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Prince’s Research Excerpts: Temples & Mormonism – 1881

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TEMPLE, 1881.

1881:  9 Jan.:  Tithing necessary for temple recommend.

“President Taylor said that those who did not Pay their tithing and Keep the Law of God Should not have a Recommend to go to the Temple or Endowment House to get Endowments And if the Bishops gave Such Recommends, they must bear the Blame of it for I will not.”  (Wilford Woodruff diary, 9 Jan., 1881)

“I will follow this subject a little further.  We are talking about building up Zion.  Here is where the thing applies itself with great force to me as well as to you, when you comprehend it as it exists and see it by the light of the Spirit of Truth.  For it is written:  ‘And I say unto you, if my people observe not this law, to keep it holy, and by this law sanctify the land of Zion unto me, that my statutes and my judgments may be kept thereon, that it may be most holy, behold, verily I say unto you, it shall not be a land of Zion unto you.’  Well, we are talking about building up the land of Zion, which is one of the things we are here for.  And God has said that if we do not obey this law, it shall not be a land of Zion unto us.  Does this apply to us?  I will read a little further:  ‘And this shall be an ensample unto all the Stakes of Zion.  Now, I speak these things for your information.  I will go a little farther upon the subject.  A person wrote me a letter, stating that a young man had applied to a certain Bishop for a recommend to get married.  He asked him if he had paid his Tithing.  He answered, No.  ‘Well,’ said the Bishop, ‘We are instructed not to give recommends to those who do not pay their Tithing.’  ‘But,’ said the young man, ‘my father I suppose paid my Tithing for me.’  If this was so, that would be very proper, especially in farming districts, where the grown sons assist in cultivating the farm, and the daughters, perhaps, assist in making the butter and cheese, etc.  When the Tithing on the whole is paid, that is all straight enough, because what is made is the proceeds of the united labor of the family, and the family are all, of course, represented until they come to age.  And then what?  Why then comes another state of things.  ‘Have you paid your Tithing since you left your father?’ the young man was asked.  No.  Why?  I have been careless and indifferent and I have not done what was right.  Well, if you haven’t paid your Tithing, and you seem to have forgotten God, why is it that you want to get married according to the laws of God?  Why not get married in some other way, seeing that you observe not the laws of God?  Well, in the first place, my father and mother wish me to be married according to the laws of God; and then my intended wife’s father and mother want us to be married in that way; and again, the girl has told me that she will not have me unless we get married in that way.  I will here remark, I think this very sensible and creditable on the part of the young lady; I think she acted very wisely, and I wish all our young sisters felt the same, and they ought to on a matter of such importance to them.  Says the young man further: ‘I have a desire to keep thge laws of God, for I was born in the Church, and I have grown up with such feelings, but I was not man enough to practice them.  But if you give me the recommend I will try and do it in the future.’  But the question is, under these circumstances, should the recommend be given?  I could not do it, unless there was some visible manifestation on his part to mend his ways and to make up the thing he had been deficient in.  ‘Why,’ it may be asked, ‘Is it not better to have our sons married in the right way and be kind to them, than to see them go elsewhere to be married.’  As I said yesterday, as I say to-day, if it were a son of mine I could not give him the recommend; and other men’s sons under the same circumstances are no better than mine.  It is principle we are to be governed by.  I am not here, you are not here to carry out our own designs, and feelings, and purposes.  Why, Jesus himself did not come to do that.  According to His own words, He came not to do his own will, but the will of the Father who also sent us, and who has called us to our holy and exalted calling.  And what shall be done?  Unless this young man could convince me, if I were a Bishop, that he was sincere in his heart and made some satisfactory attempt at fulfilling this law, I would not give him a recommend.  What?  Would Elders of Israel take men into the House of God, would you, because God has revealed some of the greatest blessings that can be conferred upon humanity, blessings which thousands and tens of thousands of good men sang about and prayed about and longed to receive, but who died without enjoying them, should we take a man, a man whom this Book says, shall not be worthy to abide amongst you, should we, I say, take him through the House of the Lord and confer and seal upon him blessings and lives eternal, and thrones and principalities and powers and dominions, and introduce him into the society of the highest intelligences that exist in the eternal worlds?  I forbid you to do it in the name of the Lord.  We cannot do it, we are not at liberty to do it, neither are we at liberty to use our judgment in regard to it either.  If we bear with men in their weakness and infirmity and are obliged to carry a lot of men like so many automatons, the time will come and it must come when they will be shut out, they will not be found worthy to abide among you; they are not worthy now.  But we have to bear with them until they are better informed; but until then they must do the best they can, for they cannot go into the House of the Lord, they cannot be sealed up to eternal lives, they cannot have part in the blessings which God has conferred upon us until they bring forth fruits meet for repentance.

