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1860: 8 Jan.: Sent by bishop to root out iniquity.
“By Request of the Bishop I went to a few houses to root out iniquity with 2 more Bretheren.” (Charles Walker diary, 8 Jan., 1860)
12 Jan.: Confession in Teachers Meeting.
[Teachers Meeting] “Br. Solomon Angel said he had been slack in his duties, and had made to[o] free use of intoxicating drinks. Felt sorry but intended to improve. Br. G. Woodward made som[e] appropriate remarks. Br. E. P. Dusette expressed his feelings. A vote was taken to forgive Br. Angel. Carried unanymously.” (8th Ward Minutes, 12 Jan., 1860)
15 Jan.: Priesthood holds keys of mysteries of God.
“But let me make another remark here concerning the Priesthood. We are told it holds the mysteries of the revelations of God. These are sayings we have a right to look into and investigate, to find out upon what principle they are based.
How did Adam get his information of the things of God? He got it through the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and through this same Priesthood of which we have been speaking. God came to him in the garden and talked with him. We are told that no man can see the face of God and live. How was it that he obtained his knowledge of God? Through the Gospel; and he was the first man upon this earth that had the Gospel and the holy Priesthood; and if he had it not, he could not have known anything about God or his revelations. But God revealed himself to him and told him what he might do and what he might not do, what course he was to pursue and what course not to pursue; and when he transgressed the laws which the Lord gave to him, he was driven from the face of God, and left in a measure to grope in the dark.” (John Taylor, 15 Jan., 1860; JD 7:363)
15 Jan.: Melchizedek Priesthood taken from Israel.
“What was the transgression of ancient Israel? They rejected the teachings of Moses. When he came down from the mount, where he had been talking with God face to face, he found the people had made unto themselves a golden calf, and said, ‘These be thy gods, O Israel, which brought thee up out of the land of Egypt.’ They had forsaken God, the Fontain of living waters, and hewed out to themselves cisterns–broken cisterns, that could hold no water. And Moses was wroth with them; and so was the Lord, who was about to destroy them: but Moses pleaded with him, and he spared them. But seeing they judged themselves unworthy of eternal life, and the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and revelations, and communications with him, he placed them under a law of carnal commandments and ordinances, placing a yoke on their necks, which one of the ancient Apostles says, ‘Neither we nor our fathers were able to bear.’ He placed them under ceremonies and forms, and it was said, Do this and live; refuse to do it, and die.
This code of laws and ordinances was given to them under the auspices and direction of the Aaronic Priesthood; and the Melchizedec Priesthood was taken away from them to a certain extent, which deprived them of its succession, &c.” (John Taylor, 15 Jan., 1860; JD 7:366-367)
29 Jan.: Priesthood is the living oracle.
“Upon what principle are we to be one? It is by hearkening in all things to that eternal and everlasting Priesthood which has been conferred upon mortal man upon the earth. When I say that Priesthood, I mean the individual who holds the keys thereof. He is the standard–the living oracle to the Church.
‘But,’ says one, ‘suppose that we hearken to the word of God in the Old and New Testament–suppose that we hearken to the word of God in the Book of Doctrine and Covenants–suppose we hearken to the word of God in the Book of Mormon, and at the same time we feel disposed in our hearts to lay aside the living oracles, what then? I would answer, in the first place, that the premises are false. Why? The very moment that we set aside the living oracles we set aside the revelations of God. Why? Because the revelations of God command us plainly that we shall hearken to the living oracles. Hence, if we undertake to follow the written word, and at the same time do not give heed to the living oracles of God, the written word will condemn us: it shows that we do not follow it according to our profession. This is what I wish to bring home to myself as an individual; and if the same thing will suit any other person in the congregation, I hope that he will take it home to himself.” (Orson Pratt, 29 Jan., 1860; JD 7:373)
5 Feb.: 70s as Apostles.
“[5 Feb.] Prest. [A. P.] Rockwood gave some general instructions to the presidents of quorums pertaining to their duties as apostles of Jesus Christ, and exhorted all to be diligent in keeping the commandments of God.” (Minutes of Seventies’ Conference, held at Pleasant Grove, commencing on Saturday, February 4, 1860; DN 9(51):402, 22 Feb., 1860)
12 Feb.: Gospel is a progressive, changing work.
“Many persons who have joined the Latter-day Saints have run well for a season; but, understanding not that the Gospel is a progressive work with those who honour it, they have turned away from the faith–charged the Saints with inconsistency, but yet claim to believe in what they call ‘ancient Mormonism.’ The garment that is made for a child just born must be worn by a man when thirty years of age, is the doctrine of those stereotyped ‘Mormons.’ The Church is now nearly thirty years old; yet this kind of ‘Mormons’ want us now to wear our bibs and diapers, and to be fed on milk and pap as in the days of Joseph. Paul, however, tells us that when he was a child, he spake as a chid, he understood as a child; but when he became a man, he put away childish things.
