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Prince’s Research Excerpts: Temples & Mormonism – 1900

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TEMPLES, 1900.

1900:  9 Jan.:  Growing influence of secret societies, etc.

“I went to the Temple and attended our quarterly quorum meetings.

Bro. [A. O.] Woodruff was the first speaker and referred to the growing influence of secret combinations.  He told of a missionary who was told he could get a position if he would join the ‘Woodmen’ [of the World]. . . .

[M. W. Merrill] He had been Bishop 18 years and never received a nickel from the Church.  I think it is well that the bishops receive remunerations.  He thought we were making sacred things too public.  Bringing oil into meetings and many calling on us to be blessed in public and Satan is taking advantage. . . .

John W. Taylor:  Thought Pres. Snow’s little love-letter to the gentiles is just right.  He thought that we as a quorum should be as careful as possible.  We have a [pass?] and we can go elsewhere.

I was glad to read this card of Prest. Snow and glad that we did not have to sign another declaration of intention.  I believe that we have come to a place where we will have to bend or there will be some breakage come. . . .

George Teasdale: . . . Alluded to the circumstances under which he received the Gospel.  Here we give up the principle of plural [marriage] for the very reason which were given when we got into the Church.  They persecuted us.  Next they will ask us to give up the priesthood.  Will we give it up?  We might as well.  As soon as we give up anything we will have to keep up.  The old woman said after she had been burned out four times she said ‘I will be damned if I will stand it any longer!’  If she had it would have been her exaltation.  I have felt humiliated at our back-down.  He had not learned that God had repealed this law.  It has been said that disobedience to this will cause damnation.  I am the greatest coward in the room but I have felt the Lord has strengthened my backbone.  Celsius said that the Christians were persecuted for the reason they practiced plural marriage.  In the Mexican possessions we can practice the principle.  I have the everlasting principles God has revealed.  I advocate the principles of righteousness.  My sympathies are with every son of Abraham, I want to sit down at the table of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.–I think Prest. Snow’s declaration is perfectly consistent.  It is the United States against the principle.  I want to be on the Lord’s side. . . .

John H. Smith:  I regret nothing more than to be absent from these meetings.  I endorse the Spirit of our brethren.  The only question with the Presidency is this: What is for the best of Israel?  There is none of us that have any doubts of the ultimate success of this work.  It is a battle.  The Gospel has been preached by weak men but God has given them strong testimony.  Prest. Young once proposed that we marry but one wife.  John Taylor never yielded but wanted us to button up our coat and take our medicine.  This body of men covenanted sacredly to defend the principle with their life.  The Lord accepted this and revealed through Wilford Woodruff that we were to conform to the laws of the land.  I believe he felt humiliated, but he did the Lord’s will.  It would have put the people to the knife and made us the hewers of wood and [bearers?] of water.  I do not believe we have been just in the carrying out that law.  Prest. Snow’s declaration is the only safe thing for this people.  I condone Prest. Snow’s position in regard to this principle that no marriage shall be performed under this government.  The danger is from our own brethren.  God has promised to soften the hearts of our enemies from time to time.  He has done this at divers times.  I do not think that Roberts is the cause of our troubles.  The priests are at the bottom.  Mr. Owen came to a judge and told him of children born where he did not even know there were polygamists.  It shows that some give information.  It may be of our own children innocently.  A gentile told me that one of Jos. F. Smith’s children had said: Here comes a woman with 3 kids whom we did not know about.  I believe the Lord will overrule for good.  I think we should be secretive and not give ourselves away.  Our object is to advance the kingdom of God.  There are times when we should be extremely modest and times when we should be extremely aggressive.  I believe it is our 1500 missionaries who are making the devil mad.  I believe that the time will come when the Americans will tip their hats to us.

Prest. B. Young:  There was one thing gave me a testimony concerning the manifesto.  It was this that not a tithing of the people had received the principle, these could not have stood the trials if this revelation had not been given.

