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TEMPLES, 1903.
1903: Jan. – Sep., 1904: Manufacture of knitted garment.
“Called on Prest J. D. T. McAllister & handed to him the Knitted Garment & letter of the Presidency on same for Temple use.” (L. John Nuttall diary, 26 Jan., 1903)
“Called at the West Knitting Factory & talked with them about the Knitted garments & labels asking them to send us a pattern of their garments.” (L. John Nuttall diary, 24 Feb., 1903)
“Rec letter & sample label for knitted goods from J L & M Jacobs Co N. Y. presented same to Pres Jos. F. Smith & he approved the same asked me to see Bro Le Grand Young & have Copy right obtained for new form.” (L. John Nuttall diary, 30 Mar., 1903)
“Called on Le Grand Young and got the papers for Copy right for Garment Labels from him.” (L. John Nuttall diary, 21 Apr., 1903)
“Called on Le Grand Young in regard to Copyright for Labels on Knitted Goods. He sent to Washington D C. for forms.” (L. John Nuttall diary, 22 Apr., 1903)
“exam[in]ed Knitted garments from 3 Factorys. & sent them back for changes with letters.” (L. John Nuttall diary, 28 Apr., 1903)
“buzy at my desk examin[in]g Knitted garments.” (L. John Nuttall diary, 1 May, 1903)
“examined some Knitted Garments.” (L. John Nuttall diary, 2 May, 1903)
“Wrote to Sanpete Knitting Co. on Knitted Garments &c also to Thomas & Mecham Preston.” (L. John Nuttall diary, 5 May, 1903)
“buzy with my Knitted Garmnt labels till 6.30 p m.” (L. John Nuttall diary, 6 May, 1903)
“Had a talk with the Presidency on the Knitted Garments submitted by the Cache Knitting works. & their letters and got their instructions.” (L. John Nuttall diary, 12 May, 1903)
“Called at the Salt Lake Knitting Works & with Bro Jos. R Smith went to the Factory found out how these Knitted Garments are made – Also called on Bro John C Cutler in regard to the garment made by them. Called at the Temple and had their sample garment made to conform to the proper Sample. . . . drafted a letter to Cache Knitting Works in answer to their letters.” (L. John Nuttall diary, 13 May, 1903)
“Got off letters to Cache Knitting Works Hyrum Woollen Mills & Thomas & Mecham & sent by express 2 parcel & 1 by rail.” (L. John Nuttall diary, 15 May, 1903)
“bought 2 pair of Knitted Garments for Della at the request of Wilford by letter this Morning.” (L. John Nuttall diary, 10 Jun., 1903)
“wrote to the Sanpete Knitting Factory & Sent 1000 labels.” (L. John Nuttall diary, 12 Jun., 1903)
“Talked with Prest Smith & Winder on Z. C. M. I. Knitted Garments. they would not allow the labels to be used on them. . . . Made out bills still on Knitted garment Labels.” (L. John Nuttall diary, 16 Jul., 1903)
“At the office obtained Pres. Jos. F. Smiths signature to the applications for Trade mark for the Garment labels.” (L. John Nuttall diary, 15 Aug., 1903)
“Called on Le Grand Young & left with him the draft for [$]25.00 & papers to obtain Trade mark for Temple Knitted Garments.” (L. John Nuttall diary, 17 Aug., 1903)
“sent sample Garments back to Cresent Knitting Mills Co. Le Grand, Oregon.” (L. John Nuttall diary, 18 Aug., 1903)
“Bro Winder told me of 1 pair of garmnts found at the Temple which was not approved & had a label on it. bought at Z C M I. I will endeavour to find out about this.” (L. John Nuttall diary, 7 Sep., 1903)
25 Feb.: Secret orders and funerals.
“[Meeting in the Temple] There was some discussion regarding secret orders in our midst, suggested by the fact that in one instance a secret order claimed the privilege to officiate at the funeral of a member of the society–a Latter-day Saint–and in case of denial threatened to with-hold the annuity, or death allowance, to which said deceased person was entitled. The bishop objected to being mixed up with said society in the funeral services. It became the sense of the Council that the stand taken by the bishop was and [sic] that in future cases of a similar character, our bishops should insist upon completing the funeral service before any society or outside organization should officiate in the burial.” (Rudger Clawson diary, 25 Feb., 1903)
9 Mar.: Forms for ordinance work for dead.
“I was busily engaged these two days in getting up a blank form for a family record-&-ordinance work for the dead combined.