Were I to invite you into my garden at a proper season and show a plant just sprung up out of the ground, you might ask me its name, if you were unacquainted with it. I tell you it is corn. In the course of two months’ time, you see it again when the silk and tassel appear. You then ask me what it is. I tell you that it is corn. You may say that I was mistaken in the first or last instance, as the two are by no means alike. Some two months later you come along and see a basket full of golden ears. You ask me what it is. I tell you that it is corn. But say you, ‘I do not believe it, for it is unlike either of the others that you told me was corn. You have now contradicted yourself three times, and I will not believe that any of them is corn; I will not believe you at all.’ To such conclusions many persons arrive in relation to ‘Mormonism,’ from very similar premises. How very necessary that we increase in intelligence in a ratio equal to the growth or increase of the kingdom of God! If we do not, we fall in the rear, and our eyes become blinded by the god of this world. When we become stereotyped in our feelings, there is an end to corrections, enlargements, and improvements.
To what shall we look as our guide in this our earthly pilgrimage? Shall we look to the Bible, the Book of Mormon, or to the Book of Covenants? Answer: To none of them. These sacred and holy records contain the history, teachings, and results in part of the travels of the ancient and modern people of God. They are true, but are not designed to lead the people. Remember that the ‘letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life.’ We do not want to be killed; but we want life. God has set in his Church, first, Apostles; secondly, Prophets; thirdly, Teachers, &c., to guide his people;–the oracles, (or in other words, the Holy Ghost,) not on paper, bound in calf, sheep, or any other manufactured article, but in the hearts of his chosen servants. Paul says–‘We have this treasure (not in a book, but) in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us.'” (Orson Hyde, 12 Feb., 1860; JD 7:150-151)
4 Mar.: HPs to meet during coming General Conference.
Notice is hereby given to the presidents of the various branches of the High Priests’ Quorum throughout the different settlements in the Territory that they are particularly requested to meet in this city during the coming Conference, to receive important and necessary instructions.
John Young, President H. P. Q.
G. S. L. City, Mar. 4, 1860.”
(DN 10(2):16, 14 Mar., 1860)
14 Mar.: Notice to 70s without a president.
They are requested to meet in Mass Quorum, on each Sunday, at 3 o’clock, at the house of James F. Cleary, 17th Ward, South West Block.–By order of the First Council of Seventies.” (DN 10(2):16, 14 Mar., 1860)
25 Mar.: Orson Hyde on Priesthood.
“Now, if he really has spoken to us–if he really has given to us the holy Priesthood, which is the power that rules in heaven, and the prayers of all Christendom are, ‘Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven,’–if these prayers be heard and answered, the same power that rules in the heavens must eventually rule on earth. Then, if the Priesthood has been given to us, as we claim it has, we are occupying a very important position in the world. What is this Priesthood? What is this power that is conferred upon us in the holy Priesthood? What particular power do you give when you send a man to some other land to transact business in your name? You give him a power of attorney, authorizing him to transact in your name the business that you wish to be performed; and in that letter of appointment would be conveyed all your power, your authority, and ability to transact that business, even as effectually as if you yourself were present to perform it with your own hand.
It is an agency, then, though it may be said that the Priesthood, which is authority from God to act in his name, differs from that authority which is given to man to transact business for his fellows. I am willing to admit that there is a difference so far as the business for which they are delegated is concerned; for one is temporal, the other is spiritual; the one is earthly, the other heavenly. But let me ask, Where is the man who is authorized to go forth and act in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ? If I obey my own will–my inclination or burning desire to go and preach what I believe to be the Gospel, that does not authorize me to go in the name of the Lord. If I, by my own act and deed, have authorized my friend to go in my name, to give receipts and acquittances, to sign conveyances for me or in my behalf, and under my own signature he has received that authority, he then has authority in himself; that is, the authority in me is transferred to him to go and transact business in my name. Am I then bound by what he does? Yes, to all intents and purposes. Am I bound by the act of any individual authorized by another person, yet not authorized by me? No, I am not. Is the transaction of any other than my legally-appointed attorney valid to me in law? No, it is not: it is worth nothing.
Well, then, if this people have the holy Priesthood–if it has been conferred upon us, and we actually do exercise under that Priesthood, and according to the instructions that are given us from on high, is or is not the Almighty bound to respond to and to own our deeds and acts? Is he not bound upon the principles of law, even that are common among men and well known to us? Most certainly he is. Did you ever know a gentleman or agent delegated by an individual to go forth to do business in the name of that person, and yet deny that he had any line of communication with the principal or party for whom he was agent? That would be a contradiction of the position he occupied. If he claims to have authority and power to transact business, the inference is legitimate and conclusive that he has had a correspondence with the principal by whom he is employed. But what do the world at large tell us? Why, that God has not spoken from the heavens–that he has given no revelation–that he has not made known his will to man for the last seventeen or eighteen centuries. Admitting the truth of this statement, where, then, is their authority to act in that name? Their denial of any correspondence–of any communication between the King of kings, is clear and conclusive that they themselves testify, by these statements, that they have no such authority as they pretend to exercise.
To act in the name of another, then, without having the requisite authority, what does it amount to in law? Does it amount to forgery to use a name without authority? Yes, even the name of any man in business transactions.
