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TEMPLES, 1911.
1911: 27 Jan.: Instructions regarding “new name.”
“President [David H.] Cannon spoke concerning the new name: Said, it is not proper to give a New Name like the name already held; however, if such thing is done, it must not be changed for that is the name by which that person will be admitted into the presence of God. If the new name given is misunderstood and another name is used in the endowment–the name assumed but not given, there is provision made to correct such error.” (St. George Temple Minute Book, K9369R, p. 34. 27 Jan., 1911)
4 Feb.: Sisters anointing sisters prior to confinement.
“When we arrived at Manti we were taken to President L. Anderson’s and had a fine dinner. . . . We had a priesthood meeting and I suggested that wards be given a certain day a month and attend the Temple. I also spoke about the sister’s anointing our sisters for confinement, and said while this was a comfort and strength to the sisters, it must not be confounded with temple ordinances, and the words used in the Temple must not be used by the sisters. Any one can receive the blessing from the sisters whether they have had their endowments or not.” (Anthon H. Lund diary, 4 Feb., 1911)
10 Feb.: St. George recommends good for only 6 months.
“President [David H.] Cannon said, A new order has been issued concerning recommends. No recommend dated earlier than Aug. 1910 will be received here, and all come to this Temple after 1 Jan. 1911 must have new recommends of the new kind. The Doorkeeper here is to place his name and date of its being received upon each recommend, which is only good for 6 months.
The Doorkeeper is responsible for the carrying out of this requirement and no one should feel offended when he strives to faithfully perform his encumbant duty, but all service here should be given patiently, kindly.” (St. George Temple Minute Book, K9368R, p. 38, 10 Feb., 1911)
6 Apr.: Divorce rate following temple marriages.
“The divorce question was mentioned here. By statistics it is found that those who have been married in our temples and have been sealed at the altar of God, are not the ones that are being divorced, that there are far fewer divorces in that class than in the case of those who have been married outside of the temple. I am glad that I can state this, and I would exhort all the youth of Zion to prepare themselves to be worthy to have a recommend to go to the temple of the Lord, to be sealed, to begin their marriage right, that they may be under the covenant, and their posterity be born under the covenant and be heirs to the blessings thereof.” (Anthon H. Lund, 6 Apr., 1911; CR Apr., 1911, pp. 12-13)
9 Apr.: Woodruff’s vision of the completed SL Temple.
“My brethren and sisters, speaking of that great temple which is in our view, I remember very well the days of the dedicatorial service therein, and I remember one fact I learned there that brought to my mind great comfort and joy; I heard a prophet of the Lord testify that he had received a vision from the eternal world. In that great house President Woodruff stood up and testified: ‘About three years ago,’ said he, ‘I received in vision a visit from President Brigham Young. President Brigham Young came to me, and said, “Brother Woodruff, take the keys of the temple, and unlock the doors and let the people in.”‘
Brother Woodruff said, ‘At that time I was president of the apostles, President John Taylor was then living, and was President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints; and I marveled that Brigham Young had come to me and given me this commission; but today,’ said he, ‘President Taylor has passed away, and I have been called to occupy this responsible position, of president of the Church; and now I no longer marvel, for I have done as I was commanded, and I have taken the keys to this holy house, and I have opened the doors and I have bid the people enter.'” (Seymour B. Young, 9 Apr., 1911; CR Apr., 1911, p. 114)
25 Jul.: Secret orders and the temple.
“Sometime before the death of President Wilford Woodruff, he announced to the priesthood meeting, consisting of the general, stake and ward authorities and others, that members of the Church who would join secret societies debarred themselves from the Temple, and ever since that time this policy has been maintained.
