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1842: [ca. 1842] Order in which ordinances are communicated.
“The order in which the ordinances of the Lords house are at all times first communicated to the children of men [is] that he who holds the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven to minister to men on earth . . . should confer the ordinances upon some faithful man who should in turn minister to him according to the pattern of heavenly things.” (“Book of Anointings,” p. 2, Nauvoo Temple Records Collection, LDS Church Archives)
Jan.: Angels still hold the apostleship.
“Some of those who held the holy priesthood in ancient times, the priesthood which is after the power of an endless life, without beginning of days or ends of years–some of those, I say, being raised from the dead, and others translated, still hold the apostleship and priesthood; and it has pleased God to send them as holy angels to earth to reintroduce the pure gospel, and to commission and ordain the first instruments of the Latter-day Saints.” (Parley P. Pratt, “Dialogue Between a Latter-day Saint and an Enquirer after Truth . . .,” in MS 2(9):131, Jan., 1842; and Manchester, England: P. P. Pratt, 1842; Barney)
11 Jan.: “Ordained” to do business for the Church.
“To all whom it may concern. Greeting:–
Our worthy & well beloved Brethren: Peter Howes & Amasa Lyman have been appointed & ordained to transact business for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. We therefore recommend them to the favorable notice of all the brethren scatter[ed] abroad throughout the United States & we say in the name of the Lord they shall prosper.
Nauvoo, Jany 11, 1842
Brigham Young, Prest. of the twelve
Willard Richards, Scribe”
(P13 f29, RLDS Archives)
Feb.: On the Correction of Errors in the Priesthood.
“We feel it necessary at this time to give a few hints on the subject of the correction of errors in the priesthood, as we find in different districts that much evil has arisen from a want of knowledge of this subject. Let it not be supposed for a moment that an officer in the church of Christ, one who has received the power and authority of the holy priesthood, is incapable of getting into error, or that he, in the exercise of his office, becomes infallible. Neither let it be supposed that an officer of whatever order, committing error, either in his public walk or his ministerial duties, is to do so with impunity. What is it then? We will endeavour to state the subject clearly to our readers.
On the 65th and 66th pages of the Book of Mormon, we read thus,–‘Adam fell, that men might be; and men are, that they might have joy. And the Messiah cometh in the fulness of time, to redeem the children of men from the fall. And because that they are redeemed from the fall, they have become free for ever, knowing good from evil.’ Let it then be clearly understood that the human mind, by coming into contact with the religion of the Lord Jesus Christ, by becoming subject to the laws of the kingdom of God, does not thereby give up that freedom which God has given to it, and become trammelled and bound by the worst of all slaveries, the subjugation of the soul. God forbid! But on the contrary, that freedom of thought, that free agency of man, of which we are all in possession, can be fully exercised, and is perfectly compatible with the acknowledgment of the authorities of the church of God, and with a perfect obedience to all the requisitions of his ministers when enforced in accordance with his will.
And while it is perfectly correct that no member, for instance, has a right to rebuke an elder, or to teach, or sit in judgment upon him, yet if such elder or other officer be guilty of preaching false doctrine, or even of preaching truth with a wrong spirit, and imprudently, so as to do mischief, and cause individuals to stumble,–if that officer will not listen to the entreaties of his brother or brethren, they have a perfect right to bring the subject before the council, or before those authorities of the church that have power to examine and to try the case, and also to sit in judgment upon the individual accused. Of course if a false accusation be made, those who make it must bear the consequences and the chastisement due to falsehood under all circumstances; but let it be clearly understood that the most obscure member of the Church has a perfectly legal right to appeal against erroneous teaching or conduct on the part of any officer of whatever rank in the priesthod, in order that the authorities that have the power may sit in judgment upon him, and that the evil may be put away.
At the same time that we make these remarks, we would caution the saints generally against the cultivation of a critical spirit upon the teachings and preachings of the priesthood, and would exhort them to uphold them by prayer unto the Lord God that they may be endowed with the spirit of wisdom and knowledge in the things of the kingdom of God; and let this be borne in mind at all times, and let them not be forgetful that though an individual have much talent or ability, it is as necessary for us to lift up our hearts on his behalf as well as for the weakest brother in the priesthood.
And let those who are called into the ministry of the Church of Christ magnify their office, and be not forgetful of the mission they have to fulfil, which is, not to revel with delight in the absurdities and abominations of the religions of men, but to proclaim the gospel in its fulness and in its original and beautiful simplicity, with the addition that the hour of God’s judgments is at hand. There are also many great subjects connected with the work of God in the las days, which should occupy the minds of his servants, and of which they should bear testimony only as they arrive at the knowledge of them.
