went to the St. George Temple, was baptized for my health, and to do some work for my mother, and from that time I rapidly improved, and in one year I was called to go to the St. George Temple as a regular worker, where I worked for three years without losing a day on account of sickness.”  (Ellen B. Ray Matheny, “Temple Workers,” YWJ 4(7):303-304, Apr., 1893)

Apr.:  Tuesday was the day for baptisms for sick.

“I have had no very great manifestations while laboring there [Manti Temple].  My home being at Ephraim, seven miles from the temple, I have usually gone home every night and back in the morning, and on account of my traveling back and forth Sister Snow has felt to excuse me as much as possible from being there Tuesdays, thinking it more convenient for those living at Manti.  Tuesday being the day for baptisms and waiting on the sick and infirm, I have not had the opportunity of seeing the sick healed instantly or waiting much on them in the temple, but do know that many have been benefited.”  (Christina Willardson, “Temple Workers,” YWJ 4(7):304, Apr., 1893)

Temple Lot Case:

“495 Q:  Now you spoke of baptism for health?  A:  Yes sir.

496 Q:  Was that a prominent feature of the doctrine of the original Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints any more than it is of the re-organized church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, if you know?  A:  No sir, I never considered that it was considered essential,–it was simply permissive.  It was simply permissible, but I never knew of its being practiced in the re-organized church at all.  Now I do not say that it never was practiced in the re-organized church, but to my recollection I never knew of its being practiced.

497 Q:  And so far as to its being a doctrine is concerned, you would not say that it was a doctrine obligatory or permissive in the old organization?  A:  My understanding is that it was taught as a doctrine that is beneficial, and was practiced at the will of the persons interested, but was not obligatory,–it was simply taught as a doctrine that was beneficial.  That is about all that I knew about it, for I never heard an elder or any body else preach it.

498 Q:  That is in the old organization?  A:  No sir. No where.  I have never heard it taught as a present duty, but I have heard it taught or rather advocated as beneficial, and in that sense it was practiced.”

(Jason Briggs, Temple Lot Manuscript, Book Three Respondents, pp. 614-615)

1894:  26 Mar.:  Anointed in temple.

“Sister Honorine Matilda Anderson was told by the doctors that she could never give birth to a living child, two having been taken from her with instruments.  She came to the Manti Temple on the twenty-sixth of March, 1894, and was anointed preparatory to her confinement.  She was promised that she should give birth to a living child.  On the fourteenth of June, she gave birth with but little pain to a fine daughter, weighing eleven and a half pounds.”  (John D. T. McAllister, “Temple Manifestations,” Contributor 16(3):147-148, Jan., 1895)

25 Sep.:  “Phebe, my daughter, was here and baptized for her health.”  (Marriner Wood Merrill diary, 25 Sep., 1894)

13 Oct.:  Administered to outside of, then inside temple.

“[12 Oct.] While here Jesse Cannon came with the folks and was administered to by J. H. Smith, H. J. Grant, Geo. Reynolds, John Nicholson and myself, Heber anointing with oil, and John Henry blessing him. . . .

[13 Oct.] In the forenoon I went with Uncle Angus and Jesse Cannon to the office of the eye doctor, Lyons, who yesterday desired to remove the injured eye, so as to save the other from loss by sympathy.  I emphatically protested against the operation, and therefore merely a litle film or covering was removed, and it was decided to await further developments.  I believe God will heal the eye, if faith is exercised, and therefore told the folks they must not be crying about him, but show their faith by their cheerful countenances.  In the afternoon I assisted in administering to Jesse in the temple, and was mouth in sealing the anointing.  I felt led to promise him a full recovery if he would exercise faith. . . .

[14 Oct.] On my way to the seven o’clock train for Ogden, I called and administered to Jesse, who seems to be improving. . . .

[15 Oct.] We called to see Jesse Cannon on the way to the farm.  He was in the temple today and was administered to.  While there a dream he had a few nights since was fulfilled: Pres. Snow came and anointed his eye, and told him he should recover the full use of it.  All the time while he was receiving the administration he heard the most beautifuol singing, sounding as he said like the tenor voice of Geo. D. Pyper, but none of those present heard it. . . .

[16 Oct.] I called in the forenoon and administered to Jesse Cannon, who is rapidly recovering. . . .

[21 Oct.] I went to my room and spent part of the forenoon, and at noon called to see Jesse Cannon, but he had gone to the temple to be blessed. . . .

[24 Oct.] The feelings of Uncle Angus are not very pleasant today, as Dr. Lyon tells him that Jesse’s eye must come out, or he may lost his other eye, and perhaps his life.  I have not been able to feel this way, but believe the Lord will heal him, if he and those about him will exercise faith.  I am therefore opposed to the operation.  Jesse came to my Circle at six o’clock, where I had opened with prayer, and Orson F. Whitney was mouth at the altar.  The latter anointed him, and Bros. Robt. Patrick and W. L. N. Binder and myself in turn sealed the anointing.  I also went to Uncle Angus’ with Bro. Stevenson after the Circle and administered to him.  Several promises have been made him of his complete recovery, if he will have faith, and I believe these promises will be fulfilled.  The Presidency would give Uncle Angus no counsel as to what he should do in the case, but thought he ought to follow the feelings of his own heart, and these seem to be to have the eye removed.  I protest against it in my feelings. . . .

