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Prince’s Research Excerpts: Temples & Mormonism – 1843

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1843:  Delay in giving endowment to others.

“In the aftermath of Bennett’s expulsion, the crusade in Nauvoo to rid the last vestiges of Bennett’s profligacy also divided the nine-member Quorum.  By July 1842, while the other members of the Quorum had accepted eternal and plural marriage, Hyrum Smith, William Law and William Marks had resisted Joseph Smith’s effort to broach the subject with them.  Their crusade against the embarrassing activities of Bennett narrowed their perspective, and Joseph Smith soon learned that he should not try then to convert them.  This helps explain why in the year after Joseph Smith first gave these endowment blessings to the Quorum he did not invite others to become members of the group, did not yet invite the wives of these men to receive these ordinances, and did not administer any of the more advanced ordinances.  The reason Joseph Smith held back can only be understood by appreciating the indirect effect Bennett had on the Quorum.  This story is the key to why the Quorum for a year remained on such a plateau.”  (Andrew F. Ehat, “Joseph Smith’s Introduction of Temple Ordinances and the 1844 Mormon Succession Question.”  MA Thesis, BYU, 1982.  pp. 53-54) 

“In 1842 [Emma] was still unwilling to accept the command of the Lord to her husband that he practice plural marriage.  Because of that Joseph recognized she could not, in good conscience, take upon herself the endowment covenants.  Characteristically, Joseph did not coerce her.  Because he was unwilling for one of his plural wives to displace Emma in this role of administering the initial ordinance of the endowment, Joseph waited until Emma accepted plural marriage.”  (Ehat, MA Thesis, p. 60)

“Three days after Emma’s show of faith in the principle, on the day of Hyrum’s conversion, Joseph Smith convened the ‘Quorum.’  This was significant.  As noted before, except for a few prayer circles held, the group had not met in a year.”  (Ehat, MA Thesis, p. 61)  

Form of baptism for dead.

“The following is the form, calling the candidate by name, ‘I baptize you for and in behalf of _____ in the name of the Father and the Son, etc.’  The order of confirmation:  ‘I lay my hands on yyour head in the name of Jesus Christ and confirm you a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints for and in behalf of _____.'”  (Statement of instructions found in a file on Baptism for the Dead, in “Letters, 1843.”  LDS Archives.  Bergera notes)  

14 Jan.:  Nauvoo Temple finished?

“‘The Mormon Temple at Nauvoo, the most spacious building in Illinois, has been completed.  It cost nearly $200,000.’–U. S. Gazette.

Who hoaxed you Mr. Chandler?  The Temple is not half finished and the probability is that it never will be, unless Joe Smith uses some supernatural means to aid in its completion.”  (Iowa Territorial Gazette and Advertiser 6(27):2, 14 Jan., 1843; Snider Collection)

19 Jan.:  Baptism for healing and for the dead.

“He [Elder Adams] then spoke of the great Temple at Nauvoo, that is (when finished) to become the glory of the western world, which will probably be accomplished in about two years.  Then came a description of the twelve Oxen carved as large as life, to be overlaid with fine gold, on which rests the baptismal fount, that is used especially for baptising those afflicted with various diseases, and also to baptise for the dead.  He then gave a powerful, a soul stirring and an eloquent appeal, in behalf of the doctrine of baptism for the dead: his reasoning on that subject was unanswerable!  He then turned to the Bible and proved the doctrine to be Scriptural and glorious; he did this with perfect ease.”  (“Review of the Mormon Lectures,” from the Boston Bee, in T&S 4(8):126, 1 Mar., 1843)

22 Jan.:  Ancient disciples:  endowment of power.

“Christ preached through Jerrusalem on the same ground whare John had preached & when the Apostles were raised up they worked in Jerrusalem & Jesus Commanded them to tarry thare untill they were endowed with power from on high had they not work to do in Jerrusalem.  they did work & prepared a people for the pentecost The Kingdom of God was with them before the day of pentecost as well as afterwards & it was also with John & he preached the same gospel & Baptism that Jesus & the Apostles preached after him The endowment was to prepare the desiples for their mission into the world.  Whenever men can find out the will of God & find an Administrator legally authorized from God there is the kingdom of God.  But whare these are not, the kingdom of God is not.  All the ordinances Systems, & Administrations on the earth is of no use to the Children of men unless they are ordained & authorized of God for nothing will save a man but a leger [legal] Administrator for none others will be acknowledge either by God or Angels.”  (Joseph Smith, 22 Jan., 1843, Wilford Woodruff diary) 

26 Jan.:  Basement of Nauvoo Temple to be a Jail?

“A friend of ours visited Nauvoo on Mon. last, Jo Smith was bragging of his recent release, and the Mormons seemed as fond of his as:–The story in the eastern papers about the completion of the temple is all a hoax.  Our informants with others, went into some cells under the temple which are separated by walls several feet thick.  Some think these are intended as sleeping rooms for obdurate anti-Mormons.–Hawkeye.”  (Davenport [Iowa] Gazette 2(23):2, 26 Jan., 1843; Snider Collection)

ca. Jan.:  You will get endowments and more power.

“Just before leaving England I visited some friends in Sheffield, and met with Brother R. Rushton, who was on a mission from Nauvoo.  He had been asked to visit a brother in the Church who was possessed of a devil.  This was the first case of the kind I had heard of being in the Church, and I felt quite anxious to see the party so afflicted.  While reflecting upon it, Brother Rushton asked me to accompany him, which I cheerfully did, and what transpired I shall never forget.  When we entered the room where he was sitting, he looked around and saw Brother Rushton whom he had met before, and with a coarse voice said: ‘So you have come again in the name of Jesus have you?  Well you may come if you have a mind to.  I know you came from Nauvoo where you are building a temple to get your endowments and more power.  Well, get your power; and the more power you get the more power we’ll get.’  Just as soon as he was through speaking Brother Rushton laid hands on him and rebuked the evil spirits that had possession of him, when the brother called out in a loud voice: ‘How did you know there was more than one?’  Brother Rushton remarked calmly: ‘You said we.’  The brother then said, ‘We will go but we will come again.'”  (Reminiscences of William C. Staines, Contributor 12(4):122, Feb., 1891)

1 Feb.:  Joseph’s midrash on D&C 76.

“5.  For thus saith the Lord, in the spirit of truth,

I am merciful,, gracious, and good unto those

That fear me, and live for the life that’s to come;

My delight is to honor the saints with repose;

6.  That serve me in righteousness true to the end;

Eternal’s their glory, and great their reward;

I’ll surely reveal all my myst’ries to them,”

The great hidden myst’ries in my kingdom stor’d–

7.  From the council in Kolob, to time on the earth.

And for ages to come unto them I will show

My pleasure & will, what my kingdom will do:

Eternity’s wonders they truly shall know.

8.  Great things of the future I’ll show unto them,

Yea, things of the vast generations to rise;

For their wisdom and glory shall be very great,

And their pure understanding extend to the skies:

9.  And before them the wisdom of wise men shall cease,

And the nice understanding of prudent ones fail!

For the light of my spirit shall light mine elect,

And the truth is so mighty ‘t will ever prevail.

10.  And the secrets and plans of my will I’ll reveal;

The sanctified pleasures when earth is renew’d,

What the eye hath not seen, nor the ear hath yet heard;

Nor the heart of the natural man ever hath view’d.

44.  They are they, of the church of the first born of      God,–

And unto whose hands he committeth all things;

For they hold the keys of the kingdom of heav’n,

And reign with the Savior, as priests, and as kings.

45.  They’re priests of the order of Melchisedek,

Like Jesus, (from whom is this highest reward,)

Receiving a fulness of glory and light;

As written:  They’re Gods; even sons of the Lord.

55.  To spirits in prison the Savior once preach’d,

 And taught them the gospel, with powers afresh;

And then were the living baptiz’d for their dead,

That they might be judg’d as if men in the flesh.”

(Joseph Smith, T&S 4(6):82, 84, 1 Feb., 1843)

1 Feb.:  Our privilege to be baptized for our friends.

“To my sister Mary I would say a few words, I am sorry to hear of her daughter Elizabeth being poorly and, likewise, of Henry having his leg cut off but I hope by the time these few lines reaches you they will be got well and as God has appointed means whereby those that had not the privilege of obeying the gospel, not having heard it, it is the privilege of men to be baptized for my friends.  I shall then be baptised for her husband, so that she can please herself about preparing to meet him, for as Paul says,

Why are they then baptised for the dead, if the dead rise not at all.  1st Cor. 15 c and 29 verse.”

(Ellen Douglas [Nauvoo] to “Father, Mother, Bros. and Sisters,” 1 Feb., 1843; in Our Pioneer Heritage, 3:158, 1960)

21 Feb.:  Consequence of failure to build temple.

“President Joseph Smith arose & Addressed the meeting as a christian Prophet for about an hour much to our edefycation.  Many remarks he made were plain & pointed.  Some vary applicable to Dr Foster which he afterwards acknowledged to be true.  Joseph said the Pagen Prophet had prophesied one thing that was true viz that if we did not build the temple & Nauvoo house it would proove the ruin of the place that if we did not build those buildings we might as well leave the place & that it was as necessary to build one as the other.”  (Wilford Woodruff diary, 21 Feb., 1843)

28 Feb.:  Sister baptized for brother in temple font.

“Jacob desired in his sickness to be Baptised but it was thought unsafe, for his health, as he appeared to be in a fair way of recovering; but as he died without having his desire in this fulfilled; his sister Sarah, was baptised for him, in the Font, which is in the house of the Lord.”  (Jacob Scott to Mary Warnock, 28 Feb., 1843; LDS Archives; Ouellette)

13 Mar.:  Our robes washed and made white.

“I kneel down on the spot, over which dear Mother died to water it with my tears, and to send up my Ardent desires, after her Fervent prayers that we may all thus meet; having our Robes Washed and made White in the blood of the Lamb.”  (Jacob Scott to Mary Warnock, 13 Mar., 1843; LDS Archives; Ouellette)

24 Mar.:  No place for Saints to meet yet.

“The Mormons have not yet completed their great Temple, and have no commodious place of worship, but the apostles and elders preach in private houses on the Sabbath, and at other times, though I seldom attend these latter meetings; but when the weather will admit, they meet in the grove, or on the rough floor of the basement of the Temple, and then the prophet frequently preaches.”  (“Mormonism,” from the Boston Bee, 24 Mar., 1843, in T&S 4(13):200, 15 May, 1843)

Mar.:  Baptism for the Dead/Law of Adoption.

“In connexion with this subject is another of great importance, of which modern religionists have no conception, and that is ‘baptism for the dead;’ but if the state upon which man enters at death be unalterable, there can be no such a thing as baptism for the dead.  This the apostle knew well when he said, after reasoning to prove the resurrection of the body, ‘else what shall they do, which are baptized for the dead, if the dead rise not at all? why are they then baptized for the dead?’  Here the apostle was referring the Corinthian church to a doctrine and practice in which they had been instructed, and which they understood; he therefore does not amplify upon the subject as he would have done, had he been teaching the doctrine to a people ignorant of it.  We learn, then, from his allusion to the subject, that there was a baptism besides the baptism for remission of sins, even as he has intimated by the plural term being used by him in the sixth chapter of his epistle to the Hebrews, where, amongst the first principles of religious truth and practice, he alludes to the doctrine of ‘baptisms.’  And we learn that this baptism was for those that were dead, and that it was in some measure connected with their resurrection.

Of all the preposterious absurdities that obtain amongst the religious world, certainly it is not the least to suppose, while every earthly government, in order to be properly established and its laws put into efficient operation, requires that the administrators thereof be legally authorized and instructed to act in their respective offices; and that it would be the height of folly to suppose that order could be maintained where the subjects should acknowledge the head of the government, but with regard to the laws of the head, every one should act as they thought proper, and be the interpreters of the law for themselves; yet the kingdom of God is an exception to this rule.

Myriads of religionists are ready to acknowledge the Lord Jesus Christ as him whom the Father has called to rule, and to whom all power is committed in heaven and in earth, yet are so blinded by folly and the deceptions of priestcraft, as to suppose that any one can become an administrator of the laws of heaven, without receiving authority from him; in fact, that it is perfectly legitimate to interpret the laws of the kingdom of God as we like, so that we acknowledge the head; but IN VAIN WILL THEY CRY LORD, LORD, IF THEY DO NOT THE THINGS THAT HE COMMANDS THEM.  But the secret of this blindness is easily comprehended–they are destitute of the priesthood, which is the only authority that can administer in the laws of heaven–who are capable of expounding those laws or of administering in the ordinances of the kingdom of God.

