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1852: 13 Jan.: Cut off the Church without trial.
“About noon John Booth, Jos. Billington and wife and Polly Conklin came into the office, Polly wanting to be sealed to Booth. She advocated the cause of Gladden Bishop and his wife, and when, after his course of conduct had been spoken of by Pres. B. Young, she contended for him, Pres. Young took off his hat and said:
In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I cut you off the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and you can never come back until you repent in sack cloth and ashes.
She defied Pres. Young to put it down. The President was sustained by Heber C. Kimball, Thos. Bullock, A. M. Harding, Amanda Smith (wife of Warren Smith), John Booth, Joseph Billington and Sister Billington. Bro. Brigham declared he had not a particle of fellowship for any one who fellowshiped Gladden Bishop in his course. At leaving, Pres. Young said:
Polly, you shall feel the weight of the power of God resting upon you through the buffetings of Satan.”
(JH 13 Jan., 1852)
17 Jan.: Woman cut off for not paying tithing.
“We have had but one person charged before the bishop, who was cut off for not paying the tithing when it had been given to her to do so, but spent the money for other things, with other charges that was brought against her; we hope it will be a warning to others, not to keep back money when intrusted to them to pay.” (Wm. Booth, “For the Deseret News, Bishop Kay’s Ward, Davis Co.;” 17 Jan., 1852; in DN 28 Feb., 1852)
24 Jan.: Ancients who had MP were resurrected w/Christ.
“Those who attained unto the Holy Priesthood on the earth, in different dispensations, from the days of Adam to Jesus, are the ones who have, with Jesus, received their resurrected bodies, and like him are dwelling in their own dominions, and are governed by the laws specially designed for them, and such as are appropriate to their sphere of action; which laws forbid their manifesting themselves to men on the earth, only to such as have received of the like Priesthood with themselves; with the exception of the opening of a dispensation, after the Priesthood had been taken from the earth, as it was shortly after the death of Peter, who, in process of time, manifested himself to Joseph Smith, for the purpose of conferring on Joseph the same Priesthood; that the blessings thereof might again be realized by all the inhabitants of earth who were willing to receive it, as in former dispensations.
Since the Priesthood has been fully restored, it is the business of men who have received that Priesthood, to minister therein for the children of men; consequently there is no need for the ancients, who held the same Priesthood, to continue to minister in their office on the earth; they have done their work and retired behind the veil, and are resting in the enjoyment of their resurrected bodies, which it is not their privilege to show to wicked men; and if a wicked man should once behold the glory of a resurrected body, he would die in its presence. And if a clairvoyant, or mesmerizer, or any man not having the Holy Priesthood should say that he has seen the glory of a resurrected body and yet lives, his assertion would be a contradiction of truths; but as no clairvoyant is permitted by the celestial law to converse with or see a personage who held the Priesthood on the earth, and who has got his resurrected body, he very naturally concludes there is no resurrection of the body, and consequently publishes his false conclusions for certain facts or truths. And this is prominently one of those items referred to by an ancient apostle, when he gave the intimation that deceivers would arise in the last days, who would, if possible deceive the very elect; but this cannot be, for the saints who have received of the Holy Priesthood know of the power of the resurrection of the body, which is to be re-united with the spirit, to constitute an endless soul; and they are exerting themselves to prepare fonts and Temples, wherein to administer for the living and the dead, that the blessings of this power may not be lost to those who are and who have been on the earth, with honest hearts.” (“To the Saints,” DN 24 Jan., 1852)
24 Jan.: 18 Quorum of 70 to meet monthly.
“The members of the 18th Quorum of Seventies are hereby requested to meet on the last Saturday of each month, at 6 o’clock in the evening, at the house of Oliver H. Dudley, two blocks east of the Tithing Office.
Those living at a distance are requested to report themselves by letter or otherwise, to the undersigned.
Loren W. Babbitt, Pres.t’
Jan. 24.” (DN 24 Jan., 1852)
23 Feb.: Location of members of 2nd quorum of 70.
“Great Salt Lake City.
Feb. 23, 1852.