[25 Oct.] I was up at two o’clock, and after dressing went to see Jesse Cannon.  I sat with him till 6:30, attending to the changing of cloths on his eye, and praying for him.  I then went to the office and attended to my usual work all day, except when at my council meeting in the temple in the afternoon.  I called on Jesse in the evening, and administered to him.  He seems somewhat improved today, and the doctor says he is some better. . . .

[31 Oct.] Jesse Cannon then came in [to the SL Temple] and was anointed by Bro. Wright, and Edward Stevenson was mouth in administering to him.  He is daily improving. . . .

[2 Nov.] I also called and administered to Jesse Cannon . . .

[14 Nov.] I also called to see Jesse Cannon, whose eye is rapidly recovering.”  (A. H. Cannon diary, 12 Oct.-14 Nov., 1894)

Nov.:  Baptism for health.

“There were many miraculous and powerful manifestations and remarkable healings in the St. George Temple.  I will only mention the following cases:  Brother Geo. Jarvis was a very sick man.  He had to be carried to the Temple and was laid on a pallet on the floor in the reception room.  He was carried into the font, where he was baptized and confirmed for his health, and was healed, being able to walk home from the Temple.  His house is a little over four blocks, or over half a mile from the Temple.”  (M. F. Farnsworth, “Temple Manifestations,” Contributor 16(1):63, Nov., 1894)

Nov.:  Telegraphed us to pray for her in the temple.

“Among the many remarkable healings in answer to prayer is the following:  Professor J. A. Whitelock had been employed in the Central School in St. George.  After fulfilling his engagement, himself and wife, Amanda, returned to their former home in Philadelphia.  While there their little child Pearl became violently ill and wasted away to a mere skeleton.  She was given up to die by eminent physicians there, as well as by all the friends.  Brother Whitelock telegraphed us to pray for her in the St. George Temple, which was done, and the child was instantly healed.  In a most remarkable manner the flesh returned upon her bones, so that in the morning those who saw her, beheld a healthy, hearty, lovely child.  They wrote a lengthy letter of the particulars of this healing, which letter was read to the company in the Temple, and also to the congregation in the Tabernacle in St. George the following Sabbath.”  (M. F. Farnsworth, “Temple Manifestations,” Contributor 16(1):64, Nov., 1894)

1895:  Jan.:  Several healings in St. George Temple.

“During the week following the dedicatory services [of the St. George Temple] we were busy fitting up for baptisms and other ordinance work.  At the opening baptismal day, some were baptized for their health and received blessings.  Others were anointed with consecrated oil, and by the laying on of hands, were healed, and this spirit and these blessings have been manifested in that holy House from the beginning.  Quite a number have sent letters and telegrams to us from all parts of the country, to be prayed for, and some who have been healed have so informed us by letter.  President Angus M. Cannon of Salt Lake and others can testify of the power of God here manifested.

Sister Stevens of Shonesburg, who had been an invalid for years, received great blessings in that sacred place.

Father Yardley, living in Beaver, had lost his hearing.  He was baptized in the St. George Temple and confirmed by Elder David H. Cannon.  His hearing was fully restored.

Brother Joseph Hammond of St. George had very bad eyes.  He came to us and we anointed them.  His eyes were healed and made strong again.

There are thousands of people who can testify to the power of God made manifest in His holy House, according to the prayers of His servants who bore the Holy Priesthood.”  (John D. T. McAllister, “Temple Manifestations,” Contributor 16(3):147, Jan., 1895)

Mar.:  Baptism in Manti Temple.

“For the encouragement of Saints who may be afflicted with disease, I present the following remarkable case which came under my personal knowledge:

Sister Karren Rich had been bedfast for five years with a disease which had a strong hold upon her entire system.  She was unable to turn herself in bed during this time and therefore had to be attended by sympathetic relatives and friends, who handled her almost as an infant.  She had a great desire to go with her husband, Elder Jens J. Rich, to the Manti temple to perform some work for their dead relatives and friends.  They obtained a recommend from the Bishop for that purpose and started for Manti one seventh of July.  One of their grand-sons was engaged to drive the team.  Sister Rich had to be lifted into the wagon where she was laid on a bed that had been prepared for her.  The party then started on their journey.  When about two miles distant from Monroe I met them, when they stopped their wagon and we had some little conversation.  I remarked, ‘I suppose you are on your way to the House of the Lord in Manti.’

‘Yes,’ replied Brother Rich, ‘if we can only live to get there.’  Continuing he said, ‘Brother Williams, won’t you pray to the Lord that He will give us strength to reach Manti and do some work for our dead friends?’

I replied that I would, and further that I could prophesy in the name of the Lord that they would arrive there in safety and that Sister Rich would be baptized for her health and should return home from the Temple a healed woman.

She answered that she hoped such would be the case.  I shook hands with them with a ‘God bless you,’ and we separated, I going to my home and they proceeding towards Manti.  After our separation I began to fear and tremble in reflecting upon the promise I had just made, but this sensation soon left me and I became cheerful and was satisfied that the inspiration of the Lord had prompted the promise I had made.