I will take it in another point of view.  We pay our Tithing and we pay Temple donations, we attend to the duties of the House of the Lord; we go forth and proclaim the Gospel of peace to the nations of the earth; we convert people, under the blessing of God, and they come to a knowledge of the principles of the Gospel, and we continue our labors to build up Zion; looking at it in this light, would it be just, after we have laid out our means, would it be in accordance with the principles of equity to grant this privilege to such men, a privilege which we have earned and, in a certain sense, paid for?  It is generally the case that they are the first to rush forward and want certain blessings without earning them.  Jesus said in His day that the ‘kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force.’  These are some of that class who crowd in where they are not worthy to tread.  These temporal matters they assume are of very little importance, they are of very little importance judging from the way that many of us labor; but they are of very great importance when weighed in the balances of truth, the principles of eternal life which God has revealed are of the utmost importance to the Saints, both to the living and the dead, to the myriads of men that have lived and that may live, these things are of vast importance.”  (John Taylor, 9 Jan., 1881; JD 22:13-15)

9 Jan.:  Additional requirements for temple recommend.

“I believe, as President Taylor has stated, that it is our duty to pay our tithes and offerings before the Lord.  It is a commandment of the Lord that we should do this, and I do not feel myself called upon as a member of this Church and kingdom to require the President of this Church to attempt to change this order, or attempt to find fault with him because he does not permit young men who curse and swear, who do not pay their tithing, etc., to enter the Lord’s house and there have sealed upon their heads the highest blessings that were ever given to Patriarchs and Prophets, who have sealed their testimony with their blood.  He has told the Bishops and Presidents of Stakes not to give recommends to young men or old men, or anybody else, who do not obey the laws of God in this respect, and I feel to back him up in this matter, for I know he will be justified before the Lord.  If we attempt to please the world on the one hand and serve the Lord on the other, we will fail.”  (Wilford Woodruff, 9 Jan., 1881; JD 22:208)

9 Jan.:  The Lord received his endowments years ago.

“The Lord has had his endowments a great many years ago.  He has ascended to his thrones, principalities and powers in the eternities.”  (Wilford Woodruff, 9 Jan., 1881; JD 22:209)

10/12 Jan.:  O. B. Huntington’s 2nd anointing/adoption.

“Monday, Jan. 10:  I went to Washington, 5 miles [from St. George]; when I returned home I found Zina there comfortably visiting with the family.  She and I went to Bro. McAllister’s who very kindly consented to suspend some of the rules of the Temple, or rather the usages and accommodate Zina and me by giving me ‘second annointing’ and attending to the ordinance of adoption for us and family on the following day instead of as usual on Friday.

Wednesday, 12th, Jan. 1881:  My wife, her mother, Nelly and I went to the Temple according to previous arrangements with Zina and Bro. McAllister and spent the forenoon in sealings of adoptions–My father’s family and my mother’s father, mother and children all were adopted to my father; then father and mother were adopted to grandfather Huntington also all his brothers and sisters were adopted to him.

Next grandfather and mother were adopted to Joseph Smith.

After that my wife and I received second anointing.  I received second anointing for grandfather Huntington and Zina for his two wives.”  (Oliver B. Huntington journal, 10/12 Jan., 1881)

12 Jan.:  Adoptions.

“My wife, her mother, Nelly and I went to the Temple according to previous arrangements with Zina and Bro. McAllister and spent the forenoon in sealings of adoptions — My father’s family and my mother’s father, mother and children all were adopted to my father, then father and mother were adopted to grandfather Huntington also all his brothers and sisters were adopted to him.

Next grandfather and mother were adopted to Joseph Smith.”  (Oliver B. Huntington “Journal”, BYU Special Collections, Mor M270.l H925h, 12 Jan., 1881)

12 Jan.[?]:  No proxy 2nd anointings in Nauvoo Temple. 

“At Cedar Springs (on my way home from St. George) I had an interview with old Sister Huldy Barns [sic], a wife of Heber C. Kimball, now 77 years old; and from her I learned the following special items of intelligence, that are perhaps no where written.  They were the natural outgrowth of conversation and question.

In the temple at Nauvoo she assisted in giving endowments as long as anyone.  There were 90 persons that received their second anointings.  None was given to the dead by proxy.”  (Oliver B. Huntington “Journal”, BYU Special Collections) 

13 Jan.:  Great grandfather adopted to grandfather.

“Friday, 13 Jan., 1881. . . . The same day my mother’s father, mother, brothers and sisters that were dead were adopted to my father also myself, sister Zina and all the family that were dead.  Then my father was adopted or sealed to his father.  My great Grandfather with all his family were adopted to my grandfather and he (G.F.) was adopted or sealed to the Prophet Joseph Smith.”  (Oliver B. Huntington journal, 13 Jan., 1881)