My data was obtained from family records–some four in number already in use in the church. These four records contained excellent features but neither one of them answered the purpose entirely. The idea upon which I was working, and in which I succeeded, was to enter the desired information for each individual on a single line, viz:–Parents names:–Fathers name, Mothers maiden name Children:–Born, Blessed, Baptized, Confirmed, Priesthood Ordinations, Endowments, Sealing, Second Blessings, Patriarchal Blessings, Missions, Death. To this was added as a second part of the book, Ordinance work for the dead.” (Rudger Clawson diary, 9 Mar., 1903)
10 Mar.: Forms for ordinance work for dead.
“Pres. Anthon h. Lund and myself met as the Committee on Church Records to consider the Form I had drawn up.
After due consideration, it was adopted, with the proviso that the copy not be placed in the printers hand until after the return of Elder Andrew Jensen the other member of the Committee from Europe–two weeks hence–in order that his signature and approval might appear with ours upon the fly leaf of the new form.” (Rudger Clawson diary, 10 Mar., 1903)
26 Mar.: Are there women in hell?
“[Meeting in the Temple] There was some informal talk regarding the question as to whether there are, or would be, any women in hell. It was condeded that some women by their acts–namely, abortion, child murder after birth, and the poisoning of their husbands and other criminal acts, merited a place in the lower regions. President Smith expressed the view that women who commit such crimes as those mentioned would receive punishment to the uttermost farthing, but that there would be no daughters of perdition. This, he said, was his view in regard to the matter, which also seemed to meet the minds of the brethren. . . .
The clerk read a letter from Wm. A. Hyde of the Pocatello Stake in which he desired counsel in reference to our attitude to the Young Men’s Christian Assn. In Pocatello they were very friendly to our people and desired him to affiliate with them. He now wished to know how far it would be wisdom for him to go in this matter.
The question provoked a good deal of discussion. Elder Jno. H. Smith said that the general purpose of the Y.M.C.A. was to win young men away from the saloon and bad companionship, and he felt that it might be good policy to affiliate with them to some extent.
Elder Clawson took an entirely different view. He said he looked upon the Y.M.C.A. as being a very little less dangerous to our young people than the secret orders against which we proclaim. While we approve of all the good they do, to affiliate with them would be giving the seal of sanction, and the tendency would be to draw our young men away from the church institutions. What is lacking in our church schools in the line of a gymnasium should be supplied that our young people would have no desire to go to the Y.M.C.A. rooms.
Elder Woodruff was opposed to affiliation. He remarked that ‘those who are not for us are against us.’
Pres. Smith said that he did not want his children to patronize the Y.M.C.A. and was therefore opposed to affiliation. He had recently visited the gymnasium at the B. Y. College at Logan and the one at the B. Y. Academy, Provo, and was well pleased with what he saw. The Latter-day Saints University should have something of the same kind.
It is required of us to keep ourselves pure and unspotted from the associations and organizations of the world. We should not affiliate or fraternize with them. We can mingle with the world and not be hurt but our children cannot–this by reason of their lack of knowledge. The Mutual Improvement Associations include and comprehend all that they have and more to[o].
It was decided to write and advise Prs. Hyde to simply maintain a friendly and liberal n[e]utrality towards the Y.M.C.A.” (Rudger Clawson diary, 26 Mar., 1903)
7 Apr.: Regarding 2nd anointings.
“[General Conference, Priesthood Session, Joseph F. Smith speaking] Any garment which is not white is not a garment of the Priesthood. It is not the prerogative of the Bishop to give recommends for second anointings, they must be given by Prests. of Stakes. It is not supposed that the Bishop knows anything at all regarding second anointings. It is the Highest ordinance which has been revealed to man.