We would like to make a report through your valuable paper, of the residence and names of the members of the 2d Quorum of Seventies, as follows:
[23 in SL County, including 3 presidents; 2 in Davis Co.; 4 in Weber Co.; 7 in Utah Co., including 1 president; 2 in San Pete Co., including 1 president; 1 in Iron Co.; 1 in Tooele Co.; 1 in Manti [?–word illegible] Co.; 3 on missions to British Isles, including 1 president; 2 on missions to Eastern States; 6 in Pottawotamie Co., Iowa, including 1 president; 1 in Garden Grove, Iowa; 7 in Missouri; 1 in Illinois; 1 in New York; 3 in California; 5 named but unaccounted for.]
A general appointment is given out for the brethren of the Quorum to meet every Sabbath evening, at 6 o’clock, at the house of bro. Wm. Taylor in the 14th Ward. A punctual attendance is requested. Bradford W. Elliott, Clerk.” (DN 6 Mar., 1852)
28 Feb.: Schedule of priesthood meetings at Provo.
“We have no time nor place for dancing at present. On the Sabbath, preaching; Sabbath evening, prayer meeting; Monday evening, singing school; Tuesday evening, lyceum; Wednesday evening, seventies’ meeting; Thursday evening, prayer meeting; Friday evening, spelling school; and Saturday evening, the meeting of the lesser priesthood; and day school, which takes up the time.” (Isaac Higbee, DN 28 Feb., 1852)
1 Mar.: The office of a Counsellor.
“THE OFFICE OF A COUNSELLOR.–Inasmuch as the following question has been asked us, we have answered it in this public manner, that all who are interested in it may avail themselves of the information given.
‘What is the office of a Counsellor? If a Counsellor in a Branch or a Conference does not agree with the President and the other Counsellor, concerning some things, is it lawful for them to be passed without his consent, provided he is called responsible in part for what is transacted by the Presidency thereof? Ought the case to be decided by higher authorities, or not?’
Ans.–The office of a Counsellor to a President in the Church is to stand united with him in all the affairs of the Church which he is called to preside over, that they may be one–THE PRESIDENCY; to confer with him and impart to him any and all information which can have a bearing upon the interest of the work entrusted to his charge, that he (the Counsellor) may be in possession of; to suggest any and all measures to the President which may appear profitable or advantageous to the cause; and to render him such aid as may be necessary to carry out his decisions by counselling, preaching, writing, printing, and all proper means.
It is sometimes the case that a President, after hearing the views and feelings of his Counsellors upon the subject or subjects which they may have under consideration, receives the word of the Lord by the Holy Spirit, and altogether differs from either or both of them, and presents the subject in a far more exalted point of view than had been previously contemplated; then, if his Counsellors are one in the spirit of the Gospel, they hail with gladness the heavenly counsel, and feel that in deed and in truth he is as much their President as he is the President of the people. This is the nature and power of the calling of a President in the Holy Priesthood,–he is to preside over himself, his Counsellors, and people. He is the head: his Counsellors, like the arms, administer aid, nourishment, and support, that the head may be in the best possible condition to receive the revelations of the Spirit, and thereby know what is for the salvation of the whole body; then the arms and hands can extend abroad, and administer those blessings to any and all parts of the body, as the nature of the case may require, that all the members thereof may abound in life and health.
If any Counsellor should feel unwilling to bear the responsibilities of his calling, he can, of course, decline to serve; and should he feel the decisions of his President to be unrighteous, he could appeal to higher authority in the Church for a decision thereon. It is therefore lawful for a President to decide as the wisdom of the Holy Spirit shall dictate to him, if one of his Counsellors should dissent from his views.” (F. D. Richards, Editor, MS 14(5):74-75, 1 Mar., 1852)
6 Mar.: 39th quorum of 70 to meet weekly.
“Please take notice–The Seventies belonging to the 39th Quorum, are requested to meet at the house of Joseph Cain, in the 14th Ward on every Monday evening, commencing on the 8th of March. The brethren are requested to be punctual, as the business is of the greatest importance, to the members of the Quorum in general.
By order, James Bond, Clerk. mar. 6.”
(DN 6 Mar., 1852)
10 Mar.: 9th quorum of 70 to meet weekly.
“March 10, 1852.
Notice is hereby given to the members of the 9th Quorum of Seventies, to meet on every Sabbath, at the house of A. N. Hill, in the 14th Ward, until further notice shall be given. We wish all those who cannot attend to send us their names, when and where born, residence, occupation, when baptized, when ordained, and who by, immediately, so that we can report to the General Clerk of the Seventies.
Isaac Leany,
David Moss, Presidents.
Mar. 6.”