Every one will be aware that we are surrounded by multitudes, who both from bigotry and education, and their customary associations in life, are much prejudiced against the truth. How foolish, then, must it be when such come to hear the gospel to find the absurdities of their own systems principally dwelt upon, and instead of meeting with the attractions of the cross, they meet with abundant amplifications on the errors of their own creeds. May the Lord grant both unto the priesthood and the people of God the spirit of supplication, that they may be endowed with understanding in all things connected with his kingdom for Christ’s sake. Amen.” (Thomas Ward, MS 2(10):157-158, Feb., 1842)
1 Mar.: Priesthood organization according to B of M.
“This book also tells us that our Savior made His appearance unto this continent after His resurrection; that He planted the Gospel here in all its fulness, and richness, and power, and blessing; that they had Apostles, Prophets, Pastors, Teachers, and Evangelists; the same order, the same priesthood, the same ordinances, gifts, powers, and blessings, as were enjoyed on the eastern continent.” (Joseph Smith, Wentworth Letter, 1 Mar., 1842, HC 4:535-541; also T&S 3(9):705-706, 1 Mar., 1842))
9 Mar.: Fulness of Priesthood foreshadowed.
“which Blessing hath swollen your heart unto greatness, and with gratitude in the presence of God, the same shall crown you with every blessing, Spiritually and temporally; Spiritually by that priesthood, which is your right, with all its qualifying powers of which you have received a foretaste, but you shall be blest with a fulness, and shall be not one whit behind the chiefest – as an Apostle you shall stand in the presence of God to judge the people . . .” (Heber C. Kimball patriarchal blessing, given by Hyrum Smith, in Heber C. Kimball diary. Blessing dated 9 Mar., 1842)
17 Mar.: Ordination of Relief Society officers.
“Prest. Smith further remark’d that an organization to show them how to go to work would be sufficient. He propos’d that the Sisters elect a presiding officer to preside over them, and let that presiding officer choose two counsellors to assist in the duties of her office–that he would ordain them to preside over the Society–and let them preside just as Presidency, preside over the church: and if they need his instruction ask him, will give it from time to time.
Let this Presidency serve as a constitution–all their decisions be considered law, and acted upon as such.
If any Officers are wanted to carry out the designs of the Institution, let them be appointed and set apart, as Deacons, Teachers, &C. are among us.” (Joseph Smith, 17 Mar., 1842, Nauvoo Relief Society Minutes. In Words of JS, p. 104)
19 Mar.: Things revealed to Abraham through priesthood.
“Spent the day in the printing Office. We struck off about 500 No of the 10 No 3 vol of Times & Seasons which contained the portion of the Book of Abraham that gave his account of Kolob, Oliblish, God siting upon his Throne The Earth, other planets & many great & glorious things as revealed to Abraham through the power of the priesthood. The truths of the Book of Abraham are truly edifying great & glorious which are among the rich treasures that are revealed unto us in the last days.” (Wilford Woodruff diary, 19 Mar., 1842)
20 Mar.: Holy Ghost vs. Gift of Holy Ghost.
“Their is a difference between the Holy Ghost & the gift of the Holy Ghost. Cornelius received the Holy Ghost before he was Baptized which was the convincing power of God unto him of the truth of the gospel but he could not receive the gift of the Holy Ghost untill after he was Baptized, & had he not taken this sign ordinances upon him the Holy Ghost which convinced him of the truth of God would have left him untill he obeyed those ordinances & received the gift of the Holy Ghost by the laying on of hands according to the order of God he could not have healed the sick or command an evil spirit to come out of a man & it obey him, for the spirit might say to him as he did to the sons of Scava Peter I know & Christ I know but who are ye.” (Joseph Smith, 20 Mar., 1842, Wilford Woodruff diary)
20 Mar.: Sign of the healing of the sick.
“What is the sign of the healing of the sick? The laying on of hands is the sign or way marked out by James & the custom of the ancient saints as ordered by the Lord & we Should not obtain the blessing by persuing any other course except the way which God has marked out.” (Joseph Smith, 20 Mar., 1842, Wilford Woodruff diary)
27 Mar.: Wilford Woodruff rebaptized & reconfirmed.
“After meeting closed the congregation again assembled upon the bank of the river & Joseph the seer went into the river & Baptized all that Came unto him & I considered it my privilege to be Baptized for the remission of my sins for I had not been since I first Joined the Church in 1833. I was then Baptized under the hands of Elder Zerah Pulsipher. Therefore I went forth into the river & was Baptized under the hands of JOSEPH THE SEER & likewise did Elder J Taylor & many others & Joseph Called upon me to assist him & I did so & went in & Baptized 12 & then Joseph lifted up his hands to heaven & blessed the people & the spirit of God rested upon the congregation. We then again repaired to the place of meeting near the Temple & Elder Taylor & meself was confirmed by the laying on of hands. We then commenced confirming others who had been baptized. I confirmed about 20. Some remarks were made by Gen Bennett & Elder Taylor & the meeting closed.
