
Past Events

Katrina Lantos Swett, Keeping Religion Free in a Time of Radicalization

Our third annual Joseph Smith Lecture was given by former chair of the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom, Katrina Lantos Swett. Her theme…


Panel: Religions and the State in Refugee Relief

In conjunction with our third annual Joseph Smith Lecture on Religious Liberty, a distinguished panel discussed the moral and legal dynamics inherent in religion’s…


Young African Leaders Initiative

Professor Flake spoke to the Young African Leaders Initiative at the Civic Leadership Institute in a presentation entitled, “Religious Diversity.”


Seminar: Professor John Turner

John Turner, Associate Professor of American Religion, will speak to doctoral students on his forays into Mormon Studies, as well as his most recent…


Lecture: Elder Larry Echo Hawk, “A Personal Perspective on the Book of Mormon”

Elder Echo Hawk will speak on the nature and significance of the Book of Mormon from his personal perspective as a leader in The…


Lecture: Elder Larry Echo Hawk on Public Service

Elder Larry Echo Hawk, presently a General Authority of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, is an attorney, legal scholar and former…


Annual Meeting: LDS Council on Mormon Studies

After three years of biannual meetings, and in recognition of the strength of the Mormon Studies program and confidence in its direction, the LDS…


Alan Taylor, The Tyranny of Religious Majorities in Early America

“Early Mormonism emerged both from and against a religious culture generated, or I would say, more accurately, accelerated by the Revolution: a religious culture…


Panel: The Council of Fifty Minutes

In conjunction with our 2016 Joseph Smith Lecture, a panel entitled “’We, the people of the Kingdom of God,’ the Mormon Alternative…


Workshop: “Polygamy Debates”

By invitation, Professor Flake will participate in a workshop which will “bring together scholars working in the fields of history, religious studies,…