19 Jan.:  Washing of feet in Endowment House.

“E H 2 PM.  Prest J T[aylor]  J F. S[mith]  W W[oodruff]  O P[ratt}  C C R[ich]  L. S[now]  F D R[ichards]  F M L[yman]  J H S[mith]  con D H W[ells]  Pat John Smith  Pre L J N[uttall]  & Bp E Hunter.  El O Pratt referred to the W[ashing] of f[eet] by the prop[het] Joseph at the K[irtland] T[emple]  Pres W[oodruff] was for a different purpose being to bear our testimony against those who have openly willfully manifested themselves against the Lord & His kingdom of his saints & people upon the earth  Pres T[aylor] read the 123 Sec of D & C & Gave his views.  Elder L. J N[uttall] read the prayer proposed to be offered in the circle when it was approved  Pres W[oodruff] called upon to pray all kneeling after which water prepared, each of the brethren John [Taylor] Presiding and apostles, also com [Counselor] Wells including E Hunter & Pres L J N[uttall] & Pres J Smith each washed their feet Bro Rich being assisted by Elder Nuttall during the washing of feet  Pres Taylor offered kprayer which was repeated by the brethren — Repair[e]d to the upper room which Pres Taylor and L. Snow offered the opening prayer in the circle the following brethren prayed Pa[triarch] J S & W  O P  L S  F D R  F M L  J H S  D H W  J S  Pres Taylor mouth Elder Nuttall prompting the prayer which had been approved  During the time in the house Elder C C Rich was carried from room to room.”  (L. John Nuttall diary, 19 Jan.; 1881)

“The 1st Presidency and Twelve – today, officially observed the Ordinance of “Washing of Feet”, for first time in Endowment House.  Against the enemies of the Saints.  A list of names had been prepared.  Had met fasting and Bro. Franklin was much fatigued.”  (S. W. Richards diary, Vol. 3, p. 593, 19 Jan., 1881)

“This is one of the most important days of my life.  I met with the Presidet John Taylor and 2d Councillor Joseph F Smith and 7 of the Twelve viz. Wilford Woodruff Orson Pratt, Charles C Rich, Lorenzo Snow, Franklin D Richards Francis M Lyman, John Henry Smith And John Smith the first Patriarch and the Presiding Bishop Edward Hunter and L John Nuttall.  C. C. Rich was Carried in a Chair.  O Pratt was vary feeble yet we all performed the ordinance of washing our feet against Our Enemies And the Enemies of the Kingdom of God according bo the Commandmet of God unto us.

W. Woodruff opened By Prayer And John Taylor was Mouth in the washing of feet.  At the Prayer Circle Lorenzo Snow was Mouth at the opening And Presidet JOHN TAYLOR was mouth at the Altar, and Presented the Prayer written By W. Woodruff (By request of Presidet Taylor) And the names were presented before the Lord according to the Commandment.

It was truly a solomn scene and I presume to say it was the first thing of the Kind since the Creation of the world.  The Names & Prayer Presented will be recorded By Br L John Nuttall Presidets Taylors Secretary.  We were 3 Hours in the Meeting & ordinances.  This is the last time that the Apostle Orson Pratt will Ever in this life Officiate in an important Cerimony in the Church & Probably the Same with Charles C Rich.”  (Wilford Woodruff diary, 19 Jan., 1881) 

26 Jan.:  Moroni dedicated several temple sites.

“[Father McBride] Spoke of the Route the old Nephites took travelling to Cumorah from the South and south west; of having to bury their tr[e]asures as they journeyed and finally burying the Records and precious things in the Hill Cumorah; of Moroni dedicating the Temple site of what we now call St George, Nauvoo, Jackson Co., Kirtland and others we know not of as yet.”  (Charles L. Walker diary, 26 Jan., 1881)

ca. Feb.:  No proxy 2nd anointings in Nauvoo.

“At Cedar Springs (on my way home from St. George) I had an interview with old Sister Huldy Barns, a wife of Heber C. Kimball, now 77 years old; and from her I learned the following special items of intelligence, that are perhaps nowhere written.  They were the natural outgrowth of conversation and question.

In the temple at Nauvoo she assisted in giving endowments as long as anyone.  There were 90 persons that received their second annointings.  None was given to the dead by proxy.”

(Oliver B. Huntington journal, ca. Feb., 1881)

15 Feb.:  Far West Temple site.

“On the 26th day of April, 1838, the Lord commanded the Saints to build a temple to His name in the city of Far West.  He also set the 4th day of the following July to begin the work.  He further charged the Presidency of the Church not to go into debt to build it, but to make a beginning and then to re-commence one year from the day set for the beginning of the work.  This would bring the resuming of the work on the 4th day of July, 1839.

The beginning was made by excavating the ground on the day set, and Elder Sidney Rigdon delivered a masterly oration at the time, which I understood, and still understand, was not approved by the prophet.”  (Daniel Tyler, JI 16(4):38, 15 Feb., 1881)

2 Mar.:  Woodruff, not Taylor, sets apart sealer.

“I set apart James G Bleak to seal at the Altar.”  (Wilford Woodruff diary, 2 Mar., 1881)

3 Mar.:  Woodruff has apartment in Temple.

“At the Close of the Meeting I went to my room in the Temple and went to bed and stoped sever[al] hours.”  (Wilford Woodruff diary, 3 Mar., 1881)

5 Mar.:  Washing of feet against wicked.

“At the Temple.  Prayer circle.  a Meeting of the Priesthood we went forth and washed our feet and bore testimony against the wicked, who have shed the blood of the Prophets and Saints.  And those of the present day who desire to make war on the Saints.”  (J.D.T. McAllister diary, 5 Mar., 1881)

