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Prince’s Research Excerpts: Temples & Mormonism – 1938

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TEMPLES, 1938.

1938:  25 Mar.:  Restrictions on home-made garments.

“The increase[d] used by some Church members, young and old, of garments that do not conform to the standard prescribed, and the actual disuse of any garment at all by a few, are cause for deep concern and call for definite instructions and guidance regarding this matter. . . .

For the guidance and protections of these and of members of the Church generally, it has been deemed advisable to copyright a different label which will be placed only upon those garments which conform to approved regulations. . . .

The marks should never be placed on garments except by one who is entitled to wear them.  When garments are marked before being sold, the marking must have been done by one officially authorized. . . .

Young people who declare that they will not wear the garment after they shall have received their endowment should not be given recommends.”  (First Presidency to President Hyrum B. Calder and Counselors, 25 Mar., 1938, Circular Letters File.  Bergera notes) 

1 May:  Meaning of garment marks not fully known.

“1 May 1938. Meeting of Temple workers; President Young presiding.* * * Letter from First Presidency pertaining to the garment was read by brother Poulson, “Authorized pattern” is the new copy-right pattern which was exhibited to those present.

Sister Young told of a meeting held in the Logan Temple where the late Pres. Ivins stated that the full meaning of the marks of the garment has not been revealed. All garments worn must have the approved mark.

When receiving your endowments the garment should not be placed on the individual until after it is marked. All ordinances should be given with closed eyes.”  (Manti Temple Historical Record, p. 52; CHD/CR/348/11/#1, 1934-1974; 1 May 1938. {Restricted document}; Bergera Collection)

Oct.:  Reopening of renovated St. George Temple.

“The renovated St. George Temple was reopened with special ceremonies Monday, September 12, 1938, participated in by Elder George F. Richards of the Council of the Twelve and Marvin O. Ashton and Joseph L. Wirthlin of the Presiding Bishopric.  The temple had been closed for more than a year for extensive mechanical, architectural, and decorative improvements.”  (“The Church Moves On,” IE 41(10):606, Oct., 1938)

17 Oct.:  Reversal of policy on women endowments alone.

“Some unfortunate and untoward incidents following the giving of endowments to wives of Church members who have not been through the temple, and to the wives of non-members, have brought this matter again in review of the Council of the First Presidency and the Twelve.  After fully considering the whole matter the tollowing decision has been reached:

Hereafter you will not give a recommend, under any circumstances, to a wife whose husband is not a member of the Church.  You may use your own good judgement and wisdom in explaining to those who apply that our experience has shown that the results of giving endowments to women whose husbands are not members of the church have led to regrettable and unfortunate conditions, which frequently have made most difficult the lives of the women receiving their endowments.

You will give recommends to wives of members of the Church who have not had their endowments only if the husband is absolutely willing that the endowment should be given to his wife.  You will therefore be expected personally to interview the husband in order to assure yourself that he has no objection whatever, and, in addition, he must express his willingness and consent in writing.  This written consent must be adttached to the recommend itself, which must be signed by the Bishop of the Ward and the President of the Stake, or, in the case of people living in the missions, by the President of the Branch and the President of the Mission.  Unless these requirements are fully complied with, it will not be possible for the woman so recommended to go into the Temple.”  (First Presidency Circular Letter, 17 Oct., 1938.  In Clark, Messages of the First Presidency 6:60-61)