(DN 6 Mar., 1852)
20 Mar.: Residences of members of 8th quorum of 70.
“We would like to make a report through your widely circulated and excellent paper, of the residence and names of the 8th Quorum of Seventies, as follows:
[6 presidents, 1 vacancy; 1 on a mission in France; 3 in SL County; 1 “in the Territory, but has not reported himself to his Quorum”; 1 “in the east”; of the remainder of the quorum: 11 in SL County; 4 in Pottowottamie County, Iowa; 2 in St. Louis; 1 in San Diego; 4 in Utah Co.; 1 in Tooele Co.; 3 in Iron Co.; 1 in Missouri; 1 in Weber Co.; 1 “at the mines”; 3 in England on missions; 17 named but unaccounted for.]
The Quorum has held their meetings weekly during the winter. The members seemed disposed to pay their tithing and obey counsel. Robert Dickson, Clerk.” (DN 20 Mar., 1852)
3 Apr.: Government of Church theocratic, not democratic.
“Had it sewn [sic] to me by the Spirit the order of the government of the church by the Priesthood that it was Theocratic in lu [sic] of democratic. That is the Church should not rule the Priesthood but the Priesthood the Church.” (John Murdock journal, 3 Apr., 1852; LDS Archives, Ouellette)
“When we opened our conference [in Australia] on the evening of the 27th: I informed the members, altho it is a practice with us, for the members of the church to vote, yet it is the preogative of the Priesthood to dictate & the business of the conference passed off agreeably this evening, & next day being Sunday, & then was adjourned till Thursday evening being April 1st. This evening, Br. Wandell not thinking of the evil it would lead to, addressed the members & told them the propositions that would be made, were for them to discuss, & say whether they should be so or not. The Idea grated on my feelings: But least there should be an appearance, of disagreement between me & Br. Wandell, I held my peace. Brother W proposed a mission to the south, for himself, accompanied by Br Robert Evans, & as their was a feeling of general opposition to his going, a Discussion commensed, & it was quite urgent that he should stay: I felt as tho both order & authority were infringed on: But Br W. insisted on going, & said if they were not satisfyed with Br Murdock as a preacher, they could write to Calcutta for Br Lorenzo Snow, which was only six weeks sail, & he was a great preacher, who had been to Italy, & built up a branch of the Church rite under the Popes nose: they seemed elevated with the idea.
I told them if you want to write to Br Snow Elder Pratt or Br B Young or any other leading man in this church that you want a great preacher that Br Murdock is not a great preacher enough for you, I would like to see you write such a letter. Br Wandell said, I stand corrected.
On Saturday 3rd: As I lay on my bed meditating on what had passed: My mind was enlightened, & I saw clearly by throwing an open door to investigate, & decide questions in the church, would be democratic in lue of Theocratic; that is as to what men shall do holding authority in the Priesthood controling the people, & that is not Heavens order.
Sunday 4th . . . I then informed them the order of government in the Kingdom, or church of God on the earth, is Theocracy, & not Democracy; that is the people are not to rule the Priesthood: But the Priesthood the people; & that made the jar the other evening the door was flund wide open for investigation & the teaching of the spirit to the Priesthood was trameled & the authority bound that it could not move & the order became democratic instead of Theocratic & it made a jar & it always will do so where ever it takes place. I warned the brethren to never allow any such order of things for Jesus Christ standing head of the Church teaches the Priesthood by his spirit & that forms a two fold cord & then the voice of the people is called for & if that be different form the word & spirit it shows there is something wrong that must be made right: But if the voice of the people agree with the word & the spirit is makes a three fold cord that is not easely broken.” (John Murdock autobiography, 27 Mar.-4 Apr., 1852; LDS Archives, Ouellette)
3 Apr.: 4th quorum of 70 to meet monthly.
“The Presidents and Members of the 4th Quorum will meet at the house of Wm. P. McIntire, 16th Ward, on the 6th of April, at 6 o’clock, p.m., and at the same place on the last Saturday of each month ensuing, or report themselves to the Presidents by letter or otherwise.