F. M. Lyman: . . . [after arguing that we should abstain from polygamy] I believe we are as united behind you as we were behind Prest. Richards and Snow.  The majority of this quorum will always stand.  One or two may go but the rest must and will be true.  I do not think that we need bother about polygamy.”  (Anthon H. Lund diary, 9 Jan., 1900; LDS Archives)

18 Jan.:  Temples closed because of smallpox.

“[Meeting at the Temple] A motion to close the temples and discontinue stake conferences for the present on account of small-pox was carried.  It was also decided to discontinue prayer circles in the temple.”  (Rudger Clawson diary, 18 Jan., 1900)

“Attended meeting in the Temple . . . The Temples and Temple circles were closed for the present.  The conferences also, but the conference at E. Jordan next Sunday was considered in order.”  (Anthon H. Lund diary, 18 Jan., 1900; LDS Archives)

22 Jan.:  Closing of temples due to smallpox epidemic.


Presidents Snow, Cannon and Smith were at the office.  The question arose today whether or not the temples should be opened to perform marriages on behalf of couples who had previously had their endowments.  It was thought once since the closing of the Temples that this might be done, but the Presidency decided today that it would be best not to make this exception, but to close them for all purposes until the danger of the smallpox contagion is passed.”  (JH 22 Jan., 1900)

25 Jan.:  Sealings in Arizona approved.

“At 11 o’clock, a.m., the meeting of the First Presidency and the Apostles.  There were present, Presidents Lorenzo Snow, George Q. Cannon and Joseph F. Smith, of the First Presidency and the following Apostles:  Francis M. Lyman, George Teasdale, Anthon H. Lund, Matthias F. Cowley and Abraham O. Woodruff, Elders Brigham Young was [sic] in Arizona; John Henry Smith in Washington; Heber J. Grant and Rudger Clawson at St. Johns.

The meeting commenced by prayer, Brother Lund being mouth, the hymn, ‘Come let us anew,’ was sung.  A long letter from President Andrew Kimball, dated the 2nd inst., was read.  It contained a most encouraging report of the feelings prevailing among the saints of his stake.  Brother Kimball mentioned two points on which he desired an expression from the Presidency.  First, himself and associate brethren have undertaken to build a canal, and they propose doing it peacemeal [sic] as their time and means will permit.  A number of wealthy men offer to advance money for the purpose of pushing it right through, but Brother Kimball’s judgement is against borrowing, and if the Presidency approve of his judgement he asked that they express themselves in letter to him so that he may allay feelings that may exist contrary to that view.  The other question was in relation to the necessity of one of the Apostles visiting them once or twice a year with authority to perform sealing ordinances.  It was agreed that on both these points Elder Kimball should be written to expressing the approval of the Presidency, and the council.”  (JH 25 Jan., 1900)

16 Feb.:  Golden Kimball to help build Jackson Co. Temple.

“[Meeting of the Primary children in the Thatcher Ward.] Elder J. Golden Kimball spoke concerning the Building of the Temple in Jackson County.  Said that Elder K. G. Maeser had prophesied that he (J.G.K.) would live to assist in building that temple.”  (Rudger Clawson diary, 16 Feb., 1900)

21 Feb.:  Proposal from Hedrickites to joint venture.

“We met at the President’s Office at 10 o’clock.  Three brethren of the Hedrickites were present. . . . They proposed that we go in with them in building a temple on the Temple lot in Independence, but they wanted to own the lot and I believe the intended to have the superintendency.  They have also been to see Joseph Smith and the Reorganized Church who were willing to join them.  We asked them several questions and found that they thought God had sent them to us.  They do not want to join with us nor the Josephites, except in the building of the Temple.  We do not recognize the baptism of others, nor is their baptism recognized by others.  They have no organization only Elders, and they do not consider Hill the presiding Elder as holding authority over them, consequently they have no head.

After they had withdrawn we met in council and the brethren present expressed themselves on the uselessness of sending delegates to the contemplated conference in Independence which was to consist of 12, 4 from the Josephites, 4 from the Hedrickites and 4 from us.  After all had spoken Prest. Snow said he felt clear upon the matter and said he would inform the parties that we did not want to send any one to represent us.”  (Anthon H. Lund diary, 21 Feb., 1900; LDS Archives)

1 Mar.:  Secret societies.

“At 11 o’clock the Twelve Apostles met with the Presidency at the office.  There were present:  Presidents Snow, Cannon and Smith, Elders Francis M. Lyman, John Henry Smith, John W. Taylor, Anthon H. Lund and Abraham O. Woodruff. . . .