Should, however, there be any member or members of your stake who have joined secret societies without knowing that the policy of the Church forbid their doing so, special consideration might be given to their cases, but in that event even, they should be advised to withdraw from such organizations. Or if it be found that they have become financially involved to an extent that they can not well afford to lose what they may have paid by withdrawing from the society, they might be advised to retain their interest in the society without affiliating with it, the idea being that affiliation on the part of members of the Church with the secret organizations only tends to lessen their interest in the church of which they are members, which requires their undivided devotion and fealty.” (Anthon H. Lund, On Behalf of the First Presidency, 25 Jul., 1911. In Clark, Messages of the First Presidency 4:251-252)
8 Oct.: We are going to save even those who reject.
“We are saving the dead by going into the house of the Lord and performing these ceremonies–baptism, the laying on of hands, confirmation, and such other things as the Lord requires at our hands, in their behalf. But we are going to save even those who reject the truth, those who have been blinded by the craftiness of men, those who have received the truth in part, for not all who have entered into the kingdom of God shall enter into the celestial kingdom, for they will be judged, each one according to his works.” (Joseph Fielding Smith, 8 Oct., 1911; CR Oct., 1911, p. 120)
15 Oct.: Relationship to Masonry.
“Because of their Masonic characters the ceremonies of the temple are sacred and not for the public. But there is nothing disloyal in them, as so often asserted, nor in their performance is there the slightest departure from the principles of decorum and propriety. Within the building are halls, corridors, reception rooms, offices, chapels, priesthood assembly rooms, baptismal fonts, separate dressing rooms and bathrooms for women and men, sealing rooms, altars, paintings, statuary, magnificent mirrors, decorations and hangings, with such other furniture and equipment as may be found in the parlors of any palatial mansion.” (First Presidency Message, 15 Oct., 1911. In Clark, Messages of the First Presidency 4:250)
30 Oct.: No more selling of consecrated oil at a profit.
“President _____
_____ Temple.
Dear Brother:–
The custom has developed in some of the temples of selling consecrated oil, books and records, and of renting temple clothing, the object being to accommodate persons who come to do work in the House of the Lord. Trafficking in these commodities is hardly in keeping with the sacredness of the temple, and we would, therefore, like you to discontinue this practise after December 31, 1911.
In the meantime, arrange with the Bishops to sell consecrated oil and records and to rent temple clothing, all profits (if any) over and above expenses to be turned in as temple donations once a month.
In view of the sacredness of temple work the Latter-day Saints should be encouraged to prepare temple garments, the workmanship of their own hands, and every effort should be made to discourage the practise of renting such clothing.
A copy of these instructions has been sent to the Presiding Bishop’s Office.
With kind regards, and trusting you will enter into the spirit of our desire in this matter, we are
Your Brethren in the Gospel,
Joseph F. Smith
Anthon H. Lund.”
(30 Oct., 1911, First Presidency Circular Letters, LDS Archives, CR 1/1)
7 Dec.: On removing shoes in temple.
“President [David] Cannon read letter received 6 November 1896 from the Presidency of the Church in regard to apparel to be worn in the temple by those being endowed. This does not apply, he said, to Prayer Circles of the Brethren. Thre must be no innovation of these things from the instructions herein given, except it come through the proper source. He also spoke in relation to taking our shoes from our feet before entering the temple. A habit is obtaining contrary to this and it is not right. He read a letter from Presidency of the Church in regard to the same and said, none but aged or sick persons are exempt from obedience to this given rule; But who will be the judge? The Doorkeeper must be the judge. Speaker did not wish to assume the rule of grumbler, but let us do as we should and rejoice in the contemplation and reception of blessings that are ours united to enjoy.” (St. George Temple Minute Book, K9369R, p. 91, 7 Dec., 1911)
14 Dec.: Shoes: St. George not controlled by Salt Lake.
“President [David H.] Cannon said, if the sisters find it necessary to wear shoes while going through endowments, they should put moccasins on over their shoes. This is the order of this temple and we are not controlled by Salt Lake Temple. We cannot judge as to what should be done in either temple. His experience would back up a statement. This temple has the original of these endowments which was given by President Brigham Young and we have not nor will we change anything thereof unless dictated by the President of the Church.” (St. George Temple Minute Book, K9369R, p. 93, 14 Dec., 1911)