Baptism for the dead, then, is one ordinance of the kingdom of God administered by the priesthood, and affecting in its consequences the resurrection and future condition of those in whose behalf it is administered, and who have already past into eternity.  It is this false notion of the laws of God being of no importance, that blinds so many and prevents them from seeing the beautiful fitness and propriety of all things which the Lord has ordained.  For instance, the Lord Jesus Christ, when in the flesh, declared ‘that except a man be born of water and of the spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.’  And this was fully in accordance with the commission which he sent his servant to fulfil, namely, to go ‘teach all nations, baptizing them,’ &c., and this perfectly agrees with the obedience of those servants, as manifested by their subsequent history, when they, directed by the spirit of truth, commanded the believer to repent and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins.  And how justly was this important doctrine enforced, when we consider that mankind had become aliens from God, that his purpose was to bring us back from that state of alienation into his own family, by adopting us as his own children, and making us heirs of God and joint heirs with Jesus Christ.  Is NOT THEN THE LAW OF ADOPTION INSTITUTED OF HEAVEN, RATIFIED BY THE EXAMPLE OF THE SAVIOUR, AND ORDAINED FOR THE PURPOSE OF GIVING THE BELIEVER A LEGAL CLAIM ON THE INHERITANCE PROMISED, OF IMPORTANCE?–Oh! we should like to cause this question to vibrate in the ears of every hypocritical professor of religion–of every lingering and disobedient believer in the word of God, until the consequences of its rejection rose before their vision in all their terrific and awful forms; we would think that the ingratitude which must characterize the conduct of the disobedient, if they could but realize it, must sink them in despair.

It is, then, the inviolable nature of the laws of God that stamps with such importance the doctrine of baptism for the dead.  Our heavenly Father, in his merciful designs towards the human family, has instituted a great law of adoption into the kingdom of God, which must be recognized by every one; and since many have passed into eternity who never had the law presented unto them, and therefore had no chance of rendering obedience, and are now in a condition where they cannot obey, but still can receive the testimony, they must therefore recognize the law of adoption through the obedience of others on their behalf; thus will the heart of the fathers be turned unto the children, and the heart of the children be turned unto the fathers; fulfilling the prophecy of Obadiah, ‘when Saviours shall come up on mount Zion, to judge the mount of Esau; and the kingdom shall be the Lord’s.’  But we hear some exclaim, ‘oh! we will allow of nothing being done by proxy; let every one stand or fall to his own master.’  Indeed! and so nothing connected with man’s salvation must be done by proxy; where would he be but for the application of the principle of substitution?  Such a sentiment strikes at the very root of the scheme of redemption, for it has indeed been effected by proxy–‘he who knew no sin, was made sin for us,’ and ‘with his stripes we are healed.’  We know some are ready to say, ‘what, do you put yourselves on a level with the Redeemer?’  But this is mere sophistry; the rank or quality of the individuals being equal is not the question.  Can one being, never mind of what rank soever he be, render an act of obedience for which another shall derive benefit? or, in other words, is the doctrine of substitution a doctrine of truth?  And can we suppose that the Lord would require at the hands of any one that which they cannot render? and if circumstances are such that they cannot render obedience, must the law of heaven consequently fall to the ground? no, not one jot or tittle of it shall pass away.  Are there no circumstances amongst men where certain conditions must be complied with, in order to obtain certain immunities? and if the individual be so placed that he cannot comply with the terms, has the wisdom of man devised no plan by which another shall act for him, in order that he may enjoy the benefits? yes, we say, there are many circumstances of this nature; and has God been less just than man?  The cavillers at this sublime doctrine, we presume would not hesitate to receive by proxy the payment of a variety of sums which some deceased relative might have owed at his death; we expect we should not find them lifting their holy hands with surprise, and hear them exclaim, ‘oh! we cannot receive these sums at your hands, it is not justice to pay debts by proxy;’ but, we suppose, if the person had been dead for half a century, they would not hesitate to receive the money with interest additional, and instead of being horror struck at our offer, we expect we should be hailed as one of the most just and honourable of the earth.

Oh! the darkness and obscurity in which the people of Christendom have been involved, vainly dreaming that they were living in the enjoyment of the light of truth when lost amid the inventions of men; but let the Saints rejoice and be glad, who have received of the spirit of the Lord that unction from the Holy One which shall lead into all truth, and which cannot be enjoyed without making the possessor of it wise in the things of eternity, and fit him for an inheritance among them that are sanctified; and let them also bear in mind, that if they continue faithful and endure unto the end in the possession of that spirit, they have that power within them which called worlds into order and arrangement–which quickened the body of the Redeemer, and caused him to burst the bonds of death, and which shall also quicken their mortal bodies, and bring them forth in the resurrection of the just.  Amen.”  (Thomas Ward [Millennial Star editor], MS 3(11):180-182, Mar., 1843)

1 Apr.:  Poetry regarding death of two men.

“Contemptuous from the terms of peace.  And thou

Hast fallen in a land of strangers, where

Thy kindred dwell not; and their hearts will grieve

To hear thy fate, but not as without hope;

They will mourn not for thee as the world mourns,

But look to meet thee in the glorious hour,

When he shall come a kingdom to receive,

Whose right it is to reign!  Then, my brother,

Thou shalt hail thy friends in triumph; no more

To be the subject of death’s fatal dart,

But clothed in power, and by thy priesthood called

To reign with Christ a king and priest.”

(Thomas Ward, “Poetry, on the Death of Lorenzo D. Barnes,” T&S 4(10):160, 1 Apr., 1843)

“In his grave they have laid him, he slumbers in peace,

While his spirit in Paradise sweetly shall rest,

Till the hour when the angel shall sound his release,

In the first resurrection with Christ to be blest.

O! then weep not, dear sister, more blessed is he,

Thy partner in life, though he lie with the dead;

And the band of affection that bound him to thee,

Is not severed because that his spirit hath fled,

Yet a short time shall pass, when, lo! gathered in one,

All the saints of the Lord both in heav’n and earth,

With thee and thy young ones, and partner that’s gone.”

[Note the concept of reuniting of entire families.]

(Thomas Ward, “Lines on the Death of Brother John Kendall, of Liverpool, England,” T&S 4(10):160, 1 Apr., 1843)

1 Apr.:  Nauvoo House as important as Nauvoo Temple.

“Elder James Brown called the attention of the conference to the subject of building the Nauvoo House, and said the attention of the brethren had hitherto been too much engaged in building the Temple to the neglect of the Nauvoo House, which was of equal importance with the Temple, both being given by revelation, after which the branch voted unanimously, that they would use their utmost endeavors to forward the Nauvoo House, as well as the Temple.”  (Minutes of a conference held at Augusta, Iowa Territory, 1 Apr., 1843, in T&S 4(11):176, 15 Apr., 1843)

2 Apr.:  New name and white stone.

“Then the white stone mentioned in Rev. c 2 v 17 is the Urim & Thummim whereby all things pertaining to an higher order of kingdoms even all kingdoms will be made known and a white stone is given to each of those who come into this celestial kingdom, wheron is a new name written which no man knoweth save he that receiveth it.  the new name is the key word.”  (Joseph Smith, in William Clayton diary, 2 Apr., 1843)

6 Apr.:  General Conference held at Temple.

“The conference of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints met at the Temple of the Lord at Nauvoo at 10 oclock AM.”  (Wilford Woodruff diary, 6 Apr., 1843)

6 Apr.:  Importance of Nauvoo House.

“It is necessary that this conference give importance to the Nauvoo House.  A prejudice exists against building the Nauvoo House, in favor of the Lord’s House, and the conference are required to give stress to the building of the Nauvoo House.  This is the most important matter for the time being, for there is no place in this city, where men of wealth, and character, and influence, from abroad, can go to repose themselves, and it is necessary we should have such a place.  The church must build it or abide the result of not fulfilling the commandment.”  (Joseph Smith, Special Conference, Nauvoo, 6 Apr., 1843, in T&S 4(12):181, 1 May, 1843)

6 Apr.:  Conference held in Kirtland Temple.

“Minutes of a conference held at Kirtland, on the Sixth day of April, A. D. 1843; in the Lord’s House.”  (T&S 4(18):282, 1 Aug., 1843)

6 Apr.:  “They ripped open their bowels.”

“Hyrum commenced by observing that he had some communication to make before Joseph came and would read from the Wasp, last number.  A man who formerly belonged to the Church revealed to me there are a band of men and some strong in the faith of the Doctrine of Latter Day Saints, and some who do not belong to the Church were bound by secret oaths &c. that it is right to steal from any one who does not belong to the Church if they gave 1/4 part to the Temple.  If they did not remain stedfast they ripped open their bowels and gave them to the cat fish and they are the very Gadianton robbers of the last days.”  (Joseph Smith diary, 6 Apr., 1843; in Faulring, An American Prophet’s Record, p. 346)

10 Apr.:  Further baptisms for dead in river.

“Elders James Allred, John Snider, and Aaron Johnson were appointed to administer baptism for the dead in the river while the font could not be used.”  (HC 5:350)

13 Apr.:  Power to seal comes through the Holy Ghost.

“I shall not address you on doctrine but concerning your temporal welfare inasmuch as you have come up here assaying to keep the Commandments of God I pronounce the blessings of heaven & earth upon you. & inasmuch as [you] will follow counsel & act wisely & do right these blessings shall rest upon you so far as I have power with God to seal them upon you I am your servant. & it is only through the Holy Ghost that I can do you good.  God is able to do his own work.”  (Joseph Smith, 13 Apr., 1843.  In Words of JS, p. 190) 

15 Apr.-7 Jul.:  Frequent rebaptisms for health.

“Apostle Willard Richards also baptized his wife frequently for her health.”  (D. Michael Quinn, “The Practice of Rebaptism at Nauvoo,” BYU Studies 18(2):231, Winter, 1978; quoting from Journal of Willard Richards, 15 Apr., 16 Apr., 27 Apr., 7 Jul., 1843; HDC)

16 Apr.:  I must see my family in the hereafter, or burst.

“More painful to me the thought of anhilitation than death.  if I had no expectation of seeing my mother Brother & Sisters & friends again my heart would burst in a moment & I should go down to my grave.  The expectation of seeing my friends in the morning of the resurrection cheers my soul.  and make be bear up against the evils of life.  it is like their taking a long journey. & on their return we meet with increased joy.”  (Joseph Smith, 16 Apr., 1843.  JS diary, by Willard Richards.  In Words of JS, p. 196)

“Heard Pres. J preach on the ressurection shewing the importance of being buried with the saints & their relatives in as much as we shall want to see our relatives first & shall rejoice to strike hands with our parents, children &c when rising from the tomb.”  (Joseph Smith, 16 Apr., 1843.  William Clayton diary.  In Words of JS, p. 198)

“President J. Smith Addressed the assembly of the saints at the temple of the Lord upon the subject of the death burial & resurrection of the saints.  He had been requested to preach a funeral sermon by several persons who had lost friends & he had Just Received information that Elder Lorenzo Barnes had died in England.  We received this information by a letter from Elder P. P. Pratt.

After reading the letter he addressed the assembly in a vary feeling interesting & edefying manner.  Among many other remarks he said he should have been more reconciled to the death of Elder barnes Could his bodey have been laid in the grave in Nauvoo or among the saints.  He said he had vary peculiar feelings relative to recieving an honorable burial with his fathers.  He Considered Nauvoo would be a burying place of the saints & should he die he Considered it would be a great Blessing to be buried with the saints & esspecially to be buried with his father.

Yes he wanted to lie by the side of his father that when the trump of God should sound & the voice of God should say ye Saints arise that when the tomb should birst he could arise from the grave & first salute his father & say O my father; & his father say O my Son!! as they took each other by the hand.  He wished next to salute his brothers & sisters & then the saints & he said it was upon this principle that the ancients were so particular to have an honorable burial with their fathers as in the case of Joseph.”  (Wilford Woodruff diary, 16 Apr., 1843)

27 Apr.:  Clayton’s wife “sealed up by the priesthood.”

“At the Temple A.M. went to prests. who rode with me to bro. H. C. Kimballs where sister Margt. Moon was sealed up by the priesthood, by the president–and M to me.”  (William Clayton diary, 27 Apr., 1843)

14 May:  Sealed to eternal life: public discourse.

“Now their is some grand secret ther & keys to unlock the subject Not withstanding the Apostle exhorts them to Add to their faith virtue Knowledge temperance &C yet he exhorts them to make their Calling & election Sure & though they had herd the audible voice from heaven bearing testinoy that Jesus was the Son of God yet he says we have a more sure word of Prophecy where unto ye do well that ye take heed as unto a light shining in a dark place.  Now wherein could they have a more sure word of prophecy than to hear the voice of God saying this is my Beloved Son &C Now for the Secret & grand Key though they might hear the voice of God & know that Jesus was the Son of God this would be no evidence that their election & Calling was made shure that they had part with Christ & was a Joint heir with him, they then would want that more sure word of Prophecy that they were sealed in the heavens & had the promise of eternal live in the Kingdom of God then having this promise sealed unto them it was as an anchor to the Soul Sure & Steadfast though the thunders might roll & lightnings flash & earthquakes Bellow & war gather thick around yet this hope & knowledge would support the soul in evry hour of trail trouble & tribulation Then Knowledge through our Lord & savior Jesus Christ is the grand Key that unlocks the glories & misteries of the Kingdom of heaven Compair this principle once with Christondom at the present day & whare are they with all their boasted religion piety & sacredness while at the same time they are Crying out against Prophets Apostles Angels Revelation, Prophesyings, & Visions &C.  Why they are Just ripening for the damnation of hell, they will be damned for they reject the more glorious principle of the gospel of Jesus Christ & treat with disdain & trample under foot the main key that unlocks the heavens & puts in our possession the glories of the Celestial world.  Yes I say such will be damned with all their professed godliness.