Baptized 12 & confirmed 20.”
(Wilford Woodruff diary, 27 Mar., 1842)
30 Mar.: RS patterned after ancient priesthood.
“All must act in concert or nothing can be dome, that the society should move according to the ancient Priesthood, hence there should be a select society, separate from all the evils of the world, choice, virtuous and holy. Said he was going to make of this society a kingdom of priests as in Enoch’s day–as in Paul’s day–that it is the privilege of each member to live long and enjoy health.” (Joseph Smith, 30 Mar., 1842, Nauvoo Relief Society Minutes. In Words of JS, p. 110)
1 Apr.: Priesthood necessary to discern false spirits.
“Who can tell his color, his signs, his appearance, his glory? or what is the manner of his manifestation? Who can detect the spirit of the French Prophets, with their revelations, and visions, and power, and manifestations? or who can point out the spirit of the Irvingites with their apostles, and prophets, and visions, and tongues, and interpretations, &c. &c.; or who can drag into day-light and develope the hidden mysteries of the false spirits that so frequently are made manifest among the Latter-Day Saints? We answer that no man can do this without the Priesthood, and having a knowledge of the laws by which spirits are governed; for as, ‘no man knows the things of God but by the spirit of God,’ so no man knows the spirit of the devil and his power and influence but by possessing intelligence which is more than human, and having unfolded through the medium of the Priesthood the mysterious operations of his devices: without knowing the angelic form, the sanctified look, and gesture, and the zeal that is frequently manifested by him for the glory of God:–together with the prophetic spirit, the gracious influence, the godly appearance, and the holy garb which is so characteristic of his proceedings, and his mysterious windings. A man must have the discerning of spirits, before he can drag into daylight this hellish influence and unfold it unto the world in all its soul destroying, diabolical, and horrid colors: for nothing is a greater injury to the children of men than to be under the influence of a false spirit, when they think they have the spirit of God. Thousands have felt the influence of its terrible power, and baneful effects; long pilgrimages have been undertaken, penances endured, and pain, misery, and ruin have followed in their train; nations have been convulsed, kingdoms overthrown, provinces laid waste, and blood, carnage, and desolation are the habilaments in which it has been clothed. The Turks, the Hindoos, the Jews, the Christians, the Indians, in fact all nations have been deceived, imposed upon and injured through the mischievous effects of false spirits.” (Joseph Smith, “Try the Spirits,” T&S 3(11):744, 1 Apr., 1842)
7 Apr.: All who wish to be Elders to come forward.
“President J. Smith H. Smith Wm Law & the Twelve took the stand & opened meeting & spoke upon a variety of subjects & called upon those who wished to be ordained to the office of an Elder to come forward & have their names taken many came forward.” (Joseph Smith, 7 Apr., 1842, Wilford Woodruff diary)
8 Apr.: 275 Elders ordained.
“Sun rose plesent & conference opened at 10 o-clock. Elder L. Wight Presidents J Smith Hyram Smith & others spoke. Then those that were to be ordained Elders were requested to remove from the rest of the congregation by themselves. They did so & six of the Twelve viz. B. Young H. C. Kimball, O. Pratt, L Wight, W. Richards G A Smith & myself went forward & Ordained 275 two hundred & seventy five to the office of Elders.
This was truly an interesting time. More Elders were ordain on this occasion than were ever ordained in the Church of Latter Day Saints in one day before.” (Wilford Woodruff diary, 8 Apr., 1842)
9 Apr.: Joseph had accomplished his mission?
“It may be the case with me as well as you. Some has supposed that Br Joseph could not die but this is a mistake. It is true their has been times when I have had the promise of my life to accomplish such & such things, but having accomplish those things I have not at present any lease of my life & am as liable to die as other men.” (Joseph Smith, 9 Apr., 1842, Wilford Woodruff diary)
28 Apr.: Spiritual gifts legitimately used by Sisters.
“He [Joseph Smith] said the reason of these remarks being made was, that some little things was circulating in the Society, that some persons were not going right in laying hands on the sick, &C. Said if he had common sympathies, would rejoice that the sick could be heal’d, that the time had not been before, that these things could be in their proper order–that the Church is not now organiz’d in its proper order, and cannot be until the Temple is completed. Prest. Smith continued the subject by adverting to the commission given to the ancient apostles ‘Go ye into all the world’ &C. No matter who believeth; these signs such as healing the sick, casting out devils &C. should follow all that believe whether male or female. He ask’d the Society if they could not see by this sweeping stroke that werein they are ordained, it is the privilege of those set apart to administer in that authority which is conferr’d on them–and if the sisters should have faith to heal the sick, let all hold their tongues, and let every thing roll on. . . .