President Smith informed the Council that he had learned that one of the Bishop’s counselors of the Fremont Stake, had joined a secret society, and that some twenty-five other brethren had done likewise, and that this counselor claimed he had a right to do this, and held that it was no one’s business to question that right.  Whoever of the Apostles shall attend the next conference of Fremont Stake is to confer with the Stake Presidency in regard to this matter, and advise accordingly.  In the meantime a letter is to be written to them.”  (JH 1 Mar., 1900)

22 Mar.:  Uniform Church record forms, inc. temple recommends.

“At eleven o’clock in the forenoon the regular council of the Presidency and the Twelve met in the Temple.  There were present:  Presidents Lorenzo Snow, George Q. Cannon and Joseph F. Smith; Brigham Young, Francis M. Lyman, John Henry Smith, George Teasdale, Anthon H. Lund, Abraham O. Woodruff and Rudger Clawson.  Elder Matthias F. Cowley was visiting in the Southwestern States mission. . . .

Elder Lyman, who with Brothers Clawson and Andrew Jenson, had been made a committee to consider the question of uniformity in our records now made his report.  He said the committee had prepared uniform blanks, and he had learned that most of the old blanks were now out of print, so that the new forms adopted would be timely.

Elder Clawson explained the nature of these forms prepared by the committee.  He said they would be bound in book form for ward purposes, to contain the names, genealogies etc of the mbmers, ordinations to the Priesthood etc.  Besides these a form of certificate of standing to be given to members of the Church moving from one ward to another, was submitted; also a form of Temple recommends.  These recommends are to contain names and genealogies of the parties applying for them, and only one form can be used for one person.  As the labor of making out these recommends and recording them would cause considerable work for ward clerks, it was suggested that a small fee be collected by him of the parties applying for the recommends.  Considerable talk was had on this subject, after which the report of the committee was adopted.

The question arose as to whether the Church should have what may be called a ‘Record Day.’  Brother Clawson explained it in effect that if a day were set apart each year, any forenoon of a Sunday to be regarded as record day, it would be in order for the Bishopric of each ward to meet on such a day with the clerk of the ward, and also a member of the stake presidency, or one appointed to represent them, and upon this occasion it would be their duty to examine the record of the ward for the purpose of seeing that they are properly kept.  There was no action taken on this.

Referring to the increased work of the ward clerks, President Cannon asked if it would not be a good plan to permit the presidents of Stakes to authorize the ward clerks to charge a fee of ten cents as a means of remuneration, since for the work they do they receive no compensation.  Agreeable to this Elder Lyman moved that the clerks be permitted to charge ten cents for each recommend issued by him, either of removal or to the Temple.  The motion was carried.”  (JH 22 Mar., 1900)

29 Mar.:  Temple offerings.

“At 11 o’clock the authorities met in their council meeting in the Temple.  There were present:  Presidents Snow, Cannon and Smith of the Presidency; Elders Brigham Young, Francis M. Lyman, John Henry Smith, George Teasdale, John W. Taylor, Anthon H. Lund, Abraham O. Woodruff and Rudger Clawson. . . .

Brother Clawson referred to the Temple offerings and said that they had decreased considerably in comparison to the amount received the first year after the Temple was opened, and suggested that a move be made to get the Saints of each Temple district to contribute a certain amount once a year in support of the Temples.

President Cannon stated that there were two things that could be consistently taught and they were tithing and fast offerings for the support of the poor, and if the Saints would faithfully do this the Church could afford to defray the Temple expenses, and he felt that the poor of the Church were entitled to the benefits of the ordinances of the Church without charge, but those who had work done in the Temples who could pay for it should make contributions.”  (JH 29 Mar., 1900)

8 Apr.:  2nd anointings also for younger men.

“[Meeting at the Assembly Hall; Lorenzo Snow speaking] . . . spoke regarding Second annointings.  This blessing is not only intended for the aged, but also vor the younger men.  We are afraid, however, that Presidents of Stakes do not exercise sufficient care in regard to this matter.  The privilege should only be given to those who have been tried and tested, being full of integrity and not likely to fall away.”  (Rudger Clawson diary, 8 Apr., 1900)

9 Apr.:  Non-tithepayers to be denied Temples, missions.

“At 10 o’clock this morning a special Priesthood meeting composed of the General Authorities of the Church, Presidents of Stakes and counselors, High Coucilors, Bishops and counselors and mission Presidents, was held in the Assembly Hall and continued until afternoon.