“On the 5th March I attended a meeting of the brethern of the Priesthood in the Temple to the number of 50 to remember our enemies by washing of feet and prayer.  This being a time when much trouble was brought upon those in plural marriage.”  (Samuel Miles autobiography, LC Collection)

20 Mar.:  Denied recommend for “going to law.”

“The High Council of Eastern Arizona Stake of Zion met at the Joseph Fish house in Snowflake with Jesse N. Smith and L. H. Hatch and Oscar Mann, his counselors presiding.  Each member of the council present expressed themselves willing to act, four being absent, when a united expression to sustain Pres. Smith in counseling Bishop Christopherson of Round Valley to not give recommends to one Joseph Thene for going to law outside the Church with Brother Perkins.”  (William Decatur Kartchner diary, 20 Mar., 1881; in Our Pioneer Heritage, 6:353, 1963)

20 Mar.:  Temple work during the Millennium:  FOR ALL.

“Pres Woodroof showed the great work of the Millenium, That thousands of Temples would be built and the redemption of the dead would to on with great rapidity until the whole of Adams posterity were officiated who had died without the knowledge of the Gospel and the son of God would present the Kingdom to his Father with all that he had given him, except the Sons of Perdition.”  (Charles L. Walker diary, 20 Mar., 1881)

15 May:  Song:  “We Want to See the Temple.”

“We want to see the temple, 

With towers rising high–

Its spires majestic pointing 

Unto the clear blue sky–


A house where Saints may gather,

And richest blessings gain–

Where Jesus, our Redeemer,

A dwelling may obtain.

We want to meet the Savior,

And see Him face to face,

When He shall come in glory

Unto that holy place.

If we are true and faithful,

We’ll hear our Savior’s voice–

Receive a Father’s blessing,

And in His love rejoice.”

(George Manwaring, JI 16(10):120, 15 May, 1881)

15 May:  Origin of baptisms for the dead; sealing of dead.

“Br W Woodroof showed the importance of sustaining those who are of us and not patronizing those who were not of our faith and seeking our overthrow.  Spoke of the great work of Building Temples to the most high and performing ordinances for the living and the Dead.  Spoke of the joy he felt when the principles of Baptism for the dead was revealed, and how he and Joseph Went in to the Missippi River one Sunday afternoon and Baptized a hundred each indiscriminately for men and women, sometimes men for women and sometimes women for men, just as it happened.  Touched on the principles of Baptism for the Dead: showed that a man could be baptized for his mother, but she could not be baptized for her male Relatives, as they would hold the Priesthood and herein would breed schisim.  Spoke of the grand linking and welding together of all the dispensations since the world began by the performing of ordinances in the Holy Temples of God.”  (Charles L. Walker diary, 15 May, 1881)

28 Jun.:  John Taylor’s endowment.

“Pres T. said he obtained his endowment in Nauvoo along with the others of the Twelve and their wives under the direction of Prophet Joseph in the year 1843 in the room over the store and before the temple was finished.”  (L. John Nuttall diary, 28 Jun., 1881)

31 Jul.:  Those who are ordained kings and priests.

“Those who are ordained kings and priests unto God will receive all things either in time or eternity and will become counselors to the Savior and dwell and labor with him throughout all eternity and we are the noble spirits who were appointed to come and dwell on the earth in the last dispensation and to labor with him in the building up his Kingdom and prepare it for his coming, to prepare the world for the judgments of God.”  (Journal of Wilford Woodruff; July 31, 1881; Wilford Woodruff speaking.  Bergera collection.)

11 Aug.:  Keys of Elijah and Temples.

“Prest Taylor – spoke to the Meeting for 50 min  ‘John the Baptist conferred the Aaronic Priesthood; Peter James & John conferred the Melchizedic do [Priesthood]; Moses came next & restored the gathering dispensation.  Next Elijah came & conferred the dispensation of the turning the hearts of the Fathers to the children and the hearts of the children to the Fathers – through this we build Temples & by the Knowledge of God we officiate in them & become Saviors upon Mt. Zion – then comes Elias – “the restorer of all things” who holds the Keys of all dispensations, that in the dispensation of the fullness of times all things may be gathered into one.'”  (L. John Nuttall diary, 11 Aug., 1881)

14 Aug.:  Keys of Elijah and Temples.

“[Erastus Snow] Showed that Moses gave certain keys to the Prophet Joseph Smith.  Spoke of the heavenly vision in the Hallowed Temple at Kirtland, of Peter, James, and John and Elijah being Seen in the Holy of Holies with golden keys in their hands, in the Arch of the Temple, And of Joseph saying it was a witness and a testimony that the work of the brethren in building the temple was accepted.”  (Charles L. Walker diary, 14 Aug., 1881)