The I would exhort you to go on & continue to call upon God untill you make your Calling & election sure for yourselves by obtaining this more sure word of Prophesey & wait patiently for the promise untill you obtain it Many other vary useful remarks were made on the occasion by Joseph the Seer.”  (Joseph Smith, 14 May, 1843, Wilford Woodruff diary.  In Words of JS, pp. 201-202) 

16 May:  Joseph shows B. F. Johnson his garments.

In lighting him [Joseph Smith] to bed one night he showed me his garments and explained that they were such as the Lord made for Adam from skins, and gave me such ideas pertaining to endowments as he thought proper.  He told me Freemasonry, as at present, was the apostate endowments, as sectarian religion was the apostate religion.

In the evening he called me and my wife to come and sit down, for he wished to marry us according to the Law of the Lord.  I thought it was a joke, and said I should not marry my wife again, unless she courted me, for I did it all the first time.  He chided my levity, told me he was in earnest, and so it proved, for we stood up and were sealed by the Holy Spirit of Promise.

This occurrence is referred to in the life of Joseph Smith as ‘Spending the evening in giving counsel to Brother Johnson and wife.'”  (Benjamin F. Johnson, My Life’s Review, n.p., n.d.; p. 96)

16 May:  Definition of “sealed unto eternal life.”

“Your life is hid with Christ in God, and so are many others.  Nothing but the unpardonable sin can prevent you from inheriting eternal life for you are sealed up by the power of the Priesthood unto eternal life, having taken the step necessary for that purpose.

Except a man and his wife enter into an everlasting covenant and be married for eternity, while in this probation, by the power and authority of the Holy Priesthood, they will cease to increase when they die; that is, they will not have any children after the resurrection.  But those who are married by the power and authority of the priesthood in this life, and continue without committing the sin against the Holy ghost, will continue to increase and have children in the celestial glory.  The unpardonable sin is to shed innocent blood, or be accessory thereto.  All other sins will be visited with judgment in the flesh, and the spirit being delivered to the buffetings of Satan until the day of the Lord Jesus.

The way I know in whom to confide–God tells me in whom I may place confidence.

In the celestial glory there are three heavens or degrees; and in order to obtain the highest, a man must enter into this order of the priesthood, and if he does not, he cannot obtain it.  He may enter into the other, but that is the end of his kingdom: he cannot have an increase.”  (Joseph Smith, 16 May, 1843, HC 5:391-392)

“Before we retired the Prest. gave bro Johnson & wife some instructions on the priesthood.  He put his hand on my knee and says ‘your life is hid with Christ in God,’ and so is many others.  Addressing Benjamin says he ‘nothing but the unpardonable sin can prevent him [William Clayton] from inheriting eternal glory for he is sealed up by the power of the priesthood unto eternal life having taken the step which is necessary for that purpose.’  He said that except a man and his wife enter into an everlasting covenant and be married for eternity while in this probation by the power and authority of the Holy priesthood they will cease to increase when they did (ie. they will not have any children in the resurrection[)] but those who are married by the power & authority of the priesthood in this life & continue without committing the sin against the Holy Ghost will continue to increase & have children in the celestial glory.  The unpardonable sin is to shed innocent blood or be accessory thereto.  All other sins will be visited with judgement in the flesh and the spirit being delivered to the buffetings of satan untill the day of the Lord Jesus.”  (William Clayton diary, 16 May, 1843)

17 May:  Sealed unto eternal life.

“He [Joseph Smith] said the more sure word of prophecy meant, a mans knowing that he was sealed up unto eternal life by revelation & the spirit of prophecy through the power of the Holy priesthood.”  (William Clayton diary, 17 May, 1843.  In Cook, The Revelations of the Prophet Joseph Smith, p. 292)

18 May:  Children dying in infancy will not grow.

“I asked the Prest. wether children who die in infancy will grow.  He answered ‘no, we shall receive them precisely in the same state as they died is no larger.  They will have as much intelligence as we shall but shall always remain separate and single.  They will have no increase.  Children who are born dead will have full grown bodies being made up by the resurrection.”  (William Clayton diary, 18 May, 1843)

21 May:  Make your calling and election sure.

“after all this make your calling and election sure.  if this injunction would lay largely on those to whom it was spoken.  how much more then to them of the 19. century.–

     1 Key Knowledge is the power of Salvation

     2 Key Make his calling and Election Sure

     3. it is one thing to be on the mount & hear the excellent voice &c &c. and another to hear the voice declare to you you have a part & lot in the kingdom.–”  (Joseph Smith, 21 May, 1843, Joseph Smith diary, by Willard Richards.  In Words of JS, pp. 205-206)

“There are two Keys, one key knowledge. the other make you Calling & election sure, for if you do these things you shall never fall for so an entrance shall be administered unto you abundently into the everlasting Kingdom of our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ.  We made known unto you the power & coming of our Lord & S. J. Christ were Eye witnesses of his Majesty when he received from God the Father honor & glory when there came such a voice to him from the excellent glory, this is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased.  this voice which came from heaven we heard when we were with him in the holy Mount.  We have also a more sure word of prophecy whereunto give heed until the day Star arise in your hearts  It is one thing to receive knowledge by the voice of God, (this is my beloved Son &c.) & another to Know that you yourself will be saved, to have a positive promise of your own Salvation is making your Calling and Election sure. viz the voice of Jesus saying my beloved thou shalt have eternal life.  Brethren never cease strugling until you get this evidence.  Take heed both before and after obtaining this more sure word of Prophecy.”  (Joseph Smith, 21 May, 1843, Howard and Martha Coray Notebook.  In Words of JS, p. 208)

“There are three grand Keys to unlock the whole subject.  First what is the knowledge of God, Second what is it to make our calling and election sure.  Third and last is how to make our calling and election sure.  Ans, it is to obtain a promise from God for myself that I shall have Eternal life.  that is the more sure word of prophycy.”  (Joseph Smith, 21 May, 1843, James Burgess Notebook.  In Words of JS, p. 209)  

21 May:  Sacrament administered in temple for first time.

“On Sunday, May 21, 1843, President Joseph preached in the temple from the first chapter of Peter’s second epistle.  In the afternoon of that day the ordinance of partaking of bread and water, as the sacrament, was administered to the Saints for the first time in this temple.”  (William Clayton Journal, in JI 21(7):106, 1 Apr., 1886)

21 May:  Caroline Gronard sealed to eternal life.

“I seal you unto eternal life for a consolation & a comforter, for your name is written in the book of life.”  (Patriarchal Blessing of Caroline Gronard, by Hyrum Smith, 21 May, 1843.  RLDS Archives, P8/F10)

26 May:  “Quorum” reconvenes.

“Met with the Prophet Joseph Smith, the Patriarch Hyrum, brothers Kimball and Richards, Judge James Adams and Bishop N. K. Whitney, receiving our endowments and instructions in the Priesthood.  The Prophet Joseph administered to us the first ordinances of endowment, and gave us instructions on the Priesthood and the new and everlasting covenant.”

(Brigham Young Manuscript History, 26 May, 1843)

“I met in council in the upper room with my brother, Hyrum, Brigham Young, Heber C. Kimball, Willard Richards, Judge James Adams, Bishop Newel K. Whitney and William Law and gave them their endowments and also instructions in the priesthood on the new and everlasting covenant, etc.”  (Joseph Smith, HC 5:409)

“Prest. in meeting with the Twelve & Judge Adams.  Hyrum received the doctrine of priesthood.”  (William Clayton diary, 26 May, 1843)

[See “Meetings of the anointed Quorum, Journalizing, 1843-4,” included with Joseph Smith Journals, HDC]

28 May:  Sealing of husbands to wives.

“The adjourned council met in the upper Room [and] attended to ordinances.”  (Joseph Smith diary, kept by Willard Richards, 28 May, 1843, LDS Church Archives.  Quoted in Ehat Thesis, p. 61)  [“Before the meeting [of 26 May] was adjourned each of the men was instructed by Joseph Smith to bring his first wife with him to the meeting on Sunday the 28th so they could be sealed for time and eternity.  A very strong case–though a fairly involved one–can thus be made that on 28 May 1843, Joseph and Emma Smith as well as James and Harriet Adams were sealed for time and all eternity–the first occasion of marriage sealings in a Quorum context.  On the next day, 29 May 1843, four other sets of sealings took place.  First, Hyrum Smith, Jerusha Barden and Mary Fielding Smith were sealed for time and eternity (Mary acted as proxy for the deceased Jerusha).  Second, Brigham Young, Miriam Works, and Mary Ann Angell were sealed for time and eternity by Hyrum Smith (Mary Ann acted as proxy for Miriam, who was dead).  Third, Willard and Jennetta Richards were sealed.  Lastly, Mercy Rachel Fielding was sealed to her deceased husband, Robert B. Thompson.”  (Ehat Thesis, p. 63)] 

“I met with brothers Joseph, Hyrum, Heber, Willard, Bishop Whitney and Judge Adams, when we administered to brother Joseph the same ordinances of endowment, and of the Holy Priesthood which he administered unto us.”

(Brigham Young Manuscript History, 28 May, 1843)

“I met with brother Hyrum, Brigham Young, Heber C. Kimball, Willard Richards, Newel K. Whitney and James Adams in the upper room to attend to ordinances and counseling.”  (Joseph Smith, HC 5:412)

“Sunday May 28. Clouds & rain.– cold. — 5 P.M. – adjourned council met in the upper Room. attend to ordinances and councilled and prayed that James Adams might be delivered from his enemies & O.P. Rockwell & the twelve be pospered [sic] in collecting means to build the Nauvoo House Joseph– . & J. Adams [shorthand]  &c adjourned to 9 o clock Monday morning.”  (Joseph Smith “Diary”; Church Archives, Ms/d/155/Bx1/fd6; 28 May 1843.)

29 May:  Joseph gives further instructions.

“Met at 9 a.m. with the same brethren when Joseph instructed us further in principles pertaining to the holy Priesthood.”

(Brigham Young Manuscript History, 29 May, 1843)

“Monday May 29th 1843  9 A.M. met pursuant to adjournment. Joseph Hyrum, Brigham, Willard, & Sis Thompson, [shorthand] & Heber & Newel K. present also Joseph. & James Adams. singing & prayer by Elder Brigham Young — Conversation & instruction & teaching concerning the things of God, had a pleasant interview.”  (Joseph Smith “Diary”; Church Archives, Ms/d/155/Bx1/fd6; 29 May 1843.)

11 Jun.:  Purpose of temples.

“Ordinance of the baptism.  God decreed before the foundation of the world that this baptism should be performed in a house prepared for the purpose.

Spirits of prison.  The Holy Ghost reveals it.  Spirits in the world of Spirits which Jesus went to preach to.  God ordained that he who would save his dead should do it by getting together as with the Jews.  It always has been when a man was sent of God with the Priesthood and he began to preach the fulness of the gospel that [he] was thrust out by his friends.  They are ready to butcher him if he teach things which they had imagined to be wrong.  Jesus was crucified upon this principle.

I will turn linguist.  Many things in the Bible which do not, as they now stand, accord with the revelation of the Holy Ghost to me.  Ponder ‘This day thou sha[l]t be with me in paradise.’  Paradise, Modern word, don’t answer to the original word used by Jesus.  Find the origin of Paradise.  Find a needle in a hay mow.  Here is a chance for a battle ye learned men.  Said Jesus, for there is not time to investigat this matter.  For this day you will be with me in the world of Spi[ri]ts.  Then I will teach you all about it.  Peter says he went and preached to the world of Spirits so that they would receive it [and] could have it answered by proxey by those who live on the earth &c.

‘Gathered you for baptism for the dead washing, anointing, &c.’ said Jesus to Jews.  At one time God obtained a house where Peter was[hed] and ano[inte]d &c. on the day of pentecost.

Criticise a little further.  Hell, [a] modern term, burning lake of fire and Brimstone.  I would make you think I was climbing a ladder when I was climbing a rainbow.  Who ever revealed it?  God never did.  Hades, I will hunt after Hades as Pat did for woodchuck.  Sheol, who are you?  God reveals, means a world of spirits.  I don’t think so says one.  Go to my house I will take my lexicon &c.  A world of departed spirits, [where] disembodied spirits all go, good, bad, and indiferent.  Misery in a world of spirits is to know they came short of the glory others enjoy.  They are their own accusers.