Brother and Sister Rich went to the Temple and she was baptized for her health.  As soon as she came out of the water and was confirmed she was restored to health, and is today in full vigor of mind and body and rejoicing in the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.  Seven years have elapsed since that time, and though she has been baptized and had endowments and sealings for about five hundred persons during this period, her health is still most excellent.  She is desirous of going to the Temple again as soon as she can obtain the means with which to make the journey.  Though she is now nearly seventy-six years of age she is as active and nimble on foot as many of our maidens of sixteen years.”  (J. V. Williams, “Temple Manifestations,” Contributor 16(5):312, Mar., 1895)

10 Jul.:  Baptism for health fails; deacon succeeds.

“My eldest daughter, Lizzie by name, was so sorely afflicted in her eyes and wrists for about two years that she could not bear any light without pain, and could scarcely lift a paper from the table or turn the leaves of a book.  Besides these afflictions, she was so weak in her general health that she was rapidly going into a decline.

During the last few weeks of this time she could not wait on herself at the table without great distress.

For days and weeks she would sit, listless and helpless, in a chair, not being able to read or work, or do anything to while away the tedious hours of the long summer days, and was unable to sleep at night.  Notwithstanding all these ceaseless sufferings she uttered not one murmuring word or heaved a complaining sigh.

I took her to the Salt Lake Temple, where she was baptized for her health, the entire family fasting for her.  I administered to her many times.

During our ward conference I requested Presidents Geo. Q. Cannon, Joseph F. Smith and Angus M. Cannon to administer to her, which they did, and promised her many great blessings.  Again we all fasted for her.

I placed her in the care of one of our lady doctors for three months.  All these efforts proved futile, as my daughter did not improve. . . .

Wednesday, the 10th of July, 1895, was very cloudy and stormy, and my son Artie was quite concerned, as he saw me return from the canyon in bright sunlight; but he did not lose faith in the healing.  Towards noon the clouds broke away and the storm ceased.  I returned just as he had seen me do.  His first question to me as soon as I stepped into our kitchen was, ‘Pa, has a Deacon authority to rebuke disease?’  My answer was, ‘Yes, if he is administering to the sick.’

This was not according exactly with the answer I had given him in his vision, so he went to his sleeping room and prayed to the Lord.  He then went to my daughter’s bedroom, where Lizzie was lying on the bed, and taking her by the right hand commanded her to arise and be made whole.  This he did in the name of Jesus Christ, and she immediately arose, and in an hour was assisting about the housework.  She now stands a living monument of God’s divine power and blessings, and we as a family give glory and honor and power unto His great and holy name.”  (Richard S. Horne, JI 30(21):660-663, 1 Nov., 1895)

1896:    7 May:  Baptism for dead/baptism for health.

“[Meeting of 1st Pres. and 12 in the Temple]  Prest. Lorenzo Snow called attention to the form of baptism used in the Temples on behalf of the dead, in which the words ‘for the remission of your sins’ were interpolated, being different from the form of baptism for the living.

President Joseph F. Smith said he had noticed in baptizing a person for health the words were used ‘for the renewal of your covenants, the remission of your sins and the restoration of your health.’  It was the unanimous sense of the Council that these forms should be corrected by letter of instructions to the Temple Presidents.”  (JH 7 May, 1896)

7 May:  “I rebaptized Sisters Adeline Savage and Celia Owens seven times for health.”  (Levi Mathers Savage diary, 7 May, 1896; LC Collection)

8 May:  Letter concerning form of various types of baptism.

“The following letter prepared by President Geo. Q. Cannon to carry into effect the action of the Council of the First Presidency and Apostles, on May 7, was addressed today to the Presidents of the Temples:

In baptizing for the dead in the Temples we understand that the form of words used is as follows:

Having been commissioned of Jesus Christ, I baptize _____, for an in behalf of _____ for the remission of your sins, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, amen.

We might go into explanation as to the reasons which have caused this form of baptism to be adopted; but it is not necessary, further than to say that baptisms for health and baptisms for the renewal of covenants, etc., have led doubtless to the adoption of this form of ceremony to distinguish it from others.

We have had this matter under consideration from time to time, and supposed that our views had been made known to the Presidents of the Temples; but we understand that they have not been informed upon this point, and that the form above given is still the one used in administering baptisms for the dead.

The form that we think proper, and that we desire to have used hereafter in administering the ordinance of baptism for the dead, is as follows:

Having been commissioned of Jesus Christ, I baptize you _____ for and in behalf of _____, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, Amen.

We understand that in some instances baptisms have been administered in the Temples with something like the following ceremony:

Having been commissioned of Jesus Christ, I baptize you for the remission of sins, for the renewal of your covenant, and for the restoration of your health, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, Amen.

We do not know upon what authority this form of administering baptism has been adopted, but we think it improper.  There have been times in the Church when the First Presidency have felt it necessary to call upon all members of the Church to renew their covenants, and at such times it was suggested that the words ‘for the renewal of your covenants’ be used in the ceremony; but it does not follow that at other times, and in individual cases, that form should be used.

We think it improper, speaking generally, for the words ‘for the remission of sins’ or ‘for the renewal of your covenant’, to be used in administering the ordinance of baptism.

Where it may be necessary to baptize a person who is already a member of the Church, the form of ceremony which the Lord revealed to the Nephites, and which has also been revealed to us in our day, is sufficient.  It is sufficient for a sinner who joins the Church, for through that ordinance and the words of the ceremony which the Lord has given, his sins are remitted, and it certainly is for a man who is already a member of the Church, if it should be deemed necessary to administer the ordinance of baptism to him.  The practice which has prevailed in some instances where members of the Church are baptized of using the words ‘re-baptism’ and ‘re-confirmation’ we think unnecessary.  When we strictly follow the form the Lord has given us we are sure to be right.