If it is not forgery, what else would you call it? What would you lawyers term it? And if it be forgery, what is the penalty? Is it not a fine? Is it not imprisonment? And does it not deprive a man of citizenship and liberty? Most assuredly it does. Well, then, to commit forgery against man is but a trifling offence to the committing of forgery against the King of kings and Lord of lords, by the use of his name when we are not authorized. Hence we are told that no man shall take the name of the Lord his God in vain, ‘for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain.’
If I am not legally appointed to act as a minister of Jesus, am I not taking his name in vain? Judge ye what I say. It is my opinion that when the vail is rent, there will be a page disclosed that will astonish the world; for the holy Priesthood has been given unto us–that is, authority to act in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ; and a voice from heaven has declared that at that name every knee shall bow and every tongue confess. If we are authorized by that personage, and he has given us a right to use his name, then our heavenly Father is bound to fulfil and to honour our acts and doings, when we proceed according to the letter of instructions that he has given to us. Judge ye. My declaration, however, may not be sufficient; therefore I will refer you to the declaration of the Son of God, which bears directly on the point at issue. What is it? ‘Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven; and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.’ (Matt. xviii. 18.) Hear it, ye people! Hear it, ye that mock at the authority of God, and remember that I have declared and borne testimony that the kingdom of God has come nigh unto you.
Again: If this Priesthood has been committed unto us, and I will take the responsibility of saying, in the name that I have named before you that this authority has been conferred and placed upon us by messengers from the courts of glory; and this is as strong a testimony as I am capable of bearing on this point. I know it, and I am an eye-witness before you, and so are my brethren who surround me on this Stand; and it is written that the testimony of two or three is good, and by it shall every word be established. The testimony of two in a court of justice will hang a man, or take away his liberty.
Now, we, in the sacredness of that name, bear testimony unto you that the Priesthood has been given to man, and we do it with the assurance that God will respond to the deeds done in his name, and by the authority of that Priesthood which he has given; and remember that he has said unto his servants who are clothed with his power, as he said unto those whom he called when his Son ministered amongst men, ‘Whatwoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.’
The Priesthood that does not possess this power I would give no more for that I would for a power issued and given from any irresponsible source. There is no power in it to back it up or to respond to its petitions. We do not ask for such a Priesthood–one that would lead us to commit forgery and to use that name in vain of which I have been speaking; I say we do not ask for any information or power from such a source. Such a Priesthood would subject me to a penalty that I would not like to incur; neither would any man that has any knowledge, or that knows his right hand from his left. But, O the ignorance and blindness of this generation! They know not the right hand from the left in the things of God, with all their boasted wisdom and skill, and all their inventions. They are wise in many things that pertain to this world, and they possess some knowledge of the sciences; but when they come to the policy of the King of kings and Lord of lords, they know little or nothing about it.
We say, again, that we are occupying an important position. Take it on the other hand, and let us see how we stand. If God has spoken to us and given to us the holy Priesthood, then this is the only door by which men and women can enter and be saved in the kingdom of God; this is the only door that enters into the celestial kingdom, that entitles us to dominions, principalities, and powers: it is the only door and key by which mankind can obtain an entrance into life everlasting.
The world is arrayed against us. They have long sought an action against the people of God, and what are they doing? Now, says the Almighty, I have given unto you power to save all mankind that believe and repent. Oh, but says the world, that is blasphemy!–that is taking the laurels of the Saviour and twining them around your own brow! Do you assume such resopnsibility as that? It is the very height of folly and wretchedness. This is what our accusers say: but let us look at this matter a little. Did not the Saviour say, when speaking to the Jews, ‘If the salt has lost its savour, then it has now power to save, and is good for nothing but to be cast out and trodden under foot of men’? And, says the Prophet–‘Saviours shall come up on Mount Zion to judge the Mount of Esau, and the kingdom shall be the Lord’s.’ Did not our Saviour say, ‘He that heareth you heareth me?’ Then if we have this authority, this Priesthood, this agency to act in that name–the name and power and Priesthood of the Saviour, are we not entitled to a fulfilment of the promise–‘Lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the world’? What more can you ask?–what more can you desire?
This is the virtue of that Priesthood that the Saviour has conferred upon us by the powers that are centred on high, and this I know to be true. Although it is bestowed upon a people that is everywhere spoken against, yet I feel to say in my heart, God abe thanked that he has conferred this honour upon us! We ought to be willing to endure the hardness of the world as good soldiers.” (Orson Hyde, 25 Mar., 1860; JD 8:19-22)
25 Mar.: Statistical report of Cedar City Ward.
Members: 189
H. Priests: 13
Seventies: 11
Elders: 32
Priests: 2
Teachers: 1
Deacons: 14
Males not ordained: 17
Over 8 not baptized: 17
Under 8:118
Births: 20
Deaths: 1
(Christopher J. Arthur autobiography, part II; LC Collection)
8 Apr.: Infant blessed at home on Sunday.
“Sunday 8th A.M. at Bro J. M. Barlow’s Blessed his Daughter Elizabeth Dwight. P.M. attended Conference Bro Barlow Blessed my Daughter Mary Handley.” (J. D. T. McAllister diary, 8 Apr., 1860, p. 69)