Isaac Allred, President. Apr. 3.” (DN 17 Apr., 1852)
6 Apr.: Bishops’ Quorum?
“Bless the Presiding Bishop, with his Counsellors, assistants, and all the members of the Bishops’ Quorum.” (Willard Richards, 6 Apr., 1852, dedicatory prayer in the New Tabernacle; JD 6:302)
7 Apr.: How did Joseph get his apostleship?
“Joseph Smith was a prophet, seer, and revelator, before he had power to build up the kingdom of God, or take the first step towards it. When did he obtain that power? Not until the angel had ordained him to be an apostle. Joseph Smith, Oliver Cowdery, and David Whitmer [what about Martin Harris?], were the first apostles of this dispensation, through in the early days of the church, David Whitmer lost his standing, and another took his place.” (Brigham Young, 7 Apr., 1852; DN 16 Feb., 1854)
7 Apr.: Highest authority on earth is an Apostle.
“I profess to be an Apostle. Evry Apostle will have to be a Revelator & have Revelations if their is thousands if they do their duty & live up to their calling. If not they will have to be removed. But A man that is not an Apostle has not power to stand at the Head of the kingdom of God Hold the keys of the priesthood & build up & lead the church of God. The Highest authority on the Earth is an Apostle. Jesus Christ will have a set of men with him that will follow him to the [end?] and do all that He requires of them. They will have the greater glory but those that cannot endure these things will have a Lesser glory.” (Brigham Young, in Wilford Woodruff diary, 7 Apr., 1852)
7 Apr.: The ANGEL ordained Joseph to be an Apostle.
“Joseph Smith was a Prophet, Seer, and Revelator before he had power to build up the kingdom of God, or take the first step towards it. When did he obtain that power? Not until the angel had ordained him to be an Apostle. Joseph Smith, Oliver Cowdery, and David Whitmer were the first Apostles of this dispensation, though in the early days of the Church David Whitmer lost his standing, and another took his place. I have taught the brethren this principle years ago. When a man is an Apostle, and stands at the head of the kingdom of God on the earth, and magnifies his calling, he has the keys of all the power that ever was bestowed upon mortal man for the building up of the kingdom of God on the earth.” (Brigham Young, 7 Apr., 1852; JD 6:320)
9 Apr.: Be careful whom you call to the Priesthood.
“Inasmuch as you are the principal men, I wish you to be particularly careful whom you call to the Priesthood. Do not call those whose circumstances prevent them from being useful; but call such as will be of service to the Churches in this land, and know that you call them by the Spirit. Brethren, when you call men to the Priesthood, let me give you a rule–choose not men of learning, or of great talents or attainments merely, but those that desire to do the will of God; and this is the mind of the Lord. If there be men of this description who possess the advantages of a good education, so much the better. If they have gigantic minds, they will become eminent in their turn, by strictly adhering to the counsels of the Priesthood, such will become strong in the Lord, and do much towards accomplishing His purposes in the last days. Don’t call a man to the Priesthood because you want to show him a favour, for if you do, you will be doing more harm than good; and a man is far more potent to do the will of God without office than with it, unless he has a mind and determination to magnify the office; if a man dishonours the Priesthood, it will prove a curse instead of a blessing to him. I speak the mind of God to all present: therefore see to these things, and the Lord will give you wisdom to act righteously.
It is not right that Travelling Elders should be allowed to go rambling about any where without any restraint. And I should not give counsel for them to be sent out into a field of labour without any limits, unless it was to accomplish some specific object; but let them have their respective fields of labour, and let them feel just as independent as you, or any other authority in their sphere, so as to use their authority in a proper manner. No man is above growing independent, let him be placed in what position he may. A man will take a greater interest in the work when he has a field appointed him, because he will feel that he will have the honour for what may be done in that particular part of the country. Let not those who are willing (I speak of all who are in your Conferences, whose conduct is consistent,) be kept back by your examples, but let your light shine to all around. This is of the utmost importance. I feel the Spirit resting upon me at this time. That is it, brethren, the people will be what the Priesthood are. You may apply this rule, and it will never fail. When I call a brother to the Priesthood, I don’t look so much at a man’s abilities, but if he has the interest of the work at heart, he is right: if he has an eye single to the glory of God, that man is right, and all qualifications are comprehended in that. If he be so, flatteries cannot decoy him; threats cannot hurt him, but he will do all to the honour and glory of God. Again, you are called to be Masters. Then, brethren, be liberal, and those who are below you will bless you, and the more you bless them, the more they will bless you, and seek to do you good in every respect. But if any of you feel like cramping or narrowing the spirits of your brethren, bear in mind the time may come when those over whom you now preside will preside over you; then love to be liberal to your brethren, and they will rool it back into your bosoms, and you will be conscious that you have done your duty.” (F. D. Richards, President of the Church in the British Isles, Closing address of British Special General Conference, 9 Apr., 1852; MS 14(15):226-227, 5 Jun., 1852)