In cases where people are baptized for their health, we see no impropriety in using the words ‘for the restoration of your health’ in the ceremony.  There is a difference between baptism for such a purpose and baptism for admission into the Church.  One is an ordinance of salvation–the door provided by the Lord through which his children must enter into his Church, and become entitled to the blessings of the new and everlasting covenant; the other, while it may be termed in some respects an ordinance, is not imperative upon the members of the Church.  If they have faith and believe, when they have some ailment, that the administration of baptism in that form will be beneficial to them, the privilege is granted to them.  But there is a clear distinction between that form of baptism and the form of baptism which the Lord requires His children to obey to become members of His Church.

Signed by the First Presidency.”

(JH 8 May, 1896)

1897:  17 Apr.:  “Pres Lorenzo Snow . . . gave me a list of Salt Lake Temple work since the commencement May 22, 1893 to March 31 /97 Showing 142,679 Baptisms for the dead, 3,646 for health . . .”  (Wilford Woodruff diary, 17 Apr., 1897)

20 Aug.:  “Today Lydia L. Savage (Nora) was baptized for her health by L. M. Savage.  She having been very poorly for some time, also reconfirmed by same man.”  (Levi Mathers Savage diary, 20 Aug., 1897; LC Collection)


“[Monday] Pres. Wilford Woodruff and his counselors were at their office this morning, the President being feeble in body but quite relieved in spirit, the anxiety which he had felt for some time concerning his daughter Alice, whose life had been despaired of, being removed in consequence of her being on Sunday evening in a miraculous manner.  The following statement was made by Sister Alice immediately after the occurrence:

About 7 o’clock this evening (August 22) while I was lying on my bed, my father and mother and members of the family were out on the porch, Bro. McEwan was sitting near the bed.  Bro. Lewis Cannon, Edward Jenkins, Libbie Cutler, Joseph and Blanch Daynes called in to see me; they only stayed a few minutes, saying they were willing to help me all they could, but as all arrangements were made for my comfort, they said they would pray for me.  As they left I felt very sad with the feeling that I would never seem them again, so I commenced to cry bitterly.  William McEwan endeavored to comfort me with encouraging words.  As he was talking I beheld a brilliant light, which frightened me.  I held on to William, and called ‘Father, father!’  I then saw a most glorious personage standing near the foot of the bed, and his feet were off the floor.  On my calling for father, Will went out, passing by this personage, almost touching his clothing, and father and the family came in.  I motioned them all to go out but father, as I thought he might also see this personage as I did.  I sat up in my bed, quite awake; he stretched out his arms over my head, and said in a distinct but under tone of voice, ‘The Lord has sent me to bless you; you shall be healed from this time forth.  The Lord seals his blessings upon you.’  He then came to the side of the bed and said I must go to the Temple and there I should receive something (I have forgotten what it was I should receive) and further said the prayers of the circles in the heavens have been heard in your behalf, and the prayers of the circles here upon the earth, also the prayers of the Saints have been heard; that I should stay here and be blessed in my life, that I shouldhave joy and pleasure in my union, be blessed as a mother, having posterity.  Said, ‘you are a daughter of Israel and shall stand as a representative in your father’s kingdom.  The Lord will give you health and strength and bless you so that you may love him and keep his commandments, for a great work is before you and he expects a great deal from you.’  I was so overjoyed I could not speak; I tried to do so but could not.  He said many other things for my comfort and consolation, and just before leaving he stretched his hands over my head again and referred to my Temple work and blessed me, saying: ‘The Lord will bless you with health and strength and make you well and strong, and He expects you to spend your strength in doing His will; I therefore bless you, in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.’  He then put his hands together in front of his face and dropped them down to his hips.  I then saw him rise up to near the chandelier and pass out, going towards the hall and thence towards the dining hall.  I was so over-joyed that I cried for joy.  As soon as I could speak from crying and sobbing I related to father what I had seen, as I did not know whether it was proper to speak of it or not; but I felt so over-joyed at such a manifestation, and have felt so ever since, that I can scarcely contain myself.  All my pains ceased immediately.  I felt like I could get out of my bed well and strong, that I was completely restored to health.  I partook of some food with a relish.  This personage was the most beautiful man I ever saw.  He had long hair and beard, was dressed in a white under-garment, then a kind of skirt and something like a robe over his right shoulder, which was drawn across his breast and fastened on the left side about the waist.  He had a small white bag trimmed with gold attached to his girdle, and had a small gold-like book in his hand which seemed to be transparent.  I did not see any leaves, but I thought I could see print or writing in the book.  His head was bare and a circle of light around it.  His feet were also bare.  About half an hour before this manifestation Brothers John R. Winder and James Sharp, father, Andrew Smith and William administered to me.  Bro. Winder annointed me and Bro. Sharp prayed.  He seemed to be peculiarly wrought upon.  He blessed me, promising that I should be restored to health and strength.  Whilst they were doing this, I did not seem to fel their hands on my head, but I felt so well under their administration.

Besides the above, President Woodruff remarked that himself and family had devoted themselves to fasting and prayer the entire day on his daughter’s behalf.