20 May: Priesthood will help me live to 135 years of age.
“It is the business, duty, and power of the eternal Priesthood to commence laying the foundation to bring back the days, years, and intelligence that have been lost through transgression. I intend to pursue this course as long as I possibly can. I have a desire to live on this earth until I am one hundred and thirty-five years old; and I may conclude to ask the privilege to live until I am one hundred and fifty. I intend to live as long as I can; and, through the grace of God, I trust that I shall not commit an act that will annoy my feelings when I meet my Saviour. I pray for this every day and every moment.” (Brigham Young, 20 May, 1860; JD 8:62)
17 Jun.: Excommunication in Sacrament Meeting.
[Sunday Evening Meeting] “Br. Wm. Cockcroft of Halifax, Yorkshire, England, was called on to state his feelings concerning his faith in the present organization of the Church. He stated that he believed that Brigham Young was out of his place, that he was not Prophet, Seer or Revelator of the Church, made charges against the Elders in general for teaching lies, &c, this after repeatedly being taught better. On motion of J. Houtz he was cut off from the Church. His wife Catharine was also cut off for getting drunk, fighting and not keeping the commandments.” (8th Ward Minutes, 17 Jun., 1860)
1 Jul.: Priesthood to be temporal and spiritual saviors.
“I contend that every man that holds the Priesthood ought to be a saviour temporally as well as spiritually, for we are in duty bound to try to save our natural lives. I would not give much for a spirit without a body, because it takes the spirit and body to make the soul of man: the temporal and the spiritual must be united to make the man.” (Heber C. Kimball, 1 Jul., 1860; JD 8:109)
18 Jul.: Presiding Bishop of Provo.
“Elder Wm. Miller was ordained Presiding Bishop of Provo and Elder James W. Cummings was appointed to take charge of the tithing office at Provo.” (JH 18 Jul., 1860)
28 Jul.: Brigham’s discourse on Priesthood organization.
“President Young gave a vary interesting and instructive discourse upon the organization of the Church the power of the priesthood the authority & duties of the various Quorums from the deacon to the presidency. But Brother Clayton in reporting it gave a small portion of the sermon in detached sentences which gave an Entire different meaning from what was intended. Hence President Young had to remodle the sckeleton of the sermon before us.
After the Prophet Joseph died the Question was asked how will the church exist and be governed now the Prophet is dead? Will the Twelve lead? If so can they get Revelation? President Young took up this subject & showed what the privliges were of all the Saints from the least to the greatest. All saints male and female have the privilege of revelation, of inspiration, the spirit of God the Holy Ghost. All saints should live in the spirit of revelation.
A Priest after the order of Aaron holds the keys of the Administering of Angels. Will Angels administer to a man and visit him & not reveal any thing to him? No. Then if Priests can have revelation Cannot Apostles? Yes. Evry part of the Melchezedeck Priesthood from an Elder to the Presidency have a right to receive Revelations From the face of the Lord direct without the Administration of an Angel.
Both Priesthoods are divided into classes as helps in the government of God. Elders Belong to the Melchezedek priesthood as Deacons & teachers do to the Aaronic Priesthood. High Priests are for Presidets to preside over different Brahces & stakes to administer in all the ordinances of the Melchezedek Priesthood.
The Seventies are special witnesses & apostles to go into all the world to preach the gospel unto all Nations to Build up the kingdom of God & Esstablish churches in all the Earth under the direction of the Twelve Apostles. They should Call upon the High Priest to Come & preside over the Branches after they are built up. A Quorum of 70 Apostles when united are Equal in authority to the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles.
The Twelve Apostles or traveling Council are to be special witnesses of the name of Christ in all the world. They are Equal in authority in there decissions to the Presidency of the Church. They are to preside in all the world whare the three first Presidency are not.
The three first Presidency Preside over the whole Church & administer in all the ordinances of the Church which Consists of a Presidet & his two Councellors.
The President of the Church holds the keys of the sealing powers & his Council act in Concert with him [in] all tings.
Should the Presidency die The Twelve Could organize another Presidency & should the Presidency & Twelve all be slain the Seventies being Equal in power & Authority to the Twelve or first Presidency Could organize both Quorums.
A Bishop has two Councellors. There is no difference in the authority of his Councillors. The 2d has as much authority as the first. A Bishop should have his Councilers with him on the trial of a case in order to make it Legal as it takes three to make a Quorum.
The High Priest Could organize the Church in all its parts if all other Authorities were dead for they have the Melchezedek Priesthood out of which grow all of the Higher offices of the Church.
An Apostle is the highest office in the Church & kingdom of God. Joseph Smith was a Prophet Seer & Revelator before he was baptized or ordained to the Aaronic Priesthood or had any Authority to administer one of the ordinances of the house of the Lord. He was afterwords ordained to the Aaronic Priesthood then to the Melchezedek Priesthood & Apostleship which is the highest office in the Church & kingdom of God on Earth. When a man is ordained to the Apostleship & keys thereoff if he dies in faith He will hold those keys to all Eternity. All the Prophets Patriarchs & Apostles who ever did or ever will hold the keys of the Apostleship if faithful unto death will hold them forever.