After the usual exercises, President Snow addressed the brethren in regard to missionary work, Temple blessings and non-tithe payers, and their privileges in the Church.  He said that men who wilfully refused to pay tithes were not worthy to be recommended to the the house of the Lord.”  (JH 9 Apr., 1900)

9 Apr.:  Who may qualify for 2nd anointing.

“Second Anointings may be given to very good people, faithful under all circumstances & who give assurance of continued faithfulness.  Presidents of Stakes must be careful wo they reccomend.  Non tithe-payers cannot be admitted to temples.”  (Lorenzo Snow, speaking in Priesthood session of General Conference, 9 Apr., 1900; Anthony W. Ivins diary, 9 Apr., 1900)

12 Apr.:  No Temple recommend for secret society members.

“The Apostles met . . . Secret societies were discussed and the President considered that those who join should not be admitted into the Temples.  The Apostles were authorized to make such changes in the Stakes as they should find necessary.”  (Anthon H. Lund diary, 12 Apr., 1900; LDS Archives)

“[Meeting at the Temple] The question as to the attitude of the church in relation to secret societies was brought up. . . . It was the mind of the brethren that our people should not have the consent or approval of the church in connecting themselves with secret societies, and that those who already belong should be encouraged to withdraw as soon as they reasonably can.  The society of free Masonry was in some degree excepted, as it was thought that in some instances it might be advisable to join that body.  Apostle H. J. Grant said that if this matter was not publicly announced (and some of the brethren seemed to think it ought not to be) we would make slow progress in fighting it with active canvassers of secret societies in the field.”  (Rudger Clawson diary, 12 Apr., 1900)

“At 11 o’clock the Presidency and Apostles met in Council meeting in the Temple.  There were present:  President Lorenzo Snow and counselors; Brigham Young, Francis M. Lyman, John Henry Smith, George Teasdale, Heber J. Grant, John W. Taylor, Anthon H. Lund, Rudger Clawson and Reed Smoot. . . .

The subject of secret societies was discussed.  Several letters had been received by the brethren asking if connection with secret societies was a bar to the Temples, and the secretary had been requested to hunt up all that had been said or written on this subject and report.  This he had done and submitted the same, which consisted of extracts from the President’s Office journal, from letters that had been written by the brethren.

After these articles and letters had been read, President Snow remarked that brethren who had joined secret organizations should not be denied the Temple, if otherwise worthy; but they should be advised to gradually withdraw from them.  Several of the brethren made remarks in relation to secret orders, and deprecating such things, and counseling against the young men joining secret orders.

President Smith moved that the Bishops be advised to counsel their ward members against joining secret orders and if they did so after being warned they might be excluded from the Temples, and that such men should not be put in presiding positions in the wards or Stakes of Zion.  Although no vote was taken the motion became the sense of the council.”  (JH 12 Apr., 1900)

14 Apr.:  Changes in 2nd anointing rules.

“During the lifetime of the late President Wilford Woodruff a rule was established by him not to permit a woman to be anointed to a man unless she had lived with him as his wife.  This was a restriction of the rule in such cases which obtained during the lifetime of President Brigham Young and John Taylor.  After considering the matter we have concluded to restore the practice as expressed in the following, and which will govern in such cases in the future:

Any woman who has been sealed to a man in life or by proxy whether she has lived with him or not, shall have the privilege of being anointed to him inasmuch as he shall have had his second blessings.”  (First Presidency circular letter, 14 Apr., 1900.  In Clark, Messages of the First Presidency 3:325-326)

“Prest. David H. Cannon, 

St. George.

Dear Brother:–

During the lifetime of the late President Wilford Woodruff a rule was established by him not to permit a woman to be anointed to a man unless she had lived with him as a wife.  This was a restriction of the rule in such cases which obtained during the lifetime of Presidents Brigham Young and John Taylor.  After considering the matter we have concluded to restore the practice as expressed in the following, and which will govern in such cases in the future:

Any woman, who has been sealed to a man in life or by proxy, whether she has lived with him or not, shall have the privilege of being anointed to him inasmuch as he shall have had his second blessings.