Respecting the females laying on hands, he further remark’d, there could be no devil in it if God gave his sanction by healing–that there could be no more sin in any female laying hands on the sick than in wetting the face with water It is no sin for any body to do it that has faith, or if the sick has faith to be heal’d by the administration. . . .
Prest. S. the offered instruction respecting the propriety of females administering to the sick by the laying on of hands–said it was according to revelation–&C. Said he never was placed in similar circumstances, and never had given the same instruction.” (Joseph Smith, 28 Apr., 1842, Nauvoo Relief Society Minutes. In Words of JS, pp. 115-119)
“[At two o’clock P.M. I met] the members of the ‘female Relief Society’ and after presiding at the admission of many new members gave a lecture on the Priesthood shewing how the sisters would come in possession of the privileges, blessings, and gifts of the Priesthood, and that the signs should follow them, such as healing the sick, casting out devils &C and that they might attain unto these blessings by a virtuous life and conversation and diligence in keeping all the commandments.” (Joseph Smith, 28 Apr., 1842, Manuscript History of the Church. In Words of JS, p. 119; also Faulring, An American Prophet’s Record, pp. 244-245)
28 Apr.: RS officers to call other women to offices.
“Those ordain’d to lead the Society, are authoriz’d to appoint to different offices as the circumstances shall require.” (Joseph Smith, 28 Apr., 1842, Nauvoo Relief Society Minutes. In Words of JS, p. 119)
Apr.: 2 Priesthoods among the Former-day Saints.
“The foregoing article attempts to show the difference between the Baptists and Latter-Day Saints. We will not attempt to show the difference between the Baptists and Former-Day Saints. . . .
In order to carry on their strange work, or order of things, the Former-day Saints had two priesthoods. The Aaronic Priesthood administered in outward ordinances, as in the case of John the Baptist. The power and authority of the Higher, or Melchizedeck Priesthood was to hold the keys of all the spiritual blessings of the Church, as Jesus said, ‘I give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven–whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven,’ &c. They were to have the privilege of knowing the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven. ‘To you it is given to know the mysteries of the kingdom,’–to have the heavens opened unto them–to commune with the general assembly and church of the firstborn; and to enjoy the communion and presence of God the Father, and of Jesus the mediator of the new covenant. Heb. xii. 22, 23, 24. So that in this wonderful Priesthood, they have provided for an ample supply of new things in endless variety, and without end, from those who are and were counted the off-scouring of all things; and who, as the baptists would insinuate, ‘did aspire to a dignity which they say, ‘belongs only to him who is the only Priest for ever after the order of Melchizedeck.'” (MS 1(12):298-299, Apr., 1841)
Apr.: Priesthood roster for Great Britain.
Total members: 5814
Elders: 136
Priests: 303
Teachers: 169
Deacons: 68
(MS 1(12):302, Apr., 1841)
7 May: Rebaptism for remission of sins.
“To the [temple] font & in Company with Br C. C. Rich I Baptized about one hundred for the remission of Sins the healing of the Body & the dead while Elder Young & others confirmed them as they came out of the water & Before leaving I went into the pool & was Baptized for My Great Grandfather Josiah Woodruff & My Great Grand Mother wife of Josiah Woodruff making five of my dead relatives which I have been Baptized for.” (Wilford Woodruff diary, 7 May, 1842)
15 May: Priesthood officers in the British Isles.
From a General Conference in Manchester, England, 15 May, 1842:
“The representation of the churches being next required, the following were presented to the meeting:–
Manchester Conference–Represented by Charles Miller, consists of 1531 members, 36 elders, 79 priests, 50 teachers, 19 deacons . . .
Liverpool Conference–Represented by John Greenhow, consists of 570 members, 23 elders, 26 priests, 21 teachers, 10 deacons . . .
Preston Conference–Represented by ___ Struthers, consists of 665 members, 16 elders, 22 priests, 15 teachers, 3 deacons . . .
Clitheroe Conference–Represented by Thomas Ward, consists of 325 members, 15 elders, 23 priests, 17 teachers, 6 deacons . . .
London Conference–Represented by Lorenzo Snow, consists of 400 members, 14 elders, 32 priests, 7 teachers, 8 deacons . . .
Macclesfield Conference–Represented by James Galley, consists of 238 members, 8 elders, 23 priests, 14 teachers, 9 deacons . . .
Birmingham Conference–Represented by J. Riley, consists of 309 members, 11 elders, 18 priests, 12 teachers, 5 deacons . . .