Presidet Young was an Elder when he was ordained to be one of the Twelve Apostles. Some asked the Question how He could officiate as an High Priest not having previously been ordained a High Priest. Joseph Said the Apostleship covered all the offices of the High Priesthood the same as a private member ordained a High Priest Could officiate as a Deacon Teacher Priest or Elder.
Presidet Young said ‘I ordained most of the two or three first Quorums of the Seventies and Joseph gave me vary particular instructions to ordain them all HIgh Priests which I did. When a man is ordained an High Priest Seventy or one of the Twelve He Can officiate in all the lesser offices of the Church whether He has been ordained to that office or not.
When I met with the Saints in Nauvoo at the first meeting after Josephs death in defending the true organization against Sidney Rigdon I had it in my mind all the time that there would have to be a Presidency of three Appointed but I knew the people Could not bear it at the time and on our return as the pioneers from the valley I Broached the subject first to Brother Woodruff and afterwords to the rest of the Quorum. They received it & finally sustained it.” (Wilford Woodruff diary, 28 Jul., 1860)
19 Aug.: We are replacing weak Bishops with good ones.
“There is yet much to be done by the Bishops in these matters, though I have not so much occasion to preach to the Bishops on this subject as I used to have. We have been removing and appointing others who do better. We intend to do this until we have fathers for the people. If a Bishop will act to the extent of his calling and office, and magnify it, there will not be an individual in his Ward that is not employed to the best advantage. He would see that all lived as they should, walking humbly with their God, attending to their prayers, observing the Sabbath-day to keep it holy, and ceasing to swear and steal. There would not be a person his his Ward that he does not know, and he would be acquainted with their circumstances, conduct, and feelings. That will be the case by-and-by. We are improving; and by-and-by we shall be quite a well-behaved family, and can hail each other with delight as brethren and sisters, and the Lord will own and bless us as his children.” (Brigham Young, 19 Aug., 1860; JD 8:146)
13 Sep.: Instructions to Bishops.
“At the Bishop’s meeting President Young was present and addressed thos present. He said, ‘There is a great deal I want to say to the Bishops, but I do not think I shall say much to you to-night as many are absent who should be here. I shall only speak of those things that we want now. The Bishops are the men, more than others, to attend to the business of the Church in the Stakes of Zion. I have said a good deal at times agans the Bishops–perhaps more than they thought was right; but I now will tell you what I want. We have missionaries going abroad upon their missions. We are all acquainted with the situation and locations of this country and the revelations say ‘Take neither purse nor scrip’ that is, go without food or money, but this revelation was given to the Twelve in Jerusalem, a city filled with the wealth of the nations, and like giving the same commandment to Elders in New York City; but it cannot be expected that Elders will start from this city to walk a thousand miles without food or kill their game by the way, but they must be supplied with means to take them to their fields of labor. I want to take up a collection next Sunday and the Sunday following for the missionaries who are not able to fit themselves out, and I want the Bishop to see and attend to taking up a collection for this purpose. I shall do so myself.
We are in a land of plenty and have a superabundance of means and shall we send out these Elders to beg of the poor Saints who are already borne down with poverty? No we shall not. I do not mean that this people shall stay here in their wealth and sin any longer, and to send out Elders to preach and beg of the poor, who have not means to come to Zion. I intend, hereafter that this people shall find means to send the Elders to their fields of labor, and, if necessary, to bring them back again. Our Elders have had to beg so much of the people, that they have bound the Saints with chains of oppression. This must be stopped! The Saints in Zion must take this burden off from the poor abroad. The people here think that they are very good Saints, but they have but one eye open. The Elders of Israel here in Zion have their minds upon worldly matters, and not upon the building up of the Kingdom of God. They will go into the stand and preach and pray and promise the Lord what they will do, and when they get up a horse trade will make them deny all that they promised. As the Elders advance in the Kingdom of God–Did I say advance? No, they do not advance. You will hear Elders on the stand exhort the people not to quarrel with their neighbors or abuse their wives and children. Now, if the Elders were living their religion and walking in the path of duty, they would consider such preaching an insult and a disgrace to them, as they would be living above such conduct.
The Elders and people are asleep, their hearts are set upon getting rich and the work of God is out of sight. Now I will say to you, Bishops, that I don’t care a groat, whether you or the people do one thing or not, but I warn you that if you do not go to and raise up means to assist in sending these Elders abroad and build up the Kingdom of God, the Lord will raise up other people to do the work. Any man who holds the Priesthood of God and commits sin and does not magnify that Priesthood, he wil have to pay the penalty and cannot escape it.
If the Bishops wish to do their duty let them raise means enough to help the poor Saints who are going away. Orson Pratt and Erastus Snow are poor, Bros. Bywater and John L. Smith and some others want some help to get away and their families will want help while they are away and the Bishops must see to them. Such men as Ormus Bates can take care of themselves.