Your Brethren,

Lorenzo Snow

Geo. Q. Cannon

Jos. F. Smith”

(14 Apr., 1900, First Presidency Circular Letters, LDS Archives, CR 1/1)

18 May:  Extenuating circumstances in fornication/adultery.


President Snow and counselors were at the office.  The Presidency of the St. George Stake had written stating that the practice of the St. George High Council had been to excommunicate for sexual sin where the parties in transgression had received their endowments without taking into consideration extenuating circumstances, and they desired to know if the First Presidency approved of their continuing this procedure.  The following answer was given:

It is our mind that all such cases be tried on their merits, and that extenuating circumstances can be favorably considered where it can be done so consistently, especially in cases of fornication.  In cases of adultery, however, it would be difficult to conceive of extenuating circumstances, unless, perhaps, on the part of the woman in the case; but even in such cases they should not be entirely ignored.

Signed by Presidents Snow, Cannon and Smith.”

(JH 18 May, 1900)

24 May:  Members of secret societies to be weeded out.

“[Meeting at the Temple] Remarks were made by Pres. J. F. Smith and others in regard to secret societies, and they expressed the view . . . that officers in the Sunday Schools, who belonged to secret societies, and who were not willing to withdraw, should be quietly weeded out.”  (Rudger Clawson diary, 24 May, 1900)

10-12 Jul.:  Nephite giant to defend Logan temple.

“[Quarterly Conference of the 12] Apostle M. W. Merrill related a dream or vision given to Brother roskelly in the Logan Temple during the ‘raid’ when the enemy threatened to search our Temples.  A personage who in appearance was seven or eight feet tall appeared to him, and said that he was once a Nephite warrior, and that he had come to defend the temple.  He assured brother Roskelly that the enemy would not be permitted to enter the House of the Lord.”  (Rudger Clawson diary, 10-12 Jul., 1900)

11 Jul.:  All sacred relics to be stored in Temple.

“[Quarterly Conference of the Twelve] It was moved that all sacred relics be deposited in the Temple.”  (Anthon H. Lund diary, 11 Jul., 1900; LDS Archives)

24 Jul.:  90% of the dead will accept the work.

“I have often said that if I were a wealthy man, I would set aside a portion of my means to be used in the temple for the salvation of the dead.  There are many good people in the church who can be employed to work for the dead, and I have ascertained that it will cost from 75 cents to $1.00 for each dead person who is baptized for and endowed, which work, if accepted by them, means salvation to their souls; and Pres. Lorenzo Snow says that in nine cases out of ten the work will be accepted, so that, it might be said, there is very little risk connected with an investment of this kind.”  (Rudger Clawson diary, 24 Jul., 1900)

19 Aug.:  The spirit and deformed bodies.

“The spirit of man is an entity, a personality, a substance.  It is not a mere myth, a breath.  True, it is a more refined substance than that which composes our body, so much so that we cannot comprehend it in our present condition.  But when the spirit goes out of the body it is an individual, in the same shape and form as the body, because the body is conformed to the spirit.  Sometimes the spirit is temporarily conformed to the body in deformed persons; but these are exceptional cases.”  (Charles W. Penrose, 19 Aug., 1900; UGHM 5:169, Oct., 1914)

6 Sep.:  Is baptism before 8 years valid?

“The Presidency and Apostles met in council meeting in the Temple.  There were present: President Snow, George Q. Cannon and Joseph F. Smith; Elders Brigham Young, George Teasdale, Heber J. Grant, Anthon H. Lund, Mathias F. Cowley, Rudger Clawson and Reed Smoot. . . .

President Cannon brought up the question of the validity of the baptism of a young man named William W. Astle.  The circumstances are these:  This young man went to the Logan Temple to get his endowments before leaving for a mission and while there it was discovered that he had been baptized one month and thirteen days before he was eight years of age.  At the time he went to the Temple he was a Seventy and had officiated in the ordinances of the Gospel and in the Priesthood common to men of his years.  Brother Merrill gave him to understand that he was baptized too soon and therefore his baptism was unlawful and acting on this ruling he had the missionary baptized again and confirmed and ordained an elder after which he gave him his endowments.  He was also given to understand that his baptism dated from that date.