28 Aug.:  Why do we build temples?

“Why do we build Temples?  Because Elijah conferred certain keys which he held upon Joseph Smith.  [Note the inversion of cause and effect.]  And when he laid his hands upon Elders conferring on them the Holy Priesthood, they carried the principles imparted by Elijah to Joseph to you and to others, and you received it without knowing it.  And by and by as the Church began to gather together, we began to talk about building Temples in which to receive and to administer ordinances which had been revealed unto Joseph Smith, pertaining to the interest of the living and the dead and necessary to our salvation and exaltation in the kingdom of our God, as well as for those for whom we administer.  And we have not only talked about it, but have done considerable in that direction.  For besides having one handsome structure in St. George, we are employing not less than 500 men to-day who are engaged in the same work in different parts of the Territory.  And we intend to go on with this work; and while our Christian friends look on and wonder what it all means, we will carry on the work, for we know what we are doing if they do not.  As I have remarked before in speaking on this subject in other places, if we were to turn over a Temple to them after we had built and finished it, they would not know what to do with it, for God has not communicated this knowledge to them; and hence they could do no more than they used to do when I was a boy, and which I suppose they still do; that is, the minister, if an Episcopalian, would appear in a white surplice with a prayer-book in his hand, from which he would read something like this: ‘We have erred and strayed from Thy ways like lost sheep’–which by the way, would be quite correct (laughter); [‘]we have done those things which we ought not to have done, and left undone those things which we ought to have done.’  And if the minister were a Methodist, he would be in favor of getting up a great revival, to embrace each other and invite each other to ‘come to Jesus,’ and call upon the mourners to come to the mourner’s bench to be prayed for, and the sum total of the whole would be, ‘Come to Jesus.’  Say some, ‘What shall I do to be saved?[‘]  Says the Methodist, ‘Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ.’  ‘Well, I do believe.’  ‘Well, continue to believe.’  ‘But I do believe.’  ‘Well, continue to believe.’  (Laughter.)  Would not the devil

laugh at such foolishness?  Yes, and the angels would, and everybody else who had good common sense, for such kind of foolishness is incompatible with the plan, ordinances, order and law of God, and with the Gospel of the Son of God.

In our Temples we expect to receive certain ordinances revealed to us from God through His servants.  And would not the world like to know what they consisted of?  They will have to go to their God to find out.  But I am afraid that he would be a good deal like the gods we read of.  It reminds me of a story told of Abraham.  It is said Abraham’s father was an idolater, and that he had a number of gods in his house.  This grieved Abraham, whilst his father wanted his son to believe and worship as he himself did; but Abraham knew better than to do such a thing.  Abraham at last thought he would teach his father a lesson by making a clean sweep of his gods.  So he got a club, or some other weapon, and knocked off the heads of some, the arms and legs of others, and made a general wreck among the idols, but left the biggest untouched.  when Abraham’s father learned what had happened, he of course was greatly exercised; he inquired of Abraham who had done it.  Abraham told him that the gods had had a quarrel among themselves, ‘and,’ said he, ‘here is the fellow, (pointing to the big one he had spared) that did it.’  Said the father: ‘My son, why do you tell me such a thing.  My gods cannot fight; they have legs, but they cannot walk; they have arms, but they cannot use them; they have eyes and ears, but they cannot see nor hear.’  ‘Why, father,’ said Abraham, ‘is it possible that you worship a god that cannot hear or see, walk or use himself at all?’  The god of the Christians, according to their own description of him, being a god without body, parts or passions, would be as unlikely to hear them when they called upon him, as were the gods of Terah, Abraham’s father, when he called upon them.