You may think that I am hard, but all I ask is, that the Bishops and people see the things of God and His Kingdom as I do. When I think of the situation of the Earth, and its price, which is no less than the life and blood of the Lamb of God, and when I think what the cost will be of the neglect of this people, their worldly mindedness and unbelief, it gives me pain. What is the cost? It is this–Jesus Christ, the Son of God, our Elder Brother, is at the door and wants to come in and take possession of the Kingdom, and reign triumphant over his foes, and you won’t let him; this people are closing every avenue so that Jesus Christ cannot come to the earth. Can you see what it costs? It makes my heart ache. All I ask is that the people see things as I do, then they would act and not sleep.
What do the Bishops know about their wards or what is going on in their wards? Nothing! Let me ask a Bishop–How many grog shops have you in your ward? I don’t know, is the answer. How many whore houses? How many gambling shops? ‘I don’t know’ and so it goes on all through the Church.
Some poor man or woman will call on a Bishop in the morning, when told by him ‘Don’t trouble me, I want to go to the Canyon for wood, I don’t want to be troubled, though I am your Bishop.’ They do not magnify their calling in these things. How many Bishops are here to-night, out of the 20 wards in the City? Not many. How much Tithing do we receive of the people in this Territory? Not one bushel of wheat in a hundred which is our due–not a tithing of what we ought. We have had to use much of what we have received as Tithing to build roads up Provo Canyon and other places. We cannot get Tithing in anything which the people can sell for money. If some man were to appear off the street and offer cash for wheat we would not get one in a thousand for tithing. In 10 years there has been spent $5,000,000 for goods imported into this Territory. How much of that ought to have gone to the Tithing Office? $500,000.
I will say to the Bishops, if you lay this thing before the people, I want you to say to them: ‘Bring on your dimes, shillings, half dollars, half eagles, eagles and twenty dollar pieces, fifty dollar pieces and send these Elders to their fields of labor.’ I will tell you how much of the Tithing money, the Elders in England have spent $54,070, i.e., $27,035 each year. Now I want this stopped. I went to England and established the work and all the means I got I spent in emigrating the poor. I have said that I would sell every cents’ worth of property I had in the world for two thirds of its value, and give every dime of it for emigrating the poor Saints. Now, let any man or company of men come and buy my property and I will give it to emigrate the poor; and I will begin anew without a cent, and in 10 years be worth more than I am now. I will stop this begging in England, if I can, and I think I can do it. You, Englishmen. Cannot you see the poor Saints starving in England, and yet our Elders will beg the last cent they have! This subject has pained me for years, but I have never had the power until now to handle it. I now have the power and I will use it, thank the Lord!
After President Young had spoken, Elder Wilford Woodruff arose and said, ‘I am not a Bishop, but in a Bishop’s meeting, and I feel like saying a few words as President Young has given liberty. It matters not to me who the lash hits, you or me, in the reproach given by Pres. Young. I feel to thank God that we are blessed with a leader who has independence of mind sufficient to do the will of God, let him reprove or rebuke whom he may. He asks no odds of any kingdom, nation, people, person or thing who stands in the way of doing his duty. It is a blessing to us to have a leader who has eyes to see for us when we are in danger and if we had not some one to warn us and reprove when we do wrong, we would not be safe. President Young is sustained by the power of God, and when he calls upon us to do anything, we ought to do it, and if we withhold we do so to our hurt. The Elders in England have begged of the poor until they have bound them in chains and kept them there in poverty. If the Elders had pursued a wise course, thousands who are in England, would, this day, be here in Zion. Then let us go to and fit out the Missionaries and so stop them from begging from the poor.” (JH 13 Sep., 1860)
6 Oct.: Priesthood came through Peter to Joseph.
“The Lord told us there that the fathers are interested for us just in proportion to the interest we feel for this work and for the Church and kingdom of God here upon the earth. I want you to think of that and reflect upon it. You need not doubt in relation to the truth of what the world call ‘Mormonism,’ for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, established and organized through the instrumentality of the Prophet Joseph Smith, is the true Church of God. With it is the Priesthood and power of God; and you might as well try to doubt that the sun shines, for it is truth; and although all hell may deny it, and all the men upon the earth, that will make no difference, for it is from God. The Lord called that man, and sent his angels to ordain him and confer upon him that authority necessary for the building up of the kingdom of God; and it was through him that we received all the authority we hold, and through us every soul of you who have received the truth received it–through that Priesthood which came from God through Joseph Smith; and you grew out of that Priesthood, and none of you have a particle of power except that which comes through that medium. It came from Jesus to Peter, from Peter to Joseph, and from Joseph to President Young and his brethren, and from us to you. You hold that Priesthood and authority in connection with them; and except you are connected with them, you cannot have any Priesthood or authority. You must honour that tree with which you are connected; for, if you dishonour that tree, you dishonour yourselves, and I would not give a farthing for your authority.” (Heber C. Kimball, 6 Oct., 1860; JD 8:248-249)