The question now arose in the Council as to whether this young man’s baptism when a child was lawful or not.  After discussing it for a short time it was decided that the original baptism under the circumstances was valid, this was the united expression of the brethren.  It was stated that Brother Merrill would be informed of this action and that he have an opportunity to be heard at the first meeting of the council which he may attend.”  (JH 6 Sep., 1900)

19 Sep.:  Conditional 2nd anointing?

“Thursday the 19th of September 1900 was the OUTSTANDING DAY OF OUR LIFE, President Frank Y. Taylor was authorized by the First Presidency of the Church to invite Ida and I TO RECEIVE OUR SECOND ANOINTINGS, AND IN THE TEMPLE, ON THIS MOMENTOUS DAY, President John R. Winder, President of the Temple, explained fully what the 2nd annointings were and told us of the glorious promises offered to those who keep the commandments of the Lord and live a worthy and holy life:  that these were the highest of all earthly blessings and no one receives them but those selected by the President of the Church.  No one else has that right.  How wonderful they were, what hopes they inspire, what a strength they give, what anticipations they awaken in our hearts and how wonderful it is to feel a nearness to the Lord by righteous living.  We were thrilled in expectancy and joyous in hopes of living worthy to secure all that was promised us.  We have started on an everlasting journey and all depends on whether we endure until the end.”  (John M. Whitaker Journals, BYU Special Collections, Mor M270.1 W58 V. 2 p. 512, 19 Sep., 1900.  Originals at U of U.)

25 Sep.:  2nd anointings for ward and stake leaders.

“Elder Adelbert Henderson and wife,

Clifton, Idaho

Dear Brother,

In harmony with the wishes of President Snow, to the effect of the leading brethren and sisters of the several Wards and Stakes of Zion, should be granted the priviledge of receiving their second blessings in the House of the Lord, and in view of your continued faithfulness and unretiring activity in the great cause our Father has established, for the exaltation of His children, — it affords us true pleasure to enclose you herewith your Temple recommend, duly signed, with the invitation to proceed to the Temple at your earliest convenience and receive this great blessing–your second annointing.”  (George C. Parkinson, Soloman H. Hales and Joseph S. Geddes to Adelbert Henderson and wife, 25 Sep., 1900.  Bergera collection.)

5 Oct.:  Do temple work for others if you have none of own

“Now, I want to tell the men of means among the Latter-day Saints of a good investment; where they can place some of their means to bring them in a hundred percent.  Find me an investment in this country today that pays twelve per cent, or perhaps fifteen per cent, and I will point out to you a most splendid enterprise.  But this investment that I allude to will pay one hundred per cent, and never fail.  What is it?  Lay up some of your treasures in heaven.  Invest with the Lord.  Put some of your means into His temple.

If you are so busily employed in looking after your material interests, which are so vast and varied that it takes all your time, send your son to the temple, and suport him while he works there for you.  If you have no son, perhaps you have a good neighbor, a man of God, who has no means of his own and no employment; send him to the temple, and provide well for him while he is there; look after his bodily wants, and let him work for your dead and save your ancestors.

Perhaps you will tell me that you have no list of your ancestors; you have not even a single name.  I take it that that is no excuse.  If you cannot do a work for your own dead, do a work for your neighbor’s dead.  Assist that poor man across the way who has perhaps hundreds and thousands of names, but has no means and no way of having them officiated for, and verily you shall in no wise lose your reward.  When an Elder is sent into the world to preach the Gospel, if circumstances are favorable, he goes first to his relatives and acquaintances, and then he preaches the Gospel to the world.  So we must labor at home.  If we cannot get information concerning our own dead, let us expend a portion of our means, if we have any, for the salvation of the dead of others.  In this we will manifest the spirit of true charity.”  (Rudger Clawson, 5 Oct., 1900; CR Oct., 1900, p. 11)