A man who has recd. his second anointings must be more circumspect that ever before and if he transgress put the screws on him more severely than others.” (Anthony W. Ivins diary, 7 Apr., 1903)
7 Apr.: Woman marrying non-member can’t receive endowment
“[General Conference, Priesthood Session, John Winder speaking] No woman who is married to a man who is not a member of the church cannot [sic] receive her endowments.” (Anthony W. Ivins diary, 7 Apr., 1903)
7 Apr.: Men to be ordained elders prior to endowment.
“[General Conference, Priesthood Session, John Winder speaking] All men who come to the temple should be ordained Elders before coming to the temple.” (Anthony W. Ivins diary, 7 Apr., 1903)
7 Apr.: Must keep Word of Wisdom to obtain recommend.
“[General Conference, Priesthood Session, Anthon H. Lund speaking] Persons who are recommended to the temple should keep the word of wisdom but Bishops may deviate from this rule where they think it necessary.” (Anthony W. Ivins diary, 7 Apr., 1903)
7 Apr.: Instructions regarding garment.
“Meeting of the First Presidency, the Twelve, First Seven Presidents of Seventies, Patriarch, Presiding Bishopric, Presidencies of Stakes, High Councillors, Bishopric of wards and others. . . .
[Jos. F. Smith] The knitted garment, as approved by the Presidency, is acceptable at the temple; all knitted garments should bear the approved label; no color but white can be used in a garment of the priesthood.
A question was asked as to the propriety of burying a suicied in his temple clothing. Answer: It depends upon circumstances; if his life was taken through wickedness, no; if, thorugh insanity, yes. Action in cases of this kind is not governed by precedent but by circumstances.
It is not the duty or right of bishops to give recommends for second blessings. This privilege belongs exclusively to Presidents of Stakes with the endorsement of the President of the church.
Presidents of Missions should not recommend people of their missions to the temple, and bishops should not receive people from the mission field into their wards without a letter of standing. . . .
Pres. Winder gave some instructions in regard to the temple. Also said that a woman who lives and cohabits with a gentile husband cannot be received into the temple. People who come to the House of the Lord should be cleanly in their persons. . . .
[Jos. F. Smith] Cases of adultery should be investigated and decided by the Bishopric of wards and Stake High Councils and should not be sent up originally, to the First Presidency.
Pres. Lund said that the saints should be instructed that it is not right to move from place to place without counsel.
Tobacco users should not be recommended to the temple, but cases might arise where a little leniency could be shown in regard to this matter.” (Rudger Clawson diary, 7 Apr., 1903)
23 Apr.: St. George temple to be closed during summer.
“[Meeting in the Temple] A letter from David H. Cannon, President St. George Temple, and addressed to President Smith, was read. He said that they were short of help in ordinance work and recommended that Wm. Gardner, of Pine Valley, be called to labor in the Temple as a missionary. This letter precipitated a discussion in relation to the temple, namely, as to whether it would not be a good policy to close said temple for three or four months during the summer, in view of the very light attendance. It was learned that on many days the companies were limited to some seven or eight people, or, in other words, that they were no larger than that number. Elder Clawson moved that the St. George Temple be closed until after the October conference next. Seconded and carried.” (Rudger Clawson diary, 23 Apr., 1903)
8 Jun.: Sealings outside of temples, 1889-1903.
“Sealings in Marriage, (single wives), from 25 July 1889 – 8 June 1903
Arizona – Mesa, Thatcher, Bowie, St. John, Snowflake, Pinetop, Lehi, Springville, St. David, Woodruff.
Canada – Magrath, Sterling, Cardston.
Colorado – Manasseh, Sanford, Pueblo.
Mexico – Del Norte, Cave Valley (Chihuahua), Dublan, Juarez, Los Palomas, Dias, Cuernavaca, Casa Grandes.
On the Pacific Ocean – Anthon H. Lund
Texas – El Paso
Utah – Kaysville, A. B. Benzon’s house – Salt Lake City by Adolph Madsen.