In speaking further on this matter, I will tell you what we are doing.  We are building three Temples, besides the one that is built in St. George.  Two or three weeks ago we were in Logan; and we were on the roof of the Temple at that place.  Brother Woodruff was at Sanpete; he says the Temple being built there is progressing finely.  And then we are moving along with ours at Salt Lake City.  A gentleman who called on us lately asked me when we expected to finish our Temple.  I told hi that I could not tell him.  ‘I suppose,’ said he, ‘it will depend upon the means at your disposal to carry on the work.’  ‘O no,’ said I, ‘money has nothing to do with it; we go at it, and work at it, and intend to work at it until it is done.’  To show the kind of feeling that existed in Cache Valley, I will say they were a few thousands of dollars behind, and they applied to me, as Trustee-in-Trust, to help them.  ‘O yes, I said, we can not only help you, but finish the building.  But we would not do that.  Why?  Because we would be doing you an injustice.  When you build it yourselves, you have a right there.  You are called to be Saviors upon Mount Zion, and it is one of your privileges, of which we would not deprive you, to build a Temple to the Lord, in order that people may be saved therein.’  And it is not the men that wear the best clothes that are doing the work.  I said to the people in Logan, the man who chops down trees, and those who drag them through the snows and frosts, and expose their bodies to the inclemency of the weather in the interests of the kingdom of God, as well as those who hew the rock and carry the hod, are as much interested in these things, and will receive their reward as well as those who contribute money or other means for that purpose.  I saw, amongst others, a number of Lamanites helping to make mortar.  I felt like blessing them in the name of the Lord.  All men, those engaged in the work, and those who contribute to it, have an interest in these things.  God is looking upon us, and has called us to be saviors upon Mount Zion.  And what does a savior mean?  It means a person who saves somebody.  Jesus went and preached to the spirits in prison; and he was a savior to that people.  When he came to atone for the sins of the world, he was a savior, was he not?  Yes.  And we are told in the revelations that saviors should stand upon Mount Zion; and the kingdom shall be the Lord’s.  Would we be saviors if we did not save somebody?  I think not.  Could we save anyone if we did not build Temples?  No, we could not; for God would not accept our offerings and sacrifices.  Then we came here to be saviors on Mount Zion, and the kingdom is to be the Lord’s.  Then what shall we do?  We will build Temples.  And what then?  Administer in them, when we get them done.  Do we know how?  Yes, we do, for God has told us how.  And who shall we save?  Our fathers and mothers, our uncles and our aunts, our grandfathers and our grandmothers, and we will look after the interest of all we can trace; we will still go to work, after we have settled individual matters and attended to our family affairs and a few little things among us–for we are a small people comparatively, notwithstanding that we talk about extending our power; we are a few people comparatively, but God has chosen us and selected us and planted us here, and told us what to do.  Then after we get through with our own affairs, what next?  There are myriads who have died without a knowledge of the Gospel, that God and Jesus and the ancient Patriarchs and Prophets and men of God were interested in as they are in us, and whom we are informed shall have the opportunity of receiving the Gospel if they had it not on this earth.  And are the Priesthood operating behind the veil?  Yes, and we are operating here.  And we have a Priesthood here, and they have one there.  Have we a Presidency?  They have one there.  Have we a Twelve?  So they have there.  Have we Seventies here?  They have there.  Have we High Priests here?  They have there.  Have we various quorums?  Yes, and we operate in them; and when we get through we join our quorums above.  As I told you yesterday that when Patriarch Joseph Smith [Sr.] died we were told that he was seated at the right hand of Abraham.  And why was he there?  Because Abraham was a Patriarch, and Joseph Smith’s father was a Patriarch.  He was at his right hand because he was associated with the dispensation of the fullness of times, the same as Abraham was a leading Patriarch in the dispensation in which he lived.  And David Patten, one of the first Twelve, what about him?  Another was to be ordained in his place, but he was not to have his Priesthood; of David, we are told, his Priesthood no man taketh–he should stand in his proper position.  Where? He was dead.  No, he was not; he was alive.  But he died?  Yes, he did; but he lives.  He was killed by a mob in Missouri, but he lives behind the veil and occupies his proper place there in his own quorum.  Then, there was a man named Seymour Brunson, who died, who was a member of the High Council.  It was said that nother should be put in his place, but that he held his Priesthood:  Where?  Behind the veil.  What of Seventies and High Priests?  Just the same, if they fulfil their duties and magnify their callings.  Has Joseph Smith ceased to minister in his office because he has left the earth?  No; he administers in his office in the eternal worlds under the direction of the Son of God, and a proper presiding Priesthood as it exists in the heavens.  And so will we.  Hence they have gone to live forever.  If a man dies, shall he live again?  Why, yes.  A man goes to sleep, but he wakes again.  It is said that Jesus possessed life in himself; and says he, I have power to lay down my body, and power to take it up again.  But we have not that power.  But says he, I am the resurrection and the life; and, ‘Whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die.’  Die!  We will go to sleep, and we will wake up again.  We will associate with the Priesthood again; and that is the reason why we want to have our records all right, and everything straight in relation to all of these things.

If we are saviors, what have we to do?  Build Temples.  What then? administer in them; and others in the heavens are engaged in the same work as we, but in another position and in other circumstances.  They preach to spirits in prison; they officiate in ordinances with which we have nothing to do.  We administer in ordinances which God has revealed to us to attend to; and when we attend to them correctly, God sanctions them.  For instance, you Elders who have been out preaching, you told the people if they repented of their sins and were baptized they should receive the Holy Ghost, and they received it, according to the promise you made them.  God sanctioned these proceedings, and you are all witnesses thereof.  And God has said that it was his business to take care of His Saints.  But then it is our business to be Saints.

And then, in relation to these matters, when we are faithful and true to our calling on the earth, and we step behind the veil and are associated with our quorums in the heavens, and there continue to operate, what shall we have to do?  We are told that all those myriads before referred to, that would have received the Gospel, but had not the privilege of hearing or receiving it in this world and have died without it, shall have the opportunity of receiving it hereafter.  But who are to be the administrators of these ordinances?  Are we?  No, they are out of our reach, they are behind the veil.  But there is a Priesthood there; and there is a place for the Seventies and the High Priests, etc., to operate there.  And what were the Twelve to do who lived and operated on the continent of Asia?  It is written that they should sit upon twelve thrones to judge the twelve tribes of Israel.  And what of those Twelve that were on this continent?  They are to be judged by the Twelve whom Jesus chose in Judea.  And then the people of this continent will be judged by the Twelve that were here; and very likely the Presidency and Twelve of this Church will have something to do in this matter in relation to those who live in this age of the world.