President Woodruff said this morning that the communication of this personage to his daughter had given him a new idea, that is, the fact that there are prayer circles in heaven.  He said he had never thought of it before; but when he came to think about, it was perfectly plain and consistent.  He also said that he felt that the Lord had not only blessed and instantly healed his daughter, but that he himself had been greatly honored by this visitation.”  (JH 23 Aug., 1897)

12 Nov.:  “Being a reader of the Juvenile Instructor, I will tell you about my baby brother.  I am eleven years old, and since I was born, we have had no other baby until this one.  I used to wish for a baby brother, and ask our Father in Heaven to send us one.  My mamma went to the Temple for her health, and after that our prayers were answered, and the Lord sent to our house a beautiful baby boy with large blue eyes.”  (Maud Viola Collet, JI 33(1):56, 1 Jan., 1898)

1898:  1 Jun.:  “I will tell you how I was restored to health and strength.  When I ws a baby about a year and a half old I took very sick, and was sick for five years.  Then my mother took me to the Temple, and I began to get better from that time on.  Now I am well and stout, and feel thankful for it.  I know if it had not been for my Heavenly Father I would not have been saved.  But through the faith and prayers of my mother, brothers and sisters I am well.”  (Edna Buchanan, age 13 years, JI 33(11):420, 1 Jun., 1898)

1 Jul.:  “I am a little lame girl, and wish to ask all the little girls and boys who read this to please pray for me, that I may get well.  I have been to the Manti Temple, and hope that I may be able to walk and run with my little playmates.”  (Ivy Lowry, age 8 years, JI 33(13):486, 1 Jul., 1898)

1899:  7 May:  “I baptized for health my wife Adeline, also Maria Gardner, also Sextus Eagar; but Sextus Eagar died the next day, May 8, 1899.”  (Levi Mathers Savage diary, 7 May, 1899; LC Collection)

15 May:  “The last two years I have been troubled with hip disease.  I went in swimming in the river on July 12th, 1897, with a number of my playmates–it was on Sunday–and that night I took sick.  I laid in bed for five months and could not move.  Then the Primary had a fast meeting and all the little children fasted and prayed for me.  In about six months I was able to sit up on a chair for ten minutes at a time, but when they took me up it hurt me so bad that I just screamed.  It is in my right leg.  My Papa soon got me a pair of crutches and they helped me down the steps and I went out and sat under a shady tree.  The sun was shining warm and bright.

My health was quite bad, and on Feb. 20, 1899, mother and I went to the Salt Lake Temple and I was baptized for my health.  We stayed in Salt Lake City a week. I have been getting a little better ever since I came home from the Temple; and now I can walk across the floor without my crutches.”  (Annie Pearl Madsen, age 12 years, JI 34(10):318-319, 15 May, 1899)

15 Oct.:  “One year ago last January, I took ill, and suffered ever so much and had to stay out of school.

I did not send for a doctor; I tried to be careful of myself; but I grew worse all the time.  In March I asked mymother if I could not go to the Salt Lake Temple to be baptized.

She quickly gave her consent, so on the first of April I went to the Salt Lake Temple to be baptized; my aunt went with me.

While there in the hall some brethren asked my aunt if I desired to be baptized for my health, and she answered, yes.  I was then baptized and after being administered to by the laying on of hands, I felt ever so much better.

I stayed in Salt Lake City for a month, most of the time doing work at the Temple.  I did not get completely well right away, but from that time on I continued to improve and now I am perfectly well; and now whenever I am ill or in trouble I go and call upon the Lord, asking Him to help me, feeling sure that what I ask for in faith I shall receive.”  (Maud G., JI 34(20):639, 15 Oct., 1899)

1900:     7 Mar.:  Women performing washings/anointings outside Temples.

“Presidents Snow, Cannon and Smith were at the office today as usual.

Recently a letter was received from the presidency of the Relief Society in Dublan, Mexico, asking certain questions on the subject of washing and anointing sisters preparatory to confinement, and women and children for the restoration of their health; and among the questions was one asking if the washing should be sealed, and if the sisters had a right to seal, using no authority but doing it in the name of Jesus, or should men holding the Priesthood be called in to attend to their particular part of the ceremony or administration.  These questions were referred to the general presiding officers of the Relief Society to prepare answers and submit the same.  The answer to this question was as follows:  Brethren are sometimes called in to seal the washing and anointing; usually by the desire of the sister herself, her husband being called, or her father, or someone in whom she has great faith.  In case no request is made for brethren to be called, the sealing is done by the sisters officiating, uniting their faith and simply doing so in the name of Jesus, not mentioning authority.

President Smith expressed himself to the effect that in his opinion the word ‘seal’ should not be used by the sisters at all, but that the word ‘confirm’ might be substituted, and that it should be used not in an authoritative way but in the spirit of invocation.

Presidents Snow and Cannon endorsed this, and the secretary was directed to refer the answer back with the request that the sisters of the Relief Society adopt the change.” (JH 7 Mar., 1900)

12 Jun.:  “Brought my wife Maria and daughter Lenora Eveline to be baptized for the cure of her eye, which has been afflicted all winter.”  (Marriner Wood Merrill diary, 12 Jun., 1900))

15 Nov.:  “My mind reverts back a few years when I had a little sick girl on Thanksgiving, who was not expected to live.  She was fighting for breath, and to live seemed impossible.  Yet from the very beginning she had faith that she would live, and what made her so firm about it was that she in the dreariness of those long nights of affliction had a vision.  A personage appeared to her, clothed in white, standing as it semed in the air; and he brought to her bedside such peace and joy as none can describe or express.  This made her say within herself, ‘I know I am going to get well.’