Staffordshire Conference–Represented by Alfred Cordon, consists of 507 members, 25 elders, 54 priests, 23 teachers, 14 deacons . . .
Garway Conference–Represented by John Needham, consists of 197 members, 2 elders, 12 priests, 7 teachers, 2 deacons . . .
Cheltenham Conference–Represented by Theodore Curtis, consists of 540 members, 8 elders, 22 priests, 12 teachers, 4 deacons . . .
Froome’s Hill Conference–Represented by William Kay, consists of 1101 members, 24 elders, 56 priests, 24 teachers, 12 deacons . . .
Edinburgh Conference–Represented by G. D. Watt, consists of 271 members, 13 elders, 19 priests, 7 teachers, 3 deacons . . .
Glasgow Conference–Represented by John McAuley, consists of 564 members, 23 elders, 30 priests, 26 teachers, 15 deacons . . .
Brampton Conference–Represented by Richard Benson, consists of 171 members, 6 elders, 11 priests, 7 teachers, 2 deacons . . .
Ireland Conference–Represented by David Wilkie, consists of 71 members, 1 elder, 1 priest, 2 teachers, 1 deacon . . .
Bradford and York–Represented by Henry Cuerdon, consists of 54 members, 1 elder, 4 priests, 2 teachers, 1 deacon . . .
Total connected with the church, at the present time, in England, Ireland, and Scotland:
Members 7514
Elders 220
Priests 421
Teachers 110″
[Note that totals don’t add up, nor are deacons listed in the totals.]
(From the MS, 1 Jun., 1842; in T&S 4(5):77-78, 16 Jan., 1843)
15 Jun.: The Gift of the Holy Ghost.
“We believe in the gift of the Holy Ghost being enjoyed now, as much as it was in the Apostles’ days; we believe that it is necessary to make and to organize the Priesthood, that no man can be called to fill any office in the ministry without it; we also believe in prophecy, in tongues, in visions, and in revelations, in gifts, and in healings; and that these things cannot be enjoyed without the gift of the Holy Ghost.” (Joseph Smith, “The Gift of the Holy Ghost,” 15 Jun., 1842, HC 5:27)
15 Jun.: Priesthood organization in New Testament.
“We read that ‘Christ ascended into heaven and gave gifts unto men; and He gave some Apostles, and some Prophets, and some Evangelists, and some Pastors and Teachers.” [Compare with Wentworth Letter description of Priesthood in the B of M] (Joseph Smith, “The Gift of the Holy Ghost,” 15 Jun., 1842, HC 5:26-32)
12 Jul.: Resolution prohibiting withdrawal from Church.
“Since Gen. [John C.] Bennett’s withdrawal from the Church, I have understood that a Resolution has been passed, prohibiting all withdrawals from the church; so if a member wishes to withdraw, he must be expelled and published to the world; this I believe, is now the statute of the church.” (George W. Robinson to Messrs. Bartlett & Sullivan, in Alton Telegraph & Democratic Review, 7(32):2, 7 Aug., 1842)
31 Jul.: Membership in High Priests Quorum.
“NOTICE. The members of the church of Latter Day Saints, who have been ordained to the High Priesthood, and have not become members of the Quorum of High Priests, and had their names enrolled on the Record Book thereof, are hereby notified, that, upon their arrival in this place, it is their duty to apply to the Quorum for admission, pursuant to one of the regulations thereof.
George Miller, President of the Quorum.” (T&S 3(20):894, 15 Aug., 1842)