One universal heaven and hell.  Supose honorable and virtuous and whoremonger all hudled together.  Judged according to deeds done in the body.  Shame, shame.  Thus we can [have] mint and annice and cummin and long prayers, but touch not the law as Peter tells us.

Paul says [he was] caught up to 3d heaven and [if there are not three heavens] what [reason does the Bible have to] tell that Lie for Paul.  Sun, Moon, and Stars.  Many mansions.  All one say Sectarians.  They build hay, wood, and stubble, build on the old revelations without the spirit of revelation or Priesthood.  If I had time I would dig into Hell, Hades, Sheol, and tell what exists.

Heaven of Heavens could not contain him.  He took the liberty to go into other heavens.  I thought Father, Son and H Ghost all stuck into one person.  I pray for them, Father that we may be one.  All stuffed into one God, a big God.

Peter [and] Stephen saw the Son of Man.  Saw the Son of Man standing on the right hand of God.  3 personages in heaven who hold the keys.  One to preside over all.

If any man attempt to refute what I am about to say after I have made it plain. let him be accursed.  As the Father hath power in himself so hath the sun [Son] power in himself to lay down his life.  The Son doeth what he hath seen the Father do &c.  Take his body and stuff it into the Father.

Gods have an ascendency over the angels.  Angels remain angels.  Some are resurrected to become Gods by such revelations as God gives in the most holy place, in his temple.  Let them who are owing tithing pay it up and bring stone.  What did Judge Higby [say? . . .]  If those who are owing would bring stone we could get the walls to the roof this fall or every as to let it down.”  (Joseph Smith diary, 11 Jun., 1843; in Faulring, An American Prophet’s Record, pp. 384-386)

“A large assembly of Saints met at the Temple & were addressed by President Joseph Smith  He took for the foundation of his discourse the words of Jesus to the Jews how oft would I have gatherd you togetherd as a hen gathereth her chickens under wings  But ye would not &c.  He then asked what was the object of Gathering the Jews together or the people of God in any age of the world, the main object was to build unto the Lord an house whereby he could reveal unto his people the ordinances of his house and glories of his kingdom & teach the peopl the ways of salvation for their are certain ordinances & principles that when they are taught and practized, must be done in a place or house built for that purpose this was purposed in the mind of God before the world was & it was for this purpose that God designed to gather together the Jews oft but they would not it is for the same purpose that God gathers togethe the people in the last days to build unto the Lord an house to prepare them for the ordinances & endowment washing & anointings &c. one of the ordinances of the house of the Lord is Baptism for the dead, God decreed before the foundation of the world that that ordinance should be administered in a house prepared for that purpose.  If a man gets the fulness of God he has to get [it] in the same way that Jesus Christ obtain it & that was by keeping all the ordinances of the house of the Lord. Men will say I will never forsake you but will stand by you at all times but the moment you teach them some of the mysteries of God that are retained in the heavens and are to be revealed to the children of men when they are prepared, They will be the first to stone you & put you to death.  It was the same principle that Crusified the Lord Jesus Christ.  I will say something about the Spirits in prision, theire has been much said about the sayings of Jesus on the Cross to the thief saying this day thou shalt be with me in paradise.  The commentators or translators make it out to say Paradise but what is Paradise it is a modern word it does not answer at all to the original that Jesus made use of, their is nothing in the original in any language that signifies Paradise, But it was this day I will be with thee in the world of spirits & will teach thee or answer thy inquiries.  The thief on the Cross was to be with Jesus Christ in the World of Spirits he did not say Paradise or heaven.  The doctrin of Baptism for the dead is clearly shown in the new testament & if the doctrin is not good then throw away the new testament but if it is the word of God then let the doctrin be acknowledged & it was one reason why Jesus said how oft would I have gatherd you (the Jews) together that they might attend to the ordinance of the baptism for the dead as well as the other ordinances the Priesthood Revelations &c.  This was the case on the day of Pentecost these Blessings were poured out upon the deciples, on that occasion. . . .

But to the text.  Why gather the people together in this place?  For the same purpose that Jesus wanted to gather the Jews.  To receive the ordinances, the blessings & the glories that God has in store for his Saints.  And I would now ask this assembly and all the Saints if they will now build this house & receive the ordinances & Blessings which God has in store for you, or will you not build unto the Lord this house & let him pass by & bestow these blessings uopn another?  I pause for a reply.”  (Wilford Woodruff diary, 11 Jun., 1843)

“Joseph [Smith] said The reason why the Jews were scattered and their House left unto them Desolate was because they refused to be gathered that the fulness of the Priesthood might be revealed among them which never can be done but by the gathering of the People also also [sic] The Order & Ordinances of the Kingdom where instituted by the Priesthood in the council of Heaven before the World was.”  (Franklin D. Richards, “Scriptural Items,” quoted in Ehat & Cook, The Words of Joseph Smith, p. 215)  

“Last sunday I had the privilege of attending meeting and in the forenoon listening to a very interesting discourse by Pres. J. Smith He took for his subject the words of the Savior to wit.  ‘O Jerusalm thou that killest the prophets and stonest them that are sent unto you!  How oft would I have gatherred you as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings and you would not!’  He beautifully and in a most powerful manner, illustrated the necessity of the gathering and the building of the Temple that those ordinances may be administered which are necessary preparations for the world to come: he exhorted the people in impressive terms to be diligent–to be up and doing lest the tabernacle pass over to another people and we lose the blessing.”  (Joseph Smith, 11 Jun., 1843, Eliza R. Snow diary.  In Words of JS, pp. 215-216)  

11 Jun.:  St. Paul informs us of three glories.

“Hades shaole paradise, spirits in prision is all one it is a world of spirits, the righteous & the wicked all go to the same world of spritis but says one I believe in one hell & one heaven all are equally miserable or equally happy, but St Paul informs us of three glories & three heavens he knew a man caught up to the third heavens, & Jesus said their were many mansions in my Fathers Kingdom.”  (Joseph Smith, 11 Jun., 1843, in Wilford Woodruff diary)

15 Jun.:  Non-Mormon description of Nauvoo Temple.

“The following extract from the ‘Salem (Mass.) Advertizer and Argus,’ being an extract from a lecture delivered in Salem, by Mr. J. B. Newhall, will be read with interest by many of our friends. . . .

‘The Nauvoo Temple is a very singular and unique structure.  It is 150 feet in length, 98 feet wide, and when finished will be 150 feet high.  It is different from any thing in ancient or modern history.  Every thing about it is on a magnificent scale, and when finished and seen from the opposite side of the river, it will present one, if not the most beautiful, chaste, and noble specimens of architecture to be found in the world.  We should like to be in possession of a model of this building, both on account of its great notoriety, as being connected with the Mormon or Latter Day Saints’ religion, and also a work of art.  Did our limits her permit, we might give a very minute description of the whole order of architecture.  This splendid drawing was executed by Mr. Newhall, while in Nauvoo, from a copy in the archives of that city.  We wish he had taken it on a large scale, but he probably did not, on account of transportation.. . .

After Mr. N. had drawn the Temple, Joseph was exceedingly pleased, pronounced it very correct, complimented him very highly, and told him he believed he would be the means in the hands of God, of doing a great deal of good.'”  (T&S 4(15):234-235, 15 Jun., 1843)

18 Jun.:  Sacrament administered in temple.

“Meeting at the Temple.  Elder Eli P. Maginn preached in the forepart of the day, to the edification of the Saints.  The sacrament was administered in the afternoon.”  (HC 5:435)

23 Jun.:  Hyrum performs plural marriage w/o Joseph.

“On 23 June, 1843 Parley [P. Pratt] and Mary Ann went to the home of the Prophet’s brother Hyrum because he was Assistant President of the Church and presided over the Church in the Prophet’s absence.  Convinced that they were ‘truly converted’ (as Vilate put it), Hyrum proceeded to seal Parley and Mary Ann ‘for time and all eternity.’ . . .

Soon after Joseph’s return to Nauvoo 30 June, Hyrum told Joseph what he had done in the Prophet’s absence. . . . Hyrum’s intentions in the matter were honorable but that did not lessen the forcefulness of Joseph’s rebuke.  He told Hyrum that if he ever did it again ‘he would go to hell and all those he sealed with him.’  Twelve days later, when the revelation on Celestial Marriage was first written, Hyrum was again reminded of these strict rules by the words: “I have appointed unto my servant Joseph to hold this power in the last days, and there is never but one on the earth at a time on whom this power and the keys of this priesthood are conferred’ (D&C 132:7).”  (Ehat, MA Thesis, pp. 68, 70)  

  25 Jun.:  Lyman Wight on baptism for the dead.

“I attended meeting at 10 oclock in the morning & Brother Lyman Wight (who had Just returned from a mission in the east) Arose & addressed the meeting at full length from the 13 ch. of 1st Corinth.  Dwelt largely upon Charity showing what Charity was.  That it was far greater than faith & hope.  He took grounds to prove that charity consisted in doing that for others which they Could not do for themselves.  For instance Jesus Christ died to Redeem the world.  The world could not Redeem itself.  This is charity.  If our fore fathers & Mothers & kindred have died without the gospel, & we embrace the gospel in our day & generation & can redeem our relatives By being Baptized for them they being dead that they may have part in the first resurrection.  Should we do this it would be charity for we should do for them what they could not do for themselves & this was wherein The Apostle said why then are ye baptized for the dead if the dead rise not?  This is far greater than faith & hope.  For though we might Believe /& hope/ our friend might Be redeemed yet if we was not Baptized for them they might remain in Hell & our faith & hope do them no good.  But to do that for another which he can do for himself is not charity.  Elder Wight made many other vary useful remarks in his discourse.”  (Wilford Woodruff diary, 25 Jun., 1843)

Jun.:  The Law of Adoption.


‘Verily, verily, I say unto thee, except a man be born of water and of the spirit he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.  That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the spirit is spirit.’–Jesus Christ.

Amongst the many systems of religion bearing the name of christianity, it is natural to suppose that there must have been some wide deviations from that order of things established by the immediate followers of our Lord Jesus Christ; and that while many innovations have been introduced upon the simplicity of the gospel, many things of the utmost importance have been forgotten, or the import of them overlooked.  In illustration of this subject, we hesitate not to state, and without fear of any successful contradiction founded on the word of God, that the law of adoption, which we hav placed at the head of this article, is one that has been overlooked and forgotten, though of infinite importance.

The law of adoption amongst men, is a law intended to supply the lack of birthright–the defect of having no natural and legitimate claim of heirship; so also it is in connexion with the kingdom of God.  Let us inquire what is the position in which the human family stands in relation to God; is it that of children beloved, approved, and whose claims to the heritage and glory of their parent none can dispute?  By no means.  It will be almost generally allowed that our race have become aliens from God, that they have lost all claim to his friendship and favour, and that they stand in a state of condemnation before him; and that unless he had, in his infinite mercy, devised a plan of redemption by which they might escape from their perilous condition, they must inevitably perish.

Let us now come, in sincerity of soul and all honesty of heart, and inquire what has God done that we might escape from the consequences of transgression, and be restored to his favour, and be accepted of him.  We read, then, in the eighth chapter of Paul’s letter to the Roman Saints, that ‘God sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh:’ and that the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus, which he hath given us, hath made us free from the law of sin and death.

Let us, then, now endeavour to examine into the nature of that law by which we are emancipated from the position of condemnation which we naturally occupied.  It is written in the first chapter of John’s gospel, that he (Christ) came unto his own, but his own received him not, but as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the Sons of God, even to them that believe on his name, which were born not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.

Here, then, we understand clearly the general object for which Christ was manifested, which was to take away our sins, by giving to those that believed on him the privilege of becoming Sons of God.  And this was to be effected by a birth after the will of God, and not after anything connected with the will of man or the flesh; for as we read in the quotation we have given at the head of this article, ‘that which is born of the flesh is flesh.’

But to further illustrate the nature of the law of adoption, let us examine the conduct of him who hath become the first born among many brethren, and who hath been made an example for us, that we should follow his steps.  We then find, in the third chapter of Matthew’s gospel, that before the Saviour went forth on his public ministry, he repaired unto him that had been appointed his forerunner, in order that he might be baptized of him in Jordan; but with the modesty of true humility and conscious unworthiness, he hesitates at first to minister, though he knew that he was appointed the porter to open the door to the shepherd of the sheep.  But on the Saviour’s expostulation with him, he suffered him; and let us mark the result:  And Jesus, when he was baptized, went up straight-way out of the water, and lo, the heavens were opened unto him, and he saw the spirit of God descending like a dove, and lighting upon him; and lo, a voice from heaven, saying, ‘This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.’  Here, then, in the ratification of the ordinance of baptism, or the great law of adoption, instituted in order that men might enjoy the privilege of becoming Sons of God, was the declaration made of the sonship of the Lord Jesus Christ; and the Saviour hath declared it necessary that we should also be born of water and of the spirit before we can enter into the kingdom of God.