10 Apr.: Peter gave Joseph the keys.
“Some have said that I was very presumptuous to say that Brother Brigham was my god and savior–Brother Joseph was his god–the one that gave Joseph the Keys of the Kingdom was his god, which was Peter. Jesus Christ was his god and the God and Father of Jesus Christ was Adam.” (Heber C. Kimball, 10 Apr., 1852; Wilford Woodruff diary, 10 Apr., 1852)
11 Apr.: Schedule of Church meetings in SLC.
“President Young then gave notice that from henceforth we should hold meetings regularly each Sabbath at 10 A.M. and 2 P.M., and in the evening the several Quorums of the Priesthood would assemble to receive instructions. On Thursdays the brethren and sisters would come together at 2 P.M., for prayer and supplication; and on the first Thursday in each month at 10 A.M. for the purpose of fasting and prayer, calling on the Saints to observe that day.” (11 Apr., 1852; SL General Conference Minutes, MS 14(23):357, 31 Jul., 1852)
11 Apr.: Brigham and Heber counselors to Presiding Bishop
“On the 11th Pres. Heber Kimball preached and presented the case of Bishop Edward Hunter, who ws then ordained Presiding Bishop under the hands of Presidents Kimball and Richards. Bishop Hunter then chose Pres. Kimball and myself [Brigham] for his counselors and we were unanimously sustained by the conference in that office.” (JH 11 Apr., 1852)
12 Apr.: Ordained “Lesser Priests” to preach.
“Br Geo. Hanks returned from Smith Field 20 ms where he had been to visit his friends and to Preach to them for I Ordained him a lesser Priest.” (John Murdock journal, 12 Apr., 1852; LDS Archives, Ouellette; Ouellette says, “So far in the journal, four men were ordained priests in order to preach. No mention of seventies or elders.”)
26 May: Location of members of 24th quorum of 70.
“G.S.L. City, May 26, 1852.
The names and residences of the members of the 24th Quorum of Seventies, so far as has been ascertained, are as follows:
[1 president in Iowa; 6 presidents in SL County; 5 members in SL County; 1 in Utah Valley; 1 in St. Louis; 1 on a mission to Scotland; 1 on a mission to the Pacific Islands; 53 named but unaccounted for.]”
(DN 29 May, 1852)
29 May: Israel, due to sin, was given Lesser Priesthood.
“The law to Israel, in the days of Moses, was changed to suit their acts and circumstances; God changes not; he does right all the time, and most peculiarly in this one thing, he does not vary, wherein he shows his disposition to do good unto and to bless his children, in that he always adapts his laws to their capacities and necessities.–When Israel would not keep the law of the higher Priesthood, God took it from their midst, in mercy to them, lest they should utterly destroy themselves by sinning against it, and left the lesser Priesthood with them, and the law of carnal commandments, as a school master, to preserve them a distinct nation, until they should repent, and be ready to receive, and then he was ready to restore the higher Priesthood, which he did in the person of Christ.” (Editorial, DN 29 May, 1852)
1 Jun.: Roster of British officers.
Branches: 717
Seventies: 14
High Priests: 6
Elders: 2406
Priests: 1935
Teachers: 1516
Deacons: 867
Total Membership: 32,340
(1 Jun., 1852; MS 14(20):318, 10 Jul., 1852)
Summer: Peter, James & John restored Apostolic Priesthood
“In the summer of 1852 in the place where I was born [England] I saw a young man standing on the side walk singing a hymn. I stopped to hear what he had to say, and after praying earnestly to God in the name of Jesus Christ his Son that he would guide him by His spirit that he might speak such things to the people as would be pleasing unto him, the prayer was of such a nature that I could not help noticing it as something out of the common line of any prayers I had ever heard. He then sang again, and then started to talk to the people.
