Prince’s Research Excerpts: LDS General Handbooks

About Dr. Prince's Research Excerpts
As research for several of his books, Dr. Gregory Prince compiled and referenced dozens of General Handbooks, bulletins, Bishop’s Guides, and other documents to track Latter-day Saint doctrinal and policy developments over the last century. Dr. Prince has generously shared this rich content, organized by year and subject matter, for reproduction here.
We believe this resource will be particularly useful to those with an interest in the evolution, application, and adaptive capacity of religious doctrine, policy, and practice in the 20th Century. For the 21st Century, the General Handbook is available in full on the Church’s website.
For easy access to additional leadership guides and bulletins see the Leadership Training Course and the Church History Library Collection of Handbooks and Manuals.
"These instructions can invite revelation if they are used to provide an understanding of principles, policies, and procedures to apply while seeking the guidance of the Spirit. Not all stakes and wards have the same needs. Leaders seek inspiration about which guidelines and optional resources to use to meet members’ needs."
Introduction to The General Handbook, 2024
Explore the Excerpts
You can explore Dr. Prince’s research excerpts using the links below.
Please Note: In some instances, notes were manually copied from other sources so typographical errors may have been accidentally introduced. We recommend checking the original versions to ensure accuracy before reproducing elsewhere.

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