20 Aug.: Division of Nauvoo into 10 Wards.
“The High Council, in session, ‘Resolved that the city of Nauvoo be divided into ten [ecclesiastical] wards, according to the division made by the temple committee; and that there be a bishop appointed over each ward; and also that other bishops be appointed over such districts immediately out of the city and adjoining thereto as shall be considered necessary. Resolved that Samuel H. Smith be appointed bishop in the place of Bishop Vinson Knight, deceased; also that Tarleton Lewis be appointed bishop of the 4th ward; John Jurdock, of the 5th ward; Daniel Garn, of the 6th ward; Newel K. Whitney, of the 7th ward; Jacob Foutz, of the 8th ward; Jonathan H. Hale, of the 9th ward; Hezekian Peck, of the 10th ward; David Evans, of the district south of the city, called the 11th ward; Israel Calkins, of the district east of the city, and south of Knight street; William W. Spencer, of the district east of the city and north of Knight street.” (HC 5:119-120)
[Footnote to above entry:] “On March 1st, 1842, Nauvoo was divided into four ecclesiastical wards, (Church History, Vol. IV, pp. 305-6), and four bishops were set to preside over them, viz.: Newel K. Whitney, George Miller, Isaac Higbee, and Vinson Knight, (See ‘History of the Aaronic Priesthood’–Orson F. Whitney–Contributor, Vol. VI, p. 405). There is, however, some uncertainty as to the respective wards over which these bishops presided. Previous to this division of Nauvoo into four wards, there had been but three wards, known as the middle, upper and lower wards, which division was recognized at the October conference held at Commerce (afterwards Nauvoo) on the 6th, 7th and 8th of October, 1839. Edward Partridge was made bishop of the upper ward; Newel K. Whitney of the middle ward; and Vinson Knight of the lower ward, (see History of the Church, Vol. IV, p. 12). When the division of the city into four wards was made on the 1st of March, 1842, Isaac Higbee, was made bishop of the 2nd ward (see autobiographical sketch of Isaac Higbee in Jenson’s ‘Biographical Encyclopedia,’ p. 480). In what wards the other bishops presided cannot be determined with certainty. But as matters stood after the division of the city into ten wards, with the assignments of the text made–with Tarleton Lewis as bishop of the 4th ward, and Newel K. Whitney as bishop of the 7th ward–the bishops of the 1st and 3rd wards would be Samuel H. Smith and George Miller, but which presided over the 1st and which over the 3rd cannot be ascertained. The reason for mentioning the fact that Newel K. Whitney was bishop of the 7th ward, is because in all other publications of the text above, the 7th ward and who was bishop of it is omitted.” (HC 5:120)
27 Aug.: Rebaptism of N. K. Whitney and family.
“Sunday 27th day of Augt 42 myself and wife I now also bless with part in the first reserrection also with many other blessings together with the promise to all of my house the same day and of the same time 27 Augt 42 Saturday evening myself and wife to were Baptised for remission of sins.” (Unpublished revelation, HDC Ms d 4583 fd 104)
29 Aug.: Warren Foote account of priesthood restoration.
“29th [Aug., 1842] We returned home satisfied with sectarian nonsense, and feeling thankful to the Lord for the revelation of His gospel through His servant Joseph Smith on whom he betowed [sic] his Holy Priesthood through the laying on of hands of the ancient Apostles Peter James and John thereby opening up the way whereby mankind can be saved and exalted in His Celestial Kingdom, through repentance and baptism and the laying on of hands for the reception of the Holy Ghost by those ordained unto this Holy Priesthood.” (Warren Foote, Autobiography and Journals, 1837-1903; LDS Archives, Ms 1123, Vol. 1; Barney) [Note added to typescript by Ron Barney: “While this collection has the appearance of being a daily journal it is very clear that this is probably a recollection with diary entries interspersed throughout the recollection. In one case on page 32 which deals with the period of 1838, after telling about the defection of Colonel George Hinkle he said, ‘See the History of Joseph Smith.’ Thus, it is difficult to giv full measure to this journal as representing Foote’s actual thoughts at the time. This is particularly true when later on he gives an account of Peter, James and John coming to restore the Priesthood. Another passage that I have just encountered reads, ‘But as all the particulars with regard to driving the Saints from Missouri are recorded in the Church History I will write no more on that subject but continue my own journal.’ p. 43.”]
6 Sep.: Joseph Smith reference to Peter, James, John.
“A voice of the Lord in the wilderness of Fayette, Seneca county, declaring the three witnesses to bear record of the book. The voice of Michael on the banks of the Susquehanna, detecting the devil when he appeared as an angel of light. The voice of Peter, James, and John, in the wilderness between Harmony, Susquehanna county, and Colesville, Broom county, on the Susquehanna River, declaring themselves as possessing the keys of the kingdom, and of the dispensation of the fulness of times. And again, the voice of God in the chamber of old father Whitmer, in Fayette, Seneca county, and at sundry times, and in divers places, through all the travels and tribulations of this Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.” (Joseph Smith, Letter “To the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints,” 6 Sep., 1842, in T&S 3(23):936, 1 Oct., 1842)
1 Oct.: Response to Baptist comment on LDS priesthoods.
“In order to carry on this order of things, the Latter-day Saints have appointed two Priesthoods. ‘The lesser, or Aaronic Priesthood, is to hold the keys of the Ministering of Angels, and to administer in outward ordinances.’ ‘The power and authority of the higher, or Melchisedeck Priesthood, is to hold the keys of all the Spiritual Blessings of the Church–to have the privilege of receiving the mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven–to have the Heavens opened to them–to commune with the general assembly and the Church of the Firstborn; and to enjoy the communion and presence of God the Father, and of Jesus the Mediator of the New Covenant.’ (See page 13.) So that in this wonderful priesthood, they have provided for an ample supply of new things in endless variety, and without end, from the hands of wretched men, who blasphemously aspire to a dignity which belongs alone to Him who is the only ‘Priest for ever after the order of Melchizedeck.’ . . A Baptist.