He said he had come to bring good news to them and told them that the time had come that John saw in the 14th chapter of the book of Revelations, and the 6th and 7th verses; ‘And I saw another Angel Fly, in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting Gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth and to every nation, kindred and tongue, and people saying with a loud voice; Fear God and give glory to him, for the hour of his judgement has come, and worship him that made heaven and earth and the sea, and the fountains of waters.’ He said that angel had come to the earth and had restored the everlasting Gospel, and that on the American Continent God had revealed himself, to a young man and restored the Gospel, as it was taught in the days of the Saviour by himself and his Apostles, and that John the Babtist had been sent to the earth and had brought back to earth the Arronic priesthood and given power again to man on the earth, to preach the Gospel and to baptize by immersion in water, for the remission of sins as John did himself as a forerunner of the Saviour, and that Peter, James and John the Apostles of Jesus had also appeared to the same young man and restored also the Apostleship with full power to officiate in all the Ordinances of the Gospel and that this man had Ordained others to this same priesthood and given them power and authority to carry this glad message to all mankind and that he had received the Aaronic priesthood with authority to preach the Gospel and to Baptize the people and this was the message that he was there to bear, and he hoped we would receive it with gladness.” (William Atkin autobiography, LC Collection. Note that this was published in The Union [St. George] in 1896, and apparently was written many years after the event it describes.)
1 Aug.: Cut off by vote of congregation.
“At 5 p.m. Alfred Alexander Smith had the privilege of speaking in the Tabernacle and read extracts from the Bible and the Book of Mormon and Gladden Bishop’s proclamation. At the close of his remarks Pres. B. Young spoke and (on motion of Thomas Sessions) John Gallop, David Heron, Alfred A. Smith, Polly Conklin and Mrs. Ann Smith were cut off from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day saints by a unamious [sic] vote of the people.” (JH 1 Aug., 1852)
28 Aug.: All Priesthood share missionary responsibility.
“No doubt many of us may be called upon, if not to-day, at some other time, to bear the message of the Gospel of salvation to the nations of the earth; for this was one of the commandments of the Prophet. He enjoined upon us that we preach the Gospel to all nations–that we should send forth the word to all people. This responsibility has been laid upon the Priesthood of the Church, and they are required to fulfil his commandment. There is not an Elder, a Priest, a Teacher, or a member of this Church but what bears a share of this responsibility.” (George A. Smith, 28 Aug., 1852; JD 6:257)
4 Sep.: Mode of baptism.
“BAPTISM.–That the ordinances of God may be administered agreeable to His own purpose, and things done upon earth according to the heavenly pattern, we would remind the Elders and administrators in the Holy Priesthood of their duty in administering the ordinance of Baptism for the remission of sins, by the following quotations:–
‘The person who is called of God, and has authority from Jesus Christ to baptize, shall go down into the water with the person who has presented him or herself for baptism, and shall say, calling him or her by name: Having been commissioned of Jesus Christ, I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, Amen. Then shall he immerse him or her in the water, and come forth again out of the water.’ Doctrine and Covenants, Sec. 2, Par. 21.
Again, the words of Jesus were given to his disciples among the Nephites, that there might be no disputations among them upon this matter:
‘Verily I say unto you, that whoso repenteth of his sins through your words, and desireth to be baptized in my name, non this wise shall ye baptize them: behold, ye shall go down and stand in the water, and in my name shall ye baptize them.’ See Book of Mormon, Page 457, Par. 8.
Although there might be cases which would be exceptions to this general mode of administering, yet the Law is pointed and clear upon the subject, and was given purposely to settle all disputes, in relation to the duty of both the administrator and subject; and all persons who baptize for the remission of sins, and take the liberty to differ from this mode, by not going down into the water with the candidate, should know that the case is of that character which will justify them in so doing. But we would say of all the ordinances of the Lord’s house, as He said unto Moses–See thou do all things according to the pattern.” (Editorial [S. W. Richards, Editor] MS 14(28):441-442, 4 Sep., 1852)
20 Sep.: Rebaptism for remission of sins.
“To Bros. Amasa Lyman and Charles C. Rich
This is to certify that the bearer hereof, Elder Henry G. Sherwood, late surveyor general of the territory of Utah, is now leaving the Valley for San Bernardino; he is in full faith and fellowship with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and departs, having the faith and prayers of the Saints and blessings of his brethren. Before leaving us, he requested and was rebaptized after the holy order of the Gospel for the remission of sins, and yesterday preached to the Saints a parting discourse, reviewing the history of the past and comparing with the happy present. He was president of the High Council of this place, the duties of which office he performed in a manner worthy of a servant of the Lord Jesus Christ. . . .
Signed in behalf of said Church.
Brigham Young, president.”