7 Oct.: When Brigham decided to reorganize 1st Pres.
“When I met Sidney Rigdon, east of the temple in Nauvoo, I knew then what I now know concerning the organization of the Church, though I had told no man of it. I revealed it to no living being, until the pioneers to this valley were returning to Winter Quarters. Brother Wilford Woodruff was the first man I ever spoke to about it. Said he–‘It is right; I believe it, and think a great deal of it, for it is from the Lord; the Church must be organized.’ It then went to others, and from them to others; but it was no news to me, for I understood it then as I understand it now.” (Brigham Young, 7 Oct., 1860; JD 8:197-198)
“In the month of February, 1848, the Twelve Apostles met at Hyde Park, Pottowattamie County, Iowa, where a small Branch of the Church was established; and I must say that I feel not a little proud of the circumstances, and also very thankful, on account of its happening in my own little retired and sequestered hamlet bearing my own name. We were in prayer and council, communing together; and what took place on that occasion? The voice of God came from on high and spoke to the Council. Every latent feeling was aroused, and every heart melted. What did it say unto us? ‘Let my servant Brigham step forth and receive the full power of the Presiding Priesthood in my Church and kingdom.’ This was the voice of the Almighty unto us at Council Bluffs, before I removed to what was called Kanesville. It has been said by some that Brigham was appointed by the people, and not by the voice of God. I do not know that this testimony has often, if ever, been given to the masses of the people before; but I am one that was present, and there are others here that were also present on that occasion, and did hear and feel the voice from heaven, and we were filled with the power of God. This is my testimony; these are my declarations unto the Saints–unto the members of the kingdom of God in the last days, and to all people.
We said nothing about the matter in those times, but kept it still. {After seating myself in the stand, I was reminded of one circumstance that occurred which I omitted in my discourse. Men, women, and children came running together where we were, and asked us what was the matter. They said that their houses shook, and the ground trembled, and they did not know but that there was an earthquake. We told them that there was nothing the matter–not to be alarmed; the Lord was only whispering to us a little, and that he was probably not very far off. We felt no shaking of the earth, or of the house, but were filled with the exceeding power and goodness of God.} We knew and realized that we had the testimony of God within us. On the 6th day of April following, at our Annual Conference, held in the log Tabernacle at Kanesfille, the propriety of choosing a man to preside over the Church was investigated. In a very few minutes it was agreed to, and Brigham Young was chosen to fill that place without a dissenting voice, the people not knowing that there had ben any revelation touching the matter. They ignorantly seconded the voice of the Lord from on high in his appointment. {Voice from the stand: ‘That was vox Dei, vox populi.’} Yes, the voice of God was the voice of the people. Brigham went right ahead, silently, to do the work of the Lord, and to feed his sheep and take care of them like a faithful shepherd, leaving all vain aspirants to quarrel and contend about lineal descent, right, power, and authority.” (Orson Hyde, 7 Oct., 1860; MS 22(51):802-803, 22 Dec., 1860)
“Having invited his [Orson Hyde’s] hearers to glance at and reflect over the picture, he came to testimony. He knew that ‘Mormonism’ was of Divine origin–that it was true–that it was destined to triumph. As they ‘were surrounded by political speeches,’ he was a little disposed to make his political speech. Something like a momentary absence from his subject came over the speaker, and he returned and delivered the most important testimony made during Conference, and one which seemed to make a deep impression on the whole congregation. It referred to the call of Brigham Young to the Presidency of the Mormon Church. Brother Hyde referred to the persons who had aspired to the Presidency of the Saints at the time of Joseph Smith’s murder in Carthage Jail, and stated that in February, 1848, after Brigham had returned to the frontiers from his first trip to this Territory with the pioneers, the Twelve were assembled in the Bluffs at Pottowattamie for counsel and prayer; and while there, ‘the voice of God spoke to them from the heavens, bearing testimony that his servant Brigham Young should step forward and receive the full power of the presiding power of this Church and kingdom.’ I never witnessed a congregation so evidently electrified by the statement of a fellow-mortal as that large audience was on Sunday morning last. It was unlooked-for. During twelve years the chiefs have kept that to themselves. The public can think of it what they may; but I am satisfied that every Mormon in the Bowery believed it, and just as soon as the sermon goes abroad every Mormon in the world will believe it. It requires a residence here to learn what faith is; but as it is their own business, I have nothing to say. In short, the item now mentioned, though not likely to be believed by anybody but Mormons, is by far the most important statement ever made in Mormondom since the death of Joseph Smith; and though it may not contribute more than the president confidence in Brigham here, it will unquestionably be a severe blow to his rivals in the East, and fairly smash up the new organization of young Joseph Smith. . . .