By Whom:
By General Authorities and Stake Presidents
John Henry Smith, Geo. Q. Cannon, Joseph F. Smith, Geo. Teasdale, Brigham Young, David K. Udall (Stake President), F. M. Lyman, Thos. F. Rousche, John W. Taylor, Anthon H. Lund, Rodger Clause, Heber J. Grant, Alex F. Macdonald (Stake President, Mexico).
(1873 – Daniel H. Wells – sealing outside of temple)” (Temple Ordinances Book B, Outside of Temple; 25 July 1889 – 8 June 1903.)
12 Jun.: Bathsheba Smith: Endowment hasn’t changed.
“Sister Bathsheba W. Smith responded and said in substance:
Pres. [Jos. F.] Smith has spoken the truth. I know that the endowments now given are the same as given by Joseph Smith, the Prophet.
He used to instrut us and tell us many things in relation thereunto, and also with respect to our duty. I know that he was a true prophet and that he revealed the endowments, and they did not come from Brigham Young. I kow that he never taught a wrong principle, and if we will obey his voice we will be saved, otherwise we cannot be. Pres. Woodruff and myself were the last to receive our endowments at his [Joseph’s] hands. Pres. Woodruff has gone, and I am left.” (Rudger Clawson diary, 12 Jun., 1903)
“Friday June 12, 1903
Weber Stake Reunion:
Joseph F. Smith speaking:
Aunt Bathsheba, widow of George A. Smith, who is with us today, is the last living witness, so far as I know, who received her endowments while Joseph Smith was living. Here is Aunt Bathsheba, who received her endowments in Nauvoo as they are now given in the Temples. She is a living witness and if necessary she will tell us that she received her endowments in Nauvoo as they are now given in the Temples. She is a living witness and if necessary she will tell us that she received these privileges under the direction of Joseph Smith. Opponents say that Brigham Young established the endowments and also plural marriage, out here is a witness who knows better. Brigham Young only sought to carry out the instruction he received from Joseph Smith, and Joseph Smith as he received it from God. So far as the principle of plural marriage is concerned, we are not teaching it, nor practising [sic] it. * * * Joseph Smith revealed plural marriage and the endowments, and here is a living witness to those facts. So am I, for I received it of those who received it from Joseph Smith. * * *
Aunt Bathsheba Smith was called upon and spoke briefly as follows: President Smith has told you the truth. I know that the endowments are given now the same as they were given by Joseph Smith the Prophet. He was present with us and lectured and talked with us after we had received our first ordinances, and I have met him many times at councils which were held and he told us many things and explained them to us, showed us how to pray, and how to detect them when true or false angels come to us, and many other true things he taught us, and he instituted the endowments through the Lord, and it was not Brigham Young or any one else. I know he was a true Prophet of God and this knowledge could not be stronger if angels were to come and talk to me. I know he never taught a thing that was wrong, and if we obey him we will receive celestial glory and without we will not. I bear this testimony and it is true, for I worked in the Nauvoo Temple and in the Endowment House and in the Salt Lake Temple. This is the first day I have left the Temple to go anywhere since Sister Zina’s death. I was at the first meeting when the Relief Society was organized in Nauvoo and I enjoyed the teaching of the Prophet and tried to profit by it and to teach my sisters. Brother Smith, I guess this will do?.
President Smith: “Did Brigham Young reveal plural marriage?”
Sister Smith “He did not. God revealed it through the Prophet Joseph Smith. I have tried to be one with my husband and I was just as happy with him as any woman could be, for I loved him dearly and I knew why he practised [sic] the principle of plural marriage. He knew it was a principle of exaltation, and I wished him to receive as great an exaltation as any one, and I expected to share it with him. If I lived my life over again, I do not know that I could better it, though I have more experience now.
Sister Smith then related a dream she had concerning her husband and also some remarks made by the Prophet Joseph when she was a young girl. Continuing she said, “God bless us all and keep us in the line of our duty, that we may live our lives in earnest and receive the glory and exaltation we seek, Amen.” (Deseret Evening News (23 June 1903); found in Journal History, pp. 3- 5; 12 June 1903.)