Hanley, Feb. 16, 1841. . . .
The foregoing article attempts to show the difference between the Baptists and Latter-Day Saints. We will now attempt to show the difference between the Baptists and Former-Day Saints. . . .
In order to carry on their strange work, or order of things, the Former-day Saints had two priesthoods. The Aaronic Priesthood administered in outward ordinances, as in the case of John the Baptist. The power and authority of the Higher, or Melchizideck Priesthood was to hold the keys of all the spiritual blessings of the Church, as Jesus said, ‘I give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven–whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven,’ &c. They were to have the privilege of knowing the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven. ‘To you it is given to know the mysteries of the kingdom,’–to have the heavens opened unto them–to commune with the general assembly and church of the firstborn; and to enjoy the communion and presence of God the Father, and of Jesus the mediator of the new covenant. Heb. xii. 22, 23, 24. So that in this wonderful Priesthood, they have provided for an ample supply of new things in endless variety, and without end, from those who are and were counted the off-scouring of all things; and who, as the baptists would insinuate, ‘did aspire to a dignity which they say, belongs only to him who is the only Priest for ever after the order of Melchizedeck.'” (T&S 3(23):932, 933, 1 Oct., 1842)
18 Oct.: Petition to create new branch.
“October the 18th 1842
To the Honorable President, Joseph Smith, and High Counselors of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints at the City of Nauvoo.
We the undersigned subscribers, members of the aforesaid Church belonging to the Union Branch at Golden’s Point, do petition your most honorable body, with President Smith also, to grant unto us the privilege of organizing a new, or in otherwords set us off into a new branch, including all who live in the following boundary, to wit:
Beginning at the Mississippi River, so as to include Brother Luce, and running East so as to exclude J. Manfest’s place, continuing easterly so as to include John Egbert and Joseph Curtis, thence South 4 miles, thence West to the Mississippi so as to include the brethren at Montabello, thence North to the beginning. We the undersigned petitioners praying for favor of the most honorable and dignified High Councelors at Nauvoo do hereby certify that this arrangement would be greatly to our advantage and convenience, wherefore we subscribe ourselves.
Your humble petitioners and obedient servants.
We forward our petition by one of Bishop Evans’ Counselors, John Hammond.”
(JH 18 Oct., 1842)
15 Nov.: Priesthood always associated with the Church.
“In every age of the world where God has had a gospel church, there has always been connected with that gospel a priesthood, whose duties and privilege it was to hold intercourse with heaven, receive instructions from the Lord, administer in the ordinances of the gospel, and govern the kingdom of God, or church of Jesus Christ.” (“Melchisedec Priesthood,” T&S 4(1):10, 15 Nov., 1842)
17 Nov.: Format of Sabbath meetings.
“You ask, ‘What is the nature of the worship among you, and wherein does it differ from that of religious people with whom you have been acquainted elsewhere?’ On the Sabbath some person usually preaches a sermon after prayer and singing, and perhaps reading some scripture. We have also frequent prayer meetings, in which all that are so disposed may join.” (Orson Spencer’s Letter, Nauvoo, 17 Nov., 1842; MS 4(3):38, Jul., 1843)
1 Dec.: Function of Melchizedek Priesthood.
“Let the Melchisedec priesthood be introduced, and men be subject to their teaching, and their sectarian, narrow contracted notions would flee away like the morning dew: they would vanish before the more resplendent beams of the light of heaven; the anarchy and confusion that pervails [sic] among men would disappear, and the world would be organized upon principles of intelligence, purity, justice, truth and righteousness; principles that governed all the ancient saints of God; that regulate the angels of heaven, and by which Jehovah governs himself in the eternal world. It was through the power of the priesthood that the world was framed, ‘through faith; by the power of God.’ Hence, the heavenly priesthood consulted together before this world rolled into existence, and said, ‘let us make man after our own image and likeness.’ They possessed the power and the intelligence to do this thing, and knowledge is power, and the priesthood holds the keys of this power, both in heaven and on earth. It is the law by which all things are governed, and hence if we have correct principles unfolded unto us on the earth, we have also a pattern of heavenly things.” (“Melchisedec Priesthood,” T&S 4(2):24, 1 Dec., 1842)
3 Dec.: Priest chosen to preside over branch.
“Record of the Trenton [Indiana] Branch of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, organized December 3, 1842. Conference being convened. Elder David Petigrew President, Andrew L. Lamoreaux Clerk, first Resilution that this Branch be Cauld New Trenton Branch, Resolved that Frederick Deike, be ordained to the office of Preast, and Was unanimously Chosen to Preside over the Branch, the Branch numberd Eleven.” (RLDS Archives)
4 Dec.: High Council approves details of 10 Wards.
“The High Council of Nauvoo met, heard, accepted, and adopted the report of their committee for dividing the city into ten wards, as follows:–[boundaries listed].” (HC 5:199)
16 Dec.: Rebaptisms in Kirtland.
Peoria Register and North-Western Gazetteer, Peoria, Ill., Friday, December 16, 1842, vol. VI, no. 38. By William H. and Samuel C. Butler.