How beautiful and fitting are the statements of divine truth.  The seed of which we are said to be born, is the incorruptible seed, the word of God; thus the honest in heart hear the declaration of the gospel of peace–by its reception are begotten new creatures–quickened into new life, and led to cry out as of old, ‘Men and brethren, what shall we do?’  When the dictate of the spirit prompting the answer, replieth, ‘Repent and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.’  Here, then, by being buried with Christ by baptism into his death, and that, too, in an element destructive of life were we to continue therein, we are raised therefrom to walk in newness of life, in consequence of the remission of our sins, and the reception of that spirit which is promised unto us, even the gift of the Holy Ghost, fulfilling what is written, that there are three that bear witness on earth, the spirit, the water, and the blood.

Here, then, is a law of the kingdom of God, of infinite importance to the human family, placed at the very threshhold of his house, and declared necessary for salvation by the Saviour himself in giving his commission to his disciples, when he stated that he that believed and was baptized should be saved, but he that would not believe should be condemned; for he would have no claim on the privilege to become a son of God, by being baptized in the name of Jesus for remission of his sins.

Then it necessarily follows from the consideration of this subject, that there is a time as well as a privilege of changing our position before God, and of entering from a state of alienation into an immediate relationship to himself, having a legal claim, by the laws of heaven, on the privileges of sonship, as an heir of God and a joint heir with Jesus Christ.  Shall we any longer wonder then at the declaration of the prophet Isaiah in his twenty-fourth chapter, that because mankind have transgressed the laws, changed the ordinance, and broken the everlasting covenant, that the curse shall devour the earth and the inhabitants thereof shall be burned up and few men be left; no, we cannot wonder, we cannot be surprised when we reflect on the infinite benevolence of God manifested towards the human family, and consider the high destiny for which God has designed them, even to receive of his own glory, to become heirs of God and joint heirs with Jesus Christ; and yet man has perverted his laws, changed his ordinance, and the covenant by which he was to be restored to divine favour, he has spurned and broken.

But again, before we can have a claim upon the possession of the spirit of God, we must most assuredly have changed our position; we must no longer stand in the character of aliens, and enemies; but on the contrary, we must have recognized him whom the Father hath appinted a Prince and a Saviour to give repentance unto Israel and remission of sins; we must have humbled ourselves unto the obedience of his law of adoption before we can claim the spirit of adoption, whereby we can legally call God our Father, and approach him with the confidence of sons and children of the highest.

But, by way of improvement to this subject, what shall we say unto those who know the Lord’s will and do it not? truly, that they are in the flesh and cannot please God; that they have not beenborn of water and of the spirit, and therefore in their present circumstances they cannot enter into the kingdom of God.  Better for them had the depths of an African wilderness witnessed their birth after the flesh, where their career might have commenced and ended without a knowledge of the laws of heaven, that they, knowing them, they should continue disobedient and sin against the light of truth, and the strivings of that spirit which hath long pleaded with them to lead them to the obedience of faith; and we would faithfully warn them to consider well their position, that now is their day of salvation, and possibly, ere long it may have set in a night of darkness and despair.  The present time is the day of mercy unto man, the offers of salvation are borne, or shall be as on the wings of the wind unto all people before the end come; but the end shall come, and that speedily.  Let us then listen to the hail of salvation, press forward into the fold of the Redeemer, that when his judgments shall be poured out upon the nations, we may be sheltered from harm until his fury be past.  Amen.”  (Thomas Ward, Editor of the Millennial Star, MS 2(4):17-19, Jun., 1843)

“We have been led to make a few remarks on the great LAW OF ADOPTION as one of the greatest importance, and one to which we would wish to direct the attention of the priesthood generally in their labours.”  (Editorial, MS 2(4):31, Jun., 1843)

16 Jul.:  “Eternal marriage” explained publicly.

“[Joseph Smith] showed that a man must enter into an everlasting covenant with his wife in this world or he will have no claim on her in the next.  He said that he could not reveal the fulness of these things untill the Temple is completed &c.”  (William Clayton diary, 16 Jul., 1843.  Quoted in Ehat and Cook, The Words of Joseph Smith, p. 233)

“Joseph said July 16th All Blessings that were ordained for man by the Council of Heaven were on conditions of obedience to the Law there of.  No man can obtain an eternal Blessing unless the contract or covenant be made in view of Eternity All contracts in view of this Life only terminate with this Life.  Case of the woman & 7 husbands Luke 20-29 &c Those who keep no eternal Law in this life or make no eternal contract are single & alone in the eternal world (Luke 20-35) and are only made Angels to minister to those who shall be heirs of Salvation never becoming Sons of God having never kept the Law of God ie eternal Law.”  (Joseph Smith, 16 Jul., 1843, Franklin D. Richards “Scriptural Items,” in Words of JS, p. 232)

“P.M. spoke of contracts & covenants made from life end with life.  the necessity of the Temple that the Servants of God may be sealed in their foreheads.”  (Joseph Smith, 16 Jul., 1843, Levi Richards diary.  In Words of JS, p. 233)  

23 Jul.:  Order of Melchizedek:  Prophets, priests, kings.

“Last Monday morning certain men came to me and said, ‘Brother Joseph, Hyrum is no prophet–he can’t lead the church; you must lead the church.  If you resign, all things will go wrong; you must not resign; if you do the church will be scattered.’

I felt curious and said:  ‘Have we not learned the Priesthood after the order of Melchizedek, which includes both Prophets, Priests and Kings:  see Rev. 1 Chap., 6th v., and I will advance your Prophet to a Priest, and then to a King—not to the Kingdoms of this earth, but of the Most High God.  See Rev. 5 Chap., 10th v.–‘Thou hast made us unto our God, Kings and Priests, and we shall reign on the earth.'”  (Joseph Smith, TPJS p. 318.  Compare with HC 5:517-518.  This extract from the diary of Joseph Smith, with this additional information of his becoming a king, was first published by Joseph Fielding Smith in the 1st edition of TPJS (1937).  From a manuscript in the Historian’s office.)

“Last Monday morning certain men came to me.–Bro Joseph Hyrum is no prophet he cant lead the church. you must lead the Church–if you resign I felt curious–& said–here we learn in a priesthood after the order of Melchisedeck–Prophet priest & king. & I will advance from prophet to priest & then to King not to the kingdoms of this earth but of the most high god.”  (Joseph Smith, 23 Jul., 1843, Joseph Smith diary, by Willard Richards.  In Words of JS, p. 234)

30 Jul.:  Catharine Stokes sealed to eternal life.

“Sister Catharine, I lay my hands upon your head in the name of Jesus of Nazareth and seal you up unto Eternal life from this very hour for this is thy Blessing for thy days and years are on the decline. . . . Since you believed, therefore you are blessed in time and your blessing shall be continued in eternity, for you are sealed here on earth and sealed in heaven that you may live and be comforted with this comforter that your name is written as is made known by the Spirit in the Lamb’s Book of Life and shall not be blotted out.”  (Patriarchal Blessing of Catharine Stokes, by Hyrum Smith, 30 Jul., 1843.  RLDS Archives, P8/F11)

30 Jul.:  Recorders for baptisms for dead appointed.

“Elder John Taylor preached in the morning.  After preaching, President Marks called a special conference to appoint recorders for baptism for the dead.  Elder Sloan having started on his mission to Ireland, Willard Richards was appointed General Church Recorder; and Joseph M. Cole, George Walker, Jonathan H. Hale, and J. A. W. Andrews, recorders for the baptisms for the dead.  In the afternoon clerks met to organize and prepare for their duties.”  (HC 5:522)

6 Aug.:  None yet had fulness of Priesthood.

“I also remarked that if any in the Church had the fulness of the Melchizedek Priesthood, I did not know it.  For any person to have the fulness of that Priesthood, he must be a king and a priest.  A person may have a portion of that Priesthood the same as governors or judges of England have power from the king to transact business; but that does not make them kings of England.  A person may be anointed king and priest long before he receives his kingdom.”  (Brigham Young, in Brigham Young Manuscript History, 6 Aug., 1843) 

[See also entries in HC 5:527; Wilford Woodruff diary.]

13 Aug.:  Calling and election sure.

“Went to meeting heard J. preach on 2 Peter 3. 10 & 11–being a funeral sermon on the death of E. Higbee.  When speaking of the passage ‘I will send Elijah the prophet &c’ he said it should read and he shall turn the hearts of the children to the covenant made with their fathers  Also where it says and they shall seal the servants of God in their foreheads &c [Rev. 7:3] it means to seal the blessing on their heads meaning the everlasting covenant thereby making their calling & election sure.  When a seal is put upon the father and mother it secures their posterity so that they cannot be lost but will be saved by virtue of the covenant of their father.”  (Joseph Smith, quoted in William Clayton diary, 13 Aug., 1843.)

“What is the full extent of that seal?  Shall I tell you?  No.

Doctrine of election–sealing of the servants of our God on the top of their heads—’tis not the cross, as the catholics would have it.  Doctrine of election to Abraham was in the relation to the seed.  A man wishes to be embraced in the covenants of Abraham.

Judge Higby in the world of spirits is sealed unto the throne, and doctrine of election sealing the fathers and children together.”  (Joseph Smith, Manuscript History of the Church, Church Historical Department, 13 Aug., 1843, Book E-1) 

“4 destroying angels holding power over the 4 quarters of the earth. until the the servants of God are sealed in their foreheads.  what is that seal. shall I tell you? No.–

Doctrine Election.–sealing of the servants of God on the top of their heads. tis not the cross as the catholics would have it. doctrine of Election to Abraham was in the relation to the Lord. a man wishes to be embraced in the covenant of Abraham. A man Judge Higby–in world of spirits. is sealed unto the throne, & doctrine of Election sealing the father & children together. 

to the mourner. do as the husband and the father would instruct you & you shall be reunited.”  (Joseph Smith, 13 Aug., 1843, Joseph Smith diary, by Willard Richards.  In Words of JS, p. 239)

“There is a thought more dreadful than that of total annihilation That is the thought that we shall never again meet with those we loved here on earth  Suppose I had some Idea of a resurection and glory beyond the grave which God and angels had secured and yet had not any knowledge intelligence of any Law of any order by which it is to obtained.  Well you lose a friend you come up in the resurection hoping to [meet] him again but find yourself separated from them to all eternity and become aware of the fact that through ignorance of the principles of the resurection and reunion you will never behold that dear friend nor ever enjoy his society this thought I say of being disappointed in meeting my friend in the resurection is to me more dreadful than of ceasing to suffer by a cessation of being

could I tell the fact as it is all that heard me would go home and never say one word more about God or Christ or religion until they had received that assurance from Heaven which would set their souls at rest by placing all beyond a doubt.

What consolation have we what power what reason to expect one thing more than another in eternity

Hebrews 12 ch 22 v

You have come to an innumerable company of angels to the general assembly and church of the first born And for have were they brought thus far–I answer that they came to these personages to learn of the things of God and to hear revealed through them the order and glory of the kingdoms of God. 

I would ask again Is there a word on record that was revealed by those angels and spirits if there is where is it to be found

Again I enquire what is the order and organization of the Spirits of the just made perfect Let me tell you brethren That which is to be revealed which was kept his from the foundation of the world will be revealed to sucklings and babes

Malachi 4th ch Behold the day cometh that shall burn as an oven and all the proud and they that do wickedly shall be as stubble and they that cometh shall burn them up although in the beginning God created the Earth standing in the water and out of the water still in the End it shall be burned and few men left–but before that God shall send unto them Elijah the prophet and he shall reveal unto them the covenants of the fathers with relation to the children and the covenants of the children in relation to the Fathers that they may have the priviledge of entering into the same in order to effect their mutual salvation And I saw another angel ascending from the east having the Seal of the living God and he cried &c. sayin Hurt not the Earth nor sea nor trees till we have sealed the servants of our Go[d] in their foreheads.–

Now I would ask who know the seal of the living God Behold the ignorance of the World.

A measure of this sealing is to confirm upon their head in common with Elijah the doctrine of election or the covenant with Abraham–which which [sic] when a Father & mother of a family have entered into their children who have not transgressed are secured by the seal wherewith the Parents have been sealed.  And this is the Oath of God unto our Father Abraham and this doctrine shall stand forever.

Mourners: I exhort you to do as your Father and husband would direct–be sealed by the by the [sic] servants of God.  Eternal life is to know the only true God and his son Jesus without which there is no salvation.”  (Joseph Smith, 13 Aug., 1843, Howard and Martha Coray Notebook.  In Words of JS, pp. 239-241) 

“Judge Higbee would say that covenants either there or here must be made in view of eternity and the Covenant sealed on the fore heads of the Parents secured the children from falling that they shall all sit upon thrones as one with the God-head joint Heirs of God with Jesus Christ.”  (Joseph Smith, 13 Aug., 1843, Franklin D. Richards “Scriptural Items.”  In Words of JS, p. 241) 

27 Aug.:  Three orders of priesthood.

“3 grand orders of priesthood referred to here.