Now if they have that to do what have we to do?  Build  Temples.  What then?  Administer in them.  And when we have got beyond the range of those whom we know, we shall need information from the powers behind the veil to know for whom we are to be baptized.  Do you think they will be at the trouble of informing us?  I rather think they will, if they are set to judge people.  And having seen proper to organize the Church and establish the Holy Priesthood and reveal the first principles of the Gospel, it is but reasonable to conclude they will be sufficiently interested about the other matters.  But it is for us to build the Temples and administer in them, and help the fathers to save their children, and the children to save the fathers.  Have they rights in heaven?  So have we on earth.  Have they privileges?  So have we.  Have they earned salvation and become saviors?  We also shall participate in that if we magnify our calling, honor our God, and keep His commandments.  Hence we are joint saviors with them.  We need their assistance, they need ours.  These are some of the things that we have to perform.  We have a labor before us.  You, Seventies; you, High Priests, you are not here to find out what you shall eat or drink, or wherewithal you shall be clothed.  You are not here to quarrel over little things and to have your own way.  Jesus said, Father, Thy will be done.  He said, He came not to do His own will, but the will of His father who sent Him.  And when His disciples came to Him and said, Lord, ‘Teach us how to pray, as John taught his disciples,’ He said, pray, ‘Our Father who are in heaven, hallowed by thy name: Thy kingdom come.’  Let the rule and government of God be established.  ‘Thy kingdom come.  Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.’  This was His feeling, and this is the feeling of all good Saints and faithful Elders in Israel.  And what did Joseph Smith come to do?  The will of his Father, to learn that will and do it.  What was the duty of Brigham Young?  The same.  What is mine?  The same.  What is the duty of the Twelve?  To follow the counsel of the Presidency.  What is the duty of the Presidents of Stakes?  To follow the counsel of the Presidency.  What is the duty of the Bishops?  To follow the counsel of the Presidents of Stakes and of their presiding Bishop.  I have had men frequently come to me and want to pass by the Presidents of Stakes.  I pass them back again.  I tell them to go to their Presidents.  Again I have men come to me who wish to pass by their Bishops; I send them back to their Bishops as I wish to honor all men in their place.  I have enough to do without interfering with the little details of others; and so on from them to the Elders, Priests, Teachers and Deacons, every man in his place.”  (John Taylor, 28 Aug., 1881; JD 22:306-310)

28 Aug.:  Kings and priests, queens and priestesses.

“And while He has called us to high privileges, to thrones and principalities and dominions, and to be saviors on Mount Zion, and to be kings and priests unto God, and our wives, queens and priestesses unto their husbands, while God has ordained us for this, in the name of Israel’s God we will try and carry it out.”  (John Taylor, 28 Aug., 1881; JD 22:311)

28 Sep.:  God has had his endowments a great many years ago.

“(God) has had his endowments a great many years ago. He has ascended to his thrones, principalities and powers in the eternities. We are his children. . . . We are here to fill a probation and receive an education.”  (Wilford Woodruff, 28 Sep., 1881, in Deseret News Weekly, p. 546)

8 Oct.:  A temple in each stake.

“[George Q. Cannon] I hope to see the day when these Temples–the one in this city, the one in Logan, and the one at Manti will be completed.  We already have one built in St. George.  When these shall be completed, the facilities of marriage will be increased.  And then, I hope–I would like it to be the case, at least–that in each of the Stakes of Zion a Temple shall be built–if only a small one–so as to furnish convenience for our young people to go in and take upon themselves the holy covenants of the Gospel, receive their endowments and be married according to the holy covenants of God; and thus extend to the young all the facilities possible to encourage marriage.”  (General Conference minutes, 8 Oct., 1881; DN 30(38):580-581, 12 Oct., 1881)

16 Oct.:  Must be worthy to enter temple.

“Went to Meeting.  Br Higs and Maiben gave some interesting items of instructions given at the conference: was, those wishing to receive blessing in the Temple must be worthy of them by living pure and upright lives.”  (Charles L. Walker diary, 16 Oct., 1881)

16 Oct.:  No recommends for drunks and non-tithepayers.

“I attended the Priesthood at 9 a.m. . . .

After meeting I met in counsel with the president of the stake.  He said that President Taylor wanted to know the names of those who did not pay tithing, or anything on the Temple, and to see that there was no drunkeness amongst the people, and for the bishops to give recommends to only those who were worthy to go to the House of the Lord.”  (Thomas Briggs diary, 16 Oct., 1881; in Our Pioneer Heritage, 3:302-303, 1960)

20 Oct.:  No temple work before Elijah?

“The world want to know what Mormonism is doing.  Some of us hardly know.  But it is known that we are building temples; but the Christian world do not know what temples are for.  If temples were built for them they would not know how to administer in them.  And we did not know until God revealed it.  And unless Elijah had come and conferred the keys it would not have been revealed.  Hence I was showing you who and what Joseph Smith was.  He has introduced the Gospel together with the dispensation of the fullness of times, which embraces all other things.”  (John Taylor, 20 Oct., 1881; JD 26:109)