This little girl was what you would call an invalid for two years, notwithstanding she was prayed for constantly be relatives and friends, and she saw the good of prayer.  Many times was she relieved of pain instantly by her own prayers and also by the prayers of the Elders of the Church.  One day she said: ‘Ma, how I wish I could go to the temple!  I know I should get well.’  And she prayed earnestly that she might go.  One day a sister by the name of Hjorth, who now lives in Fairview, heard of it and sent word that she was going to the temple and would be glad to take the child with her without expense–for us just to prepare her clothes and send her to her.  In a few hours she was off, for it so happened that her clothes were in readiness.  She was gone ten days and our family fasted and prayed for her the day we thought she would be in the temple, and the little boys expected to see their sister healed instantly.

But God saw fit for us to wait yet a little longer.  She came home rejoicing and telling how she cried when she was blessed, though she couldn’t tell why she was crying.  She said, ‘Ma, there was the sweetest feeling there!  How earnestly they prayed, and they promised me I should get well!  If I could always feel like I did there, I would not care if I had only a crust to eat.’

This was in the Manti Temple.  When she came home she brought a large bottle of oil with her and worried much for fear it would not last till she got well, for she thought she couldn’t get any as good as that.  But she got well in six weeks, had some of the oil left, and is now strong and healthy.”  (S. Drollinger, JI 35(22):766, 15 Nov., 1900)

15 Dec.:  “Until I was seven years old, I suffered with an impediment in my speech.  My Auntie took me to the Manti Temple, where the brethren administered to and prayed for me.  kAfter that I could speak much plainer.”  (Eva H. Jenson, age 11 years, JI 35(24):831, 15 Dec., 1900)

1901:  4 Feb.:  “Patriarch Charles Pulsipher addressed the congregation [Stake Conference, Juarez Stake].  Traveled in [18]46 & 47 with Bro. McCllellans father in winter hauling supplies from Missouri to Omaha was very sick.  Took medicine but grew worse.  Asked his father to have him taken to the river & baptized he would get well.  He was lifted from his bed by 2 Elders who took him into the water & baptized him.  He was instantly healed.”  (Anthony W. Ivins diary, 4 Feb., 1901)

1 May:  “A year ago our mama had her arm broken and it would not get well.  She could not raise it to her head until papa took her to the temple and she was administered to.  When she got home it was as well as the other one.”  (Verna Dewey, Laura Dewey [age 8], Valess Dewey [age 5], JI 36(9):284, 1 May, 1901)

15 Jul.:  “The following narrative was told by the mother of an eight-year old boy, who said that her little son had taught her one of the most valuable lessons in faith that she had ever learned.

The child was severely afflicted with some trouble that greatly impaired his breathing.  He seemed to have wholly lost the use of his nose, as an organ of respiration, and he was compelled for months at a time to breathe entirely through the mouth.

While reading the paper one morning, the mother chanced to see that some nose and ear specialists had located in Salt Lake, so she resolved to take the boy to them to see if they could effect a cure.  She did so.  The little fellow was put to a torturous examination, which naturally enough was very trying to both mother and son.  The trouble was caused, the doctors said, by the growth of a membrane between the nose and ear, which could only be removed by an operation.  The good woman possessed that horror of an operation entertained by many people, and as winter was just setting in, she decided not to take the doctors’ advice, fearing that the boy might take cold and thus greatly aggravate matters.

In the spring our sister came across another advertisement, announcing the arrival of some other specialists of nose diseases.  As the child had suffered much during the cold months, she once more made up her mind to seek medical aid.

Sister N—– had a neighbor who had been for many months an invalid.  In thinking of her sick sister it came suddenly to her, that some work in the temple, directed especially to the restoration of her health, might prove of great benefit.  Why, thought she, this is the very time to offer such a suggestion, I am going to Salt Lake, to take David, and can take Sister —– just as well as not.

Accordingly, the plan was carried out, mother and son and sick neighbor went to the city.  On the morning of their arrival, the boy was taken to the new doctors.  As before, he was submitted to a severe examination, which greatloy distressed him.  The mother had told these new doctors what the other physicians had said.  Their investigations, however, seemingly, did not lead to the same conclusions; they declared that no membrane had formed, for, said they, a tube is readily inserted through the passage leading from the nose to the ear.  They told our sister she must remain in Salt Lake for some time, that the child must be systematically treated, and that they could assure her of no results within six weeks.

The mother was of course very anxious, she felt a certain lack of confidence in doctors in general.  What the first specialists had said, the second had contradicted in every particular.  She did not know how to spare so much time from her other children; then the expense, of course, would be heavy.  However, it seemed the only course that lay open to her, so she agreed to have the child treated.  

That afternoon she went with her sick sister to the temple to arrange for her work.  One of the temple hands, who had seen her in the morning, began to make inquiries concerning her little son, and finally asked if he wouldn’t like to go through the temple.  ‘Yes, indeed,’ replied the Mother, ‘he would be very much pleased, he took it so hard that he could not go through at its dedication.’

As our sisters approached their boarding-house, they saw the little man standing in the yard; ‘David,’ said his mother, ‘how would you like to go to the temple?’  ‘And I’ll be made well there,’ responded the child, clapping his hands, ‘and don’t I have to go to those doctors any more, who hurt me so much?’

‘Oh! mama! mama! teacher told us in school about people who were healed in the temple.’

The mother confessed that up to this time it had not occurred to her that the God who could heal her sick neighbor, could just as well relieve her little boy.  She said there was something about the nature of his trouble that made her feel she must have a doctor.  However, when she saw the child’s faith, she did not explain that she intended to take him only on a visit, but told him God could heal him.