1st.  King of Shiloam–power and authority over that of Abraham holding the key & the power of endless life.–angels desire to look into it, but they have set up to many stakes.  god cursed the children of Israel because they would not receive the last law from Moses.–

by the offering of Isaac.–if a man would attain–he must sacrifice all to attain to the keys of the kingdom of an endless life.

What was the power of Melchisedick twas not P. of Aaron &c. a king & a priest to the most high God.  a perfect law of Theocracy holding keys of power & blessings.  stood as God to give laws to the people.  administering endless lives to the sons and daughters of Adam kingly powers. of anointing.–Abram says Melchisedek.–away I have a priesthood.–

Salvation could not come to the world without the mediation of Jesus Christ.

how shall god come to the rescue of this generation.  he shall send Elijah law revealed to Moses in Horeb–never was revealed to the C. of Israel and he shall reveal the covenants to seal the hearts of the fathers to the children and the children to the fathers.–anointing & sealing–called elected and made sure without father &c. a priesthood which holds the priesthood by right from the Eternal Gods.–and not be descent from father and mother

2d Priesthood, patriarchal authority finish that temple and god will fill it with power.

3d Priesthood.  Levitical

Priests made without an oath but the Priesthood of Melchisedek is by oath and covenant.  Holy Ghost.”  (Joseph Smith diary, by Willard Richards, 27 Aug., 1843)

“A sermon of Josephs Heb 7 chap Salem is Shiloam

There are 3 grand principles or orders of Priesthood portrayed in this chapter

1st Levitical which was never able to administer a Blessing but only to bind heavy burdens which neither they nor their father able to bear

2 Abrahams Patriarchal power which is the greatest yet experienced in this church

3d That of Melchisedec who had still greater power even power of an endless life of which was our Lord Jesus Christ which also Abraham obtained by the offering of his son Isaac which was not the power of a Prophet nor apostle nor Patriarch only but of King & Priest to God to open the windows of Heaven and pour out the peace & Law of endless Life to man & No man can attain to the Joint heirship with Jesus Christ with out being administered to by one having the same power & Authority of Melchisedec Joseph also said that the Holy Ghost is now in a state of Probation which if he should perform in righteousness he may pass through the same or a similar course of things that the Son has.”  (Franklin D. Richards “Scriptural Items,” 27 Aug., 1843)

“Hebrewew 7 chap.  Paul is here treating of three different preisthoods, namely the preisthood of Aron, Abraham, and Melchizedeck, Abraham’s preisthood was of greater power than Levi’s and Melchizedeck’s was of greater power than that of Abraham.  The preisthood of Levi consisted of cursings and carnal commandments and not of blessings and if the preisthood of this generation has no more power than that of Levi or Aron or of a bishhoprick it administers no blessings but cursings for it was an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.  I ask was there any sealing power attending this preisthood.  that would admit a man into the presence of God.  Oh no, but Abraham’s was a more exalted power or preisthood he could talk and walk with God and yet consider how great this man was when even this patriarch Abraham gave a tenth part of all his spoils and then received a blessing under the hands of Melchesideck even the last law or a fulness of the law or preisthood which constituted him a king and preist after the order of Melchesideck or an endless life  Now if Abraham had been like the sectarian world and would not have received any more revelation, what would have been the consequence it would have damned him.  Book of Covenants.  The levitical preisthood was an appendage to the Melchesideck preisthood or the whole law of God when in full face or power in all its parts and bearings on the earth.  It is understood by many by reading this chapter that Melchesedeck was king of some country or nation on the earth, but it was not so, In the original it reads king of Shaloam which signifies king or peace or righteousness and not of any country or nation.

Malachi says that the sons of Levi shall in the last days offer an offering in righteousness.

Men will set up stakes and say thus far will we go and no farther, did Abraham when called upon to offer his son, did the Saviour, no, view him fulfiling all righteousness again on the banks of jordon, also on the Mount transfigured before Peter and John there receiving the fulness of preisthood or the law of God . . .

The mystery power and glory of the preisthood is so great and glorious that the angels desired to understand it and cannot:  why, because of the tradition of them and their fathers in setting up stakes and not coming up to the mark in their probationary state.”  (James Burgess notebook, 27 Aug., 1843)

“A.M. at the Grove.  Prest. J. preached on Hebrews c 7.  After reading a letter from Thos. Carlin to S. Rigdon and making some remarks about it.  He shewed that the word ‘Salem’ is a wrong translation it should be ‘Shalome’ signifying peace.  He prophecied that ‘ not all the powers of hell or earth combined can ever overthrow this boy’ for he had a promise from the eternal God.  He spoke concerning the priesthood of Melchisedek shewing that the sectarians never propossed to have it consequently never could save any one and would all be damned together.  He showed that the power of the Melchisek P’d was to have the power of an ‘endless lives.’  he showed that the everlasting covenants could not be broken, and by the sacrifice requeired of Abraham the fact that when God offers a blessing or knowledge to a man and he refuses to receive it he will be damned.–mentioning the case of the Israelites praying that God would speak to Moses & not to them–in consequense of which he cursed them with a carnal law.”  (William Clayton diary, 27 Aug., 1843)

“27 Aug attended meeting at Temple Grove–Letter from Governor Ca[r]lin to Sidney Rigdon read by Joseph Smith  remarks on it by J. Smith who afterwards preached from Hebrews 7 upon the priesthood Aaronic, Patriarchal, & Melchisedec.”  (Levi Richards diary, 27 Aug., 1843)      

After speaking briefly of the Melchizedek and Aaronic Priesthoods, Joseph Smith said:  “There are three grand orders of priesthood referred to here.  1st.  The King of Shiloam. (Salem) had power and authority over that of Abraham, holding the key and the power of endless life. . . . What was the power of Melchizedek?  ‘Twas not the Priesthood of Aaron which administers in outward ordinances, and the offering of sacrifices.  Those holding the fullness of the Melchizedek Priesthood are kings and priests of the Most High God, holding the keys of power and blessings.  In fact, that priesthood is a perfect law of theocracy, and stands as God to give laws to the people, administering endless lives to the sons and daughters of Adam. . . . The anointing and sealing is to be called, elected and made sure. . . .

The 2nd Priesthood is Patriarchal authority.  Go to and finish the temple, and God will fill it with power, and you will then receive more knowledge concerning this priesthood.

The 3rd is what is called the Levitical Priesthood, consisting of priests to administer in outward ordinance, made without an oath; but the Priesthood of Melchizedek is by an oath and covenant.

The Holy Ghost is God’s messenger to administer in all those priesthoods.”  (HC 5:554-555)

30 Aug.:  Description of Nauvoo Temple.

“The following account of Joe Smith and the Mormon Temple we extract from a letter written by the editor of the Pittsburg Gazette, dated Warsaw, Ill., 30th August: . . .

I must hasten to some account of the Temple, and then bring this long, and I fear, dry epistle to a close.  The modern structure, which is to revive the departed glories of the temple of Jerusalem, and which is apparently dear to every Mormon heart, as was that venerated house to the devout Jew, is building, as we stated before, on the bluff, and is indeed beautifully situated.  It is about 120 feet long, by 90 broad.  When finished it is to consist of a basement and two twenty-five feet stories.  The basement and one 25 foot story is up, and the remainder in process of completion.  The basement story is about 12 feet in the clear, the half of which is underground.  It is divided off into various sized rooms, running along each side, with a large hall or room in the centre.  In this large room stands the consecrated laver, supported by twelve oxen, carved with great fidelity to the living original.  Four of the oxen face the north, four face the south, and two east and west.  They, as well as the laver are composed of wood and are to be overlaid with gold.

The laver is of oblong shape, some four or five feet deep, and large enough for two priests to officiate at the rite of baptism, for which it is intended, at once.  A pump stands by it to supply it with water.  Stairs approach it from either side.  I walked up and looked in.  It contains nothing but a few inches of water.  The laver, oxen, &c., are at present protected from the weather by a temporary roof.  What the numerous rooms in the basement are intended for, I did not learn.  The walls are exceedingly strong and massy, even the partition walls are generally from two to three feet thick.  The basement is lighted by windows, about five feet high, and as many broad, arched over the top.  Between these windows are very heavy pilasters, on the top of which rests the basement stones of the less heavy pilasters, between the windows of the upper stories.  On each side of these basement stones is carved a crescent or figure of the new moon with the profile of a man’s face, as seen in old Almanacs.  The windows of the upper stories are some fifteen or eighteen feet high, arched over the top, in a perfect semi-circle.  The first story above the basement is divided into two apartments, called the outer and inner courts.  The walls between these courts are three feet thick, of solid mason work, with two emmense doors of passage between them.  The outer court is some twenty-five feet wide by ninety feet square.  These facts about the dimensions of the building I obtained from Joe Himself.  All the work is of good cut stone, almost white and it will present a fine appearance when finished.  How the second twenty-five feet story is to be finished I did not learn.  I had been thus particular in my description of this building, as many exaggerated stories are circulated in regard to it.”  (The Davenport [Iowa] Gazette Dec., 1843 [exact date not given in Snider microfilm], Snider Collection)

3 Sep.:  Anticipation of endowment of “power from on high”

“Elder Heap from Nauvoo, and elder Barlow then addressed the Saints, and pressed upon them the necessity of straining every nerve to forward the building of the temple of our God at Nauvoo.  William Walker, priest, spoke very humourously upon laying the tea pot aside, and calling it the temple pot, and also the tobacco box, and designate it the temple box, and by these little matters great things might be achieved.

A resolution to the following effect was then put and carried unanimously:–

We, the Officers and Saints met together in conference in Manchester, this third day of September, 1843, knowing that the Lord has commanded his Saints to build an house unto his name, that he may unfold his glory unto them; and that those things hid up from the world may be made known to his servants, and that there they may be endued with power from on high.  We, feeling desirous that the temple of the Lord be speedily completed, that the blessings may be imparted unto the priesthood, covenant from this time to assist with all our power the building of the houses of the Lord, by dedicating our property, and likewise by sacrifice, to the building of the temple of our God.  And we pray that the Lord may bless our efforts with his smile and approbation: we aske it in the name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.”

(Minutes of the Manchester, England, Conference, 3 Sep., 1843; MS 4(6):83, Oct., 1843)

9 Sep.:  Brigham Young on the Temple, in Boston.

“He has required that we should build a house unto His name, that the ordinances and blessings of His kingdom may be revealed, and that the Elders may be endowed, go forth and gather together the blood of Ephraim–the people of God, from the ends of the earth.

Can you get an endowment in Boston or anywhere, except where God appoints?  No, only in that place which God has pointed out.  Now, query–Could Moses have obtained the law if he had stayed in the midst of the children of Israel, instead of going up on to the mountain?  The Lord said, ‘Go and do so and so; stand before Pharaoh; pull off they [thy] shoes, for the place is holy.’  Moses obeyed, and obtained blessings which he would not have received if he had been disobedient.  

Has the Lord spoken in these last days, and required us to build Him a house?  Then why query about it?  If He has spoken, it is enough.  I do not care whether the people gather or not, if they don’t want to do so.  I do not wish to save the people against their will.  I want them to choose whether they will gather and be saved with the righteous, or remain with the wicked and be damned.  I would like to have all people bow down to the Lord Jesus Christ; but it is one of the decrees of the Lord that all persons shall act upon their agency, which was the case even with the angels who fell from heaven.

Now, will you help us to build the Nauvoo House and Temple?  If so, you will be blessed: if not, we will build it without you.  And if you don’t hearken, you will not have the Spirit of the Lord; for the Spirit of the Lord is on the move.

The Apostles tried to gather the people together in their day.  Christ said He would gather the Jews oft as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, but they would not.  Neither God nor angels care whether men hear or forbear: they will carry on their work; for the full, set time is come for God to set up His kingdom, and we go about it.  We must build a house, and get an endowment, preach the gospel, warn the people, gather the Saints, build up Zion, finish our work, and be prepared for the coming of Christ.”  (Brigham Young, Conference of the Twelve, Boylston Hall, Boston, 9 Sep., 1843.  HC 6:13-14; see also Wilford Woodruff diary for this date)

9 Sep.:  God will manifest himself in a peculiar manner.

“When the Temple is reared, God will manifest Himself in a peculiar manner.  If we are obedient, He has told us He will make manifest to us things we are ignorant of.  He has said He will reveal things which pertain to this dispensation that have been hidden and kept secret from the foundation of the world.