20 Oct.:  When we finish relatives, we will do others.

“For nation will rise against nation, country against country; and thrones will be case down and empires will be scattered to the four winds, and the powers of the earth everywhere will be shaken; and the Lord will come forth by and by to judge the nations, and it behooves us to know what we are doing, and while we profess to be the Saints of God not to be hypocrites, but be full of truth and full of integrity and magnify our calling and honor our God.  This is what God expects of us.  And then to build temples, and what then?  Administer in them.  Send the Gospel to the nations of the earth.  And then gather the people in.  What then?  Build more temples.  What then?  Have men administer in them.  And when we get through with our relatives and friends, and trace back our ancestry as far as we can, then we will call upon God to give us information as to who need to be administered for in the heavens; and we will work at it for a thousand years, until all the purposes of God shall be accomplished, and everything spoken of in the Prophets shall be fulfilled.”  (John Taylor, 20 Oct., 1881; JD 26:110)

9 Nov.:  Why the St. George Temple was built.

“Still President Young urged forward the people; Brother Geo. A. Smith and Brother Erastus Snow urged them forward, and others urged them forward, and there was a general feeling to build up this southern country.  Finally it was found that our Temple in Salt Lake City would take such a long time to build, it was thought best to erect one down here.  Why?  Because there was a people living here who were more worthy than any others.  Who were more worthy of the blessings of a Temple than those who had displayed the self-abnegation exhibited by the pioneers of the south?  God inspired President Young to build a Temple here because of the fidelity and self-abnegation of the people; and, furthermore that there might be an asylum here for those living further south to be administered to in the holy ordinances of God.  I speak this for your credit–not that all of you are of that class, but let those that are worthy take the credit, and those that are not, need not take it.”  (John Taylor, 9 Nov., 1881; JD 23:14)

10 Nov.:  Proxy baptism for dead excommunicant.

“The son of the late Bro James Bond having desired to Know if any ordinances can be performed for his father.  he having been cut off the church & died in that condition but it being represented that on his death bed he was penitent & repented of his evil ways – upon consideration it was deemed proper that the Son may be baptized for his father and let that suffice for the present.”  (L. John Nuttall diary, 10 Nov., 1881)

11 Nov.:  Permanent temple workers.

“the principle workers must be permanent and be properly provided for. . . . It was also decided that the present laborers at the Temple be permitted to draw supplies & – as heretofore, for the present – also that $600.00 be appropriated and paid from the Tithing office to those Sisters who have labored in the Temple and are worthy, the same to be properly distributed. . . . Prest Taylor & myself ate dinner at Bro Robert Gardners & family  afterwards called at the Temple while there Prest Taylor directed that each of the sisters engaged as Workers also the cleaners received the sum of $5.00 each in cash.  there being 28 workers & 20 cleaners the sum of $240.00 was handed to Prest McAllister for the foregoing purpose.”  (L. John Nuttall diary, 11 Nov., 1881)

20 Nov.:  Washing of feet/anointing of head: Priesthood.

“Pres E Snow Showed plainly about the construction of temples being in accordance with the growth and faith of the saints.  Touched on the washing of feet, and the annointing of the head with holy oil as a confirmation of the Holy Priesthood, and the feet as being the ordinances that they were clean from the blood and sins of this generation.”  (Charles L. Walker diary, 20 Nov., 1881)

20 Nov.:  Diversity of patterns in temples explained.

“The general features of the St. George Temple are in conformity to those of the Kirtland Temple which was dedicated in April 1836.

That temple may be said to have been built to show forth the order of the Priesthood, Aaronic and Melchizedek–the priesthood there received the ordinance of the washing of feet and the anointing of the head with oil.  This was confirmed to those holding the Priesthood.  There was no baptismal font in the temple at Kirtland for that ordinance had not yet been revealed to the people.

By the time the Nauvoo Temple was being built the doctrine of the baptism for the dead was revealed and one of the first things attended to there was the preparation of the font for the Baptisms of the Dead.  It was revealed here in St. George to the Prophet Brigham Young that there should be variations made in the temples to be built.  This was given unto the Prophet Brigham in answer to his question, ‘Oh Lord show unto thy servants if we shall build all temples after the same pattern?’  The answer came.  ‘Do you all build your houses after the same pattern used when your family is small?  So shall the growth of the knowledge of the principles of the Gospel among my people cause diversity in the pattern of temples.'”  (Erastus Snow, St. George Stake Historical Record, no. 97707, 20 Nov., 1881; in BYU Studies 12(4):405, Summer, 1972)

26 Nov.:  Temple ceremony sent to John Taylor.

“P.M. placed the Ceremonies of the Temple Parts and C in the hands of Apostle E Snow to be delivered to President John Taylor Salt Lake City.”  (J.D.T. McAllister diary, 26 Nov., 1881)

3 Dec.:  Death during temple ceremony.

“Went to the funeral of Caroline Blake who died in the Temple while going thro.”  (Charles L. Walker diary, 3 Dec., 1881)