The next day the gleeful boy went with his mother to the temple.  As they entered the building, he noticed one of the brethren taking donations.  His mother explained to him that that was the place where contributions were made for the support of the temple work.  ‘Then,’ said he, ‘We’ll give the money to the temple we were going to give to the doctors, won’t we, mama?’  ‘Yes, my son,’ the mother replied.  Then suitable clothing was provided, and in full faith the child was baptized for his health.  As he came out of the water, he said, ‘Now, mama, I am healed.’  And it was as the child had said.  Ofttimes since he has tried to tell his mother of the happiness that overcame his little soul as he stood in the water.  We would say, ‘Mama, I never before felt such a feeling.’  From that day to this little David has never been afflicted in like manner.  I am personally acquainted with the little boy and testify that this thing is true.”  (Alice L. Reynolds, JI 36(14):441-442, 15 Aug., 1901)

1902:  1 May:  “Two years ago my mama went to the Salt Lake Temple for hear health.  She took my little brother and me with her.  While mama was doing her work in the Temple, myself and little brother were taken all through that great house of the Lord.  We went up on the top of the building and it was very lovely.”  (Geneva Whipple, JI 37(9):287, 1 May, 1902)

22 May:  Baptism for health of non-member girl.

“[Meeting at the Temple] Apostle Smoot asked if it would be proper for a little deaf girl, whose parents are not members of the church, to be baptized for her health in the temple: the request coming from her mother.  The answer was yes, there would be no impropriety in it.”  (Rudger Clawson diary, 22 May, 1902)

15 Jun.:  “For eleven weeks I had been sick in bed with nervous prostration.  I had been prayed for in the temple and was getting better, but one day I was worse again.  Apostle Teasdale was down here attending conference and my father got him and Brother Shepherd to come and help him administer to me.  And after that I never had another bad spell but got well.  I know it was the power of God that healed me and I think we should be very thankful for the great blessings which we enjoy.”  (Stanley T. Fotheringham, age 12 years, JI 37(12):383, 15 Jun., 1902)

Dec.:  We held a prayer circle for his health.

“December of 1902 Brother Romney [her husband] was taken very sick.  We had to send a mile for the Elders to come and administer to him.  We held prayer circle around him and the children went into another room and also prayed for the recovery of their father.  His life was spared.  When he regained consciousness he said that his spirit seems to be above him looking down on his family and the Elders who prayed for him.  He was very sick for several months after that but regained his strength and lived for a year and a half.  He was afterwards a patriarch and gave many patriarchal blessings.”  (Hannah Hood Hill Romney autobiographical sketch; in Our Pioneer Heritage, 5:281, 1962)

1903:  15 Jan.:  “My grandma lives in Manti.  She is a Temple worker.  I go to Manti every summer and spend a month or two.  One time I was on a visit to grandma and I was taken very sick.  She took me to the Temple and President McAllister and Brother Smyth blessed me, and I got well right off, so that I could eat my dinner, and was not sick again all summer.”  (Della Mae Weaver, age 9 years, JI 38(2):64, 15 Jan., 1903)

10 Mar.:  “I went with Wm A Nuttall to the Temple this morning as he wished to be baptized for his health.”  (L. John Nuttall diary, 10 Mar., 1903)

1904:  1 Mar.:  Baptism for health.

“Our youngest brother was very sick for a long time, and all the doctors who attended him gave him up.  First he had the rheumatism then it turned to heart trouble.  He was so sick that he could not walk for some time.  Then mama took him to the temple and he was baptized there, and he was healed by the power of God through the Priesthood.”  (Annetta Gunderson, JI 39(5):159, 1 Mar., 1904)

6 Oct.:  The sick are brought to the Manti Temple.

“I represent now the Manti Temple.  This season we have been repairing the roof and the water-pipe.  We have beautiful water, and all that we need, not only for temple work, but also to water the grounds.  It will require a great deal of means, however, to make that house as beautiful outside as it is in.  We have one of the most beautiful temples in the mountains.  It is well taken care of, and those who go in feel the Spirit and power of God resting upon them.  Our brethren and sisters who were in ill health have come there to be administered to, and we have attended to them, and by the blessing and power of the Lord their sickness has been overcome and they are well today.”  (John D. T. McAllister, Manti Temple President, 6 Oct., 1904; CR Oct., 1904, p. 14)

1905:  14 Feb.:  Baptism for health in Temple.

“We were up early in the morning on account of Dr. Jensen desiring to go to the Temple to be baptized for his health.”  (Anthon H. Lund diary, 14 Feb., 1905; LDS Archives)

8 Jun.:  Woman cured of nervous disorder during session.

“The following happened with my own wife on a day I will never forget, viz., the 8th of June, 1905.  She had been a sufferer for some four years or so with a most depressing feeling, a mental or nervous affliction, which nothing seemed to cure, and she often said that death would be sweet.  The Lord had a purpose in it, and a chapter could be written in explanation of that through which she passed.  She had been promised if she would go to the Temple and labor for the dead, in time, she would be healed.  Lucifer was aware of this promise, and prevented its fulfillment all he could, as we knew to our cost many times.  This day, however, she said at the breakfast table: ‘I want to go to the Temple today,’ of course we were delighted, and I gave her the name of my great grandmother to officiate for.  She had been baptized the previous Tuesday.  Her given or surname I did not know only that she was the wife of my great grandfather, Captain John Hatton, who at his death, was Commodore of the fleet of the East India Co.  I took my wife to the Temple as usual, and went to my work at the Manti Bank, where at that time I was Assistant Cashier.  Coming home at noon, what a wonderful change I saw!  Looking at the smiling face of my wife, beaming with happiness and joy!  Could it be possible, I thought, that she was the same person I had left that morning at the Temple door?  And then she related to me what had occurred.  In taking the endowments of my great grandmother Hatton she was aware of her presence near her, and in one of the rooms she whispered to herself, ‘I wonder if I shall ever see her,’ and then as quick as thought came the answer from a voice, she told me she distinctly heard, ‘Yes, you will.’