(JH 20 Sep., 1852)
7 Oct.: Progress of Seventies’ Hall of Science.
“Elder [Joseph] Young remarked–Many persons who have been ordained into the Seventies, are anxious to know when they can be organized. I now say, let them apply to the Senior President of any quorum, and if there are vacancies, step in and fill them. He then brought forth the subject of the Seventies’ Hall of Science, on which, nothing had been done for the last twelve months, although he had now got in his possession a saw mill, which was ready to run, which would supply the lumber for the hall. . . .
[B. Young] I want to let you know I have heard all that has been said this evening. I will appeal to every Seventy who was in Nauvoo, whether that Hall was not a credit to the Seventies, it was so admitted in New York and in England. I was the designer of that Hall, and I am ashamed of it, it is too small; to do credit to this body of men, let them build a Hall that will contain 15,000 persons; the Seventies were laying plans in winter quarters, to get nails and glass for a hall in the mountains.
This body of men have the privilege of building a hall, and it will belong to the Church. I have not the least fear of any division in this Church, for I can turm them whithersoever I will. (Amen.)
There is a foundation laid to build upon. He then spoke in praise of John D. Lee building the hall in Nauvoo.
We will build our temples and our halls of science ourselves, for the Lord has suffered us to be driven 1000 miles from any place, and we have got to build for ourselves. My good sense taught me that the Seventies would want a hall, and I say, Stretch forth on the right and on the left, in the front and in the rear, and show what you can do.” (7 Oct., 1852, SL General Conference Minutes; MS 15(25):385-386, 18 Jun., 1853)
8 Oct.: Joseph gave the authority to the Twelve.
“As to the power and authority invested in brother Brigham, do I doubt it? Have I the least hesitation as to his calling as the President of this Church? No, no more than I have that God sits upon His throne. He has the same authority that brother Joseph had. That authority was in the Twelve, and since brother Joseph stepped behind the vail, brother Brigham is his lawful successor. I bear testimony of what brother Joseph said on the stand at Nauvoo, and I presume hundreds here can bear witness of the same. Said he, ‘These men that are set here behind me on this stand, I have conferred upon them all the power, Priesthood, and authority that God ever conferred upon me.’ There are hundreds present this day who heard him utter words to that effect, more than once.
The Twelve had then received their endowments. Brother Joseph gave them the endowments, and keys and power were placed upon them by him, even as they were placed upon him by Peter, James, and John, who ordained him. That is true, gentlemen, because they held the Apostleship last, and had authority to confer it upon him, or any whom the Father had chosen.” (Heber C. Kimball, 8 Oct., 1852; JD 1:206)
16 Oct.: Rebaptism prior to foreign mission.
“To day the Elders who are going on the Western missions met at the Council House to recieve their Blessings. But before I met with them I went and with several others were baptized by Bp A. Hoagland.” (Hosea Stout diary, 16 Oct., 1852)
12 Dec.: Large-scale rebaptism.
“Very sick to day yet was able to be around and went to meeting. Elders N. V. Jones & J. Brown preached on the subject of baptism. At intermission some 60 or 70 persons were re-baptised and a few baptised into the church.” (Hosea Stout diary, 12 Dec., 1852)
22 Dec.: How are the Twelve to support themselves?
“The Quorum [of the Twelve] deliberated upon the subject of raising means to sustain their families that they themselves might be more at liberty to preach the Gospel and attend to the duties of their ministry.” (JH 22 Dec., 1852)
25 Dec.: We may heal the sick and raise the dead.
“The Lord is the one to set us right, and therefore let us be willing to be set right, and ever be humble, lowly, and holy, and have an eye single to the glory of God; and then we may be cast into a den of lions, or into a furnace, and receive no harm; or we may heal the sick and raise the dead.” (Address by Elder Daniel Spencer, to the Priesthood in London, 25 Dec., 1852; MS 15(6):91, 5 Feb., 1853)
31 Dec.: SL Stake Priesthood numbers.
First Presidency: 3
Apostles: 12
Seventies: 600
High Priests: 190
Elders: 218
Priests: 65
Teachers: 41
Deacons: 17
Unordained members: 2882
Total: 4023
Rebaptized during last 6 months: 824
(JH 31 Dec., 1852)
31 Dec.: Roster of British officers.
Branches: 742
Seventies: 17
High Priests: 10
Elders: 2572
Priests: 1913
Teachers: 1446
Deacons: 856
Total Members: 32,339
(31 Dec., 1852; MS 15(5):78, 29 Jan., 1853)