Mormonism revived.–The Cleveland Plaindealer says: ‘The Mormon temple, at Kirtland, has lately been dedicated anew. On Saturday, the 29th ult., three of Joe Smith’s specially commissioned and faithful followers arrived at the temple from Nauvoo, and commenced preaching faith and repentance. The Sunday morning following they commenced baptizing in a breach of the Chagrin river, and continued at intervals for three days–baptizing in all two hundred and six persons, at two shillings a head! Old converts were rebaptized, and their sins washed away for the same price as the young ones, making no distinction between old sheep and the lambs of the flock.'” (DALE MORGAN – “THE MORMONS AND THE FAR WEST: A collection of transcripts of newspaper articles on the Mormons, also containing material on the following subjects: the opening of the West; the fur trade; Indians of the middle and south-western states; the Santa Fe trade, etc. 1809-c.1857.” Huntington Library)
22 Dec.: The principle of Three.
“Explanation of Joseph the Prophet, concerning the ‘Little leaven which a woman hid in three measures of meal.’ Given at Nauvoo, Illinois, December 22nd, 1842. . . .
The three measures refer directly to the Priesthood; truth springing up on a fixed principle, — to the three in the Grand Presidency, confining the oracles to a certain head on the principle of three.” (Unpublished revelation, 22 Dec., 1842; HDC Ms d 4583 fd 105)
“Bro[ther] Shearer asked the meaning of the little leaven in 3 measures of meal. Joseph said, ‘It alludes expressly to the last days when there should be little faith on the earth and it leaven the whole world. Thare shall be safity [safety] in Zion and Jerusalem and the remnants whom the Lord shall call. It refers to the Priesthood. Truth springing up on a fix[e]d principle. Three measures refers to the 3 in the grand Presidency, confining the oracles to a certain head on the principle of 3.” (Joseph Smith 1842-43 Journal, 22 Dec., 1842; Faulring, An American Prophet’s Record, p. 257)
25 Dec.: Priesthood roster of Manchester Conference.
“The Manchester, (England) conference met, numbering 1,507 members, including thirty-three Elders, eighty-seven Priests, fifty-three Teachers, and nineteen Deacons under the presidency of Elder Thomas Ward.” (HC 5:208)
26 Dec.: Priesthood roster of Herefordshire Conference.
“The Herefordshire conference (England) under the presidency of Elder William Kay, met at Colwall, numbering eight hundred and forty-four members, including twenty elders, fifty-three priests, twenty-two teachers, and ten deacons.” (HC 5:209)
28 Dec.: Purifying of the Sons of Levi.
“Slept with sec[retary Richards] on buffalo [skin]. After retiring I stated that the purifying of the sons of Levi was by giving unto them intel[l]igence that we are not capable of meditating on and receiving all the intel[l]igence which belongs to an immortal state. It is to[o] powerful for our faculties.” (Joseph Smith 1842-43 Journal, 28 Dec., 1842; Faulring, An American Prophet’s Record, p. 259)
An angel of God brought the Holy Priesthood.
“I now, as a living witness of God, feel it my indispensable duty to declare to all men, who may chance to peruse this little work, that the Angel of God has committed the everlasting gospel, with the Holy priesthood, unto man, in fulfillment of John’s prediction: that God has now a church on earth, organized after the apostolic order, with all the gifts and graces which belong to it.” (Moses Martin, A Treatise on the Fulness of the Everlasting Gospel . . ., New York: J. W. Harrison, 1842; p. 54; Barney)
A holy angel ordained them.
“While calling upon the Lord with a desire to be informed on the subject a holy angel appeared, stood before them, and laid his hands upon their heads and ordained them. Then he commanded these two men to baptise each other, which they did accordingly. [He then gives Oliver Cowdery’s 1834 M&A account of the Aaronic Priesthood restoration.]” (Orson Hyde, “Ein Ruf aus der Wuste, eine Stimme aus dem Schoose der Erde [A Cry from the Wilderness, A Voice from the Dust of the Earth],” Frankfurt: by the author, 1842; This English version was translated from the German by Justus Ernst. Barney)