25 Aug.: People not to request 2nd anointings.
“President J.D.T. Mc.Allister,
Manti Temple
Salt Lake City. August 25th 1903.
Dear Brother:–
Complaints have reached us from Presidents of Stakes that persons doing temple work have been advised by temple workers to speak to the President of their Stake about obtaining their Second Anointing. This must not be done, or suggested by any one laboring in our temples. None but Stake Presidents have the right to suggest and recommend persons to obtain their Second Annointings. The reason is plain: those working in the temples see people in their Sunday clothing only, and are not acquainted with their every day life. When such persons come to their Stake Presidents and ask for this blessing, saying they were counselled to do so in the temple, it places him in the unpleasant position, perhaps, that he has to refuse their request, and he is blamed by the applicants. No person has the right to ask for this blessing. He must wait till sought out by his Stake President. If the President of a temple feels impressed with the worthiness of any person, dead or alive, he can make suggestions to the President of the Stake, but he should not mention this to the persons themselves.
Please have these instructions repeated to all laboring in you[r] temple.
Your brethren
Jos. F. Smith
John R. Winder
Anthon H. Lund.”
(. Manti Temple Historical Record. Church Historical Department. CR/348/21/v.2/p.112. Bergera collection.)
8 Sep.: Sealed outside temple due to distance.
“[Thatcher, Arizona] I sealed the following couple whose home is at St. David ward: Clarence Dana and Emma Eliz. Lofgreen Dana. Owing to the long distance from the temples, the sealing of young married people is authorized by the First Presidency.” (Rudger Clawson diary, 8 Sep., 1903)
22 Sep.: Recommend for 2nd anointing for dead.
“In yours of the 21st inst. we desire to know if a regular recommend should be used for deceased people, when recommending to the Temple.
Our answer is that in recommending for second blessings the same form of recommend should be used for the dead as for the living, but when people are recommended who are dead, the fact that they are dead should be so stated in the recommend. It is needless for us to say that you should recommend no deceased person to receive his second anointing without satisfying yourself of his worthiness to receive those great blessings.” (Joseph F. Smith, John R. Winder, Anthon H. Lund to President J. S. Paige Jr., Payson. 22 Sep., 1903. Bergera collection.)
6 Oct.: No anti-patriotic oath in Temples.
“[General Conference] In the afternoon Bro. Winder spoke again and I followed on the Temple and the work done there. I also made the statement that there was no oath taken and that there was nothing in the least anti patriotic. I said that if this was not true I would not dare to say this in presence of so many people who had been to the temple and they would know if I did not speak the truth.” (Anthon H. Lund diary, 6 Oct., 1903)
22 Oct.: Proposed purchase of Independence Temple Lot.
“[Meeting at the Temple] The cledrk read a letter from a Mr. Sothern of Independence, Mo., in which he made a tender to the church of 25 acres of the original temple lot of 65 acres at Independence at a thousand dollars an acre.” (Rudger Clawson diary, 22 Oct., 1903)
26 Oct.: Washing and anointing sick not temple ordinance.
“Prest. [David H.] Cannon said washing and anointing the sick is not a temple ordinance.” (St. George Temple Minute Book, K9368R, P. 315, 26 Oct., 1903)
27 Oct.: Validity of sealings outside of temples.
“Yours of the 19th inst. is received, in which you stated in substance, that your parents received their endowments in the Nauvoo Temple, and were afterwards sealed by President Brigham Young in his office in the early days of Utah, and you now wish to know if that sealing was valid, or whether it would be necessary to have this work done for them in the temple.