No former age or generation of the world have had the same things revealed: all other dispensations will be swallowed up in this.  He declares, in His revelations, the consequences of not building the house unto His name within such a time.  The Lord says, If you build the house in that time, you shall be blessed; but if not, you shall be rejected as a church with your dead, saith the Lord.  So, if that house is not built, then in vain are all our cares; our faith and works, our meetings and hopes are vain also; our performances and acts will be void.”  (Orson Pratt, Conference of the Twelve, Boylston Hall, Boston, 9 Sep., 1843.  HC 6:22)

“O Pratt arose & Said I do not know that I can say any thing to impress the subject upon your minds that has been spoken more fully than has been done.  There are some things however I wish to mention; we have learned from what we hear this day about the blessings that will be given when the Temple is finished.  I will speak of some of the Consequences that will follow if we do not obey.

The Lord has said he will reveal things that have been hid from the foundation of the world.  No former age or generation of the world has had the same things revealed.  But the Lord says if you build that hosue in that time you shall be blessed.  If not you shall be rejected as a Church with your dead saith the Lord.  So if that house is not built, then in vain is all our cares faith & works.  Our meetings & hopes are veign.  But if few do their duty they will get the Blessing, & we are determined to do our duty & set these principles before the Saints.  We will turn this responsibility upon the heads of the Saints & clear our garments & then the Lord is able to endow all the faithful in some other place.”  (Wilford Woodruff diary, 9 Sep., 1843)

11 Sep.:  We will receive endowment with our w/o temple.

“If the Saints will not help, the curse of God will rest upon them.  If the Temple at Nauvoo is not built, we will receive our endowments, if we have to go into the wilderness and build an altar of stone.  If a man gives his all, it is all God requires.”  (Brigham Young, Conference of the Twelve, Boylston Hall, Boston, 11 Sep., 1843.  HC 6:28)

28 Sep.:  1st male initiates since May, 1842.

“At the morning meeting, John Taylor, John M. Bernhisel, Lucien Woodworth, John Smith, and Amasa Lyman received their washings and anointings from under the hands of Hyrum Smith, Newel K. Whitney and George Miller.  These five men were the first male initiates into the Quorum since its May 1842 organization.”  (Ehat Thesis, p. 94; also Joseph Smith diary, 28 Sep., 1843)   

28 Sep.:  2nd anointing first given, to Joseph and Emma.

“Baurak Ale [Joseph Smith] was by common consent, & unanimous voice chosen president of the quorum. & anointed & ord[ained] to the highest and holiest order of the priesthood (& companion).”  (Joseph Smith diary, 28 Sep., 1843)

“The Council met over the Store Also at 7 o clok in the Evening met in an upper room in the mansion.  There were present Joseph Smith, Hyram Smith, George Miller  N. K. Whitney, Willard Richard  John Smith  John Taylor  Amasa Lyman, Locian [sic] Woodworth, J M Bernhisel  Wm Lay., Wm Marks.  Joseph Smith led in prayer he prayed that his days might be lengthened & had dominion over his Enemies, and all there Housholds be blessed & all the [?]     Then by common conssnt [sic] Joseph Smith the Prophet Received his second Anointing of the Highest & Holiest order”  ([Wilford Woodruff] Historian’s Private Journal, 1858, p. 24.  LDS Archives)

“Now that all but two of the members of the Quorum had been sealed in eternal marriage to their wives, the only blessings these Quorum members had not received were the ultimate blessings of the Gospel–the ordinances that conferred the fulness of the priesthood.  Joseph Smith would wait, however, until his wife would have a resurgence of faith (and would hope that William Law and William Marks would also increase in faith) before he and Emma would be the first to receive these ordinances.  Confident that such would be the case, the Prophet, in a series of discourses in the summer of 1843, proceeded to give the most detailed explanations of the meaning of the fulness of the priesthood ordinances he had ever attempted in public.  Judiciously mixing personal appeal with doctrinal teachings, he made an effort to teach both the Quorum and the Saints in general these concepts.  At last on 28 September 1843, the time came when Joseph and Emma Smith were the first to receive of these blessings.  Not only this, but the first five male initiaties since the May 1842 organization of the Quorum were added to the group.”  (Ehat, MA Thesis, p. 76) 

“The 28 September 1843 meeting inaugurated a new era for the Quorum.  The highest ordinances of exaltation were first introduced; this was the occasion when for the first time in the history of the Church the fulness of the priesthood was conferred.  These ordinances, depending on the person’s ecclesiastical position, made the recipient a ‘king and priest,’ ‘in,’ ‘in and over,’ or (as only in Joseph Smith’s case) ‘over’ the Church.  Moreover, the recipient had sealed upon him the power to bind and loose on earth as Joseph explained in his definition of the fulness of the priesthood.  Another blessing, growing out of the promise of the sealing power was the specific blessing that whatever thing was desired it would not be withheld when sought for in diligent prayer.  These three blessings constitute the essence of the ordinances of the fulness of the priesthood.  Combined in one ordinance, all these blessings (as Joseph Smith from the earliest stages of his ministry taught) were the highest powers available to mortals.”  (Ehat, MA Thesis, pp. 95-96)

“The full establishment of a prayer circle that included women occurred on 28 September 1843, which is described as follows in the published History of the Church:

At half-past eleven, a.m., a council convened over the store, consisting of myself, my brother Hyrum, Uncle John Smith, Newel K. Whitney, George Miller, Willard Richards, John Taylor, Amasa Lyman, John M. Bernhisel, and Lucien Woodworth; and at seven in the evening we met in the front upper room of the Mansion, with William Law and William Marks.  By the common consent and unanimous voice of the council, I was chosen president of the special council.

The president led in prayer that his days might be prolonged until his mission on the earth is accomplished, have dominion over his enemies, all their households be blessed, and all the Church and the world.

The reference to Joseph Smith’s being chosen president of a special council has caused one historian and Joseph Smith’s most recent biographer to conclude that this was an early organization of the theocratic Council of Fifty, a misinterpretation which results from a textual alteration made in the published history.  Instead of the words: ‘I was chosen president of the special council,’ the original record reads: ‘Baurak Ale was by common consent & unanimous voice chosen president of the Quorum & anointed & ordained to the highest order of the priesthood (& Companion–d[itt]o.’  Baurak Ale was a designation for Joseph Smith, Jr., and his companion on this occasion was his wife Emma.  The ‘Quorum’ mentioned was often designated the ‘Quorum of the Anointed,’ ‘The Holy Order of the Holy Priesthood,’ or ‘The Holy Order’ in the diaries of its Nauvoo participants and in the official records available about its meetings.  A reference to ‘quorum’ in a diary or other record is too vague in itself to assume application to a prayer circle.  Nevertheless, the sources are sufficiently abundant that by cross-checking different sources for the same date it is possible to identify the Nauvoo prayer circle when it was described by its various names.”  (D. Michael Quinn, “Latter-day Saint Prayer Circles,” BYU Studies 19(1):84-85, Fall, 1978)

Oct.:  Endowment administered in several locations.

“In addition to the Joseph Smith Brick Store and the Mansion House, ordinance meetings were held in the Prophet’s first home in Nauvoo, the ‘Old Homestead,’ and in Brigham Young’s home.  While the upper room of the Brick Store was the most convenient place for administering the ‘ancient order of the priesthood,’ endowments were also given in the Mansion House and the Old Homestead.  For example, the women that received their endowments in October 1843 received them in the Mansion House.  Apparently the Prophet adjusted the arrangements so the endowment could be administered in a smaller room requiring only one altar and the veil.”  (Ehat Thesis, pp. 109-110)

Oct.:  Baptisms for health in Philadelphia.

“In time, baptisms for health were extended to the outlying branches of the Church, as indicated by the baptisms for health performed in October 1843 at Philadelphia by Jedediah M. Grant.”  (D. Michael Quinn, “The Practice of Rebaptism at Nauvoo,” BYU Studies 18(2):230, Winter, 1978; quoting from Philadelphia Branch Record, p. 99, RLDS Research Library)

Oct.:  Buckey’s Lamentation.

“7.  And ’tis so here, in this sad life–

Such ills you must endure–

Some PRIEST or KING, may claim your wife

Because that you are poor.

A REVELATION he may get–

Refuse it if you dare!

And you’ll be damned perpetually,

By our good LORD the MAYOR!

8.  But if that you yield willingly,

Your daughters and your wives,


He’ll bless you all your lives:

He’ll SEAL YOU UP, be damned you can’t

No matter what you do–

If that you only stick to him,

He swears he’ll take you through.

. . . . .

13.  But there are a hundred other birds

He never can make sing;

Who won’t be dragged to hell,


Whose sires have bled in days gone by,

For their dear country’s cause;

And who will still maintain its rights,


(Warsaw Message [Vol. & No. missing, page 1; October, 1843; day missing]; Snider Collection)

1 Oct.:  More anointings.

“Eve[ning] Council met same as Thursday previous except [that Jane] Law, [Rosannah] Marks, [Elizabeth] Durphy, [and] Hiram’s wife [Mary Fielding were initiated], Joseph &c. reanointed.  Law &c. anointed counselors.  Prayer and singing.”  (Joseph Smith diary, 1 Oct., 1843; in Faulring, An American Prophet’s Record, p. 417)

6 Oct.:  First conference held in Temple.

“On the 6th day of October, 1843, the special conference was held in the temple.  This was the first time a conference was held in the building.”  (William Clayton Journal, in JI 21(7):106, 1 Apr., 1886)

8 Oct.:  2nd anointing of Hyrum Smith.

“Prayer meeting at my house in the evening.  Quorum present.  Also in addition, Sister Adams, Elizabeth Ann Whitney, my aunt, Clarissa Smith and my mother.  My brother Hyrum and his wife were blessed, ordained and anointed.”  (Joseph Smith, HC 6:46)  

9 Oct.:  James Adams’ endowment.

“Monday, 2 o’clock, P. M.

Conference reassembled, and listened with profound attention, to an impressive discourse from President Joseph Smith, commemorative of the decease of James Adams, Esq., late of this city, and an honorable, worthy, useful, and esteemed member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.  He spoke of the importance of our understanding the reasons and causes of our exposure to the vicissitudes of life, and of death; and the designs and purposes of God, in our coming into the world, our sufferings here, and our departure hence–that it is but reasonable to suppose that God would reveal something in reference to the matter–the ignorance of the world in reference to their true condition, and relation.  Reading the experience of others, or the revelations given to them, can never give us a comprehensive view of our condition and true relation to God.  Knowledge of these things, can only be obtained by experience in these things, through the ordinance of God set forth for that purpose.  He remarked that the disappointment of hope and expectations at the resurrection, would be indescribably dreadful.  That the organization of the spiritual and heavenly worlds, and of spiritual and heavenly beings, was agreeably to the most perfect order and harmony–that their limits and bounds were fixed irrevocably, and voluntarily subscribed to by themselves–subscribed to upon the earth–hence the importance of embracing and subscribing to principles of eternal truth.  He assured the saints that truth in reference to these matters, can, and may be known, through the revelations of God in the way of his ordinances, and in answer to prayer.  The Hebrew church ‘came unto the spirits of just men made perfect, and unto an innumerable company of angels, unto God the Father of all, and to Jesus Christ the Mediator of the New Covenant;’ but what they learned, has not been, and could not have been written.  What object was gained by this communication with the spirits of the just, &c.?  It was the established order of the kingdom of God–the keys of power and knowledge were with them to communicate to the saints–hence the importance of understanding the distinction between the spirits of the just, and angels.  Spirits can only be revealed in flaming fire, or glory.  Angels have advanced farther–their light and glory being tabernacled, and hence appear in bodily shape.

Concerning brother James Adams, he remarked, that it should appear strange that so good and so great a man was hated.  The deceased ought never to have had an enemy.  But so it was, wherever light shone, it stirred up darkness.  Truth and error, good and evil, cannot be reconciled.  Judge Adams had been a most intimate friend.  He had anointed him to the Patriarchal power–to receive the keys of knowledge, and power, by revelation to himself.  He had had revelations concerning his departure, and had gone to a more important work–of opening up a more effectual door for the dead.  The spirits of the just are exalted to a greater and more glorious work–hence they are blessed in departing hence.  Enveloped in flaming fire, they are not far from us, and know and understand our thoughts, feelings and motions, and are often pained therewith.

President Smith concluded with exhortations to the church to renew their exertions to forward the work of the Temple, and in walking before the Lord in soberness and righteousness.

Such is a faint outline of the discourse of President Joseph Smith, which was delivered with his usual feeling anos; nd as listened to with the most profound and eager attention by the multitude, who hung upon his instructions, anxious to learn and pursue the path of eternal life.”  (Report of a Special Conference, Nauvoo, 6-9 Oct., 1843.  Adams died on 11 Aug., 1843.  Note that Adams had not received the 2nd anointing at the time of his death.  HC 5:527-528) 

“If men would acquired salvation they have got to be subject to certain rules & principles which were fixed by an unalterable decree before they leave this world.  what did they learn by coming to the spirits of just men made perfect? it is written.  No!  The spirits of just men are made ministering servants to those who are sealed unto life eternal. & it is through them that the sealing power comes down. . . .