Brigham then referred to the testimony of Orson Hyde about the manifestation at Pottowattamie, confirming what had been said, and told them that he knew for years before what was right in the matter, but he had not opened his lips on the subject.” (Report on Semi-Annual General Conference, October, 1860, from the New York Herald, 18 Nov., 1860; reprinted in MS 22(51):812, 814, 22 Dec., 1860)
8 Oct.: Temple for priesthood to receive instructions.
“We have often told you that we want to build a Temple, but not for convening promiscuous congregations. I inform you, long before you see the walls reared and the building completed, that it will be for the purposes of the Priesthood, and not for meetings of the people: we shall not hold public meetings in it. I should like to see the Temple built, in which you will see the Priesthood in its order and true organization, each Quorum in its place. If we want a larger building than this Tabernacle for public exercises, here is the ground already planned, and has been for years. We can, if we choose, build a Tabernacle that will accommodate fifteen thousand people. The Temple will be for tthe endowments–for the organization and instruction of the Priesthood. If you want to build a Temple on these conditions, you can have the privilege. But I never again want to see one built to go into the hands of the wicked. I have asked my Father to give me power to build a Temple on this block, but not until I can for ever maintain my rights in it. I would rather see it burnt than to see it go into the hands of devils. I was thankful to see the Temple in Nauvoo on fire. Previous to crossing the Mississippi river, we had met in that Temple and handed it over to the Lord God of Israel; and when I saw the flames, I said “good, Father, if you want it to be burned up.’ I hoped to see it burned before I left, but I did not. I was glad when I heard of its being destroyed by fire, and of the walls having fallen in, and said, ‘Hell, you cannot now occupy it.’ When the Temple is built here, I want to maintain it for the use of the Priesthood: if this cannot be, I would rather not see it built, but go into the mountains and administer there in the ordinances of the holy Priesthood, which is our right and privilege. I would rather do this than to build a Temple for the wicked to trample under their feet.” (Brigham Young, 8 Oct., 1860; JD 8:202-203)
8 Oct.: Priesthood, not people, to meet in temple.
“President B. Young made a few remarks on the duties and responsibilities of the Trustee in Trust. In relation to the public hands he said: ‘My policy is to let the men who labor hard have the beef, and those who sit in their easy chairs and do nothing, can do very well with lighter food. Said he wished to build the Temple, not for the people to meet in, but for the priesthood to meet in and receive instruction in the things of God.” (Minutes of the Semi-Annual Conference, 8 Oct., 1860; DN 10(32):253, 10 Oct., 1860)
24 Nov.: Blesses daughter to live to adulthood; dies.
“Soon after we moved to Ogden City, Sarah Lucy was born, November 24, 1860. When eight days old I took her in my arms and gave her the following blessing:
Sarah Lucy, in the name of Jesus of Nazareth, I take you up in my arms and bless you by the authority of the holy priesthood, according to the order of the gospel of the Son of God. I bless you with health and life upon the earth until you shall have accomplished your work on the earth that you shall live to be a mother in Israel and live to inherit the blessings of the pure in heart in Zion; that you may live to see Zion redeemed and the glory of the Lord on Mount Zion, the destruction of the wicked, the coming of the Messiah, and be caught up with Saints and be crowned with the sanctified of the earth and inherit all the glory, power, and priesthood which you inherit through the gospel belonging to your condition (or sex). You shall have a husband which shall be a man of God, bearing the everlasting priesthood, and your children shall be many, who shall be a blessing to you in life and shall rise up and call you blessed.
Behold, thy name is Sarah, and like Sarah of old, be a mother of a numerous posterity, a royal seed whom the Lord shall delight to honor. These blessings I seal upon your head in the name of Jesus Christ and by virtue of priesthood patriarchal and I ask God to give them to you in due time. I seal you up unto eternal life in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.–Given and written by Ethan Barrows at Ogden City, Utah Territory, December 2, 1860.
I spent the winter in Ogden until April conference, when I settled up my business and moved to the city, being well satisfied with country life and resolved to be more content with the changes of living in the city. This year, 1861, I succeeded in gathering some fruit from the trees I had succeeded in raising in my garden, both apples and peaches; a large amount of currants and some plums. This being the second time that I had raised by peach orchard to bearing, we felt very grateful for these blessings.
On October 18 Sarah Lucy died, after an illness of two or three weeks, being nearly eleven months old. She was a lovely child and hear death was severely regretted. Her disease was cholera infantum, with dropsy of the brain.” (“Journal of Ethan Barrows,” Journal of History 15:329-330, Jul., 1922)
4 Dec.: 70s leading out in storage of grain.
“The harvest generally has been very good, and notwithstanding there is little or no market for the surplus grain, we hear very few complaints. There is more of a disposition amongst the people to build store-houses and graineries to take care of grain and store it away than ever before witnessed. The people begin to look at the signs fo the times in the States, and begin to realize that the time of the overthrow and destruction of that Government and nation which has first banished the Kingdom of God from their midst, and then sought to exterminate it, is close at hand, even at their very doors. If God was so careful to back up and bring to pass the declarations, predictions and prophecies of his anointed servants in former dispensations, is it not very reasonable to suppose that in this the dispensation of the fulness of times, by far the greatest of all dispensations, he will most assuredly bring to pass the declarations and prophecies of his anointed servants, and fulfil them to the letter; yea verily, not one jot or tittle of that which is spoken by the authority and power of his spirit shall fall to the ground. In this movement to take care of and store away the grain, I am happy to say that the quorums of seventies are taking a leading part, and you know when they move and pull together, they make things move. They are a big team.” (William Clayton to George Q. Cannon, 4 Dec., 1860; Willaim Clayton Letterbook, Bancroft Library; microfilm)