Our answer is that the sealing is perfectly valid provided a record was made of it. If there was no record made of it we suggest, in order to remove all doubt of the validity of the sealing, that it be done over again in the temple. If you will let us know the names of your parents we will have the matter looked into.” (Joseph F. Smith, John R. Winder, Anthon H. Lund to Henry Butler, Eagar, Arizona. 27 Oct., 1903)
30 Oct.: Refusal to marry couple outside of Temple.
“Pres. Miller of the Emory Stake writes that Bp. Nixon refused to marry a couple because he wanted them to go to the Temple. It was a young man from Ephraim (Abel Nielsen?) and a girl from Huntington. The young people then went to Cleveland and Bishop Oveson married them. This has caused much feeling among the Huntington people who are blaming the Bishop for refusing to marry the young couple. We will answer that Bp. Nixon did right in teaching them their duty to go to the Temple, but when they insisted on getting married the Bishop should have married them. He may withold a recommend to the Temple but he can not withold a certificate of membership except he does it after having dealt with the girl according to the rules of the Church, and getting married out of the Temple is not enough to bring them before the Church courts.” (Anthon H. Lund diary, 30 Oct., 1903; LDS Archives)
2 Nov.: Heber City prayer circle organized.
“[Heber City] Held a meeting with Pres. Smart and Counselor Jos. R. Murdock, and Bp. Wm. Daybell and a number of the Brethren from Charlston for the purpose of organizing a prayer circle for that ward. Present 15. Song, ‘O say what is truth;[‘] prayer by Jos. R. Murdock.
I made brief remarks in reference to the purpose and character of a prayer circle, and presented the name of Bp. Wm. Daybell as president and Ernest Pate as secretary. Sustained.
The brethren then robed, and I explained the signs and tokens and took them through, after which prayer was offered at the altar by Bp. Daybell.” (Rudger Clawson diary, 2 Nov., 1903)
16 Nov.: Person cannot have 2nd anointing alone.
“We return here with recommend, endorsed for second blessings, in favor of Sister Dorthy Tompsen.
We note that you say that this sister is making a desperate effort due to [sic] some temple work this winter. The question has arisen in our minds, whether or not she now has, or has had a husband; and if a married woman, whether her husband has had his second anointing. If not, her husband, dead or alive, if worthy, should also be recommended, as she cannot have hers alone.” (Joseph F. Smith, John R. Winder, Anthon H. Lund to Prest. Thos. E. Bassett, Rexburg. 16 Nov., 1903. Bergera collection.)
19 Nov.: Bathsheba W. Smith affidavit.
“Near the close of the year 1843, or in the beginning of the year 1844, I received the ordinance of anointing in a room in Sister Emma Smith’s house in Nauvoo, and the same day, in company with my husband, I received my endowment in the upper room over the Prophet Joseph Smith’s store. The endowments were given under the direction of the Prophet Joseph Smith, who afterwards gave us lectures or instructions in regard to the endowment ceremonies. There has been no change, to my certain knowledge, in these ceremonies. They are the same today as they were then. . . .
In the year 1844, a short time before the death of the Prophet Joseph Smith, it was my privilege to attend a regular prayer circle in the upper room over the Prophet’s store. There were present at this meeting most of the Twelve Apostles, their wives, and a number of other prominent brethren and their wives. On that occasion the Prophet arose and spoke at great length, and during his remarks I heard him say that he had conferred on the heads of the Twelve Apostles all the keys and powers pertaining to the Priesthood, and that upon the heads of the Twelve Apostles the burden of the Kingdom rested, and that they would have to carry it.” (Bathsheba W. Smith affidavit, 19 Nov., 1903)
19 Nov.: How far should signs and tokens be explained?
“[Meeting in the Temple] The question arose as to how far the tokens and signs of the priesthood should be explained in a prayer circle. It was the sense of the meeting that we should go no further than an explanation of the signs.” (Rudger Clawson diary, 19 Nov., 1903)
25 Dec.: Denial of temple oaths against government.
“There is no such thing as ‘the oath of an Apostle,’ or ‘the oath of an Elder,’ or of any other officer in the ‘Mormon’ Church. Nor is any person belonging to it required to take an oath, obligation, covenant or agreement against or to the injury of any government under the sun. All statements to the contrary are mistakes or wilful untruths.” (First Presidency, 25 Dec., 1903. In Clark, Messages of the First Presidency 4:81)