Judge Adams had some enemies, but such a man ought not to have had an enemy.  I saw him first at springfield, when on my way from Mo. to Washington.  he sought me out when a stranger.  took me to his house.  encouraged & cheered me & give me money–when men are prepared. they are better off to go home.–Bro Adams has gone to open up a more effectual door for the dead.”  (Joseph Smith, 9 Oct., 1843, Joseph Smith diary, by Willard Richards.  In Words of JS, pp. 254-255)

15 Oct.:  Purpose of Masonry is to keep a secret.

“The secrets of Masonry is to keep a secret.”  (Joseph Smith, 15 Oct., 1843, Joseph Smith diary, by Willard Richards.  In Words of JS, p. 257)

19 Oct.:  Emma’s changed behavior since 2nd anointing.

“at 11 W. Walker came & said Prest. J wanted me to go to Macedonia I went immediately to see him & he requested me to go with him.  I went home & got dinner & got ready he soon came up and we started out.  After we had got on the road he began to tell me that E[mma]. was turned quite friendly & kind.  she had been anointed & he also had been a[nointed]. K[ing].”  (William Clayton diary, 19 Oct., 1843)

19 Oct.:  I know nothing about architecture.

The editor of the Pittsburg Gazette reported that the Prophet told him: “I am not capacitated to build according to the world.  I know nothing about architecture and all that, but it pleases me; that the way I feel.”  (Pittsburg Gazette quoted in Liberty Hall and Cincinnati Gazette 40(19 Oct., 1843):1; in BYU Studies 19(3):341, Spring, 1979)

20 Oct.:  Two “seals” in the Priesthood.

“In the evening I gave instructions to Benjamin F. Johnson and others in relation to the blessings of the everlasting covenant and the sealings of the Priesthood.”  (Joseph Smith, HC 6:60)

“Evening J[oseph]. gave us much instruction, showing the advantages of the E[verlasting]. C[ovenant].  He said there was two seals in the Priesthood.  the first was that which was placed upon a man and woman when they made the covenant & the other was the seal which alloted to them their particular mansion–After his discourse B. F. Johnson & his wife were united in an everlasting covenant.”  (William Clayton diary, 20 Oct., 1843)

22 Oct.:  2nd anointing of William Marks and wife.

“. . . arrived on the 22nd and went into council with Joseph, Hyrum, and others, when ordinances were administered to William Marks and wife.”

     Brigham Young            Hyrum Smith

     Heber C. Kimball         William Marks

     George A. Smith          Mrs. William Marks

     Joseph Smith             others

(Brigham Young Manuscript History, 22 Oct., 1843) 

26 Oct.:  Deceased persons sealed to John Bernhisel.

“The following named deceased persons were sealed to me (John M. Bernhisel) on Oct 26th 1843, by President Joseph Smith: Maria Bernhisel, sister; Brother Samuel’s wife, Catherine Kremer; Mary Shatto, (Aunt); Madelena Lupferd, (distant relative); Catherine Bernhisel, Aunt; Hannah Bower, Aunt; Elizabeth Sheively, Aunt; Hannah Bower, cousin; Maria Lawrence, (intimate friend); Sarah Crosby, intimate friend, died May 11 1839; Mary Ann Bloom, cousin.

John M. Bernhisel

Recorded by Robt L. Campbell, July 29th 1868.”  (Joseph Smith diary, 26 Oct., 1843; in Faulring, An American Prophet’s Record, p. 424)

27 Oct.:  2nd anointing of Newel K. Whitney.

“I attended prayer-meeting in the evening at President Joseph Smith’s.  Bishop N. K. Whitney and wife were anointed.”

     Brigham Young            Newel K. Whitney

     Joseph Smith             Elizabeth Ann Whitney

(Brigham Young Manuscript History, 27 Oct., 1843)

11 Nov.:  Wilford and Phebe Woodruff sealed.

“During the evening I walked over to Br Taylors & spent some time in conversing about the principle of the Celestial world or some of them.  Br Hiram Smith was in with us & presented som ideas of much interest to me concerning Baptism for the dead, the resurrection redemptoin & exhaltation in the New & everlasting covenant that reacheth into the eternal world.

He sealed the marrige Covenant between me & my wife Phebe W. Carter for time & eternity & gave us the principle of it which was interesting to us.  After spending the evening plesantly we returned home & spent the night.”  (Wilford Woodruff diary, 11 Nov., 1843)

13 Nov.:  Sealing power of Melchizedek Priesthood.

“Shall I who have witnessed the visions of eternity; and beheld the glories of the mansions of bliss; and the regions and the misery of the damned; shall I turn to be a Judas?  Shall I who have heard the voice of God, and communed with angels; and spake as moved by the Holy Ghost for the renewal of the everlasting covenant, and for the gathering of Israel in the last days; shall I worm myself into a political hypocrite?  Shall I who hold the keys of the last kingdom; in which is the dispensation of the fullness of all things spoken by the mouths of all the holy prophets, since the world began; under the sealing power of the Melchisedek priesthood; shall I stoop from the sublime authority of Almighty God, to be handled as a Monkey’s cat’s paw; and pettify muself into a clown to act the farce of political demagoguery?  No, verily no!  The whole earth shall bear me witness that I, like the towering rock in the midst of the ocean, which has withstood the mighty surges of the warning waves, for centuries, am impregnable, and am a faithful friend to virtue, and a fearless foe to vice; not odds, whether the former was sold as a pearl in Asia, or hid as a gem in America; and the latter dazzles in places, or glimmers among the tombs.”  (Joseph Smith to James Arlington Bennett, 13 Nov., 1843; in Niles’ National Register, 3 Feb., 1844) 

22 Nov.:  Brigham 1st of the Twelve to receive “fulness.”

“The evening of 22 November 1843, at Joseph’s ‘old house B Young was anointed and wife.’  (Joseph Smith diary, 22 Nov., 1843)  Brigham and Mary Ann receive the ceremony under the hands of Joseph and Hyrum Smith.  (George A. Smith, Address, 25 Dec., 1874, in Millennial Star 37{2 Feb., 1875}:66)  After it was over, Joseph charged Brigham ‘to take the quorum [of the Twelve] and anoint them kings and priests to God.’  (Ibid.)”  (Ehat Thesis, pp. 121-122)

Fall:  Bathsheba W.  Smith’s endowment.

“In this year, 1843, my husband went East on a mission, going as far as Boston, Mass., preaching and attending conferences by the way, he returned in the fall . . . Soon after my husband’s return we were blessed by receiving our endowments and were sealed under the holy law of Celestial Marriage which was revealed July 12, 184__[?].  I heard the Prophet Joseph charge the Twelve with the duty and responsibility of administering the Ordinances and Endowments and of sealing for the living and dead.  I met many times with Brother Joseph, and others who had received their endowments, in company with my husband in an upper room dedicated for that purpose and prayed with them repeatedly in those meetings.”  (Autobiography of Bathsheba W. Smith, LDS Archives)

2 Dec.:  Further endowments of the 12.

“Prayer-meeting from one to six P.M. in the assembly room over the store.  Orson Hyde, Parley P. Pratt, Wilford Woodruff, George A. Smith, and Orson Spencer received their endowments and further instructions in the priesthood.  About thirty-five persons present.”  (HC 6:98)

“P. P. Pratt, Orson Hyde, W. Woodruff, G. A. Smith and O. Spencer – all of us received our anointing preparatory for further blessings from 1 P.M. to 6 P.M.”

(Wilford Woodruff diary, 2 Dec., 1843)

“Met in the Assembly Room with Joseph, Hyrum and the Twelve, when the ordinances of endowment were administered to Elders Orson Hyde, Parley P. Pratt, W. Woodruff, George A. Smith and Orson Spencer.  We received instructions on the Priesthood from Joseph.”  (Brigham Young Manuscript History, 2 Dec., 1843)

“Prayer Meeting at the assembly room (room over the store).  P. P. Pratt, O. Hyde, W. Woodruff, Geo. A. Smith, and O. Spencer were anointed preparatory [to receiving the fulness of the priesthood] and A. Cutler and Cahoon [Reynolds?] were all present at the meeting which continued from 1 to 5 P.M.  About 35 present.  Adjourned to 10 next morning.”  (Joseph Smith diary, 2 Dec., 1843; in Faulring, An American Prophet’s Record, p. 429)

9 Dec.:  Others receive endowments.

“Met with the Quorum in the Assembly Room.  Elders W. W. Phelps, Levi Richards and C. P. Lott received ordinances.”  (Brigham Young Manuscript History, 9 Dec., 1843)

17 Dec.:  Samuel H. Smith receives endowment.

“I met in the Assembly Room with the ‘Quorum’.  Brother Samuel H. Smith received his endowments.  Brother Joseph preached to us.

     Brigham Young            The ‘Quorum’

     Joseph Smith             Samuel H. Smith”

(Brigham Young Manuscript History, 17 Dec., 1843)

“I met with the quorum.  Br Samuel Smith met with us.  /Received his first anointing./ President Joseph Smith met with us also.  We received good instruction.”  (Wilford Woodruff diary, 17 Dec., 1843)  [NOTE USE OF THE PHRASE “FIRST ANOINTING”]

23 Dec.:  Isaac Morley receives endowment.

“I spent the day with the ‘Quorum’ in the Assembly Room.  Brother Isaac Morley and wife received their endowments.”  (Brigham Young Manuscript History, 23 Dec., 1843)

“On the 23rd at Pres. Joseph Smith’s, I, with my wife met with the quorum through the day in the endowments.  Bro. Isaac Morley and wife, Orson Pratt, Sister Lot, Fanny Many[?], Phebe W. Woodruff, Bathsheba W. Smith, Sister Orson Spencer, Sister Wm. W. Phelps and others received their endowments.”  (Wilford Woodruff, in Journal History, 23 Dec., 1843)  

“I met with the quorum through the day.  Mrs Woodruff & several other sisters were present.  Br & sister Morley &c.

/O Pratt Sisters Lot Fanny M[urr./orr.?] P. W. Woodruff Bathsheba W. Smith Sister O. Spencer Sister Phelps received their Anointing./”  (Wilford Woodruff diary, 23 Dec., 1843)  [NOTE USE OF THE TERM “ANOINTING” AS A SYNONYM FOR “ENDOWMENT”]

28 Dec.:  Foreshadowing of endowments for the dead.

“I attended meeting in the evening with Elder [Brigham] Young on the flat.  We had the house full and a good time.  The following are some of the items of doctrin that Elder Young presented:

Be subject to the powers that be.  Our sufferings are that we may learn by experiance the principle of contrast between good and evil.  In order to obtain Power never suffer anger to find a seat in your breast.  Never get angry at all.  Treat all mildly.  Govern yourself your passions & it will give you power.  When the Temple is done I expect we shall be baptized, washed anointed ordained, & offer up the keys & signs of the priesthood for our dead that they may have a full salvation & we shall be a saviors on mount Zion according to the Scriptures.”  (Brigham Young, quoted in Wilford Woodruff diary, 28 Dec., 1843)

date?:  Freemasonry the “apostate endowment”.

“Free Masonry, as at present, was the apostate endowments, as sectarian religion was the apostate religion.”  (Benjamin F. Johnson, My Life’s Review.  Independence, Missouri:  Zion’s Printing and Publishing Co., 1947.  p. 96)

date?:  The “sword” in the endowment.

“Ebenezer Robinson, former editor and publisher of the Nauvoo Times and Seasons, the Church’s official newspaper, was one day walking with the Prophet to the Brick Store.  They parted company in the store and Joseph went up the back stairs to the upper floor to attend to the administration of the ordinances.  Moments later, Ebenezer remembered that he had something else to say to the Prophet.  When he ascended the stairs, he instead found John Taylor ‘in a long white garment, with a drawn sword in his hand, evidently representing the “cheribims and flaming sword which was placed at the east of the garden of Eden, to guard the tree of life.”‘”  (Ehat Thesis, p. 112; also Ebenezer Robinson, “Utah Not Responsible,” The Return 2 {April 1890}:252)   

date?:  “You have all the keys.”

“Joseph told the Twelve, the year before he died, ‘there is not one key or power to be bestowed on this church to lead the people into the celestial gate but I have given you, showed you, and talked it over to you; the kingdom is set up, and you have the perfect pattern, and you can go and build up the kingdom, and go in at the celestial gate, taking your rein with you.'”  (Orson Spencer to Brigham Young, 23 Jan., 1848.  In MS 10:115)

Fulness of the Priesthood.

“Why I call it the lower order, is because, that it is not the fulness of the priesthood, or authority to perform the works of God.  I mean by this, that those who are made priests after the order of Melchisedec, enjoy all the rights, and privileges of this authority; but those who are made priests after the order of Aaron, only possess a part.”  (Benjamin Winchester, A History of the Priesthood . . ., 1843; p. 31)