As she continued that morning in her labors passing from one stage of the endowments to another, she became aware of the fact that she was enjoying a peace of mind and body she had not experienced for years, and by the time she had finished the work, and left the Temple she was a healed woman; and as she walked down the Temple hill, like Christian in Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress whose bundle fell from his back when he reached the Cross of Christ, her affliction and the burden she had carried for four long years slipped from her back, and she was never troubled again with it until her death, which happened some months ago, and she can now see and converse with my great grandmother in the spirit world as she told her she would, on that eventful day in June of 1905.”  (J. Hatten Carpenter, Recorder in the Manti Temple, UGHM 11:117-122, Jul., 1920)

22 Aug.:  Baptized for health in temple 2nd time.

“The folks at Elsinore had a fast day in behalf of Dr. Jensen.  He went to the Temple and was baptized for his health.  Then we took him into another room and anointed him and I confirmed the sealing.”  (Anthon H. Lund diary, 22 Aug., 1905; LDS Archives.  See entry for 14 Feb., 1905)

1906:  1 Jun.:  “Last spring I was very sick with rheumatism which affected my heart so bad that all thought I could not live.  But I got better, and in August I was eight years old, and was baptized and administered to in the Temple and have felt better ever since.”  (Maria Housley, age 8 years, JI 41(11):351, 1 Jun., 1906)

1908:  19 May:  Baptism for health.

“Dr. Jensen went to the Temple and was baptized for his health.  O! that he could be helped.”  (Anthon H. Lund diary, 19 May, 1908)

1912:  19 Nov.:  Defense of baptism for health.

“I went to the Temple.  Bro. Alvin spoke.  He said he thought it was not good to be baptized for health.  I spoke to him and told him that while it is true that baptism has not been mentioned in the revelation for healing[,] Jesus said to the Jews which is easier to say thy sins are forgiven thee, or be thou healed?  Baptism is for remission of sins, but sickness is often the effect of violation of the law of nature or of God, and therefore when faith accompanies it baptism may be for the restoration of health.  I told him when persons have faith in baptism for health we may not knock the props away from them.”  (Anthon H. Lund diary, 19 Nov., 1912)

1915:  12 Feb.:  They should not seek the temple for health.

“F. M. Lyman spoke in the Temple meeting.  He insisted that those attending the temple should be physically perfect and also spiritually so.  They should not seek the Temple for health.  I explained to him afterwards that on Tuesdays we attend to ordinance work for health.  He knew this but his talk was more in regard to endowments.”  (Anthon H. Lund diary, 12 Feb., 1915)

18 Aug.:  I told her to be well every whit.

“When I got to the Temple there were a number outside who could not get in.  I told the people that there would be admitted only 200 persons and asked those who labored for others to come in the afternoon.  When I came into the Temple Sister Leah Matthews of Midvale near Heber come to be on her crutches and said she had been told in a dream to come to the Temple and have me administer to her and she would be well.  I looked at her face which showed she had faith that the dream was from the Lord.  I told her I would administer to her.  Bro. Madson, Bp. Joseph Christensen assisted me.  I confirmed the annointing done by A. Madson, and told her to be well every whit, and promised her she should receive according to her faith.  She said: ‘I am healed.’  She put her crutches under her arms and walked away without their help.  I walked with her to the Corner of the Block and in bidding her good-bye I said: ‘Cling unto the Lord and give him the Glory.’  ‘Yes,’ she said, ‘it feels so good to have strength again to walk.’  I feel thankful for this manifestation of the power of God.  I feel so small and humble to be an instrument in the hand of the Lord to bring her this blessing.”  (Anthon H. Lund diary, 18 Aug., 1915)

23 Apr.:  Many administered to and baptized in temple.

“[Tuesday]  I attended Temple meeting in the Temple.  A good many sick came to be administered to, and some for baptism for health.”  (Anthon H. Lund diary, 23 Apr., 1918)

1919:  30 Nov.:  Account of healing in the Salt Lake Temple.

“[Dedication of the Hawaiian Temple]  I also referred to the dedication of the Salt Lake Temple.  I mentioned the Sister from Wasatch Stake, who came to the Temple on her crutches, but told me that in a dream she was told that she should ask Anthon H. Lund to administer to her and she should be healed.  I joined in administering to her.  When she was administered to she exclaimed ‘I am healed.’  When I left the Temple she walked at my side with her crutches under her arm.”  (Anthon H. Lund diary, 30 Nov., 1919)

1976:    Mar.:  Administering to the sick in the temple.

“Administering to the sick in the temple is not a part of temple work and will not be done except in cases of emergency.  Bishops should instruct their members to call upon the proper local authorities for this purpose.”  (General Handbook of Instructions, 1976, #21, p. 67)