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Prince’s Research Excerpts: Temples & Mormonism – 1866

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TEMPLES, 1866.

1866:  4 Apr.:  Saturday endowments, lecture mentioned.

“Under President Young, I have presided over the giving of endowments for the last fifteen years.  Last Saturday there were over twenty persons in the house to receive their endowments.  They came well recommended by their bishops as being worthy, good, and faithful members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  I had previously had an impression that many of the people were becoming lukewarm, and even cold, in the performance of some of their duties.  After the company had gone through I gave them a lecture, and it came to me by the Spirit of God to try if my impression was correct or not.  After instructing them that they must not lie, steal, nor bear false witness, etc., I asked them how many of them prayed in their families, and it transpired that there were many who neglected their duties in this respect; yet they were all recommended by their bishops as good, faithful members of the Church of Christ.”  (Heber C. Kimball, JD 11:210, 1867)

20 May:  Prayer circle; room of house dedicated.

“At about 6 P.M. I met at the House of Br Snow and a number of the Presiding Elders.  With Bro Snow at the lead, we dedicated the room to be holy for our use, and we prayed after the order of the Holy Priesthood.  Here I learned things which I cannot write.  My soul felt full yea to overflowing, and I thanked God my Father that I was counted worthy to stand on the earth in the last days and be numbered among his People.  Came home late.”  (Charles L. Walker diary, 20 May, 1866)

9 Dec.:  Forfeited blessings bestowed on children.

“President Heber C. Kimball said that when any blessing was sealed upon any man in this Church & kingdom of God if that man forfeited that blessing it would be bestowed upon his Children.”  (Wilford Woodruff diary, 9 Dec., 1866)

26 Dec.:  Instructions regarding 2nd anointings.

“I met with the Presidency and Twelve at President Youngs Office at about 12 oclok  The subject of the Endowments & 2d anointings was presented when President Young said that the order of the 2d anointing was for the persons to be anointed to be cloathed in their Priestly robes the man upon the right hand and wife or wifes upon the left hand  the Administrator may be dressed in his usual clothing or in his Priestly robes as he may see fit.  The meeting should be opened by Prayer then the Administrator should anoint the man a King & Priest unto the Most High god then he should anoint his wife or wives Queens & Priestess unto her husband  There should be but one man anointed at any one meeting  if more than one man is anointed in a day they should come together and open by Prayer as though their had not been any meeting before and thus continue to the end.  President Young said when a woman was anointed a Queen to a good man and he died & the woman was sealed to another man for time it was not necessary for her to be anointed a Queen again but if she was anointed a Queen to a man who was not worthy of a wife & she is sealed to another man should be anointed a Queen unto him.  When a good man dies & his wives have not ben anointed Queens unto him they may be anointed Queens to him after his death without any Proxey.”  (Wilford Woodruff diary, 26 Dec., 1866)

26 Dec.:  Couples shouldn’t be endowed before marriage.

“In speaking of the Endowments President Young said that all persons who wished strictly to observe the law of the Celestial Marriage should not get married untill they got their Endowments & are sealed at the Altar  there may be instances where persons are Aged & infirm and not Able to get to the Endowmt House if they have not had their Endowments may be sealed and in some instances I have this permission & other have taken the advantage of it & orged [urged?] to be sealed without coming to the Endowment House  I gave A Lyman the privilege of sealing some in San bernadeno by his urgent request but it will not avail anything.  Some may ask the question why may we not seal & give Endowments abroad because it would destroy the object of the gathering  The people should be gathered at head quarters where they can be taught in the things of the Kingdom of God & be under the direction of the Priesthood.  President Young said that when Persons came to get their Endowments should be clean & pure  A man should not touch a woman for 10 days before getting their Endowments and the Twelve while travelling should hold meetings with the male members at priesthood meetings & teach these but they have to be handled in wisdom or Evil will grow out of it.”  (Wilford Woodruff diary, 26 Dec., 1866)

30 Dec.:  Preparations for re-initiating 2nd anointings.

“All the Presidency & most of the Twelve met in President B. Youngs for prayer in the Circle.  Joseph F. Smith opened by Prayer & President Young was mouth.  Oil was consecrated to use in the 2d anointg.”  (Wilford Woodruff diary, 30 Dec., 1866)

31 Dec.:  2nd anointings re-initiated.

“To day the first Presidency & twelve commenced to give Second Endowments.  Bro. Wells & family receive theirs.”  (Elijah Larkin diary, 31 Dec., 1866)

“I met with the Presidency & Twelve in the Endowment House.  We Clothed & offered up prayers.  Then Presidt D H Wells & his 4 wives received their second Anointing at 1 oclok.”  (Wilford Woodruff diary, 31 Dec., 1866)

“Presidents Brigham Young, Heber C. Kimball, Daniel H. Wells, Elders Orson Hyde, John Taylor, Wilford Woodruff, Geo. A. Smith, C. C. Rich, Brigham Young, Jun.  Joseph F. Smith, Geo. Q. Cannon  Lorenzo & Erastus Snow met at the Endowment House at 12 m. [noon]  The above named brethren clothed and prayed  Pres. Well’s four wives uniting in the circle.  After prayer Pres. Young proceeded to anoint Daniel Hamer Wells and his four wives [second anointing].  The brethren then sang Glorious Things of thee are spoken.  Elder Orson Hyde closed by prayer.  The brethren rejoiced at the commencement again of the administration of these ordinances which had not been administered since they were in the Temple at Nauvoo.

Prest. young had procured and perfumed the oil which was consecrated at the circle on Sunday evening for the purpose.”  (Historian’s Office Journal, HDC, 31 Dec., 1866)

“Pres. Brigham Young, Heber C. Kimball, Daniel H. Wells, Elders Orson Hyde, John Taylor, Wilford Woodruff, Geo. A. Smith, Chas. C. Rich, Brigham Young Jr., Jos. F. Smith, Geo. Q. Cannon, Lorenzo Snow and Erastus Snow met in the endowment house at 12 o’clock noon.  The above named clothed and prayed, Pres. Well’s four wives uniting in the circle.  After prayer Pres. Young proceeded to annoint Daniel Hamner Wells and the four wives (second anointing).  The brethren ethen sang ‘Glorious things of thee are spoken.’  Elder Orson Hyde closed by prayer.”  (JH 31 Dec., 1866)