5 Oct.:  Who shall be worthy to go to the temples?

“Brethren and sisters, here are the temples before us.  Now let me ask the question, Who shall be worthy to go into them and to do the work that I have indicated?  You know something of the power and sacredness of the work; you know something of this binding and sealing power; you know the great responsibility of exercising that power.  I ask you, Who shall be worthy to go into these temples?  We have been told by our Prophet and President that the man who does not pay his tithing in this Church shall not have access to them.  Not that he shall be coerced, not that he shall be frightened, by this saying of the President’s; but simply because he is unworthy to go into the temple.  If he violates this great commandment of God–the law of tithing–then he is not worthy to receive and participate in the blessings of the House of the Lord.  It is a simple proposition.  The Bishop shall not recommend him; the president of the Stake shall not recommend him.  They cannot do it.  It would not be pleasing in the sight of God.  And they who violate the other commandments–and there are many who disregard the authority of the Priesthood, who slight the counsels of the esrvants of God, and who will not give ear to their teachings–are not worthy to go into the house of the Lord and officiate for the living and the dead.  And that shows a very close connection between the living and the dead, between this world and the other world; for you can scarcely mention the work for the dead, except you shall say something concerning the living; and you can scarcely speak of the living, except you shall say something concerning the dead.”  (Rudger Clawson, 5 Oct., 1900; CR Oct., 1900, p. 12)

21 Oct.:  A prayer circle in every ward.

“I hope that there will not be a ward but what will have a prayer circle inaugurated for it is a strength to the Church.”  (Reed Smoot, Juab (Utah) Stake Prayer Circle Minutes, 1898-1914 Book, 21 Oct., 1900, p. 34; HDC.  Quoted in D. Michael Quinn, “Latter-day Saint Prayer Circles,” BYU Studies 19(1):101-102, Fall, 1978)

8 Nov.:  All aprons to have patchwork of leaves.

“Attended meeting in the Temple.  I moved all aprons be made representing patchwork of leaves.  It was carried.”  (Anthon H. Lund diary, 8 Nov., 1900; LDS Archives)

11 Nov.:  Secret societies.

“[Joseph F. Smith speaking]  The speaker then turned to the question of secret societies and stated that events often had proved the unwisdom of Latter-day Saints allying themselves with secret orders.  ‘We are an order of ourselves; we are not of the world, for their [sic] is no other people in the earth that has the same message.  We are commanded to repent from the sins of the world, to turn unto God with full purpose of heart to build up Zion, and not by ingrafting in any order of man.  I hold that it is not necessary, nor a wise thing for a Latter-day Saint to join any oathbound society.  Many things have proved the folly and impropriety of a Latter-day Saint joining a secret society.  If they are bound to a society, they are in some cases under oath to protect its members in guilt.  One man who had joined a society had learned that some of its members were horse thieves, but he was bound by his oath to shield them.’

President Smith here cited an instance of a man who had been called upon a mission, but was unable to go because all that he made he was obliged to pay into secret societies of which he was a member.  Another man was asked why he did not pay his tithing, and said it was because it required all he could spare to meet the demands of the society of which he was a member.

‘I know that it is unwise for a Latter-day Saint to connect himself with any of these organizations outside of the Church, and contrary to the counsels of the Priesthood.  If he does so he has no right to the privileges and blessings of the Church, until he repents.  No man who lives up to the laws of chastity as revealed through the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, can tie himself to societies where immorality is winked at.’ . . .

Elder Brigham Young followed with a few remarks. . . . Turning to the theme of secret societies, he stated that most of the men who have joined such societies use tobacco, and he felt impressed to say that those Church members who unite with those organizations will wayne [sic] in their faith and finally apostatize.”  (Sunday School Convention minutes, 11 Nov., 1900; JH 11 Nov., 1900)

13 Nov.:  Secret societies.

“Since the year 1895 the Deseret Sunday School Union Board has adopted the following resolutions and instructions for the government and discipline of the various Sunday schools throughout the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  They are hereby compiled, classified and presented for the guidance of the officers and teachers.


. . . .

3. Wherever it becomes necessary to fill vacancies among the officers and teachers of a Sunday school, preference should be given to those who practice the Word of Wisdom, honor the Sabbath day, sustain the Priesthood, observe the law of tithing, and are not members of secret societies.”

(Sunday School Convention minutes, 13 Nov., 1900; JH 13 Nov., 1900)

22 Dec.:  Refused 2nd anointings for the dead.

“With respect to Zadok K. Judd’s letter (herewith enclosed) asking for second blessings for his father and grandfather, Prest. Snow says that many faithful people have gone into the spirit world without those blessings, and they will lose nothing by it; and all such cases he prefers to refer to the future than to undertake to endorse recommends for persons who cannot be regularly recommended.”  (George F. Gibbs to D. H. Cannon, President St. George Temple, 22 Dec., 1900.  Lorenzo Snow “Letterbooks”, p. 942, Ms/f/105/2, HDC.  Bergera collection.)